What does the public toilet symbolize and what is the nasty dream about - the dream book comments. Seeing a public toilet in a dream

  • 17.10.2019

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What is the dream of the Toilet in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Toilet” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Searching for a toilet - erotic impulses; urological problems in reality.

Freud's dream book

Toilet - is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs.

Visiting the toilet- symbolizes sexual intercourse. However, you are unscrupulous in achieving your goal.

Woman visiting the toilet- prone to lesbian love.

Descent of water - symbolizes ejaculation, as well as the desire to have a child.

clogged toilet- symbolizes health problems or infertility.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Frequent vision in a dream of a toilet and various actions in it- the most typical, repeated plot, reflecting the practice of black magic.

The toilet is also a place of purification and healing, getting rid of troubles or past experiences.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream that you are going to the toilet- new love.

Toilet - trouble, fall into it - get money, gold.

Universal dream book

A dream about a toilet has a positive meaning, it symbolizes getting rid of unwanted feelings, emotions or thoughts.

If you dream that people see you sitting on the toilet and you cannot leave- you may feel that your ability to express yourself is limited. You want to let everything out, but you don't want to do it publicly.

Erotic dream book

Toilet appearing in a man's dream- symbolizes his dissatisfaction in sexual terms. Subconsciously, he longs to have sexual relations with the woman he is interested in. For woman similar dream - means the desire to know same-sex love.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Dream book toilet?

Toilet, according to the dream book- indicates that something will interfere with your affairs, although you will not identify the causes of your problems.

More interpretations

If he is neat- take a higher position.

If it is completely unsanitary- some kind of joy awaits you, which at first you will not know how to perceive.

You can't find it- will have to raise additional funds.

A dream in which you are in a toilet with a known purpose- says that you are too late with some business, it's time to deal with it.

Dreaming of a street toilet knocked together from boards- know that in order to achieve what you want, you will have to work very long and hard, it will not be as easy as you expected.

If you dream of a toilet with a ceramic toilet- this is a reflection of your desire to forget about some of your mistakes or unpleasant moments in life, to clear your conscience and subconscious.

Dream Interpretation interprets a public toilet- as a reminder that a person cannot live separately from society, and one should always think not only about personal interests, but also about the welfare of others.

If in a dream you dreamed of a dirty toilet- in the near future you will start a very profitable enterprise that will allow you to significantly improve your financial situation.

Go to the toilet in a dream- you need to correctly prioritize, and start doing something really significant, without being distracted by empty doubts and everyday problems.

If in a dream you feel a strong need to go to the toilet- most likely, simply and in reality you should also empty your bladder.

Are you busy looking for a toilet?- means in real life find yourself in a cramped financial situation, you will have to look for various sources of income.

I dreamed that you were sitting on the toilet- be attentive to everything that happens to you, quite unexpectedly, an offer may arrive that will change your whole life in a fabulous way.

If you are in a closet, and everyone is staring at you - this is a reflection of your desire to declare yourself, your outstanding abilities, you want to achieve universal recognition.

Dream in which you clean the toilet- you have to do exhausting and rather unpresentable work, take care of the well-being of others, but in the end it will bring you great benefits, significantly improve your financial situation.

Video: Why is the toilet dreaming

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I dreamed about the Toilet, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Toilet is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good afternoon! I go into the bathroom (at my house, combined), a girl is sitting on the toilet, a naked boy is sitting in her arms, about a year old with short straight hair (blonde), on the forehead, moles form a lot in the shape of the Russian letter "T". I try to understand whether it is dirt or moles and I pass my hand, but it turns out to be moles, I close the door. I hear an incomprehensible crunch from behind the door, I open it again, the boy eats the tail of the fish with his teeth, I close it back, but his small foot is in the doorway and I hurt him with the door, I already go in and try to calm my stroke on the head and say I'm sorry, I'm not out of malice and he has tears in his eyes. Before that, he looked at me and did not take his eyes off all the time.

    Hello! The fact is that I am a football player, tonight I dreamed that it seemed like I started playing badly, training, and all that. After training, the coach called me to his place, and said how bad I had become, I don’t give my best in training, and so on. What could it be?

    Hello! I dreamed of a toilet. He was on the street. But very clean, as if only built from new wooden planks. Only in this toilet there were no holes where you need to defecate and the places where you put your feet were very wide. I just squatted down, just on the floor, and a man broke into me. I started to kick him out (women's toilet), at first there was fear. But then there was no more fear.

    I seem to be standing with my late husband near a wooden toilet. Gray old. Some girl went in there and then everything collapsed on her. I only heard the sound of water or shit / sorry / where she fell. I didn't see these things. Then my husband began to help to pull her out and he fell through and dragged me along with him. Somehow I chose. But she lost her husband. Then I look at the pipe and he lies there. I pulled him out by the legs. By the way. I dream about him so often that I can't save him. What to do with it. Thanks

    Hello! Recently, dreams of very different meanings have been dreaming. The dream from Saturday to Sunday was as follows: I find myself in some strange room, I sit on the toilet, there is a window and a door in front of me, I see the sea, three green crocodiles appear from there, I don’t they go, but internally I am afraid of them. After a while, I walk along the sand along the coast, look at the sea, see corals, starfish, and then right under my feet it’s like a stream and there are a lot of starfish and I kind of take off above them. then I find myself in a room, I go up the stairs, friends meet along the way and I am looking for something and we are planning something, discussing it. I would be grateful for the interpretation.

    Hello Tatyana! i dreamed that I went to the toilet, and the tank is on top and water is pouring out of it, someone went to the toilet and didn’t clean it. and the floor is covered in urine, I went in, got dirty and went out and left

    I want to visit the museum of toilets in Paris, when I got there, everything is in old paintings, sofas, carpets, like in a palace, and a lot of people. I don’t see the toilets themselves, but I know that on one floor there are women’s rooms, on the other men’s, and even children’s.

    cleaned the public toilet, but it is not dirty… wooden… wearing gloves… and had a broom… wiped the dust from the window sills with a very wet cloth….. the windows are long, but not wide… two compartments in the toilet… one is dark and the other is light… and there is more there was a place to relax ... pure white sheets ... I enjoyed this cleaning ..

