What is good for increasing hemoglobin during pregnancy. What foods increase hemoglobin during pregnancy? Medication methods that help quickly increase hemoglobin levels

  • 02.07.2020

A lack of iron in the diet of pregnant women can lead to the fact that the fetus does not receive all the substances required for its development. As a result of this deficiency, the child develops pathological conditions, and in extreme cases, pregnancy failure occurs. To prevent this, it is necessary to include foods containing hemoglobin in your diet.

What foods increase hemoglobin during pregnancy?

Iron is responsible for the level of hemoglobin, thanks to which oxygen is transported to every organ and tissue of a person. For the healthy and stable functioning of the body, it is necessary to systematically replenish the supply of this substance, which is easily accomplished through food. The norm during pregnancy is considered to be a daily intake of at least 28-30 mg of iron. Products for raising hemoglobin in pregnant women are presented in the table.

Pork liver


Dried mushrooms

Sea kale


Wheat bran

Egg yolk

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Sea fish

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and have low iron levels in your blood, your doctor may prescribe appropriate medications. However, to prevent the need to be treated with drugs, it is worth knowing how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy through food. By including the required amount of iron-rich food in the diet, a woman protects herself and her child from various diseases. Products to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  1. Vegetables. Increase your consumption of baked potatoes, pumpkin, and beets.
  2. Cereals. Buckwheat, lentils, rye, oatmeal and peas should be eaten daily in the morning.
  3. Meat products. To increase iron levels during pregnancy, you need to eat white poultry meat, sea fish (especially cod), heart, and beef liver.
  4. Foods rich in vitamin C. These foods help in better absorption of hemoglobin. It is worth supplementing a pregnant woman’s diet with tomatoes, citrus fruits, and berries (cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries). In addition, the expectant mother's menu should include greens, dried apricots, raisins, and green vegetables.
  5. Beverages. You should drink mostly fresh juices - pomegranate, carrot, beetroot.
  6. Fruits. During pregnancy, you can increase hemoglobin by eating bananas, apricots, apples, quinces, plums, and persimmons.
  7. Other products. What increases hemoglobin during pregnancy, besides the above? Seafood, walnuts, red caviar, hematogen, egg yolks, dried mushrooms - all these products can raise iron levels.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy using folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods are absolutely safe, but effective means for the treatment of anemia. They can be used in parallel with the diet. How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  1. Using a blender, mix buckwheat, walnuts (1 tbsp.) and honey (200 ml). This remedy should be taken 1 tbsp. per day.
  2. Dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots and dates) should be mixed with walnuts and chopped using a meat grinder. Season the mixture with honey, add grated lemon zest and take 50 g per day.

While waiting for the baby to be born, many mothers experience anemia, which is manifested by a decrease in red blood cells and a drop in hemoglobin levels. It's time to learn about the main causes of this pathology, the symptoms, and how to correct them. Any pregnant woman needs to know how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy.

Causes of low hemoglobin

The phenomenon occurs against the background of iron and vitamin B12 deficiency. The same goes for protein deficiency during pregnancy.

The following reasons and conditions can be distinguished:

  • with poor nutrition with a lack of foods that contain enough iron;
  • expecting twins or more;
  • less than 3 years passed between two pregnancies;
  • if the pregnant woman is over 30 years old;
  • presence of serious illnesses internal organs in the anamnesis;
  • emotional stress, frequent stress;
  • hormonal disorders.

Etiological factors also affect the level of hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women:

  • somatic diseases: rheumatism, heart disease, liver problems or pyelonephritis;
  • pathologies of an infectious nature;
  • worms;
  • ailments from the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for ulcers complicated by bleeding;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • gynecological problems;
  • spontaneous miscarriages in the past;
  • arterial hypotension, exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • premature placental abruption.

