Psychological assistance to women in difficult life situations. Types of help for a person in a difficult life situation

  • 11.10.2019

Sooner or later, each person has significant events in life that unsettle him, deprive him of confidence in himself and in the future. There can be plenty of reasons for the emergence of a feeling of loss, emptiness: the sudden loss of loved ones, work, other shocks. Help in a difficult life situation consists, first of all, in purposeful work with feelings, which should gradually lead to inner healing.

The main danger of such situations lies in the fact that they always occur unexpectedly, leading to a dead end, depriving moral strength. A person is not ready to immediately accept the circumstances of life that led him to an internal crisis. It takes a certain amount of time for a full recovery. It is necessary to comprehend what happened, which cannot happen instantly. Thus, a whole complex of emotional reactions arises, leading to deep emotional experiences. In this article we will consider various life situations that lead to a state of powerful intrapersonal crisis, and we will try to answer the question of whether in this situation.

Loss of loved ones

This includes the death of relatives. Perhaps this is the most difficult case, since the event is completely irreversible. If the financial situation can be improved over time, if desired, then all you need to do is accept it. How does a loved one feel? Confusion, depression, emptiness, acute unbearable pain. At the moment of grief, interest in what is happening around is lost, the person is focused on himself and his feelings. Usually quite a long time passes before a person finally accepts the loss, learns to live without the deceased. Help in a difficult life situation should consist of several stages.

listening. Here, the psychologist or psychotherapist must provide the client with the opportunity to speak without restrictions and any framework. Personality needs to throw out their emotions outward, fully speak out, and then it will become a little easier. At this moment, it is so important to feel that someone needs you and is not indifferent.

Active work of grief- the next difficult stage, which should lead a person to accept what happened. This requires deep work with feelings. A competent specialist will ask questions about whether a person understands what is happening to him, about what he feels at the moment.

Making plans for the future. A vision of prospects is necessary, if only because a person cannot live without hope and faith in the best. Help for those in trouble life situation must necessarily be accompanied by a elaboration of a vision of the future life, what kind of person can imagine it.

Loss of a loved one

Despite the external similarity with the previous case, the situation in this context can be very different. If the loss of relatives and loved ones is almost always associated with death, then the loss of a loved one can also occur as a result of divorce of spouses, treason. For many, it is synonymous with the devaluation of life. In this situation, the help of a specialist psychologist is important and necessary in order to help the individual find strength for further life and work.

Help in a difficult life situation like this should be built on the gradual building of long-term prospects. It is necessary to explain to a man or a woman that life does not end there.

Pregnancy in adolescence

The appearance of children is not always a joy for young people who themselves have not yet reached the age of majority. Such news can shock both the teenagers themselves and their parents. Fear is due to the unwillingness to become parents, to take responsibility for raising a baby. In addition, often here are added material problems associated with a lack of money. Assistance to pregnant women and families in a difficult situation should be provided immediately, otherwise there is a risk of complications: abortions, abandoned children. Participation is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Military operations in the home country

War brings great tragedy in life. Whatever it is, there is always destruction, and, above all, of a psychological nature. Moral oppression, the inability to understand what is happening and where this world is heading, literally overwhelms a person, does not allow him to see the truth. When a big trouble happens, it seems that there is no one to turn to, all ideas are turned upside down, you understand that you cannot expect help from the state. The feeling of powerlessness gives rise to helplessness, self-absorption and inner bitterness. There are cases when, even after the cessation of hostilities, many people could not fully recover from a serious shock.

Help in a difficult life situation, which, without a doubt, is a war, should be aimed at restoring peace of mind. We need to speak feelings, various outbursts of emotions so that a person does not get stuck at a certain stage. First of all, you need to minimize the effects of stress experienced. A counseling psychologist needs to support the client in every possible way, to aim him at a perspective vision of his life.

Moving to another country as a result of any events

Migration is not always associated with hostilities in the home country. Even in peacetime, adapting to new living conditions can be very difficult. Lack of money, the need to draw up documents, difficulties - all this does not have the best effect on the mental state of people. If it is not possible to cope with difficulties for a long time, many subsequently develop apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to do anything. Help in difficult life situations, discussion of problems should occur systematically, until the situation is completely resolved.

Dismissal from work

It can happen to anyone. We get so used to certain conditions of life that under some changing circumstances we begin to feel uncomfortable. Someone who loses his job panics, loses How to behave and what to do in this situation? After all, it undermines self-confidence, a person is afraid to try something.

What should be the focus of psychotherapy? First of all, on building long-term and short-term goals. It is important to explain to the client that losing a job is not the end of the world, but an opportunity to start new life, build it in accordance with your goals and aspirations.

medical rehabilitation

While a person is healthy, he does not feel how hard it is for those who are bedridden. Assistance in a difficult life situation for seriously ill patients must be carried out systematically. How to do it? manifest increased attention to their desires, take into account the lack of communication. Think about how you can help your neighbor, friends or parents.


This includes earthquakes, floods, fires, and terrorist attacks. In all these incidents, the person is overwhelmed by the circumstances. Some are left homeless, without food and warm clothing. How can you not lose faith in yourself and your abilities? This is what a difficult life situation can lead to. Overcoming difficulties begins with the desire to change something in yourself, and then in the world around you.

Thus, it is important for a person who is in difficult conditions of existence to provide psychological assistance as soon as possible: support morally, help financially, assure that all the problems he has encountered have a solution.

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Types of help for a person in a difficult life situation


CHAPTER I. The concept of a difficult life situation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Social Security and Social Assistance

1.1 The concept of a difficult life situation

1.2 Fundamentals of social rehabilitation

1.3 Types of social rehabilitation

1.4 Legal regulation social assistance

CHAPTER II. The specifics of social assistance to a person in a difficult life situation

2.1 Provision of social assistance to children, adolescents and youth

2.2 Problems of middle and mature age (on the example of social work with women)

2.3 Social protection of the elderly and disabled




The current socio-economic, moral, psychological and spiritual situation in Russia is extremely contradictory and multifaceted. Changes in Russian society in the last decades of the XX-XI centuries. had the following consequences: the emergence of a new, highly contradictory structure of society, where some are exorbitantly elevated, while others are at the very bottom of the social ladder. First of all, we are talking about the emergence of such socially vulnerable categories of the population as the unemployed, refugees, internally displaced persons, as well as those categories of citizens who at the present stage do not find adequate support from the state and society, and these are the disabled, pensioners, children, teenagers. In the country as a whole, the number of people in need of protection, marginalized people, alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless people, etc. is constantly growing.