    All night I wanted to leave the apartment with a small child, I was going to fly away by plane, I don’t know where. I saw an old acquaintance (in their youth they worked together and lived in a hostel) that I don’t know about her now, about 30 years have passed. And I couldn’t leave the apartment in any way, I was looking for a toilet. The apartment was large, there were many exits and entrances, the toilets were also half-empty and empty in more than one “instance”, there were just adjacent toilets. I will open the toilet door and close it. In a dream I did not use this room. I wanted to feed small child(girl) in a beautiful red dress. I was in a hurry to get on the plane, but something interfered, I could not leave the apartment. The rooms were spacious in bluish tones but clean, somewhere new, somewhere just after repair (without dirt) with traces left after washing. Doors opened all the time, looking for a convenient way out. I woke up with the fact that I didn’t fly away and I don’t know if I left the room or not. My e-mail:

    I was in some building and tried to find a toilet, I walked all over the building and when I went into the toilet there was a terrible howl (perhaps the pipe was noisy) I was afraid to enter later in another place I saw my Russian teacher then left there, then found there was a toilet there, he seemed to flush the toilet after that I wanted to lock the door so that no one would enter the toilet, but this could not be done ... then I saw myself I didn’t understand that there were two small toilets, when I went to the toilet I saw diarrhea later I was offered (some kind of doctor) to get vaccinated and I woke up (I didn’t return there anymore

    I dreamed that in the toilet in the pit at the bottom there are two white-black rats, they grow like huge pandas, their heads crawl out of the hole, and I hit them on the heads with a rubber hammer and I want to drive them back, but they still climb, but they are not aggressive

    That night, at first, I dreamed that Uncle Vanya (the deceased) was treating me to a certain dish: very reminiscent of okroshka, but instead of sausage, he put live seafood there, among which were live leeches; he gave me all this “creation” in a large transparent glass basin, which stood on the table in the kitchen (we were sitting at the table). I refused this treat ... I don’t remember what I dreamed about next, but the last part of the dream was this: I really wanted to go to the toilet for the most part, I was in the toilet, which, as it were, was on closed balcony some high-rise building, where I had never been before. instead of the usual toilet bowl, there was a chair on wheels, which usually cost about computer tables, and a pipe led to it ... and I could not relieve my need, no matter how hard I tried .... I don’t remember anything else.

    hello! I saw my father (he died) - he went to bed at home with our dog (she also died). I saw a friend (first love) he also died a long time ago. they were alive! and I felt good and calm with them. I went around the house (it seems to be ours, but it’s not ours!) I looked into the bedroom, and there 4 high beds were neatly made. the light is on (I turned it off), then I already saw myself on the street with my daughter.

    I was in some kind of sanatorium, looking for a toilet, I didn’t get to my floor, sat on the toilet, a woman caught me, first drove me to my floor, and as an evil I walked around the small one for a very long time, then she somehow put it on a plate cutlets and I went to my place

    Hello, I dreamed of a street toilet in which I am not alone, but with a former young man, he went to the toilet. Little by little. I don’t communicate with a person, while in that dream he told me how bored, thanks in advance

    I come to someone else's new toilet and I need to urinate. But for this, where is a hole made in the wooden toilet and you have to go down there and when I began to urinate. then urine poured down my legs and I didn’t see how I got out of the toilet

    in a dream I go to the toilet, I want to sit down but I can’t, because it is full of water, it is clogged, well, the water is naturally mixed with shit! I start to clean it, from the outside it is also in shit, I get in but not much

    On the way to the toilet, I spat on the ground, as there was a feeling of sand in my mouth. We went with a friend, then both went into the toilets, he went to the men's room, I went to the women's room, while the door in mine was like on spaceship and I locked it several times! But the toilet was unusual, like a wheelchair, and I didn't want to go!

    In a dream, I open the door and see how a child falls into the toilet pit (perhaps because of me, I don’t know) I shout to the eldest child (son, 14 years old) hold him, he grabbed his hand, I run up and pull him out ... The child is all and even I managed to sip, I say spit it out ...

    I dream that they are shouting that my son ran somewhere. I ran out in a shirt and saved him. then he tells me I want to write, I replied that at home. then suddenly we find ourselves near our outdoor toilet, he gets up to pee and falls into the hole. I looked in and I see the darkness, he is standing there and pulling his hands so that I get him, and I cry but get him. and all I woke up

    well, I really wanted to go to the toilet for the most part and stumbled upon a public one, but the toilet was a common female and male stalls were terribly narrow and the toilet was obscenely dirty, I was so disgusted on the floor and there was shit everywhere and I tried to clean at least a little one of the stalls with water and paper napkins made me terribly sick of it

    Hello Tatyana, my name is Barno, I had this dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. in short, at first I went to the toilet and spent 200 rubles. The toilet was not deep and I put my hand in and calmly gave this money. then I saw more money already 2000 rubles. a few and Chinese yuan mixed money. why is this? Thanks in advance, I'll wait for your reply
    looking forward.

    I. I saw an old wooden toilet. When I sat down in the toilet, one naga provolilis, then it was completely held up to the chest, then holding it with my hands, but the tiles fall like butoh. And all hands in feces

    Started cleaning. It's like being at home, but it's not my home. There were three of us or more. I started cleaning toilets. I also instructed someone else to wash two booths, for example. It's all on the street and the cabins on the street, like some kind of farm. There are a lot of toilet cubicles and I took up cleaning. It was not difficult and did not disgust me. The cubicles were tiled with ceramic not a toilet, but a thing on the floor, I don't know what it's called. After washing my part of the booths, I refused help and did everything myself.

    Together with my mother, I went into a strange toilet standing in a conspicuous place. One wall is stone and the other is made of window frames. I didn't find a toilet inside. urinated on decorative bridge hiding behind grassy indoor plants. Didn't smell it. I was very shy. In the dream, I realized that it was all a dream.

    Tanya, I dreamed that I was going to the toilet - public. And a man appears next to me, a man, and he talks and talks to me. Something asks, prompts, tries to explain.

    there were three of us, we were looking for a toilet somewhere, we found 2 rooms with toilets, like a public place but with white home toilets, many were dirty with urine splashes, I saw a little girl pissing ... then I found a dry one among these toilets and also wrote.

    Well, in short. For some reason, I walked near the toilet and found money there, 100 hryvnias. There were many toilets, like in some theater or somewhere else in a public place. Then, after going through a few more toilets, I found another 200 hryvnias. That's all. Thanks in advance.

    I came to clean up empty and put things in order in the village toilet. But there was a young girl of about 23 years old. I exchanged a couple of phrases with her. The girl ran through the pure white snow through the garden to the neighbor's yard.

    Hello! I dreamed about how I went to the village toilet and wanted to sit down, but the floor was shaky and I fell, but managed to linger and started calling my elder sister for help, she saw and ran to pull me out with my aunt. They pulled me out, but in places I was dirty and scratched ...

    I dreamed that I went into the toilet, which is located on the street at the school, went in for help and suddenly the toilet began to tilt, that is, fall, but I tried not to let it fall, for a long time I could not get out of it as it could fall, then a classmate came up to the toilet and said something and left, then I left the toilet.

    hello, I had a dream that I was in the toilet on the street, the wooden toilet with a cesspool is dirty and there are a lot of holes and I couldn’t find a place, everyone was afraid that someone would see me there and then I fell into the hole with my foot, the hole was full of one urine like this weird dream

    I was in some kind of apartment. besides me there were many lions with and without a mane. who walked nicely and just moved around. I didn't feel very comfortable, but there was no threat. Then I wanted to close the animal in one of the rooms, but when closing the door it became soft and I clearly saw how it came off the hinges and I could not close it. Then I went to the toilet, and some man knocked on the door and I saw his silhouette outside the door, plus he started talking to me about his high position. but I was closed. I remember a beautiful lawn and a party still.

    I dreamed that they told me to go into the “wooden” toilet and plunge into feces, I let go to the knee and went out, and a little later I dreamed that I flew, made a jump and hung in the air for a while.

