Walkthrough Pokemon Go: requirements and real cases. Pokemon Go Game Secrets: Rules, Tips and Cheats

  • 24.09.2019

Pokemon GO is finally out and immediately captured the minds and hearts of people all over the world. Although the application is not officially available in every country in the world, any inhabitant of planet Earth can play Pokemon GO. The streets and parks are filled with crowds of eager trainers who are eager to "catch them all." However, novice players often wonder: "how to play Pokemon GO?". We will answer this question in our today's article. We will highlight the principles of the game mechanics and give a few useful tips on how to become a successful Pokemon GO trainer.

How to start playing Pokemon GO

First, you need to install the Pokemon GO app from the official Google Play store or App Store. If the game hasn't been released in your country yet, don't worry. You can download or use the workaround for .

After that, the game will leave you alone with a huge world that needs to be explored. However, there are three main things you can do in Pokémon GO: catching Pokémon, visiting PokéStops, and fighting in Gyms.

How to catch Pokemon

Despite the fact that catching Pokemon in Pokemon GO is easy, many novice trainers are stumped because their "character does not move." The fact is that you need to walk - then your coach will move around the map. When a Pokémon is nearby, your smartphone will vibrate and you will enter Pokémon capture mode. The color of the ring that surrounds a Pokémon when you aim at it indicates how difficult it will be to catch it (green is easiest, yellow is harder, red is hard). For easier capture of Pokemon, you can turn off the "AR" mode, as well as use more "advanced" Pokeballs. At later levels of the game, you can feed the Pokémon with a berry so that it "gets better" and is easier to capture.

Each Pokemon has an important parameter - CP (combat power - combat power), which pretty much determines how strong the Pokemon is. In order to raise the level of CP, you will need 2 things: dust (stardust) and candy of a certain Pokemon. You get some dust for every Pokémon you catch, as well as control of the gyms; whereas a specific Pokémon candy can only be obtained by capturing or "releasing" a specific Pokémon. For example, to raise the CP level of Zubat, you will need dust and Zubat candy. In order to evolve a Pokémon, you will also need that Pokémon's Candy. As your character levels up, you will also encounter Pokémon with higher CP in the wild.

Different Pokémon are found in different places. In this way, the game developer encourages us to explore our diverse and incredible world.

Pokestops are important points marked on the map. Usually Pokestops are located in places that have some meaning to the local territory. However, this is by design. The PokéStop base "migrated" to Pokemon GO from the Ingress game by the same developer - and PokéStops are not always so interesting and entertaining. But, we digress.

Visiting a PokéStop is the main way to get items in Pokémon GO. When you get close enough to a PokéStop, you can click on the PokéStop and start spinning the PokéStop icon. Useful items will “scatter” from the poke-stop: pokeballs, potions, revive (resurrection stones) and eggs. You can also activate a lure module at the PokéStop to increase the chances of Pokémon spawning at the PokéStop. Some items in Pokemon GO, however, can only be purchased with coins, which can be bought with real money or obtained by controlling Gyms.

Game experience (xp) in Pokémon GO can be obtained for almost any activity, whether it's catching Pokémon, fighting in gyms or visiting Pokéstops. After gaining each level, you will also receive . After reaching level 5, you will be offered: Instinct (yellow), Mysticism (blue), Courage (red). As soon as you join one of the teams, you will be able to fight and capture the gyms.

Gyms in Pokemon GO, like PokeStops, are usually located at the site of significant events: for example, near architectural monuments or locations of significant value. You can fight in gyms and capture them for your team. If the Gym is already owned by your team, you can choose one of your Pokémon and fight Practice Battles against your team's Pokémon. In this way, you will be able to increase the prestige of the Gym and allow your team members to place more Pokemon in the Gym. You will also be able to receive daily bonuses in the form of coins and dust for each of your Pokémon placed in the gym. If the Gym belongs to your team and there is room for another Pokémon, you can place your Pokémon there, but only one. If the Gym is owned by rivals, you can fight in the Gym against Defender Pokémon to eventually lower the Gym's Prestige to zero. After that, you will be able to occupy the gym for your team by placing a Pokémon there. Gym battles give you experience and increase the CP and HP of the fighting Pokémon.

The battles in Pokemon GO are a simplified version of the battles in the classic game on the GameBoy. Pokémon enter the arena one-on-one and can use two types of attacks: fast and special (powerful). Simply tap on an enemy Pokémon to perform a quick attack and hold down a little longer to perform a powerful attack (the powerful attack bar must be full). You can also dodge enemy attacks by swiping left and right.

The fight continues until the Pokemon's HP (health) becomes zero. You can also run away from the battlefield - but you will not receive experience for this battle. Pokémon can be resurrected using a Revive Stone, and then permanently cured with different kind potions (Potion). Potions can only be obtained in PokeStops, they cannot be bought.

Also, do not forget about the weaknesses and advantages of Pokemon, regarding the types of Pokemon: they are standard here, the same as in any classic game based on the Pokemon world.