Basically, this condition is diagnosed in the second half of pregnancy. The fact is that during this period the fetus’s need for iron increases, as does the amount of blood. The minimum value is observed at 34 weeks, but before birth the level of the substance returns to normal.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the expectant mother feels pain in her chest, her heart beats faster, her pulse accelerates;
  • there is general weakness, sleepiness;
  • performance decreases, memory deteriorates;
  • headaches more often, dizziness appears;
  • the condition of nails and hair worsens, teeth are destroyed;
  • a pregnant woman suffers from gastrointestinal problems;
  • mucous membranes and skin turn pale;
  • cracks appear on the lips, stomatitis is possible;
  • Colds become more frequent.

This condition occurs in almost half of pregnant women. However, frequent research helps to identify changes in time and take the necessary measures.

Experts distinguish three degrees of reduced hemoglobin in women in the following position:

  • Stage 1 - mild, no symptoms. The level of the substance is 90-110 g/l.
  • Average anemia is characterized by indicators of 70-90 g/l; symptoms appear, but quite often remain unattended.
  • With severe anemia, the hemoglobin level becomes 70 g/l, all characteristic features, the condition poses a danger to the expectant mother and child.


Low hemoglobin levels can lead a pregnant woman to the following problems:

  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • slow fetal growth and weaker immune development;
  • low birth weight;
  • risk of complications during childbirth;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • longer recovery after childbirth.

A woman may develop gestosis, a condition in which quite a lot of protein appears in the urine, blood pressure rises, and swelling appears. A severe form of the disease causes brain hypoxia and eclampsia (severe toxicosis). In some cases, it becomes necessary to terminate the pregnancy in any case.

What to do?

If the level is approximately 100 g/l, then, first, you need to establish a regime. The same goes for nutrition. The main methods for increasing hemoglobin levels include:

  • drug treatment;
  • proper nutrition.

Good sleep, walks fresh air, physical activity within reasonable limits will help achieve good health.

It is very important to listen to the doctor who is managing the pregnancy. He will prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication is unacceptable - it is important not to harm not only yourself, but also the fetus.

Medication method

  • actiferrin;
  • tardiferron;
  • ferroplex;
  • will overtake;
  • phenyuls.

In addition to iron, these products contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. If these tablets cause diarrhea, your doctor may prescribe a course of injections. This not only increases hemoglobin, the normal range of which is from 120 to 140 g/l during pregnancy, but also prevents severe complications. Treatment should not stop as soon as the hemoglobin level normalizes - everything can go down the drain.

In case of severe anemia, when treatment with prescribed medications does not give the expected results, a blood transfusion is given. This manipulation during pregnancy is done in extreme cases.

Products to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

A lady in position especially needs balanced diet. It is important that the body receives enough protein. The following products should be on the daily menu of a pregnant girl with low hemoglobin:

  • Products with iron of animal origin: buckwheat, pomegranate, apples, egg yolks, caviar, liver.
  • Grains and legumes: buckwheat, beans, wheat sprouts.
  • Fruits and berries such as pomegranate, persimmon, apples, peaches, apricots, grapes and quince.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Vegetables, greens: spinach, parsley, carrots, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, onions.
  • Meat: medium fat beef, pork, beef tongue, fish, bird.

It is very important that the medications are taken correctly with food. The main thing is not to mix medications with milk. For better absorption of drugs, you should eat foods with vitamin C and folic acid. You should eat honey every day.

Folk remedies

There are several effective recipes for increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women:

  • Mix walnuts and buckwheat in a glass, crushing them with a blender. Add 200 grams of honey. You should eat a tablespoon daily.
  • Combine raisins, dried apricots and nuts in equal proportions. Add the same amount of honey. Eat this mixture a couple of tablespoons per day.
  • Very effective recipe with lemon. It will require a glass of dates and raisins. As many walnuts, dried apricots and prunes. Everything should be ground using a blender. You can use a meat grinder for this. All that remains is to add the zest of a couple of lemons and a spoonful of honey. Grind the lemon zest - you can use a grater for this. A couple or three tablespoons per day will be enough, although you will probably want to eat more. It's so delicious.
  • During pregnancy, with low hemoglobin, a cocktail of carrot and beet juice is very effective. Mix them in equal parts, you need to drink it in the morning, or immediately after you wake up.
  • Prepare a mixture of apple juice and cranberry juice in equal parts. Add 1 tbsp. beet juice. Drink the product three times a day before you are going to eat.

