Terms of planting dahlias in open ground in the spring. When to plant dahlias: the main characteristics of the plant

  • 15.06.2019

dahlia flowers

If your collection does not yet have dahlias, then I advise you to immediately purchase them. Dahlia will decorate any plot or flower bed, will delight you with long flowering and chic flowers. The plant responds to care and care with grateful growth and an abundance of buds. In the assortment of stores you can always find for yourself any color and size of a flower, the volume of buds, the height of the bush, and the easy care and unpretentiousness of the dahlia will make it your favorite.

Preparation of dahlias before planting in the spring in the ground

A few words about how dahlias are grown in our climate. In our latitudes, dahlias are grown as a seasonal plant. There are annual and perennial dahlias. Dahlias do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures and even a temperature of 0 ° C negatively affects them. The tubers of the plant are dug up in autumn and stored until spring in basements, cool rooms, balconies, or in the spring they purchase planting material in stores. Planting material is tubers (rhizome) or seeds. Consider each option for preparing dahlias before planting.

In the Southern regions, dahlias can be planted in open ground without germination. It is enough to treat the tubers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry for several days. If the rhizome is large, it must be divided, processed sections and dried wounds for a week. How to properly divide dahlia tubers, read the article below.

Dahlias are planted in open ground after the threat of the last frost has passed, therefore, we begin germination 2 weeks before the expected planting date.

Preparation for planting overwintered dahlia tubers in pots or containers, sawdust, etc.

If you got dahlia tubers from your friends who overwintered in a box, pot or in any other way indoors, you are most likely tormented by the question of what to do with them next.

Dahlia tubers

You need to start preparing and germinating dahlia tubers in the spring from early April to mid-May, depending on the weather conditions in your region.

Step one: Inspect and process dahlia tubers

Planting material you have to prepare for landing in the ground. To do this, remove the dahlia tubers and inspect them. Remove any missing tubers, remnants of earth and old roots. Old roots are not needed, the plant renews the root system (grows a new one) every season. If you doubt the health of dahlia nodules, treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, we make a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and immerse all planting material in it for 30 minutes. Then dry the tubers on paper until completely dry. If you notice worm bugs and characteristic damage on the nodules, treat additionally with pesticides.

Step Two: Preparing Dahlia Tubers for Sprouting and Dividing

Now the dahlia tubers are ready for further action. If the rhizome is large and has already awakened buds on the basal necks, such a bush can already be divided.

If the dahlia rhizomes are not divided for a long time, varietal characteristics degenerate, the flowers become smaller.

If there are no buds on the tubers, you need to wait for them to appear and only after that we proceed to the division of dahlia tubers. To do this, we place the processed tubers in a warm, lit place. For germination, select a container or box and pour peat into it, garden soil or sand and lay the tubers on top.

If the tubers are dry, you can wet the cloth and wrap the tubers in it and moisten the cloth. When sprouts appear, we proceed to the division of the tuber. We germinate at a temperature of about 20 ° C.

What to do if dahlia nodules are purchased in a store

Before buying a plant, make sure that the dahlia tuber is suitable for planting. Through the transparent packaging, inspect it for rot or shrinkage. There should be no sprouts on the dahlia tuber. in the process of preparation, they are easy to break, they may not survive until the planting season (if you purchase the plant in advance). As a rule, such tubers do not require treatment from pests and fungi. Manufacturers complete individual nodules, they do not need to be divided. If the season has come, feel free to send them for germination, to a bright place with constant moistening of the nodules. If the purchased tuber turned out to be very dry, wrap it in a damp cloth. We germinate at a temperature of about 20 ° C.

You can not soak dry tubers in water and wait until they "get drunk" and become dense.

Division of dahlia tubers. How to properly divide a dahlia tuber

The division of the rhizome of the dahlia contributes to the rejuvenation of the bush and its resistance to diseases. A large rhizome will give a lot of shoots, which will lead to a dense bush at the expense of flowering.

The division of dahlia tubers begins after the appearance of buds, i.e. after sprouting dahlia tubers at home or if you bought a large rhizome with awakened buds in the store.

You need to share with a disinfected sharp instrument. We divide the tubers so that there are 2-3 nodules per 1-2 buds. This will be enough to feed the plant. Then this tuber, like a potato tuber, will disappear, and the plant will form new ones, and they will accumulate nutrients for the upcoming wintering. Sections after dividing dahlia tubers should be treated with brilliant green, garden pitch or crushed with an activated charcoal tablet. After division, nodules with eyes can be sent further for growing or, if the weather permits, immediately to a permanent location in the open field.

How to divide a dahlia tuber

Propagation of dahlias by cuttings in spring

To get dahlia cuttings in the spring, a tuber that has not yet been divided must be placed in a container with a prepared sand mixture. To do this, take 2 parts of sand and 1 part of earth, mix and pour into a container. We place the tuber in the container and drop it to the root collar. We leave the root neck with buds above the soil surface.