In turn, the problems social services, since with the beginning of economic transformations, a person with his problems was left to the mercy of the market elements. This process coincided with the professionalization of social work in Russia, which has become a phenomenon of a civilized society. Often, the bodies and institutions of social services are the only structures, the appeal to which leaves a person with hope for support and assistance in resolving his life problems.

Large-scale structural changes in the economy caused by new economic realities and technologies, individualization of lifestyle and pluralization of values ​​make social work in life modern society a stabilizing factor contributing to the maintenance of social balance, increasing welfare.

All these circumstances led to the fact that the study of the formation and functioning of the system of social work with the population in the Russian Federation, which does not yet have a clear, effective model, is becoming more and more relevant every year.

Today, a whole network of institutions has already been created that provide social services to families and children, the unemployed, and the disabled, but their work is often not carried out actively enough. The activities of specialists are organized as a response to customer requests, which are still predominantly material in nature. With the current "reactive" position of social protection services, the number of poor, asocial families, alcoholics is not only decreasing, but even growing. Endlessly receiving material subsidies from the state, individual members of society by no means activate their own capabilities.

That is why purpose of our research is to build a model of social work with a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

An object of our research - social work with a person in a difficult life situation.

Thing - a model of social work with a person in a difficult life situation.

In accordance with the problem, subject, object and purpose of the study, the following tasks:

To study the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work with the population;

To study the experience of social work with people who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

To build a model of social work with a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

The set goals and objectives are achieved using research methods such as

content analysis

study of legal acts

Analysis of the literature on the research topic

· description.

Since the 1990s, one of the most significant trends in social policy has been the creation of a new model of social services for people in difficult life situations, as well as the widespread use of modern technologies and methods in working with the population.

social work person life situation


1.1 The concept of a difficult life situation

In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law of 1995, a difficult life situation is understood as a situation that objectively
disrupting the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood,
neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a fixed place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc.), which he cannot overcome on his own (Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. In Russian federation").

Thus, based on the definition of a difficult life situation given by federal law, the list of situations that can be classified as a difficult life situation is open. Therefore, based on the logic of Art. 3 any situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own, gives him the right to receive appropriate measures of social support guaranteed by the state. Thus, the list of categories of citizens receiving appropriate measures of social support is very extensive and mobile in its composition.

In accordance with paragraph 24 of Art. 26.3 of the Federal Law of October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ "On general principles organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "providing measures of social support and social services to citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation is classified as joint jurisdiction the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, carried out at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

1.2 Fundamentals of social rehabilitation

Every modern state puts the principle of humanism as a priority. Russian Federation is welfare state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. This is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 7. Any society is heterogeneous and is divided into different groups and communities. The social policy of the state is aimed at uniting, stabilizing and harmonizing the interests and relations between different social groups. Practical implementation social policy of the state consists of social security and social services. Social security is allowances, subsidies, benefits, etc., which are paid to citizens.

social service- is the provision by social services of various services and assistance to poorly protected segments of the population and to any person who finds himself in a difficult life situation (a situation that objectively disrupts life: disability, illness, orphanhood, low income, unemployment, loneliness, etc., which a person cannot overcome on their own).

To perform these functions, social service centers have been created for the population:

Comprehensive social service centers

Territorial centers of social assistance to families and children

Social service centers

Social rehabilitation centers for minors

Centers for helping children left without parental care

Social shelters for children and adolescents

Centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population

telephone emergency psychological help centers

night stay houses

· Social homes for single elderly

Stationary institutions of social service

Gerontological centers

Other institutions providing social services to the population

In the implementation of social rehabilitation, a large role belongs to the medical staff, which controls the systematic implementation of rehabilitation measures by a person. Social rehabilitation on an outpatient basis allows the patient to return to his previous job or creates conditions for rational employment, and also contributes to the formation of useful interests in patients, the appropriate use of free time.

1.3 Types of social rehabilitation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees everyone social security in old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for the upbringing of children and in other cases established by law.

How economic category social security is a system of distribution relations, in the process of which, at the expense of a part of the national income created by able-bodied citizens and then redistributed through the budget system and extra-budgetary funds, public funds of funds are formed and used to provide material support and services for disabled and elderly citizens, as well as to provide material assistance to certain groups of the population (single mothers, families who have lost their breadwinner), large families, etc.).

The main types of social security expenditures are payments of cash pensions and benefits.

Pensions are periodic payments of certain sums of money for the material provision of citizens in connection with old age, disability, length of service and in connection with the death of the breadwinner. Main types of pensions:

by old age

by disability

for years of service

on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

The main types of benefits:

due to temporary disability

· Pregnancy and childbirth

At the birth of a child

for children of conscripts

· Unemployment


Along with this, there are other forms of security:

vocational training

retraining of the unemployed

retraining and employment of the disabled

free maintenance of the disabled in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled

prosthetics and supply of disabled people with motor and bicycle strollers, cars

organization of many types of home care, etc.

An important feature of social security are the principles of its construction.

1. Universality - the distribution of social security in the event of disability due to age or due to disability to all workers, without any exceptions and regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, nature and place of work, forms of its payment. All disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner are subject to social security: minor children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, elderly or disabled wives (husbands), father, grandfather, grandmother and some others.

2. General availability - the conditions that determine the right to a particular pension are available to everyone.

Thus, the right to an old-age pension for men arises at the age of 60, and for women at the age of 55. And for those employed in heavy types of labor, the retirement age for men has been lowered to 50-55 years, and for women to 45-50 years. The length of service required to receive this pension is set at 25 years for men, and 20 years for women, and even lower for those employed in hard work.

3. Establishing the dependence of the size and forms of support on past work: length of service, working conditions, wages and other factors. This principle is reflected indirectly through wages.

4. A wide variety of provided types of support and services. These are pensions and benefits, employment, various measures to improve health, prevent and reduce morbidity, placement in homes - boarding schools for the disabled and the elderly, etc.

5. The democratic nature of organization and management is manifested in the solution of all issues of social security. The role of trade unions is especially great in this. Their representatives participate in the work of commissions for the appointment of pensions, they are directly involved, together with the administration, in the preparation of documents for retiring workers.