Even with low hemoglobin, pregnancy can proceed well, but in any case, if the blood test results sheet shows a reading below normal, everything possible should be done to increase hemoglobin. You should not self-medicate - only a doctor can take correct solution and prescribe the necessary medications and choose a diet. You need to take care of both yourself and your future baby. Therefore, listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

Hemoglobin is a special compound of protein and iron that is found in red blood cells. The main function of the red pigment is to transport oxygen to the cells of all tissues and organs, thereby filling them with nutrients. For normal production of hemoglobin, it is necessary that the body is supplied with iron and absorbs it well in the stomach and in small intestine. Low hemoglobin levels occur in approximately 80% of pregnant women. What causes iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy? How to quickly increase hemoglobin at home? This is what our article is about.

Why does hemoglobin level drop during pregnancy?

When we inhale, hemoglobin (as we have already found out, is a complex protein found in the red blood cell) carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body. Likewise, this protein transports carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs during exhalation. The main component of hemoglobin is the iron molecule. Hence the name (heme is iron, globulin is the name of protein). Hemoglobin levels are calculated in g/dL (grams per deciliter) or g/L (grams per liter). The normal hemoglobin level in women ranges from 12 to 16 g/dl. (see table).

Reference values


Non-pregnant woman

First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester

Assessing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women is common practice. It is considered quite natural to have a reduced level of hemoglobin during pregnancy. The fact is that during this difficult period, the blood volume of the expectant mother increases by about 50% to provide the developing child with all the necessary valuable substances. Thus, blood volume begins to increase around the 8th week of pregnancy. There is an increase in the volume of blood plasma, while red blood cells do not have time to mature at the same speed and increase in size many times over. Naturally, as the concentration of red blood cells in the blood decreases, hemoglobin also decreases. Therefore, its level, falling to 10.5 g/dl, is quite normal for pregnant women. If the tests show other numbers, with a clear deviation from the norm downward, you should be examined more thoroughly by a doctor.

Exists 3 degrees of severity of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, when it occurs:

  • V mild form- 90-110 g/l;
  • in medium form - 70-90 g/l;
  • in severe form - less than 70 g/l.

Besides increased blood volume, insufficient intake of vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron, and folate are the most widely accepted explanations for low hemoglobin levels.

Consequences of anemia during pregnancy

Sometimes anemia does not show any symptoms. However, some of the symptoms of low hemoglobin may include:

  • fatigue and fainting;
  • pale lips and skin;
  • recurring headaches;
  • dizziness and inability to do any work;
  • feeling of numbness or coldness in the hands and feet;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • mild chest pain;
  • shortness of breath (shortness of breath);
  • irritability;
  • strong thirst and desire to eat (or smell) something very strange (for example, clay, earth, paint, ice);
  • tingling in the palms and soles.

Morning sickness, which may be accompanied by vomiting, contributes to the development of anemia in pregnant women. Women with multiple pregnancies, as well as those who have experienced certain problems with menstrual cycle before conception. Those mothers who are malnourished or do not take special supplements enriched with iron as prescribed by the doctor cannot cope with the pathology.

What helps increase hemoglobin levels

It is assumed that a pregnant woman will consume about 28-30 mg of iron daily through diet and special medications to raise this important indicator.