Planting dahlia tubers on cuttings

To obtain cuttings, they begin to germinate from the end of January and continue to take cuttings until these tubers are planted in open ground. Cuttings that have reached 7-8 cm are carefully separated at the very base of the root collar and rooted in a separate container or individual containers or cups.

Dahlia cutting for rooting

For vegetative propagation, dahlia, as a substrate, is suitable purchased soil with the addition of humus. In the container for the cuttings, first we pour the soil, and then with a layer of 3-4 cm sand, into which we deepen the cuttings.

For better rooting, we cover the containers with a film or use a disposable transparent bag to create a greenhouse effect. The temperature for seedlings is about + 20 ° C. When you have prepared enough cuttings, the uterine tuber must be removed from the container and divided and prepared for planting in open ground. Rooted cuttings are planted outdoors after the threat of night frost has passed.

Planting dahlia seeds for seedlings

Dahlia can be propagated by seeds. To get dahlia seedlings from seeds, you need to start therefore in the month of March. Seeds are propagated, if the varietal characteristics of the plant are unprincipled, there is a desire to breed new variety or simply "sporting interest" in growing seeds. For sowing seeds, nutrient soil is prepared. To do this, take equal parts of garden soil, sod land, humus, peat. Sow the seeds in a container and sprinkle with earth. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover with a bag or glass. Dahlia seeds germinate fairly quickly. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings dive into disposable cups. Young plants are watered and grown in cups until suitable temperatures, after which they are planted in open ground.

In the southern regions, we allow sowing seeds immediately in open ground. Sow seeds in mid-April. Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in water for a couple of days.

Dahlia - planting and care in the open field

Prepared tubers or rooted cuttings are planted in open ground when the daytime temperature does not fall below + 14-15 ° C. Prepare in advance the place where the flowers will grow.

It is desirable that the place be new every year. So spores of fungi and rot will not accumulate and infect tubers.

Dig a hole 30 cm in size so that the rhizome is free. At the bottom of the hole, you can add humus to feed the plant and sand to better drainage. For tall bushes, we pre-install a support to which the bush will be tied. The depth of the hole should be such that 5 cm remains from the neck of the tuber with buds to the top of the hole. The tubers are placed horizontally, sprinkling 4-5 cm on top of the earth. When dahlia shoots appear, leave 2-3 strong sprouts, carefully remove the rest. If you leave all the shoots, this will lead to an increase in green mass and thickening of the bush to the detriment of flowering. Two or three shoots will develop better, the trunks will be thicker and flowering will be abundant.

For rooted dahlia cuttings, it is enough to make a hole slightly larger than the container in which they are located. Add humus and sand to the bottom of the hole, mix with the soil from the hole and slightly compact. We take out the stalk along with a clod of earth from the container and place it in the hole. It is not necessary to deepen it, we place a clod of earth almost at the level with the top of the hole in order to lightly sprinkle it with earth. We install a support for a garter of a dahlia. Water well and after the water is completely absorbed, sprinkle a thin layer of dry earth on top. If the weather has not yet settled, the plant needs to be sheltered from the cold at night. To do this, use any means at hand, or until the dahlias get stronger, for the first time, you can install a shelter made of non-woven fabric, which are sold in specialized stores or build yourself. To do this, stick wooden twigs or metal tubes around the hole with the plant and stretch a piece of non-woven fabric around them. You can fasten the edges together using a regular stapler or a needle and thread. Top dressing starts 2-3 weeks after planting.

If there are a lot of rhizomes for planting, we plant according to the following scheme: between tall bushes we leave a distance between bushes of 60-80 cm, between undersized 30-40 cm.

Follow-up care consists of watering and keeping the soil moist. Mulching the soil will have a good effect on the condition of the plant.

Attention! After planting, be careful with weeding and other work near the hole. You may not notice the unsprouted sprouts underground and damage them.

Large-flowered varieties require pinching. Proper pinching of dahlias will reveal all the beauty of varietal flowering. If we neglect this, we get a large number of buds to the detriment of flower size.

Top dressing dahlia

Feeding dahlias begins 2-3 weeks after planting in open ground. Feed every 10 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. During the period of rapid growth of dahlias, when a lack of nitrogen is possible, we introduce ammonium nitrate into the soil (15 grams per 1 sq.m). Before flowering, we stop applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers, replacing them with potash and superphosphate ones.

When to dig up dahlias? How to store dahlias in winter?

As described earlier, it all depends on the region. Even if it's cold outside and the calendar says it's time to dig, but the plants feel good, green and vigorous, it means it's too early to dig. We dig up the tubers when the tops turn black from frost or fade on their own. We cut off the trunks, leaving hemp 10 cm. We clean the tubers from the ground and keep them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. We dry the tubers for a week or two at a temperature of about + 10 ° and high humidity. It is better to store dahlia tubers in the winter in the basement, where the temperature does not fall below 0 ° and the average air humidity. If there is no basement, you can store the tubers on the balcony or loggia, moistening them if necessary. Dry sawdust can be poured into a container or bag in which the rhizomes will be stored.

