How to remove cracked heels. Cracked heels: treatment at home

  • 07.01.2021

We treat heel cracks with proven folk remedies

The appearance of cracked heels is a common and rather serious problem that causes a lot of inconvenience and pain while walking. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such troubles, therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the more successful the result will be. Healthy skin on the heels should have a smooth and soft surface, but more often it has defects in the form of calluses, cracks and corns. To combat them, it is necessary to use all kinds of remedies for cracked heels, which are offered in abundance today by both beauty parlors and traditional medicine.

Why does the skin on the heels crack?

There can be many reasons for the appearance of cracks, and the main ones are:

  • the presence of dermatitis;
  • uncomfortable shoes that cause swelling;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • metabolic disease;
  • fungal diseases of the feet;
  • too frequent peeling;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • wearing synthetic socks.

The main danger of cracks is not even in their soreness and inconvenience, but in the fact that any infection can enter the body through them, since the heels are not protected by anything.

How to treat heel cracks?

Before you begin to treat cracked heels, it is worth finding out the presence of diseases that could provoke such a phenomenon. If they are, then simple care, even the most thorough one, will not help solve this issue, and if everything is in order with health, then you should try to change your diet and uncomfortable shoes first. There are many opinions about this advice from those who visit the forums. If there is no effect, you need to contact the specialists of the beauty salon.

When contacting professionals, it will be much easier to solve the problem: the beautician will process the heels and edges of the cracks in accordance with all the rules. This will require at least two sessions, in more advanced cases - more. But having visited the salon, you should not think that the problem is solved forever. Constant independent foot care is required, otherwise even the most effective treatment will not help.

If it is impossible or unwilling to go to a beauty parlor, you can always try to cure your heels on your own. There are a huge number of folk recipes with which you can quickly put your heels in order. Anyone who wants to learn the most effective means to solve a problem can visit the forum. It all depends on the condition of the legs and the neglect of the problem, but with great desire and perseverance, excellent results can be achieved.

Self-treatment of cracks

What home remedies help in the treatment? The easiest option for curing your heels on your own is to use ready-made pharmaceutical formulations. To do this, apply it before going to bed on the skin of the legs and wear cotton socks on top. In the morning, all the remnants of the product are washed off. A good prevention for heels is to use a healing cream with aloe or glycerin, which should be applied after a bath or shower.

You can also make foot baths, which work well against cracks. By visiting the health forums, everyone will find their own recipe for foot baths. We offer these options:

  • Mineral soap - 0.5 teaspoon dissolved in hot water - 2 liters and add baking soda - 1 tablespoon. Soak your feet in the solution for 10 minutes, for the best effect, you need to rub your heels with a brush. The course of procedures is designed for 10 days, after which a break for a month is necessary.
  • Pour cold and hot water into two different containers and alternately lower your legs into them. You need to keep them in cold water for 10 seconds, in hot water - 2 minutes. A contrast bath is good not only to heal cracks, but also as a means to strengthen blood vessels, relieve fatigue and increase blood circulation.
  • A mixture of medicinal herbs in any composition: chamomile, St. John's wort, succession, calendula, sage brew, cool and use for baths. After completion, wipe the feet and lubricate the heels with cream. This recipe is good for treating small cracks.

Other folk recipes

By visiting forums and reading user reviews, you can quickly get the information you need about a particular tool. It is important that the treatment of folk remedies is good because it is absolutely safe and all recipes can be used indefinitely, with the exception of an allergic reaction to individual components of the formulations.

Oil compresses from olive or vegetable oil: soak socks with oil, put on your feet and wrap with a film on top. After 4 hours, remove, wash off the oil with warm water. Compresses soften the feet well and fight against cracks. This is the easiest and fastest way to get help.

Lubricating the heels with glycerin mixed with water is the easiest way to soften the skin of the feet and visibly reduce the number of cracks.

You can also apply fir balm to the cracks, cover with gauze and fix with a bandage and leave the compress overnight. After steaming the feet and smearing the heels with honey, put a cabbage leaf on top, secure with a bandage. It is necessary to treat cracks with this recipe until complete healing.

Boil the potato peels with the addition of flaxseed to the state of gruel, dip your feet into it for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mixture, smear the cracks with foot cream.

A mask of the following components has a good effect against this problem: mix onion, camphor oil and lard into a homogeneous mass, put it on a film and wrap it around your heels. Such a tool is able to cure legs from cracks in just one session.

Cracks can be successfully treated with homemade creams, for example: 300 g cow's oil, marshmallow and cinquefoil roots - boil 25 grams each for an hour in a water bath. Ready anti-crack cream should be rubbed into the heels of the feet at night. Women writing reviews on the forum talk about the benefits of home-made creams and their own experience.

Tools for deep cracks

Sometimes the cracks are quite deep and very painful. To treat them effectively, it is necessary to use preparations containing petroleum jelly.

Steam the feet and apply petroleum jelly on them, seal with a plaster and leave overnight. The number of procedures depends on the result, they must be done until the heels are completely healed. Those women who visit the forum speak very positively about this recipe.

An effective method is in which paraffin, beeswax and salicylic acid are heated in equal proportions and applied to cracks in four layers. Each of the applied layers must first dry.

Fix the compress with a bandage and leave overnight, and in the morning rinse with a soda-soap bath and rub with a pumice stone. Deep cracks can be treated with this method until they disappear.

