How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself. How does damage come out of a person: signs of removal of damage, protection after removal

  • 23.09.2019

How to remove the evil eye yourself at home?

Evil eye- it's pretty fast way pick up the negative, as it can be obtained even unintentionally. Therefore, in very mild cases, it can be removed independently. Below we will look at ways to remove the evil eye at home, and what should be done. How to determine the presence of negativity has already been written in another article.

Removing negativity with salt

One of the most powerful and accessible magical materials is salt. It is used in many rituals and rituals, for example, when removing the evil eye. Here salt is used together with conspiracies and prayers. They are quite varied. However, there is the easiest and fastest way to remove the evil eye with salt.

Fill up the bath hot water. Pour five hundred grams of salt into it. Take a bath for fifteen to twenty minutes until you feel lightness in your thoughts and in your body. Then immediately drain salt water and take a shower to wash the remaining salt off your skin. By the way, such procedures are very easy to pass in wooden bath. The energy of this material enhances the effect of salt.

There is also a ritual to remove the evil eye from the whole family. You will need to go around the neighbors and borrow salt as many times as the number of people living in the house. Combine all handfuls of salt in one vessel. By the way, there will be no harm to those people from whom salt was borrowed. Then it should be used every time you cook a meal.

However, in any case, if there is a suspicion or exact knowledge that there is a negative on you or your loved ones, then you should consult a specialist at least once. He will determine the degree of damage much more accurately and will be able to provide qualified assistance.

Removing the evil eye with an egg

Perhaps the most famous way to remove the evil eye is to use a chicken egg. You will also need a glass of clean water. So, in order to remove the evil eye with an egg, the victim should be placed facing the icon or window. Then start rolling the egg clockwise around the person's body. Start with the head, smoothly move on to the neck, shoulders, back (the main thing here is to take time for the spine).

During rolling out, the prayer “Our Father” should be read, and at very strong evil eye read the Creed. After completing the ritual, the egg must be broken into a glass of water. Wait until the yolk settles, and go with it to the crossroads, where you need to pour the contents of the glass.

There are a few rules to remember:

Do not undertake to roll out the evil eye from blood relatives who are older than you.

When you go to the crossroads to pour out the contents of the glass, then in no case should you turn around and talk to anyone.

There is another possibility to remove the evil eye using an egg. She is more simple. Take a glass of water, break an egg into it, and put it at the head of the person who has been jinxed for the night. During this time, all the negativity will be absorbed into the egg. In the morning, immediately after waking up from the glass, you need to pour everything into the sewer or at the intersection.

Using water to remove negativity

Water, along with salt, is the most accessible and effective material for removing the evil eye. This liquid has unique properties memorize surrounding information and transmit it. So, just standing in the shower after talking with an unpleasant person, you can wash off all the negativity that could stick to you. Therefore, when you come home after work, be sure to take a shower.

If simple water has such properties, then what can we say about holy or slandered water. Be sure to keep it in the house, at least not a large number of. When you need to remove the evil eye with water, drink a sip to start. Then wash yourself with this liquid, repeating “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen." Then stand on the threshold of your house or room, turn out the clothes you are wearing (T-shirt, shirt, jacket) and wipe your face with it.

But it should be remembered that this method is only good if the evil eye on you is rather weak. A more powerful evil eye will be removed from you only by an experienced psychic. He will understand your specific case and, if necessary, put protection.

The use of Orthodox methods to remove the negative impact

In addition to the above methods of removing the evil eye, you can use the Orthodox. It is effective only if the victim of the evil eye is a believer, otherwise there will be no positive result. By the time the negative is removed for three weeks. You must light a candle for health every Sunday during this period.

However, there are nuances. On the first Sunday, you need to visit one temple, on the second Sunday, two temples, and on the third, three temples. In each of them, put one candle, for example, a guardian angel or the Virgin. You should also read Psalm 90, a prayer to the Mother of God and the Holy Cross.

Remember that before going to church, you can’t tell anyone about this, since someone from your inner circle may be the unwitting culprit of the evil eye. Now you know how to remove the evil eye yourself with the help of sincere faith in the Lord.

Using herbs to remove the evil eye

Let's consider another type of negativity removal. Wait for the Trinity and collect twelve completely different herbs. Then they need to be consecrated in the church. After that, the herbs must be dried. Store them in canvas bags and take them out as needed.