Social security contributes to the constant renewal of personnel, the growth of labor productivity. Survivor's pensions provide children with the opportunity to learn and acquire the necessary profession.

Pension legislation, creating benefits for citizens working in more difficult working conditions, helps to retain personnel in the leading sectors of the national economy.

The state social policy can be carried out by funds mobilized to the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

Funds from state targeted non-budgetary funds created in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On the Fundamentals of the Budget Structure and Budget Process in the RSFSR" are a financial guarantee of the constitutional rights of Russian citizens to social protection in the event of old age, illness, unfavorable social and economic status of certain groups of the population.

In accordance with the Decree Supreme Council RSFSR dated December 22, 1990. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created, the purpose of which is the state management of pensions for citizens.

The funds concentrated in the Pension Fund are used to pay state labor pensions, pensions for the disabled, allowances for children aged 1.5-6 years, compensations to pensioners, etc. The Pension Fund's expenses in 2001 amounted to amounted to 491123 million rubles.

The second largest social non-budgetary fund is the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of August 7, 1992 No.

Its purpose is to finance the payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, care for a child up to one and a half years old, financing the organization of sanatorium treatment and recreation.

In accordance with the Law of the RSFSR of April 19, 1991, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation was established. At the expense of this fund, the tasks of professional retraining of the population, employment and others are solved.

Significant allocations for social security are directed directly from the state budget, bypassing these funds. At their expense, pensions and benefits are provided to servicemen of the Russian Army, railway troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, private and commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, foreign intelligence, tax police and their families.

The implementation of social security is entrusted to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation, the republics within the Russian Federation and their local bodies.

As part of this Ministry, the Department of Pensions was established, which develops proposals for the formation of the state federal policy of pensions and its implementation in cooperation with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation; organization and methodological support of work on the appointment, recalculation, payment and delivery of pensions; ensuring the uniform application of federal pension legislation and preparing proposals for its improvement, and other tasks.

Assignment of pensions and allowances to officers, ensigns, midshipmen and long-term servicemen of the Russian Army, border troops, railway troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to private and commanding staff of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, foreign intelligence, tax police and their families is carried out by the relevant departments.

Thus, the social policy of the state is aimed at materially providing certain categories of citizens from the state budget and special off-budget funds in the event of the occurrence of events recognized by the state at this stage of its development as socially significant, in order to equalize the social position of these citizens compared to other members of society.

1.4 Legal regulation of social assistance in relation to citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation

The basics of legislative regulation of the provision of social services for citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation are established by the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-ФЗ “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population”. This Federal Law defines social services as the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. In accordance with Art. 7 of this Federal Law, the state guarantees citizens the right to social services in the state system of social services for the main types defined by Federal Law No. 195-FZ in the manner and under the conditions established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main types of social services for citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in accordance with the above Federal Law, are:

material aid;

social services at home;

social services in stationary institutions;

provision of temporary shelter;

organization of day stay in social institutions

advisory assistance;

rehabilitation services.

Social services are provided to the population free of charge and for a fee. Free social services in the state system of social services in the volumes determined by state standards of social services are provided to the following groups of the population:

citizens who are not capable of self-service due to old age, illness, disability, who do not have relatives who can provide them with assistance and care - if average income these citizens are below the subsistence level established for the subject of the Russian Federation in which they live;

citizens who are in a difficult life situation due to
unemployment, natural disasters, disasters affected by
as a result of armed and inter-ethnic conflicts;

minor children who are in difficult life


2.1 Provision of social assistancecabbage soup for children, teenagers and youth

The child protection system begins with the protection of the family, mother and child. The provision of this social sphere in Russia is one of the most developed. Education in children's institutions is based on proven programs. Its necessary element is teaching children to communicate, activities as part of a group, preparation for entering school.

Social protection of preschoolers is carried out in cooperation with medicine, pedagogy, and production. Social security agencies contribute to the rehabilitation and treatment of preschool children, for which they provide, for example, preferential conditions for the stay of preschool children in sanatoriums. The upbringing of preschool children solves the problems of their socialization. The youngest learn the rules of behavior, are included in group activities, and master the basics of culture.

The system of social protection of schoolchildren organically includes a variety of activities held at school, in extracurricular institutions, work with families and the public. The main result of this activity is the formation of social security for schoolchildren as a stable mental state, including confidence in their successful social and professional self-determination, as well as effective socialization. Social and pedagogical work contributes to the inclusion in productive work, the system of continuous education.

Social protection of childhood also includes the prevention of pedagogical injuries, education without losers, without repeaters, since they are characterized by mental states that depress vital activity. Social work of such a plan is of a preventive and therapeutic nature. Practical socio-psychological work is widely used.

An important direction in the socialization of children and adolescents is their rehabilitation in connection with deprivation (educational, psychological, moral, social, etc.), that is, the loss of important personal qualities. At the same time, personal development is diagnosed, individual plans for the restoration of abilities (perceptual, intellectual, communicative, practical activities) are built, correctional groups are organized, relevant classes are selected that allow one to acquire socially valuable knowledge and the ability to use them in work, communication, and personal life in collective activity. .

The foregoing is closely related to the problem of the so-called "difficult", maladjusted children and adolescents. It should be noted that working with such children requires combining the qualities of a social worker when dealing with those who are involved in helping children (parents, neighbors, friends or officials) and the qualities of a social educator when dealing directly with minors.

Working with "difficult" children, it is necessary to focus on pragmatism Everyday life. This helps to perceive the child in a specific living space - in the place where he lives, in the family, where his behavior, connections, personal characteristics can be observed, and living conditions, the relationship of psychological, material, social factors become much clearer, since the understanding of the problem does not close only on the personality of the child.

Psychologists distinguish the following areas of correction of the social maladjustment of the personality in childhood as the main ones:

Formation of communication skills;

Harmonization of the child's relations in the "family" (place of permanent residence) and with peers;

Correction of some personal properties that impede communication, or changing the manifestation of these properties so that they do not negatively affect the communication process;

Correction of the child's self-esteem in order to bring it closer to adequate.

In this regard, the main content of the work of a social worker is the creation of an atmosphere of real cooperation and partnership in relations with minors. The principle of their voluntary appeal for help (search for help by the addressee) and the principle of offering help (moving help to the addressee) are equally applicable. Getting to work with "difficult" teenagers, you can not be straightforward. The latter, unlike younger children, are not a passive object of social work; their disorganizing activity is great and forces one to reckon with oneself. The offer of any help from the social worker should “outweigh” the negative and distrustful attitude of the teenager towards him and must contain not some abstract schemes, but attributes of the teenage subculture (often rejected by adults) - only after that you can move on to solving deeper issues . Consequently, the social worker does not have to focus on official values, but takes into account the child's condition, producing and realizing those needs that are caused by his addictions and preferences.

