Entertainment at the festive table for the new year. Board games for the new year

  • 20.09.2019

But now the chimes beat off 12 blows, a wish was made, the guests ate and danced, shared news and aspirations for the future, and there is still so much time until morning ... What to do next?

As a rule, everyone just wanders around the rooms, united in groups of interest, or simply starts lazily switching channels in search of the next New Year's light or concert. Correcting the situation is very simple - you just need to think over the list of table games in advance and prepare simple props for them. Let's figure out how you can keep your guests busy so that they don't get bored on the most fabulous night of the year!

Are your guests bored? So it's time to play prepared games!

What are board games?

New Year's fun can be very diverse, so it will not be difficult for you to choose entertainment for all categories of guests: and, calm intellectuals and lovers of outdoor recreation, a large team and a chamber company of loved ones.

It is important to take into account the temperament of the people who have gathered at the solemn table, as well as the degree of their acquaintance. For example, not everyone will like joke games with a trick, and it is inappropriate for the work team to offer fun that provides for the “disclosure” of personal information about the participants in the action or games that hint at intimate relationships.

Although almost any of the games below can be adapted to the team gathered for the holiday, the main thing is to make a little effort and turn on your imagination. After all, the most remarkable thing about table games is that they do not claim to be a highly intellectual competition, but are designed to rally the company and create a good mood for everyone!

Christmas games for kids

The kids will be happy to take part in joint games.

If the holiday team consists of families with kids, it is worth captivating the children with some simple entertainment that will help them get to know each other, throw out excess energy and feel like full-fledged participants in the holiday. The proposed fun, of course, is simple and completely uncomplicated, but on New Year's Eve parents will also be happy to participate in them, because only on this holiday can everyone plunge into a carefree childhood. In the list of the most popular games Includes the following fun:

  • Show size. Children and adults become in the form of a semicircle, a leader stands in front of them, who names any object. Participants must show with their hands what size it is. For example, the host thinks of the word "Hippo", and the participants spread their arms as wide as possible and reach up. Then the host says “Insect”, and the children and adults sit down and show something small with their hands. Every couple of words, the presenters can change. Some of the people playing will definitely get confused and show, for example, a huge fly, but this is the meaning of the game - simple fun and laughter;
  • "Funny Bunnies" Parents in the game are houses and sit on the ground, and the kids are careless hares in the clearing. One of the adults or teenagers will be a fox who wants to eat a hare. The host says: “The bunnies are jumping and jumping on a large lawn, stomping their feet, clapping their hands!”. Baby bunnies at this moment feel at ease and have fun. Then they say the following words: “But the fox-sister has come! He walks and roams here and there ... Quickly, hares, go home! At this moment, the fox jumps out, and the hares must run to their parents to hide. Whoever the fox has caught, he leaves or becomes a fox himself;
  • "Don't get caught in the snowdrift!" Merry fun for which you will need space and a wide long piece of white fabric. Two adults take the edges of the canvas and stand, lifting it up and down. Each of the playing people must run, slipping under the canvas or jumping over it. Those who are caught are wrapped in cloth and tickled. The participant who was the most dexterous and did not fall into a snowdrift is awarded a prize;
  • "Snowball game" will require a couple of buckets and small snowballs made of soft synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or foam rubber, tightly wrapped in rain. Participants are divided into two teams and take turns throwing snowballs into a bucket. A certain time is allotted for the game, and the team that threw the most snowballs receives a prize;
  • "Cat and Mice". A game familiar from childhood, which requires a chair and a long elastic band, tied so that a closed space is obtained when it is stretched. The cat sits on a chair in the middle of the circle, and the participants stand along the edges, pulling an elastic band around their ankles. To the music, they begin to follow each other in a circle, and when the melody ends abruptly, they jump out of the rubber band. Who did not have time - that cat for the next round! Gradually, the gum needs to be raised, complicating the task. That is, next time everyone walks with an elastic band on their knees, then on a belt, and so on. Of course, such a noisy jumping game is best played in a private house so that the company of jumping "mice" does not interfere with the neighbors too much;
  • "Hidden Ring" A calm game that can be played in an apartment. All she needs is a small ring. The driver goes out the door or turns away, and one of the participants takes the ring in his fist. After that, the host tries to figure out who hid the item they were looking for. Usually adults and children try to confuse the host with facial expressions and laughter. If the ring is found after three attempts, the participants change places, if not, the ring is hidden again;
  • "Growth Meter". funny game, for which you first need to prepare home-made postcards with the inscriptions "growth in ...", and also leave a place on the piece of paper for the participant's name. Then each of the participants chooses an object for measuring growth. It can be a cucumber, a sofa cushion, a banana, a fork, and the like. At the end, everyone is given a postcard with a note, after which it will become clear that your baby is measured by 15 cucumbers, dad's height is 5 pillows, and the like.

Fun Christmas games can be played by both children and adults!

Quiet games for an adult team

The following games are quite suitable for not big company who does not like a quiet pastime, or for colleagues who have gathered for corporate party. By by and large, they can be held right at the table, without looking up from food and festive toasts.

  • "Detectives". The guest is invited to close his eyes, after which everyone asks one question for attentiveness: “How many people are sitting at the table?”, “What is Masha wearing?”, “What dish is in front of you?”, “Who is sitting on the right?” etc;
  • "New Year's Predictions" For this fun, you need to prepare pieces of paper with the names of those present in advance. Of course, they need to be decorated in a festive way. For example, you can cut out uneven pieces from a regular A4 sheet, write names, hold the paper in a strong tea leaves, and scorch the edges a little to turn the leaves into pieces of aged parchment. After that, wrap it in a tube and tie it with tinsel. The tubes are lowered into deep dishes (or cases from kinder surprises). Then comes the turn of questions-predictions. The host asks: “Who will be the richest in the New Year?”, “Who will go to the sea?”, “Who will become famous?” and takes out one piece of paper with a name;
  • "Tamada". A competition in which each of the participants is invited to come up with a toast to one of the letters of the alphabet. The first says a wish starting with the letter “A” (for example, “Let's raise our glasses to health!”), The second gets the letter “B” (“Be lucky in the New Year”), the third - “B” (“Let's drink to the ladies !") etc. The game becomes even more fun when not the most simple letters begin to come across.
  • "Find the letter in the plate." One of the guests, who is chosen as the host, calls any letters of the alphabet (with the exception of letters like “b” or “s”), and the guests present at the table try to find something that starts with it. For example, on “s” - “beets” in a salad, herring under a fur coat or soy sauce. Whoever managed to figure it out before everyone else guesses the letter further;

New Year's table easily turns into a game "Find the letter in the plate"

Outdoor games for a feast

Of course, this kind of games are suitable for a group of friends who can relax in the presence of each other and do not experience unnecessary embarrassment. The choice of this kind of entertainment is very large.

