Dream interpretation wooden toilet on the street. Why dream about a toilet

  • 17.10.2019

Why dream public toilet? Most often, such a dream has a favorable meaning. He says that your desires will be fulfilled, and your needs will be satisfied. But not all predictions are so rosy. Let's try to understand and consider the interpretation various dream books.

Try to remember the dream in detail and look for a suitable interpretation in our list:

  1. In the dream book of the sorceress Medea, it is indicated that a very dirty public toilet dreams of fulfilling cherished desires in real life. Dreams will come true, as if by magic
  2. But if the toilet was very clean, literally sterile, your hopes will not come true. To fulfill desires, you will have to make an incredible amount of effort, but this does not guarantee the desired result.
  3. If in your dream the toilet was on the street, it was cold and damp around, this auspicious sign. In reality, the dreamer expects financial well-being. You will probably get a promotion or get a good deal. But it is quite possible that income will come from a completely unexpected source.
  4. An unpleasant dream in which you fall into a toilet pit promises happiness and well-being. Good luck and extraordinary luck will accompany you for a long time. Use the moment to solve accumulated problems, to achieve long-term goals

These are the most popular interpretations, but there are others.

What to expect in your personal life?

Sometimes such a "toilet" dream can portend cardinal changes in personal life. They may or may not be favorable. For example:

  1. Did you dream of a very dirty, littered public toilet that you didn’t want to use? Such a dream portends vivid emotions - the dreamer will experience a violent passion, meet a person to whom there will be a very strong physical attraction
  2. If in a dream you are in a hurry, practically running to the nearest public toilet to relieve yourself, this is also a favorable sign. In real life, the dreamer will meet a person of the opposite sex, with whom a very tender and romantic relationship will begin. It is possible that the love story will end in marriage and the birth of joint children.

There are predictions whose meaning concerns the material side of the dreamer's life

When does a public toilet dream of money?

Remember what you saw in a dream, and select the appropriate interpretation from the following list:

  1. I dreamed that you were cleaning a public toilet, doing the dirtiest work? Despite the fact that the dream is rather unpleasant, it promises the dreamer great profit. Perhaps you will receive or win a large amount of money, you can achieve a salary increase
  2. Some authors of dream books have a different opinion: if in a dream you washed toilets, then in real life you will find out information that compromises a person close to you. He will be involved in something illegal or in cases that discredit his reputation
  3. I dreamed that you were washing the floor in a very dirty public toilet, but you couldn’t get rid of the dirt completely? This means that in real life you will soon have to prove your alibi. You will become a suspect in some kind of trial, or you will have to prove your loyalty to the second half
  4. Do you dream of a public toilet in which the toilets are broken or broken? This is an auspicious sign that promises incredible luck in the dreamer's life. Fate will give you a chance to radically change your life in better side
  5. Dreaming that you wash the toilet without gloves, with bare hands? And you use only water, do not use any cleaning products? This means that in real life you are used to relying only on yourself and do not expect outside help. You will achieve a lot without patrons, at the cost of only your own efforts.

These are the standard interpretations that are given in most popular dream books.

Interpretation of unusual dreams

What if the plot of your dream is a little non-standard - such events are unlikely to be repeated in real life? The meaning of sleep can be as follows:

  • Did you see in a dream a public toilet, into which both girls and men endlessly enter, and the stalls do not close? So, in reality you will find yourself in unusual situation you get lost and can't find it right away the right decision. Try to relax, not worry and choose the only correct behavior strategy
  • If you dream that you really want to go to the toilet, but there is no right place nearby? This means that in real life you will really need help and financial support, but you will not receive it. Try to save some money "for a rainy day" so that the crisis does not take you by surprise

See in the video what else a public toilet might dream of:

Here are some more interpretations:

  • A dream in which your "home" toilet suddenly turns into a public one promises meeting new people. At first they will seem unpleasant and useless to you, but in the future they will come to the rescue in difficult situation and become reliable friends. So don't trust first impressions and be friendly to everyone.
  • Is it a dream that you dream of getting into a certain room, but when you open the door, you find yourself in a public toilet? This dream is a signal of the subconscious, which warns: you are acting in the wrong direction, making too much effort where they are not required at all. This can apply to both personal relationships and work matters.

