Transplant a money tree according to the moon. Rules and features of planting a plant

  • 12.06.2019

Tell me how to transfer Money Tree? About two years ago, my mother gave me a young bush that she had grown from cuttings. During this time, he has grown well, but I have never changed the flowerpot. And now I see that the old pot is already too small for my handsome man. How to transplant a bush correctly - is it necessary to completely strip the roots from the ground?

How often and when to transplant a fat woman?

A young flower may well live in an old pot for about 2 years. If you are fond of frequent feeding, and the bush grows by leaps and bounds, it may need to change the flowerpot in a year. Large adult specimens should not be disturbed once again: it is enough to renew the soil every 3-4 years.

The optimal time for transplanting a healthy plant is spring, when there is active growth. If the bush is sick, the time of year does not matter.

Which pot is best?

Despite the decent size of the money tree, it does not need large and deep dishes. The roots of the fat woman are located in the upper part, they are short and do not grow deeper. A wide and flat bowl is what a flower needs.

When choosing a container, you should focus on the size of the tree crown: the flowerpot should be taken slightly larger than its diameter. In too large a pot, the growth of the above-ground part will slow down, and the flower will begin to grow roots. A small flowerpot can simply turn over under the weight of a bush.

By virtue of the latter, preference should be given to earthenware, heavy dishes.

What kind of soil does a fat woman need?

When choosing a soil mixture, it is important not to forget that Crassula is afraid of waterlogging. For this reason, the soil must pass water well without retaining it. Suitable for a fat woman. You can also take a universal primer. Sand must be added to it - it will make the mixture heavier, helping to keep the flower in balance. With a small root system, the upper part of the plant is quite impressive and heavy.

How to transplant a money tree?

The transplant process is simple and consists of the following activities:

  1. Pour into a new pot good layer drainage - it will not allow moisture to stagnate.
  2. Pour fresh earth on top, up to about half the volume of the container.
  3. Holding the money tree by the trunk, carefully remove it from the old flowerpot along with a clod of earth.
  4. Set in the center in a bowl with fresh soil and fill in the voids.
  5. Water well. Add more land if necessary.

It is necessary to ensure that during transplantation the root neck is not under the ground.

A transplanted money tree needs rest for the first time. To do this, it must be placed in a shaded place and not watered for a couple of days. But spraying the fleshy leaves will help the bush recover faster.

Video about money tree transplant

A transplant is necessary for:

  1. Proper growth of crassula. When the pot becomes cramped, the roots of the fat woman may suffer, which adversely affects the development of the plant. If you immediately plant a money tree in a spacious pot, the root system will begin to grow to the detriment of the aerial part.
  2. Sometimes the flower may look unhealthy. If yellowed leaves appear on the plant, this indicates damage or decay of the roots. An emergency transplant is required.

When is it better to do this, on what days, is it possible in spring and winter?

Since Crassula after purchase is most likely in a shipping pot, the first transplant should be done 15–20 days after purchase. Before transplanting a purchased money tree, it must be given time to adapt to a new place of residence.

The most successful season for transplanting is spring. During this period, the shoots of Crassula begin to grow intensively, the fat woman is actively developing and more easily tolerates a change in living conditions. If necessary, a transplant is allowed in the summer. In this case, immediately after the procedure, you can not put the flower under the direct rays of the sun. Autumn and winter are the time of rest for the money tree, it is not recommended to disturb it.

An exception is an unscheduled transplant. It may be needed when the plant is sick. If Crassula has stopped growing, loses leaves, looks weakened, you should not wait for spring. You can transplant at any time of the year. Poor health is most often caused by waterlogging or the appearance of pests on the root system.

How often to transplant at home?

According to the transplant rules for a flower, young specimens are moved to a new substrate and pot every year. After three years, healthy plants are transplanted every two years.

Important! Frequent transplants are contraindicated for the money tree. Each such event is stressful for a fat woman, after which it takes time to recover and adapt. In addition, crassula has fragile leaves that are easy to damage as a result of unnecessary manipulations.

Which soil and pot are suitable for a flower?

