Ergonomic children's furniture. Ergonomics of children's furniture

  • 29.08.2019

The layout and design of the children's room is responsible for the convenience, harmonious development and health of the child. That is why it is very important to competently and responsibly treat the organization of space in the children's room. Share useful tips in ergonomics.

According to the rules of ergonomics of the children's room, it is extremely important to provide for the following:

1. Safety. The room should not allow the presence of protruding parts and sharp corners, it is better to choose furniture with streamlined shapes. Portable table lamps and extension cords with wires should be avoided, it is better to replace them with a hanging lamp or table lamp. Sockets must be placed out of reach and closed with special plastic caps.
2. Environmental friendliness. The design of the nursery should take into account the safety of the materials used. Furniture, ceiling and floor decoration, textiles - it is necessary to give preference to natural materials.

3. Availability. Thinking over the options for placing furniture, it is necessary to take into account sufficient passages between its individual items - 60-80 cm, this will ensure the child can move freely around the room. Place drawers and shelves in the children's room so that the child can easily reach them.
4. Atmosphere. When choosing colors and organizing lighting in a room, consider the character and temperament of her little owner. Calm pastel colors should be taken as the basis, bright colors are best used in details, to place accents and create mood.
5. Decor. Today there is big number various decor items that not only decorate the room, but also allow the child to play and develop.


The main task of zoning a children's room is to correctly divide the available space into three main zones - a recreation area, a work area and a play area. children's room - subconsciously instills a sense of order in the baby.

To divide the nursery into functional zones, the following elements are most often used:
- partitions;
- arches;
- decorative designs;
- screens;
- podiums;
- cabinet furniture;
- textiles.

When the quantity square meters is quite limited, then the functional area can be easily distinguished with the help of textiles and lighting.

You can highlight the play area of ​​the room by combining wallpaper, movable partitions, as well as using a multi-level ceiling or podium. Level zoning allows you to save natural light in the room without dimming its space, but you should not overload the room with unnecessary design elements, moving around the room should not be difficult.


Dimensions of furniture in the children's room:

1. Table height. Sitting on a chair and bending your elbows at a right angle, your hands should be on the same level with the tabletop - then the height of the table is chosen correctly. Approximately, for a child of 5 years old, the height of the table should be approximately 45 cm, for a child of 7 years old - 48 cm. Each baby is individual, therefore, these sizes may not correspond, and therefore it is better to adhere to the above "rule".
2. Chair height. The following rule allows you to correctly determine the height of the chair: when landing, the child’s back should fit snugly against the back of the chair, legs bent at a right angle should be at ease on the floor. The back of the chair should be comfortable. The height of the chair of a 5-year-old child is 26.5 cm, then it will increase, at seven years it is better to choose a chair with a height of 29 cm.
3. Lighting. Give preference to the natural light of the room as much as possible, if it is not enough, provide additional lighting. If the child is right-handed - additional sources light should be placed on the left side, if the child is left-handed - on the right. Give preference to lamps with the ability to adjust the level of illumination, do not allow the child to use only a table lamp, without turning on the general light, in order to avoid sudden changes in lighting.
4. Countertop size must be at least 120 * 60 cm, it is necessary that all the necessary items are placed freely and there is room directly for working area. The width of the countertop should be at least 45 cm. If you soon have a computer, immediately provide a place for it on your desktop.
5. There must be enough space under the tabletop so that the child can easily stretch out his legs. Near the table, do not forget to place shelves or bedside tables for storing books and notebooks.
6. Wardrobe. All furniture in the children's room, including the wardrobe, must be stable. The height of the cabinet should correspond to the height of the child so that he can independently clean his things and freely reach all the shelves. The height of the upper shelf at 5-6 years old is 130 cm, at 7-8 years old - 150 cm, at 9-10 years old - 170 cm. The depth of the shelf can be reduced to 50 cm to save space.
7. Bed. It is better to give preference to a non-separable bed with a low back; after three years, the baby will need a full-fledged "adult" bed. Bed width - 70-80 cm, length - 150-170 cm.