"Stylish Outfit"

For the game, a large bag with old things is prepared in advance. Everyone sits on chairs, quickly passes the bag to each other (you need to get rid of it as soon as possible) and listen to the melody. As soon as the sounds stop, the one who did not have time to get rid of the bag takes out the first thing that comes across to the touch and puts it on.


Several types of cereals or legumes are mixed on a plate (just not very many), and then participants who want to receive a prize blindfold sort cereals, beans or peas into separate boxes.


The participants who compete for the prize sit down at the table and take Chinese chopsticks. Before them put equal portions with rice, buckwheat, canned peas or something similar. Whoever finishes the dish first wins the prize.

Try to eat such an intricate dish with Chinese chopsticks!

"Guess the Partner"

A game that is suitable for a team in which long-familiar married couples or lovers have gathered. Girls (or boys) are blindfolded, and their other halves sit in a row on chairs. Participants take turns approaching each and by ear (nose, hand, fingers) try to find their soul mate.


The fun will require the presence of two cars on the radio control and "tracks". Cars are placed as far as possible from participants with remote controls. A pile of alcohol is installed on the cars, and then the participants drive the transport to themselves (or to another participant, if the game is organized as a relay race). When the machine arrived, the alcohol (or what was left of it in the glass) is drunk, a new batch is poured, and the remote control is passed to the relay partner.

"Funny Memes"

Simple and very funny game which we have known since childhood. The guests are divided into two teams, and then a representative of one of them makes a speech to the leader. It needs to be explained to your partners without the help of words, using only gestures and facial expressions. When the word is guessed, it's your turn to guess the opponents.


The team is divided into two teams that stand in a row opposite each other. Some kind of alcohol is poured into plastic glasses (preferably light and light in color, so that later there would be no scandal due to a spoiled outfit). Everyone takes in right hand dishes with a drink, and then tries to get a neighbor drunk without turning the case. As soon as the neighbor has drunk everything, he waters the next participant, and the last runs around everyone in the row and "solders" the first. The winning team receives a prize.

Drinking alcohol can easily be turned into a board game

"Roll the Orange"

The game provides for the presence of chairs and two teams, the participants of which sit as close as possible to each other. With the beginning of the music, you need to put an orange on your knees and roll it over your knees, moving it to the end of the chain. If the fruit fell, you can continue the game. One condition: the participant must return it to his knees without using his hands.

"Music Lovers"

Carrying out fun will require homework in the form of cards with New Year's words. For example, "snow", "tree", "snow maiden", "gift", "snowflake" and the like. Cardboards are lowered into the drum. The facilitator chooses a player, takes out a card, says a word, and then the player must sing a verse or chorus from a song that has a hidden concept.


The host has in his hands cards with interjections "ah", "oh", "eh" and "uh". One of the participants draws a card, reads the word, and the rest must come up with a rhyming action for him. For example, a card with the word “wow” is drawn out, and the participant is asked to crow like a rooster, kiss two, tickle girlfriends, the word “eh” is realized in the wish to amuse everyone, hug everyone, and the like, as far as your imagination is enough.

"How will I spend the New Year?"

Papers with written actions are put in a large box, for example - “I will joke”, “tickle girls”, “hug men”, “have fun”, “get drunk”, “sleep under the tree”, etc. Then each guest is asked how he will spend this night, to which he takes out and voices a confession card.

"How will I spend the New Year?" - a playful game about the wonders of the coming night

"Honest Answers"

For this fun, you will need to prepare two stacks of cards with questions and answers to them. Answers should be as universal as possible, that is, fit any of the questions asked. For example, “in the morning”, “after I brush my teeth”, “only when I’m hungry”, “on the night of the full moon”, “always” ... Questions can be very diverse: “Do you love your children?”, “Do you often get drunk?”, “Do you often go to the store?” etc.

"Broken phone"

The game that we loved so much in childhood is quite suitable for the New Year's feast. You need to choose a leader and divide the guests into two teams. The host says any word to the first player (in his ear), and he, without mentioning the hidden concept, must explain it to the next participant. The rest of the players are not listening at this time. The second player, having guessed the word, begins to explain further. Well, in the end, everyone voices their options for the hidden word.

The New Year is coming soon and many housewives are already starting to look to cook it on the New Year's holiday table. But it should be remembered that it is not worth just eating and drinking all New Year's Eve, so you also need to think about your leisure time in advance. We will tell you a few board games and contests that you can play in the New Year.

The most anticipated and loved by all holiday, planning where and with whom we will celebrate it, we start in early December, and maybe even earlier. On the eve of the new year, our minds are busy with recipes, cooking and cleaning. And when the holiday is already on the threshold, we sit down at the table, open champagne and eat all the salads and dumplings and understand that we did not have time to prepare for the most important part - entertainment. Frantically looking for contests on the Internet, we understand that the holiday can be overshadowed. To prevent this from happening to you, let's analyze what entertainments on New Year for the company, board games and competitions will be the best for meeting the holiday.

"I am planning..."

"New Year's Lottery"

When gathering with a group of friends, we will definitely prepare a gift for each of them, taking into account his individuality. But what if you collect all the gifts in one bag, and friends take turns taking out a present from there and guessing who it was intended for. If they guess, the gift goes to the rightful owner, if not, they keep it for themselves.

"New Year's alphabet"

The host announces the beginning of the competition and explains by his own example what needs to be done. Since he is the first, he says a toast, starting with the letter "A", then we go through the alphabetical list and in a circle. The most interesting will begin when the letter YO, YU, E, Y falls out.

"Book Prediction"

We all know such entertainment as fortune-telling from a book. Someone thinks of a page and a line, open the book and read. In order not to overshadow the holiday with sudden pessimistic predictions, choose funny, maybe even children's and kind books.

"Secret Confession"

Another competition for intellectual book lovers. Those sitting at the table take turns calling and confessing to a "terrible crime" - which book of the world classical literature they didn't read.
"Musical pause"
This competition will require a little preparation. Select in advance a few popular songs that your company loves. Take the original part of the song, which is not easy to recognize, make a selection of fifteen or twenty melodies. Whoever answered correctly first, guessed it. Member who received the largest number points (one guessed song - one point) becomes the winner and he is awarded a prize.

