Abstract of the lesson in the middle group around the world “Pets. Open lesson on the world around.docx - Open lesson on the world around on the topic: "Natural forest zone" (Grade 4)

  • 30.09.2019

Abstract of the lesson on the world around for preschoolers on the topic "Pets". "Visiting Grandma Avdotya."

Target: identification, enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about domestic animals.
- systematize children's knowledge about pets.
- expand and deepen children's knowledge about pets.
- educate love for pets.
- develop attention, thinking.
- evoke emotional pleasure in children from activities in the classroom.
Preparation for the lesson: selection of illustrations and musical accompaniment.
Lesson progress:
(Animal voice recording sounds)
Teacher: Children, what are these sounds?
Children: Animal voices.
Teacher: Guys, listen carefully and say how in one word you can name the animals whose voices you heard.
Children: Home.
Teacher: Why were they named like that?
(children's answers)
Teacher: That's right, these animals live next to humans. We take care of them, we feed them.
Teacher: What animals do you have at home? How do you take care of them?
(children's answers)
Teacher:- Guys, today we are going on a trip again.
Teacher: On what we will go, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.

Teacher: The guys on the bus we will go to the village and find out what animals can be seen there.
(The song “We are sitting on the bus” sounds, children perform movements to the music)
Teacher: Here we are in the village.

(Grandma enters)
Grandma Avdotya: Hello guys, nice to have you as a guest.
Teacher: Hello, grandmother, let's get acquainted! We are the guys from the school "Know-it-all". What is your name?
Grandma Avdotya: My name is Grandma Avdotya!
Teacher: Grandma, we came to you with the guys for a reason, we want to know if animals live in your village?
Grandma Avdotya: Of course, the guys live, I will be happy to show them to you.
(Pictures of animals appear on the screen.)
Grandma Avdotya: Here is our cat Murka, she is very affectionate.

Guys, what do you know about cats? What are baby cats called?

Children: Kittens.
Grandma Avdotya: Children, do any of you know what a cat eats?

Grandma Avdotya: And here is the Beetle. What are baby dogs called?
Children: Puppies.
Grandma Avdotya: The bug lives in a kennel. She is a very loyal dog and a wonderful watchdog.

Grandma Avdotya: Our Dawn lives in the cowshed. It gives delicious milk, meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir. In summer he likes to eat fresh grass, and in winter he eats hay.

Grandma Avdotya: A horse lives in the stable, we feed it oats and hay, and it helps us carry heavy loads.

Grandma Avdotya: A pig lives in a pigsty. She lives there with her children - piglets. Pigs eat leftover food, fruits, berries. From them we get meat, fat, skin.

Grandma Avdotya: Rabbits and their babies live in cages. Rabbits love grass, stumps, tops. In summer they eat hay, twigs and carrots. Rabbits give us fur and meat.

Grandma Avdotya: This is where goats live. They give us meat, wool, milk. Goats love to eat tree bark and young leaves.

Grandma Avdotya: Chickens and roosters live in the chicken coop. Hens carry us testicles, give us meat and fluff. And the cockerel is our best “alarm clock”, every morning he wakes us up with his crowing.
Grandma Avdotya: We also have ducks, turkeys and geese, they give us meat and valuable down.

Teacher: Guys, grandma Avdotya told us about her pets. So what are the benefits of these animals?
(children's answers)
Grandma Avdotya: How attentive you guys are. They listened to my story about my favorites for a long time, they are tired, probably, let's have a rest.
playing out poems by M. Stepanov "Cat"

Carefully, like a cat, to the sofa from the window
I'll walk on my toes, lie down and curl up in a ring.
And now it's time to wake up, straighten up, stretch.
I will easily jump off the sofa, I will arch the back.
And now I'm sneaking like a cat, I'll bend my back a little.
I drink milk from a saucer with my tongue.
With a paw, I will wash the breast and tummy like a cat.
And again I will curl up like a cat near a warm stove.
(teacher invites children to play)
The game "Who is screaming?"

Cat - "meow meow"
Dog - "woof-woof"
Cow - "mu-mu"
Pig - "oink-oink"
Horse - "yoke-go"
Chicken - "ko-ko-ko"
Duck - "quack-quack"
Scene "Animal Dispute"
(Children show a scene.)