Do not attach too much importance to predictions. An unfavorable interpretation may not come true if you behave correctly in a critical situation.

Surprisingly, a public restroom in a dream is considered a good symbol, portending the fulfillment of desires, the satisfaction of needs.

However, dream books sometimes see another meaning in this vision. After all, the toilet room is an intimate place, therefore such an interpretation is not excluded - the sleeping person has secrets, secrets. What else can a public toilet dream of?

From dirt to Kings!

It is strange, but a filthy, uncleaned toilet that has been dreamed of is a more favorable sign than the one where total sanitation has been carried out, says the sorceress Medea. The seer believed that cleanliness in a public closet should alert the sleeping person, warn that he lives in the grip of illusions, unrealizable plans.

But a dream about a street toilet, where no one has cleaned for a long time, promises wealth, huge profits. True, the dream book hints: it will be embarrassing, unpleasant to talk about sources of income.

A nightmare in which you happen to fall into a toilet cesspool or step on in reality will turn into an extraordinary financial success, a triumph!

Just physiology

The needy of dubious purity, in a number of dream books, is a reflection of the sleeper's sexual fantasies, which he is embarrassed not only to embody, but even to voice, considering them obscene, perverted.

Why else dream that you, not paying attention, are in a hurry to use an untidy street toilet? In some cases, this is just a manifestation of natural physiological needs, it happens. You are sleeping, and then you are impatient ... But another interpretation is interesting, sometimes this vision precedes an unforgettable date, a fateful romantic acquaintance in reality!

Repair, cleaning

Why did you dream that you were washing toilets in a public closet? This is an example of a classic "shifter" that predicts promotion, social status in reality.

Miller's dream book has a very intriguing explanation for the same vision. It turns out that the one who, in a night dream, cleaned public latrines, in reality, will have information about the unsightly secrets of one person who does not shun the most vile methods of achieving goals.

However, upon awakening, you also need to think: how to explain to interested parties the fact that you immediately, quickly got rich after you saw yourself in a dream as a cleaner of public water closets.

Unexpected joy, exceptional luck, that's what a faulty toilet was dreaming of. And if in a night fantasy you took up the construction and arrangement of a public restroom on your own, then in reality you will be able to do something extremely useful, significant not only for yourself, but also for other people.

Other situations

If in a midnight phantasmagoria you find yourself in, in which both ladies and gentlemen gathered at the same time, keep in mind that in reality you risk being in a rather confusing, difficult position. However, after thinking carefully, without panicking ahead of time, you can guess how to get out of the impasse of problems and conventions, the dream book is encouraging.

And what to think when, in a nap, you calmly head to the place where the public toilet room is located, but you don’t find it there? This story should make you think about the ups and downs of life. Everything is so changeable and unstable, and therefore it makes sense to put aside part of the funds for a rainy day.

Angry, indignant, seeing in a night's slumber that everyone and sundry began to visit your home toilet? In vain, because there is no reason to panic. On the contrary, this is a sign that in life you will meet interesting, kind people who will become devoted comrades, reliable associates, like-minded people.

And finally, about how in a dream you make a mistake with the door and instead of a toilet room, you find yourself in another public room. Such a vision, in dream books, is considered a warning about how harmful it is to build unrealizable plans, live in captivity of illusions, and also unconditionally believe, trust certain people.

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Why did the Toilet dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

The toilet is a symbol of financial well-being, as well as slander, gossip. To understand why the toilet is dreaming, you need to remember additional details of the dream.

  • The toilet is stained with faeces- in reality, a huge profit awaits you, a rich gift.
  • Seeing someone else's toilet is a useful acquaintance with influential people.
  • To clean your own or someone else's toilet, according to the dream book, in reality you have to find out the hard truth about management, partners.
  • Dilapidated, old, shabby toilet room may dream of minor problems, troubles associated with the business sphere.
  • If you clearly saw the toilet in the toilet, this is a sign that you do not need to cling to the past. It's time to get rid of the old.

