Apple juice for the winter how much sugar. Making juice at home

  • 01.12.2020

How to cook apple juice for the winter at home, how to close banks and also how to do a blended drink mixed with the juice of other fruits, berries and vegetables, we will describe in our article.

A drink prepared for the winter from apples is rich in vitamins, and is also very healthy and fragrant, in taste it is not inferior to its counterpart from the store. 100 grams of homemade juice contains:

  • 42 kcal,
  • proteins - 0.4 g,
  • fat - 0.4 g,
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 gr.

Homemade apple juice for the winterclassic recipe cooking

The juiciest apples are just taken from the tree, these fruits should be used to harvest juice for the winter. It is recommended to give preference to varieties:

  • "Antonovka",
  • "Semerenko",
  • "Strey Fling"
  • "Anise",
  • other varieties can also be used.

To get a blended drink that has an unusual taste and aroma, it is necessary to mix fruits of different varieties.

A classic, step-by-step recipe for making juice at home:

At room temperature in this state, the juice should be stored for 10-12 days. After that, it is recommended to transfer the jars to a cool place for long-term storage, but this should be done only if the drink has not become cloudy, has not fermented, and mold has not appeared on its surface.

The juice is stored for a very long time, so the whole family can enjoy its wonderful taste at any time of the year until a new crop appears.

Advice! A drink that foamed in the first weeks can be used to make jelly, fruit drinks, it should first be boiled for 5-7 minutes or wine.

Reheating is necessary in order to remove the sediment that appears on the bottom of the container during storage, this procedure is not necessary. Fully clarified juice at home it is impossible to get, but this will not spoil the taste of the drink.

Advice! To heat the juice, it is best to use enamelware.

apple juice recipe for the winter through a juicer


  • apples;
  • vegetables, fruits or berries - optional;
  • granulated sugar - if necessary (100 g per 1 liter of juice).


This recipe is widely used to prepare a healthy, fruit and berry drink. To preserve the juice for the winter, you can use the pasteurization method described in the first recipe, or the second method - sterilization, this method will be described in this recipe.

  1. We skip apples for juice in a convenient way for you with a juicer, meat grinder. If you used a meat grinder, the juice should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into pre-prepared jars. If the drink is sour, then sugar can be added to it.
  1. Banks should be tightly closed with boiled lids.
  2. Place cheesecloth or a circle of wood on the bottom of a large saucepan and fill with water. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Jars of juice should be carefully placed in a saucepan, while boiling water should reach their neck and leave to sterilize for 15 minutes if these are liter containers, 30 minutes for three-liter ones. The foam is periodically removed.
  4. After the procedure, take out the container, roll it up, leave it to cool wrapped, turned upside down.

Watch the video! Apple juice from a juicer for the winter

Apple pear juice

This drink is prepared for the winter by many housewives, because it has an excellent taste and aroma. For cooking you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.

The number of components should be selected based on your own taste preferences.

  1. Fruit should be washed and cut into quarters.
  2. Pass through a juicer.
  3. The mass must be poured into an enamel pan and put on fire.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam will begin to appear on its surface, which should be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. Sugar is added as needed if the drink is not very sweet.
  6. After boiling, the pan is removed from the heat and filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. When hot, the juice should be poured into pre-prepared containers and rolled up, after which the jars should be turned upside down and covered with a blanket.
  8. After 1-1.5 weeks, if the juice does not deteriorate, it can be stored in a cool place.

Watch the video! Pear-apple juice for the winter

homemade apple juice: recipe without juicer with pulp

Required components:

  • 3 kg of apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • Sugar syrup (from 4 cups water and 4 cups sugar).


  1. Fruits should be sorted out, rotten places and seeds removed, peeled.
  2. Apples are cut into slices 1-2 cm wide and laid out in an enameled container.
  3. Fill the pieces with water.
  4. After that, the pan should be put on fire and wait for the liquid to boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the stove and puree the contents. To do this, the pulp is passed through a meat grinder or blender twice.
  6. The mass is mixed with syrup and again put on fire.
  7. After 5 minutes, remove from heat and cool slightly.
  8. Rub everything through a fine sieve.
  9. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then pour the juice into glass containers and roll up the lids, leave to cool upside down.

