What is the standard size for the bathroom. Universal rules for placing furniture in an apartment Layout of the apartment and parameters of bathrooms

  • 14.06.2019

St. Bernard has a rectangular constitution, i.e. his torso longer than the height at the withers. The bones of the St. Bernard are stronger than those of all other dogs.

Read more about what is the St. Bernard breed standard and its characteristics.

The muscles are strong and at the same time long. Hence the exceptional strength of his muscles, which is combined with great mobility.

Impressive size head perfectly expresses all the strength and nobility of this giant among dogs. The head is angular, with relief protruding bones. Its length is about 36% of the height at the withers.

A characteristic feature of the breed is the convergence of the longitudinal upper axes of the skull and muzzle. The zygomatic arches strongly protrude outward. The tubercles are well expressed in the anterior part of the skull, the ophthalmic arches are no less clearly expressed, as a result of which the transition from the forehead to the nose forms a right angle. Scull very wide. In males, it is wider than long. The length is 64% of the length of the entire head.

The muzzle is exceptionally thick. Its length is 34% of the length of the entire head. The nasal canal is straight, very wide, flat. nose thick with wide nostrils and completely black. The muzzle in front is flat and wide, has the shape of a cube. The lips are large and thick. The jaws are massive, curved. The bite is tick-like, scissor-like. Teeth protrude slightly forward. The incisors form a straight line.

Ears of medium size, hanging, set high, wide at the base.

Eyes medium size, moderately falling. They are located in a subfrontal position, hence the look from under the forehead. Color - dark brown.

Breast strongly developed in all three parameters, which is quite natural for such physical strength. In the area of ​​the elbows, the chest is lowered. The spine is straight, the withers are long and strongly raised, the loin is short, the croup is horizontal, which is typical for all mountain dogs.

limbs very strong, long and muscular. Paws are wide and rounded.

The angle of the shoulder with the humerus is markedly emphasized. While the angle of the ankle is quite moderate, which is also characteristic of all mountain dog breeds.

tail m set high, thick at the base, very heavy and long.

Wool in individuals with the so-called short hair, has a moderate short length- up to 5 cm. Well fitting, thick, dense, but not rough. In individuals with long hair, it has an average length of up to 8 cm. A typical color is white-red or red-white. Wool of variegated color, where it is predominantly white, should not have specks and specks of a darkish color. The collar, nasal trunk, dewlap, paws and tip of the tail must be white.

It belongs to and is distinguished by maximum growth, an impressive appearance and an aristocratic posture. Standardized

growth is not less than 70 cm at the withers - for a male and not less than 65 cm for a female.

These values ​​are clearly too low, since, in theory, the absolute minimum should be 78 - 80 cm for males, and 70 - 72 cm for females. However, in the homeland of the St. Bernard dogs - in Switzerland - such values ​​\u200b\u200bare rejected, because there the dogs are really shorter and Swiss dog breeders simply could not agree to such a “standard”.

Fortunately, the standard does not provide for a maximum height and, in addition to the St. Bernard, this applies to two more dog breeds - and the Irish Wolfhound (Irish Wolfhound), which have the same height as the St. Bernard. There were specimens with a height of 90 - 100 (!) cm. One of them, 96 cm tall, was distinguished by such a harmonious physique and moved so well that in the 70s he regularly became the champion of exhibitions.

The Italian variety of St. Bernard is distinguished by the largest size, and therefore is in demand abroad, in particular in Germany, Denmark and the same Switzerland, where they are used to improve breed characteristics. It is quite obvious that such a characteristic as large growth should be proportionally combined with a harmonious physique, typical head and functional qualities. However, we have already seen that the gigantic size was a necessary prerequisite for the effective conduct of rescue work in the mountains, and, therefore, are in full accordance with the purpose of the breed.

The Wise Scarecrow invited Uncle Styopa and the gnomes to a dinner party. Everyone except him felt out of place. He won't invite them again. In order not to be in such a situation, listen to our advice.

Creating furniture that is comfortable for a person has always been the main task of manufacturers.

Each country has its own standards for dining tables and chairs.