Social workers only achieve success if they do not ignore these circumstances and create at the beginning a kind of backbone of their like-minded people among “difficult” teenagers, and involving everyone else in common activities. These two different tasks - the formation of a core of like-minded people and influence on the least susceptible - have to be solved simultaneously.

But the tasks of the social worker do not end there; he is obliged to constantly maintain a trusting relationship with the teenager. In contact with the latter, a pronounced and unsatisfied need of the educated person for informal and confidential communication with an intelligent adult who adheres to generally accepted principles is realized. moral principles helping to comprehend the meaning of life and the values ​​of human relationships. Here it is important for a social worker to demonstrate that he does not try to absolute himself and his abilities and is always ready to take into account the experience of his younger communication partner, that is, the teenager himself, taking him into account. Trusting relationships with teenagers exclude traditional methods - teaching, moralizing, strict regulation. The main mechanism of interaction is the ability to establish contact and the ability to accept a teenager as he is.

Traditional work with hard-to-adapt children, often involving their isolation from the family and placement in closed institutions, has shown to be ineffective and even harmful in relation to children with neuropsychiatric disorders. New technology is based on the following provisions.

Personally oriented individual approach with an assessment of the child's key family problems, learning, communication, areas of interest, needs.

· Development of differentiated assistance and support programs, correctional and rehabilitation programs adequate to the individual psychological and age characteristics of children and adolescents.

· Organization of work with them in the aspect of social pedagogy, correctional and rehabilitation activities.

· Development and creation of a holistic system of assistance, excluding the isolation of children and adolescents, in a comprehensive mode.

When determining the goals and objectives of social work with difficult-to-educate children and children with neuropsychiatric disorders, including neurotics, the concept of "special social needs" is the main one. In such children, primary developmental disorders should be identified and identified as early as possible.
After the diagnosis, targeted positive impact, correction, training, etc. begin (regardless of the age of the children). The lack of targeted psychological and pedagogical assistance, its neglect can lead to irreversible consequences - the inability to reach a certain level of the child's rehabilitation potential.

Compliance of the development program chosen for this child with his real achievements is regularly monitored. In addition, the spatial organization of the rehabilitation environment is provided. For example, neurotic children and neuropathic children need a special structuring of their living space, which makes it easier for them to understand the meaning of what is happening, which allows them to predict the course of events and plan their behavior. In general, children with various developmental disabilities need to form mechanisms for conscious regulation of behavior, interaction with others, and correction of emotional states. Their complex medical-psychological-socio-pedagogical examination can be carried out using game diagnostics and game therapy with simultaneous correction.
The specificity of social work with maladjusted adolescents, children with special social needs is that they are quite satisfied with themselves and do not consider their situation to be any critical. Something is needed for the sake of which the child will want to voluntarily and consciously refuse this or that behavior. In other words, adults (parents, social worker, teacher) must convincingly and clearly prove to the child the perniciousness of his behavior.

The new properties that appear in the child and the new direction of his activity appear only in the course of his development. All this implies an active search for non-standard methods of early diagnosis and correction of impaired development of adolescents, which manifests itself in the form of various problems of social adaptation.

The most adequate technology for solving these problems can be considered the analytic-transformative method - a re-educational correction of the child's personality, carried out in the following sequence.

1) Psychological qualification of personality deformations of a teenager, identification of their internal mechanisms, determination of the levels of mental changes (individual-psychological, interpersonal, personal), motivational-need and value-semantic sphere.

2) Establishment, on the basis of the analysis, of specific tasks of the sphere, in relation to which preventive, didactic and corrective influences are shown - that is, determining which features of the psyche of a given adolescent will be amenable to effective outside influence.

3) Finding, development and approbation of tactical methods of diagnostic and corrective methods, optimal conditions conducive to their implementation. Here preliminary hypotheses and conclusions are tested.

The beginning of preventive work with difficult-to-educate and other adolescents from risk groups provides for the study of the causes of personality deformation and their origins; then the social worker focuses his efforts on preventing the development of numerous consequences of maladaptation into socio-psychological pathologies.
A social worker and a psychologist are faced with the task of forming in a “difficult” teenager a full-fledged need for a normal life in exchange for often only a verbally expressed readiness to “correct” (this is the specificity of adolescence). Such tasks can be implemented in four stages: the first is motivational (creation of high personal interest in the proposed psycho-corrective classes); the second is indicative (numerous motives are introduced that potentially “objectify” the existing need state); the third is attitudinal (personally acceptable motives for “changes” are formed for this teenager, for example, individual attitudes towards a conflict-free relationship with parents); fourth - activity (development for a teenager of detailed plans and programs for organizing future behavior within the framework of a certain activity - sports, creative, educational, etc.). Rehabilitation is associated with the expansion of the reasons for changing the behavior of adolescents, the emergence of new objects of activity - in other words, with positive changes in the development of the motivational sphere.

As a result, we can say that the asocial activity of such difficult-to-educate adolescents does not yet mean an unconscious desire, say, to commit crimes. Only one thing is important here: to prevent the final degradation, not to miss the moment until the asocial side of their life has completely and completely turned into their essence, way of life and thoughts, would not begin to meet age and individual needs.

The formation of social security for graduates of orphanages has its own characteristics. At the first stages of social independence, children need social assistance. It is usually provided by the family. A child who does not have parents (at present, they are mainly victims of social orphanhood: their parents are quite healthy mentally and physically, but they are socially deprived individuals), masters social roles and moral standards for the years of stay in the orphanage. In this regard, ties with social life are of particular relevance.

The socialization of children from orphanages is carried out in close interaction of upbringing and educational work. Social assistance is provided by a school psychologist and a school social worker. The core of the social protection of such children is the education in them of a feeling of friendship and love, and on their basis of readiness for mutual assistance. It should not be overlooked that mutual assistance in the groups of the orphanage is combined with competition. Educators should complete groups taking into account the possibility of communication, leadership. Social work is called upon to give civilized forms to this natural competition.