Somehow a cat, a pig, a dog, a cow, a goat, a chicken argued.
The cat meowed:“I am the most important, I catch mice in the house!”
The cow mooed:“No, I am the most important - I give meat, tasty milk, from which sour cream, cottage cheese and other healthy dairy products are made "
The dog barked:“I guard the house - I am the most important!”
The goat remarked:“No, no, no, I am the most important - I give wool and warm down from which things can be connected!”
The hen cackled: “In vain you argue, I am the most important and necessary - I carry eggs!”
The ducklings quacked:“You can make a soft feather bed out of our feathers, so we are in charge!”
Guys, who is right in the dispute? Who is more important and needed?
Children's answers.
Grandma Avdotya: In vain you started my favorite argument, you are all equally important! After all, you bring great benefits to people, and we look after you for this!
The animals rejoiced. And they started dancing!
Dance of little ducks.
The game "Who are the parents?"
Teacher: Children, people have a father and mother, but what are the names of the parents of animals?
In kittens - (cat and cat).
In chickens - (chicken and rooster).
In calves - (cow and bull).
In piglets - (pig and boar).
In lambs - (sheep and ram).
In rabbits - (rabbit and rabbit).
Puppies - (dog and dog).
In kids - (goat and goat).
For foals - (horse and horse).
In ducklings - (duck and drake).
Teacher: From time immemorial, pets have lived near human dwellings; they cannot do at all without his help. They cannot independently obtain food for themselves, escape from enemies, build their own dwelling. A person takes care of them: builds warm housing for them (stables, pigsties, chicken coops, etc.); feeds them; looks after them. And animals, in turn, thank us, give us many useful things: milk, eggs, wool, meat, fluff, etc.
Teacher: Thank you, Grandma Avdotya. How much you told us today about pets. We are very glad that we visited you.
Grandma Avdotya: I was pleased to see you in my village. All the guys are so smart, attentive, friendly. My favorite Zorka gave you delicious milk. Come visit us again. Goodbye!
Teacher: Guys, did you like visiting Grandma Avdotya in the village?
Teacher: What did you like the most?
Teacher: What new did you learn?
(The teacher offers to watch the presentation and solve riddles about pets.)
Teacher: Children, you did a wonderful job in class. Well done! Thanks!

Where do snow and ice come from?

(the world)

1 class

Lesson: The world.

Chapter : "Human and nature"

Lesson topic : "Where do snow and ice come from?"

Lesson type : Discovery of new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson : organize practical activities, as a result of which students highlight the properties of snow and ice.


    Educational : creating conditions for familiarizing students with the properties of snow and ice and using these properties in life; continue training in practical research of natural objects and phenomena.

    Developing: creation of conditions for the development of cognitive processes of younger students with the help of a multimedia presentation; promote the development of creative abilities; development of an emotional response to the artistic description of a natural phenomenon “to admire”, “to be surprised”, “to rejoice”; develop creativity and curiosity learning activities based on observation, comparison, analysis, generalization.

    Educational: show the need for independent search for information.

to form an ecological culture of students.

Universal learning activities :

cognitive UUD-

development of cognitive interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world, the ability to analyze objects with the selection of features;

communicative UUD -

development of the ability to accurately and correctly express one's thoughts, work in cooperation, listen to the interlocutor;

regulatory UUD -

formation of students' evaluative independence.

subject -

to introduce the properties of ice and snow, with their formation .


for students:

    illustrations and photographs of winter landscapes;

    experiment equipment,

    individual tables for entering research findings

    graphic dictation cards,

    textbook "The world around" Pleshakova A.A.;

    signal cards

for the teacher:

    multimedia projector and screen;


    Comparative table “Properties of ice and snow”.

    envelope with riddles;

    paper snowflakes;

Planned results and criteria for their evaluation:

students will learn:

draw conclusions about the properties of snow and ice as a result of practical action, depict these actions with the help of diagrams, keep the learning task, take the initiative to act in educational cooperation, agree and come to a common solution for joint activities.

Preparatory work: walk in the winter forest; snowfall observation.

Examination of snowflakes: shape, structure, pattern.

Lesson outline.

I.Organizing time

The lesson starts.

He will go to the guys for future use.
Try to understand everything
Learn to unlock secrets!

II. Knowledge update.

Creating motivation.

Teacher : Today we have guests at our lesson. Do you want to know who they are?

Appeared in the yard

It's in cold December.

