Terms of the game crocodile. Intellectual and cognitive game "crocodile"

  • 27.08.2020

A great idea for any holiday, entertain guests with fun games and contests. The fun game "Crocodile", familiar to many since childhood, is perfect for this.

The rules of the game are simple: you need to guess the hidden word or phrase. The word is shown only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. You need to think in advance and make a list of words for the game. You can make a set of cards with words. Words can come up with any of the films and cartoons, proverbs and sayings, nursery rhymes. In general, turn on the fantasy.

If at a crucial moment words and phrases do not come to mind, then look at examples of words.

Simple words to warm up (Easy level)

Coat of arms, sunflower, gun, den, bun, classmate, rope, fence, apple, briefcase, basket, walkie-talkie, web, fireworks, bicycle, scales, stairs, Terminator, air conditioner, coin, hiccup, burdock, DJ, Cheburashka, Transport, toothpick, gloves, housewife, birthday girl, Honey, barbecue, Pinocchio, shrimp, Headphones, alarm clock, kangaroo, alarm clock, traffic light, zoo, fire, matches, cabbage, stone, sneakers, berry, electricity, aspirin, tank, cracker, printer, firewood, nettle, Pants, explosion, chain mail, concrete mixer, pyramid, Nuclear physicist, pear, Spetsnaz, Inspiration, Chukchi.

Difficult and funny words.

These are the words you can use in the game. Game and Words are very funny and add fun moments to a holiday or themed evening.

  • From 4 players
  • from 5 minutes
  • Game difficulty: Light
  • Skill development: Attentiveness

The Crocodile game has been around for many years. She is the highlight of children's holidays, adult parties and group outings into nature. For an elementary version of the game, nothing but imagination is needed, and for the "lazy" ready-made sets of cards with tasks are collected.


The word game "Crocodile" is also known as "Associations", "Pantomimes", "Blue Cow" or "American Student". The goal and objectives are to guess words and explain them to other players with gestures. Usually it is very fun and funny when a word or phrase gets non-trivial or the conditions on the card limit the ways of transmitting information. You have to invent on the go, and “fictions” are very amusing for the whole company.

Why is it called that and where is the logic here? There are different versions of where the name came from. The main and most plausible is theatrical. In theatrical universities there was an exercise for young actors - to show any phrase without words. And so that the task did not seem easy, they made strange phrases. Including - "red crocodile, green cr a coded." Which was later reduced to just "crocodile". And the entertainment went to the people.

The desktop version of the game appeared relatively recently as a project of Igrologia and Mosigra companies. The game received a material basis - cards with tasks and additional conditions imposed on the explainer.

On average, a game lasts from forty minutes to one and a half hours, despite the fact that the time to guess each word is limited. The basic set is designed for players over 10 years old. The optimal number of participants is from 4 to 12 people.

The basic set is packed in a box-cube with a side of eleven centimeters. In addition to it, the game Crocodile "Big Party" and travel sets were released: "all sorts", "children's light", "Film Book", "Historical Amusing" and "Round the World".

Complete set and description

The classic set (photo above) includes:

  • The rules of the game in "Crocodile" - after all, the instruction is always needed, although it is only turned to when it is not possible to figure it out by the "poke method".
  • 200 task cards. Each card has 10 words or phrases.
  • 36 U-cards - cards of complication and simplification.
  • Hourglass - the game is on for a while.
  • Reusable scorecard and erasable marker.
  • Storage pouch.


The rules of Crocodile can even change from one company to another. We will briefly consider those that are attached to the card set. The rules of the game "Crocodile" are different if you solve it one by one or in teams.

Every man for himself

When everyone plays for themselves, the first participant draws a card, chooses one word from the list on it and explains it in pantomime to others. The guesser takes his place and draws a new card.

Attention: the cards do not go to the "lights out" - you need to keep it with you and not show it to anyone. When the queue returns to you, then you do not draw a new card, but guess next word with the old one. The winner is the one who first shows all the words from his card.

Team game

More fun to play in teams: board game going faster, "Crocodile" is solved more intensively, the team spirit is demonstrated, it turns out fun competition. It is worth breaking into groups if there are more than six of you.

