How to send a drug addict to compulsory treatment? Law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts in Russia.

  • 29.09.2019

How can it happen? What to do if a drug addict refuses to be treated?

Theoretically, compulsory treatment of a person with drug addiction (with an established diagnosis) is possible by court order, since drug addiction is a mental illness and in certain cases may fall under the criteria for involuntary hospitalization. However, in practice, this does not occur at all, that is, there is no actually operating legal mechanism for involuntary drug addiction treatment in Russia.

Any rehabilitation center, in which a drug addict is placed against his will, works outside the legal field (Article 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Illegal deprivation of liberty). There have already been dozens of precedents for prosecution under this article in the Russian regions with convictions and real terms of imprisonment for employees of rehabilitation institutions.

However, the answer to the question - what to do in a situation where a drug addict makes the life of his family unbearable, and he himself is in constant danger from the possible fatal consequences of his illness, neither the police nor medicine gives. That is, the family of a drug addict legally does not have the opportunity to change the situation, if a person refuses to be treated, he finds himself in a hopeless situation.

The demand in society for solving this problem is huge, and naturally it gives rise to a proposal.


Today, many rehabilitation centers offer an intervention, a service that means that, by persuasion, persuasion, intimidation, deceit or force, the drug addict will end up in a rehabilitation center, from which he will be able to leave only by the decision of his relatives with whom the contract is concluded. As already mentioned, legally this is a crime, but the hopelessness of the situation often turns out to be much stronger than the fear of legal consequences. Many rehabilitation institutions guarantee that a person, as a result of the intervention, will be in a rehabilitation center with one hundred percent probability.

The question often arises - is it effective at all if it happens against the will of a person.

The answer is: rehabilitation is a conscious process and it is possible only with the voluntary participation of the patient. But, this process is also possible if the patient makes the decision to be treated while already in the “rehabilitation center”, where he did not come of his own free will. In other words, the realization of the need for treatment or rehabilitation for such patients may come after a few weeks or months of forced isolation and, accordingly, the inability to use drugs. And, it is much more difficult or simply impossible to achieve this awareness and his own decision from the addict without isolation from the drug, from the social circle, that is, co-users. In such a situation, the rehabilitation center becomes a physical barrier between the person and the continuation of drug use. And this barrier remains until the person comes to his senses, opens his eyes to his own life and his real situation. After that, the real recovery begins.

The situation may be similar even if the drug addict himself agreed to rehabilitation, but he did it under strong pressure from relatives, not accepting the need for this process, that is, silently denying the treatment.

With a qualified formulation of the process, this approach is effective. That is, having ended up in a rehabilitation center not of his own free will, but, already being in the rehabilitation process, realizing and agreeing that he has a problem and needs to be solved, that is, treated, a person may well begin to recover and there are many examples of such a path of recovery. lots of.

Quite often, rehabilitation that begins without the consent of the patient is divided into two large stages: motivational and rehabilitation itself, and these two stages can be carried out in different rehabilitation centers. It is even better if these two different tasks are solved in different centers, albeit in the same organization, since these tasks are truly different: the first is to achieve an awareness of reality, the second is to learn to live in a new way.

If the family of a dependent person chooses this path, then it is necessary to carefully choose a rehabilitation center.

Given the duration and significant total cost of the rehabilitation process, many unscrupulous organizations operate in this area, whose goal is to keep patients under the guise of rehabilitation, which is paid for by their families. Therefore, despite the fact that in a situation with drug addiction it is impossible to hesitate, the choice of a rehabilitation center should be thorough and justified.

Another danger that may interfere with the described process of compulsory rehabilitation is the existing possibility of police interference in the work of a rehabilitation institution (an unscheduled inspection of the organization with the removal of all patients to the police station). Such an incident is always a shock to the dependent patient and can destroy even a successful and sustainable recovery process.

