Compulsory drug treatment in a rehabilitation center. Compulsory drug treatment

  • 29.09.2019

Many of us know little about the problem of drug addiction and how widespread it is until we experience it ourselves. It is quite stable that only weak-willed and spineless people begin to use drugs. But the erroneous opinion and those who think so are greatly mistaken, because drug addiction is a very serious and difficult disease that is very difficult to treat, since it is necessary to get rid of not only physical dependence on drugs, but also psychological, which is much more dangerous. A person involved in the use of narcotic drugs is a patient who needs immediate emergency drug treatment.

It is important that the drug addict and the people around him understand that, regardless of the circumstances, it is necessary to carry out treatment, since this disease does not go away on its own, but, on the contrary, it progresses more and more every day, week, month, which ultimately becomes the cause of sad events. . Relatives of drug addicts, tired of the endless number of persuasion and requests to quit addiction, begin to look for ways to force the treatment of the disease. But, alas, in this case, the legislative law of Russia is on the side of the patient and prohibits any treatment against the will and without the consent of the person.

Law for compulsory treatment of drug addicts and substance abusers

The main state law of the Russian Federation is the Constitution, which clearly states that any citizen of our country has the right to independently decide where and how to live, for this reason, the law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts, even if adopted, will be contrary to the Constitution. At the legislative level, Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation strictly prohibits the production and distribution of narcotic substances, however, if a person takes these drugs, it is impossible to force them to undergo treatment without voluntary consent, since the law prohibits this. But what to do in this case, because all those who have come across this disaster are well aware of the need for a healing process. Likewise, no drug treatment center will assume the responsibility of treating a patient without first obtaining their consent. Only with the consent of the drug addict is it possible to start treatment, because success largely depends on his motivation, desire and determination.

But still there is a legislative possibility of compulsory treatment of drug addicts in cases where they have committed unlawful acts. If at the time of the crime, a person was under the influence of narcotic substances, and this provoked him to unjustified cruelty and insanity, he can be sent for compulsory treatment by decision of the judicial authorities. In case of refusal of such a measure to get rid of drug addiction, in most cases, a real serving of time in a correctional institution is assigned.

Drug addiction treatment

a very difficult process, it is extremely rare that drug addicts themselves come to an understanding of the need to tie it up and turn to medical centers for help and support. In most cases, relatives and friends become the initiators of the need for therapeutic measures, only thanks to their perseverance and perseverance this becomes possible. Again, many do not want publicity about their drug problems, and everyone tries to keep it a secret in ways, which is why they avoid going to doctors, but in this situation there is a way out - this is anonymous drug treatment. In this case, all medical actions are carried out in compliance with strict measures of concealment of information about the patient, which guarantees the avoidance of publicity in the future.

The most important thing in the event that one of the close people shows signs drug addiction, do not postpone this process and immediately begin to take measures to treat it. Do not try to self-medicate, the most correct thing is to seek help from professionals who will help to cope with trouble and try to set up a person so that the remission period is as long as possible.

They recognize themselves as sick, go to an appointment with a narcologist.

The arguments of relatives do not help to go to a dispensary, a rehabilitation center in order to receive qualified help from addictologists. Parents are faced with a choice: let the situation take its course, use forced treatment, or what to do when persuasion does not work.

A proven radical method: immediately contact a clinic whose employees are able to motivate addicts, convince with permitted methods, without putting pressure on the psyche.

Who needs compulsory treatment?

For decades, developed, improved methods of treatment of drug addiction. For a long time, most doctors argued that a course of medication or psychotherapy would be effective only if the addict was interested in the outcome. When voluntarily applying to the clinic, one has to count on success.

Relatives, judicial authorities, neighbors, colleagues were not allowed to send the addict to the clinic forcibly. As a result, drug addicts were recognized as socially dangerous, they died from an overdose. The generally accepted humanity turned out to be cruel: due to the inaction of those around them, young people died.

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction is practiced quite often due to the rapid spread of addiction. It's time to save the sick, able to become free. In addition to the will of the patient, the court sends to the clinic.

Reasons for referral for treatment are enough:

  1. the patient is taking illegal drugs, dependent on them;
  2. the drug addict has committed an offense;
  3. a person who takes drugs is sentenced.

The court cannot send the addict to compulsory drug treatment until the relatives provide relevant certificates. You will have to take tests, prove that your brother, son, husband, daughter are taking drugs. And again the problem arises: how to deliver the addict to the clinic if he does not agree?