Clumsy and funny

At the skating rink stands with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind

Our friend...


A drawing of Snowmen appears on the board, to which an envelope with riddles is attached.

Teacher: The snowmen brought an envelope. Let's see what's there? (cards with riddles) If you guess the riddles, you will find out what the Snowmen love the most.

He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
Which is always cold...

Transparent as glass
Don't put it in the window.

Teacher : So what does the Snowman love the most? Why?

Snow and ice are the main signs of winter. In winter, we see a lot of snow and ice outside.

Teacher : Do you want to know where they come from?

The snowman invites us to answer this question.

(The class is divided into 4 groups, on the table in each group are necessary materials for experience and 2 objects for study (snow and ice))

III . Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action

Practical work.

Teacher: Guys today you will be scientists - researchers. 2 objects known to you came to your laboratory for study: snow and ice. You need to consider, study and compare them together in a group and draw a conclusion by completing the sentence in the textbook about the properties of ice and snow. Each group will explore one property.

Open textbook p. 68. The page has a picture to help you, which shows you what you need to do with the objects in order to come to a conclusion. Discuss with the group how you will complete the task.

Students discuss the plan for completing the task and raise a signal card Green colour up (report about readiness).

Teacher : where do you start work?

Children : first look at the picture (learn what to do with objects), then perform an action with 1 object and read the conclusion that is proposed in the tutorial, then perform an action with 2 objects and draw a conclusion about the property of 2 objects, then with a simple pencil, finish the sentence in the textbook about property 2 of the object.

A step-by-step work plan appears on the board.

Work plan:

Students work independently in groups and complete the task.

After completion of the work, one representative from the group reads the conclusion and explains why they came to this conclusion.

1 group:

Take a stick and stick it in the snow.(He's loose)

Stick it in the ice. (hard, brittle)

Take the hammer. Hit the ice. Make a conclusion.

Conclusion: The snow is loose. The ice is brittle, as it was broken with a hammer.

2 group:

Put snow and ice on colored paper.

Tell us about the color of snow and ice.

(One student at a desk puts a little snow on a colored figure, and another piece of ice).

Conclusion: Snow is white. Ice is colorless.

3rd group:

Which substance snow or ice has the property of transparency?

How to prove?

Conclusion: Snow is opaque. The ice is transparent, because it is possible to see other objects through it.

4th group: Let's put a piece of ice and a ball of snow into glasses with water at the end of the experiments, we'll see what happens.

Conclusion: When warm, snow and ice melt. Water is formed. This is what we have observed from our experience.

When checking the work on the board, a record of the conclusion is made in the form of helper words.


Loose Fragile

White Colorless

Opaque Transparent

melt away

Children complete the table




The effect of heat

Other properties




It was cold at night and...

We cut ice with our skates.

Ran away, rolled

Slipped and fell.

Rise to your feet again

Raised on toes

Everyone jumped up together,

We need to go to the lesson

IV .Primary check of understanding of the studied

1. A conversation about where snow and ice come from.

Teacher: So snow and ice have different properties. What if they have something in common? Where in nature have you seen ice? (In a puddle, in a river, on a wet road)

And in nature you can also find glaciers and icebergs (The teacher shows pictures)

So what is ice? (It's frozen water)

If ice is frozen water. Then what is snow? (Snow is a lot of snowflakes)

What do snowflakes look like? (Asterisks, six rays, all snowflakes are individual in shape, and it is impossible to find two identical snowflakes.)

Where do you think snowflakes form? (In the sky, in the clouds) And how?

Listen to the Snowman as he explains it a natural phenomenon. (An audio recording sounds with a fragment from the story of Marta Gumilyovskaya “Where is snow born?)

It used to be that snow was frozen water droplets. They thought that it was coming from the same clouds as the rain. And not so long ago, the mystery of the birth of snowflakes was solved, and then they learned that snow would never be born from water droplets. Water droplets can become hailstones, lumps of opaque ice that sometimes comes with rain in summer. But water droplets never turn into beautiful hexagonal snowflake stars. Everything is completely different . Water vapor rises high above the ground, where there is a strong cold. There, tiny ice-crystals immediately form from water vapor. These are not the same snowflakes that fall to the ground, they are still very small. But the hexagonal crystal grows, develops all the time, and finally becomes an amazingly beautiful star. Snowflakes slowly - slowly descend, they gather in flakes and fall to the ground.

