Reasons for the development of drug addiction. How does drug addiction occur? Alcoholic and narcotic essences in a person - signs

  • 29.06.2020

To understand how to deal with a particular problem, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence, as well as the mechanisms of formation and development. In this article, we will look at what personality traits, life circumstances and other possible factors can cause drug addiction.

  • desire to run away from problems;
  • the desire to seem like an adult;
  • imitation of peers;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • overprotective parenting;
  • psychological trauma in childhood;
  • inner experiences;
  • financial difficulties;
  • curiosity;
  • lack of interest.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows - not a single person is insured against drug addiction! Regardless of social status, financial status, age and gender - everyone can become a victim of this insidious and terrible disease. Among drug addicts there are both famous personalities and people from socially unprotected segments of the population. Remember! No drug addict thought they would become addicted when they first tried drugs.

The life of alcoholics and drug addicts on the domestic plane is well known to the reader. Let's consider it from the point of view of energy processes. For example, it is well known that drug addicts and alcoholics do not live long. Therefore, it is worth considering what shortens their life.

There are three options here. First, a person in his program can immediately choose a dead-end development option. The choice will come through the use of drugs or alcohol. He can be forgiven several times for his sin and given the opportunity to correct himself. If correction does not occur, then the person paves the way to the main test situation in which he is given the last chance for correction: either he refuses drugs, or continues to use them. In the last case, when he makes a choice towards accepting them, the program switches him to a dead-end option, which takes him out of life at 25, at 28, 30, 36. This is the path of a low soul who does nothing useful in life.

But such a pernicious inclination can also be subjected to a fairly successful soul due to some life circumstances. She is not given dead-end options in the program, but by all means they try to divert her from the moment of early departure through a number of other positive situations. As a result, other situations can re-educate a person, he himself or with someone's help will give up drugs and continue his normal existence, and drug addiction will remain in the past, like "sins of youth." Such a soul is saved.

And there is another option related to the overexpenditure of energy by a young soul. This occurs as a result of damage to the subtle structures of a person.

Today it is already known that a certain amount of energy is allocated to a person for life, for the implementation of a program. If for some reason this energy is not enough until the next situation, then the program will stop prematurely. Drug addicts and alcoholics under the influence of tranquilizers, that is, certain organic matter, the protective fields of the body break through, and large flows of energies are released. In this way, they squander the reserve that was given to their organism for life, and even squander the small reserve that can be given to the unforeseen behavior of the individual. In this case, the program can be terminated in any situation (for example, a person's heart simply stops or something like that happens in accordance with a particular situation).

Similarly, on the same - the release of additional energy by the body - the property of all kinds of doping in athletes is based, due to which their high results are achieved. The extra energy released gives the athlete extra strength. But a one-time use of doping is not as harmful as the constant exposure to drugs and alcohol. Therefore, wasting vital energy, drug addicts die ahead of time. But much depends on the past achievements of the soul, the number of its reincarnations. In addition, the waste of energy by a person occurs in small portions, and not all at once.

Alcohol burns the vital energy given at birth, due to which the life of any drinking person is shortened by an amount corresponding to the doses taken. The individual, spending this energy, automatically jumps to the path of degradation, not even perceiving the daily doses of energy that the Determinant sends him for the treatment and restoration of the body. There are many types of energies sent by the Determinant to the student. Some go to maintain longevity, others - to the state of health, others - to perform certain life tasks, etc. In addition, we must not forget that all the unstable qualities of a person are destroyed, therefore a non-drinking person is one person, and a drinker is another, which is an order of magnitude lower.

But even if an alcoholic shortens his life, the energy planned for Cosmos as a surplus product, he will still work out during his lifetime: either in torment sent through difficult life situations, or through physical suffering associated with loss of health, or he can simply arrange a terrible painful death. But he will work out his own, gaining, of course, at the same time karma for another life.

As for the question of energy reserves given to a person for life, they are certainly available. And out of ignorance, it seems to a person that he exists by chance and without the cost of it from Above. In fact, the Higher Ones spend huge amounts of energy on it, but if our measure of these wastes is money, then Above is energy. Let's not talk about the general expenditure of energies, but dwell on a fragment of such costs, that is, on the energies that a person needs for life. Energy is spent on absolutely everything, even on programming, on connecting temporary shells with permanent structures of the soul, on its descent into the physical world. All this is also associated with certain energy costs.