Apple juice prepared in this way contains a lot of dietary fiber, which is so beneficial for the intestines. For those who are on a diet, this drink is best consumed without sugar.

The classic cooking recipe is suitable for those who want to prepare clarified juice, but do not have a juicer on the farm. To do this, you will need to pass the apple pulp through a meat grinder or grate it, and then squeeze the mass through gauze several times. Next, you should continue to prepare the drink, adhering to the recommendations from the very first recipe.

Watch the video! Apple juice without juicer

How to cook apple juice in a juicer

  • Before sending apples to the juicer, they should be washed and cut well.
  • It is very important to remove the seeds and the core, since the fruits will be cooked. From them, the drink can acquire a bitter aftertaste. Seeds can get stuck in the openings of the juicer compartment on top and prevent the liquid from draining.
  • Damage and rot must be cut off.
  • Finely chop the fruit is not necessary. Medium-sized fruits can be cut into 4 pieces, larger ones into 6-8 pieces.

The juicer consists of three parts:

  • upper tank - sieve / hopper;
  • middle - juice receiver;
  • lower - pots for water.


  • Apples are placed in a hopper with holes, and water is poured into the pan. Boiling water can be used to shorten the heating time.
  • Water must be poured up to the marked level. When there is no mark, you should carefully study the instructions, usually 2 liters of water is enough.
  • The juicer can only be placed on the stove when the juicer drain valve is closed. In some devices, a rubber tube with a clamp is used as it.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter? Making apple juice in a juicer is a traditional way to prepare a drink for the winter.

A hot and sterile drink flows out of the tap, which does not need to be boiled.

A delicious drink can be obtained using only ripe and juicy fruits.

  • To enhance the secretion of juice, it is recommended to add sugar.

Required Ingredients:

  • apples;
  • sugar (no more than 100 g per 1 liter of juice).

Step by step preparation:

  1. The fruits should be washed, cut and put in a juicer pan. Apples need to be stacked tightly to fit as much volume as possible.
  2. From above, the slices must be sprinkled with sugar, you can also sprinkle each layer of fruit with it. You do not need to add too much granulated sugar, as you can make the drink cloying.
  3. Pour water into the last compartment and place the juice cooker on the stove, cover the apples with a lid.
  4. The juice cooker should be left on the stove with the tap closed for an hour.
  5. Then, the slices should be mixed with a spatula, pressing movements. If the pulp has not yet become wet, then the juicer should be covered again and left on the stove for another 30 minutes.
  6. Wash and sterilize the jars in advance, pour boiling water over the lids.
  7. The jar should be brought to the faucet, open it and fill it with juice. After that, close the container with a lid and roll up.
  8. Jars or bottles should be filled until the juice runs out.

Watch the video! Apple juice in a juicer

If you've ever drunk homemade apple juice, you won't doubt if you really should write down these recipes. We will prepare the real juice from apples at home. It's hard to imagine how delicious it is! Here only to try, it is impossible to describe it in words.

You can not add sugar to juices if the fruits themselves are sweet enough. Many housewives prepare juices in this way. Moreover, it is much more useful. Someone likes sour drinks, because they make juices from apples with sourness and also do without sugar.

Such a drink can be served not only to children at the table, but also to neighbors / friends / acquaintances who have come to visit. Moreover, it can be safely served during the holidays, because it is much tastier than the product sold in stores.

From this juice, you can make sauce, and cake cream, and use it as an impregnation for a cake. It can perform a lot of functions and in all cases it will be on top!