Important! No need to tie a bag or cover a container with nodules, air access is your best friend in the prevention and control of mold and rot.

Diseases and pests of dahlia

Most of all, dahlias are susceptible to the following diseases: fungal, viral, bacterial.

Black leg - at the base of the stem is formed dark patina and the stem thins out. To prevent disease, dahlia tubers are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. If the plant grows in one place for the second year, it is recommended to process the soil in the hole and next to it. If you find the first signs of the disease, you urgently need to shed the bush with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or another drug for fungal diseases.

Dry rot - this disease can affect the tubers of the plant during the growth or storage stage. If most of the tuber is affected by the disease, the dahlia tuber must be removed completely, if the lesion is small, only part of the tuber should be removed to a healthy place and treated with any drug for this disease.

Powdery mildew - appears as a white coating on the leaves of the plant. Appears from unfavorable growing conditions, such as dry air or sudden changes in temperature. To get rid of the disease, a soapy solution along with copper sulfate will help you. For 1 liter of water we take 20 grams of laundry soap and 2 grams blue vitriol, spray on the sheet. Repeat spraying in a week.

Insect pests: It is affected by aphids, nematodes, slugs, thrips, bedbugs, wireworms.

To prevent damage to the plant by slugs, you need to carefully monitor the thinning of dahlias. Delete in time lower leaves and extra stems. We do not recommend thickening the plantings. this creates a moist environment favorable for slugs to breed.

Garlic infusion helps well against aphids, spray it on the leaf with this solution. If plant damage is severe, insecticides should be used.

Formation of a dahlia bush video

There are more than 15 thousand varieties of dahlias. Among them there are plants with huge flowers over 30 cm in diameter and miniature ones - up to 10 cm. But they are all thermophilic and require special care. Planting dahlias with tubers in the spring is a laborious and responsible business, the success of which depends on the experience and knowledge of the gardener.

The first time for planting dahlias can be taken at the garden center. Planting material is carefully selected. The nodules must be attached to the root collar, because the buds grow only on it. It is important to know how to save your own dahlias until spring, so preparing planting material for next year starts in autumn.

Perennial dahlias, whose homeland is South America, do not hibernate in conditions middle lane Russia. To keep the plants next year, they are dug up every autumn, and planted again in the spring.

Once from a cool cellar to a warm room, they quickly sprout.

Tubers can not be germinated before planting, but then you can get flowering only at the end of August or in September - 2 months later than from the prepared planting material.

Preparation of planting material and soil

A site for growing dahlias for the next year is being prepared in the fall - rotted organic matter is brought in, dug up. It is important to take into account not only the structure and fertility of the soil, but also its acidity. Flowers love a neutral substrate, but if the environment is acidic or alkaline, they will not be able to reveal all their excellent qualities. In the spring, the site is leveled and holes are made.

Preparation of dahlia tubers for planting consists in their spring inspection, rejection of poorly preserved ones and germination of the remaining ones.

Throw away all the nodules that have broken off from the root neck: they will not sprout. The places spoiled during storage are cut off with a sharp blade, the sections are treated with brilliant green.

Germination of tubers in a special container

For germination, dahlias are taken out of storage no earlier than the end of April - 2 or 3 weeks before planting in open ground. Once in heat and light, the tubers begin to germinate very quickly; over a longer period, the sprouts will outgrow and become weak.

To germinate dahlias, it is not necessary to take good soil. Suitable sawdust, coconut substrate, sand. The nutrient supply in the nodules themselves is enough for the growth of shoots to begin. Planting in pots drainage holes will keep plants from waterlogging.

After examining the tubers, they are placed for germination in a warm, bright place. Sand or sawdust is poured into each container, a dahlia tuber is placed with the root collar up (it should be above the level of the substrate).

If there is a desire to propagate a rare variety by cuttings, the tubers can be taken out for germination in March. The grown dahlia sprouts are cut with a sharp blade along with the heel and rooted separately, and more buds wake up on the tuber and shoots grow.

The sequence of actions for obtaining seedlings by cuttings:

  • cut shoots are stuck into a wet substrate;
  • cover them with cans, packages or plastic bottles before rooting;
  • places of cuts on tubers are treated with brilliant green.

To obtain cuttings, use old tubers unsuitable for planting. This additional method allows you to quickly propagate the desired variety and get a lot of seedlings for flower beds.

Planting dahlia tubers in spring in open ground

In central Russia, dahlias can be planted in open ground no earlier than mid-May, because they are afraid of temperatures below 0 °. Prepared tubers are planted in a sunny place with fertile soil.

You can add compost or humus to the hole, dahlias grow well in nitrogen-rich, loose soils.