"Clear Speech"

Make small pieces. On each card, print a few tongue twisters, distribute to the participants and ask them to read. It will be especially fun to play the game when more than one bottle of sparkling wine has been drunk.

"I never..."

Another confession. Participants share with each other what they have never done, but would really like to. The winner is chosen by general vote.
"noun and adjective"
The facilitator thinks of a word (noun) and tells the participant only what kind it is. Participants come up with an adjective for it and write it down on a card. Next, the leader voices the hidden noun, and the participants take turns reading what they wrote. The game takes place at a fast pace.

"Remember everything"

Participants take turns recalling a positive event that happened to the company in the past year. If the participant's memory fails, he is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining in the game and remembering the most funny and pleasant events receives a prize.


The host writes any question on the piece of paper, for example: "Why is the grass green", folds it so that the word why is visible and passes it to the next player, when the sheet goes through the whole circle and returns to the leader, the answers are read aloud.

"Cashless Auction"

The presenter announces the lot and says that the one who will be the last to name something about it (this can be a description of the item, its qualities and characteristics) will become its owner. After each description (in one word), the facilitator asks the question "Who is more." If nothing else is said, the prize goes to the last speaker.

"Try to Parody"

Prepare cards with famous, outrageous, funny people that everyone knows. Distribute them to the participants and ask them to sing a song in the spirit of, for example, Maxim Galkin or Evgeny Petrosyan. The one who did it most successfully and funny gets a prize.


Participants take the nose with their left hand, and the ear with the right hand, change the position in reverse by clapping. The game acquires special laughter and interest when the pauses become shorter and shorter. The winner is the participant who was the least confused during the game.

"Corn and Peas"

Each private trader is given a plate containing green pea or corn and chopsticks. At the command of the leader, the countdown begins - you need to eat everything that is on the plate the fastest, while at a time you can take no more than one pea or corn. The winner receives a prize, such as personalized Chinese sticks.

"Amazing Creatures"

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sheet. A beginner draws someone's head, such as a human, a reptile, a bird, or any other animal. The drawing is folded so that it is not visible and transferred to the next team member, who draws the torso. The third participant draws the legs. The paper is then fully unfolded and the facilitator asks a representative from each team to describe or tell the story of the origin of this creature and name it. Whoever has the most fun story wins.

Spend the New Year fun, noisy and joyful. Do not focus only on the festive table, take a little time to prepare and your guests will definitely appreciate your efforts. If you think over entertainment for the New Year for the company in advance: board games and contests, then your New Year will become super fun.

Happy New Year! Have a good day and Bon Appetit))

New Year's Eve is approaching, which everyone is looking forward to. On this night, you can make a secret wish, plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and magic, and, of course, have fun with close friends. So that New Year's Eve does not turn into a boring feast, be sure to prepare New Year's entertainment for the company, table games and contests in advance. Such entertainment will appeal to all your guests and make the holiday unforgettable.

How to hold contests for the New Year at the table in an adult company

Preparing for the New Year is not only decorating the house and cooking salads. In order for the holiday to be truly successful, it is necessary to think over an entertainment program that will satisfy all guests. New Year's games for the company at the table should be fun, funny and original. Even if the gathering company is not used to participating in such competitions, enlist the support of a few friends, and the rest of the guests will catch up on the fun themselves.

And do not forget that your task is not to make everyone present have fun. First of all, you should have a good time. So have fun with all your heart.

If you decide to hold contests and games for the New Year, be sure to prepare the necessary equipment and small gifts for the winners in advance. As souvenirs, you can buy key rings, magnets, sweets or souvenirs with the image of the symbol of the coming year. Competitions should be held after the guests have sat at the table for a while and are already starting to get bored. Most of the competition can be held right at the table.

Competitions for the New Year for a small company: drinking

If you celebrate the New Year at home, then, as a rule, there is no place for active games and competitions. However, you should not give up entertainment altogether, because New Year's table competitions for a small company are an excellent way out.

Princess Nesmeyana

This competition consists in repeating all the movements of the presenter with a serious look. For example, take the neighbor on the left by the ear, show a funny face, rub against the neighbor's cheek, etc. Whoever cannot stop smiling is out of the game. The most unflappable player wins and gets a souvenir.

New Year's theater

Even in a small company, you can arrange a small performance. In this case, it is not necessary to get up from the table. The essence of the competition is to show the character from the proposed fairy tale as expressively as possible. Participants draw leaflets on which it is written what role they had in this impromptu play. It can be not only inspired objects, but also wind, a blizzard or an egg. Fairy tales are better to choose short and simple, for example, "Ryaba Hen" or "Turnip". The host slowly reads the tale aloud, and the characters come to life. Additionally, you can prepare props to help participants get into character. The most talented actor should be awarded a prize.

changing rooms

To hold this contest, you need to prepare a box with wigs, funny hats, horns, funny glasses, tinsel and other funny accessories in advance. To the music, the box is passed around the table. On whom the music has stopped, he is obliged to take one accessory without looking and put it on himself. The one with the funniest look wins.

Traffic lights

The good old game of our childhood, which you can play on New Year's Eve. In addition, for this game it is not necessary to leave your place at the table. At the facilitator's command "Touch the green", each participant must find such a color in their clothes or the neighbor's clothes as soon as possible. Whoever fails to do so is out of the game. After that, the host announces a different color. And so on until there is only one fastest player left. Don't forget to congratulate him on his victory with a small souvenir.


original and very funny contest which is best spent at the table. All participants tell jokes in a circle. Moreover, only the beginning of the joke is told, and the rest of the participants should continue it, if they know. If the joke is known to someone at the table, a fake beard is attached to the player. Jokes need to be told several circles. Whichever of those present had the fewest beards, he won.

Remember everything

A wonderful competition, which is most suitable for the New Year's feast. To be held only in the company of well-known and close friends. In turn, each participant tells a funny event that happened in this company over the past year. Which of the participants cannot remember the event is eliminated. And so on until the last participant. This competition will help not only to remember the brightest and happiest moments of the outgoing year, but also to strengthen friendly relations and cheer up everyone present.

Contests for the New Year of adults are funny, drinking: question and answer

The table-top question-and-answer contest is extremely popular. It is used to entertain guests at birthdays, corporate parties or just youth parties. Its advantage is the ability to select questions that are ideal for a particular company. After all, some people like questions with "peppercorn", and for some companies it is better to choose funny, but less explicit questions.