Lubricate the fabric with honey, attach it to the heels and secure with a bandage, leave the bandage overnight. In the morning, wash off the remaining honey and treat the surface of the feet with moisturizing oil. You can use adhesive tape to keep moisture on them for as long as possible. Deep cracks with the help of honey heal much faster.

The most difficult moment is the process of inflammation of cracks and the appearance of abscesses. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor, since no folk remedies will help in this situation. People who themselves have gone through problems with cracks often turn to the forum, where they post photos before and after treatment, which show the positive result of all the efforts made.

After reviewing the above recipes and tips, as well as repeatedly visiting the forum, everyone can choose the most acceptable and optimal option for themselves, which will eliminate the problem of cracks and keep the heels smooth and tender for a long time.

"Grandfather" methods perfectly remove cracked heels

Calluses, roughness of the feet, and, of course, cracked heels bring trouble to women - tights are torn, it is impossible to wear open shoes in the warm season. And what a pain with a cracked heel! If all this is familiar to you, then it's time for treatment. Often, cracks are considered a symptom of gastritis, beriberi, fungus.

To determine the exact cause, it is better to consult a dermatologist. For preventive purposes, especially in the cold season, doctors advise taking a complex of vitamin preparations that heal the skin. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because there will be no benefit from an overdose either.

Cracks on the heels are an unpleasant and annoying phenomenon. This defect brings a lot of inconvenience. If the hygiene rules are not followed, the cracks grow, become bloody and very painful, it becomes impossible to walk. When the heels crack, it is also an aesthetic problem, because you can no longer wear open sandals, you have to walk in deaf shoes even in summer. But why is this happening? Why do some girls boast pink smooth heels at any time of the year, while others suffer from permanent cracks?

Why do heels crack

There are many reasons for this, both internal and external. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Cracked heels are primarily indicative of fluid deficiencies in the body. This means that the skin needs emergency hydration. To give the skin elasticity so that it does not “tear”, you need to nourish your heels daily with moisture-retaining cosmetics.
  2. Another most common cause of cracks is considered to be improper or insufficient foot care. This suggests that regular foot washing is not enough, especially in summer, when the heels are open and exposed to external negative factors. You need to regularly steam and moisturize the skin of the feet.
  3. Uncomfortable shoes can also cause small and large cracks. Wear comfortable shoes that don't pinch or pinch your heel. Wearing uncomfortable shoes is fraught not only with the appearance of a network of cracks, but also with a deterioration in the health of the spine and legs.
  4. Cracked heels are the result of a fungal infection of the feet. Sometimes you may not suspect that a fungus lives on your feet, as the nails remain intact and unharmed. However, excessive dryness, peeling and cracks are already a reason to consult a dermatologist. To protect yourself from the fungus, you need to wear your own rubber slippers in public pools, showers and baths. In the store, do not try on shoes with bare feet. And even more so, do not wear someone else's shoes.
  5. Sometimes heels crack during the off-season. This is due to the fact that in summer the skin is moist and stretched, and in winter, when cold weather sets in, the epidermis sharply contracts and cracks appear. During this period, you can not leave the legs without additional care.
  6. Wearing low-quality synthetic socks is also a good reason. Through the artificial fabric, air does not enter the skin, it perishes and dries. It is best to choose socks made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton.

Often, cracked heels can be evidence that a person is prone to skin diseases. Sometimes cracking heels are a symptom of diseases of the endocrine or digestive system.

If the heels are already cracked, you need to get rid of this and continue to prevent such situations. But how to cure already cracked heels? How to restore their youth and beauty?

  1. To begin with, I would like to note that cracks in the heels should be treated immediately, as the slightest hints appeared. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be.
  2. First, pour hot water into the basin. The temperature should be comfortable for the feet - hot, but not burning. Pour a teaspoon of boric acid into the water. It soothes, disinfects and softens the skin.
  3. Soak your feet thoroughly in the prepared water. When the skin has become soft and steamed, you can remove the dead layer of the epidermis with a pumice stone. Remove areas around cracks with extreme care so as not to open wounds.
  4. After that, give your feet a light massage with a little olive oil. It will moisturize and soften the skin. And the blood flow that you provide with massage will saturate the withered epidermis of the heels with oxygen and vitamins.
  5. If the cracks are deep and painful, they need to be treated with an antiseptic ointment. For example, synthomycin, tetracycline or Vishnevsky ointment.
  6. Then generously lubricate the legs with vaseline-containing cream. You can lubricate with plain Vaseline or glycerin. Fill all cracks with ointment.
  7. After that, large cracks can be sealed with a plaster. Wear cotton socks and leave overnight. Such procedures should be done every day until the cracks are overgrown.

Folk remedies for getting rid of cracked heels

There are many folk recipes that soften the skin, disinfect open wounds and prevent cracked heels. We have chosen the most effective.

Honey. This is one of the most effective remedies for fighting inflammation. Honey and bee products heal painful wounds and perfectly soften the skin. You can do foot baths with a decoction of propolis. But the most effective use is to smear cracks with natural fresh honey, cover with waterproof paper (tracing paper) and bandage. Leave such a mask for the night, and in the morning the legs will not be recognized - they will look like children's.

