Summaries of lessons on the world around in elementary grades. Lesson for older preschoolers around the world on the topic "Pets" with a presentation

  • 30.09.2019

Abstract of the lesson on the world around "Human Body"


Form the first concepts about your body, body. Help children to understand themselves human find common ground with other people. Cultivate interest in your body.

To consolidate knowledge about the sense organs.


1. Doll - Baby.

2. Checkbox.

3. A plate of garlic cloves.

4. A plate with orange slices.

5. Bed for a doll.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Hello children! I'm very glad to see you. Today we have a baby.

She takes out a baby doll dressed in a sandbag or panties.

caregiver: Guys, look what a good kid. Does he look like you?

Children: Yes

caregiver: Guys, what is the baby like us? What body parts does the baby have, name?

The teacher shows each part of the doll's body, and the children name them.

caregiver: Well done boys! And now we will tell the baby and show with our hands what you have.

Game "It's Me".

These are eyeballs. Here. Here --- Show first the left, then the right eye.

These are ears. Here. Here --- They are taken first by the left ear, then by the right.

This is the nose. This is a mouth. --- Show the mouth with the left hand, nose with the right hand.

There is a back. Here the stomach --- The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.

These are pens. Clap, clap --- Clap twice.

These are legs. Top, top. --- Twice stomp.

Oh, we're tired. I'll wipe my forehead. --- Right hand wipe their forehead.

caregiver: Guys, show me where your eyes are. Let's close our eyes. Nothing is dark. Guys, what do we need eyes for?

Children: To watch, look at books, draw, read.

caregiver: That's right, guys, but in order for our eyes to see them well, they must be constantly protected. Can you tell your child how to take care of their eyes?

Children: They need to be washed with water. You can not throw sand in your eyes, rub your eyes dirty hands, you need to do exercises for the eyes so that they do not hurt.

caregiver: That's right guys, let's show the kid how we do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

caregiver: blink (Quickly close and open eyes.)- 10 times.

Look at the red flag, now I will move it, only the eyes move.

The teacher moves the flag to the right, then to the left, up, down. Repeat 3 times

And now rotate your eyes first to the left, then to the right, look at the flag. Repeat 3 times.

Blink 5 times.

Close your eyes tightly, open.

Close one eye, look at the flag.

Close the other eye, look at the flag.

Blink 10 times.

caregiver: Well done guys all tried so hard, did it right

exercises. Guys, now show the baby your noses?

Has straight noses

There are snub noses

Every nose is needed

Since he has grown to the face.

Guys, why do we need a nose?

Children: To breathe, to smell

caregiver: That's right, the nose is needed to breathe and to distinguish smells.

Smell what smells? What's this?

Children: garlic

caregiver: And what's that? Smell.

Children: Orange

caregiver: Different smells or the same?

Children: Different.

caregiver: You see, we cannot live without a nose.

How should you take care of your nose? If you get sick and have a runny nose, what should you do?

Children: treat it, drip drops.

caregiver: right guys, so that our noses never get sick, we will now breathe with you with a nose.

Breathing exercises "Wind" (exercise is performed while standing.) Slowly raising your arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Lowering your arms, exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

caregiver: Well done boys! Guys, do you have ears?

Children: Yes

caregiver: Show me where your ears are. Why do you need them?

Children: To listen

caregiver: Now you close your ears, and I will say a word and see if you hear it or not. The teacher says a word "car"

caregiver: Well, what did you hear, what word did I say?

Children: Not

caregiver: Now open your ears and listen to what I tell you? The teacher says a word "car". Well, what did you hear? What word did I tell you?

Children: Car

caregiver: You see guys, we need ears to hear ambient sounds. And they also need to be protected and put on a hat in windy weather, you can’t shout loudly and don’t put anything in your ears.

Guys, do you have pens?

Children: Yes

caregiver: Do you have legs?

Children: Yes

caregiver Q: What can your hands do?

Children: dress up, play, wash, draw, sculpt

caregiver Q: What can your feet do?

Children: run, jump, walk

caregiver: And let's show the baby how your hands and feet can play?

The game “Our children are dancing! ”

Where, where are our pens? --- They shrug their hands, looking at each other in surprise.

We don't have pens! --- Hide your hands behind your back.

Here are our pens! --- Put your hands forward.

Dancing, our hands! --- Show flashlights.