The fat woman has fleshy leaves and a stem in which water accumulates. This plant is a succulent. For transplanting, he is suitable for special soil for cacti, which can be purchased at a gardening store. If it is not possible to buy such a substrate, use the universal option for indoor flowers by adding sand in a ratio of 1:4.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself according to the following recipe:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • leaf ground - 3 parts;
  • ash, humus and clay - 3-4 tablespoons.

Crassula does not tolerate excessive soil moisture. Important to use good drainage, which will not allow water to stagnate. Suitable:

  1. expanded clay;
  2. small pebbles;
  3. broken brick;
  4. crushed walnut shells.

It is not recommended to choose a plastic pot. It is better to take a clay or ceramic container. She is more stable. The fat woman grows strongly, her crown is quite heavy. You need a reliable pot with a wide bottom so that it does not turn over. At the bottom of the container should be drainage hole.

Crassula has a shallow root system. A wide shallow pot is ideal for her, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the crown. In a container that is too spacious, the fat woman grows more slowly, in a small one it can completely stop its growth. If the pot is very high, moisture will accumulate at the bottom. Each time when transplanting, a pot is selected that exceeds the previous one by one size.

Step-by-step instructions: how to properly move to another pot

large mature plant

If the soil is normal and Crassula needs only a larger pot, it is recommended to perform transshipment. It is less painfully perceived by the plant than a complete transplant.

  1. Prepare new soil, drainage and pot. The vase must be clean.
  2. Pour a layer of drainage two centimeters high into the pot.
  3. Cover the drainage substrate with fresh soil.
  4. Carefully loosen the earth around the fat woman. Make a hole about three centimeters deep around the trunk.
  5. Carefully remove the stem. Do not remove soil at the base.
  6. Check out the roots. Cut off damaged and rotted areas. Treat the cuts with wood ash.
  7. Let the crassula dry.
  8. Place the plant, along with the earthen clod, in the center of the new pot.
  9. Top up the ground with fresh substrate to the beginning of the trunk.
  10. Water.
  11. If the soil settles, add a little to the previous level.

In the case when the fat woman is sick and the soil needs to be changed, the procedure becomes more complicated:

  1. A substrate is poured onto the drainage layer. It should occupy one fourth of the new flowerpot.
  2. After removing the plant from the old pot, shake off the ground from the roots.
  3. Rotten places are removed, the root system is washed and left to dry for a while.
  4. Next, the fat woman is planted in fresh soil.

We invite you to watch a video about a money tree transplant:

Crassula offshoot

  1. In spring, choose a shoot with two or three leaves. Cut it with a sharp knife from the mother plant.
  2. Dry for two days.
  3. Add Kornevin to a glass of water. Place the cutting in a glass until the roots appear.
  4. Place drainage at the bottom of a clean pot by 1-2 centimeters.
  5. Fill the pot with potting soil one-quarter full.
  6. Place the shoot in the middle of the pot.
  7. Top up the soil.
  8. Water.

It is allowed to plant a shoot without roots immediately into the ground:

  1. Cover the pot with a shoot with a glass container to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  2. Pour through the tray.

We offer you to watch a video on how to plant a shoot of a money tree:


In the photo you can see a fat woman during a transplant.

Does it need to be watered after the procedure?

When the transplant procedure is completed, the flower should not be watered for two weeks. The soil must be stable. The delicate roots of the plant after transplantation become even more vulnerable. Even the usual portions of water can harm the plant. 14 days after transplantation, they return to the usual watering regimen.

Nuances of further care

At first, the fat woman gets used to the new place. Usually it successfully takes root if good conditions are provided:

  1. Protect the plant from the open sun. If this is not done, the leaves will turn red-purple, begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to put the crassula on the window, but to find a place for it on a chest of drawers or on a shelf.
  2. Keep the leaves clean. Periodically spray or wipe them with a damp cloth.
  3. Feeding is not required in the first months after transplantation.– the new substrate is rich in nutrients.
  4. A couple of weeks after transplanting, resume watering. Use settled water at room temperature. Water after the top layer of soil has dried. In spring, it is enough to moisten the soil once every 3-6 days, in summer 1-2 times a week, in the autumn-winter season - once a month. If the room is cool in winter, do not water.

    It is important to monitor the condition of the substrate and prevent waterlogging, otherwise the roots may rot. Don't forget to drain the water from the pan.