Starch. To tighten large cracks, you need to make starch lotions or baths. To do this, boil the potatoes, but do not drain the water. When it cools down a bit, you need to steam your legs in this water. If you do not want to wait until the potatoes are cooked, add a couple of tablespoons of finished starch to warm water. Before the bath, wipe the feet with an alcohol-containing solution. After the bath, treat the cracks with salicylic ointment. You can make a raw potato compress for the heels at night.

Onion. This is another great tool for fighting cracks. First, the skin must be steamed and prepared. Then we remove one layer of the “shirt” from the onion, remove the inner transparent film, and then scrape the onion skin a little from the inside. She should, as it were, give juice in order to better penetrate the wound. Then we tightly tie the onion skin to the painful heel and leave it overnight.

Milk apple. For this recipe, you will need one apple and a glass of milk. The apple must be peeled and peeled, cut into small pieces. Pour the apple with a glass of milk and simmer for half an hour. Then the apple pulp must be pulled out and mashed to a puree state. The prepared product should be applied to the heels in a warm form. Keep for about an hour, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the feet with baby cream.

Cabbage. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of wounds, congestion and seals. Cabbage must first be kneaded with a rolling pin on the board. Then attach large sheets to the heel and bandage. Leave it overnight.

Sour cream. A tablespoon of melted butter should be mixed with the same amount of fat sour cream. The prepared mixture should be rubbed into the heels until part of the product is absorbed. Leave the mask on for an hour, then rinse your feet and apply cream.

Soap. Soap heals cracks well. Most suitable household, 72%. It is necessary to rub the cracks, and especially the edges. Leave the soap on overnight and rinse your feet with warm water in the morning.

Aloe + egg. You need to choose an old plant that is more than three years old. Pick a few leaves and put in the freezer for a few hours. Then defrost and grind aloe leaves, mix with egg white. Apply the mask on the heels and hold for about an hour. Then remove large pieces of the mask, but do not rinse the heels. In the morning, wash off the remnants of the prepared product and generously grease with a fat cream.

To heal cracked heels, you can do not only compresses and masks. Medicinal baths are also very effective. Let's look at a few recipes.

  1. Decoction of calendula. Prepare a rich decoction of this herb. For a liter of water, you need to take at least two tablespoons of the crushed plant. Grass can be either dry or green. Calendula has strong antiseptic properties.
  2. Chamomile. Prepare a strong decoction from chamomile inflorescences. Chamomile soothes the skin, softens it and relieves irritation.
  3. Nettle. This plant will not only get rid of cracks, but also eliminate scuffs and corns. Nettle softens corns and evens out the skin texture.

Prevention of cracked heels

Cracks in the heels cause a lot of inconvenience, because they hurt when walking, do not heal and open with an awkward movement. If your heels are prone to cracking, you need to protect yourself in advance.

In order for the skin to be smooth, elastic and elastic when stretched, it must contain a sufficient amount of vitamin A. Therefore, you need to eat more dairy products, eggs, tomatoes, cheese, liver and greens.

It is essential to take care of your legs and feet. Regular moisturizing, softening and restorative procedures will save you from any cracks. Constantly clean your heels with a pumice stone to remove the remnants of rough skin. You can not use a razor, because, firstly, it removes too much skin and the heel is left unprotected. And secondly, cuts on the heel heal slowly and painfully, besides, you can bring an infection into the wound.

As a prevention of cracked heels, you can do hot baths several times a week with the addition of soap and soda. You can also add decoctions of medicinal herbs and vegetables to the water.

Do not forget about pharmaceutical ointments and cosmetics against cracks and to moisturize the feet. For example, cracks are perfectly healed by Boro-plus ointment, which, moreover, is absolutely harmless. After sunbathing or swimming in sea water, do not forget to moisturize the skin of the heels to avoid cracks.

Regular foot care will help you shine and wear open sandals with a bare heel. Be not just beautiful, be perfect from head to toe!

Video: how to get rid of cracked heels

Beauty must be perfect. And in everything! Any person with any manifestations of any shortcomings that affect his appearance begins to show concern. But there is a problem that worries many people, regardless of age and gender, are cracked heels - an unpleasant phenomenon and in some cases causing physical discomfort. The formation of deep cracks in the feet cannot be called a disease, but this does not stop the problem from being such. It is necessary to treat this condition, otherwise various complications may develop.


Causes of cracked heels. What causes cracked heels?

Cracked heels are a common problem for people of all ages. They are mainly caused by lack of moisture. If the epidermis on the heels does not receive sufficient moisture, then very soon microcracks appear on it, which subsequently become more serious and begin to cause discomfort.

The causes of cracked heels are many and include:

  • Regular and long-term walking or standing;
  • Using harsh soaps that dry out the skin too much
  • Frequent hypothermia of the feet;
  • Prolonged exposure to water;
  • Overweight;
  • Wearing shoes of the wrong size.

In addition to the listed reasons, cracked heels can provoke some diseases and disorders of the systems and organs, such as eczema, psoriasis, thyroid disease and diabetes.

Cracked feet look unattractive and in some cases can lead to infection and severe pain. But, the problem is quite easily solved and you can get rid of unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous cracks with the help of affordable home preparations. Folk remedies often have a faster effect in treatment than medications, which, by the way, are not so many on the modern market.

What to do if your heels are cracked

When cracked heels appear, the first question that arises is what to do to cure them as quickly as possible? Even qualified specialists recommend using available means for this and be sure to take vitamins inside.

