Dream Interpretation dead grandfather dreamed alive. Smiling in a dream

  • 30.09.2019

Our dreams are a kind of bridge between the real and the other world. It is in them that we can again meet the deceased relatives, talk with them, ask for support and advice. And for what purpose the deceased grandfather comes to you can be understood by correctly interpreting the dream images and events.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Felomen's dream book says that if in a dream the sleeping person saw the image of the deceased grandfather, then soon expect big trouble related to the fact that you could not overcome old problems and conflict situations in time.

If grandfather died recently and appeared to you in a dream, it means that he protects the sleeping person from adversity and mistakes, tries to help wise advice and suggest a way out of difficult situations.

If in a dream the late grandfather embraces you, this is a sign that you need to be more attentive to your loved ones. The deceased grandfather in a dream cuts something with a knife - indicates empty experiences due to insignificant trifles.

The dream in which the deceased grandfather communicates with you alive symbolizes the beginning of a difficult stage in life path and financial instability. Try to remember every word of the deceased, they contain warnings about possible threats.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

The answer to the question “what is the dream of the deceased grandfather for” can be found in Meridian’s dream book. In it, this image symbolizes help and support. For example, if the deceased gives you some object, the problems that burden the sleeping person will be solved by themselves. If in a dream you are talking with your grandfather, remember the essence of the conversation, it contains answers to questions that oppress you.

If you had a dream in which grandfather is surrounded by relatives close to you, while he is angry and dissatisfied, quarrels and strife may soon begin in your family. Also, a dream can be a signal of a deterioration in the health of one of the relatives.

Russian dream book

Seeing a deceased grandfather in a dream portends global changes that are coming in the life of the sleeping person. Also, the deceased may be a warning that you need to be more careful when choosing friends and comrades, perhaps some of them are unworthy of your society.

A dream in which grandfather invites you to follow him is considered a bad sign, which means an imminent illness. If in a dream you still go for the deceased, while taking him by the hand, this is a harbinger of sudden death.

If in a dream a deceased grandfather dies again, it means that you will be very disappointed in someone close and dear.

If you buried your grandfather not so long ago, then the question of why the deceased grandfather is dreaming disappears by itself - you yearn for your loved one. Another thing is if grandpa passed away a long time ago, but every day he dreams about you in a dream. In this case, the deceased relative warns you of imminent changes, and, far from being for the better, the dream books explain.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that your deceased grandfather was crying, then, according to Miller's dream book, such a vision means sad news or bad news. Do you see the late grandfather kissing you? It's time to think about your demeanor, because such stories mean a loss of respect from others due to unworthy behavior.

Brief interpretations

It is not difficult to understand why the deceased grandfather is dreaming, remembering all the details of the dream. But if you remember only fragments or fragments of dreams, then you need to pay attention to brief interpretations.

  • See in a dream that the deceased grandfather is alive, but sick - expect health problems.
  • Surviving the death of an old man again is a sign of burdensome worries and upheavals.
  • I dreamed that my grandfather was sitting on the bed and asking for water - remember a relative.
  • We saw grandfather in military uniform - you will do a noble deed.
  • Seeing grandfather in the cemetery at the grave of his grandmother is sad.
  • The deceased grandfather smiled in a dream - to the right choice.
  • I dreamed of a crying grandfather - you will repent of something.

Meeting with the past, or changes will come into life

Why dream that your deceased grandfather came to your house alive, explains the interpreter Veles. Something will happen very soon significant event that will change your life. If in a dream you saw him not only alive, but also smiling, then this is a sign of positive changes. Something that hasn't worked for you for a long time is finally going to work.

But if you want to know what the dream is about, in which a relative who is deceased in reality, but alive in a dream, swears and scandals at your house, then the interpreter of Nostradamus warns: be careful when communicating with a stranger, this person may turn out to be "a wolf in a sheep's skin."

Slow dialogue as a symbol of trial and error

It happens that the deceased grandfather often "appears" in a dream to the child. Explaining why the grandson or granddaughter of the grandfather, who died recently, dreams of, Pastor Loff's dream book suggests remembering the conversation with the deceased. In most cases, a dreaming conversation carries information, listening to which, the child will not make mistakes.

Talking in a dream with a great-grandfather who is dead in reality is a symbol that you are trying to learn something using the experience of previous generations, the Lunar Dream Book explains.

Quarrel with the old man - a sign of future problems

The interpretation of the dream, in which the deceased grandfather constantly quarrels with you, is offered by the dream book of the White Magician. You have not correctly prioritized, you need to rethink your own life and behavior, drawing the right conclusions. Otherwise, you will be in big trouble.

Did you dream that you shouted at your grandfather, and he silently hugged you? You are waiting for unpleasant chores, prophesies Spring dream book. In a dream, grandfather grumbled, expressing dissatisfaction with you, but then he hugged you anyway - wait for the visit of uninvited guests with whom you need to be kind.

Bright dreams are a sign of joy, but "with an eye"

If in a dream you see cheerful grandparents sitting at the table, then a joyful meeting awaits you, but with a slight note of sadness in the old days. Did the deceased grandfather give the decoration to the grandmother in a dream? In reality, you will also receive a gift, though not quite necessary, interprets Miss Hasse's dream book.