Let us dwell on the fact that life situations have been developed for a person in which he must participate. To exist in every situation, he must spend energy different types: physical types on the mechanical actions of the body, on emotions, feelings, thinking. All this works only if they are supplied with energy. Therefore, any situation for its implementation requires a certain amount of different types of energies. But their types, of course, are also predetermined by the level of development of the soul and the purpose of its improvement. Knowing the situations and the amount of energy consumed in them, Heavenly Programmers necessarily calculate the total amount of energy that a person will need to live. At the same time, options are necessarily calculated, since with a short path he will spend one amount, and with a long one - another. All this must be taken into account by the program. And at the same time, the following division must be made: for life physical body some energies are spent, and other energies are spent for the individual to perform some actions in situations.

Therefore, when a student is given the Determinant, then he is necessarily given all those energies (in quantitative and qualitative terms, that is, they are given the necessary types) that the student will need to fulfill the life program. All the energy for the life of a disciple is with the Heavenly Teacher, and He gives it to him in portions in accordance with the upcoming situation. Suppose today a person will have some events in his life, and on them the Determinant will allocate one type of energy in the right amount; and tomorrow the student will participate in other events, so the Determinant will allocate to him other types of energies and in a different quantity.

So every person from birth has a certain amount of energy in Heaven. But how he spends it depends on himself. However, no matter what choice he makes in situations, and no matter what path he chooses: the path of progress or degradation, the Higher Ones will force him to accumulate surplus energy in relation to the total amount that was allocated for life. And for this they have many methods.

So when an alcoholic or an individual degrading in another way burns out the energy that is given out for life under the influence of his low pleasures, then in the same incarnation or in another, he will definitely work it out and additionally produce surplus energy. But the latter may already be associated with suffering, tragedies, a short life.

"Amazing Man", authors L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova, ed. Union Star.
All rights reserved. No part of this information may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the authors of the book.

Drug addiction does not develop immediately. When a person is just starting to try psychoactive substances, it happens voluntarily. However, at a certain stage, it is no longer possible to stop taking drugs, since without the next dose, withdrawal cider develops, which is called "brittle" by drug addicts. Its appearance indicates the formation of dependence - a chronic addictive brain disease, accompanied by chemical dependence.

After the development of addiction, the body can no longer do without the drug, and the person's health deteriorates significantly. During withdrawal, he experiences severe pain, anxiety, insomnia, indigestion and appetite disorders, increased sweating and other symptoms. The rate at which drug addiction develops largely depends on the type of psychoactive substance. For example, after taking cannabis, addiction develops for a long time, and after taking opiates, Cocaine, Heroin or synthetic salts, it develops extremely quickly, literally after a few doses.

Get rid of drug addiction almost impossible on its own. The drug is included in all the vital processes of the body and without the next dose, it can no longer function normally. That is why attempts to "tie up" very often end after the first or several "breakdowns", and even if the addict managed to stop taking the drug for some time, the likelihood of a relapse in the future remains very high.

L treatment of drug addiction should begin as early as possible and be carried out only in the clinic under the constant supervision of specialists. The course of treatment must be complete and must include the psychological rehabilitation of the patient and his social adaptation. Only under such conditions is it possible to permanently get rid of drug addiction. V rehabilitation center Svoboda is a comprehensive treatment for all forms of drug addiction and for rehabilitation of drug addicts the most effective programs "12 steps" and "7H" are used.

Types of addiction

Drugs cause first psychological and then physical dependence. Experts distinguish:

  • positive attachment - when the drug is used to get a feeling of cheerfulness, euphoria and increased mood;
  • negative attachment - when taking a psychoactive drug is directed to suppress poor health or internal stress.

With the development of physical dependence, a drug addict develops an abstinence syndrome, accompanied by painful symptoms, without the next dose. To stop them, the addict uses a new dose.