Today, there is a huge range of multivitamins that have a complex effect on the body and help get rid of many problems, including those associated with skin defects. They are inexpensive, but at the same time they have a quick and fairly stable effect.

How to treat cracked heels - pharmacy products

Treating cracked heels is not difficult when you know what remedies really help. These drugs include some ready-made drugs that are sold in pharmacies.

Paraffin is used to remove dead cells, eliminate the effect of dry skin and effectively cope with the treatment of cracked heels. It can also be used as a natural emollient to preserve skin properties.

Paraffin should only be used when warm. The microwave is perfect for warming it up. After warming up, you need to add a little coke oil to the paraffin, this will enhance the effect of the drug. Next, do the following:

1. Apply a warm mixture to the problem area, wait a few minutes and put on cotton socks;
2. Leave overnight, then rinse thoroughly with water.
If you use this remedy for two weeks daily, then cracked heels will pass without a trace.

Healing foot cream
The composition of foot creams includes walnut extract, sea buckthorn and cedar oil, plantain extract and essential oils. Healing creams should be used daily, preferably in the evening. Just after a shower, you need to generously lubricate the heels with cream, and the problem will cease to be such in a few days.

Folk recipes for cracked heels

Cracked heels can also be treated with folk remedies. The problem of excessive dry skin on the feet has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors did not have pharmacies and ready-made drugs for the treatment of cracked heels, so they resorted to all sorts of tricks to resolve this issue. Therefore, now there is a huge number of folk remedies, the use of which is no less effective than the use of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations.

Foot scrub
A homemade scrub does an excellent job of removing rough, dead skin. Before using it, it is necessary to steam the feet in hot water, in which it is desirable to add liquid soap or shower gel. The procedure itself looks like this:

  • Before going to bed, mix some liquid soap with warm water in the foot bath;
  • Immerse your feet in soapy water and hold for 20 minutes;
  • When the skin is steamed, take a pumice stone and carefully remove the rough skin on the feet with it;
  • Take ordinary coarse salt and rub the slightly dried feet well;
  • Rinse off the salt with warm water, wipe the feet, smear the skin with cream and put on cotton socks.

Use this remedy daily until the problem stops bothering you.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is another incredible remedy for dry, chapped skin. It not only perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, but also perfectly fights fungal and bacterial infections. It should be used like this:

  • Soak your feet in warm, soapy water before going to bed;
  • Dry your feet with a towel and generously apply coconut oil to your feet;
  • Rub the product thoroughly into the skin;
  • Put on cotton socks and do not take them off throughout the night;
  • In the morning, take off your socks and remove any remaining oil.

Do this daily for several days until you are satisfied with the results.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice has a very mild natural acid level, making it great for removing dead skin cells. Regular use of it will help to make the skin soft and beautiful.
To achieve a positive result, you need to add a little lemon juice to a basin of clean water, immerse your feet in it and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, remove rough skin from the heels with a pumice stone, dry the feet and apply a moisturizer.
Repeat several times a week.

Overripe bananas should not be thrown away - they make an excellent remedy for treating cracked heels. They will help soften and moisturize the skin. The preparation is very simple:

  • Thoroughly mash one or two overripe bananas;
  • Apply the paste on your feet and leave for 20 minutes;
  • Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water;
  • Dry and apply a nourishing cream.

This remedy not only softens the skin, but also relieves tired legs.

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent treatment for cracked heels. It acts on the skin of the feet like boiling water in ten minutes, steaming it out as if you spent an hour in a hot bath. The tool is used like this:

  • Four liters of warm water are poured into the basin and four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added;
  • The legs are immersed in the pelvis so that the feet are completely in the water;
  • After ten or fifteen minutes, we take out the legs from the pelvis and walk through the problem areas with pumice;
  • Rinse your feet, dry with a towel and apply a fat cream to the skin.

If such a procedure is carried out at least once a week, then the heels will always remain smooth and beautiful.

Ointment for cracks

Ointment for cracked heels can be bought at a pharmacy. A tool called "Radevit" perfectly copes with the treatment of deep cracks, and also nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and eliminates related problems.
Dermatitis, burns, eczema and cracks can be treated with this ointment, the cost of which is low, which cannot be said about the effect it has on all layers of the epidermis.

Treatment of heels with aspirin

Cracked heels can be treated with a simple remedy - aspirin. Tablets of acetylsalicylic acid should be mixed with a glass of vodka and iodine should be added to the resulting mixture. Ten tablets and a few drops of iodine are enough to prepare a miraculous solution. You need to store the mixture in the refrigerator and lubricate problem areas with it daily. Cracks on the heels, including deep ones, can be cured in just a week.

Vinegar for cracked heels

Vinegar can also be used to treat cracked heels. The acid found in vinegar helps soften the skin, which in turn makes exfoliation easier and helps relieve fatigue.

Mix half of one cup of white or apple cider vinegar in two cups of water. Dampen a cotton cloth with the resulting solution and wrap your feet with it. Leave for ten to fifteen minutes, then carefully remove the rough skin with a pumice stone. Rinse your feet in warm water, dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.

Another excellent remedy for cracked heels, which can be purchased at pharmacies, is glycerin. Due to its moisturizing properties, glycerin is considered an ideal remedy for getting rid of many problems of the epidermis, including deep cracked heels. Glycerin is used like this:
1. Glycerin, lemon juice and rose water are mixed in equal proportions;
2. The mixture is applied to the heels and left for 20 minutes.