    I went into a public toilet, and there is complete unsanitary conditions everywhere feces, urine, toilet bowls are all clogged with feces. All cubicles are occupied. It’s very disgusting for me there.

    i dreamed that I wanted to go to the toilet for the most part (sorry), but it was almost full to the brim with gray water, but we have two toilets in the house, and I didn’t want to go to the other and I woke up on this.

    I had a dream about a very close friend of mine in my apartment in the toilet, not only did he just sit on the toilet and go down the drain, I didn’t flush after myself, I did it for him, and at that time he left. In general, horror

    Good afternoon. Fragments were remembered from the dream. I dreamed that I sold my car profitably and quickly and was very surprised and delighted with this. In the same dream, she ran away from someone and looked for a toilet along the way, went in the direction of the sign, it turned out to be common and there is a large room in light tiles, and instead of toilets there are washbasins and there are a lot of them, 2-3 rows, and I want to go to the toilet along -small and shocked that several men go to the washbasin, but I won’t be able to climb in front of everyone.
    I don’t sell the car when I wake up and I didn’t want to go to the toilet

    I was in a crowded place, I suddenly feel that I want to go to the toilet, very strongly, the toilet was paid 5 rubles, I paid and went for a small one and a large one. And so twice a night. The toilet had white tiles and walls too.

    I dreamed that I put a phone in the toilet (not a toilet, but a toilet, which is in the villages), looking down, I saw several white rats crawling out, but they didn’t bite me and I wasn’t afraid of them, although in life I’m very afraid when the rats crawled out outside, they pulled out my phone and it was like new, then I don’t remember what happened

    I dreamed that I was going to the toilet with my work colleague to pee. We go to different booths. I sit down and begin to write, and urine flows in an unstoppable stream towards my colleague. In order not to splash it, I cover it with my right hand to write on myself. So I urinated into my hand.

    I saw my son at the age of 5, as if he were lying in the pit of a street toilet, but there was no sewage there and mentally knew that it was impossible to get him out of there, but I still stretch out my hands to him and pull him out, although some blue tentacle poked out of the pit and held it, but I pulled it out anyway and thought that the mother would save her child anyway. In fact, my son is now 22 years old.

    in the store I was looking for a public toilet, I found one husband and wife for all, I waited in line at the most interesting moment, a man looks in, after which a chuckle passes in line, leaving, I make a scandal with men, there even turns out to be an acquaintance who is shy, it comes almost to a fight here I tell them for some reason yelling that my father and brother are blind and it’s actually like that only dad already died 2 years ago on this I wake up

    I dreamed that I went to the toilet and it was uncomfortable. the hole is located high to sit uncomfortable. but I sat down and relieved myself, and a neighbor was standing nearby and asked me to go faster, but I took a hose from somewhere and started washing my feces, then I went down and went to my father’s house where so many relatives’ children greeted him, kissed him, etc. then the eldest daughter's girlfriend called and said that my eldest daughter did not answer those calls because she received a four and I began to feel anxious and went to my husband and said that I had to return home. And the youngest is standing nearby and whining that she passed the test with 93 points and that this is a good mark and asks to stay in the village. and then I don't remember

    I went into the village toilet and began to lift the boards, where the place cesspool and then I heard a knock on the toilet door and I was asked to leave. Allegedly my cousin and his wife. I also dreamed of a thick tree trunk (most likely oak). And today I saw a sorceress, but a kind one. And the rest of the dreams were previously dreamed. The cow butted its horns very strongly. I dreamed of a 2-storey alien and burning house, and I went onto the porch and into this house and walked along the 1st floor and left. I dreamed of a deep pit and I ended up in a car with a man who told me that we would break through. I also made my way along the road through thick bushes and trees.

    hugged my father in a dream but he died in life .. kissed him on the cheeks and cried and said .. I couldn’t come to your graves. and he hugged me so I and he hugged each other so tightly in the neck shoulder area

    my relative had a dream. What is in the hood, the face is not visible, in some market I washed dirty floors in the toilet, the floors in the toilet, I clearly saw the toilet bowls. I didn’t see my husband and eldest son, and 2 younger children, they also ran around in hoods. Didn't see the face.

    Good afternoon!
    I dreamed that I was going into a street wooden toilet and I take a tablet with me, and before entering, my relative tells me about it. that you don't have to take it. and then I can drop it. I'm nervous because he climbs with his advice, I go inside and fall into the toilet hole. but it turns out that there is something like a basin inside and I fall into this basin up to my waist, get out of there, soiled my clothes and the tablet. but I didn’t see any faeces, I just felt dirty

    i dreamed that I was in some room, it’s not a toilet room ... just a room, I’m talking with some unknown people, there is a toilet next to me and it’s in feces somewhere and I rub it with a brush ....

    Hello. Last night I had the same dream twice. I live in my yard and have a toilet outside. When I approached the toilet, near it and in it there was a lot of zhitkovo shit (as if someone had specially diluted the shit with water and everything poured into the yard).

    In a dream, I went somewhere with my deceased mother, I wanted to go to the toilet, and there I had to take off my shoes, and then I found and put on big flip-flops barefoot on the tiles, and my mother became angry and left so I didn’t go

    I was looking for a toilet, I found it. There was a queue for him. When I waited for mine, I saw some steps down in the toilet. They didn't interest me, they didn't scare me. For some reason, I went for a big need, although I wanted a small one. I got a little dirty both myself and the seat, as there was something of diarrhea. I tried to wash it, but in the corridor the line began to resent. I went out, someone in line started yelling at me, and some girl stood up. The girl was like the mistress of the room where there was a toilet. I don’t remember further, or maybe I didn’t dream of anything else.

    Hello!!! I dreamed that I was in a toilet pit, and I see that the hole itself is very large, and the toilet is the same as they are in private houses on the street !!! WHAT IS SUCH A DREAM MAY DREAM???

    Hello! I had a dream. That I am somewhere on the street, next to me is a hotel with vacationing tourists, somewhere in a tourist city. Then I find myself in an old dirty public toilet, I want to go to the toilet, I'm not alone, an old woman is at a distance. Suddenly an old woman runs up, I recognize my late grandmother in her and says: “Let's go, let's go! Let's not close us here! The door is closed, but I find myself outside this toilet.

    I dreamed that I went into a dirty wooden toilet, but before that I was in a beautiful building. I had this dream from Friday to Saturday and today. And from Sunday to Monday, I dreamed that my mother cut my hair! Thank you!

    hello! I saw a public toilet in a dream, with poop, etc. sorry for the detail, there was a feeling of disgust because I was inside it and my friend was also there, it seemed she was going to have sex there, and the other friend was going to set the table there, and I prevented her and then woke up ...

    I dreamed of a toilet on the street and my parents slept in it, because they were comfortable there, I called them home, but it was normal for them to sleep in the toilet. The toilet was dirty. My son often sleeps with my parents, because we live together and in the dream the son also went to them.
    Maybe it has something to do with family relationships, we have a tense situation at home.

    found an old toilet to go out of need. But there was a decrepit wooden floor that was slippery and I fell into the toilet, got smeared. A man helped me get out of it and wipe the stains of feces.