The participant must depict a concept or phrase without words for members of his native team, make such a presentation so that his comrades-in-arms will certainly give the correct answer. All team members go to the "stage" in turn and each time they draw a new card and choose a category from which they will guess.

It is in team play that scoring is usually carried out and Y-cards are used. Teams move in turns, one move is one minute. During this time, you can guess and guess a few words and get points for each. Words from one category are guessed in turn, without skipping.

Points are recorded in the standings. The duration of the game is 12 rounds. The team with the most points wins.


There are two types of cards for the game "Crocodile": task cards and U-cards.

Why do we need ready-made cards for the game, if for decades the words were just invented on the go? The words were grouped by difficulty, by category and, accordingly, by the points they bring. This is important for game balance. You can print them if you wish.

Each of the two hundred cards contains a list of ten words and phrases, divided into five categories:

  • Objects are anything that can be touched. Three words, two points each.
  • Actions are all verbs. Three words for two points.
  • Concepts are abstract quantities, ideas, states. One word for five points.
  • Names - famous personalities, names, brands. Two words for three points.
  • Expressions - proverbs, sayings, quotes. One word for five points.
  • U-cards

Special cards contain additional conditions that must be met. They can make it easier or, on the contrary, complicate the task. "Heavy" cards bring extra points. It is your right to play with or without these cards. Each team starts with the same set of U-cards and can use one card per turn, and strictly before the explanation begins. But do not rush to use them - for each retained U-card at the end, the team receives a point.

What can be found on Y-cards:

  • The first letter of the word - as a clue, the explainer calls it.
  • An extra minute - plus one to understand what exactly the teammate waving his arms is trying to say.
  • Player Substitution - This can be played against opponents to remove their main mime master from the stage.
  • With your eyes closed, you will have to explain blindly.
  • Hands in the castle - we clasped our hands and show with our feet, face and body.
  • Standing with his back - the player turns away and tries to demonstrate that his acting talents extend to the rear.
  • Robbery - carte blanche to guess the words of someone else's team.
  • Bet - you can bet 10 points that the word will not be guessed.
  • Think of a word - guess your opponent's player and see how he will get out.

By showing the word, you can

  1. Move arms, legs, body, eyebrows, ears and the rest of the body as you like, take any poses.
  2. Answer questions - but only with gestures.
  3. Draw with your finger on the wall or in the air. Quick schematic drawing techniques will be very useful to you.
  4. Point to any thing that you were wearing, lying in your pocket or in your hands when you began to explain.
  5. Show not the whole phrase, but the words separately. For example, when you need to guess proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.
  6. Showing the word you can't
  7. Make any sounds. Even moo, growl and groan.
  8. Write the word in the air and use the language of the deaf and dumb if those present are familiar with it.
  9. "Pronounce" the word with articulation so that it can be read by lips.
  10. Point to the hidden object and any that is not on you.
  11. Draw, leaving a trace; pen on paper, finger on the sand, if you're outside, it doesn't matter.
  12. Show words in parts or by syllables, letters.

Special gestures

With the help of a variety of body movements, you can show not only the words you are guessing, but also tips that are allowed to be shown with certain gestures. They sometimes help a lot to complete this quest, and if the tasks and explanations themselves are funny, cool and funny, then hint gestures are more often universal, some are used in tournaments, others in amateur games. There are about two dozen of them. For example:

  • Hands crossed in front of you - forget everything that was "said" before, the explanation begins anew. It can come in handy when the guessers suffered "in the wrong steppe" or the guesser came up with a brilliant idea how to quickly and simply explain everything to the rest.
  • Palm-to-palm strikes or Roundabout Circulation hand in the elbow - already close, look for synonyms.
  • A large circle is outlined with hands - look for a broad concept, less specific.
  • Circular movements with the index finger - a single-root word.
  • Several raised fingers - the number of the word in the hidden phrase.
  • Right hand to the right and back, as if you are shifting reverse gear in a car - you need to go back in reasoning.
  • The index finger touches the forehead - what has just been voiced needs to be remembered.
  • The index finger touches the forehead and immediately returns - remember what was stored in memory.
  • Cross movement with index fingers in a vertical plane - pick up an association.
  • The same gesture, but followed by touching the ear with a finger - look for a consonant or rhyming word.