Let's highlight products that increase hemoglobin in the blood:

  • liver and meat by-products, eggs, beef, shellfish;

  • grains and porridges made from them. Buckwheat, beans, peas, corn, rye, and wheat bran are especially useful for increasing iron reserves;
  • fruits, including apples, ripe pomegranates, kiwis, peaches, figs, bananas, apricots, persimmons, quinces, plums;
  • vegetables, including onions, beets, tomatoes, potatoes (preferably baked), pumpkin;

  • greens and leafy vegetables: spinach, fennel, turnip greens, young lettuce, dandelion leaves;
  • berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cranberries;
  • juices: any freshly squeezed from red fruits - pomegranate, carrots, beets.

To make juices at home, follow our simple recommendations:

  1. Take in equal quantities carrots, beets and use a juicer to make juice. Drink two tablespoons of this fresh juice daily on an empty stomach for 2-3 months.
  2. Juicing fresh apples and beets helps increase hemoglobin levels. The proportion of beets to apples should be approximately 1:5. Drink a small glass of apple-beet juice before meals for two weeks.
  3. You can quickly increase hemoglobin thanks to buckwheat, which must be ground in a coffee grinder. For medicinal purposes, drink one tablespoon of powder three times a day, diluting it with warm water.

It should be remembered that for normal absorption of iron from food, vitamin C is required (usually the body must have at least 80 mg per day). Excellent sources of vitamin C include: broccoli, cauliflower, cranberry, raspberry, pineapple, orange, Brussels sprouts, papaya. They should be part of the regular diet expectant mother. Try not to drink tea or milk with your meals, as these drinks reduce the absorption of iron by the body.

There are also recipes aimed at increasing the number of red blood cells. For example, you can mix equal amounts of dried apricots, walnuts, honey and raisins. Then pass everything through a blender or meat grinder and bring to a homogeneous state. The result is a delicious delicacy that, when prepared, is enjoyed with pleasure, several tablespoons a day.

Important: Decreasing fluid intake may increase hemoglobin levels (falsely) during pregnancy. The level will drop to normal if pregnant women take in enough fluids.

When carrying a child, a woman is concerned about a variety of issues, including how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy. At this time, the body works for two, so failures occur often. But the condition of the expectant mother directly affects the development of the child. From a lack of oxygen, namely hemoglobin is responsible for its delivery, delays in physical and mental development may occur. So how and how should you increase hemoglobin levels during pregnancy?

What is the norm and reasons for the level drop

Before we talk about how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, it is worth deciding on the reasons for its decrease. But first, let’s get acquainted with the indicator itself, what the norm is. Hemoglobin, or rather its level, will be different for all people. It is generally accepted that from 120 to 140 grams per liter of blood of this substance for a woman is a good indicator.

During pregnancy, numerous changes occur in the body. This also applies to hemoglobin concentration. It can quickly decrease or, conversely, increase. The second option is less common. If hemoglobin is elevated, this can also have a bad effect on the fetus and on the condition of the mother herself. In this case, the blood becomes thicker, which leads to the formation of blood clots.

Low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman is considered to be less than 100 grams per liter. In this case, doctors diagnose anemia.

There are three main degrees of the disease:

  1. At a level of 100-90 grams, this is a mild degree.
  2. If the amount of hemoglobin approaches 80 grams per liter of blood, then this is moderate anemia.
  3. When the level drops below 70, you need to sound the alarm, as this is a severe form of the disease.

This condition has a harmful effect on the entire body. A low hemoglobin level in pregnant women causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus, which provokes a delay in its development. In addition, anemia can lead to premature birth. What are the factors that reduce hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy?

Experts often highlight the following:

  • if there is a multiple pregnancy;
  • increased toxicosis;
  • lack of meat and other foods rich in iron in the diet;
  • lack of certain vitamins, especially from group B.

In addition, if a woman gave birth less than three years ago, then she also experiences a lack of hemoglobin in the blood while carrying a child. During this period, the body may not have time to recover.

In any case, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood quality. For this purpose, studies are periodically carried out and tests are taken. If the protein level is insufficient, it must be raised urgently so that more serious complications do not arise.

How to deal with the problem?

