The most fun contests for students. Games and competitions for the student's day

  • 02.07.2020

What to do in the company? For those who still think about their spiritual and physical health, and want to spend time with benefit and fun, without feeling drunk in the morning, there is a great way out - games. But not card games, and not dominoes. Today we will talk about popular, useful and insanely addictive psychological games ah for students. They are designed both for a company of ten people and for a small group of five to six people.

During the game, you not only discover more and more new qualities in your friends - classmates, but also learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t even suspect before!

What are the games? Absolutely different. On intuition, logic like. On non-verbal intelligence as . On the development of entrepreneurial qualities as ". Let's start with the most unpredictable games - the imagination. With the help of them, you will learn about the very depths of your own and someone else's subconscious.

The Dixit Imagination Game

The rules of the game are simple, but you will need some equipment - special cards. In general, there is real game, it is called Dixit (Dixit), but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surreal. For example - a lopsided anchor in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voice it to the rest. Players choose a suitable card from their set according to the description and lay it out on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one whose card was not guessed right away wins. But, important element is that if no one was able to identify your card at all, you lose points. Due to this balance, Dixit has become wildly popular among psychological games for students. By the way, the cards themselves, or rather pictures, can be found and printed from the Internet at home.

The next type of games is on sensations and feelings. We often complain that Internet communication and Email deprived us of personal contact. And now, now there is a chance to find out if you have lost the ability to convey feelings and sensations without using animated emoticons.

Game for sensations and feelings "Relay race of feelings"

For example, for a game called "Relay Race of Feelings", you will also need preparation - cards. But, here everything is already simpler and without anchors. In total, it will be necessary to write on 6-10 cards (depending on the number of participants) the name of the feelings. For example: "distrust", "adoration", "charity", "love", etc. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits on the edge pulls out the first card. He conveys the feeling written on the dropped card to the neighbor. But, of course, he does this not with words, but with various movements, for example: stroking, or vice versa, moving away, patting, and so on. The player must guess what kind of feeling is being conveyed to him and, having comprehended and identified it, passes it on to the next one. And so in a circle. When the last participant gets a “feeling”, everyone opens their eyes and voices their feelings in reverse order. And here we can already discuss the cause of the distortions that have arisen.

Trust game "Blind"

The next game for students is for trust, called "Blind". Can you trust your friends? Now let's check it out. One leader is chosen and one, so to speak, victim, namely, a blind man. Excitement and extreme will be added if you play this game somewhere in a public place - in a park or just in nature. The blind is blindfolded, because he should not see anything, and the leader chooses a guide from the team. The task of the guide is to lead the Blind by the hand. To warn, loudly and clearly, where to step over puddles, bypass pits and ditches, is his direct duty. The most important thing in this game is the feeling of complete trust between the players. Any kind of cruel jokes, mockery, interruptions and teasing are unacceptable - do not forget that a person does not see anything, and can suffer greatly if he stumbles, for example, on a tree or a lamppost. The task of the Blind at this time is not only to listen carefully to the guide, but also to surrender to his feelings - to tune in to a clear perception of his own senses. Only when we are blindfolded do we really begin to feel the tickle of the breeze on our cheeks and the crunch of branches under our feet. Psychological task of this game, firstly, to turn a person to his sensual consciousness, and secondly, to show an example of responsibility for another person.

Game for students "Gift"

So, if you already trust your friend, how about learning more about him? To do this, there is a game for students "Gift". From the whole company, one player is selected, who, for example, has a birthday soon, or Angel Day, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you need to give him a gift. But not a simple banal figurine, but something that you would associate with this person. In turn, everyone offers their options, explaining the choice. And the "birthday boy" is closely watching who would give him a truly sincere gift, and who knows him better than others. Should be avoided common options such as “a photo frame because he has a camera” or “a pen because he is a student” - points are deducted for such answers. And you can come up with a scale for accruing them yourself, depending on the theme of the party or just according to your mood. For inspiration, points can be awarded in bananas, staplers, or ice cubes. All that is enough for imagination.

The goal of this game is to rally the team, if only simply by the fact that all these people, even if there are fifteen of them, but even five, know something about one person, and not just his name or surname, but hobbies, hobbies. Well, if they don’t know, then you need to draw the appropriate conclusions and pay more attention to personal communication.