Interesting and boring words for "Crocodile"

For interesting and fun game unusual words are needed, which are not so easy to show. But do not go too far - the words should correspond to the general level of erudition of the company.

Easy words for kids

The beginning for the game crocodile can be put in childhood, guessing very simple words for an easy start. For example, “iron” or “dog” - it’s easy to show them even for a three-year-old baby. It is better to choose objects that can be seen in the room or in the picture, or elementary actions.

Difficult words

The most difficult to demonstrate are abstract concepts, with the exception of basic emotions. For the children's Crocodile, it is better to bypass them, but experienced players will get a lot of impressions when trying to show “freedom” or “competence” with gestures.

Funny words and phrases

When the game enters the stage of general fun, it's time to think of phrases like "a fantasy chicken online" or "a camel running on a rainbow", "an animal in a candy cloud". However, quotes from books and films also go with a bang: “And we will go north!”, “Gyulchatay, open your face!”

For all occasions

The board game "Crocodile" provides a large selection of cards for a wide variety of participants. Additional themed sets have been added to the base set, which can be used on their own or mixed with the main deck or other additional decks.

A small package allows you to take them with you on the road, just putting them in your pocket and a day on the road will fly by unnoticed. In each: 81 task cards, 12 trap buns, 5 finish cards, rules. Travel kits do not include a timer, and you will have to take a pen and paper somewhere else, but this is not difficult. The number of players can grow up to 16 people.

In all Crocodile Compact sets, new possibilities for explanation appear - in words or in a picture. Accordingly, now on the cards it is written, in addition to the words, “Show”, “Explain” or “Draw”. For "Show" the same rules apply as in the basic set, for "Explain" and "Draw" there are limitations.

Another innovation is finish cards with numbers from 1 to 5. One of them is laid out on the table, and the number shows the tasks under which number the players will complete. Plus on reverse side cards indicate the final test.

Children's option

"Crocodile" for children is called "children's light crocodile", which immediately speaks of its content - you don't even need to read the description especially. This is a game for very, very beginners, from 6 years old or even earlier. There are only 5 simple words on each task card - “glass”, “poem”, “Bremen town musicians”.

"Crocodile Anything Different"

The "all kinds of crocodile" set is a set of cards on various topics and an excellent simulator for acting skills. Ideal for those who guessed more than once all the words in the main set and are now ready to explain what “embargo” is, draw “success” or “paraglider”. Age limit 12+.

"Crocodile Movie Book"

You need to be a film buff and a book lover to adequately cope with the tasks. They are all related to movies and books, and there may be the name of the series, and the name of the director, and the character. Who is Lev Novozhilov and how to explain it to others? Or show Tom Cruise. But you can easily draw Antoine de Saint-Exupery - by placing him in a box like a lamb. From 10 years.

"Crocodile Historical Interesting"

And again, erudition and regular attendance of history lessons, or at least the habit of reading Wikipedia, will come in handy. Historical events, the political realities of past centuries and ancient states - to show them with gestures or a drawing is an extremely non-trivial task. The limit is 12+, but in the sixth grade about, for example, emancipation, not everyone will be able to tell even in words, let alone without them, keep this in mind.

"Crocodile Round the World"

The most suitable set for traveling - here in the tasks and sights, and exotic food, cities. Can you show Ibiza with gestures or draw Pyatigorsk? What about your fellow travelers? Set 12+.

How to play new decks

Taking into account the new cards, the rules have also partially changed - in the direction of diversity. But, as before, you can play in teams and individually.

Team to Team

Task cards are divided into three decks by type, each team draws from 2 to 4 cards from them, shuffles and lays them out in a “path” face down in front of them. During the game, players will take cards from the "track" in turn.

Trap Bun cards are close to U-cards, they are recruited in 3 pieces per team. When a player accepts a quest, they must show it to one of the opposing teams that has Trap Buns, and they can make life difficult for them at their discretion.

Correctly solved tasks allow you to transfer the card to the victory pile and get 1 point. If it was not possible to guess, it is simply put aside.

For the final challenge, the player on the trailing team draws a card from any challenge pile, looks at the difficulty listed on the finish card, and begins to explain. The teams try to guess the word in a race, and those who succeeded take both cards into the winning pile and, accordingly, receive 2 additional points.