Why did the Toilets dream (Psychiatric dream book)

What a toilet may dream of depends on the dreamer's actions:

  • Dreams about the toilet in which you are looking for a restroom- in reality need financial support. Perhaps you have problems at work, in business, and there are no empathetic people around.
  • To see a clean toilet, according to the dream book, in reality things are not going the best in the best way. It is likely that you are worried about your business.
  • The toilet in the toilet is dreaming to important changes in life. You foresee them, although you are afraid to admit it.
  • A restroom with a toilet often appears in dreams when in reality a person wants to get rid of accumulated emotional experiences, erase negative experiences from memory.

Why is the Toilet dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • I dreamed that you were looking for a toilet, which means that you will soon meet your soulmate. For couples, romantic dates and a second honeymoon are not excluded.
  • See yourself in the toilet with your boyfriend/husband- in reality, to be in a hopeless situation. Perhaps your relationship has reached an impasse. You do not know what to do - go in different directions or try to reanimate feelings.
  • Why the toilet is dreaming also depends on the gender of the dreamer. For a man, this is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. For a woman - a prediction of experiments in intimate life, flashes of passion.

I had a dream about the Toilet (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Toilets featured in dream men, symbolizes his dissatisfaction in sexual terms. Subconsciously, he longs to have sexual relations with the woman he is interested in.
  • For woman similar dream about the toilet means the desire to know same-sex love.

Toilet - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Seeing a toilet in a dream means trouble, a mess in the house.
  • Dream of falling into the toilet to money, to get out of it - fortunately.
  • Cleaning the toilet in the toilet - to enrichment in an unrighteous way.
  • Suffer, suffer while in the toilet - to the appointment.
  • Building a toilet is for wealth and happiness.
  • Dreaming of a clean toilet for appointment, dirty - a symbol of special happiness.
  • If in a dream there was a toilet in which there are men and women, the dream speaks of a hopeless situation in life, the inability to help oneself.
  • Looking for a toilet in a dream - to the search for material support, lack of money.

Interpretation of Toilets from the Dictionary-Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Why dream of a public toilet - the usual, common negative emotions, experiences; deterioration of relations in the team, Negative influence public opinion. Frequent plots related to the bathroom are related to classes black magic. Restroom - "Unclean" solitude, aspirations; a symbol of black magic; hopeless situation. The toilet bowl is a sign of an all-consuming "black hole". Searching for toilets in a dream- erotic impulses; urological problems in reality.

To dream about a toilet, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • What is the dream of the toilet- Symbolizes the satisfaction of the dreamer's basic needs. It personifies getting rid of unwanted memories, the use of past experience.
  • Searching for a bathroom (if there is no physiological need in reality) is a sign of material difficulties, a search for support.
  • To see a dirty toilet is to win the case.
  • Absolutely clean toilet - things will go badly.
  • You clean the toilet, according to the dream book - portends wealth acquired in an unfair way.
  • You go into the toilet and find yourself standing among urine and feces - Happiness, joy.
  • In the toilet, excrement spills over the edge- Great luck, benefit.
  • Sitting in manure - portends big trouble.
  • Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Interpretation by psychologist A.Mindell

  • Why dream of a street toilet- your troubles will begin with a mess in the house, because from the mess in the house there will be a mess in the head.
  • It’s as if you are building a latrine - you see your happiness not in wealth, but you will also have wealth.
  • It is as if you are cleaning the toilet, according to the dream book - you have dreamed of wealth for too long to miss it - without any doubt, you will go for a dishonorable, unfair act for the sake of wealth, you will even sacrifice honor.
  • You seem to have fallen into the toilet - soon you will receive a lot of money.
  • You fell into the toilet and immediately got out - you will soon know true happiness.
  • Why dream that you, having fallen into a latrine, as if you were unable to get out of it- misfortune will be great.

A village toilet in a dream can symbolize both cloudless happiness and bad times. In addition, this image is often identified with dark forces and black magic. A knowledgeable dream book will give full transcript what such an unusual symbol dreams of.