After, its excess is removed, and the feet are washed with warm water without the use of soap or gel. This mask should be done daily for 10 days.

Baths or how to treat deep cracks in the heels

In order for the problem of dry skin on the feet to cease to be such, it is necessary to regularly do special foot baths. The simplest bath is prepared using sea salt. This natural component not only promotes the healing of deep cracks in the heels, but also has an antibacterial effect. Sea salt contains a large amount of magnesium - a mineral substance that perfectly draws toxins through micropores. To make a healing foot bath, you must:

  • Add one half cup of sea salt to a foot bath with warm water;
  • Soak your feet in this solution for 10 minutes;
  • Gently rub your feet with a pumice stone;
  • Put your feet back in the water with sea salt for another 10 minutes;
  • Remove your feet from the bath, dry thoroughly with a towel and apply a rich cream.

Such a healing foot bath should be done at least two to three times a week. For the fastest effect, it is recommended to use this tool daily for two weeks.

Crack Treatment Products

Cracked heels can be treated in a variety of ways, ranging from medication to folk remedies. Ideally, the means should be combined. For example, in the morning, use ointments to treat cracked heels, such as:

  • Lamisil;
  • Zazhivin;
  • Balzamed;
  • Radevit.

And in the evening do baths or compresses. The most effective in the treatment of cracked heels are lotions from:

  • onions;
  • apples and milk;
  • potatoes;
  • aloe;
  • honey and lemon juice;
  • banana and milk.

They are prepared quite simply and are necessarily applied to the steamed skin of the feet. After using compresses, you must thoroughly wash your feet and remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone. The final procedure should be the application of a greasy cream or petroleum jelly. If you follow all the recommendations given in this article, such a problem as excessive dry skin and cracked heels will stop bothering you!

A cracked heel brings significant discomfort, which at the same time looks unattractive and hurts a lot.

What to do to prevent further crack propagation?

When it is not possible to go to a beauty salon to perform medical procedures. The most affordable option is home treatment.

To get a positive result, you first need to analyze the causes of cracks.

Consider the possible options that are equally characteristic of both women and men:

  • The first thing to note is dry skin on the feet. This is most often seen in the summer.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, usually E and A. This reason is typical for autumn or spring, when beriberi occurs in the body.
  • Diabetes disease.
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland or other internal organs.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Tight or poor quality shoes.

Important to note that if the cracks in the heels are not healed, sweat deposits and dirt will begin to accumulate in them - infection will begin.

Everyone knows that the problem is easier to prevent than to remove its consequences. To possibly prevent the occurrence of cracks, you should simply follow the rules of personal hygiene and use moisturizing creams.

But if cracks form, it is necessary to take:

  1. Contact a dermatologist immediately at the first manifestation of cracks.

    He will prescribe an examination to rule out serious diseases: diabetes, hormonal abnormalities, or pathologies of the digestive system.

    If they are identified, special treatment will be prescribed.

  2. For hormonal imbalances, a course of drugs is offered that normalizes this balance in the body.
  3. If there are symptoms of diabetes, drug therapy is also carried out, control of blood sugar levels is mandatory.

After a full examination and determination of the causes of cracks, as well as therapy for identified disorders, the patient will be offered home treatment.

These are absolutely simple procedures that require a minimum of time spent.

These include:

  • Warm herbal or salt baths.
  • Foot treatment with nourishing, moisturizing, healing compounds.
  • Foot massage.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid daily, which will prevent dehydration and, as a result, dryness of the skin.
  • Apply the recommended anti-crack ointment at least twice a day. It is preferable to use a foot product with a high content of vitamin E.
  • Treat your heels with a pumice stone or a special spatula. You can use a Shol file.
  • Take warm baths regularly.
  • After lubricating the skin with Vaseline, put on socks. You can use glycerin.

To begin with, consider the drugs that are purchased at the pharmacy and can help fight cracks.

The best medicines and drugs to combat cracks: creams and ointments

Balsam "Doctor Biocon"- It helps a lot with insufficient moisturizing of the heels. Its composition includes lactic and salicylic acids, shea butter, calendula.

This remedy should be rubbed twice a day, rubbing it into the skin of the feet in circular rotations. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear plain socks.

Zorka with Floralizin - a little-known, but very effective cream for the feet. This miracle remedy is intended for the udder of cattle and contains florazilin, which improves blood circulation in tissues.

The composition also includes petroleum jelly, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Together, these two components have a positive effect on the treated surface.

"Green Pharmacy" - foot cream, with a healing effect. It includes extracts of natural ingredients.

This is indicated in more detail in the table:

This cream is effective at an early stage of the lesion.

Radevit - an effective remedy for the treatment of cracks. Contains vitamins D2, A and E. Thanks to this composition, cracks heal quickly.

Ointment Bepanten - is intended for the treatment of diaper rash in children and nipple cracks in women. Very effective in the treatment of cracked heels.

The Gewol series is one of the most popular cosmetic products., including, in addition to creams and ointments, a patch for healing lesions on the skin and softening it.

Levomekol - drug helping to heal even deep injuries.

We effectively get rid of cracks with folk remedies

Do not underestimate the possibilities of traditional medicine. There are many easily accessible and simple recipes and ways to get rid of cracks on your own at home.

