How to get rid of domestic cockroaches apartment. How to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies: effective and safe recipes, rules for preparation and use

  • 15.06.2019

The presence of cockroaches in the apartments of multi-storey buildings is a common occurrence, since many tenants do not effective fight with these insects. Despite this, according to experts, the populations of these insects are declining sharply. This is due to the rapid development of the radio-electronic industry in all spheres of the national economy, including in everyday life. This factor negatively affects cockroaches, since electromagnetic waves emitted by household devices repel these pests. And yet, despite this, cockroaches are attracted to conditions such as heat, moisture, and the presence of food. Although, it can be said in another way: cockroaches began to adapt to such living conditions.

To combat cockroaches and other pests, people have come up with many effective ways. The most effective of them are modern chemicals that act literally instantly. Unfortunately, their use is not always allowed, especially if small children, pregnant women or infirm family members live in the same living space. In such cases, folk remedies made from natural ingredients can help get rid of cockroaches.

Cockroaches can appear in any apartment, but not in every one they can take root. In order for them to take root, a number of factors must contribute to this, for example:

  • Food is stored in such a way that it can be easily accessed.
  • The presence of dirty dishes in the sink or on the table.
  • Free access to water.
  • There are a lot of unnecessary, old things in the room.
  • The presence of places where cockroaches can hide.
  • High humidity and heat.
  • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment.

Cockroaches appear in the apartment in various ways, such as:

  • Through various slots placed in the floor and around the skirting boards.
  • through ventilation systems.
  • From the entrance.
  • From neighboring apartments, especially if their owners began to fight these insects.
  • From basements and attics.
  • Through holes in floor slabs.
  • With food bought at the market and supermarkets.
  • On risers, telephone and electric wires.
  • Together with the purchased household appliances.
  • With furniture or other things bought at a flea market.

Important! As a rule, cockroaches actively breed in unsanitary conditions. Cleanliness in the home prevents the appearance of these insects in the apartment. If the apartment does not have access to food and water, then these pests are unlikely to be interested in this dwelling.

When cockroaches appear in the apartment, it is necessary to immediately take measures to get rid of them. Moreover, this is just the case when it is better to destroy cockroaches, and not expel them from the apartment. They will leave, but they will appear at other residents and will terrorize them, harming food, as well as people's health. To successfully combat these insects, you need to follow some rules:

  • Maintain living conditions in the apartment at an appropriate sanitary level. Moreover, the approach should be comprehensive: it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only in the kitchen, but also in other living quarters. It is advisable to get rid of old, unnecessary trash.
  • The ventilation system must be equipped with gratings with sufficiently small cells.
  • Close up all the cracks through which pests can enter the apartment.
  • Store food only in the refrigerator or in special containers and do not leave unwashed dishes after eating.
  • Timely eliminate leaks in pipes or taps, cutting off access to water.

DIY traps

As a rule, such traps are made without extra costs time and money. For the effectiveness of the application, it is advisable to check the traps every day.

Simple traps:

  • From the bank. Although the trap is simple, it is effective. It is enough to take a half-liter jar and pour a little jam, honey or other bait into it. It is better to lubricate the walls of the can from the inside vegetable oil. You need to substitute an object to the jar so that the insects can easily reach the neck. If cockroaches get inside the jar, they will not be able to get out.
  • Made from double sided tape. A fairly simple, but also effective trap. Scotch tape is glued to a piece of cardboard or other material. A bait in the form of a drop of jam is placed in the center. On the way to the bait, the insects will simply stick. The more such traps, the more likely it is to destroy all pests.


People have long used strong-smelling plants to protect their homes from various kinds insects, including cockroaches. The presence of flowers such as geraniums in the apartment protects against the invasion of cockroaches.

As a rule, scaring away is used:

  • Mint.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Bogulnik.
  • Melissa.

These plants are medicinal, so they can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared on their own, if desired. Before use, it is better to dry them under cover, although fresh harvested ones can also be used. Small bouquets are made from raw materials and laid out in places where pests appear. A good option is to place bouquets under various things where barbels can hide.

On a note! The smell of a certain type of chamomile, called feverfew, is not tolerated by many insects. Powder from this plant has been used since ancient times. It is simply scattered on problem areas. Together with other preventive measures, this option yields tangible results.

Placing various, poisoned baits gives good results in the fight against insects. The main advantage of these simple remedies is accessibility and safety, especially if they were prepared according to folk recipes.

The most effective baits:

  • Lure 1, based boric acid, is used by many in the fight against cockroaches. For humans and pets, this treat will not harm, but cockroaches die from it. To prepare the substance, it is enough to boil the egg and separate the yolk from the protein. The yolk is mixed with boric acid. You will need to add some water to form balls. Balls are laid out in places where insects appear. In addition to the fact that cockroaches themselves will try this destructive remedy, they will also bring it for their relatives in the nest. As a result, it is possible to destroy the entire colony of barbels.
  • Lure 2, based on the boric acid powder itself. It is enough to scatter it in places where cockroaches appear. In case of contact with boric acid, insects die, but not immediately. During this time, while they are alive, they have enough time to infect the rest of their relatives.
  • Lure 3, based on borax. It's a powder white color to be mixed with powdered sugar, mashed potatoes and vanilla. It is used in the same way as in the case of using boric acid.

The use of essential oils

Bright, persistent aromas have a negative effect on many insects and cockroaches are no exception. Essential oils, which have a sufficiently rich aroma, are able to expel cockroaches from human habitation.