When supporting furniture, make sure that it corresponds to this particular functional area, so that all elements are chosen deliberately, and not because such a complete set is offered by the manufacturer.

A smart storage system provides for the placement of furniture according to functional areas, furniture for storing clothes is placed closer to the recreation area, for textbooks - in the work area, for storing toys - in the play area.

Children really like mobile furniture elements, young children see this as an element of the game, teenagers can use them to change the room on their own to suit their needs.

Color solution for furniture should not overwork, it is better to stop at 2-3 shades and no more. Ideally, if these colors are taken as the basis for wall decoration and decor selection.


If the size of the house or apartment allows you to design a separate bathroom for the child, then do not forget to consider several important factors.

The height of the sink for a child of 5 years is 48.5 cm, for a seven-year-old, a height of 58.5 cm will be comfortable. The height of the toilet seat at 2-9 years should be 25.5-26.5 cm. If the sink is built into the countertop, then the height the working surface for a child of 5 years old should correspond to 57 cm, for a 7-year-old - 63.5 cm. The space between the sink and the wall is 30-35 cm, if the child washes himself, if he needs the help of an adult, then this space must be increased to 70 cm.


When choosing the main color, consider the character and temperament of the child. It is better to choose bright colors for children - phlegmatic and melancholic - this will stimulate their activity, for children with an explosive character, calm, delicate shades should be preferred.

In addition, when choosing colors for a nursery, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the psychology of colors:

1. Red color - negatively affects the mental perception of the child. It can be used pointwise, in separate elements or decor.
2. Blue - the color is positive, has a calming effect, but a large number of of blue color in the room can cause overwork, so it, like red, should be used pointwise.
3. Yellow- ideal for decorating a children's room - it not only cheers up, but also activates brain activity. Improves visual acuity and speed of perception. Contraindicated only for children prone to overexcitation.
4. Green is the color of peace. improves mood, visual acuity, stabilizes blood pressure, pulse and respiration. Increases concentration and has a positive effect on the child with insomnia. Can be decorated in shades of green decorative elements, drawings and paintings, shelves for books, toys.
5. Orange. You need to be careful with this color, it causes severe overwork in children, so there may be only a few elements or toys in the room. given color, and no more.

It is better to choose as the main color pastel shades. Pale shades of yellow, blue, green, pink are ideal for a baby's room, they will refresh the room and give a good mood.

So, the peculiarity of the children's room is that

  • these are at least 3 zones: a sleep zone, a study zone and a zone for games and communication. And as a rule, there is also a wardrobe area where children's clothes are stored, the child dresses and undresses.
  • as the child grows, his needs change, and the nursery must constantly change to meet these new needs. Here we can distinguish 3 main periods: "baby" (up to 2 years old), preschool (3-6 years old) and school age (7+)
  • a children's room is a room with special lighting and special safety requirements (everything and everything) - although the latter applies in general to the whole house from the moment a child appears in it.

That is, when we talk about the layout and design of a children's room, we must understand that these are “three big differences” (c) And if it is also a room for two children of different ages ... But this is a topic for a separate post))

Now let's deal with each "period" in order.

Baby room

In general, a baby up to a year does not require a separate room: he lives and is where his mother is. Due to the need for constant nighttime supervision and feeding, his crib can be in the parents' bedroom - this will be even more convenient. But if you still decide to give the newborn a separate room, then be sure to first think over the layout of the electrical outlets immediately with an eye to future modifications of this room. The baby's room is


Changing surface

Places for storing hygiene items

Chest of drawers / wardrobe for clothes and things

Floor mat

Racks/boxes/bags for toys

Comfortable chair/chair for feeding

It seems that everything is simple. But! It is important how you arrange all this: the crib should be in a place protected from drafts, and so that the changing surface (table) is nearby, and the baby’s personal hygiene items (napkins / diapers / powders, etc.) and clothes are at hand. Then nightly diaper changes will be calm and painless))

It is also good to have a night light or floor lamp with adjustable light intensity: so that you can create soft lighting even at night, and not poke in the dark, highlighting your way with a phone flashlight. Trust me, it all sounds like nonsense, but when you sleepily carry a screaming newborn to the bathroom with half-closed eyes, it will all matter. In general, I advise you to carefully analyze the entire process of caring for a child before arranging furniture, what and how you will do, in order to take into account all possible nuances.