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood? This can be done with the help of special drugs. They contain a lot of iron, which is easily absorbed by the body. There are many such medications in pharmacies today. With their help, you can quickly increase hemoglobin. But this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication, especially for pregnant women, is contraindicated.

If hemoglobin is low during pregnancy, how can it be corrected without medications? Many women in an “interesting situation” ask this question, because various medications and drugs can harm the child. Foods will help increase a pregnant woman's hemoglobin, but only those that contain a sufficient amount of iron.

A proper diet increases the body’s defenses and normalizes its functioning. The same applies to hemoglobin levels.

To make it high enough, you need to include the following products in your menu:

  • liver, kidneys, heart and other animal by-products;
  • some cereals. Legumes and buckwheat increase hemoglobin well;
  • there should be enough on the table fresh vegetables. Beets, carrots, new potatoes - all this helps to saturate the body with the right amount of iron;
  • greens always bring health. Spinach, lettuce, parsley and other plants will perfectly help restore hemoglobin levels;
  • Apples, peaches, apricots, pears and some other fruits are also great for these purposes.

Hemoglobin during pregnancy can be raised with more “powerful” foods. One of the leaders in iron content is fish caviar. In this case, it is better to give preference to red and black. Just one tablespoon of such caviar completely covers the body’s daily need for iron.

Another popular product is dried fruits. They can be consumed either dried or cooked into compotes. Dried fruits, especially winter time, are an excellent source of not only iron, but also many other trace elements and vitamins.

Compotes and freshly squeezed juices can also help hemoglobin levels increase. Plus, it's delicious.

Juices from the following products are especially suitable for these purposes:

  • pomegranate;
  • apple;
  • beet;
  • carrot.

It is advisable that they are done by the pregnant woman herself or someone from the household. They are more useful when fresh.

Often in folk recipes For anemia, you can find such a product as walnuts. It contains enough iron large quantities. To quickly increase hemoglobin, you can use the following recipe. Mix walnuts and raw buckwheat in a glass, and grind everything thoroughly.

Add a glass of honey to the resulting flour. This “dish” is taken one tablespoon once a day.

Don't drink a lot of coffee and tea. If there are problems with the level of hemoglobin in the blood, then it is better to avoid them altogether. Coffee and tea contain tannins that interfere with the absorption of iron by the body.

It is best to replace them with juices or rosehip tincture, last option will help strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If we increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, then, in addition to a special diet, we need to perform other procedures. First of all, this applies to walks in the fresh air. Firstly, it's useful exercise stress. Secondly, such walks help get rid of stress, which can also cause a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

Every woman with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy has many questions related to her health:

  • Why does a pregnant woman need regular tests to monitor hemoglobin levels?
  • And if the test results are higher or lower than the established norm.
  • What medications or foods can help increase hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.
  • And what is hemoglobin anyway?

Why is hemoglobin so important during pregnancy?

Hemoglobin is one of the components of red blood cells - a protein that can combine with oxygen molecules and ensure their movement throughout the human body using the circulatory system. The most important purpose of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs to all organs/tissues of the human body, so pregnant women need to regularly monitor its level. The standard norm for women in normal condition is considered to be 120-140 g/l. In pregnant women, the first limit of normal is slightly reduced due to the retention and accumulation of fluid in the body, the so-called physiological blood dilution, and amounts to 110-140 g/l.

The rapid intrauterine development of a child requires increased intake of iron/folic acid, as they are consumed during the formation and growth of the placenta and embryo.

Reduced hemoglobin in pregnant women leads not only to the development of iron deficiency anemia, but also becomes one of the causes of intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus.

The consequence of reduced hemoglobin is that the pregnant woman feels unwell - weakness, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, general malaise, as well as an increase in serious risks such as bleeding, possible placental abruption, premature birth and susceptibility to various infections after birth.