Ways to prepare repellent solutions:

  • Option number 1. Take 1 liter of cool water and add 15 drops of any essential oil. As a rule, extracts from mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir, geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass, etc. are used. Problem areas are treated with a spray gun. Processing is carried out until the pests leave the apartment.
  • Option number 2. Take 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and 10 drops of any essential oil. The spray prepared in this way is used for its intended purpose: they are sprayed with problem areas. This composition is sprayed three times a week to ensure a positive effect.

On a note! If family members prone to allergies live in the apartment, then it is necessary to check the body's reaction to essential oils. To do this, it is enough to process a small area and control how the body reacts. If a allergic reactions are absent, then you can start processing the entire area.

How to proceed:

  • Take a piece of cloth or a foam sponge, and moisten them in vinegar and wipe the places where insects appear. To be processed: skirting boards, floor, areas under the bathroom and sink, as well as next to the trash can, etc.
  • The active substance is prepared, consisting of 500 ml warm water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 tbsp. tablespoons ground red pepper. The components are mixed and poured into a spray bottle, after which the product is sprayed in places where barbels appear.

Cold against cockroaches

As far as we know, insects are attracted to food and heat, so cockroaches do not tolerate the influence of low temperatures and quickly die. Cockroaches hide in various things, so it is enough to take them out into the cold for a while, both adults and the eggs they lay will die. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take everything out of the apartment, just as it is impossible to set a minus temperature in the apartment, although the method is quite effective.


The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment indicates a serious problem or even a number of problems, as well as the fact that it is necessary to start destroying them. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the appearance in order to eliminate them. If this is not done, then such insects will appear again and again.

Prevention measures include:

  • fight with high humidity in the apartment, which leads to the appearance of mold. As a rule, various leaks in water supply and sewerage systems lead to such consequences.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in residential and non-residential premises.
  • Deletion from dining table leftover food after eating.
  • Timely release of the trash can from food debris.
  • Control over the storage of food: they must be stored either in the refrigerator or in special containers.
  • Regular general cleaning, with the release of the home from unnecessary, old things.
  • Regular cleaning of dust and dirt.
  • Use herbs with a persistent fragrance to repel insects, including cockroaches.
  • Installation of mosquito nets on windows, and use grilles in ventilation systems.
  • Timely make cosmetic repairs with the replacement of old, cracked wooden products such as skirting boards, architraves, window frames, window sills, etc.

Interesting to know! In the fight against cockroaches, any means of control can be effective if you act deliberately and regularly. Even folk remedies that are not toxic to humans can cope with the invasion of these pests. If possible, then you can resort to chemical means of combating this type of insect. Unfortunately, without preventive measures, cockroaches will appear again and again.

Helpful Hints

Due to their vitality and omnipresence, cockroaches can be found not only in old buildings, but also in new buildings. Even if you observe complete cleanliness in the house, they can appear in you, moving from neighbors and starting to multiply in the dark corners of your home. Cockroaches are not easy to get rid of, but it is possible and we will help you with this problem.

The most important thing is to regularly clean the apartment, house, cottage, etc., and especially in the kitchen and near the bathrooms, where they "eat" moisture. In order to live and reproduce, they first of all need food, which can be, for example, in a sink or toilet bowl. To do this, such places need to be cleaned frequently and scrupulously, not forgetting to leave them dry.

To combat cockroaches, both ready-made and folk remedies are suitable. We will describe the most effective methods with which you can quickly get rid of cockroaches.

How to quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches forever

Today there are many special means, for the destruction of cockroaches. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions, as careless handling of certain chemicals can adversely affect people's health? living under one roof.

How to get rid of cockroaches. Gels.

1. Gels- are considered the best weapon against cockroaches. Using "Raptor", "Liquidator" and other gels, you can see the result in 3 to 5 days. They need to be applied in small drops with a distance of 10 cm between them. Drops should be left carefully around the entire perimeter of the room.

Cockroaches in the apartment - how to get rid of. Traps.

2. Traps- luring cockroaches, these traps have poison that not only destroys the curious cockroaches that fell into the trap, but also those who did not have time to reach it. This is because cockroaches spread poison among themselves. The result from drugs such as "Ride", "Brownie" or "Raptor" can be seen in about a week.

How to get rid of domestic cockroaches. Aerosols.

3. Aerosols- use them with extreme caution. Using "Baygon", "Reid" and other aerosols, you need to spray those places where accumulations of unpleasant insects are possible.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever. Special crayons.

4. Special crayons- spend such a small one once a week on the baseboards and door jambs. "Titanic", "Mashenka" and other crayons from cockroaches will cope in a month, but on the condition that you do not have so many insects.

How to remove cockroaches. Houses.

5. houses- These traps are made from cardboard boxes built in the shape of houses. There is a bait in the center of the house, and so that the cockroaches do not get out of the trap, the walls of the house are covered with a sticky compound. Even if a few cockroaches have already stuck to the walls, new guests will still come in, being lured by the bait. It is worth noting that for humans and animals, this method of getting rid of cockroaches is harmless.

The harm of pesticides in the fight against cockroaches

To date, all kinds of new drugs to combat cockroaches have many disadvantages. It often happens that after their application, the number of cockroaches is significantly reduced, but they do not kill them all.

To this is added also bad smell indoors, not to mention that chemicals can harm humans and animals. Vapors of chemicals weaken the immune system and thus reduce our body's ability to fight germs.

When ingested or on open cuts and wounds, pesticides can be extremely dangerous. This is especially true if you have pets in your home.

How to get rid of red and black cockroaches with home remedies

In addition to standard (sometimes harmful) methods, there are those that can cope with cockroaches quite effectively without harm to the body. All of the listed funds give a real result in 3-4 weeks, which means you need to stock up not only with the necessary ingredients, but also with patience.

How to deal with cockroaches. Boric acid.