Where are our legs? --- They shrug their hands and look at each other in surprise

We don't have legs! --- Grab your legs with your hands

Here are our legs! --- Rhythmically clap their hands on their legs.

Dancing, our legs! --- Rhythmically stomp their feet.

Where are our children? --- They shrug their hands and look at each other in surprise

We don't have kids! --- Cover your face with your hands.

Here are our children --- Get up in full height spread their arms to the sides.

Dancing, our children! --- Dancing, turning around you.

caregiver: Oh, guys, look, our baby is tired, he wants to sleep. Let's put him to bed. The teacher puts the baby in the crib. The kid, guys, was interesting and fun with you, and when he wakes up, we will tell and show him how

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Outline of the lesson on the world around GEF

In this section of the educational portal Konspektek, outlines of lessons on the world around are presented. The summary of the lesson of the world around is detailed plan, including content and detailed description stages of the lesson in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson summary serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used in the certification of teachers of the world around. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building a competent and effective process of teaching the world around us in Russian schools.

According to the new requirements of the state educational standards of the new generation (FSES), the outline of the lesson of the surrounding world must meet the following requirements: the goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must correspond to the age group of students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the fulfillment of the set goals. tasks and achieving goals.

The main components of the outline of the lesson on the world around us are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of conduct, sequence of stages, teaching materials and technical support.

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Abstract of an open lesson in the middle group

around the world on the topic:

"Water and its properties."

(middle group)

Prepared by: Mitenko G.M.

Synopsis of an open lesson on the world around for children middle group:

Topic: "Water and its properties."

Program content:

1. Enrich children's knowledge about the properties of water (colorless, tasteless, transparent liquid).

2. To develop in pupils thinking, curiosity, cognitive interest in the process self-fulfillment experiments.

3. To form social skills in children: the ability to work in a group, to formulate their opinion. Teach children to respect water.

Vocabulary work: enter the words into the active dictionary: liquid, colorless tasteless, transparent.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Equipment for experiments: glasses with clean water, a glass of milk, gouache, a brush, sugar, salt, a disposable tea bag, thyme flowers, a teapot, teaspoons, a napkin.
  2. Schemes-symbols denoting the properties of water.
  3. Emblem "Hashed your hands - close the faucet tightly."

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading "The Tale of a Droplet" - authors: Maria Shkurina and Natalia Kirilenko.
  2. Conversations on the topic: “Where can you find water?”, “Who lives in water?”, “Who needs water?”.
  3. Considering illustrations about water.
  4. Conducting experiments (turning water into ice, ice into water).

Methods and techniques:

  1. Verbal methods - (artistic word, search questions, conversation).
  2. Methods for increasing cognitive activity - experimentation.
  3. Visual: illustrations, symbols.

Course progress.

Water part:

Educator: Guys, how many of you know who these scientists are?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, scientists are people who study everything around. How the car works, how the sun shines, how the clock goes, why the stars shine at night and much more. I suggest you play scientists-researchers today. Do you agree?

Educator: And what we will explore, you will find out if you guess my riddle:

If our hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without what, we will say directly,

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We can't live without...

Children: Without water

Main part:

Educator: Well done boys. You guessed the riddle correctly. Today we will explore water and get acquainted with its properties. But first, I suggest you remember where water lives? Where can we see her?

Children's answers.

Educator: Who needs water?

Children's answers.

Educator: I help formulate the children's answers, clarify the meaning of water for all living things.

Educator: Water can be poured into any dish, into a glass, into a plate, and it will change its shape, that is, spread. And if you pour water on the table, on the floor, it will look like a puddle. (I demonstrate all these actions with water). Water is a liquid.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the rain - This is water?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, guys, the rain consists of drops of water. Let's warm up before our research, shall we?

Physical culture minute "Rain".

Rain, rain, what are you pouring? - 4 cottons,

You don't let us walk. - floods.

Rain, rain, full of pouring - 4 claps

Children, the earth, the forest to wet. - Jumping in place.

After the rain in the country - Walking.

We will jump through the puddles. - Jumping "through puddles"

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, what color is the water?

Children's answers.

Educator: Correctly, the water is colorless, now we will check it.

On the teacher's table is a white sheet of paper, a glass of milk, a glass of water.

Educator: What color is milk? (White). What color is the sheet of paper? (White). Is it possible to say about water that it is white?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water has no color, it is colorless.