The recipe for removing negativity is as follows. You will need plenty of water and twelve pinches of herbs (one from each bag). Brew the broth and cool it. Then let the victim of the evil eye drink, and also let him wash himself with it. It will be important to go to church for confession and communion.

But still, carefully monitor the condition of the patient. You can read more about the symptoms of the evil eye and other information on the website. If you see that this method does not help, then immediately contact a person more qualified than you. Don't let this sickness go too far.

Removing the evil eye from a child

If you are a mother or you have a young child in your family, and, as you know, before the age of seven, a person is only forming a biofield (you can read more about this in the article on the site), then you need to know how to remove the evil eye.

For a weak negativity, it will be enough to wash with holy water with a conspiracy. The liquid should pour abundantly on the floor when words are spoken, of which there are many variants. You can also just use the prayer “Our Father”.

As mentioned above, this method will only help for a weak evil eye. For stronger negativity, you will need prayers. They should be read and at the same time lead the child around the table. After you're done, give the baby some holy water to drink and wipe his face.

There is an opinion among the people that to remove the evil eye from small child only mom can. To do this, she needs to run her tongue over her cheeks and forehead, each time spitting all the dirt over her left shoulder.

Of course, with very strong negativity, you need to turn to an experienced healer. He will provide more qualified assistance, as well as advise methods of protection, or supply it if necessary.


So, we looked at some ways on how to remove the evil eye yourself. As you can see, in some cases this is possible, especially if you have completed special courses or school. You can also simply use the services of a specialist who will consider your specific case. You may need to put protection on for a while. Remember that the evil eye and its symptoms can only be the beginning of a series of unpleasant events that are best prevented in advance.

Symptoms and treatment of spoilage.

There are situations when constant failures happen to a person or his family for no reason at all. And it seems like we are doing everything right, but everything is not lucky. In this case, some of us think about witchcraft.

It is not uncommon for this to be true. Next, we will consider cases of magical influence, namely damage to a person and his loved ones. We will try to identify the signs of the evil eye and find ways to solve this problem.

How to remove the evil eye and damage at home from a child?

The worst thing is when damage is brought to the child. Just think, because these defenseless cute creatures are also often subject to magical influence. Someone wants to get even with their parents in this way or, without having children, bring grief to the baby.

Signs of witchcraft influence on children differ from adults. But children also feel the impact, but they show it differently. Let's first find out the symptoms by which parents can determine that the child has spoilage:

  • The child has many fears.
  • The child eats and sleeps poorly.
  • The kid is hysterical for no reason, often naughty.
  • Often the temperature rises, it also quickly returns to normal.
  • The child is not gaining weight, has stopped growing.
  • The kid is behind in development: he does not read, does not speak, does not walk - does not fulfill the indicated volume, which is prescribed according to his age. In this case, we should talk about severe damage.

But not always health problems mean induced damage. If, after a medical examination, the child is still more, then a ceremony should be performed to identify damage. For such a ritual, you will need a ring, preferably it should be a gold item from your mother.

  • Thread a thick thread into the ring and, with a lit candle, try to concentrate on the issues that interest you.
  • Now prepare the attribute. Saying the word "Yes" swing it to the left and right, saying "No" - back and forth.
  • Now you can ask questions, but try to limit yourself to three.
  • Ask about whether the child really has damage, do you know the one who brought it on, or other questions that you consider necessary.

If, nevertheless, there is spoilage on the child, then it is necessary to carry out a ritual that will cleanse the baby of filth. If you can not turn to a professional magician, then conduct it yourself. Preferably, this should be done by the baby's mother. Before that, she needs to withstand a three-day fast.

Now do the following:

  • Putting the child to bed, read the "Our Father" and, taking a candle, say the following words:

candle ritual
  • If the candle crackles, then do not start reading “Our Father” again and roll out the baby’s body with an egg.
  • It is the egg that will absorb all the negativity. You need to continue rolling out until the candle begins to burn evenly and without any sounds.
  • Next, the egg must be broken into a container with water and poured. If the child is still restless, repeat the action twice more.

You can also wash your child with holy water. After all, water consecrated in the church is able to remove all negativity and protect a person from evil.

In the morning, before the sun rises, collect holy water in the temple and, after reading “Our Father” over it, let the child drink on an empty stomach. Repeat this ritual for 3 days.