2. Observation.

Consider snowflakes. How many rays does each of them have?

What is the shape of a snowflake? Are all snowflakes the same?

What secret of snowflakes did we learn today?

Children look at different pictures of snowflakes.

Teacher: What interesting things about the formation of snow did you learn from the story of the Snowman? Discuss the answer to this question as a group.(One group speaks at will, and the others are invited to complete the answer) .

Conclusion: Snowflakes are formed in the sky in the clouds. Clouds are the accumulation of water droplets in the sky. In warm weather, they fall in the form of rain. When winter comes, water droplets turn into snowflakes.

Teacher: We studied the properties of snow (a card with the word “snow” appears on the board) and ice (a card with the word “Ice”).


They consist of water (card) Teacher: How are these objects related? Let's show this relationship on the diagram with arrows.


So let's doconclusion: "Snow and ice are frozen water."


Like fluff we fly

We are swayed by the winds

White flock we fly

We want to lay down on the ground.

V .Reflection

Guys, what new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?

Snowmen offer you to play the game "Yes or No". They call the offer, if you agree, draw a blue circle, if not, a red one. This game will help you evaluate your work in class. (One student completes the task on the whiteboard, the rest on the cards)

    Snow melts into water.

    If water freezes, it turns into ice.

    Snow is colorless.

    Ice is transparent.

    Snowflakes have five rays.

    The snow is loose.

    Ice is fragile.

    Snow is opaque.

    All snowflakes are the same.

    Snow is white.

Mutual verification.

Teacher: Compare your answers with the Snowmen's. For the correct answer - put a plus sign.

model response.

Raise your hand whoever has all the pluses.

(Snowmen give the children beautiful snowflakes as a gift)

VI .Homework:

Creative work.

Teacher: Remember what shape snowflakes fell on your mittens while walking? They are all different and very beautiful, but they always have six rays, six needles.

Try to draw your own unique snowflake at home.

Thank you for the lesson!


Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the senior group
Educational field "Cognition" for older people

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Rainbow" of the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov Region.
Material Description: The material has been prepared for children of senior preschool age, and will also be useful to teachers leading circles on ecology.
Target: Enriching children's knowledge about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.
- To form children's ideas about the animals of the northern country.
- To develop with the help of visual material an interest in the world around us, environmental thinking.
- Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children with words: mainland, Antarctica, polar bear, reindeer, penguins, iceberg, icebreaker.
- To cultivate interest in the artistic word, riddles, the ability to listen carefully and guess them.

Preliminary work: Looking at a globe and a map of the earth's surface, talking about the animals of Antarctica, drawing a polar bear in an unconventional way, reading fiction about northern animals, viewing presentations about the North.

The teacher brings in a polar bear toy.
Educator: Children, who came to visit us?
Children: White bear cub.
Educator: The teddy bear's name is Umka and he is very upset - he is lost and cannot find his mother. Kids can't live without adults, let's help him and go travel to the northern countries
slide show
Educator: Planet Earth is a huge ball. Most of it is covered with water, and people and animals live on land. Antarctica is at the south pole.

No beginning, no end
No head, no face
Everyone knows, young and old,
That she's a big ball.

Educator: How can we see the whole Earth at once?
Children: On the globe.
slide show
Educator: Why is Antarctica marked in white on the globe?
Children: Because there is snow and ice.
Educator: How can we go on such a long journey, what transport to use - if there is a lot of water and ice?
Children: ship, icebreaker
Educator: This is a ship with a strong bow, it breaks even the strongest ice floes and is called an icebreaker
Slide show.
Educator: Well, Umka, don't be upset, we're going to look for your mother on the icebreaker through the snow and ice. Listening to an audio recording: Song of a mammoth. (Let mother hear...)

The ocean is covered in ice
Waves do not rage in it.
He is end to end
Like an icy desert
Kingdom of cold and darkness
Mother's kingdom is winter.

Here icebergs float by - these are huge blocks of ice that float in the ocean.
Slide show.
- Well, finally got to the shore, and what is it in the sky? ( northern Lights) The northern lights shine only on this mainland, shimmering with colorful lights.
Slide show.

- Even in summer the snow does not melt,
The sun is not strong enough
Sky rainbow colored
Dressing up sometimes
What is this miracle garment?
This is (Northern Lights).