    I open the door to the toilet, and there Oleg (my young man with whom we broke up, but didn’t put an end to it) sits on the potty with his pants down on the toilet and cries that he can’t poop ... but instead of male genitals ... female ...

    Hello. It was an ordinary toilet. There were books behind the toilet, many books and something else, I can't remember. I wanted to hide them so I could come back and pick them up later. And I saw that someone was watching me.

    Hello, I dreamed that I went into a street toilet (I work in a laboratory and often use a pipette) and as if I had picked up a little shit with a pipette and accidentally got fuuuu into my mouth

    I went to the wooden toilet. On a clean seat in the back is a full bag of gingerbread and with them two large pies, cut out at the corners, as they are cut into 12 pieces. in front of the toilet there is a huge pile of feces made by a Caucasian. Here, too, but I went to the toilet in a big way. Gingerbread in a bag and pies, one in yellow cellophane, the second on the shelf below on the board, he decided to take it.

    my brother and I ended up in some kind of room, either an apartment, or just a room, it is not clear what it was intended for ... they sat in the same room and relieved themselves. he is on the toilet, and I'm in some kind of semi-basin)

    Hello! I dreamed that I entered a wooden outdoor toilet in the courtyard where we used to live. When I was in it, the side wall of the toilet began to break, but I managed to jump out. I jumped out into the yard, and there they brought my friend’s father (he died in reality), in my opinion drunk, and I tried to tell her about it, but it didn’t work out.

    I came to visit my friends to see new apartment I didn’t like it very much, I was looking for a toilet for a long time, I went into it, it was dirty and scary, I called my friend, he was naked, but he closed the door and guarded me

    Today in a dream I dreamed that I was trying to transfer the contents of the toilet, probably the country one, to another place and bury them. For some reason, I wanted to build a small house for them in the shallow part of a large pond. Throughout the dream, I discussed the design of this house with the person whom I hired to do this work. I wanted to have a hole in the house that I could sometimes look into

    There are 2 toilets nearby. In one hang a pair of gloves and one glove without a pair. I put on a pair of gloves after left hand I wear that one too. I go to the 2nd toilet to get out of the toilet chicken eggs. This dream ended

    in the urban-type settlement, in reality, such a toilet does not exist. Summer, leaving a handbag on the street, having previously taken a wet napkin, I went into the village toilet: very clean, bright, large in size. Liquid feces (diarrhea) ran down my bare legs, I wiped it off wet wipe and left.

    i dreamed that I fell into a village toilet and almost drowned in shit, which was right up to my neck, I tried to cling to something with my hands and called my brother for help, I don’t remember how I got out. probably woke up

    hello, my name is Ainura, I dreamed of a wooden school toilet, although I graduated from school 8 years ago. the toilet was very shaky but clean, I didn’t mind going into it, as soon as I finished the toilet began to fall apart and fall into the hole with me, but I managed to cling to the ground and began to crawl out and I succeeded. But I quickly changed and went about my business.

    A true story in the yard of his grandfather, or rather (grandfather no longer exists) in the yard of his son and grandchildren. With the help of his grandson, he was looking for a toilet and went in - it turns out that the toilet had not been used for a long time, the toilet was old and probably dirty. I went inside and saw my big cock relieved a lot, even along the walls of the toilet.

    the toilet was in a public place (sports center or swimming pool), I went there, it seemed to be clogged there, I flushed, the water poured over the edge, flooded the restroom by about 10 cm, the water was clean, while I went down to clean it, the water had already gone somewhere , took a rammer)) for barbecue, bent it, wanted to clean the toilet, flushed the water again, just about to clean it when I suddenly woke up already. before that, I met my “colleagues” with whom I communicated very well when I worked with them, but for some reason they were not very happy to see me! The place is like some kind of sports complex or swimming pool. in the foyer.

    good evening! today I dreamed that I fell into the village toilet to the top with shit - and I’m trying to call for help, I see a lot of people and they don’t hear me, I’m calling and there’s no voice how I hiss, I don’t scream at them - and I got out myself - and sort of got out no smell - and it seems to be clean - I tried to find a sink to wash everything, well, I don’t remember if I found it)))

    In a dream I saw a deceased grandmother. She really wanted to go to the toilet for the most part. Then I and the guy whom I know, but we don’t communicate much, took her by the arms, helped her get to the toilet, went to the toilet with her. At the end, the grandmother was very pleased

    My daughter is 10 years old, I dreamed (I'm pregnant) that she went to the toilet, and he was made as a public guest in the house and failed. But it’s light there, the water is warm and she easily climbed up various ledges, and I gave her a hand ... ... my daughter didn’t cry, she was just scared and didn’t fully understand what had happened.

    I dream that I came to visit my aunt there, met some guy and we liked each other very much, I know for sure that I never saw this man anywhere. to the toilet and there is a lot of earth in it

    In a dream, I was looking for a toilet all the time, I really wanted to “small”. I ran down the street, I came across some kind of collapsed dirty toilets with rotten boards .... Either I couldn’t adapt, then my leg slipped down, I even got it dirty, then the doors constantly opened, and I couldn’t close them. And people were walking in the distance and I tried not to be seen .... Then I woke up and didn’t knowing whether I managed to relieve my need or not .... Please help me interpret this dream. Sincerely, Irina

    I dreamed that I was in a toilet located on the street. And then suddenly the floor collapses and the front wall falls. And all the contents spread around the yard of the parents. I'm trying with my dad to stop this flow.

    we live in an earthen house. our toilet is approximately 5-6m deep. but in fact inside the toilet can be from 20 cm to 50 cm no shit. I saw in a dream that I was sitting in an asshole and looking into the ass and I saw that 70-80% was completely shit. and I was surprised and told my wife that you already have a toilet for more than half and I don’t remember further. what will you write me please

    I dreamed that I was sitting in a wooden toilet at roof level, in boots on a high platform. And some man began to carry this toilet with me. I asked him to put the toilet in place and he did.

    in the morning I dreamed of a street toilet, my little son went there and started to misbehave. I put my feet into the pit trying to drown a roll of paper there, I went out and then went in when I saw that he fell into this pit, he held on to the docks in weight, then he broke off, I didn’t have time, he immediately completely went under this mass, I put my hand to get it and woke up

    Hello! I dreamed of a village toilet, I fell through with one foot and when I got there, in addition to faeces, there were a lot of worms and I screamed in horror !!! Because they were on my leg

    I dreamed of a strong desire to go to the toilet a little, but twice going to the toilet I found that it was impossible to go there because there was no bucket under the toilet, and the room below was very clean and my conscience did not allow me to go to a clean surface. Coming out of the toilet for the second time, I cried a lot, even sobbed.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! Such a dream - I’m in a village toilet, but I see a mountain of ash there in the right place, I start to level this pile with my foot, while I didn’t stain anything, then I went down the little one. The main thing is that the door in front of me was open and I saw ahead beautiful summer landscape.

    i dreamed that I took the country wooden toilet with me. and when she carried him along with him, she fell to the ground and the people who passed by began to laugh at me that I was holding this toilet.