It is not always necessary to buy a separate changing table, because it takes up space, and its need will disappear very soon. You can buy a special changing surface and put it on a chest of drawers if it is of the right height, and put organizers for hygiene items (or our baskets;)) next to it, or hang special organizer pockets on the wall or on the bed.

Also consider the possibility of fast and silent! (experienced mothers will understand me)) darkening windows is important for daytime sleep, especially if the room faces south.

Important: in the baby's room, you can not put anything near the windows that the baby can climb on to climb onto the windowsill. Therefore, do not put armchairs, chairs, or shelving near the windows - this is not safe. In general, I will tell you more about security separately.

A baby up to a year old does not need a lot of toys: it is much more important to leave him more free space for crawling. Therefore, at this age, a rug on the floor is enough so that the baby is not cold, and a couple of boxes / bags for toys: one is smaller for all kinds of teethers and rattles (it is desirable that this container or bag can be washed / washed often), the other - more, for cubes, pyramids, soft toys.

Around the age of 2, the needs of the child are already changing.

It's time to put up shelving for toys, a table for drawing and modeling, shelves for books, and the bed needs to be changed to a larger one. Children grow very quickly, so it is better to choose furniture that can transform: it is very practical to use sliding beds, in which the sleeping place can increase from 140 to 200 cm in length, desks that turn into easels and so on - in general, hello, IKEA) ) another great thing is chairs that also “grow” with the child: such a chair can be bought for a child of 2 years old (or even earlier) as a feeding chair, and it will serve him for up to 10 years for sure. These are Trip-Trap chairs from Stokke or its budget counterparts (Kotakota and others).

What is important here:

Security! No sharp corners or protrusions. High shelving and cabinets should be firmly attached to the wall: just “leaning against the wall” is not an option. Children love to pull themselves up, grabbing the edges of cabinets and chests of drawers. Furniture with glass doors is highly desirable not to use. As well as crystal chandeliers)) Electrical outlets with curtains (buy them right away so that you don’t have to install separate plugs later), locks on the windows are a must! Moreover, those that allow you to open a window for ventilation without opening the lock (Ikeevsky Patrol, for example).

Availability! Everyone knows the basics of the Montessori methodology: do you want the child to be able to serve himself and put his toys away? Then immediately make furniture that matches his height. Cabinets, shelves - all this should be freely available for the baby. At 5-6 years old, a child will be able to reach a shelf 130 cm high, at 7-8 years old - up to 150 cm, at 9-10 years old he can already reach 170 cm.

Environmental friendliness: natural materials- our everything. Also pay attention to how the furniture is processed, what paints. All this should be, if not "edible", then at least harmless. You know, as it is written in the annotations for IKEA paints: “Not for food, but if you suddenly eat it, nothing bad will happen.” Carpets - preferably lint-free or quilted play mats that do not cause allergies. The less fluff in the air, the easier it is for the child.

Vandal resistance: very broad topic. Of course, there are exemplary children who do not draw on the walls and do not tear off the wallpaper, but if your baby is not one of those (or he is still so small that you are simply not aware of all his talents), then I recommend immediately making walls for painting instead of wallpaper , one-piece skirting boards instead of snap-on skirting boards. And in general: the furniture in the children's room should be comfortable, but not necessarily expensive. Remember that it should be easy to care for, then the painted sofa will not be so scary) Better yet: get ahead of the curve and create a special “creative” area for the child to express himself: let it be a large chalkboard, or rolled wallpaper, on which you can draw - in general, create an alternative to the sofa))

Mobility: Children are extremely mobile beings. Therefore, the furniture for them must be mobile. Drawers on wheels, toy bags that can be moved, portable seating - pouffes and floor cushions - all this will create comfort for your child.

Lighting: in the nursery there should be a maximum of daylight. But besides that, there should be a lot more different sources artificial light - not only the top light, but also the side light (by the bed so that you can read a book before going to bed), floor light (it creates an atmosphere of play and develops imagination), a night lamp, a light at the table. I have already talked about lamps with adjustable lighting above - this is very convenient. Remember that a table lamp at night should be used together with an overhead light so that the lighting is uniform - this is important for the eyes.