1. Sprinkle boric acid places where insects can come from, including the bathroom, toilet, near the sink, baseboards, slop bucket and air vents. You should not save on boric acid, as it is not harmful to human health and pets.

Boric acid is the most terrible weapon against cockroaches, because even if the affected insect does not die, it will never return to the place where the terrible infection was received.

You can buy boric acid at a pharmacy for a very small amount. Enough for an apartment from 30 to 100 grams, but with a strong hatred for these creatures, a large dose can be used. However, some cockroaches can sense boric acid and look elsewhere for moisture. For such a case, a second method was invented.

* For people who are not squeamish, you can advise a method in which you lightly nail a cockroach with a slipper (they are quite tenacious, so you don’t have to worry if it seemed to you that you crushed it hard) and, while it slowly returns to life, sprinkle it with boron acid. Having released the insect, it will run to its friends and infect them.

Cockroaches in the apartment - how to get rid of. We play on their curiosity.

2. This method plays on the curiosity of insects. AT raw egg yolk pour 50 grams of boric acid. Stir the ingredients until you get a thick paste. Rub the yolks with boric acid. From the resulting mass we roll balls with a diameter of about 1 cm. We leave them to dry, and then spread them around the room.

Since cockroaches are more fond of the night, during the day you can remove the balls from places where they can cause you inconvenience. The yolk plays the role of bait, and after infection, they cannot tell their relatives that the beautiful yellow balls are actually deadly. When an infected insect touches a healthy one, the latter also receives its dose of infection. So in a month, get ready to clean up the corpses of insects with a broom.

After some time, if new unwanted small insects have appeared, you can simply update the yellow balls.

How to get cockroaches out of the apartment. Egg and boric acid.

3. Boil several eggs for 6 hours. Then take out the yolk and mix with boric acid. From the resulting mixture, make balls already familiar to us and then follow the previously indicated instructions.

How to poison cockroaches. Ammonium chloride.

4. When washing floors, add ammonia because it has a detrimental effect on insects.

How to kill cockroaches. Beer and vaseline.

5. Pour into a deep container beer. Edges of the container lubricate with vaseline. The beer serves as bait, and the Vaseline keeps insects from crawling out of the container.

How to kill cockroaches. Cold.

6. in winter, leaving the apartment, you can leave the windows open, as cockroaches can not stand the cold.

The owners of the premises think about how to get cockroaches out of the apartment after unpleasant small insects have settled around the apartment.

Inaction on the part of the owners threatens with unpleasant disasters, secluded corners will soon be teeming with vile pests.

An unpleasant detail - the Prussians can endure serious illnesses. You should not hope for a lucky break and wait for the insects to clean up on their own - a miracle will not happen.

Until unbearable conditions for red barbels are created in the room, including careful processing, it will not work to remove cockroaches from the apartment forever at home.

Getting the Prussians out is not as difficult as it turns out to be.

Red barbels love dirt in the house, nooks with leftover food, buckets overflowing with garbage, and water in the sink and on the floor. Having got rid of everything that is so dear to mustachioed pests, we can assume that preparatory stage passed.

Before you take cockroaches out of the apartment, you need to arm yourself:

  1. broom,
  2. damp cloth,
  3. special detergents for greasy surfaces

and carry out a general cleaning of the kitchen.

A greasy coating on the tiles, floor, table is the food source of the Prussians. Do not leave food residue - there are plastic containers with sealed lids and cling film.

Scientists have proven that a red barbel can live up to a week without food, the absence of water after 2 days will force the pest to leave its habitable place and go in search of a more comfortable home.

To make the conditions for red insects unbearable, you can daily wipe the sink and all surfaces dry.

A cup of coffee or tea is attractive to cockroaches, like a puddle of water. Before removing cockroaches in the apartment, you need to learn how to remove the remnants of the meal from the kitchen surfaces.

A positive result after treatment is short-lived - if the neighbors have red barbels, after 3-5 weeks the pests will start again. A simple way to protect against intrusion is to block loopholes:

  • cracks in wall partitions;
  • cavities under linoleum, skirting boards;
  • gaps between door and wall.

It is best to carefully precede the processing of the apartment cosmetic repairs- All openings must be sealed with sealant. There are several drugs, the use of which can stop insects from entering the room, do not neglect them. Even home proven methods can keep pests at a great distance.

Temperature effect on red pests

How to remove cockroaches in an apartment if the Prussian family is small, and the use of aggressive solutions is impossible due to the presence of kids and curious pets?

In winter, if it is possible for the tenants to leave the apartment for 3-4 hours, you can try to freeze the Prussians. At 5-8 degrees of frost, pests will die with egg laying.

Freezing - effective method, but has disadvantages:

You should not count on the effectiveness of freezing, but it is possible to reduce the number of pests, it remains to draw up an effective plan and think about how to get cockroaches out of the apartment.

Deterrence is one of the effective methods

An unpleasant smell is how to get cockroaches out of the house, especially if there is no time for a long and laborious treatment. Such advice will be given by an experienced owner of the apartment.

Despite their hardiness, Prussians are susceptible to harsh odors. The death of red pests should not be expected, but it will be possible to drive away the barbels.

Repellent properties have:

  • table vinegar;
  • purified kerosene;
  • ammonia alcohol.

Processing should be carried out in the absence of households - add alcohol to the water, rinse the surface. Pour a little liquid into bowls, arrange in secluded corners of the kitchen.

The smell of ammonia is persistent, in a day it is able to clean the apartment from red pests.

Use vinegar in its pure form (dilute the essence with water). It is not necessary to wash the surfaces, soak a rag with a liquid with a pungent odor and wipe the walls, floor, kitchen tables, lockers.