    I dreamed that I was going into a public toilet and I understand that I need to enter the cabin, but physically I don’t want to go to the toilet. Going up to the cabin, I see that there are no toilets, but there are just holes in the floor, that is, the floor on which I walk is simply Paradise of a million microbes.
    The day before this dream, I dreamed that I was pregnant, which is not really the case, and in the previous dream I was very worried about the absence of a man from whom this child could be, but I was so happy about my pregnancy
    And today I dream that when I go to the toilet I meet a doctor who says that I have a period of about a week or two and I lost my child, but I can be pregnant again, for this I need to do a test and that in order to do the test I and went to this dirty toilet.
    P.s. There is no relationship to expect pregnancy.

    In a dream I see a wooden toilet, I go into it, but not out of physiological need. I went in, and there were no walls, as it were, all attention was concentrated on the latrine itself. There is no toilet bowl, just a hole in the ground, but it is all overflowing: feces are mixed with the ground.

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I go into the room, the first thing I see is some kind of incomprehensible makeshift wardrobe. Secondly, I go to the bath, water flows from the tap directly onto the outer clothing, which is soaked in the bath, the clothes are dirty and you can see how muddy water flows from it. He twisted the tap to the sides to wash clothes faster, someone else's clothes, turned on the water more strongly. Thirdly, I see that there is also a toilet, instead of a toilet, some kind of pyramid of planks is knocked together. I looked inside, and there you can see the floor below, clean and cozy with candles in the corner and there is no toilet there, that is, all the feces fall directly on the floor. Then the pyramid flared from the inside, I urinated on the fire and it went out. Here is such a dream

    I had a dream that I was going into someone else's toilet, a familiar woman was sitting there (like for a long time), I said: "Sorry," and she told me: "No, nothing, stand here." I closed the door, stood and looked at her, and she looked at me, she was not indifferent to me, then I look away, although passion seethed in me.
    What does this dream mean?

    I saw the toilet, it was made of boards and they were very weak, I stepped on it and fell, but held on to one board, I screamed for help because I understood that she was very deep to die, my mother helped me get out of there

    In general, my friend's grandmother said that there would be a full toilet of shit. And I saw this shit, it filled the toilet like minced meat, but not through the top. After that we went fishing and caught big fish

    I dreamed that I went into the school toilet alone, and two women came out of there. The closer I get to the toilet, the more scared I get. I go into the room where the toilets are and instead of four toilets there are only two (and one of them is too huge) .I get scared, very scared and I run away.

    i dreamed that I dropped the child’s shoe into the toilet, the child wanted to write, we went to big city to the toilet and it turned out to be a village one, I began to hold the child, and at that time he began to take off his shoe and dropped it into the toilet, and the toilet was full

    I'm in a big dirty closet looking for a clean sink to wash my hands. Some girl helps me to search. I don’t find it: it’s broken somewhere, somewhere water is constantly flowing from a tap with strong pressure, but I disdain to approach it, the toilets in the toilets are dirty everywhere, water flows somewhere, it’s disgusting.

    I went into a dirty public toilet. Urine on the floor. There are no urinals, no toilet bowls, the stern of one broken one. I went into it for small needs, and one man splashed me with his urine when he urinated on the dirty floor in the toilet.

    why dream of a tulet? I went to the toilet at home, I saw my father asked where the toilet he showed me, I went to the toilet, the toilet was clean, all washed, then I sat on it and seemed to push, I don’t remember, then the dream ended.

    I dreamed that I was looking for a toilet and then in it - it was uncomfortable, dirty and open. There is nothing to wipe off with ... and even a passer-by, an unpleasant man saw at that moment. I chase him away ... he does not leave ... then someone drove him away ...

    the toilet is on the second floor, you have to go up there from the street on the stairs. I found the stairs, but I could not find the right way, the stairs were somehow incorrectly located! it was very strange for me, I still barely found it and went in! it turns out a corridor then a toilet, I go into the toilet right in front of me there is a white fluffy cat! since in life I love cats, I started playing with her, didn’t touch her with my hands, teased her with water, didn’t let go, she was going to go out. she got mad and wanted to attack me, I noticed that she was so irritated right away, she was frightened and went out into the corridor, and then the kittens were small, apparently hers, I threw one to her not with my hands, she seemed to calm down a little, then the kittens came out at the beginning, I only saw one there are several of them, and suddenly I vomited, immediately went into the booth like I didn’t eat anything, started burping and something white came out, as if it were kefir. then I get out of the booth and since someone scared me or hit me with something so incomprehensible, I look at a young cleaning lady, yelling at me that I have been in the toilet for a long time, she doesn’t know that I played with a cat, with the suspicion that I steal papers, fresheners and etc. and in response I yelled, quarreled with her and left. everything and I woke up

    In a dream, I was in some place unknown to me in some city, sort of like at an exhibition, and in a dream I was looking for a toilet to go out of need. My mother-in-law was next to me. One public toilet was occupied, I found another and went into it, closed, began to understand that it was emergency and I failed and began to drown in the contents. But there were two pipes on the wall on one side. I grabbed them and was able to get out of this hole and just lay there, afraid to move, so as not to fail again. My mother-in-law disappeared from my dream, and my husband appeared. He knocked out the door and pulled me out of the toilet, shouted that I always get into trouble and went home on some minibus with the military who transported and guarded the paintings from the exhibition. I was left alone, walked along an unknown street, took off my dirty raincoat and the rest of my clothes, which seemed to be clean, and began to look for how I could get home. But I didn’t have money to get home and I saw a woman I knew and started asking for a loan of money. But she went into a yard and refused to help me. And I woke up.

    I enter a combined toilet with a bathroom in place of the toilet, devastation and the wall is damaged, thought is an explosion, a long groove is dug in the hallway, I understand that this is a correction of the consequences of devastation, I know that this was done by an unfamiliar man. that night I dream of a long-dead dog, I call him, and he runs away, but I go up to him and put on a collar, he looks good and obeyed me, I am an elderly man.

    I was near the cemetery, I saw several tombstones, the cross seems to be metal, I saw only part of the cemetery, the atmosphere was favorable, there was no feeling of fear and other negative emotions, the cemetery or part of the cemetery was not old, well-groomed, like it was summer, I was behind the fence or fence of the cemetery , or there was no fence there, it’s hard to say, but I felt that there was some kind of thin line between me and this place that gave me the feeling that I was not on the land of burials. Opposite there was a public toilet, abandoned, with broken doors, I saw complete chaos through broken doors, sewage mixed with pieces of broken doors were in heaps everywhere, walls and doors were smeared, etc. There were two women with me, I don’t remember their age but not old, I can’t say what they looked like either, I didn’t feel any anxiety from their presence on the contrary, they gave me some kind of help, I felt it, then I’m in the same place with them but already under some kind of arch, it’s like an arched type gate at the entrance to the cemetery, I stand wrapped in some kind of cloth with a rag or blanket. I remember other parts of the dream vaguely, but I remember that my first wife, who is now deceased, was also in a dream. I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday

    Hello! I dreamed: (today's dream) My daughter is 7 years old, she will go to school in September, and now in a dream, as if we are already studying and have come to the second lesson. Both she and I were very scolded, they said that, how, you don’t know the multiplication table yet!? The dream is bright and colorful. I looked at her notebooks, and there were assignments not for the first grade and a lot of many numbers (large numbers) and tasks for 3-4 sheets of homework. And I was shocked. And then the PE class they took her to and I woke up.