The main task of the orphanage is the socialization of pupils. For this purpose, family modeling activities should be expanded: adult children should take care of the younger ones, show respect for the elders. It is advisable to prepare for family life in such a way that the pupils develop skills in housekeeping, first aid, and leisure activities (in particular, pupils here comprehend the functions of family members). It is impossible not to take into account that the preparation of children and adolescents for family life takes place against a complex moral background, since they are jealous of children who have parents, relatives, as well as children who are chosen for adoption.

It is obvious that the lack of positive influence of the family is the critical factor determining the peculiarities of the mental development of children in the orphanage, the difficulties of their education and upbringing. Sometimes, teachers and caregivers of orphanages, realizing this, try to build their relationships with children on the family type, setting themselves the goal of directly replacing the mother or father for children. At the same time, the emotional side of communication is excessively exploited, which, however, does not bring the expected results, but only often emotionally exhausts, emasculates the teacher (the concept of “emotional donation” arose not without reason). Therefore, one should agree with those doctors and psychologists who believe that the connections between educators and pupils of closed children's institutions should not imitate family ones.

Finally, the task of a social worker in an orphanage should also be to help optimize the relationship of the child with his guardians, other relatives, as well as with parents who, as you know, even being deprived of parental rights or being in hospital, maintain certain relationships with the child. : through correspondence, rare meetings, etc. Often such letters and especially meetings have a traumatic effect on the child, unsettling him for a long time. However, in spite of everything, children often feel the need to communicate with their parents and other relatives.

In the activities of the boarding school, the principles of practical pedagogy and psychology, taking into account individual characteristics children. First of all, it is advisable to involve pupils in activities that are interesting for them and at the same time ensure the development of their personality, such as: initial professional, technical, artistic, musical education. Then, educational, labor activity should be aimed at achieving success, which enhances the motivation for self-development of the individual. Each student gets an idea of ​​the strengths of his development, relying on these qualities, children achieve a high level of general education and initial training. A variety of activities allow students to engage in the educational and labor process in accordance with individual characteristics.

One of the most important ways to solve the problems of social protection is the career guidance of schoolchildren and students of secondary special and higher educational institutions. The career guidance system is a continuous process and is carried out purposefully at all age stages, performing diagnostic, teaching, formative and developmental functions.

The problem of freedom of choice that has actually arisen before a significant number of young people has become a feature of the current tasks of career guidance. In connection with the freedom of choice, there are some ethical problems of professional counseling. In career guidance, ethical problems can be considered in two interrelated planes: from the point of view of the individual's readiness to choose and implement a certain moral position and from the point of view of the readiness of a professional consultant (in our case, a social worker) to provide an individual with real assistance in such self-determination, without any violation basic ethical standards of interaction with clients.
Exploring the real needs of young people in social services - key element in the formation of a system of their social protection. According to studies, young people need, first of all, a labor exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, a "helpline" and then - a sexological consultation, a center for helping a young family, a hostel - a shelter for teenagers who find themselves in a conflict situation at home.

When organizing social services for young people, it is very important to clearly define their tasks.

Thus, the social rehabilitation center for minors includes four departments: the department of diagnostics, social rehabilitation, day care and a hospital.

The tasks of the diagnostic department include: to identify maladjusted adolescents, to identify and analyze the factors, forms and stations of such social maladaptation; develop individual programs for the social rehabilitation of young people, a set of measures aimed at bringing young people out of difficult situation and creating conditions for normal life.

The main tasks of the social rehabilitation department are: organization of the phased implementation of youth social rehabilitation programs; restoration of lost contacts with the family, within the family; improvement of interpersonal relationships, elimination of traumatic situations, development of communication skills based on moral standards; assistance in obtaining a specialty and work; provision of comprehensive medical, psychological and legal assistance, etc.

2.2 Problems of middle and mature age (on the example of social work with women)

Social problems of middle and mature age, on the one hand, are very complex, since they require a differentiated approach in terms of social status, gender, religious, ethnic and other characteristics of the client. These signs form a set of various social problems of such population groups as, for example, military personnel, women, representatives of national and religious minorities, etc.

On the other hand, all these groups are characterized by the well-known "mid-life crisis". It is with him, if we discard the complex of everyday, economic, legal problems, that the social worker most often encounters when working with a middle-aged representative. The difficulty here is precisely the need to single out this psychological crisis in the structure of the same type, recurring problems of a material, everyday, legal nature. The fact is that often this phenomenon is the cause of family, domestic troubles, misunderstanding in the work team, and general depression of the psyche. Thus, it is the overcoming of this problem that can be the key to the successful solution of other social and psychological difficulties.
This crisis is, in fact, a psychological phenomenon of a kind of disappointment, when the realization comes that the hopes of youth will never come true; fatigue comes from the monotony of family life, the monotony of labor relations. This causes general apathy and often deep depression. If, however, these phenomena are accompanied by, say, a disastrous financial situation, cruelty in the family, the position of a national and religious outcast of the client himself and his family, then complex socio-economic, psychological assistance will be required to resolve the whole range of problems.

Generally speaking, the midlife crisis is not of the same type, its various manifestations are characteristic of specific age intervals of the “maturity” period. So, at the age of 30-35, the client usually faces the problem of "missed hopes" of youth, disappointment in family life, housing and domestic difficulties. As we approach old age, the problems of unrealized "wasted" potential, loneliness and uselessness in an increasingly accelerating pace of life, material security in the conditions of approaching old age become actual. The foregoing also determines the difference in the methods of social work with such people - be it consultation, psychological training, group work, socio-economic assistance.

Taking into account the limited amount of work, we will consider the problems of middle age using the example of social assistance to women (taking into account the peculiarities of age periodization against the background of socio-gender typology).

The complexity, complexity of women's social problems, the conditionality of their causes by the general socio-psychological problems of society determine the need for a systematic approach to their resolution, the use of a wide variety of technologies to obtain specific positive results.

First of all, of course, it is necessary to guarantee a woman the opportunity to find a job that would allow her both to provide for herself and (if necessary) her family, and to realize her personal potential, including its family and non-family components. According to studies, the need for women to have a job outside the home is due to three groups of motives:

the need for a second income in the family,

work is the most important means of "social insurance" for both a woman and her family,

Work is a means of self-affirmation, self-development, a way to gain recognition, a place where you can enjoy interesting communication, rest from monotonous household chores (this is typical for women, mainly with a high educational status).