Our ancestors used folk remedies in those distant times, when there were no pharmacies yet, and drugs were not developed.

A known method with the use of laundry soap.

Spread the affected areas with laundry soap. After some time, treat with a pumice stone, rinse with water and apply moisturizing ointments.

After that, put on socks. This procedure should be repeated at least once every two days.

Honey treatment.

Honey is applied to the skin, after which the treated areas are wrapped in parchment and socks are put on until the morning. Then you should rinse the skin and rub the cream.

Another way involves applying honey to steamed skin. and cover with a leaf of fresh cabbage. It is fixed with a bandage and left overnight.

The use of oils.

Compresses from various oils are very effective: from sea buckthorn, wheat germ, almonds, olives, etc.

To enhance the effect, a small amount of chamomile, clove, lavender or other therapeutic oils should be added to it.

A cotton napkin soaked in the composition is applied to the affected area, wrapped in a film and fixed with a worn sock. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off.

Onion therapy. Several recipes are known:

  1. Chopped raw onions are applied to the heels, after 2 - 3 hours, the legs are washed off and smeared with cream.
  2. Onions passed through a meat grinder applied and fixed with a bandage bandage on the heel. After a couple of hours, vegetable oil is applied to washed feet with the addition of St. John's wort.
  3. Chopped green onions are applied as a bandage on cracked skin, until morning.
  4. A tablespoon of calendula flowers is poured with a small amount of water, boiled, filtered after cooling.

    Kalanchoe leaves and a small onion are ground in a meat grinder. These components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin, up to three hours.

    This method is applied for three weeks.

  5. Onion ointment. Chopped onions are fried in olive oil. After cooling, the composition is filtered, placed in a water bath and about 30 grams of melted wax is added.

    Rubbed into the skin of the feet after taking baths.

Use of hydrogen peroxide.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is similar to boiling water. In a quarter of an hour, the heels are steamed, as if after an hour in a heated bath.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • 4 tablespoons are added to the poured 4 liters of heated water. hydrogen peroxide.
  • The feet are dipped into the container so that they are completely covered with water.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the legs are removed from the water and treated with pumice.
  • The feet are rinsed, dried and treated with a greasy cream.

It is enough to carry out this procedure weekly to ensure an attractive and healthy appearance of the heels.

Vinegar treatment.

Vinegar is also quite effective. Its acid softens the skin and facilitates exfoliation of the coarsened layer.

100 milliliters (9%) of vinegar is diluted with 200 grams of water. A compress from the resulting composition is applied to the foot. After fifteen minutes of exposure, the skin is treated with pumice, rinsed, rubbed with ointment.

Many resources are known. We have included just a few. We hope that you have found the best medicine for yourself, and the recommendations provided have been useful.

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Why cracked heels - causes of cracked heels
Cracked heels appear for the following reasons:
1. fungal infection
2. Dry skin which cracks easily.

Causes of dry skin on the heels:
- Incorrect, slow metabolism. The reasons for this are age (after 40, the metabolism slows down, the skin condition worsens), chronic diseases (gastritis, diabetes, obesity), lack of vitamins in the diet.
- increased formation of the stratum corneum on the heels: this may be due to walking barefoot or walking in uncomfortable flip-flops and mules that constantly flap on the heels. Constant mechanical impact leads to coarsening of the heels.
3. Improper foot care. The causes of cracked heels can be an incorrectly selected cream, excessive friction when removing the stratum corneum, wearing synthetic socks

What to do if your heels are cracked

Folk remedies will help cure heels. First you need to analyze the causes of cracks and choose the appropriate method of treatment. If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is advisable to use products with the addition of vinegar. If the disease is caused by dry skin, then remedies with the addition of honey, herbs, potato and linen compresses, as well as recipes with vinegar will help in the treatment of dry heels. Below are folk recipes that helped the readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" to cure heels and get rid of cracks

Honey cake is a popular folk remedy for cracked heels.
Knead the dough from 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Divide into 2 parts. At night, steam your feet for 10-15 minutes, wipe them off, and put a honey cake on each heel, wrap it with polyethylene and a bandage. Put on socks. Remove everything in the morning, wash your feet, roll the cakes into a ball until the next evening. Do this procedure 5-6 days in a row. All the old rough skin will come off, and dry heels will become pink and smooth. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 12 p. 32).

Woodlice in the folk treatment of cracked legs
To get rid of cracked heels, steam your feet in a decoction of chamomile, calendula. Then put fresh wood lice in your socks, put the socks on your feet and walk like this all day. Everything will drag on quickly. (HLS 2011, No. 20, p. 39).
Plantain leaves can be added to wood lice (2007, No. 13, p. 34).

Cracked Toes, Feet, Heels - Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment
If the skin on the soles of the feet has coarsened, started to crack, then the following folk remedy will help: mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak a cloth in this solution and wrap your legs overnight, pull plastic bags on top and put on socks. During the night, rough skin will become limp and easily cleansed. In the morning, the feet should be washed and lubricated with a nourishing cream. (2010, No. 9, p. 30).