-Educator: Snowstorms often rage here and frosts rage, it is very cold here, the whole earth is covered with ice and snow and never melts. This continent is never warm. There are many animals here, listen to the riddle:

B big horns, high legs
He walks in the snow without a road at all.
He can help a person in business.
Rides the kids on a fast sled.

Slide show.

Educator: Reindeer is a large animal with branched horns and wide hooves, the whole body is covered with thick warm hair. Why does a deer need warm, thick wool?
Children: To not be afraid of the cold.
Educator: Of course, because here very coldy and wool saves from the cold. Deer live in herds and travel all together in search of food, they feed on moss, lichen, mushrooms, and leaves. Man tamed deer and now they help as vehicle. Reindeer are harnessed to a team and can travel long distances. Let's play a game: "Deer". Children depict deer and perform movements.

Reindeer walks through the snowdrifts all day
(Children, arms crossed at the top, like deer antlers, and raise their legs high)
And tired - resting
He digs moss with his hoof

(Children stop, shuffle their feet like they're dripping moss)

Educator: Umka, this is not your mother? No, not him, well, let's guess another riddle, maybe it's about his mother.

He learned to fly
Can swim and dive.
Walks in a flock among the ice floes
Important bird ... penguin
Slide show.

Educator: Children, what do you know about penguins? (children's answers)
Teacher's story: Penguins are not flying, but waterfowl. The largest species is the emperor penguin. They have a very thick layer of fat, which helps to endure cold and frost. The short wings are designed in such a way that they can work in the water, like a ship's propeller, and the legs are small and shifted back, so the penguin walks funny, waddling from side to side. The paws have swimming membranes. Penguins dive into the water and catch fish. Penguins live in large flocks. The female lays an egg and a small ... .penguin hatches. The father, the penguin, helps to incubate the egg, he changes the female and incubates it himself. Then both parents raise the penguin, take care of it - feed it, protect it from enemies. Animals and birds need to be protected and protected, they are threatened with extinction.

Penguins live in a colony
Equal and united
Penguin penguin - brother native
They live as one family.

Come on, kids, walk like penguins (Children put their feet together and portray penguins0
Educator: Children, what do you think, is the mother of our baby here? I know another riddle, listen carefully.

He has a brother in the woods
He himself swims in the ice,
Brown brother, and he is all white
But just as strong, brave
Polar bear
Slide show.

Educator: Why is the bear called white? (because of the color of the coat) It is also called the polar bear, northern bear, sea bear. This is a large animal with a flat head, strong legs, and swimming membranes on its paws. The skin of the bear is black and the fur is white. Think well how it helps White color bear? (The white coat helps to camouflage well in the snow and ice) The polar bear runs fast and swims well and loves to fish. What is the name of a baby bear? (bear cub) Look, our Umka smiles cheerfully, he found his mother and now he is not lonely. He thanks everyone and hurries home as soon as possible, let's say goodbye and wish you a happy journey. (the teacher takes away the toy)
Educator: So where have we been today?
- What do reindeer look like?
- What do deer eat?
Are penguins animals or birds?
How do penguins hatch their cubs?
- What does a polar bear look like?
- What does it eat?
Look, Umka left the ice floe for us as a gift, let's open it and see what's there. As a thank you for the help, Umka gave us coloring books of northern animals. We'll color them in later. This is where our journey ended.
slide show

Presentation on the topic: Animals of the North

Open lesson v middle group on acquaintance with the surrounding world "Wild animals"

Target: Learn to highlight features wild animals, compose descriptive stories about animals, express your thoughts correctly.

Tasks: Improve the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "wild animals".

To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals (appearance, dwellings, food).

Develop visual perception, speech hearing, memory, attention.

To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades and respect for animals.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories about animals, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations.



Open lesson in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world "Wild Animals"

Tatiana Rybina

Target: Learn to highlight the distinctive features of wild animals, compose descriptive stories about animals, and correctly express your thoughts.

Tasks: Improve the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "wild animals".

To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals (appearance, dwellings, food).

Develop visual perception, speech hearing, memory, attention.

To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades and respect for animals.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories about animals, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations.

Demo material:

illustrations depicting wild animals,

subject pictures,

letter envelope,

White toy.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I'm going to give you a riddle. When you guess it, you will find out who will come to your lesson.

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And climbs oaks?