Game "Crocodile" is able to amuse absolutely any company, regardless of its age and views, it reveals the acting abilities and ingenuity of the players. One has only to start playing, as all the participants have excitement and unprecedented enthusiasm in the eyes. My friends and I have been practicing this game for a very long time, and, nevertheless, it always goes with a bang, and if new people appear in the company, they join it with great pleasure. You can generally make up the entire entertainment program of the party from various variations of this game, and your guests will be very pleased. In addition, the game does not require prior preparation, as well as special equipment and premises, just the desire to play is enough. And now I will tell the beginners the rules of the game and give some tips.

The essence of the game

A word, phrase or phrase is guessed (at the discretion of the facilitator or participants). One of the players must show what was hidden without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, and postures, that is, pantomime.

There are two versions of this game - individual and team.

In the first case, one of the players calls the other a task (a word or phrase), and he tries to explain what was hidden to the rest by means of “pantomime”. The player who is the first to name this word or phrase will, in turn, have to explain the next task in the same way, which the previous driver will give him. You can prepare task cards in advance, and the players will pull them out at random.

In a team game, all players are divided into two teams. One of them gives a task to a player from the opposing team. For a certain period of time (for example, 3-5 minutes), he must depict the meaning of this task so that his team can guess the given word or phrase. If they did it, they got a point, and now it's the turn of the second team to guess. And so - until you get bored!

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

1. The player shows the word using only facial expressions, gestures, movements. He is forbidden to pronounce words (any, even “yes”, “no”, etc.) and sounds, especially those by which it is easy to guess the word (for example, by the sound “meow” you can easily guess that the cat is guessed).

3. It is forbidden to show the hidden word by letter, i.e. show the words, the first letters of which will add up the hidden word!

4. Guessers can: ask the player any questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list any options that appear. Remember that a lot depends on the activity of those who guess, on their ability to ask the most significant questions.

5. A certain time is allotted to display a word or phrase. If the correct answer is not heard before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed.

6. If one word is guessed, then it should be a noun in the nominative case and singular (for example, any object or animal).

7. Attention! The word is considered guessed if the word is pronounced exactly as it was guessed (with the same prefixes, suffixes, etc.). For example, the word "sun" was guessed - in this case, "sun" would be the wrong answer.

Special gestures

It is best for players to agree in advance on special gestures denoting certain concepts. For example:

  • first, the player shows on his fingers how many words are in the task, and then begins to depict any word (the team helps the player and asks: “Is this a noun?”, “Is this an adjective?”, etc.)
  • cross with hands - “forget, I show again”
  • the player points his finger at one of the guessers - he named the word closest to the solution
  • circular or rotational movements with the palm - "pick up synonyms", or "close"
  • a large circle of hands in the air - a broader concept or abstraction associated with a hidden word
  • the player claps his hands and makes a wave with one hand - you need to add a suffix to the word named by the team, the root of the word is named correctly (cute - cute, dress - dress)
  • crossed fingers - prefix "not"
  • the player points the finger behind the back - the verb is in the past tense
  • the player claps his hands - “hooray, the word was guessed correctly”, etc.
  • Come up with your own variants of gestures for the concepts of “repeat”, “quite the opposite”, “show in parts”, “close in meaning”, etc.

Tasks for the game

For those who are just learning the game, it is better to start with simple words on any specific topic, then move on to more complex abstraction words (for example, "perfection", "science", etc.). Experienced and artistic players can think of phrases, famous expressions, films (it is advisable to immediately show the number of words on your fingers), or famous personalities and characters.

When tasks are no longer thought out, you can use the available art and philosophical books. Experience shows that guessing phrases from books is much more difficult than those invented on the go.

You can draw whatever you want:

  • Any arbitrary words
  • Words related to a specific topic (any topic can be: circus, office, shop, school, fruits, candy names, animals, clothes, sports, professions, etc.)
  • Emotions, feelings
  • Famous personalities
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Phrases from songs
  • Movies
  • Sayings and proverbs
  • and many many others…

Variants of the game "Crocodile"


Each in turn pulls out a note from the box indicating which of the animals he needs to portray, and the company must guess which one he portrays.