The competition is held for festive table. In advance, you need to write twice as many questions as planned guests, and the same number of answers. Questions should be funny, and the answers should be funny, but neutral enough to go with any answer. Each guest draws a card with a question and reads it aloud, after which he also reads a card with an answer. It turns out very funny. Everyone can take part in the game, and some even twice.

Such board games for the company of adults at the table for the New Year will surely please everyone present, and will make the holiday unforgettable.

Merry Christmas game for a big company "I knew!"

This is a trick prank. The host during the concert between numbers says that a real entertainer knows the program and script of the concert so well that he does not need to look at the "cheat sheet" or go backstage to announce the next performer. He even becomes a little clairvoyant, can read minds from a distance. “It is precisely these abilities,” he says, “that I feel in myself. It seems to me that now I can read your (points to the viewer) thoughts. Think of a number from 1 to 5. So, thank you! Now announce this to everyone in the audience. Four. Excellent! Please go on stage, go to the table, open the book. What lies there? Envelope. Excellent. Is he sealed? Open it up! Read the note!"

The viewer reads in amazement: "I knew you would think four!" Applause is the reward for good focus. And his secret is very simple: before a concert or holiday in different places, the host “charges” sealed envelopes with answers from 1 to 5 (you can go up to ten, but it’s easy to get confused). The main thing is not to forget where which envelope is. Therefore, it is better to hide them in the system. For example: from left to right, from bottom to top, i.e. smaller numbers in the left half of the room, third ones in the middle, large ones in the right half.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Hot - cold in German"

I "peeped" this folk German game at the Christmas holiday. Two guys compete. They are blindfolded. The host spreads them at different ends of the room and turns several times. Then he hands them wooden spoons.

Children on all fours, tapping spoons in front of them, should find an overturned pot standing on the floor in the middle of the room. Under this pot, of course, is a prize. Fans can tell the contestants the direction of the search, saying: "hot - cold." True, this more often hinders the guys than helps. They spin in one place, slip next to the pot ...

The game is very emotional and fun. The first one to hit the pot with a spoon is declared the winner. An important condition: you can’t fumble around with both hands, you can only look for a pot with one hand with a spoon.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Spoiled phone"

Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say in the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - the third, etc. until the word returns to the first one. If from a harmless "chandelier" you get a "behemoth" - consider that the game was a success.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Mummy"

Children sitting at the festive table will definitely want to warm up. You need several rolls to play the game. toilet paper so that it is enough to play several pairs. In this game, couples compete against each other. In each pair, one participant wraps the other from head to toe in toilet paper: the wrapper must be sufficiently dense and solid. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

The competition continues. Whoever unwinds his "mummy" faster, he will win.

Merry Christmas game for the company "New Year's Menu"

You will need:

cards on which the letters of the alphabet are written;

shoe box; - prizes - New Year's souvenirs.

The host takes a card with a letter out of the box and invites the players to take turns naming the dishes starting with this letter that they would like to see on the New Year's menu. The winner is the one who last named the dish, he is awarded a prize - a New Year's souvenir. Then the host takes out the next card, and the game continues.

The host invites two couples to participate in the competition. After brief digression in the history of fashion (with the mention that the best designers women's clothing has always been considered men), male players are given a roll of toilet paper and asked to model a dress out of it for their partner.

Important! The dress must be only made of paper, the use of pins, paper clips, etc. is not allowed. Gaps can only be tied.

When the dresses are ready, the "models" must parade in them in front of the audience. The winner is the couple whose outfit turned out to be the most durable.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Portrait"

You will need:

apples - according to the number of participants.

Several people are invited to take part in the game - they will be artists. The host tells the players about how serious the mission they have to complete, and gives out an apple. Then the host chooses one of those present - he will be the sitter. The task for the artists is to gnaw a portrait of the sitter on an apple.

Important! One minute is given to complete the task.

After the allotted time, the presenter compares the received portraits with the original. The winner is the "gnaw" who managed to achieve the greatest portrait resemblance to the sitter.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Priz - to the studio!"

The host has four opaque bags ready, standing or hanging side by side. Each of them has one letter: "P", "P", "I", "Z". Together they form the word "PRIZE". The host declares that there is a prize in each of these packages! And its name starts with the letter on the package. In the first round, the letter "P" is played. So the prize starts with the letter "P". A bag can contain a pencil case, a gun, a locomotive, a cannon, a puzzle, a bag, lipstick, a wig, a poster, etc. Prizes for the letter "P": a pen, a belt, a shell, an elastic band, a novel (book), a shirt, a backpack, a roll (toilet paper), etc. Prizes can be drawn throughout the holiday.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Princess and the Pea"

The host says that sometimes people don't realize that they are actually princes or princesses. And it also happens that they guess about it, but do not know how to check. And today children have a rare opportunity to find out who is who? “First, we will find out,” the host says, “if there are princesses among us. Who wants to check?" The girls raise their hands.

The host calls one of the girls and says: “In the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”, the future princess felt the pea through 9 mattresses. Now the task is much easier - you need to determine how many lollipops you are sitting on without the help of your hands. The host puts a bag of lollipops (from 3 to 7) on the table and puts the girl on it.

Determining the number of lollipops is not easy. So that the loser would not be offended, the host says: “No, you are not a princess, but a countess.” Not only girls, but also boys often want to participate in this competition. In this case, when the boy raises his hand, the host says: "In order to choose a prince, we have the following competition in which the boy can show his strength in fair combat."

Merry Christmas game for the company "Button Record"

Stand with your toes at the edge of the carpet and try to put the button as far away from you as possible. It is allowed to do this in the position of the body tilted forward. The one who cannot resist and falls on the carpet with his stomach is no longer involved in the game.

Merry Christmas game for the "Rally" company

You will need:

- 2 cars;

- pieces of rope;

- 2 pencils.

The host invites two players to take part in the rally. Each player is given a car with a rope attached to it with a pencil at the end.

Important! The ropes of the cars must be the same length.

At the command of the host "Start!" the players begin to wind the rope around the pencil. The player who manages to bring the car to the finish line first wins.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Fishermen"

The host gives the participants fishing rods with magnets instead of hooks. To the fish cut out of cardboard, lying in a large box, either pieces of tin or large metal clips are attached. The fishermen put the magnets into the box and catch the fish. The one who catches wins more fish. Sometimes the fish are made different sizes, they indicate a different number of points. In this case, the one with the most points wins.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Santa Claus himself"

You will need:

- a large bright "Dedmorozovsky" bag;

- gifts from a household goods store: soap dishes, toothpicks, washcloths, toothbrushes, etc. (there should be 2 times more of them than participants).