The ritual with red threads is effective. For this:

  • Buy a ball of red thread. It is important that the threads are exactly new.
  • Measure the child with a thread, wind the knots at the beginning and end of the segment.
  • Next, the baby should spread his arms and wrap the knot in the place where his middle fingers end on his hand.
  • And cutting off the thread with knots, say the following:

Church candles will also help remove damage from the baby. It is necessary to read cleansing words for 12 days, so you need to buy 12 wax candles in the church.

Having placed in front of you the icon of the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel of the child, say the following:

Do not throw away the remnants of the candle, and after the completion of the ritual, collect all the candles and bury them in a place where people do not go.

There are cases when damage is imposed even on newborns. Such crumbs do not have a good protective field and are easy prey for sorcerers. In order to calm the child, it is necessary to draw a cross on the forehead with a finger dipped in holy water. During this process, read a prayer to the Guardian Angel of the child.

There is also an old-fashioned way to free the child from spoilage - the mother’s night plane turned inside out must be put on the child so that the baby does not put his head in the neck. After the baby has been in the robe for a while, it must be burned.

Damage to health: how to remove?

There are a lot of types of damage, but now let's talk about damage to health. This type of damage can become very deplorable, because, depending on the strength of the magical effect, it can even lead to death.

Damage can be directed to the disease of a particular organ. And there are several types:

  • organic
  • inorganic

The first type triggers the mechanism for the development of organic diseases. Among them are infectious and cardiovascular diseases, as well as oncology.

This view is also divided into:

  • Single - aimed at a single launch of negative energy to worsen human health.
  • Multiple spoilage - is aimed at the constant introduction of negative energy to maximize the disorder of human health.

In the second type of damage, the impact is on the human psyche. Frequent depressions, stresses destroy the emotional field of a person. In this case, the person is physically healthy, but traditional medicine is not able to cure him.

Signs of health damage are:

  • Deterioration of health for no reason.
  • Traditional medicine is not able to help, according to examinations, the person turns out to be healthy.
  • A person loses his taste for life, apathy appears.
  • The disease may not be determined, and when it comes to light, it will already be a difficult stage.
  • A person loses weight or, conversely, gains too quickly.
  • The couple has no children, although both husband and wife are healthy.
  • In the temple, a person becomes ill, at the entrance to the church, as if something does not let him in.
  • At night, a person sees nightmares, every night he can see the same dream or different, but nightmares.

After damage, you will feel a deterioration in health

You can remove damage to health as follows:

  • To do this, it is advisable to contact a professional, because if you do something wrong, then the program for your destruction will continue to work.
  • After the successful removal of spoilage, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will check your health, since in this case all diseases become open to doctors and can be successfully cured.
  • For 7 days, drink 200 g of holy water three times a day, saying "Our Father".
  • Bathe at Baptism. Cold running water is ideal for this.

How to remove severe damage to death on your own?

This is the most powerful type of damage, which is aimed at depriving a person of life. Signs of such damage are:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Severe illnesses
  • scary dreams
  • Overindulgence in bad habits
  • A serious condition that is not explained by conventional medicine
  • Vicious reaction to human cats and other pets
  • You can also do this test: pour salt water into a cup and throw 2 burnt matches into it. If all the cinders have drowned, then it is urgent to contact specialists to remove the spoilage.

Now let's move on to tips for removing damage to death, which consists of the following items:

  • Go to the church and talk to the priest. He will advise you on the prayers that you need to read to remove the damage.
  • During the week, attend church daily, keep a strict fast, and read the Lord's Prayer.
  • Wear a pectoral cross and put an icon in your room Mother of God"The Tsaritsa", in front of which light a candle.
  • People who have been at the church for a long time will give you a conspiracy, which you will quietly read three times at night for the first week, and read it into the water for the second week. The second week you need to keep a strict fast. On the third week, this water should be drunk in portions.
  • Also in the old days there was a ceremony that was performed by three women - an unmarried, elderly widow and an old maid. They took a handful of sand in their bosoms in a bag and, having come into the field, said the following:

  • Don't share your photos.
  • Have pure thoughts in your soul, because evil spirits stick better to dirty thoughts.
  • Do not keep “dead meat” in the house: animal skins, stuffed animals.
  • Do not keep cracked dishes in the house.
  • Never store or look into cracked mirrors.
  • Do not give your own and do not take someone else's cross.
  • Do not pick up money, jewelry, other valuables and trinkets on the street. Especially at intersections.
  • Don't let others wear your clothes and jewelry.
  • Do not store your photos and photos of family members with deceased relatives in the same album.

The main thing is not to be afraid. Before the brave and fearless, evil is powerless. Have God in your soul and your Guardian Angel will protect you.