The scheme of planting flowers depends on the variety of dahlias. The distance between the holes is made from 50 cm to 1 meter, depending on the expected size of the bush. The depth of the hole is one shovel bayonet, if the rhizome is large, a little deeper (up to 40 cm). The lower part of the sprouts should be sprinkled with earth for a few centimeters. Planted dahlias are watered and mulched.

Flower aftercare

Flower care includes regular watering, weeding, fertilizing, protection from pests and diseases. Tall and medium-sized varieties must be tied up and shaped. To do this, in seedlings with a height of about 50 cm, cut or pinch the tops (over 4 or 6 leaves).

If you let the dahlia grow without pruning, then soon a bud will begin to form at the top of the shoot. It will delay the growth of other flower stalks that may appear on the plant. After removing the top growth point, side shoots will begin to develop from each leaf axil. Experienced gardeners advise cutting off the lateral shoots that appeared from the first two leaves so that the bush does not grow too large and begins to bloom faster. In summer, faded inflorescences must be removed so that the plants do not become exhausted.

Features of fertilization and growth stimulants:

  1. Nitrogenous fertilizers are not used to feed dahlias in spring. Manure and humus are brought to the site where dahlias grow in the fall, after the tubers are dug up. Then the plants will get nitrogen in early spring- immediately after landing.
  2. Before the budding phase, when it rains heavily, Kornevin is used to stimulate root growth. This will preserve the root system of the plant in adverse conditions of high humidity.
  3. In early June, flowers need potash and phosphate fertilizers. They will help the formation of buds, better flowering and preparation of tubers for winter.

Dahlias are not afraid of frost down to -5 ° C. Dig them for storage in October, when the above-ground part is completely dry. Until the moment of digging, the dried stems are not cut off, otherwise the buds will wake up. It is better to remove the tubers from the ground with a pitchfork so as not to damage them. It is best to do this in dry weather.

The dug out tubers are dried before storage. The stem is cut to a height of up to 10 cm, the ground is carefully cleaned from the tubers. Cut off with sharp scissors all diseased and broken parts of the rhizome. For reproduction next year, dahlias are divided, leaving a part of the root neck on each cut off plot.

It is advisable to treat the tubers with a solution of fungicide, potassium permanganate or sprinkle with sulfur before storing.

Store them conveniently cardboard boxes, sprinkled with large sawdust. The boxes are closed and left until spring in a pantry, insulated, dry garage or cellar with an air temperature of plus 3–10 ° C.

You can save dahlias in paraffin in winter. To do this, peeled and dried tubers are dipped in melted paraffin, stored in a basement or a dry, cool room. The advantage of this method is that dahlias do not dry out and do not wake up early. In the spring, before planting, the tubers are germinated, after cleaning off the paraffin film.

Disease and pest control

The cause of dahlia diseases are various factors - viruses, fungi, lack of nutrition, improper care, infection by insect pests.

Sometimes on the bushes, leaf blades look wrinkled, covered with spots. Leaf spot causes chlorosis, which manifests itself from a lack of some nutrients. Top dressing, checking and adjusting the acidity of the soil will help correct the situation.

Yellow spots in chlorosis are located along the veins of the leaves. If they are randomly scattered around the sheet, this is a mosaic virus.

Plants infected with the virus must be dug up and destroyed so that the disease is not transmitted to healthy dahlias with insects or garden tools. Drugs for viral diseases in plants have not yet been developed.

Fungal diseases of dahlias:

  1. A thickened planting and a shaded place provokes the occurrence of gray rot. First, a gray coating appears on the leaves, then it spreads to all parts of the plant. The peduncles are bent, and the buds do not open. The infection persists in the tubers and may reappear the following year.
  2. If the buds of a dahlia fade, the tops droop, it is covered with a white-pink bloom - this is fusarium. When dug up, such tubers shrivel and are poorly stored.
  3. Another disease of dahlias is powdery mildew. A white powdery coating appears on the stem and leaves, which then turns gray. With a strong lesion, leaves curl, buds fall, growth stops.

To combat fungal diseases, fungicides are used (Fitosporin, Fundazol and others). Severely affected specimens are destroyed.

Flowers are also threatened by insect pests - aphids, nematodes, bedbugs, caterpillars, cabbage scoops, whiteflies, thrips. Insecticides are used against them.

Spring has finally arrived and the long-awaited planting time is coming. And flower lovers are beginning to wonder: when is it better to plant dahlias? Despite possible return frosts, tubers can be planted in early May. After all, they will be hidden under a layer of earth and will not freeze, but they will harden and form an excellent root system. And with the onset of heat, such tubers will form strong and beautiful bushes dahlia. You can plant dahlias earlier than usual, but then you need to prepare a shelter for them in case of severe frosts.

How to prepare dahlias for planting?

There are two ways to plant dahlias: sprouted tubers or seedlings. And preparation for landing in both cases will be different.