In European centers, the course of drug addiction treatment in rehabilitation clinics has long been practiced. This practice has taken root in our country.

The RC employs specialists who motivate the addict to undergo treatment. They are so savvy that the drug addict, after a long conversation, agrees to receive qualified help.

The essence of the intervention

Treatment of drug addiction in a hospital scares the addict. It is terrible to be deprived of freedom, to be left without a dose, to survive.

However, without the adoption of appropriate measures that limit communication, isolate from former friends, forbid the use of drugs, recovery is impossible. The situation must be explained to the addict.

The patient has long ceased to listen, to respect relatives. We have to look for specialists. A decisive step is proposed: to invite home psychologists of the rehabilitation center who know how to organize the intervention of a drug addict.

The essence of the technique is to conduct a motivational conversation with the addict. The initiators of the call of specialists are relatives who have previously unsuccessfully tried to convince the addict to undergo therapy. Their knowledge was not enough to explain to an uncomprehending relative the outcome of such hobbies.

- the introduction of specialists into the private life of an addict in order to influence the subconscious, wanting to force him to be treated. The procedure is considered quite effective, legally allowed.

Advantages over alternative methods agitation of the patient for forced admission to the hospital:

  • persuasiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of implementation;
  • painlessness;
  • individuality.

How specialists motivate to treatment

The intervention team is made up of psychologists.

Counselors, recovered drug addicts, narcologists, and relatives sometimes work together. The group is formed individually.

After the procedure is over, the addict agrees to seek help. There is no compulsory treatment of drug addicts, but voluntary treatment. The decision was made by a convinced client after talking with a group of motivators.

Stages of patient motivation

The intervention of the addict is carried out according to a pre-planned plan.

The procedure consists of steps.

  1. Preparatory. First, the relatives meet with the clinic staff and describe the situation in detail. Taking into account the nature of the patient, the degree of aggression towards others, trust in doctors, a group of client motivation is formed. Sometimes it is enough to visit one psychologist, difficult situations a whole group gathers, where everyone performs the assigned function, motivating for the mandatory treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse.
  2. Collecting patient information. After completing a conversation with relatives, the psychologist summarizes the information received, draws up a preliminary plan for the conversation. With a lack of information, calls up the family, asks questions of interest.
  3. Motivational conversation. A visit to a drug addict takes place at a strictly agreed time in the absence of strangers. At first, the addict does not show interest in the specialists who have arrived, and avoids it. They talk with relatives, being in the same room with a drug addict. Arriving employees give convincing arguments. Phrases are selected capacious, accessible. Gradually, the patient joins the conversation. Sometimes a motivational conversation takes 4-6 hours.
  4. Obtaining consent. The addict enters into a conversation, answers questions. The conversation is immediately directed in the right direction to obtain consent for treatment.
  5. Hospitalization. Seeing the problem, the addict agrees to be treated. He is immediately taken to a clinic, a rehabilitation center, until he changes his mind. In advance, relatives collect the things of the patient.

Service prices

Intervention is a procedure offered by private clinics. Services of rehabilitation institutions are paid.

The cost is negotiated by the centers at the conclusion of the contract. Many offer a motivational conversation, delivery of the patient to the clinic free of charge when concluding a further contract for anonymous drug addiction treatment lasting 3-5 months.

In the absence of a corresponding clause, the procedure will have to be paid:

  • -10,000 rubles;
  • -5,000 rubles;
  • -10,000 rubles;
  • -500 hryvnia;
  • -150 Belarusian rubles.

The cost of the procedure is approximate. The price increases when leaving the city, moving away from the Moscow Ring Road, spending more time than the contract stipulated.


Do not be afraid to order intervention, saving the addict. Sometimes the only chance given is to get the addict to recognize the problem, to appreciate its depth, to appreciate the bleak future.

Refusing motivation, relatives are powerless. They lose hope first, then a loved one who dies from drugs in the absence of treatment.

Video: Compulsory Addiction Treatment - Doesn't Want to Treat? What to do?

You can find a drug addiction clinic that has specialists in the intervention of addicts here - select your city in the table

It is not often that drug addicts recognize the problem and seek to get rid of it, and relatives and friends are not able to insensibly observe the all-round fall of a person.

It is assumed that he is actually incapacitated, as he is under the influence of a drug, and all actions come from an uncontrolled addiction.