For women, the only option for a positive development of the situation is the need to quickly get rid of the illusions about the possibility of someone's beneficial intervention in their situation, the position and well-being of their families and build their lives using the principles of personal independence and freedom of choice to the maximum.

In terms of employment, this should mean fighting to achieve conditions where fertility is not a discriminatory factor in the labor market. A woman should be given the right to combine maternal and labor obligations(including having young children), and devote herself entirely to the family and children, if she considers such a choice to be the best. The permeability of the boundaries between these statuses, a painless transition from one to another should be ensured both by law and by a system of organizational measures that facilitate and ensure a woman's adaptation to the changing conditions of the labor market.

Independence and freedom of choice should be ensured to a woman in family relations as well. She must choose the best option for herself and her family: to be a housewife living on her husband's income, or to be independent in terms of income, provide for her family herself - this choice involves changing the labor and employment policy in the country in such a way that honest socially useful work gave people the opportunity to earn enough income to support their livelihoods.

A woman should be independent and have freedom of choice in the field of sexual relations. This will help reduce the number of cases of domestic and sexual violence, protect women from unwanted pregnancies, introduce the basic principles of family planning into the mass consciousness and, as a result, possibly eliminate Russia's infamous leadership among all countries in terms of the number of abortions performed annually.

In technological terms, it is necessary to make serious changes in the system of upbringing and education of children, which is only partly within the competence of social work. A social worker can, firstly, initiate attention to this area at the local level by contacting decision-making bodies, the media, creating associations of people interested in resolving these issues and having the opportunity to influence social management bodies. Secondly, he can carry out social-therapeutic and correctional work in order to change the unfavorable situation in a particular family.

Ensuring maximum (territorial-organizational and economic) availability of contraception and abortion services, dissemination of reliable information about family planning technologies can also have a positive impact on women's social well-being. The organization of healthcare and the provision of a healthy lifestyle are among the types of social activities that are carried out at all three levels - federal, regional and municipal. Medical education, promotion of knowledge, family planning skills are the responsibility of a social work specialist, and a variety of rehabilitation methods are used by social service centers, whose main clients are women.

Speaking about the gender areas of social work, three stages of tasks in the field of helping women can be distinguished: saving their lives and health, maintaining social functioning and social development. In specific individual and social conditions, one or another task is a priority.

To save the life and health of women and children, hospital shelters, crisis centers, shelters with a range of social services (psychological and medical rehabilitation, legal counseling and legal protection, assistance in finding another place of residence and suitable job sometimes assistance in obtaining or restoring documents). Of course, emergency relief does not solve social problems per se, but it can sometimes save the life of a woman or her children. Acute economic difficulties give a woman the right to apply for targeted social or emergency assistance, which is also a short-term (in accordance with its conceptual purpose) one-time technology.

The maintenance of social functioning is of a more long-term nature, and the need for it is determined by a more complex set of reasons. Accordingly, the technologies used in this case are more diverse: all adequate types of socio-psychological, socio-economic, medical rehabilitation and support for women in difficult life situations. The most important means social and labor rehabilitation should be considered retraining or retraining of women in more necessary professions. Consultations or other legal assistance can help protect women's rights in case of family conflicts or property disputes, in any situation where, due to either the imperfection of the regulatory framework or the peculiarities of their social status, women are in a vulnerable position.

Social development can be provided by informing women, teaching them progressive personal skills and social technologies, including technologies of self-employment and self-sufficiency, small business. Of great importance is the support of self-help and mutual aid groups, associations for the protection of civil, social and other rights of various strata of the female population.

Of course, all these three types of tasks, as a rule, are performed by social workers together with employees from various areas of the social complex - law enforcement agencies, employment services, medical and educational institutions, etc.
The most common types are social service centers for the population, as well as centers for social assistance to families and children. The typology and names of such centers, their functions may vary depending on local conditions. In addition, social assistance institutions created by foreign organizations or with their help, confessions, private and public organizations can function. Characteristically, the majority of clients of virtually any social institution oriented to the provision of a wide variety of services are women. It is important that the activities of these organizations do not violate the rights of the women they are called to help, be transparent for control in terms of the content and methods of work, and be also informationally available to clients.

Emergency social assistance is a one-time single assistance to an individual or family experiencing difficulties through the issuance of money, food or things. Targeted social assistance is provided to low-income segments of the population and also provides for the issuance of money, food or things, but can be provided repeatedly, even regularly. This type of assistance can be received by various categories of the population, primarily representatives of socially disadvantaged families.
Protection from domestic violence in a non-stationary institution, as a rule, involves a combination of activities of law enforcement officers and social service institutions: the former stop violence, while the latter provide rehabilitation, legal and other types of assistance to its victims.

An effective technology is the creation of therapeutic groups of victims of domestic violence, whose members the best way can support each other, achieve better results under the guidance of a specialist in social work in correcting their personality, protecting their social interests.

A higher level of work is the transition of therapeutic groups to the status of self-help groups, that is, associations of clients that have existed for a longer time, having a wider range of problems that develop the personality of group members. The assistance of a social worker in the creation of such groups means the transfer of his clients from the category of objects of influence to the category of subjects who equally participate in solving their own problems.

2.3 Social protection peopleand the elderly and disabled

The system of social services for the elderly covers, in particular, medical geriatric care, both inpatient and outpatient; maintenance and service in boarding schools, home assistance to those in need of outside care; prosthetic care, provision vehicles; employment of those wishing to continue the passive labor activity and their professional retraining; organization of labor at specially created enterprises, workshops; housing and communal services; organization of leisure, etc. Guardianship of the elderly is one of the main areas in social work in general. Guardianship is understood as a legal form of protection of personal and property rights and interests of citizens. Its forms are very diverse, but the main form of social guardianship over older people who are unable to fully (or at all) exercise their rights and fulfill their duties for health reasons is the functioning of the system of boarding schools.
It should be noted that at present, mostly people who have completely lost the ability to move and require constant care come to boarding schools. Of course, older people want to live in their own home, in a familiar environment. Expanding home care (a variety of home-based services: home delivery of groceries, assistance with paperwork, purchasing essentials, etc.) allows them to push back the timing of relocation to nursing homes.
Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the majority of the elderly are not limited in their usual activities and are not addicted; they live in their own houses or in the houses of their relatives. Old age does not in itself mean that the specialized assistance of a social worker is needed. Therefore, the main care for the elderly is provided within the framework of primary health care. The main activities in the medical and social rehabilitation of the elderly are aimed at the maximum possible preservation of the life of an elderly person in a family environment. Its forms include: specialized centers with inpatient departments, specialized care departments, rehabilitation institutions. The most important principle- preventive focus.