Creative game "Interesting poems"

And finally, the most creative of all the games "Interesting Poems". The essence of the game is very simple - the first player aloud composes any poetic line. Size is not important, but rhyme and meaning are the main condition. The topic can be absolutely anything. Though "We walked with my brother on the moon." The second player quickly, he is given about thirty seconds to think, comes up with a continuation - it must be in rhyme and the stanza should also fit in meaning. And off we go. Of course, at first you will get completely absurd poems, but then - perhaps the whole company will compose a great work! The main thing is speed. Because only then, as with a blitz survey, will you cook exactly what you mean, without guile. In addition to usefulness, this game is incredibly fun, and it has only one minus - from laughter, then your cheeks hurt very much.

So, as you can see, it is possible to spend a fun evening with student friends without drunken gatherings, which only harm health with the help of interesting psychological games for students. There are plenty of ways to diversify bored parties with cards and TV. In one evening, you can discover so many new things about your classmates that it will become much more pleasant and interesting to communicate with them, you will begin to understand them better, and the percentage conflict situations will go to the minimum. After all, there is nothing more important than a healthy atmosphere in your social circle and within yourself!

Student years - probably the most the best time in the lives of most people. After all, you can not only study, being under the strict supervision of parents or teachers, but first of all, have fun in all your free time. That is why, in order to know how to diversify life, I want to consider the most fun and interesting contests for students.

Game "Crocodile"

This is probably the most common and fun fun. It takes 5 people or more to do it. From all those present, a leader is selected, that is, the one who will show the word. Players need to present the encrypted word in such a way that they guess it. Whoever guesses what it is about first becomes the leader. This is a very fun game that you can play for hours.

Competition "Funny sausages"

Considering competitions for students, it is necessary to talk about competition games. So, you can prepare fake sausages or sausages, which will have to be attached to the belt of the participants. With these devices, players will need to push a ball or a light cube into some kind of goal. Whoever does it the soonest is the winner. This competition is always accompanied by cheerful shouts and funny words of support.

Who is superman?

Only guys can take part in this competition. So, you need 5-7 people. The essence of the task: to decide which of the young men is a modern superman. And as you know, a real man must do three things: plant a tree, build a house, and raise a son. There will be some changes in this competition. Guys will have to “plant” a liver, “build” a wife and “grow” a stomach.

  • To complete the first part of the task, you need to drink a liter of juice through a straw at speed.
  • The second part of the task requires inflating balloons. Then they are tucked under a shirt or jacket, after which the sumo fight begins. The winner is the one with the balloons intact.
  • For the third part you will need girls. Guys should collect as many ladies as possible in their team. Behind whose back there will be more representatives of the fair half, he won.

Superman, on the other hand, will have to be announced at the end of all three rounds of the competition. You can reward him with a medal.

Who is fashionable?

What other fun competitions are there for students? So why not big company don't play dress up. To do this, you first need to prepare a bag full of different clothes: pantaloons, large bras, skirts and jackets. Under cheerful music, the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the melody stops, the person in whose hands the package was, pulls out a piece of clothing from it by touch. And, of course, he wears. Then those who are best dressed must either dance or sing a cheerful song. This game can be useful for any youth company, not just student ones.

Where I am?

When choosing competitions for students, it is necessary to include the game “Where am I?” in the program. To do this, you need to prepare signs with inscriptions of the places where people can visit. For example: "hostel", " public toilet”, “isolation”, “nudist beach”, “striptease bar”. That is, the signs should be as fun and unusual as possible. The participants themselves do not know which place they will get. attached to the back of the player. The facilitator asks the most common questions that the participants must answer. For example: “How often do you go there?”. The result is very funny. And the whole team chooses the winner.


The scenario of the student competition can be supplemented by such a fun game as "Sultan". To do this, you need to choose two men. They will also be sultans. Next, the guys must choose 5-6 wives for their harem. After the teams will have to perform several tasks.