The use of vinegar will protect the home from the invasion of mustachioed colonies - the liquid-soaked fabric in the ventilation grill will serve as a reliable barrier.

The use of kerosene requires special care - the smell is strong and lasts for several days even after thorough ventilation. At the time of processing, it is better to send household members to the dacha or to relatives.

Cleaned kerosene to process the floor, baseboards, door frames, gaps in wall panels. Close the windows tightly, do not open the door during the day. After 25-30 hours, completely ventilate the room.

The use of kerosene effective method remove cockroaches from the apartment forever. Regular preventive measures - treatment with a caustic liquid, will discourage red-haired guests from visiting an unattractive home.

Folk remedies - quick disposal of the Prussians

The lifespan of a barbel is six months, but during this time the insect can give rise to considerable offspring, and in the absence of opposition, the apartment will be crowded with red pests.

Our grandmothers knew different ways remove cockroaches, preventing reproduction and resettlement throughout the house, and used simple means in a duel with the Prussians.

For a long time, a homemade spray will help the owners drive away red insects from their home:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 20 ml of vinegar;
  • 10 ml of cedar or geranium oil;
  • 5-10 ml of lemon juice.

Borax can be used as a destructive substance - a poisonous agent does not harm people and is deadly for cockroaches.

At home, the anti-barbel substance can be used in the manufacture of small poison balls - as bait.

To prepare the drug, you will need:

  • 25 gr. borax (purchased at the pharmacy);
  • 55 gr. potato starch;
  • 65 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 10 gr. vanillin (vanilla sugar).

Mix loose components, pour in water, turn the mixture into a viscous substance. Make poisonous balls (protect your hands with gloves), spread them out behind kitchen cabinets, under the sink, around the trash can.

Refresh delicious treats regularly. After a few weeks, the barbels will completely disappear.

Do not stop using the poisonous agent - the eggs of the Prussians remained unharmed, and a new generation of small barbels will soon appear. The duration of the action of the agent is sufficient to destroy the young representatives of the Prussian family.

You can get rid of the red barbels in the apartment on your own with the help of homemade ones.

  1. The simplest option- cut a plastic bottle into two parts, take the bottom half.
  2. Lubricate the walls of the trick with a slippery substance - oil or petroleum jelly.
  3. Send the remnants of dinner to the bottom of the trap - bread crumbs, potatoes.
  4. Clean the kitchen area - do not leave food on the table.

In the morning half of the bottle will be filled with Prussians. Shake the insects into a tight plastic bag, tie it up, and discard it.

Another option for dealing with the Prussians is to thoroughly wipe all surfaces (table, floor, sink) overnight. Moisture should not remain. Place several bowls with a poured solution of boric acid near the sink.

Insects have no choice - they will have to drink a poisonous liquid. Repeat the procedure daily, and after 7-14 days of application there will be fewer cockroaches.

Crayons or powder preparations will help in the extermination of house barbels

The owners of the premises think about how to quickly bring out domestic Prussians only after the appearance of a large cockroach family.

It was a mistake to allow the apartment to infect, it is much easier to protect yourself and your family from the invasion of pests. Purchasing chalk or powder poisonous mixtures will prevent insects from entering the house.

Dry preparations are a good way to both remove and protect the premises from uninvited guests.

The use of chalk and poisonous powder has a feature - it is forbidden to apply the product on open areas kitchens, especially if there are kids, pets in the house.

Popular powder mixtures, crayons:

  • "Clean House" (easy to use, has a long-term effect, applied to the paths of movement of insects);
  • "Mashenka" (the tool perfectly scares off the Prussians, but it is impossible to exterminate the colony, it is more often used as preventive measure; minus - short-term action);
  • "Medilis Zipper" (rarely used in residential areas due to high toxicity, it is recommended to use in warehouses, utility rooms, storerooms);
  • "Pyrethrum" (a unique composition of natural ingredients allows the use of the drug in rooms with young children).

The cost of crayons is lower than insecticidal liquid products from the red family, therefore, despite the low efficiency, residents small houses prefer the "dry" version of the fight against mustachioed "tenants".

Spray - the rapid destruction of the Prussians

Spray is a great insect control option. Main advantages:

  • lack of special training (you will need to put food, dishes in plastic bags, in kitchen cabinets);
  • processing takes 4-6 minutes;
  • general cleaning, washing of hard surfaces is not required;
  • pleasant aroma, lack of smell characteristic of insecticides;
  • at the time of processing, you will not need to leave the room (depending on the composition of the product);
  • affordable cost.

The composition of the spray, regardless of the cost and manufacturer, almost does not change - toxic substances and flavorings. The most common drugs:

  • "Dichlorvos" (for ten years, the remedy has undergone many changes, the pungent smell has almost been removed by manufacturers, the effectiveness against cockroaches has remained - pests die after one use of the spray);
  • "Gett" (completely destroys the Prussians, but before use, you will have to prepare a working solution, and then spray it from a spray bottle);
  • "Raptor" (the barbels themselves spread the poisonous liquid between their brethren - a few grains of the spray that fell on the body of the insect are enough to infect a colony from one pest).

Before spraying, you need a simple preparation: close windows and doors hermetically for several hours. Most sprays do not have toxic ingredients, but you should not take risks - it is better to go for a walk during exposure to a toxic liquid.

Gel - easy to use, long-term effect on insects

A house infested with cockroaches is best cleaned of mustachioed guests with a poisonous gel. The tool does not guarantee quick release from the red neighborhood, but the duration of action of the poisonous components allows you to effectively destroy the adult members of the family and the offspring that will appear within 2-6 months.