Violation normal development Pregnancy can be caused not only by low hemoglobin levels. Increased hemoglobin in pregnant women, exceeding standard values ​​by more than 20-30 g/l, threatens the appearance of thrombosis, varicose veins due to excessively high blood clotting and poor circulation, as well as insufficient oxygen supply to the fetal brain. Pregnant women with hereditary risk factors and who already have a history of complications with the vascular system and blood clotting are mainly susceptible to pathologies of elevated hemoglobin. For pregnant women with such problems, correct diagnosis of the causes and careful adherence to the diet prescribed by the gynecologist are necessary.

How can you improve your hemoglobin levels?

There are several ways to increase hemoglobin in a pregnant woman, each of which corresponds to a certain degree of anemia:

  • I degree - this includes mild anemia with levels ranging from 90 to 110 g/l.
  • II degree - this includes moderate anemia with levels ranging from 70 to 90 g/l.
  • III degree - this includes high severity anemia with levels up to 70 g/l.

In case of I degree of anemia, it is quite possible to increase hemoglobin with foods high in iron, as well as complex vitamins for pregnant and lactating women with an increased rate of iron/folic acid in the composition.

Anemia of the second degree requires the prescription and oral administration of special iron supplements. medicines with simultaneous intake of vitamins (B12, E, folic acid). The active substance contained in dragees, capsules or tablets enters the bloodstream, being absorbed directly from the human gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications to oral administration of iron-containing medications are gastric/duodenal ulcers and individual intolerance to the active substance.

In case of III degree of anemia and the impossibility of oral administration, hemoglobin should be raised parenterally exclusively in a hospital/hospital setting. Only under the supervision of doctors does a pregnant woman undergo a comprehensive examination for the presence or potential signs of disorders intrauterine development fetus, and also receives fast-acting iron-containing preparations and medications by injection to stimulate the formation of red blood cells. In special cases, a transfusion of red blood cells may be required.

How can you increase your hemoglobin levels with foods? Table.

The best measure for the treatment and prevention of stage I anemia is a complete, balanced diet provided with microelements and vitamins.

  • Meat/offal (lungs, heart, beef tongue, liver), sea ​​fish, poultry and eggs.
  • Legumes/cereals (rye, buckwheat, peas, lentils, mung beans, beans).
  • Berries/fruits (pear, cranberry, apple, strawberry, peach, plum, pomegranate, currant, banana, persimmon, pumpkin, raspberry).
  • Dried fruits (sultanas, dried apricots, almonds, walnuts).
  • Greens/vegetables (tomato, carrots, beets, potatoes, broccoli, dill, lettuce, parsley, onions).
  • Mushrooms, seaweed, black caviar, olive oil, chocolate or cocoa.

How to eat food correctly?

For the most optimal absorption of iron from food, you should remember a few “folk” tips:

  • Black tea makes it difficult for the body to absorb iron, so it is better to replace black tea with green tea.
  • Milk and dairy products do not allow iron to be absorbed when taken in the form of tablets, dragees or capsules, so it is better to consume dairy products before/after iron-containing medications about 1 hour before.
  • Buckwheat should be cooked not boiled, but steamed, and beef liver- fried.
  • Most vegetables and herbs are best consumed raw - freshly squeezed juices and salads dressed with olive oil.
  • Foods containing a lot of vitamin C promote the most complete absorption of iron/folic acid.
  • Products of animal origin contribute to much better absorption of iron by the body than plant products.

“Folk” recipes for increasing hemoglobin in pregnant women:

  • Grind sultanas, dried apricots, and walnuts taken in equal proportions, season with natural honey and stir well. The resulting mixture should be taken 1 tablespoon several times a day. If desired, you can add prunes and lemon. Prunes improve digestion and have a mild laxative effect, while lemon contains vitamin C and helps improve immunity.
  • Mix freshly squeezed apple, beet and carrot juice in equal proportions. Take 1/2 cup before meals.
  • Mix in equal proportions Apple juice and cranberry juice, then add 1 tbsp. spoon of carrot/beet juice and 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Take several times a day between meals.