The dining table should be comfortable for the whole family. This is an axiom that does not require proof. But it is not easy to achieve harmony - serial furniture may not be suitable.

Comfortable Height dining table directly depends on the level of the chair and the parameters of the person.

The height of the table from the floor to the tabletop is designed for a person of average height - 1.65 m. According to the requirements of GOST 13025.3-85 for furniture - standard height dining table is 0.72-0.78 m.

Choosing a dining set is necessary, taking into account the growth of all adult family members.

If this is not enough, then the height of the dining table is calculated by the formula:


B is the calculated height of the table,

PCP - the average height of adult family members,

VGOST - table height according to GOST - 750 mm,

PCT - the average height of an adult - 1650 mm.

For comparison, in public canteens and eateries, the standard height is 65 cm.

If you have large kitchen, then a square table is best.

The average height of your family members is determined by the arithmetic mean. According to this formula, the main ranges for the dining table are calculated:

  • Short people (up to 1.5 m) - 0.75-0.77 m;
  • Below average height (1.5-1.65 m) - 0.8-0.83 m;
  • The standard value according to GOST (1.65-1.8 m) is 0.85-0.9 m;
  • For tall (above 1.8 m) - from 1 m.

The kitchen table is the center of the dining area. It must meet the needs of those who live in the house and those who come to visit.

Any family gathers for a family celebration once every six months. The festive table must meet the following conditions:

  • One person must occupy at least 0.5 m of the perimeter of the countertop;
  • Select the height of the table in accordance with the above formula, the width - not less than 0.65 m;

The height of the table determines the level of comfort of use. Here it is necessary to take into account the features of the physiological structure of the human body.

For normal sitting at the table, we need at least 70 cm, so the average height standard table is in the region of 75 cm.

ON A NOTE! Choose compact models with a sliding table top.

It just so happened in Europe and Russia - it is customary to sit on a chair at the table.

standard height kitchen chair- meaning the height from the floor to the seat is 40-45 cm.

It should have a comfortable back and a seat height that is comfortable for a person, approximately equal to one-fourth of the average height of adult family members. With a height of 1.8 m, its height will be 0.45 m.

The optimal seat depth is 40-45 cm (the seat should not dig into the knees). It will be comfortable for a person of average height to sit at a table with a height of 74 cm.

ON A NOTE! The distance from the seat to the tabletop should not exceed 0.3-0.34 m.

People come to visit different height and guessing the size of the chair in advance will not work. Purchase one or two chairs from adjustable height seat and footrest for such occasions.

Remember that the standard height of the dining table according to GOST is “fitted” for a person with a height of 165 cm.

Don't be the elephant in the china shop...

Tired back and neck when working in the kitchen? You have chosen the wrong height of the kitchen set.

In the design of a kitchen set, there are certain standards that are designed for comfortable use of furniture and household appliances, food storage and other things.

Height kitchen table for cutting and cooking should be half your height, rounded up to within 5 cm. With a height of 1.72 m, it will be 0.9-0.95 m.

These optimal dimensions designed for the average height of the hostess.

The height of the pedestals should be 820 mm, and together with the tabletop - 850 mm.

There is another method for choosing a comfortable kitchen table height.

  1. Bend your arm at the elbow.
  2. Measure the distance from the floor to the elbow.
  3. Subtract 15 cm from it.
  4. Use the result obtained when choosing a kitchen set.

All the nuances must be selected in accordance with the needs of the owners and the characteristics of the room.

ON A NOTE! To find out the value for a dish sink, add 10 cm to the height of the kitchen table.

You don't need a crowbar to keep your back straight at your desk...

Having a comfortable workplace is essential for you and your child.

One of the most necessary things for your child in school age will desk.

Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position leads to rapid fatigue. In addition, there is a risk of occurrence or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the spinal cord and cervical spine.

Choosing a desk will not be difficult if you know just a few basic parameters.

The selection of the height of the table and chair for an adult is carried out using the above formula. Usually they are 0.77-0.82 m and 0.45-0.49 m. The length of the back should be at least 0.35 m.