The gel is easy to use - just apply the product in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom, so that the cockroaches taste the poisonous treat. A pleasant smell attracts red-haired guests - an indispensable advantage of the drug.

What is the best way to influence a mustachioed family? Popular gels:

  • "Combat" (even affects cockroaches that have not tasted a poisonous treat, infected representatives of the Prussian family on their paws bring a deadly substance to the nest);
  • "Raptor" (an easy-to-use gel, with the help of a tube you can process in 5 minutes large kitchen; the unique composition of 7-9 months continues to have a detrimental effect on insects);
  • "Global" (gel safe for the human body, pleasant smell attracts barbels, death occurs 4-7 hours after a deadly meal);
  • "" (the low cost of the poisonous agent compensates for the short action - for only 2 months the gel can have a detrimental effect on the barbel).

Despite the assurances of manufacturers about the complete safety of the gel, contact with it or apply to open spaces Not recommended.

Methods for the destruction of cockroaches are not always safe for humans, therefore, before using the drug, it is better to find out all the advantages and disadvantages.

Proper processing will not end with a request - "Help!" Addressed to specialists, but will leave behind a clean, comfortable home.

If cockroaches appeared in the apartment, they can be removed using store and folk remedies, as well as professional pest control.

Cockroaches in an apartment are disgusting, disgusting and unhygienic. It is believed that they start up in places where there are no proper sanitary conditions: cleaning is not carried out often, food is stored in a mess, dishes are washed extremely rarely. Cockroaches are a sign of uncleanliness of the owners. But uninvited guests can appear even where the cleanliness is perfect. Why do they get into an apartment? And what to do to get cockroaches out once and for all?

What cockroaches live in apartments and houses? Why cockroaches appear in the apartment: reasons. Where do cockroaches hide in the kitchen?

Cockroaches are creatures that tend to adapt. Some species of these insects of this order found the conditions of apartments and houses favorable for living: they are warm and there is always something to eat.

IMPORTANT: In the conditions of apartments and houses in Central and Eastern Europe, several species of insects from the order Cockroaches (Blattodea) can live: Red cockroach (or Prusak), Black cockroach, Furniture cockroach, Turkmen cockroach, others. These species are called synanthropic, that is, those that are not domesticated, but in the course of their life they are directly related to humans.

All types of domestic cockroaches have common features:

  1. In the course of their life, they go through several stages of development: egg - larva (nymph) - adult (imago).
  2. Domestic cockroaches have small size. An adult individual of a red cockroach reaches a length of 1.5 cm. Black cockroaches are somewhat larger - up to 8 cm. Their entire body is flat and oblong, which allows them to successfully hide in places that are hard to reach for humans.
  3. Domestic cockroaches have three pairs of legs and a developed organ of touch - paired antennae.
  4. Male cockroaches have wings. They are developed, and thanks to them insects are capable of short-term planning.
  5. Female cockroaches lay up to 40 eggs at a time. Eggs are in a dense capsule - ootheca. Females carry the ootheca on themselves for two to four weeks, until the larvae hatch from it.
  6. After 2 months, the cockroach larva turns into an adult, whose life expectancy is up to six months.
  7. During her life, the female can lay up to 9 ootheca. This means that it gives life to several hundred cockroaches.
  8. Cockroaches are very mobile, they cover a distance of several kilometers a day.
  9. An interesting fact: the Prussians successfully displace black cockroaches. They are smaller and easier to hide. At the same time, the black cockroach is less resistant to insecticides.

IMPORTANT: Cockroaches like to populate apartments more than houses. The fact is that in multi-storey buildings they have all the conditions for migration: among hundreds of apartments, they can choose those in which the conditions are most favorable for them. It is more difficult to roam from house to house; for this, insects have to overcome open areas.

So how do cockroaches get into an apartment? They have several ways:

  • through ventilation
  • through water and sewer communications
  • with purchased furniture and household appliances
  • in guest bags
  • in food boxes

Will the "stray" cockroach remain in new apartment, whether it will breed an entire population in it, depends on what conditions for it will be in the dwelling. Since cockroaches do not eat much, in order for them to breed, it is enough:

  • rarely clean up
  • rarely take out the trash
  • leave unwashed dishes
  • leave food on the table
  • keep cereal open
  • keep open containers with water or dishes that have not been wiped after washing

IMPORTANT: It was previously believed that cockroaches live only in the kitchen. This is not true. Household furniture cockroach feeds on starch-containing substances, for example, wallpaper glue. He can live in a room on the shelves of cabinets and books.

Crumbs and food thrown on the table are bait for cockroaches.

The Prussians, as the main inhabitants of the apartments, live in the kitchen and are active mainly in the dark. It happens like this: you turn on the light in the kitchen at night, and dozens or even hundreds of tiny reddish-brown bodies scatter through the cracks and corners. Where are they hiding?

  • behind the skirting boards
  • in furniture and behind furniture
  • under the sink
  • under sewer pipes
  • in household appliances
  • in cracks in the walls
  • in the hood
  • behind the ventilation grill

Obviously, the war with cockroaches is a complicated matter. Surface treatment is clearly not enough. How to be? It is necessary to develop an action strategy.

VIDEO: Causes of cockroaches in the house

Harm from cockroaches

Cockroaches are obviously not the best "pets". In addition to the disgusting feelings from the sight of these insects, they cause significant damage to the household and the people with whom they live.