In order to grow seedlings of dahlias, it is necessary in the spring, at the end of March, to get the divided tubers from their storage place, lay them horizontally in plastic bags and slightly moisten, thereby preparing them for planting. The bags must be tied up, leaving small holes for air to enter, and put in a bright place. Very soon powerful sprouts will appear on the tubers. Now you can seat them in separate cups or leave them in a bag, covered with wet sawdust. The most important thing at this time is a lot of sun and a minimum of moisture. If this is not ensured, dahlia seedlings may stretch and weaken.

From mid-May, you can start planting seedlings under the film. And if you want to plant sprouted dahlia tubers, then for this you need to make a bed about one meter wide. If the earth is dry, then the holes should be well watered before planting. And then horizontally lay the nodules with sprouts in the holes. Thus, the development of new roots from the shoot will be stimulated. You can not plant tubers vertically. In this case, the roots will not form on the young shoot, but on the old tuber, and the plant will not develop from them.

How to plant dahlias?

In the spring, dahlias should be planted in places well lit by the sun, but protected from the winds. Dahlias planted along fences or buildings, among trees in the garden, develop well and bloom beautifully, provided that at least half of the day they are illuminated by the sun. But at the same time, planting dahlias under tall trees is unacceptable, since in this case the plants will be weak and bloom little.

In the area with dahlias The groundwater should not come close to the soil surface. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with manure mixed with peat or humus, any other organic materials that decompose well in the ground. On the clay soils it is good to introduce sand, ash and other air-conducting materials. And if the soil is sandy, poorly retaining moisture, then it is recommended to add clay or peat. Previously, the soil must be well dug up and all weeds carefully removed. Near the pits for planting, it is necessary to dig stakes in advance in order to tie up tall bushes. If you dig in stakes when the bush is already large, you can damage the root system of dahlias, they will weaken and lose their decorative effect.

After planting, dahlias require regular and abundant watering, depending, of course, on weather conditions. soil under bushes dahlias should always be slightly damp. Be sure to form bushes: leave no more than two of the strongest shoots, and break the rest as soon as possible. Large-flowered dahlias should be regularly stepsoned, starting from planting them and until the first buds appear. But small-colored dahlias do not need pinching.

Dahlia is considered a royal flower, and therefore requires careful care: timely and plentiful watering, fertilizer, good soil. If you satisfy all his requirements, then the dahlia will thank you with abundant flowering and exquisite beauty.

The name of this flower sounds very proud and majestic. For the first time they began to be grown in our country in the 18th century, and they became so widespread that only a few centuries ago they began to be called the "village flower", since not a single villager's garden could do without bright, large and magnificent flowers.

Today they are back in fashion. Breeders have bred a huge number of bright and colorful varieties that experienced housewives start buying at the beginning of February. Because plant this beautiful flower possible only in the spring. And now it's time to learn how to plant dahlias.

Where to begin

There are several ways to plant dahlias. They propagate by seeds, but the best result can be achieved if tubers are used for planting. You can buy them in the market from gardeners or use old ones that you have left from a flowering plant.

Here are some easy ways:


Let's take a closer look at how to plant dahlia tubers and seeds. This unpretentious plants, but the cold is fatal to them. Often in the spring there is an unstable climate. Cold and heat alternate, so when the time comes to plant perennial dahlias in open ground depends on the weather.

It should be warm and sunny in summer (usually it is the middle - the end of May). The first thunderstorm and rains that may begin at this time will already be warmer than in early spring, and you should not be afraid that the tubers will rot or deteriorate from excess moisture and cold. Therefore, both tubers and seeds begin to be grown first in a greenhouse, and only at the end of May does the time come when it is time to plant dahlias in open ground.

Some experts allow them to be planted as early as April. It depends on the type of plant. Early varieties they are sometimes planted at the end of April, and the later ones are already in May - early June.

But in any case, dahlias are planted in the spring.

Before planting the tubers in a greenhouse or in a special box for seedlings, you need to carefully inspect them, smear the damaged areas with greenery and soak for half an hour in water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, you need to properly prepare the soil for planting. Mix in equal parts peat, sand and earth, then put everything in a seedling box so that the peat is slightly higher than the mixture of earth and sand. After that, set the lighting and spread the tubers or seeds to a shallow depth.

What is the optimal depth to plant dahlia seeds?

For seeds, grooves are dug 15-20 cm deep, which are abundantly wetted with water. For tubers
holes are dug 30 cm deep, the same in width and length. At their bottom put manure or compost, mineral fertilizers, which are mixed with the ground.

Then, a tuber is placed and buried so that its neck is 2-3 cm below the soil level. A peg (preferably 2-3) 30 cm high is dug in near the hole. This is done to support the stem of tall flowers. In a week the first cuttings will appear, and they will grow very quickly.

You can cut them, dip them in water and treat them with Rhizome plant mix, then plant them in the ground. They take root very well and can even give the first flowers. Nothing wrong with that.