  1. When selecting competitions for students, it is imperative to prepare inventory. In this case, harem pants are needed. Their "wives" will have to fill in on their own inflated balloons. The fatter sultan will be the winner.
  2. Next, the sultans at speed must kiss their wives in two places on the body (the places for kissing are chosen independently). For example, it can be a hand and a cheek.
  3. The third part is replenishment. That is, the Sultan should think about how to attract more girls to his harem. To do this, the guy goes to the hall, kissing all the ladies that come across him on the way. The one who kisses more girls in one time period wins.

Future mom

Be sure to prepare competitions for So, everyone knows that most university students live in hostels. And there must be order and cleanliness. To do this, you can hold a competition called " Future mom". So, the guys are attached to the stomach big balloon. And they must temporarily collect the matches scattered on the floor. This is not an easy task. It is believed that if the players in such a situation were able to restore order, then in real life it will be very easy for them to keep the room clean.

Know ours!

Competitions for initiation into students can be not only fun, but also educational. So, you can acquaint first-year students with the teaching staff of the faculty or department. To do this, you must first prepare portraits of all teachers. Well, if it turns out to be fun to process them in Photoshop. And first-year students should show off the knowledge of the teaching staff. That is, beginners will have to guess which subject this or that person will read.

Ideal Dean

It is important that competitions for students are fun and funny. So, you can have some fun by inventing a portrait of the ideal dean. To do this, two or three teams are given an easel on which they must draw a picture. The team with the best and funniest dean will win.

Find a cheat sheet

Competitions among students can also be educational. So, you can prepare a fun game that will teach beginners to hide cheat sheets. To do this, you need to select several paired teams. Best of all, a tandem - a guy and a girl. One will hide cribs on his body, the other will look for them blindfolded. The first team to find everything hidden wins.

In fact, there can be much more games and competitions. It is good to connect the creative component, that is, to sing, dance. The main thing is that those present should have fun.

Do you want to have fun and most importantly with pleasure to spend a student's day? Then it is for you that we came up with such competitions for the student's day. Everyone who wants to participate in the competitions will be able to test their ingenuity, resourcefulness, dexterity and, of course, knowledge. Therefore, student day competitions are also a kind of exam for you in front of your teachers.

1. Competition - Miniature cheat sheet.
Each participant is given 1/8 of a regular sheet. And also gives an excerpt from a book or magazine. The task of the participants is to rewrite as much text from the book as possible on their cheat sheet. The main thing is that the text is understandable to everyone, and not just to this student. The winner is the one who can fit the largest piece of text on his cheat sheet.

2. Competition - Cities.
Everyone knows the game of cities. The first player names the city, and the second player must name the city with the letter that ends with the name of the first city, and so on. And we propose to complicate this competition for students. They should not only name the city with a certain letter, but also tell something interesting about it. For example, name the country, region and Interesting Facts from the life of this city.

3. Competition - Art requires sacrifice.
And for this competition, it is better for the participants to be divided into two teams. Each team must show some scene from a famous novel, short story, and so on. And the other team has to guess what it is about. The main thing here is to play well and not to use words and speech. Facial expressions, acting skills to help you.

4. Competition - Map of Russia.
It is necessary to prepare in advance the sheets on which the map of Russia will be printed. And cut these sheets into several parts, for example, into 30. The task of each participant is to fold a map of Russia into fragments. Who can do it first, he becomes the winner of the competition.

5. Competition - Guess the subject.
The student is blindfolded and given an object related to his activity. That is, it can be a pointer, a globe, a pen, a notebook, a record book. And of course, you can play a trick on a student by giving him a portrait of his teacher or a famous scientist. Let him think what it is. Winners can be determined by the number of guessed items, or you can just laugh at the competition.

6. Competition - Road, road.
The student is told two points: the first point is where he is, and the second is where he should go. And the student must tell from memory how to go this way. For example, how to get from the dining room to the rector's office? And the student should say: exit the cafeteria, turn left, go straight up to the stairs, go up to the third floor, and so on. If everything is correct, then he deserves applause. And if it is not correct, then the rector will call him more often so that he remembers the way.

7. Jumping - Proverbs.
It seems like a simple, but at the same time informative contest. Teams ask each other the beginning of a proverb about study, school, and so on, and the second team must continue it. Whoever can continue more proverbs wins.

"January Star"

Youth competition program.