General principles of preparation

To make homemade apple juice, you don’t need as many things as you might have imagined. In addition to apples, you definitely need jars and lids in which you close this very juice. Choose the right volume. It all depends on how many people live with you, and how often they will drink juice. For example, if you are alone, then you can close the drink in liter jars. If there are many households, take three-liter ones, no less.

In order for everything to be well preserved, it is important to remember about sterility. To do this, the jars along with the lids must be thoroughly washed. First with soap and water, then replace the soap with baking soda. After that comes the turn of sterilization.

You can sterilize wet (just washed) jars in a microwave or oven. Fifteen minutes will be enough, as will a temperature of 150 degrees in the oven and maximum power in the microwave.

And there are two more methods for sterilizing jars: boiling water and steam. In the first case, you just need to place all the jars in the widest pot you have. Pour them with water and put on the stove, bring to a boil, “cook” for fifteen minutes. As for steaming, the jars just need to be placed in turn under steam from an electric kettle. One jar will take ten minutes.

Natural juice from apples for the winter through a juicer

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

A traditional way of harvesting apple juice that does not require sweetening. When choosing sweet varieties, natural sugar will be enough.

How to cook:

Tip: if sugar is added, it is better to give preference to cane. It will have a better effect on the taste, and the juice will not be cloying.

Harvesting juice through a juicer without pulp

Juices without pulp are much easier to drink, and in terms of vitamins they are almost as good as those in which there is pulp. Children like it more.

What is the calorie content - 47 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Be sure to pre-sort the fruits, removing the bad ones to the side;
  2. Wash them, peel them as desired;
  3. Cut the cores and seeds without fail;
  4. Cut fruit into slices, send to a juicer;
  5. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve or put it on cheesecloth, then squeeze it to get pure juice without pulp;
  6. Pour it into a saucepan and place on fire;
  7. Let it boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, remove the foam from the surface;
  8. Pour pure juice into jars, close the lids and put the jars under the blankets for a long and proper cooling.

Tip: if you want to protect your bookmarks from mold, literally 1 gram of citric acid can be added to each jar on top. It can also be mixed into the total mass, and then poured into containers.

Apple-carrot juice

The double benefit of this drink affects the work of the whole organism. Especially such a compote for those who are worried about the health of their eyes.

How long - 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 59 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, peel them and cut into slices;
  2. Pass through a juicer;
  3. Peel, wash and squeeze the juice out of the carrots in the same way;
  4. Mix both juices in a saucepan, add sugar;
  5. Put on the stove, turn on medium heat;
  6. Bring to a boil and pour into prepared containers.

Tip: the amount of carrots can be adjusted, this is limited only by taste preferences.

Drink option with pumpkin

Exclusively autumn gift: bright and unusual apple-pumpkin juice. Nutritious and rich.

How long - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 69 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash pumpkin, peel, cut into cubes;
  2. Pass them through a juicer to get juice;
  3. Wash the apples, peel and remove the entrails in the form of cores and, of course, seeds;
  4. Pass the slices through the juicer in the same way as the pumpkin;
  5. Pour both types of juice into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid;
  6. Put on fire, let it boil and cook for ten minutes;
  7. Pour the finished juice into jars, close the lids and put them under a warm blanket.

Tip: It is better to take sweet varieties of pumpkin, its flesh is usually brighter and softer.

Juice bookmarks "Assorted"

The concentration of vitamins in this version of apple juice just rolls over!

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 81 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a syrup, and for this, pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it;
  2. Put on fire, stirring, bring to complete dissolution of the crystals;
  3. Once the goal is reached, boil the syrup for five minutes;
  4. Wash apples, peel and remove the insides;
  5. Cut the fruit into slices and pass through a juicer;
  6. Strain the resulting mass to obtain pure juice;
  7. Mix it with syrup, rowan and currant juice;
  8. Pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil;
  9. Pour hot drink into jars, roll up with a key and put away “under a fur coat”.

Tip: berry juice must be sweetened, otherwise it will be too sour and tart.