Pokemon GO items: how to get them

Pokeball / Greatball / Ultraball / Masterball (Pokeball / Greatball / Ultraball / Masterball) - Pokeballs are used to catch Pokemon. You can't catch a Pokemon without a Pokeball. Regular Poké Balls are available from the very beginning of the game, Great Balls become available from level 12, Ultra Balls from level 20. All types of Poké Balls can "fall" from Poké Stops, you can also buy regular Poké Balls in the store. Masterball is not present in the game yet, but it is in the game code. Most likely in the future it will be used during major events to catch legendary Pokémon.

Potion (Potion / Super Poiton / Hyper Potion) - Potions allow you to heal injured Pokémon between fights. Can only be obtained from PokéStops.

Resurrection Gem (Revive) - allows you to revive Pokémon whose health is zero.

Lucky Egg - Lucky Egg doubles all experience you get. Valid for 30 minutes after activation. An egg can be bought at the store or received after visiting a PokéStop.

Berries (Razz Berries) - berries become available to the trainer from level 8. Berry can be fed to a strong Pokémon to increase the chance of catching it. Berries can be found in PokeStops.

Lure (Incense) - after activation, the bait increases the chance of the appearance of a wild Pokémon for the trainer who applied it. Can be obtained from a PokéStop or purchased from the Shop. .

  • Buy an external battery for your smartphone. The application uses an internet connection and GPS, so your phone will run out of power much faster than usual. You can also read about.
  • Don't rush to evolve Pokemon, at least until you reach level 10. At later levels of the game, you will come across Pokémon with higher CP, respectively, they will be more interesting for you after their evolution.
  • Riding a bike is quite fun and fast way hatch an egg. You can also check out .
  • The "AR" mode (camera mode) is a rather curious and fun way to catch Pokemon. However, in the "AR" mode, the smartphone is discharged much faster, and it also becomes more difficult to catch the Pokemon. So think about it.
  • Pokemon GO uses Google Maps for its operation. Download Google maps offline and reduce smartphone battery usage and internet traffic consumption.

So, today we learned how to play Pokemon GO. We learned how to start playing Pokemon GO, how to catch Pokemon, what are PokeStops, how to level up a trainer. We also learned what Gyms are in Pokemon GO and how to fight in Gyms. I hope this article helped you learn how to play Pokemon GO. If you have any questions and clarifications on the article - do not hesitate and write in the comments.

You can find animals by mindlessly wandering the streets, or you can track them with precision: nearby specimens are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking on this area of ​​the screen, a menu will open in which you will see several footprints under each Pokémon. The closer you are to the prey, the shorter the chain of tracks, so you will have to follow the change in their number by randomly moving in different directions (one track is approximately 40 meters). A hint about the location of the animals can be given by falling leaves periodically appearing on the map. When the prey is in close proximity to you, it will appear next to your Pokemaster on the screen, and the smartphone will vibrate - you just have to click on the Pokemon figure and start catching. Read tips on finding rare specimens.

- Bait modules(Lure Modules). Attract Pokémon to PokéStops. If pink petals are flying near the PokéStop, it means that one of the Pokémasters has activated their module there. Any player can catch runaway monsters.

- Incubator(Egg Incubator). Necessary for growing eggs. Designed for three uses.

- Backpack upgrade(Bag upgrade). Adds 50 slots to inventory.

-Pokémon storage upgrade(Pokemon Storage Upgrade). Adds 50 slots to storage.

- poke coins(Pokecoins). Needed to buy other items, here they are purchased for real money.

Frequent problems

1. Battery drains quickly. Do not forget that the application actively consumes battery power, so before a long hunt, enable the option in the game settings Battery Saver, charge your device, or better yet, stock up on a portable power source.

2. Augmented reality not working. Unfortunately, the application is not supported by older smartphones, and a gyroscope is required to enable the augmented reality mode - AR. The vast majority of modern devices are equipped with a gyroscope, but if you see a message when you try to enable AR in the game "We're not detecting your phone's orientation", then you most likely don’t have a sensor, and when catching Pokemon, you will have to do with drawn backdrops (but in this mode, catching is much easier). Similar problems sometimes occur in older versions of the application, even with a gyroscope.

3. GPS signal constantly lost. The application is sensitive to any interference in its work. Most often, the GPS signal is lost when you try to lock the screen, receive an incoming call, or otherwise minimize the game. by the most simple solution in this case is to restart the application.

The creators of this incredibly addictive game promise gamers an early worldwide release and intriguing innovations. But still, the main thing to remember when hunting for Pokemon with a phone is your own safety. The first accidents due to inattention of players and robberies at Pokéstops have been recorded, so keep in mind that falling into a ditch or colliding with a car will not help you become a Pokémaster despite all the tips and tricks.

On July 6, a new online game about small and cute Pokémon. Distinctive feature application is an augmented reality. This mode allows you to capture fictional creatures in real time. Today we will talk about how to pass (Walkthrough Pokemon Go).

How to play?


When you go outside, keep your phone in front of you. So you can see not only a map of the real world, but also Pokemon. They may appear in unexpected places so be careful. As in the animated series, you will be asked to choose one of three starting creatures. Once selected, move on.