Stages of development drug addiction

Development drug addiction goes through several stages:

  • Syndrome of the changed reactivity. At a certain stage, frequent drug use leads to an increase in their use, a change in tolerance to the usual dose, the form of drug intoxication, the form of taking a psychoactive drug, and the disappearance of reactive reactions in case of overdose. Over time, the addict begins to use the drug no longer occasionally, but regularly. Such a systematic reception is already due to the appearance of mental and physical dependence (“breaking”). Tolerance to the dose increases and the dependent begins to increase it to obtain the desired effect. The previously unpleasant protective reactions of the body (for example, salivation, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc.) to the introduction of a psychoactive drug disappear and do not occur even with overdoses.
  • Syndrome of mental dependence. An addict develops an obsessive craving for a psychoactive drug and only under its influence does he feel comfortable. The addict constantly thinks about the drug and normally feels uncomfortable. In anticipation of taking a narcotic drug, his mood rises. Soon, the drug is taken not for pleasure, but to overcome displeasure. A drug addict, unlike a normal person, can feel pleasure only after taking the next dose.
  • Syndrome of physical dependence. At some point, without receiving a dose, the addict develops a withdrawal cider. The time it takes for this condition to appear depends on the type of drug being taken. Usually, its symptoms are the opposite of the effects that the drug gives after taking it. The fastest "withdrawal" occurs after taking opiates, Heroin and Cocaine, More slowly - when taking cannabis preparations (Hashish and Marijuana).
  • Syndrome of consequences of chronic anesthesia. Manifestations of this stage drug addiction depend on the type of drug used. For example, with the abuse of opiates and stimulants, volitional disorders appear, and with the use of barbiturates, gross violations of memory and thinking of the intellect occur.

The mechanism and causes of the development of drug addiction

The main reason for the development of addiction is a metabolic disorder due to the inclusion of a drug in the metabolism. Each psychoactive substance corresponds to a specific neurotransmitter. With systematic use, the drug begins to replace it. So far, the mechanism of development of dependence is not yet fully understood. The main reasons for its formation are considered to be a genetic predisposition, however, there are many drug addicts in whom such a predisposition has not been identified.

When taking drugs, there is a sharp release of endorphins (hormones of happiness) into the blood. With the systematic use of psychoactive drugs, the brain begins to adapt to such bursts due to an increase in the number of endorphin receptors that perceive endorphins. Further, all other systems and organs get used to the presence of the drug, and they function normally only in the presence of this substance.

As a result, the brain itself stops producing endorphins, as it receives them from the outside or gets too used to stimulating their production. When the intake of the drug stops, a powerful failure occurs in the body - the organs stop functioning normally, and the receptors require a new dose. This is how the “break” occurs.

Mental and physical addiction is already a disease, not an addiction. You can get rid of a bad habit by an effort of will, and with addiction, a person can no longer experience positive emotions. Physical addiction is easier to deal with than mental addiction. That is why, in order to completely get rid of drug addiction, a long course of psychological rehabilitation of a drug addict is carried out. This process takes 90% of the time of addiction treatment.

The psychological causes of addiction fall into two main categories:

  • influence of external factors;
  • personality traits of a person who uses psychoactive substances.

Adolescence is a critical time for initiation of drug use. It is at this time that half of all drug addicts get acquainted with psychoactive substances. There is a trend that if a person has not tried drugs before the age of 20, then subsequently the likelihood of their use is sharply reduced. And the risk of developing drug addiction in such people is even less.

Another common cause of drug addiction is parental overprotection or overprotection. In the first case, the child is attached to drugs to escape from the coldness in the family, inferiority complexes, feelings of revenge and hatred. In the second, the child is sorely lacking in independence, and he tries to find it in any way, or joins psychoactive substances due to his infantilism and falling under the influence of more experienced "friends".

An important role in the development of addiction to drugs is the type of personality. Typically, these types of personalities are more prone to psychoactive substances:

  • psychopathic;
  • accentuated;
  • demonstrative;
  • hysterical.

People with an increased tendency to drug addiction usually have character traits such as low self-control, emotional coldness with psychopathic or accentuated personalities, hostility and egocentrism. They often experience anxiety, stress, tend to desire to freely follow their desires, hobbies, success and a rich interesting life.