Properly calculated height of the computer desk contributes to good health and productive work.

Determining the optimal dimensions of the table for a child is more difficult than for an adult. Children actively grow until the age of 18, so the furniture will have to be changed every 2-3 years. This problem becomes most urgent from the age of 7, when the child begins to go to school.

Many manufacturers now offer "growing" tables or desks.

When making a purchase, try to maintain the following parameters:

Make sure the important little things are observed:

  • The soles of the feet fully touch the floor when the legs are bent at an angle of 90 to 100 °;
  • The gap between the chest and the edge of the furniture is 0.8 m;
  • The seated teenager rests on the tabletop with his elbows, without bending his back and not lifting his shoulders high,
  • The computer monitor is placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m, the child looks at it at an angle of 0-30 °, bending the neck back is unacceptable.If the furniture is too high, and it is not possible to change it, then purchase a footrest and put a pillow on the seat of the chair.

If the child, sitting at the table, lowers his hand down, then the ideal location of his elbow below the tabletop is 5-6 cm.

At correct location the tabletop is at the level of the solar plexus of the child.

IMPORTANT! Make your child take a "break" every 40 minutes.

Take care of the health and comfort of your family and friends. The right height of the dining table will add a sense of coziness to a family celebration and make you want to meet again. Kitchen set, designed for the features of the figure of the spouse, will preserve her beautiful posture for many years. Your child, sitting at a well-functioning desk, will study better and get sick less.

In order not to puzzle over difficult questions ergonomics of space and the choice of the most convenient dimensions of furniture, there are standard sizes.

Most of the manufacturers in direct contact with the buyer make interesting models of furniture for the size of each individual family.

VIDEO: How to choose a desk for a child.

1. Each student must be provided with a workplace at his desk in accordance with his height. For the selection of furniture according to the height of students, furniture is color-coded (Appendix 5).

2. The distance between the rows of desks must be at least 60 cm.

3. The distance between the row of desks and the outer longitudinal wall must be at least 50 cm.

4. The distance between a row of desks and an internal longitudinal wall (partition) or cabinets along this wall must be at least 50 cm.

5. The distance from the last desks to the wall (partition) opposite the blackboard must be at least 70 cm and at least 100 cm if given wall is external.

5. The distance from the demonstration table to the training board must be at least 100 cm.

7. The distance from the first desk to the training board must be at least 240 cm.

8. The greatest distance of the last place of the student from the educational board should not exceed 860 cm.

9. The angle of visibility of the board (from the edge of the board 3 m long to the middle of the student's extreme place behind the front desk) must be at least 45 °.

10. Students should be seated according to their state of health. Frequently ill children should sit as far away from outer wall. For children with impaired hearing and vision, the desks, regardless of their number, are placed first, and students with reduced visual acuity should be placed in the first row from the windows. For the prevention of posture disorders, at least 2 times a year, students sitting in the outer rows should be swapped, without violating the correspondence of the furniture number to their height group.

11. As a source of information about the growth and health of students, use the health sheet in the class journal (filled out medical worker institutions), in which each student is marked required number furniture, as well as recommendations for seating, depending on his state of health.

12. In primary school to control the correspondence of the growth of students to the functional sizes of the desks, you should have a colored measuring ruler, on which color stripes 15 cm wide are applied, respectively to furniture groups (purple - from 1151 to 1300 mm, yellow - from 1301 to 1450 mm, red - from 1451 to 1600 mm) . The ruler is placed vertically in a place accessible to students so that they can independently measure their height and correlate it with the marking color of the necessary furniture.

Requirements for organizing a student workplace

The organization of the workplace should ensure the working posture of the student:

The head is held straight or slightly tilted forward;

The body has a slight or medium inclination forward (without chest support on the edge of the desk);

The arms are bent at the elbow joints at a right angle and lie freely on the surface, not being additional points of support;

The legs are bent at a straight or slightly larger (100 -110º) angle with support on the floor or the footboard of the desk;

The distance from the student's eyes to the working plane of the desk corresponds to the length of the forearm and hand with straightened fingers.