To begin with, you should reflect on the fact that on New Year's Eve all wishes come true. One has only to want - and the magic becomes a reality. Everyone on this night can become Santa Claus, at least for himself. Now is the time to invite players to think about the gift they have been dreaming of for a long time, and then start testing their abilities to work miracles. Each player approaches the bag, puts his hand into it - the first item that comes across will be his New Year's gift, but only if he can determine what Santa Claus brought him. The player names the item and takes it out of the bag.

Important! If the player has guessed and correctly named the object, he must necessarily explain why in the new year he will not be able to do without this object and why he has been dreaming about it for a long time.

If a player makes a mistake, he is left without a gift and gives way to the next player.

Merry Christmas game for the company "The most emotional dance"

Dance improvisation of participants, individuality, temperament are welcomed here. Any fast melody is suitable for this contest. It is very important that the children like this music, that they know it well and love it.

The dance break ends with the awarding of the winners and the transition to calm games. One such game is this contest.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Serpentine"

You will need:

sheet of newspaper for each participant.

The host invites 4-8 people to participate in the game (the more participants, the more interesting the game is). Each participant receives a sheet of newspaper of the same size. Task for the participants in the game: tear off as long a strip as possible from the sheet, starting from the upper left corner, in a circle and to its end.

Important! The player must tear the strip off the sheet using only one hand. It is impossible to touch the newspaper with the second hand.

The player with the longest streak is declared the winner.

Merry Christmas game for the "Broken Match" company

You show the audience a match and invite them to check if it is intact. When the audience is convinced that it is without a flaw, you show them a large, clean, ironed men's handkerchief, shake it, turn it over so that there is no doubt that it is an ordinary handkerchief.

After that, put a match on a handkerchief, fold the handkerchief several times and invite the audience to feel if the match is there. Naturally, the audience confirms by touch that the match is safe and sound in the handkerchief. Then you ask one of the spectators to break the match. He does it.

Some of the spectators, for complete certainty, break the halves of the matches again. After that, you shake the handkerchief, and a completely whole match falls out of it. Everyone is surprised and puzzled. And, as always happens, "the chest just opened." In fact, another match is hidden in the scarf.

Before the show, the performer puts it into the bent, hemmed edge of the scarf. A man's scarf always has such a seam. It is only necessary a little, for one or two stitches, to cut open the edge of the seam and put a match there. While folding the scarf, you need to feel for a match prepared in advance and slip it to the audience. The smaller they break it, the better.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Snegomet"

You will need:

2 shoe boxes;

12 circles of thick cardboard with a diameter of 10 cm.

The participants are divided into two teams. Draw a line behind which the players will be; 1.5-2 m are measured from it and placed on the chairs of the box. Now each player must try to get the snowflake circles into the box, collect them and pass them on to the next player. The team with the most hits wins.

Merry Christmas game for the Pickled Cucumber Company

You will need:


The participants in the game choose the leader, who becomes the center of the circle. The players are located around the leader, hide their hands behind their backs and begin to pass the cucumber behind their backs, trying to bite it off piece by piece when the leader does not see it. The host's goal is to find out who currently has the cucumber. To do this, he approaches the suspected participant and says: “Hands!” The player must show both hands. If this participant has a cucumber, he changes places with the leader. The host, during the game of which the participants eat the whole cucumber, performs a penalty task.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Sprinball"

Very simple and very exciting contest. To conduct it, you need enough space on a flat floor or on a short pile carpet, tennis balls and douches (according to the number of participants).

Competitors drive the ball with the help of an air jet from a syringe to the chair opposite, go around it and return to their place. The one who gets to the finish line first wins. The game is accompanied by the furious support of the audience.

Merry Christmas game for the "Mysterious Pouch" company

"Tell about amazing abilities some people whose feelings are extremely developed, - says the host. - Let's try to check the development of our feelings. For example, touch. To do this, you need to put your hand into this bag, feel for some object and try to determine what it is. Who is the bravest? I beg!"

The children take turns trying to guess what they have in their hand. If they succeed, then they take this item as a prize. The bag can contain: an apple, a chocolate bar, a lollipop, a candle, a cup, a felt-tip pen, etc.

Merry Christmas game for the "Dancing Potato" company

Everyone knows the game "Hot Potato": it hurts to hold a hot potato in your hands, so it's better to pass it on to a friend. Here the principle of the game is the same, only the game is played during the dance. The guys pass some object (a ball or an orange) to each other. The music suddenly stops. Whoever has this item is out of the game and the dance continues. If the dancer drops an object, he is also out. The luckiest and most attentive player wins.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Telegram"

You will need:

sheets of paper;

pen for each player.

Before the New Year, a not very pleasant situation often arises: you did not have time to send greeting card to my friends. This is not scary, since you can always send a telegram. This is exactly what we suggest you do. The host names a few arbitrary words, with the help of which the players must compose congratulatory telegrams to their friends and read them out loud. The winner is the one whose congratulations will be the most witty.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Triple Trap"

Two participants stand opposite each other, in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The host counts: “One, two, three ... a hundred!”, “One, two, thirteen ... eleven!” etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and takes the prize first when the host says: “Three!”

This game can be played differently. The facilitator reads the verses:

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Consider what's inside.

Small fish were seen

And not one, but as many as five.

Dreaming hardened guy

Become an Olympic champion

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!".

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better... seven.

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I give you a five.

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the host takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

Merry Christmas game for the company "Guess the song"

The host leaves the room, and all the remaining participants in the game choose a line from a well-known song. Everyone takes one word from this line.

When the host enters, everyone immediately begins to sing their word to the music of this song. The main thing is to agree on how many times this will be repeated. The facilitator must guess what song it is.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Fanta"

What it is? Children often confuse them with candy wrappers. But in the old days, no holidays could do without forfeits. A phantom is a kind of pledge that a participant in the game voluntarily gives to the host. In the future, these pledges are played out, that is, the leader takes turns taking out forfeits from a bag or from a hat, and one of the players, standing with his back to the leader, announces what the owner of the fanta should do. The one who comes up with tasks must be a creative person, not limited to instructions only to sing a song or recite a poem.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Focuses"

You don't have to be a professional magician to please children at a party. But the performer of the role of Santa Claus should have the ability to show 2-3 real tricks. After all, the trick is a small miracle (do not reveal the secret of the trick to children, otherwise they will get bored). Real artists are small rays of wonderful fire. They are always waiting, hoping for something unusual. And the most unusual holiday is the New Year! And so everyone will have to become real artists! Therefore, you can show all your creativity and become a real magician for a while.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Football with buttons"

Two teams and two gates. The gate is formed from two buttons lying on the floor. Play with three buttons. You can only beat with the middle button lying between the other two. They shoot at the gate one by one.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Football"

You will need:

- pieces of rope;

soccer ball;

- chairs.