The cost of our services
Anonymous phone consultation is free
Office consultation is free
Development of a rehabilitation plan is free
Groups for addicts and co-dependents is free
Lifetime Support is free
Individual consultation via video link with a narcologist 500 ₽/hour
Body detoxification from 3000 ₽/day
Convince the addict to get treatment from 5000 ₽
Delivery of the addict to the rehabilitation center from 5000 ₽
Hospital Budget from 1250 ₽/day
Hospital standard 1720 ₽/day
VIP hospital from 3000 ₽/day

Narcotic egregors (drug essences) in the material world are initially tied to the existence of plants, alcohol, drugs, drug treatment centers that treat drug addiction and alcoholism and receive money for it. By by and large, no one in this chain wants to lose their share of income and energy. If drug addicts cease to exist, why, one wonders, will narcologists be needed.

Everything that gets attention grows. By and large, even this article on drug and alcohol egregore feeds it. But unlike many articles that talk about the need for drug addiction treatment, this one talks about its essence. And if someday there are no drug addicts left on the planet, because the information in this article has benefited humanity, I personally will be very happy about this.

So, the ideal entities that once lived in special magical plants used for rituals, for example, weeds, belladonna, hops, have not lived there for a long time. From the life-giving, energetically healing plants, only a shell remained, which half-hint reminds of the existence higher worlds, but actually immerses a person in a world where narcotic entities live, which instantly penetrate a person and enslave him. If alcoholic essences are not so tenacious, and alcoholism develops gradually, then narcotic ones are very strong, and dependence for this reason is formed almost immediately.

By essence, he understands a subtle clot of energy that has its own mind. Each entity has its own tasks and aspirations. So, alcoholic and narcotic entities are designed to use a person like a battery. They squeeze it to the end, until they suck out all the vital juices. Man degrades and is physically “erased” from the face of the earth. His emanations, energies, and even the very essence of a person pass into the power of an egregor. Often the souls of deceased addicts do not find peace for a long time after the death of the physical body. This is because the soul cannot be freed, because the shells are tightly attached to the desires and energies imposed by the entities. A disembodied person can no longer satisfy these desires without a physical body, but he can also pass into new cycle development too. Therefore, dependence on drugs and alcohol is a much more terrible thing than it might seem.

Alcoholic and narcotic essences in a person - signs

The entities themselves look pretty intimidating. They, when viewed with subtle vision, resemble tall, dull gray shadows. In form, these are either insects, or snakes, or creatures similar to mythological devils. Essences penetrate the first triad of bodies, and at the physical level begin to distort a person beyond recognition. However, all other shells are distorted too. The entity controls the person. Hence, for example, the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia, when a person carries nonsense and hears voices, hence the pathological distortions of the emotional body, when the addict regularly experiences abnormal aggression or excessive euphoria. At the mental level, changes occur: thinking degrades, the cerebral cortex is depleted, neurons die, a person becomes stupid before our eyes, neurological diseases develop, for example, sclerosis. Often addicts experience a state of fugue when they experience memory lapses. The clinical symptoms of the disease are well described by psychiatrists, there is no need to decipher them.

It is important to understand something else. Essences of such power, which are capable of destroying some shells and shifting others, will not leave a person so easily. It is unprofitable for them, a person is food for them. Therefore, it is so difficult to treat addiction, because in fact the best way treatment is the expulsion of the entities living in a person, then filling the bodies of a person with vibrations of light and love. And then you need long work over himself, his spiritual development, because without this a person simply cannot accept a new path and direction in life, but in his cells there will be a memory of how good and joyful it was when taking the drug. And it turns out to be very easy to fall under another influence, the whispering of entities.

In a state of alcoholic delirium, a person sees and hears entities. Hence the notorious "squirrels" and "devils". The world of alcoholic and narcotic entities is not very diverse in its own way. general view. Mostly these are muddy brown, black, gray-green, ocher, burgundy, dirty blue creatures that look like everything that is considered terrible and unpleasant in the material world. But entities are cunning and insidious. They can take on any form, disguise themselves as demons, "God" and angels, so drug addicts often believe that they are talking to God, although in fact their actions give off anger and aggression, and Divine energies, in principle, cannot harm a person. Consequently, beings of a low vibrational level simply intoxicate the addict, plunging him into the illusion of a bright and cloudless reality. When a dose of a drug, nutrition, is not enough, alcoholic and narcotic essences begin to be produced in a person. negative emotions. Experiencing fear of persecution, anxiety, aggression and hatred, a person realizes that only a dose of a drug can ease the pain. The dose brings another period of oblivion.