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On January 9, 2013, the draft Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" was published. Now the State Duma will have to consider and adopt it in several readings. According to analysts' forecasts, the points of the law will not cause heated debate, because in Russia the need to adopt such a document is long overdue. Therefore, we can expect its adoption and action in life in the near future. Some of the new definitions introduced into it require additional explanation. Here is one of those innovations.

The new concept of "Difficult life situation"
A difficult life situation is a concept new to Russian legislation. Now it has been introduced and denotes certain circumstances that can greatly change the normal life of a person and make it unbearable, difficult. These situations can pose a danger to human health, to his normal life, they can create a threat to his honor and dignity with the subsequent use of violence. People who find themselves in such situations are considered to be in need of social services.

In what cases is a difficult life situation recognized?
Article 21 of the Law defines the very factors, the presence of which makes it possible to consider that a person has found himself in a difficult life situation.
The first is a complete and partial loss of the ability to serve oneself or move around, most often this factor is caused by a state of health.
But the second reason contains social signs. If the social position of a person threatens his health or mental well-being. This happens when drug addicts or alcoholics live in the family, if there is violence or child abuse.

Minors who do not have guardians or parents are also recognized as needing social assistance. It is really possible to help them, but it is difficult to help another category, because they rarely accept this help - people without housing (homeless people), without certain occupations, without means of subsistence.
All these circumstances can also be supplemented and developed by the governments of the regions, based on local characteristics.

Types of possible services
If a person is recognized as being in a difficult life situation, then he is entitled to the provision of social services.
This medical rehabilitation after illness to maintain and improve health. In cases of violation of mental peace, a person can be sent for psychological rehabilitation, this will help to adapt to new conditions and a different social environment. They can also help those in need in raising children and organizing their leisure time.

The rehabilitation program also provides for the provision legal services and consultations, they can also help financially, if such a measure is deemed necessary. Disabled people and children with disabilities are promised help in solving their life problems. If they find it difficult to communicate, they will be helped to learn languages ​​and taught to live in human society. These services may be defined as urgent in special situations.

A citizen, guardian or any legal representative can apply for social services. It is a pity that there are no other social bodies on this list. After all, often those in need cannot write anything, and there it is more in electronic form to submit applications.

Prevention of difficult life situations
This article of the new law states that after receiving social assistance, social support of a person can be assigned, that is, the nature of assistance becomes regular. For the purpose of prevention, specialists of various profiles will be involved, they will advise, as well as provide services, if necessary.
When providing support to social workers, it will be important to determine what prevents a citizen from full life and try to eliminate them. In the process of accompaniment, the needy will be assisted in obtaining not only social, but also other services. The quality of social services and their effectiveness will also be assessed.

The portal I am a parent tells what kind of children may find themselves in a difficult life situation, what are the reasons for getting into such situations and what ways to solve the problems of such children exist in Russia.

The modern world is extremely unstable and full of change. Adults sometimes get stressed out by the precarious economic situation, the rise in crime, the need to worry about what will happen tomorrow. This, of course, cannot but affect the children.

Children's perception is very different from that of an adult. Sometimes a mere trifle can turn into a real tragedy, greatly upset and injure a little person. As a result, the baby finds himself in a difficult situation, and it is important for adults to understand how to help him survive the pain that the child has to face due to various life circumstances.

Causes of difficult life situations in children

One of the main reasons for the emergence of the category "children in difficult life situations" is family distress, namely:

  • drug addiction or alcoholism in the family;
  • low material security, poverty;
  • conflicts between parents and relatives;
  • child abuse, domestic violence.

Causes of family trouble

  1. Reproduction of patterns of interaction and behavior adopted in the parental family.
  2. A fatal confluence of life circumstances, as a result of which the entire structure and conditions of the existence of the family change. For example, sudden death, disability of one of the family members.
  3. Changes in the surrounding world, entailing changes in every family system. For example, the economic crisis, wars, etc.

1. Children without parental care

The number of orphans is increasing in direct proportion to the decline in socio-economic well-being in the country. Babies are left without parental care for a number of reasons. Most often, this is the deprivation of parental rights.

Reasons for termination of parental rights:

  • failure to fulfill parental responsibilities or abuse them,
  • presence of domestic violence,
  • the presence of chronic drug addiction or alcoholism in the family,
  • commission by a parent of a crime against the life and health of his child or spouse.

Thus, children can be left without parental care and end up in an orphanage if staying in a family becomes dangerous for their lives.

The primary task of the society is the early identification of families that fall into the risk group, assistance to such families and their support, the desire to preserve the birth family for the child. Sometimes a normal conversation with a neighbor who often appears drunk at the entrance can prevent the development of a real disaster.

Of course, the dream of any child who has lost his parents and ended up in an orphanage and the best outcome for him is to find a new family, to find mom, dad and his own home again.

Babies are most often adopted now, and older children and teenagers have a chance of getting into custody or guardianship. Recently, there has been such a form of guardianship as a “foster family”. By law, adoptive parents in such a family are entitled to the material reward due for raising a child. In addition, every month such a family is paid a child care allowance, which is an additional factor in attracting people who are ready to take care of a child from an orphanage to solve this problem.

2. Children with disabilities (those who have developmental features: mental and / or physical)

The causes of childhood disability can be violations prenatal development due to genetic factors, lifestyle of parents (drug addiction, alcoholism and other types of deviations); birth trauma, as well as subsequent trauma of various origins.

Often children with special needs live and study at home. At present, inclusive education has been developed, in which children with disabilities get the opportunity to live and study in the same environment with their peers.

Very often, the appearance of a child with a disability in a family leads to its disintegration. Men leave the family, unable to withstand the additional difficulties and problems associated with raising a special child. At the same time, it is obvious that the upbringing of such a child requires exorbitant efforts from a woman left alone.

Characteristic features of families with children with disabilities:

  • low income: caring for a sick child requires, in addition to large material costs, a large number personal time, so many have to give up high-paying jobs in favor of jobs with more flexible schedules and convenient locations;
  • isolation from society: difficulty attending entertainment places and events due to the lack of willingness of society to accept children with disabilities and poor technical support for the needs of people with disabilities;
  • difficulties in obtaining education and profession. For the implementation of educational and professional activities, special children need special conditions. In addition, they often encounter rejection and bullying among their peers.