The game is played by two teams of four. They mark the boundaries of the field, with the help of chairs mark the gate. Players in teams are divided into pairs and their legs are tied - the right leg of the partner on the left and the left leg of the partner on the right. The task of the participants is to get the ball into the opponents' goal. Goalkeepers are not needed, because it is quite difficult to score a ball under such conditions. The match continues until three goals are scored.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Tail"

The host invites the participants of the game to sit on chairs, and two representatives of the teams to go to the middle. They put on a specially prepared ponytail with a pencil at the end. The pencil should not reach the ground, it should hang down at the back approximately to the level of the knee. Behind the contestants are two empty bottles of lemonade or champagne. The task of the players is to lower the pencil into the bottle without the help of hands. The competition begins at the command of the host "Started". The leader must strictly ensure that the guys do not help themselves with their hands.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Sly Knot"

You will need:

- a square of whatman paper measuring 2 x 2 m.

It is drawn into 16 identical cells, the cells are numbered. The host invites two players who stand in the center of the square. Then he calls for each of them a part of the body (arms, legs, head participate) and the number of the cell. The player must touch the cell with the given number with the indicated part of the body. The player who cannot take the next pose loses. The winner stays on the field and continues to fight with the next volunteer.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Chain"

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Whose finger is stronger?"

Players sit at the table opposite each other, put their right hands so that the little finger touches the table, the thumb looks up. On a signal, they move their hands, and each tries to press the thumb of the other to the hand.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Even or Odd"

You will need

pine nuts - 15 pcs. for each player;

opaque pouches for each player.

The host distributes bags to the players, each bag contains 15 pine nuts. One of the players opens his bag, scoops some nuts into his fist, and asks, "Odd or even?" If the second player guessed right, then he takes the nuts for himself. If the answer was wrong, he must give the first player as many nuts as he had in his fist. The winner is the player who manages to collect the most nuts.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Shapka"

You will need:

Santa Claus hat;

records with dance melodies.

The music turns on and everyone starts dancing. The host takes off his Santa Claus hat and puts it on the first player he comes across. The main task of the player is not to be in a hat when the music stops, so he must put the hat on another as soon as possible. The player who did not hand over the hat in time is out of the game. The prize for the winner is a Santa Claus hat.

A fun New Year's game for the "Heart Stuck" company

Participate in pairs. The girls are blindfolded, and at this time, from 5 to 10 clothespins are attached to the guys in different places on their clothes. The girls on the team begin to feel their partner and find clothespins, whoever collects all the clothespins faster than the rest wins.

Merry Christmas game for the company "Hut on chicken legs"

At the end of the final game, the doors suddenly swing open, and a hut on chicken legs appears in front of the children. She dances, cackles and with all her appearance shows that she claims to be the main role at the holiday. Grandfather Frost demands: "Stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!" The hut pretends to obey, and then again begins to play pranks, tease Grandfather.

“Stand with your back to the forest, and in front of me!” Grandpa demands. Where there! The hut pretends to stop, and then starts dancing, teasing Santa Claus. “What a naughty you are,” Grandfather gets angry. “Get out of here, don’t interfere with the guys having fun!”

Santa Claus is trying to drive the hut away, but it wasn’t there: she knows how to dodge wonderfully. Try and catch a chicken! Suddenly, in the most prominent place under the Christmas tree, she freezes, loudly declares “Ko-ko-ko-ko!” several times, with a characteristic amplification on the first syllable. Then he crouches down and slowly steps back towards the door. In the places where she squatted, there are gifts.

Santa Claus says in surprise: “Oh yes, the hut! She brought us presents! Then he follows the trail to the door and from there declares with delight: “Yes, she has a nest here!”, And then pulls out bags of gifts.

Or Grandfather asks in surprise: “Where are the rest of the gifts?” To which the hut arrogantly replies:

Rake snow under the tree

And find gifts there.

And now it's time for me to go to the forest,

Goodbye, kids!

The hut is very easy to do. Gotta get a big box washing machine or from a small refrigerator, using a stapler, adhesive tape and glue, add a roof to the side wall.

Make holes in the “floor” and “ceiling” so that the leader can put on this entire structure, make slots in the form of attic windows and tighten them with black nylon or gauze so that you can navigate. It is good to wear knitted stockings or stockings on your legs, stockings with an elastic band above the knees, with three sewn-on foam rubber claws. They can be worn directly on shoes.

We start preparing for the New Year

I have never seen in my life that at the end of November they decorate Christmas trees, decorate the city with garlands, light festive inscriptions, preparing for the New Year. Some nonsense! at work, at children's center, the forest beauty is already standing, and Entrance door semaphorite garlands. I went to the hairdresser - the same picture: tinsel, sequins, beads, Christmas tree, garland, New Year.

And why did everyone start decorating the Christmas tree so early? - I ask.

I want a holiday, we are already tired of terrorism, deaths, exorbitant prices, there is absolutely no positive left in life, - the hairdressers answered in unison.

And that's right. New Year is always positive, relaxation, joy, gifts, even despite the prices, champagne, fireworks and all that. We, Russians, are simply obliged to think about the positive, so let's prepare for the New Year all together.

New Year's table competitions

New Year is a family holiday, and it is so important to keep and pass on traditions. In every family, the New Year goes about the same way: they set the table, dress up in the best or new costumes and sit down long before the chiming clock. And in many families they are also trying to spend Old year“in Kamchatka”, “in Vladivostok”, “in Kazakh”, etc., and in order not to sleep, I propose to hold simple games and contests in anticipation of midnight. All these amusements were repeatedly carried out by my acquaintances in different companies: in the family, in the circle of friends, with entire student groups, and even included teachers. The main thing - fun, festive and forget about everything!

Striptease competition

Two participants are selected, two chairs are placed in front of the guests. A few buttons are placed on chairs under rags or thin towels. Turn on striptease music. The task of the participants, moving on a chair with a booty, is to guess how many buttons are hidden under the towel. The process of moving to music is of interest. The winner receives a prize. Then the next two perform.