To equip classrooms with student furniture, it is necessary to be guided by data on the distribution of furniture sets in primary school presented in Table 7.2.1

Table 7.2.1

Approximate distribution of desks of different numbers in primary classes, %

In a classroom equipped with desks, 2 desks are installed at the end of each of the 3 rows. In addition, along the wall opposite the light-bearing wall, instead of single desks, it is possible to place a number of desks.

The height of the front edge of the desk for students of the height group 1150-1300 mm is 750 mm, 1301-1450 mm - 850 mm and 1451-1600 mm - 950 mm. The duration of continuous work at the desk should not exceed 7-10 minutes in accordance with the daily schedule of alternating students at the desks.

Requirements for study boards

Teaching boards should be made of materials that have high adhesion to the materials used for writing, clean well with a damp sponge, be wear-resistant, have a dark green color and anti-reflective coating.

The height of the lower edge of the training board above the floor is 80-90 cm.

Educational boards are equipped with spotlights, which are placed 0.3 m above the upper edge of the board and 0.6 m - towards the class in front of the board.


In institutions implementing general educational programs of primary education, children who have reached 6.5 years of age by September 1 of the current year can be admitted. The optimal age for starting school is 7 years old. Admission of children to the first grades is carried out taking into account the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (consultation) on the child's readiness for learning and the absence of indications for delaying the start of systematic education for health reasons.

The educational load standards are determined based on the duration of the school week (for students in grade 1, the maximum duration of the school week is 5 days) in accordance with Table 8.1. The volume of the educational load is evenly distributed during the school week.

Table 8.1

It is expedient to organize training in elementary grades in the first shift. For first grade students, first shift training is compulsory. Classes should start no earlier than 8.30.

At the beginning of the school year for first-graders, a gradual increase in study load: in September - October, three lessons of 35 minutes each are held daily, from November - four 35-minute lessons. Thus, the volume of the weekly educational load should not exceed 20 hours.

Lesson length of 35 minutes should be maintained throughout the school year.

The duration of the lesson in grades 2-4 is no more than 45 minutes.

When scheduling lessons, it must be taken into account that classes in mathematics, Russian, and the native language must be held in the first or second lessons. Test papers it is advisable to spend on Tuesday - Thursday at the second or third lessons, but no more than one per day. Core subjects (mathematics, Russian language, native language, foreign language) should be alternated with lessons in fine arts, labor, physical education, rhythm, etc.

The duration of the breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, the big break (after the second lesson) is 15-20 minutes. Breakfast is organized at the big break. After the third lesson - a dynamic pause (mandatory for first grade students), which is outdoor games and sports entertainment on fresh air(in case of bad weather indoors) lasting at least 40 minutes. On those days when the curriculum provides for a physical education lesson, it is recommended to build a subsequent dynamic lesson in this way: for the first 20-25 minutes, independent motor activity of children in the form of outdoor games and classes, then for 10-15 minutes they organize games of average mobility.

Use in educational process innovative educational programs and technologies, class schedules, training modes, it is possible with positive results of a hygienic examination, which must be carried out in the prescribed manner in accordance with Art. 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population".

The structure of the lesson should be fractional - include several types of activities, but no more than six. Optimal lesson density (ratio of time spent on learning activities, to the total duration of the lesson as a percentage) is not less than 60% and not more than 80%.

The total duration of writing in a lesson for students aged 7-8 years is no more than 10 minutes.

The duration of continuous work with paper, cardboard, fabric in class 1 is no more than 4-5 minutes; in grades 2-3 - no more than 5-7 minutes; in 4th grade - no more than 10 minutes. The duration of continuous work with wood, wire in the primary grades should not exceed 4-5 minutes.

Sewing, embroidery, knitting classes are not carried out in elementary grades.

Children are not allowed to work with scrap, glass, flammable materials, flammable gases and liquids, with the exception of flammable liquids in separate hermetically sealed containers with a maximum capacity of 15 cm 3.

Item safety for children's creativity must be confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

The duration of continuous classes using computers in the classroom for students aged 7-10 years should not exceed 20 minutes.