To make the juice really healthy, healthy and tasty, we advise you to remove sugar from the composition of the juice. But to make it tasty, be sure to choose sweet varieties. In fact, if you also sweeten such fruits, it will turn out too cloying!

We recommend choosing large apples and always heavy ones. The weight of the fruit must necessarily correspond to the appearance. That is, a large apple should be heavy. The heavier the fruits, the more juice they contain. This means that you can get the maximum amount of vitamins from them. Dare!

When choosing apples, be sure to feel free to touch them from all sides, they must be firm. If the fruits are soft, then they have been on the counter for more than a week.

Buy apples of a reasonable size. It is clear that you will like large specimens more, but it is important to remember that it was for such people that this variety was artificially bred. That is, apples are grown on nitrates.

There should be absolutely no defects on the surface of the fruit: spots, holes, impact marks, cracks, scratches, etc. The peel is perfectly smooth, not wrinkled, while it can be glossy or matte.

Apples must smell and smell like apples. It often happens that vegetables, berries or fruits have no flavor at all. This is a sign that they are artificially grown, which means that inside they are just as “tasteless”. It is not worth buying such a product.

At your leisure, be sure to prepare at home such a delicious and real drink as apple juice. Moreover, we have it with various additives like carrots and pumpkins, so it will turn out incredibly useful and bright. You can offer this even to the smallest.

Find the best reliable recipes for apple juice for the winter in the richest collection of culinary super ideas site. Try classic and mixed variations of natural juice, make a drink with or without sugar. Try a pasteurization or sterilization technique. Treat your loved ones with unforgettable pleasure!

For making juice from apples, juicy winter varieties are best suited: Semerenko, Antonovka, Pear or Anise. The juice from these fruits can be mixed. So the taste of the final product will be more interesting. To prepare the drink, you should take ripe fruits without damaged areas or wormholes. As a last resort, all suspicious places should be carefully removed. The easiest way to squeeze the juice is with a juicer or cook in a juicer. But if these helpers are not available, then the drink can be obtained using a meat grinder with a special nozzle.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple juice recipes for the winter:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash ripe juicy apples. Cut into slices.
2. Squeeze the juice in any convenient way (with a juicer, a meat grinder with a nozzle or manually).
3. Strain. Pour liquid into a saucepan.
4. Add sugar to taste.
5. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
6. Boil for 12-15 minutes, carefully removing the resulting foam.
7. Pour hot apple juice into sterile jars.
8. Sterilize according to the volume of jars.
9. Seal tightly.
10. Leave under the “fur coat” (warm blanket, blanket, etc.) until completely cooled.
11. Store in a cool place (preferably in the cellar).

The five fastest apple juice recipes for the winter:

Helpful Hints:
. To prepare juice, it is desirable to use enameled or stainless steel dishes.
. Apple juice can be mixed and harvested not only from different varieties of apples, but also with juices from other fruits and vegetables.
. From the pulp of squeezed apples, you can cook wonderful compotes or fillings for baking.

Take care of your health from a young age ... And fruits and vegetables from the summer! And don't just take care of it, but prepare it. Yes, more. Indeed, in winter, the body needs useful substances, a full range of vitamins and a whole palette of pleasant gastronomic experiences. Prepare homemade apple juice for the winter in jars - and delight each family member with all the above benefits.

And look for simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos in our convenient selection. Preparing pure apple juice with and without pulp at home, making apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin juice through a juicer, brewing a vitamin drink with spices in a juicer and much more ...