First you need to decide which of the three main ways to deal with cockroaches is best to use:

  • invite professional exterminators
  • purchase and use store-bought disinfectants
  • take advantage folk remedies from cockroaches

Preparation for disinfestation of cockroaches in any way consists in a thorough cleaning of the premises:

  1. Food items must be removed from the premises. If some of them were open for a long time, they contain traces of cockroaches (discharge, empty ootheca, insect corpses), they must be thrown away.
  2. All textiles in the room and in the kitchen must be washed in hot water.
  3. Household items, kitchen utensils, dishes, kitchen accessories are checked for insects, wiped, washed and taken out of the room.
  4. Cabinets, shelves, tables and chairs, walls, floor and ceiling are thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  5. Leaks in water supply and sewerage are eliminated.
  6. Indoor plants are also taken out of the room. If possible, it is better to transplant them into a new soil.

You should also take personal protective measures:

  • it is better to take children and pets out of the house for the time of disinfestation
  • to protect hands and respiratory tract, purchase gloves, a mask or a respirator
  • prepare work clothes and headgear

IMPORTANT: It should be clarified with exterminators or in the instructions for store poison how long it will not be possible to stay in the room or the entire apartment, and what to do later, upon return.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with drugs and poison from the store?

When choosing a disinfectant, you need to evaluate the following parameters:

Poison for cockroaches from the store may look like:

Not so long ago, special traps began to be used to fight cockroaches. These tools have a lot of advantages:

  • ease of use
  • long-term use
  • human safety

Traps lure insects, neutralize or kill them. Unfortunately, with the help of them it is impossible to influence all the cockroaches living in the apartment.

According to the method of exposure, traps are:

  • adhesive - insects caught in them stick to the sticky surface with their paws
  • with poison - trapped insect eats a product containing a disinfectant
  • electric - the trap kills cockroaches with electric discharges

Traps for cockroaches.

To kill as much as possible more insects, in the kitchen or in another room inhabited by them, several traps should be placed near their habitats.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment with the help of repeller devices?

If insecticides and traps kill cockroaches, repellers with ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, bad smell they simply kick them out of the apartment, forcing them to go in search of a new home.

A significant advantage of repellers is their safety for humans. On the other hand, there are cons:

  1. In fact, the effects of ultrasonic, electromagnetic repellers and fumigators on the human body have been little studied.
  2. They are often ineffective.
  3. The price of repellers is significant, plus, their operation requires electricity.

How to buy poison, repellent devices, traps and effective remedies for cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog

Online shopping lovers can buy effective means from cockroaches, from aerosols to ultrasonic repellers, on Aliexpress. A whole large section is devoted to them on the website of the Chinese trading platform.

IMPORTANT: To buy insecticides and other goods, you need to register on Ali. The article "" and the instructions on the site itself will help with this.

Remedies for cockroaches in the Aliexpress catalog.
  • in the catalog on the right home page choose the section "For home and garden"
  • go to the "Pest Control" subsection
  • further in the filter "Pests" on the right of the page, select "Cockroaches"

Trap for cockroaches with Aliexpress.

The price of funds from the Prussians on Ali depends on their form:

  • gel - insecticide will cost $ 1.5
  • powder - from $ 1 per package
  • state-of-the-art, human-safe trap - $10 or more

VIDEO: Two cockroach remedies from Aliexpress

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with folk remedies?

  • boric acid
  • wormwood
  • bay leaf
  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • kerosene
  • turpentine
  • flour with alabaster

IMPORTANT: Such products are affordable, easy to use and relatively harmless to people. But keep in mind that cockroaches adapt to changes. environment very quickly: what was dangerous for previous generations does not harm the current ones.

Recipes for a mixture of cockroaches with boric acid. Borax from cockroaches: recipe

Boric acid is sold in a pharmacy for a penny. Having used it, the cockroach, as it were, dries up, at the same time it paralyzes its nervous system.

The task of the owners of the apartment is to prepare a mixture with boric acid, which will be attractive to cockroaches in smell and taste. For her take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boric acid
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

The mixture is sifted in small heaps on the lids of cans or small pieces of cardboard and placed near the habitats of cockroaches. Traps can stand for several days. It is important that at this time the insects do not have access to water.
You can also make a stiff dough from flour, starch and water, mix boric acid into it, roll up balls and spread them where cockroaches run.

Similar effect on insects and borax

50 g of sodium tetraborate are mixed with 50 g of starch, 50 g of powdered sugar and a small amount of vanillin. The dry mixture is diluted with water to make a thick paste that attracts cockroaches with the smell.

Recipes for cockroach balls with boric acid and egg

All their lives, cockroaches have been poisoned with trap balls made from eggs and boric acid. They make them like this:

  • hard-boiled eggs, only yolks are needed for balls
  • knead the yolks with a fork and combine them with boric acid in powder (1 yolk - 30 g of powder)
  • add vegetable oil to the mixture
  • the mixture should get the consistency of a thick dough, after which balls with a diameter of 2-3 cm are rolled out of it
  • lay out in the kitchen or in the room inhabited by cockroaches as many of these balls as possible

Boric acid from cockroaches: a recipe with potatoes

Cockroach balls are also made with boric acid and potatoes. Take:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • boric acid - 80 g

Potatoes are boiled until tender, then mashed. When the puree has cooled slightly, add boric acid. Balls - traps are made from the dried mixture.

IMPORTANT: When using cockroach traps with borax or boric acid, care must be taken to ensure that cockroaches do not have other food.

VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches at home?

Disinsection and destruction of cockroaches in the apartment: specialized services

If store and folk remedies for the Prussians turned out to be ineffective, it makes sense to seek help from the pest control service. Completely confidentially, at a convenient time for the owners, exterminators lead to the address and carry out professional processing of the home.