Educator: Guys, I know that water can change its color. Do you want to verify this?

Children's answers.

There are 2 glasses of water, gouache and milk on the table.

caregiver: Let's try to change the color of the water, dip the gouache brush and see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color?

Children's answers.

Educator: And in another glass of water, let's pour milk and see what happens to the water in this glass. Has the water changed its color?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water can change its color depending on what is added to it.

Educator: Guys, let's go to another table. There are cups of water in front of you. Try the taste of water?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water has no taste, water is tasteless.

Educator: And now I suggest you smell the water in the cups, does the water smell of anything?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water does not smell of anything, it has no smell

Educator: What do you think, can water change its color, taste, and smell at the same time?

Children's answers:

Educator: Now guys, I will prove to you that water can change its color, taste and smell.

Educator: In a teapot for brewing tea, pour boiled water, add a tea bag, thyme leaves, cover our teapot with a napkin and let it brew. And we will play with you at this time.

Finger game "Teapot and cups"

We are cold! Oh no no no! (we threaten with index finger)
Kettle, kettle, help out, (kettle: clench your hand into a fist, straighten your little finger)
Pour into our cups (cup: palm half open)
Warm, warm, warm tea! (one hand depicts a cup, the other is a teapot pouring tea into a cup).

Educator: Let's guys see what our water has turned into?

Pour tea into each child's mug.

Educator: What is she?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done children, the water has changed color correctly.

Children's answers.

Educator: Now smell the water. Does our water have any smell?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, our water has acquired a pleasant smell - this is the smell of thyme. (Medicinal herb that has many vitamins.)

Children are given bowls of sugar and spoons.

Educator: Now the guys put the substance that is on your table into the mugs. Stir and now taste the water. What did she taste like?

Children's answers.

Educator: What do you think you added to the water?

Children's answers.

Educator: What good fellows you are, this substance is sugar. And so the guys from our water turned out to be very tasty tea. Truth?

Educator: And now I suggest you guys go to the chairs. Today we talked a lot about water, learned a lot about it, drank delicious healthy tea, let's talk about it.

Water has its own properties:

  1. Water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured, poured.
  2. Water is colorless.
  3. Water is tasteless.
  4. Water has no smell.

Educator: But do not forget guys, water can change properties depending on what is added to it.

Educator: Guys, do you know that water should be protected? (answers). When you wash your hands, you need to turn off the tap.

Educator: There is a lot of water, but for washing, cooking, only purified water is needed. And to get clean water people put in a lot of effort. That's why, you need to save water, close the tap tightly.

The stream dried up, the spring weakened,

And we are from the tap drip-drip-drip,

Shallow rivers and seas

Don't waste water in vain, in vain, in vain,

And then a few years will pass -

And there is no water - no, no, no ...

Water must be conserved. And so you guys don't forget about it, here's a reminder for you: "Wash your hands - turn off the faucet tightly"

Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the senior group
Educational field "Cognition" for older people

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Rainbow" of the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov Region.
Material Description: The material has been prepared for children of senior preschool age, and will also be useful to teachers leading circles on ecology.
Target: Enriching children's knowledge about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.
- To form children's ideas about the animals of the northern country.
- To develop with the help of visual material an interest in the world around us, environmental thinking.
- Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children with words: mainland, Antarctica, polar bear, reindeer, penguins, iceberg, icebreaker.
- To cultivate interest in the artistic word, riddles, the ability to listen carefully and guess them.

Preliminary work: Looking at a globe and a map of the earth's surface, talking about the animals of Antarctica, drawing a polar bear in an unconventional way, reading fiction about northern animals, viewing presentations about the North.

The teacher brings in a polar bear toy.
Educator: Children, who came to visit us?
Children: White bear cub.
Educator: The teddy bear's name is Umka and he is very upset - he is lost and cannot find his mother. Kids can't live without adults, let's help him and go travel to the northern countries
slide show
Educator: Planet Earth is a huge ball. Most of it is covered with water, and people and animals live on land. Antarctica is at the south pole.

No beginning, no end
No head, no face
Everyone knows, young and old,
That she's a big ball.