Who hides the nuts in the hollow?

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

That's right, it's a squirrel. And here she is. What is that in her hand? Some kind of letter.

(the teacher reads it)

Come urgently

Help urgently.

The wizard scared us.

He bewitched us all.

We have forgotten who I am.

What should we drink and what should we eat.

Rescue, help.

And reconcile us urgently. (inhabitants of the forest)

2. Conversation.

Guys, tell me, who are the inhabitants of the forest? Name.

(children list animals)

What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (wild, forest)

And why (they themselves get their own food, build dwellings, take care of the cubs)

What happened to the forest dwellers?

Can we help them?

Then let's say the magic words to be in the forest.

1,2,3,4,5 - we go to the forest to save the animals. (music sounds, children approach the trees).

Here we are in the forest.

3. Did. the game. Guess from the description.

Guys, look. There are many trees in the forest, but the animals are not visible at all. What are these white cards that lie under the trees? To find out, you need to listen carefully to what the squirrel will say. As soon as you guess who it is, the card can be turned over.

Angry, hungry, gray (wolf)

Small, long-eared, gray or white (hare)

Red, dexterous, cunning, fluffy (fox)

Big, clumsy, clumsy (bear)

Small, prickly, gray (hedgehog)

(as you name, subject pictures open and animals appear)

Here, squirrel, the children named forest animals. And now we will sit down on the forest stumps and name the baby animals.

4. Finger gymnastics.

This is a bunny

This is a squirrel

This is a fox

This is a wolf

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake

Brown, furry, funny teddy bear.

And which of the forest animals we did not name (hedgehog)

5. Poem "Everyone has their own home"

Squirrel, and Dasha wants to tell you a poem.

At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a safe house.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home.

Everyone is warm and cozy in it.

6. Did. game "Who lives where?"

The squirrel wants to know, but do you know where wild animals live, what are their homes called?

Children's answers.

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den.

Does the rabbit have a home? (no, he hides in pop bushes)

Where do I live, do you know? asks the squirrel. In the hollow

Everyone has dwellings, which are called differently. So we reminded them.

7. Did. game "Who loves what"

Guys, in the squirrel's letter it was written that the animals forgot what they eat and what they drink. Let's help them. You know what wild animals eat.

On the board are subject pictures (raspberries, honey, cones, mushrooms, apple, cabbage, carrots, nuts, grass, mouse, hare).

Children choose a picture. Tell me who loves to eat it.

The hare loves carrots, cabbage.

Squirrel - nuts, mushrooms.

Hedgehog loves mushrooms, apples.

Bear - honey, berries.

The wolf catches mice.

The fox hunts mice, rabbits, chickens.

And now we will show how the animals move.

Physical education minute"How does it move"

On a hot day through a forest path

The animals went to the watering place.

A hedgehog stalked after the mother fox.

A hedgehog rolled behind mom like a hedgehog.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

The squirrels galloped after the mother squirrel.

Behind the mother hare are oblique hares.

The she-wolf led the cubs.

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

8. Did. Game "Finish the sentence"

The squirrel turns to you with a request. She has the beginning of the sentence, you need to finish the sentence by naming the word opposite in meaning.

The hare is white in winter, and in summer ...

The hare has a short tail and ears ...

The hedgehog is small, and the bear ...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer ...

The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare ...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the fox lives in a hole...

The fox is cunning, and the hare ...

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog ...

Well done, guys, helped the squirrel, coped with the task.

9. Guys, now tell us about wild animals so that the evil wizard can no longer bewitch them. Remember what they eat, where they live, what parts of the body they have, what their cubs are called.

1-2 children choose an animal and describe it.

The squirrel is a wild animal. She has a fluffy tail. She lives in a hollow. Stores mushrooms and nuts for the winter. She has a squirrel

The wolf is a wild animal. He has a head, 4 paws. Its body is covered with gray fur. It has large, sharp teeth and a long gray tail. The wolf has cubs. They live in a lair.

The squirrel thanks the children for their help and offers them a treat - mushrooms. The children thank the squirrel for the treat.

And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words.

1,2,3,4,5 - we came to the group again.

Myalenko Elena Vladimirovna
educational institution: MADOU No. 13, Kindergarten №13
Short description works: In order to love something or someone, we must learn about it, study it ... We love birds and take care of them, because we know a lot about them: we know about the life of birds, about species from the Red Book, how difficult it is for them in winter, but also not easy in spring, why do they feel bad or good ... Ask us!

