Fly tsokotuha staging in a new way. Theatrical production of the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha" (in a new way)

  • 16.06.2019

The performance based on the fairy tale of the same name by K. Chukovsky is staged in verse (it is easier for young children to learn words in this form). Musical accompaniment is produced throughout the performance.

Target: expanding horizons, fostering a love for music.

Registration: On the stage, if it is large enough, you can arrange two parts and combine them:

  1. Fly-Tsokotukha's room: dressing table with mirror, table, bench, chairs.
  2. Bazaar: tables on which various objects are placed.
  3. The parts are united by a small space - a path. On one side of the path there is a stump, flowers and grass grow.

Required attributes:

  • A large ruble (can be made from cardboard and wrapped in foil);
  • Samovar;
  • Pot of honey;
  • Book;
  • Earrings;
  • Boots;
  • A ball of thread;
  • Saber.


  • Leading
  • Mosquito
  • Spider
  • Insects
  • Bee
  • butterflies
  • cockroaches
  • Grasshopper
  • Merchants

Event progress


Today, neither seriously nor jokingly
Musical moment:
We will tell a story about a fly -
About the beautiful Tsokotukha.

She lived, did not grieve,
I was friends with insects and goats,
They paid her well in return,
They went to visit each other.

Here one day our fly
Nicknamed Tsokotuha
Got up very early in the morning
For some reason she couldn't sleep.

Cleaned up the house quickly
Gathered for a walk.

The fly performs movements in the text. After cleaning, she stands near the mirror and sings (to the tune of "Cheburashka's Song").


I got up very early
Came out very clean
Now for a walk
I'm not ashamed to go.

Walking is good for everyone
And a coward, and a brave one!
For those who get up early
Might get really lucky.


long or short
There was a fly on the road.
And tired legs.

Suddenly I saw a stump
Decided to take a break.

(sitting down):

I'll sit a little
Then I will continue on my way.

While she is resting, butterflies run out, dance for her to the tune of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" (excerpt).


After a little introduction
The fly quickly ran to everyone's surprise.

Suddenly tripped and fell
Looked around, stood up sharply -
Look, and on the ground lies
A whole ruble, and glitters

He sparkles in the sun.
The fly grabs fast
This ruble is like a dragonfly
And rushed to the market.

The fly flies to the market. There, she is met by merchants who, to the song "Lamb Sweets", offer her various goods. She refuses bagels, sweets, boots and so on. Suddenly she saw a samovar, ran up to him, examined from all sides. Then he gives the ruble, takes the samovar, goes home and sings to the tune of "Cheburashka's Song".


Got up early today
And went for a walk
Then I found the money
That's lucky!

Celebrate properly
I am my name day,
And I'll invite all my friends
To spite your enemies!

Mukha puts the samovar on the table and sits down beside him. Hears a knock on the door.

Yes Yes! Open! Sign in!
Come to the festive table!

Insects enter: cockroaches, insects, grasshopper, butterflies, bee.

Dear Fly!

Grasshopper: Everyone's favorite Tsokotuha!

Chorus: Happy Birthday!


Here is a treat from us -
I brought you honey.

Cockroaches (in chorus):

It's our turn to congratulate
We want a wonderful life
We give you an interesting book.


We wish to be bright, like a nesting doll,
And we give you beautiful earrings.


Oh, and we match the earrings
They brought you boots!

The animals give gifts to the Fly, she tries them on, rejoices.


The fly rejoices
dressing up,
Name day Tsokotukha

(sings to the melody of the song "A grasshopper sat in the grass"):

Once upon a time in the meadow
I settled on the edge.
Lived and did not grieve
I am in my house.

Imagine, imagine, lived and did not grieve.
Imagine, imagine, I am in my house.

But then one morning
Woke up and washed
I went for a walk along the path
And I found money!

Imagine, imagine, I went for a walk along the path.
Imagine, imagine, and found the money!

I bought a samovar
Name day guests
For a housewarming party
I called to myself.

Imagine, imagine, on a housewarming holiday.
Imagine, imagine, I called to myself!