  5. The money tree prefers moderate air temperatures. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, the crassula will take root faster and grow. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, keep the fat woman at a temperature of +19 to +23 ° C. It is useful to take it out to the balcony in partial shade. Optimal performance for winter period should be in the range from +10 to +13°C.

Crassula cannot be called a capricious plant. Her transplant does not take much time and does not require much effort. If you prepare the right pot and soil, handle the flower carefully during the transplant procedure and carefully care for it, the fat woman will take root and start growing without any problems.

Since time immemorial, there have been various ways to attract wealth to the family. And one of the most effective is planting and growing a money tree. But in order for this to actually work, you need to know how to properly plant a plant and provide it with proper care. You can read about all the intricacies of growing below.


A plant called "Fat Woman" or Crassula is called the money tree. It got its name due to thick, fleshy leaves resembling coins. It is in them that beneficial substances accumulate. It is believed that the larger and stronger the tree, the more stable the financial situation in the family. The trunk of the money tree is quite powerful, gray-brown in color. It is not recommended to buy a tree, it is better to take it from friends, and from those who live in harmony and prosperity. Thus, the process of the plant will already be charged with positive energy.

The Tolstyanka belongs to the Crassulaceae family, belongs to deciduous-decorative crops. The tree can even bloom, but only in its natural environment. Tropical countries are considered the birthplace of the plant, so it feels best indoor flower in warmth. At proper care an adult tree can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

Landing and care

The tree is propagated by cuttings or cuttings. They are separated from the plant, dried for a couple of days, and then planted in well-fertilized soil. You can also put the cutting in a container of water and wait until it takes root, and then plant it. Culture propagation is best done in spring or summer.

The plant is picky about the composition of the soil, the main thing is to place a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. It is transplanted every few years, it all depends on the strength of growth and size. flower pot. Be sure to take into account that the plant has a weak root system that cannot hold a large tree. Therefore, a pot for an adult plant must be chosen heavy and deep. Temperature regime it is not necessary to observe, the plant can grow and develop both at a temperature of +23 and at +10 degrees.

Important! Do not place the plant in direct sunlight.

The place for the "Fat Woman" should be chosen sunny, the room in which the plant is located should be regularly ventilated. During the active growth period (spring-summer), the tree is watered 1-2 times a week, after the topsoil has dried. Using only settled water at room temperature. In winter, watering is reduced, once a month will be more than enough. It is unacceptable to overwater the plant; this will cause root rot. Some flower growers spray a houseplant, but this is not necessary. Dust, you need to regularly wipe from the leaves using a soft, damp cloth.

As for top dressing, it is applied once or twice a month. You can use ready-made fertilizers for cacti, for example, Gummi. In order for the tree to have the correct shape, it is periodically rotated. To form a beautiful crown, it will need to be cut. This is done after 4 leaves appear on it, when a new kidney is formed, it is pinched off. On each branch leave 3-4 pairs of leaves.

Conspiracy when planting a plant

When planting a fat woman, three identical denominations of coins are placed on the drainage layer. They must be placed with the coat of arms up, while they say:

Let the tree grow in the house, it will bring great profit. I will hide the coin in the damp land, I will bring a big income to the house. Rich people will give bounties, I will not feel any more concern for money. May it be so commanded, executed three times, locked with a key! Amen (3 times).

Interesting! Wednesday is considered the best day of the week for landing a fat woman.

Feng Shui tree planting

For a money tree, you need to purchase a new pot, at the bottom of which there should be a drainage hole to drain excess fluid. It is recommended to choose from red or green. Green is considered the color of growth and development, while red is a symbol of purpose and profit. A lucky coin is placed at the bottom. Also, Chinese iron coins tied with a red satin ribbon are often hung on leaves. But for this, the tree must be strong enough.

The plant is placed in the southeastern part of the dwelling; according to Feng Shui, it is believed that this is where the money zone is located. Experts recommend not only caring for a fat woman. But do not forget to talk with your favorite plant. Be sure to thank for financial well-being, and talk about your plans and desires. Watering and caring for the tree should be done by one person, it is with him that the plant will create a strong bond. As the tree grows, so will the income.