But what does compulsory treatment for drug addiction turn into? How to competently get out of an impasse when a loved one is stubborn and does not realize the existence of a destructive disease?

Compulsory drug treatment: pros and cons

Many people have different attitudes towards the fact of forceful intervention, and today narcologists, based on research, confirm the futility and even destructiveness of a technique involving moral and physical violence.

A law has recently been passed that provides for compulsory treatment of drug addicts by court order, and legal action is only good in theory, since a citizen held accountable for addiction:

    is registered;

    significantly limited in rights;

    risking fines for non-compliance with the sentence.

There are not many places in state institutions, the recovery procedure is mainly based on medical method, which is absolutely not enough for recovery.

Even if the drug addiction treatment is approved by the court, this does not mean that the convict will embark on the path of struggle - this only implies additional costs for collection for possible failure to fulfill obligations and many years of attempts to delete the name from the dispensary record.

Compulsory drug treatment, or how to save a drug addict without trial and scandals?

The most important postulate of our clinic: awareness and purposefulness of getting rid of the habit. Treatment of drug addiction without consent is impossible because if the resident of the center is not set up to return to normal without poisonous doping from the inside, all the manipulations of doctors and psychologists are ineffective.

Proven Addiction Strategy:

    "No" to blandishment, intimidation, threats, or the use of physical force. Any pressure can be met with aggression or distrust, which will prevent him from making the right decision.

    Calm, setting up conversation on an equal footing. The patient must understand that they are considered and have good intentions, and not condemn and ridicule.

    motivational period. Experienced employees reveal the problem, show and lend a hand, and do not force to obey and chain to the bed. What are they aiming for? Firstly, to awaken the understanding that he fell ill, caused harm, provoked a number of troubles and settled down in debts, and, secondly, to really recover.

  • Only having achieved a conscious, balanced and meaningful consent, doctors begin rehabilitation.

Sometimes such a result is the result of many hours of conversations with specialists, but then it will not be necessary to keep drug addicts in a rehabilitation center - they are willing to make contact and follow the program, and the initial zeal and enthusiasm speed up the passage and increase the quality of treatment.

How not to scare away and arrange?

The treatment of drug addicts is carried out through painless intervention.

What to do?

1. Call the center.

2. Describe current circumstances.

4. Do not notify the addict about what you have planned.

It is possible that the arriving brigade will first cause the alleged rejection, but then the opinion will gradually change, and the protective barrier will be lowered.

Possessing practical experience dialogue in compulsory treatment from drug addiction, interventionists know what words to choose and how to build effective interaction, since vulnerability, resentment and sensitivity create "special conditions" and oblige to behave in the same special way. Be prepared that it will take from 2-3 to 9-10 hours for a voluntary declaration of will to be treated, depending on the individual temperament.

Employees come and pick up drug addicts only by making sure that they are internally prepared for the upcoming treatment. Practice shows a positive trend: hundreds of previously stubborn residents have recovered, found peace, established relationships and returned to normal life.

If your native and loved one there is absolutely no desire to get rid of a deadly addiction, due to which he is rapidly losing his health and taking your money, you need to think about how to carry out drug addiction treatment forcibly.

Let's consider the most common questions of relatives of drug addicts, which relates to such a topic as compulsory treatment of drug addicts, and whether it is possible to actually get a good result. We will also debunk the myths about compulsory treatment, which are so frightening for loved ones of a drug addict.

Is it possible to treat drug addiction and alcoholism without consent?

Surely, when you hear the phrase “compulsory drug treatment”, terrible pictures of handcuffs, straitjackets, etc. immediately appear before your eyes. If this is true, then it is no wonder that you are still living with an addict and are not in a hurry to change your life.

In fact, everything happens differently. We never apply any physical violence to our patient. In addition to being prohibited by law, it also does not bring any effect. Be calm: no one will offend your loved one and in the literal sense of the word “forcedly” will not treat.

What does compulsory drug treatment mean?

Do you want to know the secret? In fact, not a single drug addict has a desire to be treated. And no one really hides this.

But when you visit our rehabilitation center "MedExpress", you will see people with a clear head and clear eyes who are clearly recovering. You are probably wondering who these people are and where they came from. A free consultation with a narcologist will allow you to find out everything in detail.

All of these patients were slowly dying and did not even think about going to rehabilitation, but at present they are successfully undergoing treatment, and they look quite well. How did they get here? How could you become like this?

  • Special conditions of stay.