Student game "Don't be stupid"

For the game you will need a deck of cards, the number of participants is unlimited, but it is better when more than 8 to 20. It is played at a laid table with filled glasses of champagne. Before starting the game, you should familiarize yourself with the rules. The cards lie mixed in the deck: sixes, sevens, tens, jacks, ladies, kings, aces (all suits except eights and nines). Cards are drawn in turn, one at a time.

Ace- you miss a move.

King- the neighbor on the right makes a toast and drinks one.

Lady Raise a toast and drink it yourself.

Jack- you figure out what the neighbor across the street will do after you say a toast and drink, for example, dance “macarena”, sing a song, or before drinking every time he will say a tongue twister: “Greek rode across the river ...” or any other.

10 - the players quickly raise their hands together, whoever raised the last one says a toast and drinks.

7 - listing items on a specific topic, for example, “brands of cars”, at a fast pace, everyone takes turns calling by the brand of the car, who repeated or thinks for more than 3 seconds - raises a glass and drinks (any topic can be).

6 - the player thinks of what to do to the neighbor on the left before he says a toast and drinks, the tasks can be different, for example, everyone who raises their glasses must not forget and always pronounce the same ritual phrase: “Kh ... yes, be all healthy, cheerful, young, cheerful and happy! ”, And after that everyone should clap their hands three times. You can tell a joke, eat two tangerines, smell your neighbor's sleeve, etc., you can think of anything.

Sticker game

The number of participants is unlimited, but it is better from 5 to 15. You can decide in advance on the theme of the game, for example, “Pets”, “Wild plants”, “Heroes of fairy tales”, to make it funnier, you can come up with a funny topic, for example, “Reptiles”, "Tools", etc. Players sit in a circle, each with a name sticker attached to their foreheads, for example, "baobab", "crocodile", etc., depending on the topic. Each of the participants does not know what is written on his forehead, but he sees the inscriptions on the others, he can ask a question, for example: “Am I a person?”. The remaining participants must answer only “yes” or “no”. In case of a positive answer, the active participant has the right to ask one more question: “Am I kind?” etc. In the case of a negative answer, the move passes to the next participant, who asks similar questions, and the previous opponent reflects on the next question. And so on in a circle, until each of the participants guesses the correct name of himself. The game is aimed at the development of thinking, both logical and figurative.

Competition "Gourmet"

Participants are blindfolded and asked to try and guess what is put on the plate (each has its own personal one). Then the contestants are given a list with the name of the tested products, and they put down in front of each name the number under which, in their opinion, there was a treat. Products need to be bought in advance, you can use several categories of products, for example, nuts or dried fruits, berries.

The task of the participants- remember and recognize the taste of the presented product. This competition can also be called educational, because here you can get acquainted with the taste of new dishes.

Contest "Siamese twins"

Two pairs of participants are chosen, they go two by two to the center of the room and stand side by side, holding hands. The touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants is left and the other is right, they must wrap a gift in a bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it in a bow. Fans can support the players with shouts and applause. Whose pair will cope faster and better - receives a prize. The most interesting thing is observing the clumsiness of the players' movements.

Game "Coin"

Two participants are selected, necessarily a guy and a girl. The guy lies on the floor, a coin is placed on his stomach, the smaller the coin, the better, the complexity of the game depends on its size. A girl lies on top of him, tightly closing the coin. They must turn over so that the coins are on the girl's stomach. If the coin fell, then the player who is to blame for the fall must kiss his partner. If the couple - coped successfully, she receives a prize and has the right to choose the next couple for the "experiment".

Game "Touchless"

4-5 girls are selected and stand in a row. Men (4-5) are blindfolded and hands behind their backs. In turn, each of them approaches the girl and must, without the help of hands, only with the help of one head, guess which girl is in front of him. Hands are tied, so men have to literally lick, sniff their partner. Everyone just falls out of laughter from this "heartbreaking" picture. The winner, the one who correctly guessed all the girls, receives a prize.

Game "Hat"

Participants are divided into two teams: one - at one end of the table, the other - behind the other. In advance, on pieces of paper, each player writes his own name. You can choose a specific theme: heroes of Dostoevsky's novels, cartoon characters, actors, etc. The papers are placed in a hat (hence the name of the game) and mixed. Then the player of one of the teams pulls out a piece of paper by lot and tries to describe the character with words without naming him. You can not use the same root words and say with what letter the word begins. Use of synonyms, metaphors, detailed explanations is allowed. You can not directly name the name of the work, cartoon or movie in which the character participates.

Players of the other team must guess the hero's name. 2 minutes are allocated for the description of each hidden hero. If they guessed it during this time, the next piece of paper is pulled out by the next player of this team, who describes the character that fell out, etc. If, after the appointed time, the player has not been able to explain the next word to the opponents, then the card is returned to the header. If the opposing team did not guess the encrypted image within the agreed time, the move goes to them (and the card is returned to the hat), that is, the players of this team take turns pulling papers out of the hat and describing the hero. The opposite side of the table guesses. If the player violated the rules, then the card is removed from the game. This intellectual game and is aimed at mental activity, it lasts until not a single card remains in the hat. You can replace verbal descriptions with pantomime, so it will be even more interesting.

We are getting ready for the New Year.

I have never seen in my life that at the end of November they decorate Christmas trees, decorate the city with garlands, light festive inscriptions, preparing for the New Year. Some nonsense! At work, in the children's center, there is also a forest beauty already standing, and the front door is garlanded with semaphores. I went to the hairdresser - the same picture: tinsel, sequins, beads, Christmas tree, garland, New Year.

And why did everyone start decorating the Christmas tree so early? - I ask.

I want a holiday, we are already tired of terrorism, deaths, exorbitant prices, there is absolutely no positive left in life, - the hairdressers answered in unison.

And that's right. New Year is always positive, relaxation, joy, gifts, even despite the prices, champagne, fireworks and all that. We, Russians, are simply obliged to think about the positive, so let's prepare for the New Year all together.

We hold competitions at the New Year's table.

New Year is a family holiday, and it is so important to keep and pass on traditions. In every family, the New Year goes about the same way: they set the table, dress up in the best or new costumes and sit down long before the chiming clock. And in many families they also try to spend the Old Year “in Kamchatka”, “in Vladivostok”, “in Kazakh”, etc., and in order not to sleep, I propose to hold simple games and contests in anticipation of midnight. All these amusements were repeatedly carried out by my acquaintances in different companies: in the family, in the circle of friends, with entire student groups, and even included teachers. The main thing - fun, festive and forget about everything!