Why dream of a vision in which you hug your grandparents, or feed and stroke them dead cat, Tsvetkov's dream book will tell. You miss the days when you were little. You want to return to childhood, so as not to be responsible for anything and not to know worries.

Often in a dream, dead relatives come to people. In order to decipher the vision and understand what exactly to expect after it, you should find out what the late grandfather is dreaming of. For more accurate interpretation sleep, remember all its details.

Why is the late grandfather dreaming of being alive?

If, according to the plot of the vision, there is a conversation in raised tones with a relative, then, most likely, one can expect after it with other people. Often such a dream tells us that we are unnecessarily strict towards our friends and relatives.

In the case when a conversation in a dream takes place calmly, nothing bad should be expected. This may be a vision that promises only a change in the weather. It can also be a symbol of protection. Especially if grandfather dreamed at a time when troubles or illnesses began to pile on from all sides. In this case, it is worth waiting for the speedy resolution of the situation, and in the best way.

Why is the late grandfather dreaming of his granddaughter?

Often this is a warning of upcoming changes. You should not worry, perhaps they will only be for the best. If the grandfather in a dream was not pleased with the actions of his granddaughter, this may be an omen of an illness, which, by the way, will not be protracted or severe.

Also, such a vision may indicate future family. It is believed that if a grandfather was affectionate with his granddaughter in a dream and gave her a gift, then in the future one should expect a conflict with a loved one, which, however, will end rather quickly and without unpleasant consequences.

Why is the late grandfather dreaming in a coffin?

But this plot suggests that in the near future we should expect trouble. They can be related to both financial situation and health. Such a dream warns of danger, and speaks of the need to mobilize all forces to deal with troubles. Such a dream is an omen that a difficult period will soon begin in life, which will not be easy to overcome.

What are the dreams of the late grandparents?

This vision suggests that you should visit your deceased relatives. If possible, go to the cemetery or at least light candles in the church. Also, grandparents can convey any information. For example, if they talk about the need to communicate with other relatives, it means that there, in another world, they are not happy that family ties have become less strong.

In dream books, a different meaning is given not only to the circumstances in which you dream, but also to your relationship with him. So, the deceased brother dreams of happiness, and the sister - to an uncertain situation in the near future.

Seeing your dead parents in a dream is a good sign. But individually, these images almost always mean a warning, a warning. Perhaps you are faced with some kind of moral choice, and parents can suggest the right decision.

The dead friends that you dream about are believed to bring some kind of news, change. Grandmother or grandfather dreams on the eve of important ceremonies.

It is believed that every word in the mouth of the deceased has a meaning, sometimes allegorical. Sometimes they come to make you remember them; sometimes - to wish you health or to help solve some life situation, acting it out with you in a different light than you see during the day. Sometimes - so that you finally let them go, as if on purpose returning and "giving" you the right to further happiness.

Only those dreams are interpreted as really bad, in which they lead you, carry you away, kiss you, give you something. The sign is connected with the same interpretations not to respond thoughtlessly if they called you - this, perhaps, is calling the dead. It is believed that such dreams portend illness, danger. Believers turn to church after and order services for the deceased, begging for forgiveness.

Psychological sense

In one thing, psychology agrees with dream books: the dreaming deceased is an image with which the subconscious mind is trying to tell us something. Sometimes the dead dream for no reason, and dreams are unremarkable - do not look for hidden meanings, remember that dreams are built from all our memories: perhaps this is just a slight longing for the departed, confirmation that you have not forgotten.

Human memory is arranged in such a way as to connect various objects with each other through associations, concepts, similarities. Seen out of the corner of your eye, a story about forest fires in the news can lead to a dream with a dead firefighter who was close to you. But the dream itself will be part of the process of solving some completely different problem, not connected either with or with fires.

Deep emotional connections affect our personality, so our loved ones who have passed away from this life remain with us forever. It is not surprising that our subconscious mind shows us people in whom we ourselves are reflected. The painful feeling with which one sometimes wakes up after such dreams is more connected with understanding the issues of life and death, but not with bad news. However, your acute fear, apprehension, and dream situation together may indicate health or relationship problems: the brain uses the most different ways hint us at something really important.

Dream Interpretation Dead Grandpa

Life and death always follow each other relentlessly. The end of something terrible can be the beginning of something new, truly beautiful. Conversely, this cyclical process fascinates and frightens at the same time. Relatives who have long been dead are frequent guests in our dreams.

Why is the dead grandfather dreaming? Basically, he, like his grandmother, visit night dreams on rare occasions. At this time, the dreamer needs valuable advice from a wise man. More detailed interpretation leading seers and psychologists will help.

if you dreamed of a dead grandfather

What does the interpreter say?

In every house, sooner or later, misfortune comes. It doesn’t matter if it is often your companion or if nothing has been heard about it for a long time, but every person experiences it sooner or later. Unfortunately, grandparents are the first to die. Think about why such an episode was dreamed of and whether this person is really alive.