Classic apple juice at home for the winter

You can prepare classic juice for the winter at home from a variety of apple varieties. However, it is not recommended to use exclusively sour or tart fruits. The taste of the finished drink will turn out to be not entirely pleasant, and excessive acids will lead to painful heartburn. An ideal 100% apple juice should be brewed from varieties Gala, Vita, Golden, Snowy Calvin, Glory to the winners, Malinovka, Macintosh, Champion.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting classic apple juice for the winter

  • fresh apples - 10 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of traditional apple juice for the winter at home

  • Wash fresh (preferably homemade) apples, peel them from the cores, stalks and all spoiled areas. Cut the pulp so that the pieces fit easily into the neck of the juicer.
  • Run the apples through the juicer. Make sure that the containers of the device are thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • At the same stage, any other additional components can be processed in the juicer. For example, celery, pears, pumpkin, if they are indicated in the recipe for the workpiece.
  • Wash large or small jars in a soda solution, rinse and bake in the oven at 100C. Boil the lids in clean water.
  • Remove all the foam from the squeezed juice. Pour liquid into jars without straining. Juice with pulp is more useful and nutritious.
  • Add 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of sugar to each jar. Focus on your own taste preferences.
  • On a note! If the juice for the winter is made from sweet varieties of apples, you can do without sugar at all. So the drink will turn out not only tasty and natural, but also low-calorie!

  • Place jars of juice covered with sterile lids in a wide saucepan. Fill the vessel with water up to the "shoulders" of the cans. Pasteurize the workpiece over medium heat for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, carefully remove the jars from boiling water, substituting a plate or board under the bottom. Roll up classic apple juice at home for the winter with a special key. Wrap the workpiece in a blanket and leave until the morning.
  • How to make juice with pulp from apples without a juicer

    Natural apple juice is prepared in one of several possible ways. Most often, the fruits are passed through a Soviet or modern juicer. The squeezed liquid is pasteurized in jars or brought to 95C in a saucepan. Housewives wise with life experience also use juice cookers - devices that languish fruits for a couple and thereby withdraw the maximum of a healthy drink. But even without these two kitchen machines, you can make juice with pulp at home. It is enough to grind the fruit on a fine grater or scroll in a meat grinder, and then squeeze through 2-5 layers of gauze.

    Necessary ingredients for harvesting apple juice with pulp without a juicer

    • sweet apples - 10 kg
    • cinnamon - to taste

    Step-by-step preparation of natural juice from apples with pulp for the winter without a juicer

  • Wash juicy and ripe apples of sweet varieties thoroughly in two waters, peel them from the stalks and cores.
  • Grate the fruit along with the peel on a fine or medium grater.
  • Fold the apple mass on 1-2 layers of clean gauze, fold the ends, forming a neat bag. By pressing on the gauze bag, squeeze out all the juice from the fruit. Hang the cake over a bowl of liquid so that all valuable residues are collected.
  • On a note! The more layers of gauze you prepare for squeezing the juice, the less likely it is that the pulp will remain in the drink. So, with the density of the "bag" it is better not to overdo it.

  • Pour the apple juice into a clean enamel saucepan and simmer for 10-15 minutes without bringing to a boil. Turn off the burner from time to time so that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 90C - 95C. Add cinnamon powder of your choice to your drink.
  • Wash three-liter or two-liter jars with soda, rinse and sterilize over steam (in the oven, in boiling water). Also treat the lids with high temperature.
  • Pour pasteurized juice with apple pulp without a juicer into a clean container, roll up the lids until winter. Keep the workpiece "under the casing" for 8-10 hours. Then move to a permanent storage location.
  • Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer

    It would seem that preparing delicious apple juice for the winter through a juicer is the easiest type of harvesting at home. But even in such a primitive business there are pitfalls: it turns out that the apparatus is different for the apparatus! If juicers of Russian or Belarusian production can easily process several kilograms of apples in half an hour, then an overseas device is only suitable for squeezing 2-3 fruits per glass of fresh drink. And after - requires a long rest. In addition, foreign juicers, unlike the "Soviet" ones, do not leave dry cake, but liquid slurry. Translating thereby useful products.

    See video recipes on how to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer:

    Natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home

    Juice cookers have been known to cooks since Soviet times. And, meanwhile, they still remain in the active kitchen arsenal of thousands of housewives. Which is not at all surprising!