But, already in May, you can plant dahlias in the ground. To do this, you need to treat the landing site with humus and sand, then cut a large container with seedlings into two parts and plant dahlias in the ground. Time and weather conditions play an important role here, so before planting them, you need to wait for the weather when there will definitely be no return frosts typical for April, but in central Russia and for the beginning of May.

If warm and dry weather lasts for 3 days, then you can plant. The soil is already warm enough for this. But if frosts still come, then you need to use special remedy to strengthen them "Lutrasil". Even if the frosts spoil the plant, the roots will survive and give new shoots. But if the cold was strong, nothing will help.

Is it possible to plant dahlias in June?

Yes, in the first half of June, in the second half of the month - if it is not dry (you can see the weather in the long-term forecast). Under the opposite conditions, the plant may not take root, or even die altogether.

For this plant, the landing site is also important. Like sunflowers, they turn their heads towards the sunny side, and the northern cold winds are very harmful for them.

Therefore, dahlias must be planted in such a way as to protect them from the north wind with objects, a gazebo, or even their own home.

But experts do not recommend growing even perennial dahlias in one place. Therefore, you will have to come up with several options for landing sites. The earth, after you dig up the flowers, should be treated with "Lutein". And next time, plant the plant in a different place, when the time comes for planting.

Dahlia is not afraid of neighborhood with other plants, so it can be planted next to roses, lilies and clematis.


Many gardeners are interested in the question of when and how to properly feed dahlias. First
fertilizer can be applied already when the plants are planted in a box, properly fertilizing the soil with vitamins and all the necessary substances. They will provide the plant with growth and strengthen the root system.

But the next fertilizer can be applied when the first formed buds have already appeared. It is made from nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mixed in equal proportions. But in small quantities and strictly according to the instructions!

To this flower lush bloom pleasing to the eye until late autumn, you need to find a suitable place for landing and know when and how to plant dahlias in open ground.

Planting dates for dahlias

There are no specific dates for planting dahlias in the soil. Everything depends on climatic conditions region and terrain. So, within the same neighborhood, areas in lowland areas warm up more slowly, and this significantly affects the timing of planting crops.

Dahlias are heat-loving plants, so for them the main conditions for planting are:

    soil warming up to 12-15 degrees;

    no threat of sudden frosts.

If the tubers are planted early, the flowers may freeze in the ground and not sprout. With late planting, for example, at the height of summer, still weak seedlings of dalia will burn out at the end of the month. If dahlias are planted in the ground with unsprouted tubers, then the optimal planting time is the end of spring. Root tubers, as well as seedlings from cuttings and seeds, are planted in early summer.

In the southern regions it is impossible to be late with planting dahlias. In these parts, the snow melts quickly, and the earth also quickly overheats and dries up. Therefore, the flower is planted in mid or late April, while moisture remains in the soil. Mulching bushes with shavings, tree bark or peat will help to keep moisture in the soil longer.

A month later, dahlias are planted with tubers or seedlings in the regions of the middle zone in Russia. In the case of early spring and well-warmed soil, flowers can be planted in early May. But in these regions, unforeseen frosts are not uncommon, so covering material should be prepared in advance.

In the northern regions the climate allows planting the plant in June. Here, it is better to grow dahlias through seedlings, and then plant them in the ground.

Advice. In cold summer conditions, dahlias are best planted in high warm beds, which should be built in the fall before the onset of cold weather. To do this, a trench is dug on the sunny side, manure and plant debris are placed in it, then a fertile soil layer is placed in the form of a raised ridge. For the winter, the ridge is covered with a film. As soon as the snow melts in the spring, the bed is watered with boiling water and wrapped again with a film. From such actions, the manure begins to rot and release heat. Dahlias in a warm bed can be planted a week ahead of time.

Conditions for growing dahlias

The right place for culture is the key to good flowering and growth of dahlias. When choosing a landing site, you should consider the location of the flower garden, access to sunlight, soil fertility and a moderate level of humidity. Flowers actively grow on a hill, especially where the sun's rays fall on them in the morning.

Choosing a landing site in the garden

Dahlias do not tolerate either heavily lit or dark places, or drafts. So for them the best place for landing are areas with penumbra and free circulation of air. If the bushes of the plant are planted in the shade, the flowers will grow undersized and with faded inflorescences.

Do not plant dahlias in places prone to strong wind. Although the flower has a strong, flexible stem, it will deform and tilt under the influence of the wind. As the bush grows, it will bend and lose its decorative appearance.

Advice. Recommended change the landing site of dahlias every year. And so that the plant does not degenerate and does not hurt, the area for the bushes should not be used for three years. Also, do not plant dahlias where plants and vegetables with fungal diseases grew.

When choosing a site, the moderate level of soil moisture should be taken into account. Lowlands where excess moisture accumulates and cold air, as well as soils with high level ground water not suitable for distances. To create a normal level of moisture in the soil, a drainage layer is constructed from expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick. In the beds, it is located below the root system.