Miller's opinion

Dreamed of a village toilet? At night, this is a reflection of the desire to satisfy urgent household needs or get rid of unwanted problems, memories.

What do you want?

Why dream of an ordinary village toilet knocked down in a dream from boards? The dream interpretation suspects that you do not want to attract the attention of others. You subconsciously dream of hiding from the world, but do not have the real opportunity or power to do so.

Dreamed of a restroom in the village? A strange and truly inexplicable incident is coming. The same dream sign may hint at the loss of a job.

It's good to see a large and cozy toilet. Interesting prospects will open before you, take up a new business, make friends or suddenly receive news that will change your usual life.

Get rid!

Why dream of a wooden closet if it is in no way connected with the physiological needs of the body?

The dream book considers it a hint: it's time to get rid of excessive stress, otherwise you will amass a lot of difficulties of incomprehensible origin.

In a dream, looking for a latrine on the street literally means looking for money, a source of income, material support. The worst thing is to see a building without doors. He warns of someone's death.

Hold on!

Why dream of a simple village toilet that you went into out of need? In reality, you should change your views and forget about the past.

If, while fulfilling natural needs, they felt pain, then future events will benefit, even if they turn out to be rather unpleasant. Did you dream that you did “your job” quite easily? In reality, you can bring to the end a difficult plan.

In a dream, did you happen to see yourself sitting in an open toilet in full view of a large crowd? Dream Interpretation believes that the opinions of others do not allow you to fully express your talents and capabilities.

What they were doing?

More detailed interpretation sleep will allow you to make an accurate forecast for the future. and for this, the dream book recommends deciphering your own actions.

  • Sitting inside is a high position.
  • Building a village toilet is wealth, happiness.
  • Repairing it is an unpleasant situation.
  • To clean - income / gossip, trouble.

For good or bad?

Did you dream of a clean and cozy restroom on the street? It means that a relatively calm period is approaching. However, a sterile clean closet indicates that things will turn out in the worst way.

It’s good to wash a dirty restroom in a dream. The dream interpretation promises a total change of views for the better. Moreover, the filthier the room, the more old stereotypes you use.

For those who saw the toilet in a dream, you should prepare for trouble. So, in any case, the dream books are interpreted, but if there is content in it, then everything will be in order.

Summer dream book

A dream with a toilet means a bad attitude from the authorities. Perhaps you will be guilty at work and get "cuffs" for it. To get around this situation, get down to business, stop being distracted by extraneous things.

Spring dream book

When a person says, dreams that I go to the toilet, do not rush to upset him. By spring dream book dream symbolizes profit, monetary reward, gain, big income. Also, sleep can talk about problems in the work of the kidneys. The reason for the dream may be a banal desire to go to the toilet.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Do you want to know what a big toilet is dreaming of? - for a promotion. The toilet is dreaming of trouble, problems in family relationships, raising children. Fall into the toilet - you will become the owner of a large sum of money, you managed to get out of it - a happy family life. Cleaning a dirty toilet in a dream - you will achieve your goal in a not entirely legal way. To build a toilet - to happiness and prosperity in business. A dirty toilet symbolizes good luck, joy, wealth and complete harmony in life. A restroom full of people - hopelessness, the inability to help oneself. Clean toilet bowl to the device on new job. I dreamed that you were looking for a toilet - you need financial support.

Erotic dream book

For a man, the question of why he dreams of going to the toilet, according to an intimate interpretation, means that he is sexually unsatisfied, is in search of new relationships and thrills. A woman who sees a toilet in a dream hides her desire to enter into same-sex intimate relationships.

Ukrainian dream book

Why dream of a dirty toilet - for money. Having seen such a dream, you can only rejoice. You can become the owner of a big win, inheritance. Go to the toilet - to the new love relationship. Just seeing the restroom is in trouble, falling into a pit with feces is a lot of money.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A public toilet in dreams means conflicts, bad relationships with work colleagues. A bad opinion will develop about you among employees and it will be quite difficult to prove to them that you are right.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The toilet dreams of getting rid of bad memories desire not to repeat past mistakes. A clean toilet - your affairs will turn out badly, dirty - you will win the argument.