Guests and the hostess dance to cheerful music. Suddenly disturbing music sounds - a spider is approaching.


Guests sing, dance, rejoice,
And they do not feel that the danger is close:
The lord of the web is coming
The door opens with the blow of his fist!

Spider (terribly):

What, did not expect important guests?
You didn't invite me over for tea.
I have a gift in store for the birthday girl,
Yes, I accidentally forgot at home.

Why are you guests so pale?
Were you scared, or something, of me - a spider?
You can't escape me poor people
But live a little longer!

The most important thing for me today is
To destroy the tsokotukha,
So what if she's nice
I want to drink her blood!


And he chased after a fly,
Tsokotuha runs away,
But the spider is trying to grab her,
To destroy the unfortunate fly!

The Fly and the Spider dance to Mozart's Symphony No. 40 (final movement). At the end, the Spider grabs the Fly, begins to entangle it with ropes - cobwebs.


The fly begs the guests,
To rescue her as soon as possible.

Cockroaches, goats, insects,
Help me save myself from the old man!
He will destroy me, drink the blood,
My poor, poor head of mine!


We can't save you
We want to leave quickly (leave)!


Something got stuck, fly, with you,
It's time for me to go home to my sisters (flies away).


Ride home and I
My family is waiting for me at home
Without me they can't
Let the bugs help you (jumps out the door)!


Fly, do not be offended, but we are afraid of a spider,
And before it's too late, we'll rush home very quickly (run away)!


I'm sorry, but in vain you invited us -
We, too, would not hurt to be saved (fly away).


All insects have flown
But the fly still does not give up:
With a terrible cry, screaming, tearing,
Everyone is waiting for a savior.

The march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds, a brave soldier, Komar, enters. Marches several circles, performs simple movements.


Tears and lamentations
Heard the Komar of the captain's rank:
He was just returning home
From the long-range combat road.

Without knocking, the Mosquito bursts into the house,
He sees how the fly screams, strains.
Runs up to the terrible Spider,
He draws a shining saber from its scabbard,

And a cruel spider heart
Pierced, almost without rushing!

The fly does not believe in its happiness,
Mosquito kisses, hugs.
Suddenly the doors open quietly
All friends - insects run in.

Grasshopper: Fly, fly! You are alive!

Bee: Whole and unharmed!

Cockroaches: We managed to call for help in time!


It's good that past the house
A mosquito friend passed by!
He to you on a name day
Came like a bride!


He decided on a birthday
You make an offer!


Agree, Mukha!
You will, Tsokotuha,
live with a mosquito
Like behind a strong wall!


Dear girl,
beauty fly,
I just really like you!

Are you willing to live with me?
Will you be my wife?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 21 "Zagoryanochka" of a general developmental type of the Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region

Fairy tale dramatization

"Fly Tsokotukha"

middle group


Ivanenko V.N.


Target: develop artistic and performing skills, activate vocabulary to improve the grammatical structure of speech. Integration educational areas Keywords: socialization, communication, music.

Tasks: promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying the image, consolidate the ability to perform means of expression (poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements), develop a clear pronunciation, consistency in the dialogue of characters, continue to consolidate the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, educate the ability to act in a theatrical group.

Preliminary work: reading and watching the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “The Fly-catcher”, examining illustrations for the fairy tale, memorizing poetic texts, discussing the images of characters, preparing means of theatrical expression (decorations, costumes).

Characters: Tsokotuha fly, Bee, Flea, Butterfly, Ladybug, Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Beetles, Spider, Insects, Mosquito.

Scenery: character costumes; samovar, coin-money, flowers, a barrel of honey, lanterns, cobwebs, drying, table setting, objects of folk arts and crafts (spoons, nesting dolls, balalaikas, caskets, whistles, samovars).

X O d


Our life is boring without a fairy tale.

Dear day, like a whole year.

All kinder and brighter colors,

If a fairy tale comes to us!

The Russian folk song "And I am in the meadow ..." sounds.


Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

Fly comes out, finds "money" on the way.

Fly Tsokotukha:

What should I buy?

And I will go to the market, and I will buy a samovar.