Another way of dealing with a drug addict who refuses treatment is the formation of a family motivational crisis - concerted pressure on the addict and depriving him of any form of support (financial, social, emotional, etc.) until he agrees to treatment. The path is more complicated, longer, but, from the point of view of the therapeutic effect, it is more correct.

In Russia, the first two rehabilitation centers are starting to work, where for the first time drug addicts will be treated forcibly - by a court decision, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. Such a new way to stop drug addiction is introduced by a law signed by President Vladimir Putin. Under this law, the courts, when sentencing, will be able to send drug addicts who are caught with a dose in their pocket to mandatory treatment.Experts comment on the legislative innovation.

In such cases, the vicious circle problem arises.

Hegumen Methodius (Kondratiev) - Head of the Coordinating Center for Combating Drug Addiction of the Department for Charity of the Russian Orthodox Church

In Russia at the moment there is no material basis for the implementation of such a program. But from some end it is necessary to begin the solution of this issue. In such cases, we always face the problem of a vicious circle, and we need to somehow break it. When the law comes into force, that is, drug addicts go for treatment, the understanding will come that there is no place to treat patients, and they will begin to create a base for treatment.

In this case, the circle is the system that we have developed with drug addiction. I think that the law will be the breaking of this circle, which will entail the next steps. If a person is caught in some not very serious drug-related crime, he is offered an alternative: either he receives a punishment or undergoes treatment. Based on the results of the treatment, a conclusion is made, according to which the punishment may not follow if the treatment was successful.

In the West, such a system works. But at the same time, its effectiveness should not be exaggerated. Not everyone who comes across prefers treatment, some choose prison. In the process of rehabilitation, a person himself must actively engage in his healing. They don't just put him in a clinic and give him pills. This is not detoxification, but rehabilitation and resocialization in the future. He must be an active participant in the process and his desire is necessary - nothing will work without this.

This alternative and the proposal to start treatment is an incentive for many to think about treatment. Just like in life. Often, until a person is given a hard diagnosis and is told: “either death or treatment,” he will not begin to monitor his health and be treated. It’s the same here: “Either we put you in jail, or start treatment.” This is serious motivation.

Drug addicts now have virtually nowhere to send

Evgeny Roizman, Head of the City Without Drugs Foundation, Mayor of Yekaterinburg

The introduced law, in fact, establishes the practice of drug courts. This step in itself is positive, at least it is being done in the right direction. The problem is that now there is virtually nowhere to send drug addicts. The state has provided for this purpose only two rehabilitation centers, which, of course, will not be able to cope with the entire volume of loads.

Another problem is that we still do not have criminal liability for drug use. I have long listed the list of necessary measures that should be taken at the legislative level.

First, it is necessary to close the border with all drug-producing regions. Secondly, to introduce compulsory treatment by a court verdict. Thirdly, tougher criminal penalties for drug trafficking are required and, of course, it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for drug use. It used to exist, and there were hundreds of times fewer drug addicts. In addition, she served as an excellent incentive for drug addicts to quit using drugs and go to rehab. Now, despite the return of drug ships, there is no such incentive.

With a craving for drugs in our hospitals practically do not work

Elena Rydalevskaya - Executive Director charitable foundation“Diakonia”, narcologist, St. Petersburg

Similar legislation exists in different countries peace. This is an alternative treatment law. An addicted person can choose to either go to jail for drug use or go to rehab.

But in the West, this law is supported by structures that are ready to accept this person for rehabilitation. Our law on treatment, unfortunately, is not supported by structures that officially have the right to carry out long-term rehabilitation measures.

If you just go into narcology and get drunk, the person still returns to drugs because of the persistence of addiction. But in our hospitals, they practically don’t work with cravings for drugs, they work with us in order to remove withdrawal symptoms.

We practically do not have rehabilitation centers that have the right to work with drug addicts who, according to the law, are supposed to be sent for treatment. The system of certification of institutions has not yet been worked out, the system of issuing certificates for treatment of children who use drugs has not been worked out either.