The image on the screen should be clear, contrast, not have glare and reflections of nearby objects. The distance from the eyes to the computer screen must be at least 50 cm. One child must work at the computer at the same time.

When using other audiovisual technical means training (TCO), the duration of their continuous use in the educational process is determined in accordance with table 8.2.

Height washing machine- this is an important parameter when choosing, especially if you know exactly where you want to install it (under the sink, for example). Most often, the height of washing machines varies between 80-90 cm, but there are models on the market with a height of up to 70 cm. There are very few of them, but they are. We have ranked best models based on customer reviews.

1st place - Candy Aquamatic 2D1140-07 (18300 rubles)

A freestanding front-loading machine that washes 4 kg of laundry in 1 cycle. Its dimensions are as follows: 51x46x70 cm (the last value is the height). Among other characteristics: the machine is quite economical and has an A + energy saving class, intelligent control, and the spin speed is 1100 rpm, which is quite a good indicator. Well, you can not talk about washing programs - there are plenty of them in almost any model.

The device is positively perceived by customers: there are many washing modes, although only 3-4 are enough for most, the washing efficiency is high, as is the spin quality. With all its merits, the model will cost only 18,300 rubles, which makes it one of the best washing machines with a height of 70 cm. We recommend it first of all.

2nd place - Eurosoba 1100 Sprint (45,000 rubles)

Dear and cool washing machine from a little-known manufacturer. It is compact, and its height is only 68 cm. In general, the dimensions are as follows: 46x46x68 cm. True, the machine is designed for only 3 kg of laundry, so it is suitable for a small family. Otherwise, it is good: energy class A +, spin speed up to 1100 rpm, the presence of different programs.

The most important advantage of the machine is its size. It even fits under the sink in a small kitchen/bathroom. The washing efficiency here is average, it cannot be said that it is good. The model washes like a regular mid-range machine, so the price of 4,500 rubles seems unjustified to many buyers. However, there is a lot about her positive feedback, so we put it in second place.

3rd place - Daewoo Electronics DWD-CV701 PC (20800 rubles)

A very unusual washer with a unique design that some may like, but others may be horrified. Actually, everything is visible in the picture.

This is a wall-mounted model with front loading, which washes 3 kg of laundry in 1 cycle. Its height is only 60 cm - this will allow you to insert it into any wall cabinet or just on the wall in the bathroom. Other characteristics are not particularly impressive: electronic control, energy class "A", spin speed 700 rpm, partial protection against leaks and 6 washing programs.

Of course, she cannot replace a full-fledged washing machine, but she can handle it without problems to wash a small amount of laundry. The pull is good too. In general, this is a worthy option for a small kitchen or bathroom, because the machine performs its main task at 5+ and washes things well.

Here short video about her:

4th place - Eurosoba 600 (30,000 rubles)

And again a device from Eurosoba, this time model 600. Its dimensions: 46x45x68 cm, capacity: 3 kg of laundry. It is worth noting that here the energy class is B, which is rare for washing machines. This means that it will consume much more electricity. Washing class is also B: washing efficiency is not the best. Spinning is carried out at a speed of 600 rpm, there is protection against leaks and a few washing programs.

It is difficult to say why it is so expensive, because there are no special advantages here. This is a small model and will fit perfectly in a small bathroom. Some buyers note its high reliability, but still it is worth remembering: this is an expensive pleasure. And one more thing: when spinning, it shakes a lot. This model is very old, but is still on sale and even in demand.

5th place - Zanussi FCS 825 C (27630 rubles)

And again a small compact model with a height of 67 centimeters. Full dimensions: 51x51x67 cm. The machine holds 3 kg of laundry, which is half that of most conventional washing machines. She has an "A" energy class, washing class B, spinning at speeds up to 800 rpm.

The machine copes quite well with the main task - washing, does not jump during the spin cycle, and does not make much noise. Judging by customer reviews, it is ideal for installation under the sink, where it belongs. Some buyers write that during the spin cycle the washing machine moves from its place, but if the machine is not overloaded, this does not happen. Remember: it is designed for only 3 kg of laundry, nothing more. Therefore, large amounts of laundry will have to be washed in 2-3 cycles.