Convenient organization of space and storage: so that the baby immediately learns to order and independence, simplify the storage system for him. Have the boxes painted or pasted with icons indicating the contents of the box. Let everything that is needed for classes at the table (drawing / modeling, etc.) be stored next to the table - then the likelihood that these accessories will be put away, and not scattered around the room, greatly increases. Let there be small hooks and hangers in the room at the height of the child so that he can hang home clothes on them - this is already within the power of a three-year-old child. Etc. If you organize the space conveniently, then the child will grow up neat - children love order. Do you have a large bookcase that makes it difficult for a child to get books out of? Make a separate box or shelf for him with the books that he reads during this period, and which will be in the free access zone so that the baby can get a book and look at it at any time.

The child moves quickly, so he needs enough room to maneuver. Passages between furniture should be at least 60-80cm, and preferably 1m. Everything that hangs on the walls should be in the visibility zone: for children 2-4 years old, the upper limit of the visibility zone is 130 cm, for children 4-7 years old - 144-163 cm. In fact, you don’t even need to memorize all these numbers: just get on your knees to become about the size of a child, and look at this level, what you can see and what you can get and what you can’t.

Table: the height of the tabletop should be flush with the child's arms, bent at a right angle when he sits.

Chair: its height should be such that the back of the child, sitting with legs bent at a right angle, fits snugly against the back, and the legs stand freely on the support with the whole foot. Below I have given a table of approximate correspondence between the height / age of the child and the parameters of the table and chair.

Height/Age: 90 cm/ ~2 years

Seat height: 22

Table top height: 40

Height/Age: 105 cm/~4 years

Seat height: 26

Seat depth: 26

Table top height: 45

Height/Age: 120 cm/ ~6-7 years

Seat height: 29

Seat depth: 28

Table top height: 58

Height/Age: 135 cm/~9-10 years

Seat height: 34

Seat depth: 33

Table top height: 40

In the following articles, we will analyze the organization of each zone with examples and design tips.

I will be glad to your comments and likes! And ask questions to designers - we will publish answers to them;)

The article uses photos from Pinterest, as well as the author's own photos.

In the children's room, furniture most often changes, as new needs appear with the development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to think about it in advance and, if possible, purchase furniture that will “grow” with your children.

Children's furniture transformer

Of course, it's hard to guess what your child will be more interested in, so the best option there will be furniture-transformer. It can be a chair that easily turns into a desk or even an easel for drawing. Also, children's furniture can change in height or inclination, after which it is firmly fixed in the desired position.

Interior items for children should be light, so that the child, if necessary, he could rearrange. And at the same time stable and without sharp corners, as the child is quite inattentive. With a passionate game, it blows everything out of its way.

Ergonomics of children's furniture

As little child it is hard to explain how to sit correctly so that there is no curvature of the spine and other diseases, his furniture should be ergonomic and comfortable. We should not forget about the environmental friendliness of the children's room, this applies to both interior items and textiles, and room cladding. Which will positively affect the health of your dear child.

Furniture through the eyes of a child

Now let's look at the furniture from the side of the child. It should be bright and beautiful. He must learn to follow the things that he likes himself, and then you will not have to change or restore certain items in the children's room.

If you want to please the child and choose the right children's furniture, then it is better to go shopping with the child. He will choose the one he likes, and you will already correct it so that his choice meets all the rules of children's furniture. Moreover, manufacturers have already taken care of this for you.

By the way, you can pick up a bunk bed right away, even if you have one child, and after removing the lower tier, make a tent there or store toys, and it will be more interesting for him to sleep on the top floor. Especially if the child is not used to sleeping alone, he needs to be interested. And when the second child appears, return the design to its original form.

Modular furniture. Place for toys.

A place for toys should also be interesting, so that he himself would like to clean up his toys, playing, for example, in the form of a chest (with treasures). Do not clutter up the room too much, be sure to leave more space for games, especially if your child is up to school age. Modular furniture is ideal for a child's room, here you can choose the most necessary modules of the right size.