Emotions and feelings

Players take turns pulling out cards on which various emotions and feelings are written (joy, sadness, boredom, surprise, disappointment, etc.). Each participant is given two minutes to portray the emotional state that he got.

catch phrases

Task: on the sheets are written known to everyone idioms From the movies. Players must, without words, only with the help of pantomime, portray these catchphrases to their team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Silent poet

Task: poems are written on the sheets, the players read them to themselves and, using facial expressions and gestures, retell them to their team so that they can quickly guess.

famous person

Prepare cards with the names of famous personalities in advance, fold them and put them in a hat. The essence of the game: players draw cards from a hat, read the name of a celebrity on it and try to depict this celebrity without words (with gestures, facial expressions). The one who guesses, himself pulls a note from a hat and depicts a celebrity that has fallen out to him. You can award a point for each guess and give the winner a prize at the end of the game.

Picture a song

Print out the lyrics of songs known to everyone in advance, fold them and put them in a bag. Then choose the first driver from all the players. He pulls a song from the bag, reads the text "to himself" and, using pantomime, tries to convey to the players the meaning of each line. The one who guesses the song changes places with the driver and takes the next song out of the bag.

TV show

The task of the players is to portray a TV show: to show its brightest, distinctive features. The rest must guess what the “TV” is showing.

Guess the item

Various items are prepared in advance: keychain, toothpaste, pen, soap, chocolate, Balloon ik, notepad, etc. The names of these items are written on separate pieces of paper, which are then rolled up so that the participants cannot see what is written. Then the participants take apart the papers. Everyone must depict the object that he got, and the rest of the participants must guess what is being depicted. The participant who first names the displayed item receives it as a gift.

Witness testimony

You need to choose one person who will guess. He retires for a while while the company (or host) figures out who the perpetrator will be. You can guess anyone, including the guesser himself. When the player returns, everyone present, without the help of words, but only with gestures and facial expressions, portrays the appearance of the criminal to him. If the player does not guess the criminal after three attempts, he drives again. If he guesses, then he chooses new person, and the game continues until you get bored.

GKU SO "TsP DPOPR" Unity "(correctional)"


Methodical development intellectual and cognitive game


Educator: Tsybaev Anatoly Alekseevich



    Goals and objectives of the intellectual and cognitive game "Crocodile" ... .4

    Basic rules of the game "Crocodile"………………………………..……...5


    List of used literature………………………………………..9

    Appendix 1……………………………………………………………..10

    Appendix 2……………………………………………………………..14


"Crocodile" is perhaps one of the most harmless psychological games. Of course, in group therapy, an educator or psychologist can also present it in order to identify the most problematic areas of group members. The game "Crocodile", as a rule, can be used not only for group activities, but also for large events and is held between "Centers for helping children left without parental care", boarding schools, schools. As a rule, the game "Crocodile" is designed to rally a group (team), switch attention from everyday affairs, stir up the emotional sphere.

Crocodile is a pantomime game. In order to successfully complete the task, you need to have a good command of your own body and facial expressions. The game is very useful - after all, in reality, few of the children (adults) can boast of the ability to express emotions, feelings with the help of gestures. It is precisely the study of this sea of ​​\u200b\u200bopportunities that the game is dedicated to.

" Crocodile".

Goals and objectives of the intellectual and cognitive game "Crocodile".

Target: development of creative abilities with the help of emotions, facial expressions, gestures.


    Evaluation of the ability of team members to interact in a team.

    Development of associative, creative thinking.

    Development of observation, attentiveness, skills of the ability to build logical chains.

Members: pupils of the "Centers for helping children left without parental care", boarding schools, schools of the Samara region. Teams of 5 people.

Basic rules of the game "Crocodile".

1. Players of a team have the right to guess only the words intended to be shown to this particular team (their own words).

2. The player shows the words to his team until the team says the guessed word out loud or the referee stops the game.

3. If no one has guessed the words in the time allotted for the show, the game stops on a sound signal. If the word is guessed during the beep itself, the answer is counted.

4. The showing player listens only to the players of his team and the refereeing team.

Violations and refereeing.

The following actions are considered violations:


pronounces sounds (except for purely emotional ones that are not related to the word);

deliberately shows the letters of the word with his lips;

deliberately depicts the letters of the word (including the use of the "language of the dumb").