Because the birthday

I will manage today

All insects-cockroaches

Serve sweet tea.

Mukha buys a samovar at the "bazaar". Sets the table, puts a treat.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Oh what, oh what

It's beautiful and painted!

Feel free to fly

I'll be waiting for you at exactly one o'clock.

Come crawl

If you don't have wings.

Puff-puff-puff, the samovar boils,

Puff-puff-puff, steam comes out of the chimney.

Leading: The forest insects learned about the holiday - Fly's birthday, and flew to her to congratulate her on this wonderful day.

Under the Russian folk song "Pchelki" a bee flies out.


I am a neighbor bee,

I brought you honey!

Oh how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Mukha a jar of honey.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thanks! Please to the table!

Flea runs out to the Russian folk song "I went up the hill."


You accept from Flea

Those red boots

Will you often wear

You will dance hard

On saffiano boots

golden clasps,

And a perky heel

Beats - chok, chok, chok!

Oh, the boots are good

So they ask - dance!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you, thank you,

Boots amazing!

Please sit down at the table

Drink a cup of tea.

Flea and Bee sit down at the table. The beetle comes out to Russian folk music.


Beetle, beetle, beetle

I brought you flowers.

Beetle, beetle, beetle

He collected them himself on the meadow.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you, thank you, the bouquet is beautiful, I ask for the table!

The melody of the Russian folk song “I will sow a quinoa on the shore” sounds, the Butterfly flies out.


I flitted through the flowers

Came to visit you.

Congratulations, congratulations!

I wish you happiness, joy!

The fly invites the Butterfly to the table.

The Russian folk melody “Oh, you canopy, my canopy ...” sounds, Grasshoppers, Ladybug come to the table.


We are grasshoppers, which means

No worries and no hassle

Day and night we jump across the field -

We travel all year.


I am ladybug

black head,

Pea back -

Good guest!

Grasshoppers and Ladybug:

Happy birthday!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thank you dear guests! Please to the table!


The Fly-Tsokotuha began to regale and treat the guests.

Fly Tsokotukha:

Butterfly is beautiful

Eat the jam

Or you don't like

Our meal?


Very sweet, very tasty

Just a meal!

What an amazing strawberry jam!

Bukash ki:

Without pancakes and tea is not tea,

Serve pancakes for tea!

Delicious cookies, sweet jam -

This is such a treat!


How wonderful, how lovely!





The beetle addresses the bee:

Honey bee,

Collecting honey from flowers

Will you play with guests?

All children play the Russian folk game "Bee".

Children become in a circle, the Bee is in the center, they sing:

bees, bees,

They fly above

Sting - needles,

They fall to the flowers

Grey, small.

Honey is collected

Scarlet wings.

They drag it into the deck, w-w-w ...

The bee catches; whom she caught, she says: “Freeze”; the child remains standing still, and the game continues, and so on 2-3 times.


And who-eyudaptolzet? Without a loom and without hands, but the canvas weaves?

Spider comes out, the guests freeze in horror. The spider throws a rope loop over Mukha-Tsokotukha and pulls her towards him, saying and singing.


I'm an evil spider

Long arms.

I came for the fly

Tsokotukhoy has arrived!

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, please help

Drive the villain spider away!


Ha ha ha, I'm not kidding

Legs, hands twist!


Why are you sitting?

Help, help a fly out of trouble!

After all, the beauty fly will disappear!

V se:

What if he does the same to us?


But who's coming to the rescue?


This is our savior, Komar-Komarische, Long nose!

The Russian folk melody “Polyanka” sounds, Komarik flies out with a saber.


I'm a brave mosquito

A good fellow.

Where is the spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks.

I'm not afraid of the spider

I'm fighting the spider now!

The mosquito cuts the loop, the Spider runs away, the Mosquito takes the Fly by the hand, all the guests come forward.


I freed you

I defeated the villain.

And now, soul girl,

Let's have fun together!

Fly Tsokotukha:

You saved me from death

You arrived at a good hour!


Hey centipedes,

Run down the path

Call the musicians

Let's dance!