Session and introductory new hypnologist. My comments are in italics

Specific conclusions about bad habits through the prism of the operator's consciousness, the Guardian helped answer the questions.

Q: Dear Guardian (UH), M has a question regarding his bad habit. On the physical plane, it is a habit of nicotine. What kind of processes on the subtle plane make a person constantly smoke and take away from the desire to quit such a harmful occupation? What is this mechanism that makes it difficult for a person to quit smoking?

A: This is something in the form of replanting, the essence is addicted.

Q: M uses nicotine, is it possible now to summon this entity and somehow work with it?

A: Not now, we need to prepare in advance. It is necessary not to smoke for a while, so that it weakens, without recharging. I see the image if you don’t feed it, it will fall off by itself even without effort, it dries up and falls off. She is sitting on the 4th plane, such an awkward little black figure. And they show it to me, but I don’t see it on myself.

Q: Wow, why can't the operator himself feel this sharing? What's the catch?

A: The catch is that it is very well fixed, a special method of fixing and masking. And there is a feeling that these are specially created creatures.

Q: What is the purpose of creating these creatures?

A: Energy harvesting is one of the many methods.

Q: A situation in which a person either smokes or does not smoke, how to understand this?

A: On the subconscious, a person resists, on the subconscious, a person understands that what is happening is not good and refuses to smoke, then the resistance weakens and the process of giving off energy through the settler * when smoking is repeated.

These settlers are called "smokers" and look something like this:

Follow the link at the end of this post to find out how to deal with them in the best way.

Q: This is when a smoker understands in physics that he controls the habit, if I want to smoke, if I don't want to?

O: Not really. In a person, not only consciousness is responsible for his behavior, there are a number of other aspects that can understand what is happening, which can resist this, but since the choice remains with the mind anyway, they can only push for quitting smoking, no more, for intuition .

Q: What are these aspects?

A: I see how 7 more are separated from one body.

Q: Does every body have its own level of mind?

A: They are all conscious to some extent.

Q: Namely, with what body am I conducting the dialogue?

A: External. The external body is the one that interacts with the physical world. It's not exactly physics, it's also a kind of astral plane. Figuratively, it is like a gateway with seven ports, it is as if one port has access to the Internet, others to the local area. ( for me the image was not clear)

Q: Wow, can you give us some advice from your understanding of the situation on how to get rid of such an addiction as smoking nicotine in physics? Is starving yourself the only way out or is there something else?

A: The most practical method is not to touch this trap, no need to start. It is necessary to quit immediately, starve, not think, not succumb to a mental divorce, forget about cigarettes, a complete neutral attitude.

Q: Thank you. Is it the same with alcohol?

A: The process itself is similar, also an artificial infusion, but it was created by other, other forces than cigarettes. I see a certain organization that creates a method of removing energy through the introduction of cigarettes, has found such a way of sucking on a person's energy and implemented it. And alcohol created similar forces for the same purpose.

Q: When was alcohol introduced?

A: He says he was always there, alcohol was always present at our round of the experiment. It's about the bodies, before a very long time ago, the reaction to the alcohol of the bodies was just relaxation, relieving fatigue, calming down, something like that. How they drank nectar and that's it. There was no such general ecstasy and disgusting. Now the body influences by turning off part of the consciousness, the bodies have changed since then and the influence has changed. This wagging on the body is used for their own purposes. Alcohol is a theme brought to this round of experiment, but from the very beginning, the goal has changed for the worse. Time has changed, energy flows have changed, other souls began to come. All this together changed the reaction to alcohol. It is these souls who, under the influence of alcohol, lose a lot of energy in vain, which leads to losses and connections to the potential intakes.

Q: With alcohol the same system, is it better not to start?

A: No, it's easier to quit with him. Just stop using it is all. No withdrawal, no physical ailments, just stop drinking and that's it.

Q: Does the essence also feed when drinking alcohol?