You can make a money tree with your own hands from wire, beads and Chinese coins, it will also contribute to well-being and prosperity.

Conspiracy for watering

Water should be taken settled, at room temperature. You can also take water infused with precious metals such as silver and gold. You can also use coins, but they have a weaker effect. Such water will have strong energy, and help the plant, attract wealth to the house. Whenever watering crassola, say:

“You will grow my tree, and I will blossom in wealth. Amen"

Signs and customs

There are many signs and customs, including those associated with growing a money tree:

  • It is not recommended to place a pot with a cactus next to a cactus, as the cactus protects the home from extraneous energy.
  • The money tree will only work if it is loved and sincerely cared for. If care is a burden to the owners, then the plant will feel it and lose its magical properties.
  • The dust accumulated on the leaves prevents the flow of monetary energy.
  • If the tree blooms at home, this portends a big cash profit.
  • If it starts to fade, expect financial difficulties.
  • A dragon figurine placed near the plant will protect wealth and protect from the evil eye.

Crassula, better known as the fat woman - evergreen, unpretentious in nature, does not require special care. She grows in a land that is suitable for everyone indoor plants. Young shoots at first small size, but over time the trunk becomes thicker, there is a need for a wider pot. In order to find out how to transplant a money tree at home, you need to figure out what the soil should be like, care, whether it is required to plant a fat woman according to a special gardener's calendar.

When to transplant a money tree

Crassula grows for many years and can reach a height of four meters. At home, its size is much more modest. If you want to grow a large specimen or achieve reproduction of a fat woman, then it is recommended to transplant an adult individual every two years. The trunk will gradually become heavier and wider, and the leaves will acquire a dense crown. Frequent changes should not be.

When to transplant

The talisman of good luck needs to be transplanted when the roots filled the space of the entire pot, it had nowhere to grow. You will immediately see this by the branches coming out of the ground. Crassula needs to be helped to grow large, but inside a small pot this will not work. If you notice yellowed leaves, then this is another alarming symptom, perhaps the roots of the tree are damaged or rotted, then urgently transplant.

When to transplant

Moving from a familiar habitat is not easy for flowers. The same goes for succulents. In order for everything to go the least painfully, it is necessary to guess a favorable season. Transplantation at home should begin in the spring season. The shoots begin to grow rapidly, all forces are directed to the development of your tree. The fat woman will endure the move easily and will delight you with a green fluffy crown for a long time.

Transplant according to the lunar calendar

Crassula is best transplanted on the second lunar day. Therefore, it is good if you have a special calendar for gardeners. It helps to determine fertile days not only for horticultural crops but also for home flowers. Since the fat woman is best transplanted in the spring, look at the calendar day corresponding to the second lunar day or third.

In which pot to plant a money tree

Crassula grows well in a wide pot, but small in height. With deep planting, moisture will accumulate at the bottom, will not reach the root parts, the tree will have nothing to eat. Therefore, the cache-pot for him should be low. The diameter should correspond to the size of the crown of the tree, because inside a pot that is too large at home, the fat woman will grow more slowly.

It is best to transplant Crassula using the "pass" method, that is, pull it out of the old container with a clod of earth on the roots and transfer it to a new one. In theory, questions about how to transplant a money tree into another pot should not arise. Since the crown is heavy, it is better to buy a ceramic or clay planter. Such a material is more stable than, for example, plastic.

What kind of land do you need

You can buy a versatile potting soil suitable for indoor plants or succulents. What kind of land is needed for a money tree? It has a thick ribbed trunk where moisture accumulates and is stored, so the same soil that is poured into cacti is suitable. If you already have universal earth at home, then you don’t need to buy a new one, just mix it with sand or expanded clay, a ratio of 1: 4. Transplanting a money tree at home will take very little time.

If you wish, you can prepare the soil substrate yourself. Mix the following elements: turf, humus or ash, sand. Leave the resulting substance loose. Good drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, which is filled up by two centimeters, which will allow the crassula roots to breathe. After all, her shoots do not like wet soil. To make the plant become a real talisman that brings good luck and wealth, add a few coins to the drainage, rubles or cents will do.