    On a dark and narrow path, I was walking with some two familiar girls and two dogs. Left behind them, recovered by and large. Seeing two unknown men, tried to hide in the room without having time to put on his trousers. But he was caught by them.

    Good afternoon. In a dream, I and my deceased grandmother, grandfather, and father are in a wooden toilet without doors. The toilet is long. dad and grandfather and another man are sitting in the corner. eat watermelon. And my grandmother and I are standing behind them. suddenly I wanted a little. Bab says right here and do it, I will hold your hand. and I am shy (in a dream it seems to me about 8 years old). The men say we won't watch. I peed. When I got up from the toilet, I was already an adult. And I went up to the man next to my grandfather, and he is my martyr whom I am currently dating. I rolled over from him and woke up. Since then, I can't get over it. Grandfather and father never dreamed of me. And I saw my grandmother 2 times in a dream.

    I dreamed that I was inspecting the bathrooms in my ex-husband's apartment (I haven't talked to him for a long time), I see them very clean with new toilets, sinks and bathtubs. And I wonder in a dream why he one-room apartment so many bathrooms. And in these rooms everything sparkles with newness - the tiles are beautiful and shiny, the toilets and everything else just shines.

    Hello! Today in a dream I saw a common street toilet ... As if I went to relieve myself and two ran in little boy, the toilet is dirty everywhere, shit on the floor ... The children sat on one hole and one boy flew into this deep hole and drowned in this liquid ... I did not have time to catch him ...

    today, after between 7:30 and 09:00, I had a dream about how autumn wants to go to weave a little (in real life, I also wanted to go to the toilet while I was sleeping, I was too lazy to wake up)
    As a result, in a dream I found a common waste dump, which is very dirty and where both men and women are. Sat on the toilet, overflowing with urine and feces floating in the urine. Until the end, I could not urinate. In the same toilet, I open another toilet and the same story. Somewhere vndra stood to urinate. As a result, I half-peed again and peed in my stockings (in my mind I think how now I will go on a date now)

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. As if at first at work, in the workshop where they stand sewing machines. I spread butter on a loaf and feed a friend (she teaches children to dance, my children also went to her). Then three guys come (I don't know them), they also want to eat. I also want to give them a loaf of butter, but one of them starts hugging and kissing me, but I try to push him away. Then, as if I was already at home, but not at home, I see a telephone on the table and it rings, I took it and talked to my brother (he lives separately). He says that mom left, did she get there. I was surprised that she did not say that she would go to her brother, that she had not yet arrived and did not take the phone with her. Then I wanted to go to the toilet, the toilet is clean, I went in, I went around a lot, I went a lot. Then this guy pulls the handle, says something to me, I start asking him to leave for the time being in the room. I'm in a hurry, I'm wiping my toile. paper, soiled her hands in shit. And then I woke up.

    I went to the house-museum .. In fact, it was my grandmother's house, but enlarged .. We came with a group on an excursion .. I went and looked for a toilet .. I went into the room, as in a hotel in search of a toilet .. The man said that he is not here .. Showed where he is .. I went in that direction, they said that he was not there .. And this went on several times ..

    I went to the toilet to relieve myself, but suddenly I felt that one tooth was interfering (radical), I pulled it out. He was whole and with a huge root of pain and blood there was no then looked in the mirror, the other teeth were in order and suddenly felt two more front teeth began to stagger and I pulled them out, there was no pain or blood either. These teeth were without roots. I began to cry, it was very bad for me that they could not be put in their place. Again she looked in the mirror and saw that the rest of the lateral teeth had moved into their place that had fallen out. I cried a lot and came out of the toilet there was a large room a lot of people I didn’t know they looked at the starry sky (image) on the big screen there was my friend (we met him in reality before, now we parted) I began to tell him what happened and he was smiling as if nothing had happened (as if not understanding me, or not sincerely) he began to tell me that everything would be fine, I hugged him, but I was very worried about my teeth that had fallen out. And woke up...

    The action takes place in my mother's apartment, I go into the toilet, and there are a lot of different clothes and there is a huge box of clothes on the toilet itself, I start pulling out the clothes and it turns out that there is no toilet under the box. I go to my mother with a question, and then, she offers me to sign documents stating that I do not claim her living space, and she pays me money for this. In real life, I have been living separately for a long time and am not registered with her.

    Hello! Over the past week, this is the third dream about heating the apartment. The first one that flooded the toilet, but not much and the water went to the floor. The second flooded the room, the water was waist-deep, but the water was clean. And the third ... I don’t remember the toilet, but I don’t remember the water. But at the same time, I see how the toilet bowl fell on one side. turn off the tap on the battery, and now they probably flooded the neighbor too) There was no water level, just how wet it was. What is it for? These quarrels began to dream when I left work and now I am looking for another one.

    Hello, today at 4-5 o'clock in the morning I had a dream, I was going somewhere with my friend, there was a hole in the toilet in front of my eyes, as wooden as in village toilets, as soon as we approached we collapsed there in shit, I began to yell and call parents, they heard and pulled us out, pulled out and I woke up! By the way, I don’t know why I dreamed about my classmate, we haven’t talked to her for 5 years!

    i dreamed that I was on the road with some people and we need to meet the president, and in order to meet you need to spend the night in a hotel, I go into the hotel and there it’s like a public toilet and people of Chinese nationality are sleeping on benches along the wall, I don’t know why, but in a dream I knew that these are Chinese and so sure

    I went to practice. When I arrived, I did not see my coach and all the others. I was glad that I could not go to training. I thought that I would go to the toilet, and then I would go and sit in a cafe. I went there. The toilet was not very clean in one cabin there were 4 toilet seats. It seemed very strange to me and I thought for a long time where to sit. Then a girl from my team came into my office and she screamed: “Oh, there she is!” I felt uneasy, because she sat down on a nearby toilet seat and began to defecate. Then my coach came into the office and said with a huge smile that they were waiting for me. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my eyebrows were broken with a special paint, which you then wash off and the color lasts for a long time. Then I went out and decided to call my dad, but he replied that he was very busy and advised me to Google how not to disturb my father. End.

    In real life, I'm pregnant, but I don't know the gender of the baby

    I dreamed that a private courtyard, a wooden toilet, was large, I went into it and looked, there were several holes in the floor, it was not very clean. I stood on the edge, jumped, all the dirt fell into the pit, it can be seen that the pit is almost full and I thought (thoughts for some reason about the father-in-law) - they probably changed the toilet somewhere, and he took it for himself, but the toilet is new, but why is it already full? it’s standing, it’s there, but I found a secluded corner and put things down. Then I look at the table and there’s a bench, and there’s a red shirt on it and the father-in-law goes with the men and says to some man, what do you think what it’s all about, rotation, etc. .(we live in a front-line city, and the father-in-law is in the Russian Federation, we haven’t seen him for 6 years.), And then the father-in-law says, if you want, take the shirt.