Ground Requirements

For the growth of dahlias, loose, fertile soil with sufficient nutrients. This land requirement will ensure good water and air permeability for normal flower nutrition.

The best composition of the soil- loam, black soil or sandstones filled with fertilizers. Before planting dahlias, fertilizer is poured into the hole. The acidity of the soil is regulated in one of two ways:

    if pH = 5 and below, slaked lime is added to the ground;

    if pH = 8 and higher, peat is added to the ground.

Good air permeability of the soil is mainly relevant for perennial crops that form tuber roots. Annual species are not very demanding on the structure of the earth.

Growing from seeds

The method of growing dahlias from seeds is suitable for breeding work and annual varieties. This process is carried out every season. Thanks to him, there is no need to wait for the formation of tubers and storage of dug rhizomes. When the flowers are fully ripe, the seed material is collected and stored for storage. In spring, seeds are sown in the ground.

For large bushes, it is better to choose tall varieties with double inflorescences. Among them are distinguished different forms: radial, flat, spherical, recurved, pompom, etc. They will bloom late, but will give out large flowers and powerful stems. This makes them suitable for cutting.

For flowerpots, rabatok, decorating loggias, it is better to stop at low-growing varieties, for example, Figaro, Mignon or Vasilisa. In these varieties, seedlings appear early, and the inflorescences are distinguished by a long flowering period. In warm climates, these popular varieties can be sown directly into the ground when the weather settles without temperature fluctuations. For seed germination, the beds with sowing are covered with a film.

Planting seeds in the ground

This process consists of the following steps:

    For seedlings, any clean containers that provide drainage are suitable. Holes must be made in plastic containers.

    Pour sand-peat-perlite soil into the container. Simple land is not suitable for obtaining seedlings: having the property of being highly compacted, it will have a bad effect on the health of the sprouts. If it is not possible to purchase nutrient soil, peat, sand, organic fertilizers, taken in equal parts, should be added to the garden soil.

    On the eve of sowing, the seeds should be soaked in warm water. You can add a few drops of aloe juice to the water. It will make the plant stronger and healthier.

    Sow seeds in prepared containers with soil should be in a hole 1.5 cm deep, sprinkle with a handful of earth on top and sprinkle with water. Keep the distance between seeds 2-3 cm.

    Cover the containers with foil and put in a warm place. This approach will create the greenhouse effect.

    When sprouts appear (after 15-20 days), the shelter must be removed. In the presence of 2-3 leaves, a pick is made in separate pots or cups with a soil mixture of sand, soddy soil and peat (1: 2: 1). It is convenient to transplant seedlings with a teaspoon, since its oval edges cannot damage young roots, and the sprout will pick up along with a clod of earth. When picking, deepen the sprout into the soil to the lower leaves.

    When the sprouts are accepted, they should be fed with complex fertilizer. The dosage is taken half as much as indicated in the instructions.

    Provide flowers with moderate watering and good lighting. Annual dahlias grow quickly. To prevent the plant from stretching too much, it should be pinned at the level of the 4th leaf.

    With the onset of warm weather, seedlings need to be hardened off. To do this, pots with seedlings are exposed to the air for a while, gradually increasing the hardening time. After 2 weeks, dahlias should be in the wind and sun for a full day. Hardening promotes healthy and strong seedlings, as well as quick and painless adaptation in the open field.

Advice. Some summer residents used for sowing seeds peat tablets , for example, for pompom varieties. One tablet contains 2 seeds.

Planting seedlings in the ground

It is necessary to plant ready-made seedlings on the site when there is no threat of night frosts. To do this, pits about 40x40x40 cm in size are prepared in the flowerbed, on the bottom of which a layer of humus is laid, on top - a layer of earth. Then the plant is carefully planted in the hole with a lump, moistened and sprinkled with a layer of mulch. If the seedling was grown in a peat or paper container, then dahlias can be planted in the ground along with the pot without disturbing the rhizome. The first 3-4 days, until the sprouts take root, it is better to cover them with a film or a jar.

The distance between seedlings should be maintained based on the planted annuals:

    for tall varieties - 70 cm;

    medium height - 50 cm;

    for dwarfs - 30 cm.

Top dressing of young dahlias should be done only after the plant takes root, how the stem and leaves get stronger.

Planting dahlia tubers

The use of tubers as planting material is the traditional way of growing dahlias. It is used in the cultivation of perennial flowers. Tubers are stored in a dry, cool place in winter. In the spring, before planting in the ground, they are taken out into the room and prepared for growth. This process is very important before planting in early spring. It is on him that the viability and abundance of flowering of dahlias depends.

Advice. For growing dahlias, you should choose healthy tubers without spots, mold, signs of rot and with the maximum number of eyes. Large sizes are not suitable for planting, as they are old, and small specimens are rather weak. The best option is medium-sized tubers, they will give a full-fledged bush with abundant flowering.