Valeeva Marina Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MAOU "Secondary school No. 16 of Syktyvkar
Brief job description: In this lesson, lesson - excursions, children will learn more about the life of plants in the fall in their city. Children expand their understanding of characteristics autumn in inanimate nature, observe autumn changes in plant life; they will get acquainted with the variety of colors and shapes of tree leaves in this period, and children can also collect material in nature for labor training lessons and for personal creativity at home.

Eruslanova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBDOU №50 "Severyanka"
Brief job description: An integrated lesson in the preparatory group familiarization with the natural world. Wildlife. It will help to expand children's knowledge about the diversity of the world of birds - to form the ability to highlight characteristics different birds. - learn how to write a passport

Nesterova Tatyana Alexandrovna
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 30
Brief job description: The outline of the lesson is designed to familiarize students with the flora and fauna of the taiga and to develop students' cognitive activity, the ability to work with a map, atlas.

Markova Svetlana Evgenievna
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 4", Melenki
Brief job description: This lesson is designed to introduce students to the properties of water. elementary school through their experiment. It is possible to use the help of 6th grade students who have the initial skills of experimental chemical activity, also obtained in the framework of binary lessons in chemistry, biology and the world around them. Primary school students will have the opportunity to meet D.I. Mendeleev, work with his Periodic Table of Elements (to recognize the elements), get acquainted with the formula of water and safety rules when working in the chemistry room. Following the instruction map, the children will have the opportunity to study such properties of water as transparency, fluidity, universal solvent. Also, students, thanks to water coloring, will solve one of the proverbs and water.

Gorbacheva Zoya Vladimirovna
Educational institution: KSU "Budennovskaya secondary school"
Brief job description: By type, this is a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge. The content of the lesson corresponds to the curriculum of the knowledge of the world of the 2nd grade course. The material studied at the lesson belongs to the section "Life of animals". When studying this section, students get acquainted with the diversity of the fauna of Kazakhstan, how animals adapt to their environment, etc.

Kotkova Natalia Yurievna
Educational institution: Kindergarten No. 53 "Kindergarten of a combined type"
Brief job description: Synopsis of educational activities for children preparatory group"Birds visit us" Purpose: the formation of ideas about the features appearance various kinds birds. Tasks: to promote the mastery of specific ideas of children about the external features of birds, to introduce them to migratory birds.

Maloletova Victoria Alexandrovna
Educational institution: GBPOU RO "SHPK"
Brief job description: Topic: "Seasons". Pedagogical goal: Consolidation of children's ideas about the main features of all seasons, the ability to independently find them and express them in speech. Cultivate love, respect for nature.

Kolmyk Victoria Nikolaevna
Educational institution: GBPOU KK EPK
Brief job description: Scenario KTD. Work is carried out in the classroom. It is necessary to create a kind of project, a wall newspaper by May 9th. Purpose: To develop a project for the Victory Day holiday. Tasks: 1. Educational. To form the student's ability to a new way of acting, as in classroom hours, so on extracurricular activities. 2. Developing. To form in children the image of their native country, Motherland, to develop patriotism, research skills.3. Bring up. To cultivate love for the motherland, for the history of the country.

Vishnyakova Nadezhda Mikhailovna
Educational institution: MK OU "Krasnin boarding school"
Brief job description: Purpose: to educate students in respect for nature. Tasks: - to promote the education of love for the forest resources of our Motherland; - to carry out patriotic education; - to develop speech, mental processes; - inculcate love, respect for nature

Outline of the lesson on the world around GEF

In this section of the educational portal Konspektek, outlines of lessons on the world around are presented. The summary of the lesson of the world around is detailed plan, including content and detailed description stages of the lesson in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson summary serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used in the certification of teachers of the world around. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building a competent and effective process of teaching the world around us in Russian schools.

According to the new requirements of the state educational standards of the new generation (FSES), the outline of the lesson of the surrounding world must meet the following requirements: the goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must correspond to the age group of students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the fulfillment of the set goals. tasks and achieving goals.

The main components of the outline of the lesson on the world around us are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of conduct, sequence of stages, teaching materials and technical support.

On the educational and methodological portal of Konspektek, you can download abstracts of the lessons of the world for free

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