6th place - Eurosoba 1000 (37,000 rubles)

As expected, this is a freestanding front-loading machine with a capacity of only 3 kg of laundry. This is logical, because it is difficult to “fit” a bass drum into a limited size. So, dimensions: 46x46x68 cm, where 68 cm is the height.

It is worth noting that the energy class is not the highest - B, but the washing class is A. Spin speed up to 1000 rpm, there is partial protection against leaks and washing programs, including washing wool.

This is an old model that came out a long time ago, but is still sold and in demand. Some buyers note that they have been using it without problems for 7-8 years, so it can be recommended as reliable. She washes and spins perfectly ... what else do you need?

7th place - Electrolux EWC 1350 (31,000 rubles)

Less expensive, but also a very good model from Electrolux worth 31,000 rubles. Its height is 67 cm, width 50 cm, depth 51 cm. The device washes 3 kg of laundry in 1 cycle, has energy consumption class A, washing class B. Spinning is carried out at a speed of 1300 rpm, which is very good. Needless to say, different washing programs are included.

The model is made from good materials, has a reliable assembly, like a more expensive washing machine. However, its disadvantage is that it erases for a very long time, and this applies to almost all programs, even short ones. Therefore, if you need to wash large volumes, then the machine will work all day, given its small capacity (only 3 kg). A few words can also be said about reliability: for some users, it has been working for 9 years without breakdowns.

8th place - Candy Aquamatic 1D835-07 (17 thousand rubles)

A cheap and simple washing machine with a height of 70 cm, a width of 51 cm and a depth of 46 cm. The model holds 3.5 kg of laundry, which is slightly more than the previous ones. There is intelligent control, energy consumption and washing class - A, spinning at a rotation speed of 800 rpm. Nothing special, these are quite normal parameters for a washing machine for the money.

It is worth noting that although buyers note compactness as an advantage, this model cannot be called reliable. It often breaks down, but it is repaired under warranty. The device is cheap and compact, does not make much noise and erases well. Nevertheless, we would not recommend this machine due to its unreliability, but if suddenly there is no alternative.

9th place - Zanussi FCS 1020 C (28500 rubles)

The penultimate place is occupied by a model with a small number of positive reviews. It is hardly possible to call this machine good, but there are very few alternatives left. So, it holds 3 kg of laundry, has a height of 67 cm, so you can really install it under the sink.

A washing machine with class “A” energy consumption “eats” a little electricity, but it does not wash so well - washing class “B”. There is a leakage protection and a spin at a speed of 1000 rpm. Someone writes about her reliability and quality of washing, and someone scolds the model for tearing clothes. Reviews about it are mixed, so we cannot recommend it. Due to the lack of other machines that meet our criteria, we place it in 9th place.

10th place - Candy Aquamatic 1D1035-07 (16500 rubles)

The parameters of the bathroom are not decisive when choosing a property. But it is one of the most important panel house. It must meet certain characteristics and requirements. The room should contain all the necessary pieces of furniture and plumbing fixtures. What would be the most appropriate size for a standard bathroom?

The bathroom, located in Khrushchev and other panel houses, should be distinguished by maximum functionality and convenience. For this, set suitable sizes for a bathroom located in a private or panel house:

  • depth from 120 cm;
  • width from 80 cm;
  • height about 250 cm.

Standard bathroom

If your Khrushchev has a combined bathroom, its area can be optimally used to accommodate everything you need. When developing a plan, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • at least 60 cm should remain for the passage to the toilet, as well as 25 cm on both sides;
  • at least 70 cm should remain for the passage to the sink. Its height is at least 80-90 cm;
  • the passage to the bath or shower is from 70 to 120 cm.

In a rectangular bathroom, all elements should be within arm's reach.

At the stage of building your own house, you can adopt a plan according to which you can choose any suitable parameters for the bathroom. Such opportunities are not available for a city apartment, especially when it comes to Khrushchev. In the latter case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of compact plumbing and furniture models.