The modern furniture market provides a huge selection of models for every taste. Therefore, when you decide on the design of the nursery, do not forget that your child will spend most of the time in this room and he should like all the interior items, from wallpaper and floor covering to furniture and textiles.

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KAZAN 2014

Ergonomics in design is a science that studies the anthropometric data of a person in order to create a harmonious living environment for him. What does a harmonious living environment mean for a child? Of course, these are conditions that contribute to maintaining health, increase labor efficiency, reduce fatigue and help maintain Have a good mood. The specificity of the requirements for children's ergonomics is associated with the awareness of the fundamental difference between the world of adults and the world of children, with the understanding that a child is not just a small man. In addition to physical dimensions, differences in other characteristics are important, including thinking, feelings, experience and the nature of the worldview in general. Speaking about the ergonomics of a children's room, they mean three basic requirements that must be met:

1. Anthropometric correspondence. The child is constantly growing. The furniture and space design in the children's room should correspond to the size of his body and take into account the characteristics of his body at each age.

2. Psycho-emotional correspondence. Children of different ages have different needs. For a newborn, the most important thing is sleep, food and safety. AT preschool age the leading type of activity is the game, which means that the child needs an extensive playing space. When a child starts going to school, a separate work area should appear in the children's room. From this follows the conclusion that each age needs its own space, which will create favorable conditions for the physical and intellectual development child.

3. Safety. This concept includes three components: physical, chemical and psychological safety. As an example of a physical one, I will cite the fact that furniture for a children's room should not have sharp corners, low-quality fittings. When choosing finishing materials and furniture for a nursery, you need to pay attention not only to their functionality and appearance but also on the quality and environmental friendliness of materials. And, of course, the interior of a children's room should be cheerful and positive, not causing negative emotions with its color and configurations.

Anthropometric fit

In the nursery, the child should be able to access all the places in the room without outside help. Elements in the children's room should be placed in the same way as in the adult, that is, in proportion to growth. Everything that hangs on the walls of the nursery should be in sight. For children 2-4 years old, the upper level of the visibility zone is 130 cm, for children 4-7 years old - 144-163 cm.

The dimensions of the child's body, especially in the first years of life, change very quickly, almost rapidly. Creating a healthy environment for a child of all ages, it is impossible to do without furniture that is suitable for him in size. At senior preschool and school age, it is very important to ensure the correct position of the child's body in a sitting position, this helps to form correct posture and prevention of many diseases. Ideally, furniture should grow with the child. Height children's table: up to three years - 34 cm; 5 years - 44.5 cm; 7 years - 48 cm. Chair height - 18 cm, 26.5 cm and 29 cm, respectively. These are average figures, more specific ones depend on the growth of the child. When determining the size of children's room furniture, reference materials are used containing lists and sizes of items for children of different ages (GOST 19301.1-73-19301.3-73).

There is a whole line of transformable furniture, the design of which allows you to adjust it to the age and height of the child. Some models have a range of use - from birth to adulthood. The only disadvantage of such furniture is that after many years of operation it can get bored.

Psycho-emotional correspondence

Items in the nursery should have a simple shape and large details. In the child's room there should be no sharp corners and protruding parts, all surfaces should be smooth. A significant role in the arrangement of the children's room is played by the choice of lighting. When choosing light sources, it must be remembered that the light spectrum, as a rule, is yellow or blue. Yellow light is softer and more calm to perceive, while blue creates a brighter and more saturated daylight of the room. When choosing one or another type of lighting, you need to take into account that, on the one hand, there should be enough light for studying and drawing, and on the other hand, it should not be sharp and annoying. Of great importance for creating coziness and comfort in the children's room is the choice of color scheme. When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account not only generally accepted rules, but also the individuality of the child, his temperament and worldview. When choosing a color for a child's room, you need to learn about the color preferences of the child, as they reflect his emotional needs. In addition, when choosing a color scheme, one cannot ignore such factors as the orientation and illumination of the room, the color of the furniture, as well as the overall color scheme of the house. The color scheme of the nursery can be organized in two main ways. The first is a combination of similar in tone soft colors. The main surfaces - walls, ceiling, floor - are the lightest shade, and the furniture is a little darker. The second approach is based on harmonious combination contrasting colors. However, it is not recommended to use too contrasting, avant-garde combinations that can have a negative impact on the child's psyche. The most important thing is that the color scheme, regardless of the choice of solution, creates a feeling of comfort and warmth in the child. The color of the furniture in the children's room is especially desk should be as neutral as possible. best color may be light green, which has a calming effect.