Prepare for their arrival:

  • remove food from the room
  • put away dishes and appliances
  • fix leaks in water and sewer pipes
  • seal joints between furniture and walls, walls and skirting boards, gaps on walls
  • remove children and pets from home

  1. The disinfestation service uses modern effective means to persecute cockroaches. Its employees must provide the owners of the apartment or house with certificates of quality.
  2. As a rule, these products are diluted in water and sprayed indoors.
  3. After the time specified by the exterminators (usually at least 24 hours), the room should be cleaned. Thorough ventilation is done in front of it. Surfaces are treated with water and soda or an alkaline detergent.
  4. Cleaning is mandatory with gloves and a mask. Walls, ceilings, furniture facades, skirting boards are not washed: the disinfectant that has settled on them will work for another 10-14 days.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever? This question torments most people who at least once in their lives have encountered red mustaches. Cockroaches are not dangerous insects- they do not bite, shyly running away every time you turn on the light in the kitchen. However, the threat lurking in the Prussians is the infections that they can carry on their limbs and mustaches, crawling on food left not only on the table, but also in cabinets and cabinets. In addition, the waste remaining from these nasty creatures - droppings or exfoliating chitin, can play the role of the most serious allergens that cause asthmatic attacks in both children and adults.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment forever

Most main way remove cockroaches - persecution. Destroying the colony that has started up in your apartment will not be so difficult. However, the matter does not end there. So how to effectively remove cockroaches from the apartment?

The first steps are sanitary methods and ways to prevent the emergence of new uninvited guests. To make your home unattractive to vile guests, be guided by the following sanitary rules:

  • Eat only in the kitchen. Crumbs and small particles of food remain in the rooms, invitingly attracting the Prussians to settle outside the kitchen space. Even if you eat very carefully, but in the living room, be mentally prepared that soon the mustachios will look at you at the sound of the TV;
  • It is also necessary to store everything edible strictly in the kitchen;
  • Vacuum and damp mop the floor as often as possible, and wipe tables regularly, surfaces and hard-to-reach places where food particles could get - the joints of cabinets and household appliances, drawer doors, shelves.
    Pour all food into containers with tight-fitting lids, and trash into airtight buckets and bags.
  • Immediately after eating, put things in order and wash the dishes - cockroaches love to feast on food leftovers in dirty dishes;
  • Get everything in order plumbing fixtures - stagnant water, dampness and stench - an excellent environment for the life of mustachioed comrades. Make sure that there are no sources of moisture anywhere, ventilate and dry even the bathroom after taking a shower, so as not to leave a single pleasant corner for cockroaches, remember - they love moisture!

Important! Be sure to check every centimeter of the apartment space for cracks! They can be around water pipes, gas pipes or pipelines, as well as wires that extend into your home from the outside. In new homes, there are often holes under the baseboards.

Holes must be patched up so that not even the tiniest cockroach can get into your house, because if you etch them at home, but let the neighbors come running, the persecution will simply be meaningless.

Disinsection, which must be carried out in the house after you have taken all measures to eliminate the factors that attract cockroaches, can take place in a wide variety of forms. But it is necessary to conduct it in order to save yourself and your family from possible allergies and poisonings, which are promoted by these seemingly harmless insects.

The most effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in the house

How can you get cockroaches out of the apartment? There are many answers to this question. There are various professional, chemical home cleaning products, but there is also the experience gained by previous generations who did not have the opportunity to turn to craftsmen in this area or buy a special tool. Such methods are called popular.

It is important to understand that not only ordinary red cockroaches can start up in an apartment. Have you ever met three-centimeter black, mustachioed monsters - these are fellow Prussians, and they are not only capable of infecting you with salmonella or provoking an asthmatic attack. Due to their large size, black cockroaches can often damage electrical wiring, damage household appliances, or simply climb into your bed, scaring you to death. How to get black cockroaches out of an apartment is an equally important question.

There are several ways to get rid of the nasty neighborhood. Both ordinary red Prussians and black cockroaches are very sensitive to pungent odors. Lavender, Bay leaf and other odorous seasonings may help. However, this method will not work for a long time - they get used to it! In addition, being constantly in the "cloud" of aromatic spices, you risk earning headache or allergic rhinitis. Therefore, this option of getting rid of cockroaches is very inefficient.

Other methods that help in the fight against both red and black barbels include:

  • Freezing housing. If you have your own house, and the fight against living creatures falls on the cold season, you can do the following: turn off the heating, take your family and leave for a couple of days to visit relatives. Don't forget to open windows and remove all food supplies. Part of the colony will rest from the cold, the other from hunger. Well, not hatched individuals will be eaten by their own "fellow villagers" - cannibalism is not alien to these insects. This method is chemically safe, and, provided that you continue to follow all sanitary rules, is durable. But not suitable for apartments;
  • Repellents. These are special chemical and folk remedies that are not aimed at the death of barbels, but at scaring them away. Folk remedies, as a rule, do not work on cockroaches, but the sharp specific smells of chemicals located at the places where insects enter the house can help. But if repellents are not located on all access points, which you cannot be sure of, cockroaches will still get into your house;
  • Placement of catching structures. Attempts to catch cockroaches with baits have been known for a long time. However, these methods do not inspire confidence in 100% getting rid of cockroaches forever. Because, no matter how many of them fall into the trap, there will definitely be a couple of prolific females who will easily make up for losses in the ranks of the mustachioed;
  • Insecticides and pesticides. Various chemicals of complex composition that can exterminate cockroaches.
    Important! The threat of use lies in the fact that you run the risk of eating such funds yourself when they get on the dishes. Therefore, after baiting, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all surfaces and dishes. And during the week, rinse dishes and utensils before eating - aerosol insecticides can "hover" in the air for some time after spraying.
  • Folk remedies, the most famous of which is boric acid. How to remove cockroaches from an apartment with boric acid, read below.