If the heels are cracked, glycerin and vinegar will help.
This is the simplest and most popular remedy, it effectively treats cracked heels, cracked toes and feet.
Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy, top it up (it is not full) with vinegar. In the morning, lubricate the feet and toes with this composition. Then put on socks. After two days, rough, cracked skin will become soft and pink. It will take more time to treat cracks - you need to take 5 vials of glycerin for the course. (HLS 2010, No. 11, p. 30, 2010, No. 14, p. 23). Another article says that glycerin and vinegar essence should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio - after bathing, lubricate the soles, they will not crack and peel off. (2009, No. 16, p. 10)
And here is a similar folk recipe, it was given to the reader by an old paramedic. Only here it is necessary to mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1. Steam your feet in warm water, wipe and grease with this mixture. With the help of this remedy, the woman managed to cure cracks in her fingers, and her niece completely healed the skin on her legs - she was covered with scales, swollen, with diseased layered nails. A week later, the scales and swelling disappeared, and a month later, the nails became beautiful, strong, shiny, as if varnished. (2010, No. 15, p. 30).
Another variation of the recipe: mix 3 parts of glycerin, 3 parts of 70% vinegar and 2 parts of alcohol - rub into the soles every evening after washing the feet. This product is well absorbed and does not stain the bed. (Healthy lifestyle 2008 No. 5, p. 30)

How to treat cracked heels with herbal ointment
Take 4 bunches of lilacs with leaves, 10 marigold flowers, 10 plantain leaves, a handful of cinquefoil and 2 leaves of aloe. Mash all this with a crush and pour 200 g of hot (60-70 degrees) chicken fat. When cool, refrigerate for two days, then heat again and strain. Rub at night into steamed cracks on the heels, put on socks. Cracks will heal quickly. (2011, No. 11, p. 28,).

Folk treatment of heels with yolk ointment
Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. You will get an ointment that looks like yellowish sour cream. After the foot bath, apply the mixture on the heels, put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, wash everything off and treat with a pumice stone. After 2-3 procedures, the feet will become smooth. (2010, No. 22, p. 38,).
Another similar recipe: 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence - mix.

Ointment for cracked heels
Heat 100 g of sunflower or olive oil to 40 degrees, remove from heat, add beeswax the size of half a matchbox, stir until the wax dissolves, add 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mix until smooth, store in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, steam your legs, apply ointment, put on socks and sleep until morning. First, the treatment is carried out every day, then as needed. The skin on the heels will become very soft and smooth (2009, No. 14, p. 31).

How to treat heels with vinegar, egg and oil ointment
Wash a white chicken egg, put in a glass and pour 70% acetic acid, Close the lid and put in a cool place for 7 days. Then carefully remove the egg with a spoon, put on a plate, mix with 200 g of butter, kneading with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Apply like a cream, rubbing lightly. The course of treatment - until it ends.
The man had cracked heels for many years, and at times he could not walk because of the pain. Lotions from onions, potatoes, herbs did not help him, and expensive medicines prescribed by doctors did not help either. And this folk remedy immediately helped (2009, No. 18, p. 32).

Wonderful resin ointment for cracked heels.
Heat a good butter in an enamel mug, remove the foam, drain the clean butter, and discard the residue with impurities. For 1 cup of ghee, take natural wax with a volume of two matchboxes and the same amount of resin (frozen in the refrigerator and grated). Mix all this, heating no higher than 80 degrees. When everything is dissolved, strain through double cheesecloth, when the mass begins to thicken, add 1 tsp. honey and stir again. It will turn out a healing ointment with the aroma of pine needles, slightly bitter. Store in the freezer in a glass jar.
The properties of the ointment are simply extraordinary: it heals wounds, erosion (tampon), hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, boils, cracked heels. When taken orally, it helps with stomach ulcers, heartburn.
(2009, No. 19, p. 26).
You can add 5-10 g of propolis to this ointment along with resin (2007, No. 4, art. 32).

Tetracycline ointment and apple cider vinegar will help with cracked heels.
The woman had problems with her heels for many years - thick dry skin constantly grew on them, cracks often appeared. I used many folk recipes, but the following method helped:
Steam your feet in water with soda, clean your heels with pumice, generously lubricate with 3% tetracycline ointment, put on bags, socks and go to bed. Wash your feet in the morning, the cracks will gradually heal. After that, change tactics: take gauze, moisten it with plenty of apple cider vinegar and wrap the heel through the entire foot, secure with a pin, a bag and a sock. In the morning, rough skin is easily removed with a pumice stone. This procedure should be done every 2-3 months as the skin grows, there will be no cracks at all, and the heels will be smooth. (2009, No. 21, p. 39).

Treatment of heels with onion peel
Pour a handful of onion peels with 2 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Pour the infusion into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and soda. Soar your feet until the water cools down. Then wipe your feet and smear the entire foot with vegetable oil, then with egg yolk, put on cotton socks, then a plastic bag and woolen socks. — and to bed. 4-5 procedures are enough to cure heels from cracks (2009, No. 9, p. 32).

Heel rest treatment.
The reader claims that the best remedy for cracked heels is not to lubricate them with anything. You need to steam your legs every evening and go to bed, the cracks will begin to dry and shrink, and only in the morning anoint them with a fat cream. If the wounds are anointed immediately, then the cream or ointment will not allow them to shrink as much as possible. (2008, No. 18, p. 30).

How to treat heels with resin
Lubricate cracks with liquid resin - the pain disappears immediately, and the wounds will heal in 1-2 days. Resin heels will be black, but this is temporary. (2007, No. 17, p. 32).