The most important question to the law is how was it enforced? You can make an arbitrarily good decision, but at the same time it is important to think over the mechanism for implementing it. While this is not clear. It is likely that the law will turn into another farce and imitation of actions. This is our big problem. Often good intentions in fact, they turn into only an imitation of their incarnation. Everything is limited to loud slogans.

In the implementation of the law, much depends on how it will be used, where the actions will be directed. At the moment existing forms medical care is inadequate to emerging needs. Therefore, many medical institutions are empty, they do not meet the real needs of drug addicts. Now these institutions can be filled, but it is not known how much this will help the guys.

At the moment, we are already partially implementing Western experience. We have 2 rehabilitation centers and a center social adaptation, but this is not supported by the state on a regular basis. We do not have documents that would allow us to consider these centers as a structure where patients can be sent by court order.

There are 62 rehabilitation centers in the Orthodox Church in Russia. Certification of these centers has not yet been worked out. There are rehabilitation programs, there is an understanding of how to make treatment effective, and adaptation measures are working. However, many mechanisms for working with drug addicts have not been worked out by law. And it is not yet clear whether something will change in connection with the adoption of the new law.

The initiative is completely unfinished.

Vyacheslav Borovskikh, psychotherapist, director Orthodox center of medical and social rehabilitation "Ascetic", Yekaterinburg

Vyacheslav Borovskikh Photo:

The initiative, unfortunately, has not been worked out at all. At the moment, the quality of rehabilitation in state centers is so low that they cannot treat volunteers, let alone those who are rehabilitated forcibly. Public rehabilitation centers remain outside the scope of the law, primarily Orthodox ones, many of which have already proven their effectiveness.

For example, rehabilitation in the state center "Ural without drugs" is based on the "12 steps" system. This is not a medical system and it does not carry any deep spiritual component either. It is clear that in practice it is ineffective. All in all, we have only four state rehabilitation centers in the country, two of which will allow addicts to be sent by court order. At the same time, we have eight million drug addicts. It feels like the law was adopted just for show, because it is not capable of seriously solving the problem.

In addition, before introducing compulsory treatment, it would be logical to introduce criminal liability for drug use. In the meantime, an alternative to such treatment is a fine of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles, or 30 days of corrective labor. The vast majority of drug addicts will choose a fine or work. In order to incentivize an addict into treatment, the responsibility for drug use must be much more terrible for him than treatment or rehabilitation. Then he himself will agree to go to the rehab center, and this will be at least his own decision.

As for testing, here I agree with the head of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov, that the general fascination with tests has begun to resemble an epidemic. In practice, I am afraid that this will turn out to be another waste of public money. 80% of drug addicts use smoking mixtures and salts, that is, synthetic drugs, half of which are still not recognized as drugs. Therefore, no tests reveal them either.

A drug addict in a state of acute psychosis cannot think about treatment

Nadezhda Baskina, mother of a salt addict

I think this is the right initiative. Drug addicts are in such a state that they do not realize that they need help, and for this period they should be sent to compulsory treatment. There they can remove intoxication, the person will come to his senses and he will be able to realize that he needs treatment. But while the drug addict is using drugs, he is in a state of acute psychosis, and he is not able to think about any treatment. The state cannot send him for treatment without his consent. I think it's just a crime against these people.

By the way, after the police “released” my son Roman from the City Without Drugs fund, he no longer used salt. Yes, compulsory treatment does not seem to be for him, but nevertheless, this whole situation shook him up. Now it remains only to pray that he does not break in the future.

If your native and loved one there is absolutely no desire to get rid of a deadly addiction, due to which he is rapidly losing his health and taking your money, you need to think about how to carry out drug addiction treatment forcibly.

Let's consider the most common questions of relatives of drug addicts, which relates to such a topic as compulsory treatment of drug addicts, and whether it is possible to actually get a good result. We will also debunk the myths about compulsory treatment, which are so frightening for loved ones of a drug addict.