Currently, social projects and programs are being developed for the socialization and adaptation of disabled children, teaching them labor skills, and programs are being introduced to integrate them into the environment of healthy peers. An important factor is to identify various defects in early stage development of children. Now throughout the country there is an early intervention service for children under three years old, where parents who have children with developmental disabilities or who are at risk can apply. Consequences of identifying defects at an early stage of a child's development:

  • prevention of the development of secondary disorders in the development of children,
  • revealing the rehabilitation potential of the family in supporting the child, providing advice to the family itself,
  • social adaptation and inclusion of the child in the peer environment already at an early stage,
  • passing earlier preparation for studying according to the school curriculum, reducing difficulties in subsequent education.

The implementation of such social programs and projects requires the active participation of all of us and a sincere desire to change the attitude of our society towards disability. Everyone can help, for example, to sit with a child in the absence of parents, or help mothers of children with developmental disabilities with employment, according to their abilities.

And we must start with the fact that we all must try to understand and accept a simple truth: not like me does not mean bad.

There is nothing shameful or shameful in disability, and we should teach this to our children. And most importantly - this can happen in every family, regardless of age, place of residence and income level! It is important not to look away embarrassedly from the boy in a wheelchair, but to be able to explain to your child that all people are different and someone is less fortunate, but this does not mean that he is less worthy of respect, attention and communication. Families raising children with disabilities can be supported in word and deed. Without a doubt, any help (both psychological support and material participation) is very necessary and invaluable for them!

3. Children who have become victims of interethnic (including armed) conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children in extreme conditions

In fact, these children are victims of extreme conditions, i.e. situations that go beyond normal human experience. The source of childhood trauma is often another person - this includes terrorist acts, attacks, local wars.

In today's world, the number of such children, unfortunately, is growing. The first priority in an emergency is to place children in a safe place and provide them with everything they need, from personal hygiene to the opportunity to receive an education. Indeed, often, being on the street and having lost a roof over their heads, children are forced to independently provide themselves with everything necessary, which can lead them to the path of crime.

The main problem of such children is that very little attention is paid to their experiences associated with a change of residence. But they are faced with a number of issues that are not easy to solve even for adults. Together with the place of residence, children need to change their school, social circle, habitual places of recreation and entertainment, and adapt to a new environment. Often children who find themselves in an extreme situation lose close relatives and even parents. Undoubtedly, they all experience loss.

In the future, such children experience difficulties in communication, their overall development becomes more difficult, academic performance and interest in life decrease. Children who find themselves in extreme conditions need qualified help from psychologists in overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder.

4. Children subjected to violence, including in the family

The abused child lives with deep trauma from an early age. The child, as a rule, carefully hides the cause of the injury from others, the pain from the injury can torment him for the rest of his life.

Types of violence:

  • physical violence when a child is beaten, while there may be traces of beatings on the body, or they are not fed,
  • sexual abuse,
  • psychological abuse when a child is humiliated, isolated, lied to and threatened in every possible way.

Consequences of violence:

  • children develop anxiety and various fears,
  • children may experience guilt, shame,
  • children do not know how to navigate their feelings and emotions,
  • in adult life, children often face a number of difficulties in creating their own family.

Early detection of this difficult situation plays a key role in helping child victims of violence. It is necessary to be more attentive to the children around us in order to notice that the child may be depressed, upset.

First of all, this applies to the parents of the child. It is extremely important for parents to be in close contact with their children. It is very useful to discuss with the child what he does outside the home, with whom he communicates, while it is important to maintain a trusting relationship so that he does not hesitate to tell at home if someone does not behave with him in the way that is customary in his family. It is necessary to pay attention to even minor changes in the behavior of the child. Sudden tears, loss of appetite and other changes are a good reason for a confidential conversation. In order to prevent violence against children, you can develop self-protection skills in children by playing small riddle games. For example, you can ask: "What would you do if stranger offered you a ride in a car?". A good activity for spending time together is to draw leaflets with your child with basic safety rules: do not leave with strangers, do not open the door for strangers, keep parents aware of their whereabouts, etc. In particular , it is worth paying special attention to any manifestations of children's aggression directed both at themselves and others, try to identify its causes and prevent it from aggravating.

The most terrible thing for a small person can be violence against him in the family, when it seems to him that no one will ever protect him, there is no one to complain to. After all, the tormentors are his closest people, parents who, for personal reasons, have become alcoholics, drug addicts, religious fanatics, or are mentally unhealthy people.

An important role in such situations is played by where children can call without fear of exposure. Everyone can and should report situations of domestic violence that we witness: relatives, neighbors, school psychologists and teachers.

5. Children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children in special educational institutions

As a rule, such children are characterized by a desire for deviation in behavior, or deviant behavior, i.e. behavior that does not correspond to the norms that are accepted in society.

Levels of deviation in behavior:

  • precriminal level- these are minor offenses, the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, leaving home;
  • criminal level- this is an extreme case of deviant behavior - delinquent behavior that can lead a child to criminal offenses.

Reasons for deviation in behavior:

  • socio-pedagogical neglect, the specifics of education;
  • family troubles, as a result of which the child experiences deep psychological discomfort;
  • personal characteristics of the child: deviations in development, transitional stages of growing up;
  • insufficient opportunity for self-realization and self-expression;
  • neglect.

In helping this category of children, it is extremely important prevention and warning manifestations of deviant behavior in the early stages of its manifestation. Here the main role is assigned to parents and teachers, since their duty is to treat children with due attention. In the modern world, the most common types of deviant behavior are presented various forms addictions - alcohol, tobacco, drugs, computer. In order to know how to behave in a situation if your child is addicted, we recommend watching the following videos:

When a crisis situation arises in the life of a child or in his family, it is necessary to turn to qualified specialists for help and support as soon as possible. For children, adolescents, as well as their parents, there is a phone number that they can call if necessary.

In practice, social assistance to children who find themselves in a difficult situation consists in constant work with their families, when it is dysfunctional. The main type of such assistance is social support for the baby and his family. Accompaniment - social assistance, including pedagogical and psychological assistance. Accompanying is otherwise called patronage. This is a whole complex system of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance provided by social service specialists. But each of us can help a child in a difficult life situation. You just have to stop, do not pass by and do not turn away from the little man in trouble.