    • juice from a juicer does not need additional heat treatment before seaming;
    • the pulp left after evaporating the juice can be used to make jam;
    • an open can of drink is stored in the refrigerator for at least 7-10 days, and not 2 days, as in options with other harvesting methods;
    • natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter is very easy to prepare at home, without wasting energy on pre-twisting or grinding fruits.

    Necessary ingredients for natural apple juice through a juicer for winter

    • juicy apples
    • granulated sugar (if apples are sour)

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting natural apple juice for the winter through a juicer

  • Select the juiciest and ripest apples. Spoiled or sluggish fruits are best set aside for other types of blanks. They will not give a sufficient amount of juice, but they are likely to spoil the quality of the product.
  • Wash all suitable apples in several waters, cut into slices, remove cores and roots.
  • Take out and prepare the juicer. Keep fruit and liquid containers clean and dry. No foreign odors should be present in the device.
  • Pour water into a clean juicer. After boiling, pour the apples on the top tier. When the fruits are softened, sprinkle them with sugar in an amount depending on the acidity of the fruits. At first, the juice will begin to drip, then run in a thin stream.
  • On a note! The hose from the juicer should be lowered into a canning jar. The container must be sterile, since the finished juice does not undergo additional heat treatment.

  • Change the jar as it fills up. Use a mechanical or automatic key to roll up a container with natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home.
  • Diet apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar

    Refined cinnamon is an amazing spice. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples and sets off their sweetness with its own astringency. And yet - along with cloves and nutmeg, cinnamon provides invaluable benefits to the body: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, and destroys harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. Prepare dietary apple juice recipe without sugar - and enjoy all year round not only delicious, but also very healthy spicy drink.

    The necessary ingredients for harvesting sugar-free dietary apple juice for the winter

    • sweet and sour apples - 4 kg
    • cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp
    • crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
    • cloves - 5 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of spicy apple juice for the winter without sugar

  • Wash juicy apples of late sweet and sour varieties in cold water. Cut each fruit into 4 parts, carefully cut out the core. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder.
  • Put part of the resulting apple mass on a gauze substrate. Form a bag and squeeze out all the juice. Treat the rest of the fruit mass in the same way.
  • Pour all the available juice into a deep enameled pan, add spices. Without bringing to a boil, pasteurize the drink at 90C-95C.
  • Wash jars and sterilize. Prepare the seaming lids in the same way. Diet apple juice - preparation for the winter without sugar. This means that the container must be clean enough so that bacteria do not breed in the drink.
  • Fill sterile jars with pasteurized juice, roll up the lids. Wrap the workpiece in a terry towel or warm blanket until it cools completely.
  • Apple juice with pear at home: a simple video recipe

    The composition of blended apple juices and assorted juices can be listed indefinitely: apple-pumpkin, apple-carrot, grape-apple, etc. But the most delicious and popular is still the juice from ripe apples and pears, prepared by hardworking housewives from their own harvest at home. Such a drink, similarly to the previous ones, can be sweet or spicy, with or without pulp, light or concentrated.

    Watch how to make apple pear juice at home in a simple video recipe:

    Vitamin apple-carrot juice - canning at home for the winter

    Making homemade juice is the most convenient and practical way to harvest for the winter. And especially, such a plentiful harvest as apples and carrots. Of course, they can be carefully packed in wooden boxes with dry grass or sawdust and hidden in a dark basement. But after all, a glass of bright vitamin apple-carrot juice, canned at home for the winter, is much more appetizing than a withered apple or a shriveled carrot. Is not it?