When you meet the first Pokemon on your way, you need to click on, which is located at the bottom of the screen. In this way . After you hit him, he appears in where you can see all his characteristics.

Pokémon are found literally everywhere, depending on their species. It can be reservoirs, rocky mountains or even volcanoes.

  • Red. They are called "Courage". The patron is the fiery bird Molters.
  • Blue. The title is Mystic. Patron of the Articuno team.
  • Yellow. "Instinct". Talisman - Zapdos.

Which team to choose is up to you. It does not matter much, although, according to the developers, in the future they plan to give team leaders special additional features. But it is worth considering that you can only choose once, since it is impossible to switch to another team.


The passage of Pokemon Go does not require skills and efforts. The player is only required to walk the streets of his city and look for Pokémon. The objective of the game is to get players to get up from their computers and go on an adventure, pretending to be coaches. But remember that not all types of creatures you will meet in your city. They are found all over the world, which means that with Pokémon Go you can travel around the world.

Video: "Pokemon Go Walkthrough, Life Hacks"

Good day to all! From this day I will start writing the passage of the game Fire Red! I hope you find this walkthrough helpful :)

Beginning of the game

welcomes you Professor Oak. He used to be a famous pokemon, but now he's old and out of business. Says how wonderful the Pokémon world is and asks for your name and gender. After that, the game begins!

Our house

We show up in our room. We approach the computer and pick up the potion. We go down and talk to mom. La-la-la, we talked, we go out into the street.

Pallet Town

We go up and see the bushes. We go straight into them, but suddenly Professor Oak stops us. It turns out that you can’t go into these bushes without the help of a Pokémon! Then Oak takes us to his laboratory. We are met by our eternal rival: Harry (This is the default name) Here we have to choose the first pokemon! Quite a tough choice! :D

First Pokémon!

1. Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison)- From the beginning, it will be very easy with him, since the first icons will be Stone and Water type. As you know, the grass type is superior to the stone and water type, but at first there will be not very good attacks. Only to 10 lvl. there will be a normal herbal attack Vine Whip. Suitable for beginners.

2. Squirtle (Water) The weakest Pokemon in my opinion. At the beginning of the attack, they will not be so hot, but they cope with the stone badge with a bang.

3. Charmander (Fiery)- This Pokémon is for the pros! Of course, his attacks are cool from the beginning, but it will be difficult for them to pass the stone badge, but I generally keep quiet about the water badge. There is Metal Claw's steel attack, the only one that can save the day.

Well, in general, choose to your taste! After choosing, Harry will offer to fight. It is not possible to reject the application ((We fight by attacking with the very first attack (Tackle or Scratch). After the victory, they will give us some money, but if you lose, Oak will give (only this time) the money for you. And go along the road from the city.

It goes here:

Pidgey (Flying/Normal) lvl 2-4

Ratata (Normal) lvl 2-4

The first person you meet on the way will give you a Potion, a potion that restores health. Take it and keep moving forward. Well, we have come to Viridian City.

Viridian (Viridian City)

You can go to the PokeCenter (red building). There you can completely heal Pokemon. We leave, at will we talk with the inhabitants, and we go into the Shop (blue building). We speak with the seller and pick up Oak's package. Well, there is nothing more to do here. We go back to Pallet (Pallet Town). We enter the laboratory and give Professor Oak the package he forgot about. Then Harry runs in. Professor Oak decided to give the two of us pokeballs and pokedex. He explains in detail what to do with them. Pokeballs catch Pokemon, and all information about them (but only those caught) is entered into the Pokedex. We leave and go to Harry's house (above, above the laboratory). We approach Daisy, Harry's sister, and take a card from her.

As such, the passage of the multiplayer game Pokemon Go does not exist in nature. This applies not only to Pokemon Go, but also to any online project. In this article, you will find out whether the passage is possible and what stage can be considered the end.

Possible walkthrough of the game Pokemon Go

Consider the cases when the passage can be considered completed:

  • collect . In this case, the gameplay of Pokemon Go will take a very long time, since there are more than several hundred creatures;
  • win. It's practically impossible task. At every Gym there is a constant struggle for power between the teams;
  • reach the maximum level. This option is the most affordable and real. there are already cases of obtaining maximum levels.

Real records and walkthrough Pokemon Go

The first person to set a record in this game was a Russian. He managed to collect 145 creatures in his collection in a short period of time.
The second player was a German, who recently became the owner of the maximum level 40. According to the user, further development of the account does not make sense. It is worth noting that the player did not catch all the monsters.

However, there is a twist to this story. A player from Germany used dishonest leveling methods. With the help of his own bot, the guy hunted monsters from his own house using a computer. Player asked to be removed account, explaining that he only wanted to show the possibilities and limits of the game. Thanks to this, all users know the final limit of character leveling, about which the developers did not give any information.

According to Nintendo, the development studio plans to expand and complement the content in the project. The main major updates will be timed to coincide with the opening of servers in new regions.