Is it possible to treat drug addiction and alcoholism without consent?

Surely, when you hear the phrase “compulsory drug addiction treatment”, terrible pictures of handcuffs, straitjackets, etc. immediately appear before your eyes. If this is true, then it is no wonder that you are still living with an addict and are not in a hurry to change your life.

In fact, everything happens differently. We never apply any physical violence to our patient. In addition to being prohibited by law, it also does not bring any effect. Be calm: no one will offend your loved one and in the literal sense of the word “forcedly” will not treat.

What does compulsory drug treatment mean?

Do you want to know the secret? In fact, not a single drug addict has a desire to be treated. And no one really hides this.

But when you visit our rehabilitation center "MedExpress", you will see people with a clear head and clear eyes who are clearly recovering. You are probably wondering who these people are and where they came from. A free consultation with a narcologist will allow you to find out everything in detail.

All of these patients were slowly dying and did not even think about going to rehabilitation, but at present they are successfully undergoing treatment, and they look quite well. How did they get here? How could you become like this?

  • Special conditions of stay.

At a specific stage of their thorny and difficult path, special conditions were specially created for them, which became the catalyst that pushed them to treatment.

  • Motivation for treatment.

It is the formation of these conditions, or rather the motivation for the treatment of those who disagree, that is called the compulsory treatment of drug addicts. This is the very first service provided by experienced and qualified specialists of our private drug treatment clinic "MedExpress" to almost all patients brought to our center by relatives and friends. We can be contacted anonymously and around the clock, which is of great importance for patients addicted to drugs and alcohol.

How can you send a drug addict to rehabilitation if he completely refuses to be treated in our private center voluntarily?

  • Psychological help at home.

This is not currently a problem. 19 years of experience, high level professionalism, responsibility give our specialists the right to go to the patient's house and, with the assistance of relatives of an alcoholic or drug addict, carry out a psychological attack.

In almost 100% of cases, we obtain the consent of the patient for treatment in our clinic. Naturally, everything is confidential, and for this we even use unmarked private transport.

  • Detoxification.

Then our experienced professionals take matters into their own hands. We will cleanse the body of drugs and alcohol, and provide all the necessary psychological and therapeutic assistance that is required during the treatment process.

Believe me, there are no unsolvable problems! Do not wait if one of your relatives or close people got into such trouble, but call us right away!

Dependence on alcohol or drugs is currently a very serious problem that is not so easy to solve. Many people who are addicted to drugs are completely unwilling to acknowledge the existence of a problem and seek specialized treatment. However, relatives may insist on therapy without their desire. At this time, it is possible to force a person to undergo rehabilitation only if:

  • availability of a court decision;
  • availability of a certificate from a psychiatric clinic;
  • if a person shows his emotions very violently and becomes dangerous for loved ones.

In Moscow, many people are interested in how to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment and what is the price of such a service, because in the city of Moscow the prices for such therapy can be completely different. This is a very important question, because sometimes it is simply impossible to live with a sick person. Compulsory therapy resorts a large number of relatives of drug addicts, because not many drug addicts are able to accept the help provided, as they are convinced that they are completely healthy.

In Russia, the law says that a person should undergo therapy only after own will, and no one has the right to force him, unless he poses a threat to society.

In our specialized drug treatment center, each person has the opportunity to:

  • get rid of drug addiction;
  • get help with withdrawal harmful substances from the body;
  • take a rehabilitation course;
  • receive competent psychological help.

Our clinic treats not only drug addicts, but also alcoholics. We have all the required medications and the latest specialized equipment that allows you to get high-quality timely therapy. Treatment is carried out only comprehensively and a large number of specialists work to help get rid of the existing problem in the most optimal and shortest possible time.

We use the most latest methods therapies that are aimed at eliminating the existing addiction and at the rehabilitation of a person, after which he can begin to live a normal full life.