    Hello, I had a dream that I came to the first wife of my deceased husband for money (I don’t remember who gave it to me through her). I am in an old village house with large rooms, there are no doors, curtains hang instead of them, I go into the first room, and there, in the floor of the hole, like in a village toilet in a row (five pieces), I sit down for one and walk around the little one in front of her son (he is 10 years old), then I sit in her kitchen and eat the wolfberry which she treated me to. I didn’t see banknotes or money in a dream, but I know that I took them from her.

    In a dream, I saw a toilet filled with human feces. It used to be that every time I want to go to the toilet, but it always turned out to be “full”. And so I went several times. Then I dumped the toilet, and then Dad wanted to go; and I tell him not to go there is a full toilet.

    I go to the toilet. It seems the doors and floor are black marble. Can't find a clean toilet, everything is dirty, or the floor looked like Mama was throwing up. Found more or less, but the toilet that I found was blue color floors and walls are light

    Hello, In a dream I saw only the head of my ex-girlfriend. The rest of the body was gone, then the body appeared. I beat her with great pleasure. For a very long time, then she escaped through the toilet (common toilet). (I'll tell you why she beat me with my beloved, corresponded. They met, then she met him with another girlfriend. This is in real life) In a dream, I realized that there was no intimacy between them. And on the other hand, her girlfriend was intimate. So she escaped through the toilet, through the toilet. Then the police came with her, I'm so kind, they didn't detain me.

    In front of me I saw a large building. I looked at the right side of this building and saw a door. I went in and there was a toilet. Was very dirty. Rain on the street. I went there from the camp it turns out. Then somehow I look and we are already looking for some kind of aunt. She helped us find our hall. There were many people. I went there with 4 women. But I don't remember who they are. And there was a Barbie cartoon on the screen and they were dancing. I don't even know what to write so much has happened.

    I'm at the school where I worked as the head teacher for 20 years, now I work in a different place, there are a lot of schoolchildren, they scurry back and forth. I want to use the toilet in a small way. I ask them to leave the locker room, for some reason the toilet is in the locker room and without doors, there are only partitions, I really want to go to the toilet, I go into 1 booth, and there are feces, urine, crumpled toilet paper, there’s just nowhere to get up, disgusted and very uncomfortable (children run around, though they don’t look into my cubicle), I still go to the toilet in a small way.

    I had a dream that I arrived by car to my man's house. I find myself at his house, I go in a dressing gown, but I'm not calm there. I want to leave. I'm looking for a toilet. He leads me. The room is so clean I sit down and see the street. Such a beautiful landscape and the door to the toilet is open. I want to go big but I'm waiting for the man to leave. Then I look for my car and try to leave the area. Many cars stop and prevent me from leaving.

    I saw a dream in which ex-husband took a shower in the shower room. I was waiting for him to come out and wanted to take a shower too, but he pushed me away, saying that she was coming in now and pointed to the woman who appeared at that moment. And he sat down on the toilet, and I stayed to watch him. The woman also disappeared somewhere.

    In a dream, we bought a school as a house. But this school has a lot of toilets. And the bathroom, in the courtyard shower. Well, other things for the house are good, just a lot of toilet like a cubicle. Some of them are not even clean, and then….

    I dreamed of a kiss and touch with a work colleague that I like and he also expresses his sympathy for me! During the kiss, we were interrupted by the people who entered, I began to collect my things, different things in a large bag, and he was in the toilet

    I dreamed that a friend supported me in the toilet, because it was wooden and almost collapsed, but I could not resist and I fell into it, but then got out, and asked, like a cegan woman, to wash my hair with shampoo.

Of course, each dream has its own special meaning and portends something important to the dreamer. Sometimes it happens that in a dream people see not very pleasant things, but nothing can be done about it, because the world of dreams is beyond control. No matter how strange, absurd and repulsive the dream may be, you need to try to impartially understand its meaning..

The toilet is an integral part of everyone's life. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that instead of beautiful pictures the dreamer sees exactly this image. It will be interesting enough to understand the meaning of such a dream. Based on most dream books, the toilet symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of the unnecessary, superfluous, and the presence of impurities in it is a sign of wealth, honor and happiness.

Sometimes city dwellers who have never been in a village see in a dream the image of a wooden, rural toilet. What is the significance of such a dream? The image of a village restroom can portend happiness and grief at the same time. Let's open the dream book: the rustic toilet is interpreted in it as follows:

Go to the toilet "in a big way"

If a person sees a dream in which he relieves himself of great need, then it is very difficult to associate this image with something pleasant. You can open a dream book - going to the toilet "in a big way" has several meanings, namely:

  • the dreamer got dirty with his own feces when he went to the toilet “in a big way” - a good harbinger, a large amount of money awaits;
  • it was not possible to cope with a great need for a restroom without partitions due to embarrassment - difficulties in achieving the goal due to past negative experience, you need to let your potential open up, overcome your complexes;
  • look for a closet on a small street - a desire to be realized in life;
  • communicate with someone, freeing the intestines - the need for the help of people around;
  • bowel cleansing was successful - thanks to the realization of natural abilities, a good income awaits;
  • to recover in front of everyone without the slightest embarrassment - to enjoy authority among the surrounding people, to have a high social status;
  • a feeling of constipation - the inability to express and defend one's point of view;
  • diarrhea attacked - you need to watch your words;
  • to cope with a great need in a public toilet - career advancement, cash bonus.

Of course, a dream about a dirty toilet cannot be called pleasant, but, like all dreams, it has its own special meaning. Why dream about a toilet with a gammon, dream books will help you figure it out. There are the following meanings of such a dream:

Go to the toilet "in a small way"

When, throughout a dream, a person is looking for a latrine to pee, this indicates a lack of vivid sensations in reality. For men, such a dream symbolizes the desire to be the main one, and for women, the need to draw the attention of people around them to their inner world. Natural recovery in a dream has several meanings:

  • look for entrances and dark nooks and crannies to urinate - problems in the professional field due to overly traditional views on working methods;
  • hiding in the bushes, relieving a small need - the reputation will be in jeopardy, it will be quite difficult to defend one's innocence;
  • wet yourself in front of everyone, unable to endure any longer - an innocent prank will lead to heated discussion and general criticism;
  • to cope with a small need in a broken toilet - a harbinger of minor troubles;
  • urinate in a wooden rural outhouse - an excess of life's monotony;
  • strong desire to go little by little"- the possibility of an affair or romance soon;
  • Muslims believe that if you had a dream in which you experienced inconvenience while urinating in public, the inability to refuse some people, despite their harmful influence, it may be worth refusing to solve some problems.

The alphabet of the interpretation of dreams refers to the toilet as a symbol of satisfying the natural needs of the sleeper, this dream is also the personification of getting rid of unwanted memories. If you dream of a public toilet, around which the dreamer walks, but cannot enter, then in reality he will face great difficulties.