Tuber preparation

It is necessary to prepare tubers for planting in late March or early April. Planting material purchased or prepared in the fall must be freed from a protective coating: paraffin, a layer of earth, sawdust or sand. Carefully inspect the tubers: dry - remove, rotten places - cut off. Then soak the washed and clean rhizomes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. After the disinfection procedure, the planting material should be dried well.

Prepare a large box where nutrient soil should be poured from peat and earth, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Plant each tuber in the ground separately from each other so that the root collar protrudes above the surface. container with planting material put in the light in a warm place. The contents of the box should be watered only after the soil has completely dried from the previous watering. You can sprinkle lightly on top with plain water. After 10-14 days, the first kidneys will appear on the neck, or in another way - eyes.

Tuber division

After the eyes germinate by 6-8 cm, the tubers are divided into divisions. To do this, you need to dig the tubers out of the ground and cut the neck into several parts with a scalpel so that 1-2 buds are obtained on each division. With a lot of eyes, a dahlia will produce many stems and few inflorescences. Despite the fact that the flower will be voluminous and bushy, it will spend all its strength on the growth of green mass. From one root tuber you can get up to 5 new bushes.

Cut places in order to avoid infection with bacteria should immediately be treated with crushed activated carbon or fundozol. Plant each delenka in a pot and place in a well-lit place. Dahlias should be watered as the soil dries out.

The method of planting tubers in pots is the simplest and most affordable. Thanks to him, a lot of effort is not spent on growing young plants.


In the southern regions, sprouted tubers can be immediately planted in a permanent place. In the middle and northern lane, it is better to germinate tubers in containers. To do this, a mixture of soil, sawdust and peat is poured onto the bottom of the pot. A dahlia division is laid on top. After that, the pot is sprinkled to the top with earth. The flower must be regularly moistened, it is better to spray from a spray bottle.

The germination process takes approximately 4 weeks. During this time, it is useful to take out the pot with dalia open air for hardening, gradually increasing the time spent on the street. It is also important to ensure that there is no decay. When to plant young plants in a flower bed? As soon as the sprouts take root, favorable weather will come.

Planting tubers soil

Planting sprouted eyes directly on the site is not welcome, as there is a manifestation of return frosts, due to which dahlias will die. But some gardeners practice this risky method.

Instructions for planting tubers in the ground:

    In the flowerbed, a trench should be prepared with a depth of no more than a spade bayonet, a width of 2 bayonets.

    Tubers treated with potassium permanganate are planted in the hole so that they do not touch each other. Sprinkle planting material with earth.

    Lightly water the landing site, put a layer of sawdust mulch on top.

    Cover planted dalia plastic wrap, creating a mini-greenhouse.

    Leave the bed for 2 weeks until sprouts appear, occasionally moistening the ground. After germination, remove the film, and grow flowers in the usual way. If necessary, germinated tubers can be transplanted to another place.

Dahlias from cuttings

Another way to plant dahlias is the cutting method. It allows you to get up to 50 seedlings from one root tuber. Plants grown in this way are superior in decorativeness in flowering and strength of development.

Germination conditions

To obtain cuttings from a tuber, a pot with planting material must be placed in a warm, well-lit place. A tuber with buds should be planted in a container with a mixture of soil, humus and sand, while the tuber should be sprinkled with earth, and the neck should be above ground level. With good lighting and regular irrigation, the cuttings are stocky with small internodes.

How to properly cut a cutting

You can remove the cutting from the tuber root when the sprout grows by 10-15 cm. This is done in two ways:

    gently break the stalk (it will turn out with a “heel”), when a piece of the tuber is captured along with the shoot;

    cut with a knife at the base of the tuber.

A cut of the cuttings should be held for several minutes in a solution of succinic acid or a root formation stimulator "Kornevin". With the first method, the cuttings take root faster, and subsequently give full-fledged tubers. At the site of the cut at the tuber, new replacement buds appear. In the second method, the cuttings will also take root and give good flowering. Young shoots on the tuber will be ready for cutting in 3 weeks.

Rooting cuttings

To germinate cuttings, pick boxes are taken, as for seedlings, with light soil made of sand, perlite and peat. The sprouts treated with a growth stimulator are planted in a small depression, the place around the cutting should be slightly compacted. From above, the seedling is covered with a bag that is not removed until the dahlias germinate. A closed space will create the necessary microclimate inside, so that you do not have to water the plant.

Attention! Greenhouses need to be periodically ventilated by lifting one edge of the film, while leaving the other fixed on the container.

After 2 weeks, the cuttings will take root and can be planted in larger pots. There is no longer a need to create a greenhouse effect. Landing in a flower garden is possible under good weather conditions.

Another way to root cuttings is to put them in a container of water with a few drops of growth stimulant added. When roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a pot with soil, and then, under favorable conditions, they are planted in a flower bed.