Plantain roots will help with cracked heels.
Cracked heels are very easy to treat. Wash plantain roots, pour boiling water, when the water cools to warm, lower your legs, hold for 20 minutes, it is better to do this before going to bed. Dry heels will become soft, the wounds will heal. (2007, No. 20, p. 31).

Cracked heels lipstick treatment
The woman had cracks on her heels for a long time, she tried to treat them with various means, but a simple hygienic lipstick helped - every evening after washing her feet she smeared her feet with lipstick - the cracks quickly disappeared. (2007, No. 20, p. 32).

Onion ointment for cracked heels.
Heat 1 cup of unrefined oil and throw 2 chopped onions into it. Saute onion in oil until browned. Then quickly strain and add beeswax to the hot oil. Mix, cool, store in the refrigerator. After washing the feet, lubricate the feet with this composition. Cracks on the feet pass quickly (2006, No. 5, p. 32, No. 23, p. 8,).

Alternative treatment of yogurt heels
If the heels crack, it is necessary to make compresses from curdled milk or sour cream for 7-8 days. (2006, No. 11, p. 33).

Alternative treatment of heels with a cabbage compress
The woman's heels often cracked to the point of blood, she used various folk remedies, but the cabbage leaf helped the best - after these compresses, the heels have been in order for 10 years. It is necessary to steam out the legs, let them dry, then grease with honey, wrap with a cabbage leaf and secure with a plastic bag and a bandage for the whole night. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times. This recipe has helped a lot. (2006, No. 27, p. 31).

If your heels are cracking, hellebore will help
For the treatment of heels, dried and ground into flour roots of hellebore are used. The resulting powder is mixed with an equal amount of butter. Lubricate with a mixture of sore spots at night, insulate with a bandage. Healing occurs within a week. (2005, No. 21, p. 28).

How to treat heels with folk remedies
The woman's heels were in a terrible state: covered with cracks, many warts, all the tights were torn in the first hour of wearing. She tried to treat them with various means, but with the onset of improvement, she abandoned the treatment, and the problem returned. In addition, after a dislocation of the foot, a bump began to grow on the inside of the thumb, the surgeon said that it was the joint fluid that had leaked out and that the lump should be removed through surgery. Then the woman decided to take up her legs more systematically. I applied a number of activities, and the heels became soft and healthy. In addition, there was a lump on the finger. She can’t say exactly what was wrong, but here’s what she did:
1. At night, I wrapped my feet with a cloth moistened with urine, over a bag and socks. Washed off in the morning.
2. Tied a cake made of flour, garlic, vinegar to wounds
3. I tied a baked onion, they ate resin.
4. For the night or for the whole day I made a compress with tincture of potato flowers.
5. I soared my legs in a potato decoction or a decoction of herbs of burdock, celandine, calendula, nettle, wormwood - in arbitrary proportions.
6. Lubricated her legs with honey, and her heels with an ointment, which she prepared from honey, vegetable oil and wax. (2005, No. 15, p. 10).

How to treat dry heels with potatoes
If the heels are dry, covered with corns and cracks, then raw potatoes will help - you need to grate 3-4 potatoes, add the same amount of alcohol, divide the mass into two parts and put it in two plastic bags. Put your feet on this mixture, after smearing your feet with cream so that there is no burn, fix it. Sit in front of the TV for three hours, then wash your feet and smear with cream. With the same portion of potatoes, you can make compresses 3-4 times. (2004, No. 16, p. 22).

Home treatment of heels with paraffin
If the heels are cracking, you need to take a candle and cut it into a tin can. Take the same amount of butter by volume. Put on fire and stir until smooth. When the mixture has cooled slightly to a tolerable state - pour on the heels, tie with parchment and put on socks. everything heals in the morning (2004, No. 1, p. 24).

herbal flour
From the fungus, sweating, cracks in the legs, a simple remedy will help: put a pinch of herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, celandine, nettle in clean socks in the morning. Wear these socks all day. When walking, herbs turn into powder and fall into all wounds. Every morning lay a new portion of the herb. So you can cure cracked heels, bad smell from the feet. (2004, No. 3 p. 25).

Cracked heels - home treatment with honey
If the heels crack, then you can do a simple procedure: smear them with honey before going to bed, wash them off in the morning. Everything will heal quickly. (2004, No. 4, p. 24).

Dry heels and cracks can be cured very quickly
This tool helped in just 2 applications. The woman had cracks on her heels for many years, she could not wear sandals before they were terrible. On Saturday, after the bath, after steaming her legs well and wiping them dry, she smeared her heels with grease. She wrapped her feet in plastic and went to bed. A week later, the treatment was repeated. All dry skin on the heels went away, they became even and soft, scars remained from cracks. (2003, No. 13, pp. 23-24)

Heel fat treatment
Rub melted interior beef fat into cracks overnight with a cotton swab. In the morning there will be no more pain (HLS 2003, No. 17, p. 26)

Soap treatment for heels
Soak a linen cloth in strong brewed tea and lather with laundry soap. Attach the fabric to the heel, polyethylene on top and fasten all night. It is necessary to do 3-4 such procedures to cure cracked heels. (2003, No. 23, p. 27).

How to treat heels and cracks with nettle baths
Per liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. l. nettles. Steam your feet in this solution, then smear with cream or fat, make a light massage. Instead of nettle, you can take starch - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. (2002, No. 16, p. 4).