Striptease competition.

Two participants are selected, two chairs are placed in front of the guests. A few buttons are placed on chairs under rags or thin towels. Turn on striptease music. The task of the participants, moving on a chair with a booty, is to guess how many buttons are hidden under the towel. The process of moving to music is of interest. The winner receives a prize. Then the next two perform.

Student game "Don't be stupid."

For the game you will need a deck of cards, the number of participants is unlimited, but it is better when more than 8 to 20. It is played at a laid table with filled glasses of champagne. Before starting the game, you should familiarize yourself with the rules. TOthe arts lie mixed in the deck: sixes, sevens, tens, jacks, queens, kings, aces (all stripes, except eights and nines). Cards are drawn in turn, one at a time.

Ace - you miss a move.

King - a toast is made by a neighbor on the right and drinks one.

Lady - raise a toast and drink it yourself.

Jack - you figure out what your neighbor will do after you say a toast and drink, for example, dance "macarena", sing a song, or before every time you drink, you will say a tongue twister: "The Greek rode across the river ..." or any other.

10 - players quickly all together raise their hand up, whoever raised the last one says a toast and drinks.

7 - listing items on a specific topic, for example, “brands of cars”, at a fast pace, everyone takes turns calling by the brand of the car, who repeated or thinks for more than 3 seconds - raises a glass and drinks (the topic can be any).

6 - the player thinks of what to do to the neighbor on the left before he says a toast and drinks, the tasks can be different, for example, everyone who raises their glasses must not forget and always pronounce the same ritual phrase: “Kh ... yes, be everyone is healthy, cheerful, young, cheerful and happy! ”, And after that everyone should clap their hands three times. You can tell a joke, eat two tangerines, smell your neighbor's sleeve, etc., you can think of anything.

It is impossible to prompt, if a person has forgotten, then he is stupid, and will drink until he remembers how it should be. If suddenly he missed something or did it in the wrong sequence, he says a toast again and drinks, but he must remember what he did wrong and do everything right. The goal of the game is to be attentive and not make mistakes in "extreme" conditions. Champagne can be replaced with other drinks, including non-alcoholic ones, but it will not be so interesting with them. You can complicate the rules at your discretion. Fantasy is welcome.

Sticker game.

The number of participants is unlimited, but it is better from 5 to 15. You can decide in advance on the theme of the game, for example, “Pets”, “Wild plants”, “Heroes of fairy tales”, to make it funnier, you can come up with a funny topic, for example, “Reptiles”, "Tools", etc. Players sit in a circle, each with a name sticker attached to their foreheads, for example, "baobab", "crocodile", etc., depending on the topic. Each of the participants does not know what is written on his forehead, but he sees the inscriptions on the others, he can ask a question, for example: “Am I a person?”. The remaining participants must answer only “yes” or “no”. In case of a positive answer, the active participant has the right to ask one more question: “Am I kind?” etc. In the case of a negative answer, the move passes to the next participant, who asks similar questions, and the previous opponent reflects on the next question. And so on in a circle, until each of the participants guesses the correct name of himself. The game is aimed at the development of thinking, both logical and figurative.

Competition "Gourmet".

Participants are blindfolded and asked to try and guess what is put on the plate (each has its own personal one). Then the contestants are given a list with the name of the tested products, and they put down in front of each name the number under which, in their opinion, there was a treat. Products need to be bought in advance, you can use several categories of products, for example, nuts or dried fruits, berries.

1) raisins "Sea pebbles"


3) FIG

4) Dried KUMQUAT

5) GINGER dried

6) Dried apricots



9) Plum



2. Raisins



5. Quince



The task of the participants is to remember and recognize the taste of the presented product. This competition can also be called educational, because here you can get acquainted with the taste of new dishes.

Contest "Siamese twins".

Two pairs of participants are chosen, they go two by two to the center of the room and stand side by side, holding hands. The touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants is left and the other is right, they must wrap a gift in a bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it in a bow. Fans can support the players with shouts and applause. Whose pair will cope faster and better - receives a prize. The most interesting thing is observing the clumsiness of the players' movements.

Coin game.

Two participants are selected, necessarily a guy and a girl. The guy lies on the floor, a coin is placed on his stomach, the smaller the coin, the better, the complexity of the game depends on its size. A girl lies on top of him, tightly closing the coin. They must turn over so that the coins are on the girl's stomach. If the coin fell, then the player who is to blame for the fall must kiss his partner. If the couple - coped successfully, she receives a prize and has the right to choose the next couple for the "experiment".

The game "Touchless".

4-5 girls are selected and stand in a row. Men (4-5) are blindfolded and hands behind their backs. In turn, each of them approaches the girl and must, without the help of hands, only with the help of one head, guess which girl is in front of him. Hands are tied, so men have to literally lick, sniff their partner. Everyone just falls out of laughter from this "heartbreaking" picture. The winner, the one who correctly guessed all the girls, receives a prize.

Hat game.

Participants are divided into two teams: one - at one end of the table, the other - behind the other. In advance, on pieces of paper, each player writes his own name. You can choose a specific theme: heroes of Dostoevsky's novels, cartoon characters, actors, etc. The papers are placed in a hat (hence the name of the game) and mixed. Then the player of one of the teams pulls out a piece of paper by lot and tries to describe the character with words without naming him. You can not use the same root words and say with what letter the word begins. Use of synonyms, metaphors, detailed explanations is allowed. You can not directly name the name of the work, cartoon or movie in which the character participates.

Players of the other team must guess the hero's name. 2 minutes are allocated for the description of each hidden hero. If they guessed it during this time, the next piece of paper is pulled out by the next player of this team, who describes the character that fell out, etc. If, after the appointed time, the player has not been able to explain the next word to the opponents, then the card is returned to the header. If the opposing team did not guess the encrypted image within the agreed time, the move goes to them (and the card is returned to the hat), that is, the players of this team take turns pulling papers out of the hat and describing the hero. The opposite side of the table guesses. If the player violated the rules, then the card is removed from the game. This is an intellectual game and is aimed at mental activity, it lasts until there is not a single card left in the hat. You can replace verbal descriptions with pantomime, so it will be even more interesting.

P.S. I wish everyone to choose fun to their liking and meet the New Year with a great mood!