Children from the audience depict centipedes, they stand one after another, the first child picks up the ball, depicts the head of a centipede, and the rest of the body. Children step in step behind the "head" to the music.


Make fun

Play, start dancing!

An orchestra performed by children (spoons, whistles, noisemakers, tambourines, etc.) sounds to the music of "Russian Dancing".


Well, now, do not regret the boot, do not spare the bast shoes - Let's "Russian" soon!

Any dance to a Russian folk tune or Russian folk dance "Kalinka".


Performance is fun

For you and for us

We will finish at this hour.

Oh, you are dear guests,

Come visit us more often!

We are always happy to be friends!

It's time to part

We say to you: "Goodbye!" (children in chorus)

Musical Fly - Tsokotuha

Children enter the hall to the music of G. Gladkov “Or maybe a crow”.

1st child . One simple story.

2nd child. Or maybe not a fairy tale.

1st child

2nd child . We remember her from childhood.

1st child. Or maybe not since childhood.

2nd child


Look with all eyes, and listen with two ears.

Everything: (sing)
Fly, fly - tsokatuha
Gilded belly!
The fly went across the field,
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.

Dance "Insects and Daisies"

R.N.P. music sounds. Girls (extras) each praise their product, offer Mukha to buy it. A fly-Tsokotuha with money in his hand walks through the bazaar, examines the goods, approaches the samovar, examines it and buys (i.e., gives the money to the seller).

Fly: (sings) tr#2
I'm a fly
Gilded belly!
I'm waiting for a hotel today
I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market
And I bought a samovar
Treat my friends to tea
Let them come in the evening.

I'm a fly
Gilded belly!
I have for guests, guests
Lots of delicious sweets, sweets!

Fly-Tsokotuha comes home, "cleans" the samovar, admires it, sets the table, tidies up.

Come, honest people, Fly invites everyone to visit.
A bee and a flea come out

Bees and a flea: (sing)

Hello fly - clatter,
Gilded belly!
We are from all native meadows
They brought you flowers!
Bee : (singing)
I am a neighbor bee
I brought you honey!
Oh how clean he is
Sweet, fragrant!
Fly: (is talking)
Thank you, thank you! My dear!
Sit down at the table - the samovar is ready!
Flea: (is talking)
You take from the flea
Here are the boots
Boots are not easy
They have gold clasps!
Fly : (is talking)
Thank you, thank you!
Boots amazing!
Sit down here:
The guests are coming soon.
Butterfly comes out
Butterfly (singing)

1. I am a minx butterfly,
Cheerful flyer.
I flutter through the fields
Through groves and meadows.
2. I am a minx butterfly,
Cheerful flyer.
I don't get tired of flying
And I sing songs.
Fly : (is talking)
And you don't get tired?
Butterfly (is talking)
We flitted through the fields.
They came to visit you.
Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you happiness, joy!

Out comes the cockroach

Cockroach : : (singing)
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo.
Here are the flowers for you
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo.
He collected them on the meadow!
Fly: (is talking)
Thank you, thank you - the bouquet is beautiful!
Butterfly: (is talking)
Charming! Wonderful!
bees : (is talking)
Fleas: (is talking)
Fly: (is talking)
I beg. Please sit down at the table
Drink a cup of tea.
Fly: (is talking)
Eat, eat. Do not be shy.
Eat, Eat!
See what
I baked pies!
Butterfly: (is talking)
Charming! Wonderful!
Bee: (is talking)
fleas : (is talking)
Fly : (is talking)
Butterfly beauty, eat jam!
Or do you not like our treat?
Butterfly (is talking)
Your treat is just a feast for the eyes!
Cockroach (is talking)
Just eat your treat!

Everything: (sing)

The music for the spider sounds, everyone squeals and hides.

Spider: (sings)
I'm an evil spider
Long arms!
I came for the fly
Tsokotukhoy has come.
Fly (is talking)
Dear guests, please help
Spider - drive the villain away!
And I fed you. And I watered you.
Do not leave me in my last hour!

Spider (sings)
I'm not only flies
Eat in one spirit
I and bees and mosquitoes -
Everyone is ready to try
Ready to eat everyone.
I'm an evil spider
Long arms!
I will kill all the flies
I catch them in the web!