(slides about students are shown during the program)

VED: Good evening! We welcome and congratulate all Tatyanas present in this hall. Let's congratulate them with loud, stormy applause.
VED. On Tatyana's Day, we not only honor the holy martyr Tatyana, but also celebrate Students' Day.

VED: We congratulate the youth of the city on this wonderful holiday and wish you all the very best! Happiness to you and love!

VED. So, dear present and future students, let's remember the words of the student's famous song:

From session to session
Students live happily
And the session is only twice a year

VED: Student holidays begin on Tatyana's Day, and it is these events that students celebrate noisily and cheerfully. And today let's forget about the session, and let's just have fun and dance.

(dance block)

VED: Tatyana - what a beautiful name! I think there are Tatyanas in our hall? Many Russian poets dedicated their poems to Tatyana. For example, Pushkin. Yesenin.
theater competition
I invite 5 people to the stage. Those who wish are given cards with poems known from childhood, I suggest reading a children's verse as a love confession to Tatyana.
Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,
The ball will not sink in the river.
VED: Happy holiday to you, dear, smart, energetic Tatyana! The following song sounds for you.

(dance block)

VED: Friends, we invite 5 students to the stage. Let's test our students for the ability to compose, not only teachers about the missed class, but try them in the role of poets. While the track is playing, our participants will compose poems on ready-made rhymes. Well, friends, let's try ourselves in the role of Pushkin? And this must be done as quickly as possible.

1. Tatyana's Day! The student is walking.
2. Tatyana! Our favorite holiday.
3. Tatyana's day, the lilac is not yet happy.
4. There is still a blizzard outside the windows, the student is always happy with fun.
5. The student dances and sings sometimes until morning.


Participants are preparing for the competition "Rhymers".

VED: So, dear participants, It's time for a poetic minute in our program. Please read your poems.

(dance break)

VED: Our next Guinness competition - show
Now we will determine who is the most - the most in our hall, for this I invite 6 students. Now we will determine who we have the highest.

And now we invite 5 girls to the stage. (came out) Now we will determine who has the thinnest waist.

And now we need the help of the audience. Tell me who has the most long hair. Please come and claim the prize.

Young people, which of you have blue eyes? Please come to the stage. And now, with the help of a support group, we will determine who has the bluest eyes.

3 cheerful, positive young people are invited to the next competition. The essence of the competition is this - you need to smile, and we will determine who has the most charming smile.

VED: And now I invite everyone to play together. I will read poetry, you should clap if these things can be worn, and stomp if they cannot be worn. Get ready.
Game with the audience: Chrychalka "Fashionista".

I once met
Super fashionista Tanya.
You don't see this
and never meet.

I saw a skirt on her
Not one, but two at once.
On the shoulders of a fish fur coat
And a pot on his head.

Boots on her feet
high heels
And in the ears hang earrings
And tights on my arm. .

Scarf dangles around the neck
Glasses on the nose like a shadow.
Fan tangled in hair
And on the belt - a belt.

She also has a blouse on.
Cane umbrella in hand.
Jellyfish hanging on the shoulder
And a briefcase on a leash.

There is a ring on the finger
And on the neck a bowler hat
Also a heart pendant.
And a batiste scarf.

If you meet that girl
Remember this nonsense.
But I want to wish you
You won't meet such fashionistas!

(dance break)

VED: Our participants - students showed that they are real students - cheerful, cheerful, cheerful. And future students proved that they can be safely enrolled in the ranks of freshmen in the summer. Thank you for being with us on this frosty January evening!

VED: We once again congratulate the participants of our program on the students' day and wish that St. Tatiana patronizes you from the first year to the last. The disco continues, and we say goodbye!

Students of any higher educational institution, faculty and course spend their time not only studying, but also having fun with their friends. For many people, the student years are the time when you need to work up before moving on to adulthood. Therefore, young people try to celebrate every holiday as cheerfully and on a large scale as possible. This is especially true for such an event as Student's Day. It is this holiday that is one of the most significant and revered by all students of higher education. educational institutions. Young people take the organization of a solemn event on the occasion of the Student's Day especially seriously, trying to make it truly fun and memorable. Thematic competitions and games, which now exist in a huge number, can help students make just such a holiday.