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts through the court

Compulsory treatment of chronic addiction to drugs does not imply a forceful method, because doctors, first of all, work with the patient's psyche. According to Russian law, only a court or a specialized psychiatric examination can direct a person to undergo such therapy.

To conduct specialized therapy, unique testing and coding methods are used, which are aimed purely at changing motivations and the general perception of the world. Persistent, but at the same time professional intervention in the human psyche allows the patient at the time of the onset of a critical moment to overestimate all existing values ​​and conclude that poisonous drugs are a great harm.

It is best to start therapy at the most early stages manifestations of addiction, because over time, the existing problem can only get worse. It is quite possible to get rid of drugs with the help of specialized drug therapy and additionally psychological help. The combination of all means and methods gives the most positive result.

Similar therapy can be used in the treatment of alcoholism and gambling. This is achieved due to the fact that psychological dependence causes the same harm, regardless of its type.

In our specialized clinic, there is an excellent opportunity to receive the required therapy in the shortest possible time, because we use the latest methods of therapy. We have professional doctors who work in a complex, which is why it is possible to achieve the most positive result. However, the dependent person must make an independent decision to undergo treatment, because otherwise it is impossible to achieve a positive effect.

How to recognize drug addiction and force patients to be treated forcibly, not poison the lives of others and make their relatives and friends unhappy? Specialists of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts "Moscow-Narcologist" accept patients for compulsory treatment of drug addiction not only by the decision of law enforcement agencies, social services, but also by the ardent desire of relatives and friends.

We care about whether your children and grandchildren, friends and just good acquaintances will die from a serious illness.

How is compulsory drug treatment carried out?

Drug addicts suffer not just a disease, but a defeat of the soul itself. They themselves deliberately kill themselves, torment their parents and loved ones, break down on them and turn life into a pitch hell. We understand those people, parents, friends who seek to send to forced labor, rid this world of poison and cure the child. How can you calmly look at how a teenager gradually degrades and becomes a shadow of himself, burns his veins with a drug, first on his arms, then on his legs, and then proceeds to intragroin injections, in place of which deep festering "mines" are formed, which are no longer pierced, and just poured another dose?

For more than 12 years we have been fighting this “plague” of the 21st century, we have been treating drug addiction forcibly at the request of relatives, as well as alcoholism, and in last years and gambling. Leading specialists of Moscow apply a special unique technique, which is known in the world as "12 steps", and provides not just treatment and rehabilitation, but psychotherapy, solving social problems and psychological dependence. We will help you cope with adversity, return your lost son or daughter to normal full life.

Need to convince a patient for treatment?

Our visiting psychologists know how! Contact.

Features of professional treatment and psychotherapy

Leading doctors and psychotherapists in Moscow, as well as psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, neurologists, general practitioners guarantee withdrawal symptoms, depression, insomnia, complete cleaning and detoxification of the body.

Contact us, we work 24 hours a day, we will accept drug addicts forcibly for treatment and we will do everything in our power to make normal people out of them.

Just call us now, do not delay your visit and drug addiction treatment, dial the hotline number!

The full course of treatment for drug addicts forcibly includes both well-established and highly effective new methods that not only heal the body and treat the disease, but also help get rid of addiction:

  • By identifying and suppressing psychological, spiritual, emotional causes, we contribute to the growth of a new full-fledged personality;
  • We investigate and help to prevent conflicts and lies in the family due to drug use, we will prevent the appearance of painful emotions;
  • We will not allow the addict's own "I" to engage in its self-destruction, we will carry out deep psychological work and teach a person to get comfortable in real life drug free!

We guarantee 100% confidentiality and the best treatment in the capital, the optimal solution and 100% guarantee of our specialists to convince a drug addict to undergo a treatment and rehabilitation program. We will help you organize a trip to our international rehabilitation center from any region of Russia, near and far abroad!

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