Standard bathroom options

What kind standard views Are there bathroom plans? They will always be:

  • a small space measuring 2x2 or 1.5x2 m in Khrushchev. This is the smallest area needed by people for comfort. If your bathroom and toilet are separate in your panel house, it is more logical to combine them;
  • the area of ​​an average bathroom is 4-6 square meters. There will be enough space for installing a small cabinet and a washing machine. Plumbing is placed around the perimeter of the room or on opposite sides. It depends on the location of the door. A detailed drawing would be helpful;
  • the area of ​​a large bathroom starts from 7 sq. m. It allows you to calculate the location of all the necessary household appliances, plumbing and furniture. If your family is large, you can install a bath and shower, two sinks.

For a spacious bathroom, division into functional zones is mandatory.

If the plan involves a narrow, long room, it is better to place a bath or shower in the depths. The toilet and sink are installed along the wall, following the sequence according to the frequency of use.

Layout of medium-sized bathrooms in a panel house

Bathroom layout options with a footage of 7.2 m?

Bathroom layout options with a footage of 10.3 m?

small bathroom layout

The layout of the apartment and the parameters of the bathrooms

When choosing an apartment, it is important to focus on its plan. From it you will see what dimensions are set according to the diagram presented. The dimensions of a standard bathroom affect the following:

  • plumbing layout plan;
  • location of communications;
  • selection of suitable finishes. It is important to consider whether it is necessary to close the wiring and other communications under the finishing layer.

If a small area is allocated for this room, you can gain free space due to a shower cabin or a sitting bath model. Suitable and combined model bidet with toilet. When creating a repair plan in a Khrushchev or other building, it is necessary to carefully determine the dimensions of the future premises. Only after that you can choose plumbing fixtures.

Ways to plan a narrow bathroom

Regulatory regulation of the parameters of bathrooms

Exists regulations, which regulate the configuration of the room, the minimum area of ​​the room, and some other parameters. Important to consider Sanitary standards and rules that determine not only the size of bathrooms office space and public buildings, but also the minimum parameters of bathrooms in residential buildings.

When creating a plan for the location of the premises, you need to carefully study the legal norms of this area. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating a layout that does not comply with SNiP. If we are talking about an apartment, it may be recognized as illegal.

Normative distances between sanitary equipment in the bathroom

V different regions restrictions and regulatory framework for the location of these premises in the apartment may vary. Usually BTI does not register the layouts if the new bathroom is located above the living space or kitchen of the downstream apartment.

Only when planning a bathroom in modern house regulations can be ignored. But this opportunity is available to those who do not plan to connect the bathroom to the sewerage and water supply risers. And yet, even here it is worth considering the standard requirements for reasons of practicality. A competent drawing will be useful here.

Minimum allowed parameters

Standard and large bathrooms do not cause much difficulty if you are going to calculate the location of communications, plumbing, furniture. The main problems arise in Khrushchev, where really small size bathrooms. It will be difficult to place all the necessary plumbing with comfort here.

There is the following standard related to the minimum dimensions for a bathroom.

The height of the ceiling on the approach to the room is of particular importance if the plan involves the installation of mezzanines. Usually in a panel house, the area between the kitchen and the toilet is used for this.

Small bathroom examples

If the room in Khrushchev is combined, such strict restrictions are not imposed. When creating a drawing, it is important to focus on common sense and convenience. When planning this room, it is necessary to take into account the location of the door. According to current regulations, it can only open outwards. The entrance should not lead from the kitchen or living space. It should only come from the hallway.

What to consider for competent planning

When planning to develop a bathroom project in a large cottage or spacious apartment, many people make mistakes, as they have lived in a panel space for a long time. In Khrushchev it is better to install a shower cabin with a tray. And with enough space, it is important to find golden mean and follow the laws of ergonomics. The standard includes the following features:

The heated towel rail must be located 500x700 mm from the shower or bath. So it will be easier to reach him. Thus, when renovating or planning your own bathroom, there are many parameters to consider. In this case, it will turn out to calculate everything correctly.