Really he died

So, if you happened to see, feel the presence of a loved one in your dream, but in reality he died a long time ago, then it's time to look into the dream book. Whether he was in a coffin or full of vitality, all these fleeting details will help to give the correct interpretation.

What does he look like?

Remember what emotions were visible on his face, and what other features were present in the dream.

Was he cheerful

  1. Happy. If you happened to see that he was as lively, mischievous and joyful, then this good sign. He says that soon good luck, pleasant events will knock on your house. It is also an indicator that the dreamer will finally find long-awaited happiness.
  2. Unhappy. Dreamed of a sad relative? Unfortunately, now is not the best period for business development or significant dates. Be ready for lack of money and family crisis. But at the same time, you can always count on the support of your friends, proven over the years.
  3. Offended. But this episode is a sure sign of your selfishness, inattention to the needs of loved ones. Such a way of life and behavior deeply hurts relatives, although they do not tell you about it. The situation may reach the point where they do not want to return to native home and find more like-minded people.
  4. Indifferent to what is happening. He can lie in a coffin, but at the same time be alive in a dream, or stand next to you, but remain absolutely indifferent to everything that happens around him. If you dreamed of something like this, then this is a sign that you are starting to slowly but surely forget about it. In the event that you happen to see a funeral, and your mother, grandmother and other relatives are standing next to you, you should expect changes, often not the most pleasant ones.
  5. Restless. This is a sure sign that you need to visit the burial place of a deceased person, light a candle and remember. Often such images appear in cases where death has recently visited your home.

Circumstances in a dream

In the foggy world of dreams, one can observe a variety of phenomena that one could not even think about in reality. What happened to do and what individual moments are remembered?

If you cursed

  1. Swear. Basically everything full of negativity visions associated with deceased people, whether it be a grandfather, grandmother or other relative, do not bode well. Here and in this case, you should prepare for all sorts of troubles that will await in all areas of life. It is also likely that you will make an unfortunate mistake in professional business.
  2. Beats. dreamed native person who hatefully beats you? The dream interpretation claims that this is a sure sign that most recently you made a mistake that could cripple the fate of other people. Now best time to remedy the situation.
  3. Hugs. It doesn't matter if he was in a coffin before or next to you. Although you were wrong before, you walked along the wrong path in life, but in the near future the path will turn out to be more true and correct than ever.
  4. Talks about feelings. This means that you need to pay more attention to the area of ​​life that is connected with society, acquaintances and communication. Review your actions and deeds, and be more open to the world.
  5. Practically unfamiliar to you. If you dreamed of a grandfather, but you hardly remember him, then you should be prepared for life's difficulties. However, the dream book notes that in any case their outcome will be positive and it will be possible to benefit from the problems.

In reality he is alive

Sometimes we are overtaken by such visions in which grandfather is actually alive, but in a dream he seems dead. Such phenomena are frightening, but at the same time they carry an important meaning.

So, if he lies in a coffin, but at the same time seems absolutely healthy and energetic, then this is a sure sign not only of your longevity, but also of the good health of the whole family.

Well, in the case when you happened to see him painful, upset, then be prepared for problems with your own well-being, as well as minor troubles. The dream interpretation claims that all hardships and illnesses will be easily overcome and will not force you to spend a lot of energy.

If you called with you

If in a dream you notice your home and your beloved grandfather is trying to run away from you, then now is the best time to enter a new life stage. Stop relying on your own parents in everything and start learning a little independence.

In the case when the deceased grandfather or grandmother calls with them to the next world, one should be especially careful. The threat of dangers is great, especially diseases.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze why to see this sad sight, let's turn to other sources. Famous psychologists and predictors will help you give the right answer.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist noted that the deceased grandfather, grandmother and other relatives are extremely important symbols. He paid attention to the role in which the dreamer himself happened to be.

Be an observer

Had a chance to see a loved one in your dreams, who was smiling, kind and generally friendly? Miller believed that this was a very good sign, which would give not only family well-being, stable cash receipts, but also full-fledged happiness in the house.

if you didn't know your grandfather

However, in cases where Old man was a stranger, you should be alert and pay attention to how he behaved towards you. It is likely that he may be the personification of your future "I".


An image in which a loved one looks like a living person and is trying to give you an item, a parcel, is a good sign. Although now you have problems, after a night incident they will be resolved by themselves.

But the conversation portends troubles and new responsibilities that you could not even think about before. Remember the nature of the conversation. In the case when you talked warmly and cordially, then the troubles that have befallen will be extremely pleasant.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does this source say? Tsvetkov believed that it was necessary to pay close attention to what exactly grandfather was telling you in the arms of Morpheus. At the same time, it does not matter whether he was in the coffin, next to you, or you only invisibly felt his presence. The words you hear may turn out to be a prediction, so do not forget them.

In the case when a beloved elderly man hugs you, kisses you, gives you his warmth, be sure that in any situation you will never be left alone. There will always be those who appreciate you and are ready to provide all kinds of support.

According to the symbolic interpreter, you need to start solving your own problems on your own and not rely on the help of other people.