ergonomics design anthropometric psycho-emotional

Any healthy child is often very restless, grows rapidly and expands his horizons. It's getting harder to keep track of him every day. When he starts to crawl, far unsafe things become the objects of his research. How to do home space safe for baby? Sockets, power cords, gaps in heating radiators, heavy and unstable objects, chairs, chest of drawers, even a door with its ability to slam shut - a home that is safe for an adult is fraught with potential dangers for a little man who knows the world. The problem of child safety at home is so urgent that many manufacturers of children's products specifically produce accessories for the home that can protect it. Here is a far from complete list of what is offered on the market by domestic and foreign manufacturers in order to ensure the safety of the child in the living space of the apartment, and, in particular, in the children's room:

1. plastic locks and latches on drawers and doors;

2. locks-brackets with adjustable grip for cabinets with folding doors;

3. Velcro locks on the refrigerator made of durable plastic with high holding capacity;

4. pads for furniture corners, soft, silicone, especially recommended when the baby is just learning to walk and is still unsteady on his feet;

5. Shock-absorbing door stopper to prevent the door from slamming, discreet design, no pattern, so as not to attract children's attention;

6. floor blocker for the door (universal model), consists of a metal spring plate, which is placed under the door, and two soft stoppers that do not damage the coating;

7. protective film on glass, for furnishings with fragile parts, restrains breaking, ensures safety;

8. plugs for sockets of a similar color, so as not to attract attention;

9. handle holders in the bathroom and a non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathroom;

10. Barrier for baby crib in the form of mesh on metal frame protecting a grown child from falling out of bed in a dream;

11. various models of arenas;

General requirements for furniture in a children's room: safety and functionality, stability, strength, ease of cleaning, environmental friendliness, lack of sharp corners, discreet colors, simple shapes. Plugs for sockets and nozzles for corners should be invisible. At the same time, step-by-step educational games, a locker with favorite books, a rug with a painted path - bright, attracting and alluring, distracting the child from objects he does not need. It is advisable to remove everything bright, interesting from the upper shelves so as not to attract the attention of the baby, as he may try to climb there. It is important that in the space accessible to the child, some elements are highlighted in the dark, protecting him from unwanted bruises or falls. For example, stairs or bunk bed, angles of protruding objects, etc. The planning of the children's room should ensure the health and safety of the child. It has long been known that the interior of the children's room has a strong influence on the upbringing and health of the child. It is important not only to preserve the health of the child, but also to improve his physical condition as much as possible. Raise him to be a self-confident, versatile personality. Instill a desire and ability to learn. To teach to communicate with peers and people of other ages, to give the opportunity to adapt in the world around them.

The children's room has an unlimited number of functions. It can be an amusement park, and a scientific laboratory, and a workshop, and a classroom, and a health center, and a club for communication and discussion, and a warehouse, and a theater of dreams. In the nursery, it is necessary to highlight the main areas that are most suitable for various kinds activities so that the child has enough space for activity and a place to rest. Functional zoning children's space very important. Creating comfort and attractiveness in the children's room, which provide for all the ways of development and maturation of the child, is a truly responsible business. Furniture is the subject of knowledge of the baby, it is very good if it is multifunctional and develops the imagination. Increasingly, growing furniture is used in nurseries. For example, a stackable bed that lengthens as the child grows, or ergonomic chairs with adjustable height and seat depth to form the correct posture. Horizontal bars in the nursery, necessary for the physical development of the child. If the physical culture complex is rather complex and interesting, then this space draws the child into itself, does not let go, makes it return. In the organization of space in the child's room, the principle of accessibility of any piece of furniture must be observed. Cabinets and cabinets should be easy to open, drawers should slide out, approaches to furniture should be free. The passages between the furniture should be no narrower than 0.6 m, and, if the area of ​​​​the room allows, then 1 m. This will provide the child with a greater degree of safety during active games.