Everything: (sing)
Suddenly from somewhere flies
little mosquito
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.
Komarik: (sings)
Where is the killer where is the villain
Not afraid of his claws
Everything: (sing)
Flies to the spider
Takes out the saber
And he is at full gallop
Cuts off his head. Ehh!
Takes a fly by the hand
And leads to the window
Mosquito: (is talking)
Did I free you?
Fly (is talking)
Mosquito : (is talking)
Did I kill the villain?
Fly (is talking)
Mosquito : (is talking)
And now, soul girl
Let's have fun together!

Fly: (sings)
I'm a fly
Gilded belly!
I'm waiting for a hotel today
I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market
And I bought a samovar
Treat my friends to tea
Let them come in the evening.

I'm a fly
Gilded belly!
You saved me from death

You arrived at a good hour!

Mosquito : (is talking)


Tambourines, accordions,

painted spoons,

Take the bells

Come on, come on


The mosquito gives the Fly a hand, everyone dances. The guests form a semicircle, Fly and Mosquito in the center.
Chorus (spoken)

And the Bee began to dance after them at the same hour!

SPIDER (to the audience)


1st child . One simple story.

2nd child. Or maybe not a fairy tale.

1st child . Or maybe we want to tell you not a simple one.

2nd child . We remember her from childhood.

1st child. Or maybe not since childhood.

2nd child . Maybe we don't remember, but we will remember.

(Alina) Look with all your eyes,

(Diana) and listen with two ears
ALL The tale is called the Fly-Tsokotuha!

Everything: (sing)
Fly, fly - tsokatuha
Gilded belly!
The fly went across the field,
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.

Bova Natasha Evening has come, the table is set, the seagulls are boiling.

ALL Come, honest people, Fly invites everyone to visit.

Everything: (sing)
Here and cream and sweets, and what is there only there!
Marmalade. Chocolates. And nuts and sweets!
Gingerbread mint. Fragrant. Surprisingly pleasant.
Tubes with cream pies, delicious curds!
All: (singing) tr 9
Suddenly from somewhere flies
little mosquito
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.
Komarik: (singing)
Where is the killer where is the villain
Not afraid of his claws
Everyone: (singing)
Flies to the spider
Takes out the saber
And he is at full gallop
Cuts off his head. Ehh!
Takes a fly by the hand
And leads to the window


Tili-tili-tili-bom! The Fly is dancing with the Mosquito!
And the Bee began to dance after them at the same hour!
Butterflies-minxes are dancing, igrunas are flapping their wings.
The cockroaches hugged like the wind, rushed.

Host: (to the audience)

It's good when good wins evil in the world.

Don't forget your friends and always help them

Only in a friendly team will your life become more beautiful!

Komarik: (sings)
Where is the killer where is the villain
Not afraid of his claws

Mosquito: (is talking)
Did I free you?
Fly (is talking)
Mosquito : (is talking)
Did I kill the villain?
Fly (is talking)
Mosquito : (is talking)
And now, soul girl
Let's have fun together!

Mosquito : (is talking)
Hey. Mustachioed cockroach. You sit down at the drum!
Hey bugs - trumpeters. violin grasshoppers,
You start soon, play more fun for us!





Grandma Bee

Cockroaches (2)



Fleas (2)


Ladybugs (3)

A fly is walking along the path. Goes to the audience to the forefront.


Among midges and insects,

Among butterflies and wasps

More beautiful than Mukha-Tsokotukha

You won't find anyone.

I am beautiful and playful

Playful and smart.

And all over the fly world

There is only one tsokotuha.

Notices a coin in the grass.

Oh what is it? Money! Now I'm rich! But what am I to do with her? Maybe make a new outfit? But this one is still good, especially this gilded belly. How does it suit me! (Admiring herself.) I know! We need to buy a samovar and invite guests. Gotta make homemade cake! You can bake a cake, You just need to buy sugar, flour and eggs. It's decided, I'm going to the market.

Oh, how I love guests! I'll call the fiddler grasshopper, and we'll have fun and dance all night long!