    Essential ingredients for carrot-apple juice for the winter at home

    • sweet and sour apples - 3 kg
    • juicy carrots - 5 kg
    • ginger root
    • lemon

    Step-by-step cooking at home according to a recipe with a photo of vitamin juice from apples and carrots for the winter

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients: wash and chop the apples thoroughly, peel the carrots from the upper skin, squeeze the juice from the lemon, grate the ginger on the smallest grater.
  • Using any convenient method, squeeze the juice from carrots and apples. You can use a home juicer, a traditional crusher, a meat grinder, a fine grater, etc.
  • Sterilize the jars, boil the lids. Mix the resulting apple-carrot juice with lemon and grated ginger.
  • Pour the drink into the container and place the bottles with the workpiece in a pot of water. Pasteurize vitamin apple-carrot juice according to the rules of canning at home for the winter: 0.5 l cans - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 m, 2-3 l - 20 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the jars from the "pasteurizer" and roll them under the tin lids with a special key. Store your delicious vitamin drink in a cool, dark place, out of direct sunlight.
  • Tart apple juice with grapes - canning at home

    Apple juice is useful in itself: vitamin C, organic acids, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the respiratory, digestive, circulatory system and the whole body. But in combination with fresh homemade grapes, the drink becomes miraculous at times. Tart apple juice with grapes according to home canning recipes is an amazing preparation for everyone: from kids to the elderly.

    The necessary ingredients for harvesting tart grape-apple juice for the winter at home

    • juicy apples - 4 kg
    • pink grapes - 5 kg
    • blue grapes - 1 kg

    Step-by-step preparation of tart apple-grape juice at home for the winter

  • Wash all apples thoroughly. Cut large fruits into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Remove cores with stones.
  • Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the twigs.
  • Pass the fruit through the juicer, pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan.
  • Boil the workpiece for 5-7 minutes at 90C-95C, avoiding boiling. Remove the formed foam.
  • Pour tart apple juice with grapes at home into sterile jars, roll up with lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it with a blanket for the night.
  • Move the cooled juice to the pantry. The drink is perfectly preserved at room temperature.
  • Homemade apple-pumpkin juice for the winter

    Pure pumpkin juice is very valuable for the human body, but not everyone admires its taste. Someone does not like the astringent structure with an abundance of pulp, others are confused by the "soapy" taste. Fortunately, there is an excellent solution to all these nuances - mix a pumpkin with an apple and prepare a multivitamin juice for the winter. The technology of its preparation is not much different from the preparations from previous recipes. Yes, and the method of storage is exactly the same.

    See more about making homemade apple-pumpkin juice for the winter in the video recipe:

    Homemade apple juice for the winter is the noblest preparation of the most primitive representatives of the summer-autumn harvest. A healthy vitamin drink can be made sweet and clear, devoid of any sediment. Or tart with carrot or pumpkin pulp. Having a juicer or a juicer in the arsenal, each culinary specialist will prepare at home a whole batch of a delicious drink "in cans" without much difficulty.

    Post Views: 67

    No matter how we prepare apples: we add them to salads, to lecho, to adjika; we cook jam, jam and jam; preparing compotes and juices. Soaked apples are also good, and pickled, and dried. It is important that vitamins remain in our preparations to the maximum.

    Today I suggest you prepare a wonderful apple juice with pulp for the winter. Of course, it will turn out much tastier and healthier than the purchased one, because apart from apples we will not use anything. Add sugar only if your apples are sour. I have a variety "Gala", apples are juicy and sweet, I did not add sugar.

    Wash the apples, cut into quarters, remove the seed box. I do not have a very strong juicer, so I cut each part more.

    Let's skip the apple slices through the juicer, maybe twice. Juice turned out 800 ml.

    We don't throw out the scraps.

    Put them in a saucepan (do not use aluminum), pour two glasses of water, put on fire.

    Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring to prevent burning. Then pass through a sieve. I got 700 ml of puree.

    Place puree and juice in a saucepan, heat, but do not boil! Be sure to remove the foam.

    For the winter, apple juice with pulp will be poured into jars fried over steam, dry and hot. Wrap tightly, turn over and wrap until cool.

    Apple juice with pulp for the winter is ready! I got 1.3 liters of juice and another glass for testing. Magnificent juice turned out, just do not come off, thick, fragrant.

    Wonderful juice - delicious, rich, real!

    Eat to your health!