Any team member:

guesses aloud the words of not his team;

challenges the referee's decision during the game;

behaves incorrectly (hostilely) towards other teams, referees and spectators.

The following actions are considered gross violations:

Any team member:

inflicts insults on any participant of the game or referees;

loudly uses obscene words and expressions.


Yellow card.

It is presented to the violator of the rules of the game in case of systematic minor violations or a clear (deliberate) violation.

Red card.

It is presented to the player in case of a gross violation of the rules or receiving 3 yellow cards in one game. When receiving a red card, the player is automatically removed from the game, and his team is penalized by 100 points.


1. Warm up

Tasks: Simple words.

Show time: 30 seconds.

The value of the guessed word: 5 points.

The task of the team is to guess as many words as possible in a set time.

Shows each team member once.

2. Thematic round

In this round, all hidden words relate to different topics. Each player shows one topic (topics: technology, animals, professions, hobbies, characters)

Time: 150 seconds total time per command.

The value of the guessed word: 30 points.

Shows: Teams show in turn until they exhaust all the time allotted for the round (150 sec.)

3. Acting round

Tasks: the theme is determined in the game.

In this round, the display rules become more complicated. different ways, which change from game to game:

Complication options:

the player makes a display in a mask;

the player performs a display in headphones (simultaneously depicts the lyrics of the song);

the player performs a word display but bounces on the fitness ball

player performs blindfolded display (blind)

Display time of one word: 40 seconds. The cost of the guessed task: 40 points.

Impressions: 2 from each team (2 laps).

4. Festive

In this round, all hidden words are related to the theme of the holidays. 3 players from each team participate. In 30 seconds, each shows his team the chosen holiday. The value of the guessed word: 50 points.

5. Bouncers

Assignments: Famous personalities or Heroes of favorite books.

Shows: Teams receive the same task and start the show synchronously. If a team guesses the task before the other team, the showing player of the opposing team is out of the game. If both showmen fail to meet the set time, they are out of the game. The team that keeps at least 2 people in the game wins.

Time: 60 seconds.

The value of the guessed word: 75 points.

Winner's reward ceremony.

To sum up the results, a jury is formed, which includes representatives of the administration, charitable foundation Samara Province, sponsors

The jury evaluates the speed and number of completed tasks, summarizes the results.

Players are awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs from the organizers and sponsors. At the discretion of the jury members, special nominations may be established..


In the course of the game "Crocodile", teenagers were given a unique opportunity to show their creative abilities in an invaluable way in expressing their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The participants of the game were led to understand the importance of the ability to express their feelings and emotions in a clear and correct way, as well as to track the emotions of an interlocutor or opponent in a non-verbal form.


    Internet-magazine on psychology "Development".

    Journal "Psychologist", №2, 2015

    Internet - site "Your psychologist".

    Encyclopedia ed. B.D. Karvasarsky 2000

    Internet site of the teacher-researcher.

    "Games at school and at home" N.V. Samoukina.

Attachment 1

Scenario of the game "Crocodile".

Leading: Good evening to all, fans and participants of the most fun and witty Crocodile game. Today, in our game, the teams of the orphanage "Unity" will show artistry and ingenuity:

"Brigantine", "6th element", orphanage of the city district of Syzran, socially - rehabilitation center"Harmony" We meet:

The team of judges is :

Before the game starts, I give the floor to our guests


Leading: Well, the players are in place, the refereeing team, too, the fans are waiting. And I just need to remember the rules of the game:

The Crocodile game is a team game and has its ownregulations:

    Team players have the right to guess only the words intended to be shown to this particular team (their own words)

    The player shows the words to his team until the team has said the word to be guessed out loud, or the referee has stopped the game;

    If no one guessed the words in the allotted time for the show, the game stops on a sound signal. If the word is guessed during the beep, the answer is counted;

    The showing player listens only to the players of his team and the refereeing team.


    Use gestures and facial expressions, dances, jumps and antics.

    Take any posture.

    Show the word in whole or in parts.

    Nod or shake your head, yes or no.

It is forbidden:

    Pronounce syllables and sounds (except for purely emotional, not related to the word);

    Write and draw

    Deliberately depict letters and words in the language of the deaf and dumb.Penalties:

    Yellow card.
    It is presented to the violator of the rules in case of systematic minor violations or a clear (deliberate) violation.