"Get in the hostel after closing time"

The students who live in the hostel own experience know that it can be difficult to fall home after closing. The fact is that there are watchmen who at a certain time close the hostel and do not let anyone into it, including the students who live there. They claim they are following the instructions, which is why they won't let anyone in. However, even such principled watchmen can be approached and get into the hostel after it is closed.

Based on this feature of the behavior of the watchmen, it is possible to hold a competition on Student's Day, the essence of which is that one participant acts as a principled watchman, and the second as a student who is trying to get into the hostel. The student must use different ways so that the watchman let him through. For example, he can flatter, threaten, beg and bargain. The winner is named by the team of judges, who chooses whose argument was more weighty.


For this competition, you need to stock up on leaves and pens. Each participant must be given a piece of paper, which will act as a record book. Students need to go through the "teachers" and put ten marks. The one who managed to close the session the fastest, prompts in the competition. However, it should be borne in mind that assessments are taken into account only in the form of “subject - assessment - signature”.

"Reason for being late"

When students are late for classes, they may come up with the most improbable reasons for being late. Sometimes these made-up "reasons" can be so unbelievable that they can cause laughter even among teachers.

A great competition for Student's Day is to come up with incredible stories that should explain the tardiness. You can come up with the most unusual and implausible stories. The more incredible, funnier, and more original the student's story is, the better. The winner is the author of the most unusual story. This history is determined by popular vote.


Wrong is not the one who writes off, but the one who does not know how to do it. Even teachers who are not against cheating know about this, if the student was able to hide the cheat sheet and managed to quietly use it.

To conduct the Spurs competition, it is necessary to prepare a sufficient number of sheets of paper so that there is enough for everyone who wants to participate. The essence of the competition is that one teacher is selected among the participants, who must leave the room while all the other participants hide cheat sheets. After everything is ready, the teacher enters the room and tries to guess where one or another participant hid the spur. After passing one circle, another teacher is selected and the process is repeated. The winner is the participant who managed to find the most cheat sheets.

"I never…"

This game will help students get to know their fellow students better and have fun while celebrating the holiday. Before the start of the game, it is necessary for each participant to distribute ten chips, which can be a variety of little things, for example, matches. Their rules are incredibly simple, so you can learn how to play "I never ..." in just a few minutes.

The first contestant says something he has never done in his life, such as "I've never watched TV shows." Those participants who have watched TV shows at least once in their lives give him one chip each. That is, the essence of the game is that a person must honestly say that he has never done, but other participants probably did. The player who runs out of chips flies out. Well, the winner is the person who, after a certain number of circles, remains with the largest number chips.

This game is perfect for celebrating Students' Day, as young people like it.


For this competition, it is necessary to stock up on several different books, which students can do without problems. The essence of the game is that the host shows the book, and the participants must name how many pages it contains. Those participants who were as close as possible to the real number go to another round, and they are shown A new book. Two participants go to the final, who must guess the number of pages in the last book.


You can also play board games on Students' Day. However, if you decide on such a pastime, then you need to give preference only to those that are really popular among young people. board games. Among these games can be attributed Jenga, which many call one of best games for young people.

Jenga rules are included with the game itself, so you can learn how to play it really quickly.

"Pull the ticket"

It happens that a student before the exam learns only a few topics, hoping that they will be caught in the tickets. Although this rarely happens, it does happen. If this happens, it means that the student is extremely lucky.

On students' day, you can play a similar game. To do this, you need to prepare tickets in advance. In most of these tickets, you need to write down all sorts of tasks, for example, to sing a song. But in some of them, instead of tasks, you can write the name of the prizes, for example, chocolate. That is, as in the exam, this game invites students to test their luck.


Most popular game among young people at all kinds of holidays is "Crocodile". For Students' Day, wherever you celebrate it, this game will become perfect choice. Its main feature is that it is able to amuse almost everyone.

For this game, you can split your group into two teams and try to fight each other. One team makes any word to the representative of the rivals. This representative must show this word to his team, using acting skills, without resorting to the help of words. The team is given a certain time to guess the word, after which the hidden word is called aloud, and the team is not assigned any points.

In order to connect the game with Students' Day, teams can agree and make each other words that are related to the theme of students.


Equally popular among young people is the Mafia game, which can also be an ideal choice to make Students' Day even more fun.