The children's room plays the same role in the life of a child as the whole apartment plays in the life of an adult. It serves him both as a bedroom, and a living room, and a playroom, and for school-age children, also a place to study. Such a room should combine best conditions for sleeping, studying, relaxing and playing. In order for the nursery to have all these qualities, designers use the zoning method, i.e. dividing the room into functional areas. Each of the selected zones should have a number of properties necessary for its best use. So, for example, the recreation and sleep area does not tolerate bright colors, but in the area physical activity there should be no floor differences and fragile items. The wrong decision is to combine the study area with a recreation area. A personal room is a very important room for a person at any age. The ergonomics of the nursery is aimed at making this part of life comfortable and safe for the child, creating conditions for unhindered growth and development.

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    Distinctive features hostels for students. Trends in the formation of an architectural residential student environment, types of housing. Standards and regulations, ergonomics, interior equipment. Space-planning solution, technical and economic indicators.

Initially, in the 1920s, ergonomics explored the interaction between man and technology ( hand tool, weapons, etc.), and after the Second World War it turned into an independent scientific discipline that studies the anthropometric data of a person and uses this knowledge in order to arrange a harmonious living environment for him.

Optimal furniture dimensions

The first cot-cradle serves a child up to one and a half to two years. After that, you can already purchase a relatively large bed with a bed size of 70-80x150-170 cm. It is better if the bed (however, like the rest of the furniture in the nursery) is made of natural solid wood. Unlike laminated chipboard the tree will not harm the child if he wants to try the furniture “by the tooth”. In addition, the surface of the furniture must be well sanded, without sharp corners and protruding parts (bolts, nuts, mechanisms, etc.). Do not forget that all surfaces of furniture items must be accessible for cleaning.

Furniture in the nursery should be proportionate to the child. At 5 years old, he can reach a shelf or hanger at a height of no more than 130 cm, at 7 years old - no more than 150 cm, so the closet should hardly be higher than 180 cm. Considering the dimensions of children's clothes and shoes, the depth of the closet can also be reduced to 45 -50 cm - this will save space in the room. The height of the seat (chair, pouffe, swing) for a child directly depends on his height, but the average figures are as follows: 26.5 cm for a 5-year-old child and 29 cm for a seven-year-old. The height of the table will be 44.5 cm and 48 cm respectively.

Space for play and study

To design separate areas in the children's room - spaces for classes, games, storage of things and toys are used universal rules similar to the "adult" room. The main thing is to keep the feeling of accessibility of all elements in the room for the child, to ensure the convenience of approaching furniture, opening doors and pulling out drawers.

So that the child and his guests do not hit a chair or bed in the heat of the game, it is necessary to leave free passages between pieces of furniture from 60 to 80 cm wide. In this case, there will be enough space for two seven-year-old children, but if space allows, it is better to leave 100 see, then the adult will have a place to go, holding the child by the hand.

If you place some visual information on the wall (a poster, a blackboard), then you need to take into account the child's age ability to see only what is within his vision zone. For example, the upper level of this zone is 130 cm for children 2-4 years old and 144 - 163 cm for children 4-7 years old.

Bathroom for a child

If the size of your home allows you to design a separate bathroom for a child, then you need to consider the following factors. The height of the toilet seat for a child of 2-9 years is 25.5 - 26.5 cm, the height of the sink 48.5 cm will be comfortable for a child of 5 years, 58.5 cm for a seven-year-old. If the sink is built into the countertop, then the height of this countertop is 57 cm and 63.5 cm, respectively. The space between the wall and the sink should be 30-35 cm so that a child of 3-7 years old can freely come up and wash. If an adult helps him in this, then the space needs to be increased to 70 cm.

Pay attention to this information, because the child spends a long period of life in the nursery, and not only its convenience and safety, but also development depends on how well the parents manage to plan the space for it.