At the back of the stage there is a table with a telephone, chairs. Fly appears with a string bag and a samovar in his hands.

Fly. Wow, how heavy! But it's time to get down to business, there's no time to sit around.

He pours water into the samovar, lays out refreshments on the table, goes to the phone and dials numbers in turn.


Come to visit,

Grandma Bee!

Pass the wasps

What called them.

Hello bugs!

Bring live cups.

The samovar is almost ready -

I look forward to guests from all over.

Flea, flea, come

Take the butterfly with you.

Let's have fun -

I'm the birthday girl!

The fly finishes cooking holiday table. Guests are starting to arrive.


Hello Mushka!

Here are the boots.

They have gold clasps.

Fly. Thanks!


Hello Mukha! How are you?

I brought honey.

Butterfly appears, gives Fly a bouquet of flowers. Insects run in with cups in their hands, then cockroaches with viscous bagels.


Oh thank you folks

Dear gifts!

I ask everyone to the table as soon as possible.

Guests sit around the table. The fly spills tea.


Here, have some sweets!

Hot tea with milk

Yes, with honey, yes with a pretzel!


What do you? What do you?

It's a sin to say!

Master of food!

This is the jam

Just a meal!


And pies!

Cockroach. And buns

At our glorious fly!

Blows her a kiss.


Oh, what, I'm right!

I forgot the music

Violinist for tea

I didn't invite!

Dials a phone number.


Ah, Grasshopper dear,

Come with Dragonfly!

Just grab a violin -

We all want to dance.

Enter Grasshopper and Dragonfly.


Here comes our maestro,

Well, let's dance now!

The grasshopper tunes the violin.

Cockroach(referring to Dragonfly).

Today Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Fly. Thanks!

The cockroach grabs the Fly by the arm and leads it to the center. Everyone begins to dance and sing.


Summer has come, everything has blossomed,

Forests and fields sing:



Do-re-do, -

We are all friendly

Let's sing a fly-beauty,

And loving and praising:




The round dance is replaced by a cheerful polka.

Disturbing chords sound, everyone freezes. Spider appears on the scene.


That's how much fun you have!

Well, dance now:

First I'll kill the fly

And I will follow you!

Everyone is frightened and runs away. The spider holds the Fly by the hand, it breaks out.


Spider for tea

You didn't invite.

So now die

I have strength!

He throws a web over Fly and drags her to the edge of the proscenium.

Three presenters take the stage.

1st presenter.

But the worm beetles got scared

In the corners, through the cracks they fled.

2nd host.

Cockroaches - under sofas,

And the goats are under the benches.

3rd host.

And the insects under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

1st presenter.

And no one even from the spot

Won't budge:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

2nd leader.

A grasshopper, a grasshopper

Well, just like a man -

Jump, jump, jump, jump!

3rd host.

Behind the bush, under the bridge

And silent!

I-th leader.

And the villain is not joking,

Hands and feet he fly

Twisting ropes.

Sharp teeth plunge into the heart

And he drinks her blood.

2nd host.

The fly is screaming

tearing up

And the villain is silent

He smirks.

3rd host.

Suddenly from somewhere flies

little mosquito

1st presenter.

And in his hand it burns

Small flashlight.


Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

He fights the Spider, frees the Fly from the ropes and takes him to the middle of the stage.

Guests appear from their hiding places with the words: “Glory, glory to the victorious Mosquito!”


Hey, Flea friends,

Run down the path

Call the musicians -

Let's dance!

Cockroaches come out with a drum and an accordion, Grasshopper - with a violin.


Have fun people

The fly is getting married.


For dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

Everyone is dancing.

1st leader. Boots creak

2nd leader. Heels knock -

3rd host.

There will be midges

Have fun until the morning!


Today Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!




musical performance

"Fly Tsokotukha"

based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky


primary school teachers

Taratynova Elena Olegovna

Music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Moscow 2014

Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing pipes.

1st Peddler: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,

Telling her is not a joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river murmured

So that in the middle all the people

Her mouth dropped open.

2nd Peddler: So that no one, neither old nor small

Didn't fall asleep at the end

We wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! Begins…

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Peddler: Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave to the same music.