How to remove cockroaches in an apartment at home with the help of special preparations

How can you remove cockroaches in an apartment if there is a possibility of chemical pest control? Today in stores you can find a lot of different products, of any shape, color, smell and cost.

Before choosing one over the other, consider the following points:

  • How effective is the remedy. Read the reviews, get acquainted with the method of influence. Are you sure that this tool will help?
  • How quickly cockroaches disappear under the influence of this remedy? If the persecution of the Prussians drags on for several weeks - it is better not to take such a remedy - while you are poisoning some individuals, others hatch, and the colony is replenished again;
  • Safety for people. If the tool indicates that it is not applicable indoors and with children, and you do not have the opportunity to leave your home at the time of pest control, you should not choose such a tool;
    Attention! When choosing a chemical release form, make sure that your children cannot touch it. So ordinary crayons from cockroaches become a real threat to the baby, who can draw pens along the drawn line, and then taste them!
  • Ease of application. Most people prefer forms of insecticide release that allow you to simply spray a couple of times - and you're done. Few people want to crawl with chalk in hard-to-reach places.
  • Price tag. Often, a quality remedy against the Prussians costs a lot of money. In this case, it is worth considering whether to spend the same amount on calling professionals who will easily save you from unnecessary guests, giving a guarantee that they will not return?

Common means against cockroaches are gels. They are sold in pre-filled dispensers with a convenient spout. Doesn't smell to humans, doesn't decompose, doesn't leave stains, usually won't be of interest to children. However, it is even more pleasant for cockroaches than fresh bread. They gladly come running to feast, after which they die quickly enough. The most popular and high-quality gels are considered:

  • Storm- contains two different insecticides, which increases the chances of defeating barbels, costs no more than fifty rubles;
  • Fas. Approximate cost - about a hundred rubles;
  • Globall. The cost is over two hundred rubles, suitable for heavily infected and large rooms.

The disadvantage of gels is that they act quite slowly, and cockroaches are removed for about two weeks, sometimes longer. There is no need to leave the home. They are applied in places where cockroaches like to crawl the most.

If you need to urgently eliminate living creatures - pay attention to sprays and aerosols. It is recommended to spray them in masks and gloves, and the presence of people in the room at the time of spraying and a few hours after is undesirable. However, cockroaches die instantly.
Popular and sought-after sprays for non-professional use today:

  • Raptor;
  • Wright;
  • Combat.

If you need to carry out a total sweep, you can use Sinuzan or Tetrix. But these are complex toxic substances that are not recommended to be applied without special protective clothing.

Attention! The use of professional sprays without the coordination of specialists can lead to poisoning and a threat to life!

You can use cockroach traps. This method is suitable if you have pets that you are afraid of harming with chemistry. However, it is important to consider that traps are not able to rid you of the colony completely. It makes sense to purchase such devices if cockroaches periodically come running to you from neighbors, without lingering for a long time.

There are also crayons, among the popular ones is still "Mashenka". However, crayons are inferior in parameters even to gels, and are very dangerous for children and animals.

When answering the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in the house, the most effective way that users call is to purchase microencapsulated chemicals. These include Lambda Zone and Delta Zone, Empire 20 and many others.. They are considered harmless because the chemical is contained within the granule, and is contained in such minute doses that it can only harm small insects, not humans.

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment forever with folk remedies

The most popular remedy for cockroaches among folk methods is boric acid. This drug has a paralytic effect on mustachioed guests. However, for this method to work, cockroaches must begin to eat it. You can add about forty grams of acid to boiled egg yolks, mold them into small lumps and spread them in the habitats of cockroaches. Or you can just make a sweet dough from flour, water and sugar, and season the delicacy with cockroach poison. Moreover, if your cats or dogs, or even children, decide to enjoy such a “treat”, it will be absolutely harmless to them - boric acid does not affect the body of mammals in any way. You can also use borax - this is the sodium salt of boric acid. The principle is the same.

You can also use grated inflorescences of chamomile flowers or ammonia. You just need to wash the floor with the addition of ammonia to the water. But this will not kill the cockroaches - they will simply run to the neighbors and return at the first persecution.

That is why the most important folk remedy is the “folk assembly”. Gather all the neighbors, agree to persecute at the same time even where there are none. Hire a team of exterminators, open basements, a garbage chute and other utility rooms in the house. Fighting cockroaches in apartment building will be effective only if they are destroyed everywhere, and not run from one apartment to another.

How to effectively remove cockroaches from an apartment using ultrasound

Today there are many methods effective disposal from cockroaches. The novelties include ultrasonic devices to combat the Prussians. But are they really that effective? At a fairly high cost - from six hundred Russian rubles and above, ultrasonic devices are not a serious threat to nasty insects. However, many buyers believe in advertisements for a miracle cure that you just need to install in the kitchen and - goodbye, hated critters.

But why then are other pesticides still so popular?
First, you can't kill a cockroach with ultrasound. Yes, insects don't like sound. Yes, they will try to bypass it. But does this mean that you will get rid of cockroaches for good? Not at all!

Everyone knows that ultrasound can repel mosquitoes. But this happens because the sound imitates the squeak of a bat, which little bloodsuckers are so afraid of. Cockroaches are not afraid of sounds, do not communicate with them, and do not run away in a panic, however, if they are exposed to ultrasound of a specially selected power for a long time, certain adjustments will occur in their behavior. At the same time, the power of the signal should be tangible for a person, which already speaks against such a device.

Some studies have shown that the presence of such a device reduces the population in the apartment, but getting rid of cockroaches with ultrasound completely is a very dubious undertaking.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever: video review

In order to effectively deal with cockroaches, you must have complete information about this question. Various video instructions can help you get it.