    Red card. It is presented to the player in case of a gross violation of the rules or receiving 3 yellow cards in one game. When receiving a red card, the player is automatically removed from the game, and his team is penalized by 50 points

Today's Game will include several rounds:






(musical beat)

Leading: So let's get started andfirst round - Warm up! Each team member shows one wordin 30 seconds.

For each guessed word: 5 points, unguessed word: -5 points

The words are shown by the teams in turn: first one team, second, third and fourth, and to find out the order, let's throw lots, Captains come to me and choose your number.

(choose numbers from the bag)

Scissors, brooch, evening dress, shampoo, curtain, balloon, garlic, TV, photography, palm tree, loaf, iron, fire, spoon, boots, flower, ice cream, electric window, socket, TV

    The jury sums up the results of the Warm Up competition.

    Musical beat.

Leading : Second Round - called- Thematic round. In this competition, all hidden words are related to a specific topic (topics are selected before the start of the competition).

Each player on the team shows one topic.

Technique - ship, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, juicer, bicycle.

Animals - elephant, ostrich, pig, cobra, donkey.

Professions - doctor, electrician, trainer, collector, cook.

Characters - Pinocchio,Jack Sparrow, Kolobok,Baba Yaga, Freddy Krueger.

Hobbies hockey, basketball, belly dance, KVN, photography

    There is a competition, after the jury conducts the results ( 30 points for each guessed word)

Leading: Begin Third round "Actor's".

It involves two people from the team. players must show one word while jumping on the fit ball, display time is 40 seconds (30 points).

traffic light, gun, lair, nettle, rope, fence, creaky door, money box.

Jury - debriefing

Leading : Fourth round "Festive".

2 players from each team come out. In 30 seconds, everyone shows their team the chosen holiday(50 points ): “Pancake week”, “Birthday”, “Easter”, Victory”, Laughter Day, “Valentine's Day”, New Year

    There is a competition, after the jury conducts the results

Jury - debriefing

Host: Fifth round "Dodgeball"

Teams receive the same task, and start the show synchronously. If a team guesses the task before the other team, the showing player of the team is out of the game. The team that keeps at least two people in the game wins. The cost of one word is 75 points.

Pause. Summing up, presentation of diplomas and encouragement.

Annex 2








TEAM D / D No. 10




In this game, you will find two types of cards: cards with words and Y-cards (complications and simplifications). For the simplest version of the game, you only need cards with words. Shuffle them and send them face down to the deck.

Main Rules

By showing the word, you can:

  • move with any part of your body - even with your ears;
  • take any poses - up to standing on your head;
  • answer the questions of guessers with gestures;
  • draw with gestures on a wall or other flat surface; point to your clothes, jewelry and other things that happened to be with you when you went to show the word;
  • show the phrase in several steps, breaking it into separate words;
  • When showing a word, you can NOT:

  • talk, deliberately make any sounds (except for expressing emotions);
  • point to any objects, except for those that you have with you, pick them up, use them;
  • pronounce words silently, with one mouth;
  • show individual letters;
  • draw (even if you had a pen or pencil with you) and generally leave visible marks on any surface;
  • show the word in parts or syllables.
  • Every man for himself

    Choose the player who goes to show the word first. He draws the top card from the deck, chooses one of the words indicated on it (it is better to start with simple ones, which are marked with a “+2” sign) and starts showing it to the other players using facial expressions, gestures and other body movements. While you are showing the word, other players guess it, expressing their versions aloud. As soon as the correct version sounds (matching the word you chose from the drawn card), your turn ends. You return to the other players and now you will guess with them, and the player who guessed your word draws a new card from the deck, chooses one of the words and starts showing it. After your word has been guessed, keep a card with words and do not let anyone look at her. In the future, when you guess someone's word and go to show again, choose another word or phrase from your card. The winner of the game is the one who first shows all the words on the card he got.

    Team game

    An individual game is good for the first acquaintance with the "Crocodile", but this game is truly revealed only in teams. By playing team against team, you will simply develop team spirit and learn to understand your comrades from one movement. Only in team play in: you will be able to keep score and use Y-cards that will help you and make life difficult for your opponents. If your company has more than six people, we strongly recommend breaking up into two, three or even four roughly equal teams.