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from the movie "The Marriage of Balzaminov" sounds. A fly flies out, flies around the hall, finds money.

FLY: What should I buy?

Maybe a blue dress?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So... I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I'll buy a samovar there.

Because the birthday

I will manage soon

All insects-cockroaches

Serve sweet tea.

The fly flies away. Insects come out with trays under Russian. nar. song. Fly appears.


Fair! Fair!

Happy fair!

Only with us, only with us

Most the best kvass!


Dear public,

Buy bagels from us!


Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

The fly examines the goods.

FLY : Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes a samovar. Carries him home to the song flies from the site.

FLY : Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here come my friends

I will be very glad!

The music of Strauss "Polka" sounds,

Fleas appear, dance.


Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots

And boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.

You take from fleas

A few boots

FLY: - Thanks! Thank you

Boots amazing!

Sit right here, the guests will come soon!

The music of L. Kuprevich "Song of the bee" sounds M. I. Krasev ,

bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Tsokotuha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I am from all native meadows

Brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - a bee,

I brought more honey!

Oh how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Fly a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

FLY: - Thank you! Thanks! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

Music sounds any melody in the Japanese style.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are Butterfly Minxes

Funny flyers.

We fly through the fields

Through groves and meadows.

2nd BUTTERFLY: We never get tired

We spin, we flutter.

We have a lot of fun

Collecting nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We flitted through the flowers

They came to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness, joy!

We treat you with flower jam!

Pass the Mukha jam.


Thank you dear friends

Please to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit at the table.

To the music of "Polka Karabas" a cockroach and a bug come out.


The cockroaches came running
All the glasses were drunk

And they collected a bouquet of flowers for a fly.


And the insects are three cups.

With milk and pretzel.

FLY:(fly song)

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table

I ask for a cup of tea.

Addresses all guests sings the song "Reception" M. I. Krasev

Guests are eating (pantomime)


There's cream and sweets...

And what is there just not!

flea :

marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee :

Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly enjoyable!

flea :

Cream tubes, pies

And delicious cheeses!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Help you in everything

Let's be honest!


Suddenly some old man
Our fly in the corner
Povolok -
Wants to kill the poor
Destroy the Tsokotukha!

The fly is screaming

tearing upAnd the villain is silent, grinning.


Dear guests, help!
Spider - kill the villain!

And I fed you
And I watered you

don't leave me
In my last hour!


But worm beetles
In the corners, in the cracks

Run up:
under sofas,
And goats
Under benches
And the insects under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

And no one even from the spot

Won't budge:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

And the villain is not joking,
He twists the hands and feet of the fly with ropes,

Sounds like "Flight of the Bumblebee" orchestral interlude written by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mosquito appears.


Suddenly from somewhere flies
little mosquito,
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.

Mosquito.- Where is the thief? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

Leading. Flies to the Spider
Takes out the saber
He is at full gallop

Takes away the fly.


There are insects and goats
Crawling out from under the bench:

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!

KOMAR (Fly) : I defeated the spider!

And set you free

And now, soul girl,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, mustachioed cockroach,

Beat the drum soon!


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Fly will dance with the Mosquito!


You are bugs,
You are cuties


Boots creak
Heels knock -

There will be midges
Have fun until the morning

Today Fly-Tsokotuha

Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: The circle is narrower! The circle is wider!

Left. Turn right.

Smile more fun!

2nd Peddler: Representation of fun

For us and for you

We will finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests are dancing to the music of A. Spadavekkia "Good Beetle".

Sounds E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king."

All guests are scared. A Spider appears with a bowed head.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

This world is bad.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't freak out!

1st PICKER: It's time to part

We say "Goodbye!"

2nd PICKER: Oh, you, dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music of A. Spadavecchia "Good beetle"

List of references and Internet sources.

1. Korney Chukovsky - poems for children , 2007

2. search/fly clatter musical

3. Basyuk O.V., Golovkina M.A. and etc. cool watch 1-4 classes. - Issue 2. Book. for the teacher. – Volgograd, 2008