What if you dream of a public toilet?

A dirty public toilet is a dream, as a rule, to the successful completion of affairs, to good luck, to win. Perfectly clean restroom bad sign, saying that the business started will be a failure and will not bring profit.

Freud's dream book connects what he saw with the dreamer's sexual desires. The author believes that if the toilet is dirty in a dream, then the sleeping person is sexually attracted to a person of his own gender. The perceived stench may indicate public censure, rejection of the dreamer's desires.

If a sleeper in a dream empties himself in a public toilet and feels relieved at the same time, then in reality he will have a relationship "on the side." A dream in which the sleeper examines the latrine with disgust speaks of a short-term romance that the sleeper will be ashamed of. If in a dream the sleeping person goes to a public toilet, and the entrance to it is paid, then in real life he will use the services of a prostitute to satisfy his sexual fantasies.

The authors Modern dream book they believe that a public toilet in a dream portends difficulties, the cause of which the sleeper will not be able to detect. If the dreamer sees himself emptying himself in a public latrine, then he cannot complete the work, which should have been completed a very long time ago.

A dream in which the sleeper enters a very beautiful public toilet does not have a very good interpretation, it means that the dreamer's friends are deceiving him.

According to the American Dream Book, a public toilet in a dream means that the sleeper in real life will get rid of all the rubbish, and this applies not only to things, but also to thoughts. In some cases, this vision may indicate that it is high time for the dreamer to forget about the past and start a new life.

The 21st century dream book believes that if a sleeper sees a toilet bowl in a public toilet, then he is in danger of trouble, quarrels with loved ones. A dream in which a person falls into the toilet promises him money. If he sees himself stuck in the toilet, but at the cost of incredible efforts he manages to get out, then in reality he will overcome all difficulties and be able to establish his own life. Seeing yourself cleaning the toilet in a public toilet is a wealth that will come to the dreamer dishonestly.

What portends?

If the dreamer, having visited a public toilet, suffers and cannot empty himself, then in reality he is expected to be promoted, which he has been waiting for for many years. A vision in which the sleeper sees himself building a public toilet portends happiness, wealth, an easy and cloudless life.

A dream in which both women and men are in a public toilet speaks of hopelessness. Probably, the sleeper got into a situation from which he sees no way out. If in a dream a person sees himself rushing about in search of a toilet, then in real life he will have a financial crisis and he will have to turn to friends for financial help.

The housewife's dream book believes that if sleep is not associated with natural physiological processes, then the image of a public toilet is a sign that the dreamer needs to relieve negative tension, otherwise this condition will lead to negative consequences.

Summing up what has been written, we can say that a public toilet in a dream ˜ is a kind of symbol of the dreamer's sexual desires, condemned by public opinion. Also, this dream can talk about getting rid of unwanted memories.

How many dreams we have to see in life! Some stories are sometimes simply amazing, while others, on the contrary, are ordinary, completely indistinguishable from reality.

The toilet is a place in something sacred, closed. But, despite this closeness, he dreams very, very often. According to statistics, a dream about a restroom is one of the most common. Let's figure out what the toilet is dreaming of. The most interesting thing is that one dream book interprets the toilet as a harbinger of financial prosperity, and the other dream book considers the toilet a symbol of gossip and scandals. So who do you believe?

To get the most objective interpretation, you need to remember the dream well and all the nuances. It is also worth paying attention to the state in which you woke up and in which you fell asleep. We offer you a list of what you should pay attention to if you dreamed of a restroom:

  • Public or private toilet.
  • Dirty or clean.
  • What was the dreamer doing there?
  • Other details of the dream.

If you dreamed of an ordinary toilet, like at home, then this means that you will start a new relationship. You will be lucky to meet a really pleasant and interesting person who can become truly close to you.

If you find yourself in a closet with your friends or acquaintances, then luck will soon smile on them. A small but very pleasant surprise awaits them, which will open a new period in their lives. If you dream of a rustic toilet, then this indicates some of the difficulties that you will encounter. But don't worry, this period will end very quickly.

If you have a public station closet in front of you, then such a dream speaks of an imminent trip. A business trip to another city awaits you, which in fact will not be the most productive, but you can easily cope with all the difficulties that have arisen.

To dream of a toilet that sparkles with cleanliness means that guests will come to you. This dream predicts a lot of meetings, communication and new acquaintances. Also this toilet Vedic dream book considered a symbol of prosperity. Seeing a toilet in a restaurant or cafe in a dream means that all your long-standing needs will be satisfied. Everything you wish for will come true.

If you dream of a dirty and unwashed toilet, then this indicates that you are too serious about both yourself and others. Allow yourself to laugh at yourself, and everything will become much easier. If you dreamed of a public closet in which you see a toilet with, then expect easy money. You will manage to win the lottery or find money on the street by chance.

What did they do there?

Going to a public toilet in a dream "for the most part" - to the news. Soon you will find out completely unexpected news for yourself. Miller's dream book also interprets a dream in which you had to go to the restroom, to the appearance of powerful people in your life. Sitting on the toilet - to new victories. Soon you will be able to achieve excellent results in your business.

  • Looking for a closet and not finding it - to looking for opportunities to earn money. I must say that perhaps you are looking in the wrong place, you need to think more variably and look in a different direction.
  • Search for a restroom and find it - to a successful resolution of the conflict.
  • Look for a toilet in the restroom - to unexpected meeting with an old friend. For women, a dream in which she is forced to look for a toilet promises a meeting with a former young man.

Washing a dirty toilet in a dream means that you are not doing your job. By by and large, you have great potential and many talents that you do not reveal, so start realizing your abilities now.

Get dirty in the closet - to success. You can achieve what you want with a minimum amount of costs, both moral and physical. Experiencing pain while in the toilet means that you will be promoted. All the hard work you put in will finally pay off.

Finding yourself in a restroom where there are both men and women means that the situation you are in is not hopeless. There will always be someone around you who is willing to help. Building a restroom promises you happiness and success in matters of the heart. If a man had such a dream, then soon he will meet his betrothed.

Many are interested in why they dream of going to the toilet in front of other people. This vision is a dream of deception. Also autumn dream book going to the toilet in front of others is associated with the fact that they will try to circle you around your finger in order to achieve their goals. Don't believe everything you are told.

Do not torment yourself with the question of what the toilet is dreaming of, usually such a dream brings only good things to the dreamer. Listen to your heart, do what seems right to you, and then luck will certainly await you.

Everyone should dream and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not even pleasant to look at, this dream is one of the good harbingers.

Why dream shit? It's very simple .. Shit dreams for profit, for money! If you dream of toilets, but there is no shit in them, for example, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve yourself, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are sleeping and this is dictated to you by a dream about a toilet.

Moreover, it often happens that you kind of went into the booth and you can’t urinate, so your “alarm clock” just hasn’t rung yet.

Strictly speaking, a dream about shit and toilets is entirely subject to the principle of inversion in interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, such a leapfrog) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the more profit awaits you in real life!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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