How to transplant a fat woman

First, prepare all the components necessary for transplant conditions. Clear the area where you are going to work so that nothing distracts from an important activity. After transplanting a fat woman at home is over, there is no need to water it often. The soil is not yet settled, and the usual amount of water can be fatal. After a couple of weeks, when the soil settles, you can water the roots in the usual way. Transplant rules:

  1. Pour drainage about 2 centimeters from the bottom.
  2. Take the soil and fill the pot ¼ of the total volume.
  3. To pull the trunk out of the old container, dig a 3 cm hole around the trunk and carefully pull it out so that the old earth remains on the branches.
  4. Inspect the roots for damage or rotting.
  5. Place your good luck charm in the middle of the new flowerpot and sprinkle with soil up to the beginning of the trunk.
  6. Water the soil, no need to tamp.
  7. If the soil settles, add a little more to the previous height.

It is believed that any objects that look like coins are a powerful magnet for money. So the fat woman got a second name - a money tree - because of the rounded leaves, shaped like coins. After drying, they are covered with a thin film of silvery color and, when exposed to bright sunlight, sparkle like diamonds.

Money tree care

The homeland of the fat woman money tree is in the west and south of Africa, in southern Arabia, Madagascar. Due to its origin, it can accumulate a lot of moisture in the leaves and go without watering for a long time. In order for the money tree to bloom as quickly as possible, it must be located in the southeast sector of the room. In the same place, from the point of view of Feng Shui, there is a zone of wealth.

The fat woman loves warmth very much - at temperatures below 15 ° C, it can die. But you should carefully monitor that direct sunlight does not fall on its leaves, otherwise the plant will wither. From time to time, the tree must be turned to the window with one side or the other, so that it does not bend and fall.

In summer, the money tree should be watered once a week, in winter - once a month. In this case, the water temperature should not be lower than 13 °C. So that the water does not stagnate and flow out of the pot, it is recommended to make drainage, best of all from foam. In the hot season, the leaves of the fat woman must be sprayed with a spray bottle. Try also to ventilate the room with the money tree more often - Fresh air has a beneficial effect on its growth. Once every 2-3 years, in early spring, it should be transplanted.

If you want a fat woman to bring wealth to your home, grow it from a broken branch, and do not buy an already grown plant. Put the sprout in water for several weeks, then, when it takes root, transplant into specially prepared loose soil.

When transplanting a money tree for the first time, put one large coin or several small ones (but not more than three) on the bottom of the pot. It can be either Chinese yuan or Russian kopecks or rubles. But it is better not to put cents or iron dollars and euros, as they have heavy energy and a negative aura. To attract financial success, choose a green or black pot. Transplant only when the moon is in the growing phase, otherwise the tree runs the risk of quickly withering.

As soon as the money tree grows a little (after 2-3 months after planting), hang a red ribbon on its branches with three Chinese coins strung on it. Red accumulates financial flows. Place a figurine of a red dragon on top of an adult plant, place red lanterns or a statuette of Buddha around the pot. The earth in a pot can be "sprinkled" with iron coins.

All plants have an excellent memory. If you are looking to improve your well-being, do not let anyone water and replant your money tree. So you will establish a stronger connection with the "green talisman", which means that its influence on you will be stronger.

You can negotiate with the money tree. “Communicate” with him every day for 2-3 minutes: talk about your plans and dreams, not necessarily related to finances. Say warm words to the plant, give compliments. The fat woman will not remain in debt - over time she will certainly improve your financial situation.

In no case do not allow strangers to touch the tree. If you are asked for a piece of paper, tear it off yourself, otherwise your success will be “stolen”.

It is necessary to choose the right fat woman neighbors. For example, you can not put a pot with climbing flowers and plants with thorns next to the money tree. Otherwise, money will slip out of your hands or insurmountable obstacles will arise on the way to the goal. Also, a pot with a money tree should be placed away from the aquarium or any other vessel with liquid.

Every day, or at least once every two days, wipe the leaves of the fatty wet wipe so that there is no dust left on them: it prevents the money tree from attracting financial flows to your home.

Prepare water for watering the fat woman in a special way. First, pour it into a transparent jug with 10 silver coins and leave it for 3-4 days. Ordinary iron coins can also be used, but they charge water much weaker.