At a specific stage of their thorny and difficult path, special conditions were specially created for them, which became the catalyst that pushed them to treatment.

  • Motivation for treatment.

It is the formation of these conditions, or rather the motivation for the treatment of those who disagree, that is called the compulsory treatment of drug addicts. This is the very first service provided by experienced and qualified specialists of our private drug treatment clinic "MedExpress" to almost all patients brought to our center by relatives and friends. We can be contacted anonymously and around the clock, which is of great importance for patients addicted to drugs and alcohol.

How can you send a drug addict to rehabilitation if he completely refuses to be treated in our private center voluntarily?

  • Psychological help at home.

This is not currently a problem. 19 years of experience, high level professionalism, responsibility give our specialists the right to go to the patient's house and, with the assistance of relatives of an alcoholic or drug addict, carry out a psychological attack.

In almost 100% of cases, we obtain the consent of the patient for treatment in our clinic. Naturally, everything is confidential, and for this we even use unmarked private transport.

  • Detoxification.

Then our experienced professionals take matters into their own hands. We will cleanse the body of drugs and alcohol, and provide all the necessary psychological and therapeutic assistance that is required during the treatment process.

Believe me, there are no unsolvable problems! Do not wait if one of your relatives or close people got into such trouble, but call us right away!

Almost always, the addict does not recognize addiction, which means that he does not seek to be treated voluntarily. Close people are unable to persuade or force him - prayers and threats do not help. And then there is the question of forced therapy.

Compulsory drug rehabilitation seems to be the easiest way out of the situation. But the problem is that without a court order, this method is illegal (articles 126,127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Organizations that provide such services - kidnap people and rehabilitate them by force - are criminal structures that are far from understanding the process of professional rehabilitation. For the so-called course, they ask for a symbolic payment of 20-30 thousand rubles. But keep in mind that the level of service will be appropriate - unsanitary barracks, poor and irregular meals, prison guards instead of caring specialists.

As you understand, such measures will not bring the desired result - you cannot force a person to change for the better, especially in a rehabilitation concentration camp. Only deep personal motivation can cause change.

That is why we do not practice forced drug addiction recovery. Coercion will never replace the personal responsibility that begins the journey of recovery.

Specialists of the "Solutions" center form the right motivation against drug addiction and alcoholism using the method of psychological intervention.


The addict uses because only in this way can he drown out his emotional and physical pain. This is his protection, and just like that he will not refuse it.

The essence of intervention is to break psychological barrier addict, show him the truth about who he has become, and suggest the right course. But for this you need to build a conversation correctly.

Who is involved?

The intervention takes the form of a conversation in which all significant people for the addict participate - parents, wives, children, authoritative friends. Each of them prepares a list in which he indicates:

  1. the date when he received the damage from the drug addict;
  2. what kind of damage it was;
  3. refusal to tolerate this in the future;
  4. specific help that he can offer to the addict (rehabilitation).

To prevent the conversation from turning into another family scandal, it is important to involve a specialist as the leader of the group.

Video about the problem of "Drug Addiction" from Oleg Boldyrev

Intervention Department Decision

These people are here to help!

Belous Sergey Olegovich

Psychologist, addictologist, specialist in chemical addiction therapy, head of primary motivation department

Zhdanov Igor Viktorovich

Psychologist, consultant in the treatment of chemical addiction, head of the department of coordination and primary motivation "Resolution-Rostov"

Chebanyan Shagen Arshakovich

Expert Consultant in Chemical Dependence Therapy

Isaev Murat Vakhaevich

Specialist in the treatment of chemical dependence, consultant Decision-Sochi.


Participants must gather unexpectedly to catch the addict while he is still sober. Usually this happens in the morning. Ideally, if you can have a conversation after a serious incident, when all the facts of the incident are still fresh in your memory.

How is an intervention for a drug addict going?

Participants gather in the addict's house at the right time and close the exits - doors and windows. Each of them brings his own list. The leader of the group informs the addict that all these people have come to talk to him. Then he gives the floor to one of the participants, and he reads out his list - he reports the exact circumstances and the amount of damage caused by the addict, says that he does not intend to tolerate this in the future and offers concrete help if the addict wants to be treated. The participant speaks briefly and to the point so that the conversation does not turn into a scandal.

At the end of the intervention, the leader sums up by addressing the addict: “We love you, but we won't take any more damage from you. Once we are ready to help you with a quality rehabilitation course. Either agree or keep using somewhere else.”