Educator: How can we see the whole Earth at once?
Children: On the globe.
slide show
Educator: Why is Antarctica marked in white on the globe?
Children: Because there is snow and ice.
Educator: How can we go on such a long journey, what transport to use - if there is a lot of water and ice?
Children: ship, icebreaker
Educator: This is a ship with a strong bow, it breaks even the strongest ice floes and is called an icebreaker
Slide show.
Educator: Well, Umka, don't be upset, we're going to look for your mother on the icebreaker through the snow and ice. Listening to an audio recording: Song of a mammoth. (Let mother hear...)

The ocean is covered in ice
Waves do not rage in it.
He is end to end
Like an icy desert
Kingdom of cold and darkness
Mother's kingdom is winter.

Here icebergs float by - these are huge blocks of ice that float in the ocean.
Slide show.
- Well, finally got to the shore, and what is it in the sky? ( northern Lights) The northern lights shine only on this mainland, shimmering with multi-colored lights.
Slide show.

- Even in summer the snow does not melt,
The sun is not strong enough
Sky rainbow colored
Dressing up sometimes
What is this miracle garment?
This is (Northern Lights).

-Educator: Snowstorms often rage here and frosts rage, it is very cold here, the whole earth is covered with ice and snow and never melts. This continent is never warm. There are many animals here, listen to the riddle:

B big horns, high legs
He walks in the snow without a road at all.
He can help a person in business.
Rides the kids on a fast sled.

Slide show.

Educator: Reindeer is a large animal with branched horns and wide hooves, the whole body is covered with thick warm hair. Why does a deer need warm, thick wool?
Children: To not be afraid of the cold.
Educator: Of course, because here very coldy and wool saves from the cold. Deer live in herds and travel all together in search of food, they feed on moss, lichen, mushrooms, and leaves. Man tamed deer and now they help as vehicle. Reindeer are harnessed to a team and can travel long distances. Let's play a game: "Deer". Children depict deer and perform movements.

Reindeer walks through the snowdrifts all day
(Children, arms crossed at the top, like deer antlers, and raise their legs high)
And tired - resting
He digs moss with his hoof

(Children stop, shuffle their feet like they're dripping moss)

Educator: Umka, this is not your mother? No, not him, well, let's guess another riddle, maybe it's about his mother.

He learned to fly
Can swim and dive.
Walks in a flock among the ice floes
Important bird ... penguin
Slide show.

Educator: Children, what do you know about penguins? (children's answers)
Teacher's story: Penguins are not flying, but waterfowl. The largest species is the emperor penguin. They have a very thick layer of fat, which helps to endure cold and frost. The short wings are designed so that they can work in the water, like a ship's propeller, and the legs are small and shifted back, so the penguin walks funny, waddling from side to side. The paws have swimming membranes. Penguins dive into the water and catch fish. Penguins live in large flocks. The female lays an egg and a small ... .penguin hatches. The father, the penguin, helps to incubate the egg, he changes the female and incubates it himself. Then both parents raise the penguin, take care of it - feed it, protect it from enemies. Animals and birds need to be protected and protected, they are threatened with extinction.

Penguins live in a colony
Equal and united
Penguin penguin - brother native
They live as one family.

Come on, kids, walk like penguins (Children put their feet together and portray penguins0
Educator: Children, what do you think, is the mother of our baby here? I know another riddle, listen carefully.

He has a brother in the woods
He himself swims in the ice,
Brown brother, and he is all white
But just as strong, brave
Polar bear
Slide show.

Educator: Why is the bear called white? (because of the color of the coat) It is also called the polar bear, northern bear, sea bear. This is a large animal with a flat head, strong legs, and swimming membranes on its paws. The skin of the bear is black and the fur is white. Think well how it helps White color bear? (The white coat helps to camouflage well in the snow and ice) The polar bear runs fast and swims well and loves to fish very much. What is the name of a baby bear? (bear cub) Look, our Umka smiles cheerfully, he found his mother and now he is not lonely. He thanks everyone and hurries home as soon as possible, let's say goodbye and wish you a happy journey. (the teacher takes away the toy)
Educator: So where have we been today?
- What do reindeer look like?
- What do deer eat?
Are penguins animals or birds?
How do penguins hatch their cubs?
- What does a polar bear look like?
- What does it eat?
Look, Umka left the ice floe for us as a gift, let's open it and see what's there. As a thank you for the help, Umka gave us coloring books of northern animals. We'll color them in later. This is where our journey ended.
slide show

Presentation on the topic: Animals of the North