A: Basically the channel does not go to the entity. Entities simply stick to the main energy intake channel. These so-called devils simply stick to remove excess from the channel. As soon as the pickup channel became so strong that the energy began to pour over the edge, such freeloaders stick so that the energy is not wasted in vain. They are not the main reason, they can inspire their opinion, defend their position, they just want the channel to work all the time, but they do not control the process itself. I see the system itself, crowds of people come from them black hoses to the sky*, there the process of potential withdrawal is carried out and control is carried out. Under alcohol, a person does not particularly control himself and the internal energy accumulated is spent on all sorts of nonsense, on dirty uncontrolled thoughts, on rash actions, the battery is simply emptying, these channels suck in all the allocated energy and send it somewhere into the sky, into some kind of storage or something similar. Less conscious creations cling to feeding channels. With alcohol, the weaning process is more organized and technically complicated than with smoking.

*Are these hoses going into the sky to astral jellyfish and removing energy from the seven chakras hinting at the next circle on the field:

Q: Can a person be directly disconnected from this tube? Is there any method?

A: In this trap, a person will help only himself. Nobody, by any intervention, will do as he can do for himself * . From the outside, you can only provoke a rise in awareness no more, set an example of the rise of willpower, the will of the spirit, develop the will in people. Only the will can turn it off. This is a very dangerous trainer. It creates an illusion within an illusion, it is difficult to break through, but it is possible. Willpower breaks all channels. Quitting drinking is easy. Don't drink at all.

Q: The production of cheap alcohol and its sale under the cover of the state - how do you understand it? Is it profitable for the herd to be manageable?

A: On the subtle planets, energy is taken away, on physical energy- money. Encouragement, so to speak. Energy is needed there, money is an idol here. Symbiosis. So banal all of course, but it's true.

V: Thank you. What can be said about chemical addiction? Is this the same egregor of alcoholism or is it something else?

A: It's man-made. It is technologically created, artificially. The energy of death, the direction of destruction. This is not a waste of energy, this is a process of elimination. When using chemical drugs, a certain substance is introduced that kills the body, and with a program of constant demand for this substance. Number control, weapons.

Q: Herbal drugs like marijuana, mescaline, what about them?

A: The conversation is not about them, this is a change in consciousness , but in the wrong direction in which it is necessary, created by nature does not carry the energy of death. Talk about heroin and other artificially created compounds * .

*Different civilizations/groups control different drugs. For example, cocaine and heroin are controlled by the Reptilians, as we learned last year. I quote:
YES. What is the goal besides control of the heroin/cocaine traffic.
O. food. Emotions.
YES. Ie a person under the influence of drugs gives more energy?
Oh yeah
YES. What is the difference between heroin and cocaine for you?
A. Feeding is better from heroin, due to more intense and heavy emotions.

Read entire post:

Q: There are people who are not susceptible to drugs, alcohol or smoking. What kind of protection is this?

A: This is the potential of past lives. Rather, the lesson of such traps has been worked out and there is immunity so that he does not get caught again, in this incarnation he does not need such an experience.

Q: Why the youth craze for these bad habits? It is the youth.

O: Fashionable. They inspired that it is fashionable and that's it.

Q: Why is the older generation over 40 systematically drinking and practically see nothing but home-work. Where is the progress? Is the evolution of the soul in this incarnation over?

A: This is a society, a system, they are already sleeping, in sleep mode, the soul is waiting for the body to wear out and that's it. Rarely do flashes of consciousness occur and the spark begins to rekindle. Something extraordinary must happen, of course, in order to push the individual out of the system and force him to live in a new way. At this age, people tend to be too strongly convinced that they are right, so most people live like everyone else. Moreover, his Guardians have no right to interfere, Free Will*. They watch everything. The individual survives and leaves. Moreover, there is such a possibility that they chose it for themselves, so to speak, a life without stress, without bumps, a kind of experience without shocks, and the game system has already driven into traps and the soul lives out the allotted time in this state. Such people are like the background. There is also this. On the subtle plane, such a life has a role in creating an incentive for further incarnation. Potential accumulation.

As it turns out, it is fashionable to die young, so that at 40 it would not be a background. Everyone has experience, even a participant in the extras in the film after shooting can proudly say: I was great!

*at the sessions, the wards often want to help their drunken loved ones through the removal of alcohol addictions (essences / hoses), but the guardians usually say that the person himself must go through his lesson and want to get rid of the addiction himself. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help himself. . Only a clearly stated intention can help a person to get rid of bad habits, both independently and through hypnosis/cleansing.