How to remove damage from a husband, beloved on your own?

Changes in the husband's behavior may mean that your companion has been spoiled or made a love lapel. If the partner has become aggressive, inattentive, withdrawn, then you need to do the following - say the following three times over food or drink for your loved one:

In the event that damage to a loved one or a lapel was carried out by an amateur, this will be quite enough. If there is a stronger magical effect, then you will have to seek help from professionals.

How to remove damage from the family?

When a person is faced with a magical effect that destroys his family, his main task is to preserve the cell of society. If a previously happy family has turned into an accumulation of negativity, quarrels and squabbles, then most likely it could not have done without envy and damage.

Signs of such damage are:

  • Poor health in all family members.
  • Increasing accidents that hit the family.
  • Regularly repeated unpleasant incidents.
  • Lack of understanding, frequent quarrels.

These signs are a signal that the family needs to be cleansed of negative influences. To do this, you need to gather all family members and get together to expel evil. So the following will help:

  • To get started, ask for help from the Guardian Angels. To do this, distribute glasses of water to all family members, which you pour from one decanter. The water in the decanter should stand in the decanter for at least half an hour.
  • Next, each family member must take off any clothes that he has had for a long time. All items of clothing are tied with knots.
  • Hand in hand, you need to read the following:

Conspiracy for family unity

To restore peace in the family, salt is also suitable, which family members will take from neighbors. But it's important not to take different people salt from one neighbor. Therefore, agree on this in advance.

Salt will need no more than a tablespoon. Next, mix all the salt brought and cook dinner with it. During cooking, say the words that peace and tranquility will now return to your family.

All family members need to eat food with salt. But not just to try, but to eat well and heartily.

We also offer a method that will wash all the negativity out of the family. Necessary:

  • Give each family member a waffle towel.
  • Relatives should bathe and completely dry themselves with these towels.
  • Next, sew towels and wash the floor with them. You need to wash thoroughly, so you will collect all the negativity from the family and home on the towel.
  • Bury the towel under a dry tree in a deserted area.

Also remember these rules to help protect your family:

  • Do not take things into the house that are near the door. This is the lining that you bring into the house, and it begins to act.
  • Everything that you find in the apartment or in the yard, but it is not yours and looks strange, should be burned. But do not touch it with your hands - take it in a napkin or paper.
  • If you have moved to new house then look through all the corners, attic and basement. If you find strange things - dolls, feathers, eggs - all this must be burned immediately.
  • Do not brag about the successes of relatives, do not flaunt family wealth. Not all people will be sincerely happy for you. And envy of someone else's happiness is the first reason for inducing damage.

How to remove damage to infertility?

Most often, this kind of damage is done by women to rivals. After all, it is very important for every woman to become a mother and often families break up precisely because of the absence of children. But do not confuse magical effects and medical indicators.

  • A girl for no apparent reason can not get pregnant.
  • The girl has frequent headaches, insomnia.
  • There are fears of loneliness, darkness.
  • A series of bad luck that just haunts a woman.

By the way, it is important to note that in the presence of damage, you will show all these signs. You can define impact as follows:

  • If, after holding a gold ring on your cheek, you don’t have a red, but a black mark, then damage is on you.
  • If Rye bread, lowered by you into the water, immediately fell to the bottom, then you should immediately contact a professional for help.
  • In the following way, you can determine exactly how they caused damage to you. Drop in a saucer of water sunflower oil. If the drop changes the boundaries, then you are damaged by the photo. If the drop remains the same, then there is no magical effect on you.

To get rid of infertility, you will need 12 branches from trees. Further:

  • Take 3 twigs and, going to wooden fence, beat him, saying: “I beat you so that barrenness of lime helps. As there are fruits in the garden, so I will have a child. Follow these steps, adding 3 more branches every day.
  • Ask loved one roll you out with an egg. To do this, on the 17-19th day of the moon after sunset, sit facing the East. Let be native person You will be run in, starting from the head, then along the back, chest and go down 33 times. At this time, you need to say "Our Father", a prayer to the Guardian Angel.
  • Place the egg near a tree in the forest. And a person does not need to deal with money for three days.

Damage to money: how to remove it yourself?

Damage to money is most often used by those who want to destroy competitors or are jealous of the financial well-being of a friend's husband. In addition, it is very easy to direct it - also through money. Moreover, the denomination of the currency is absolutely not important - it can even be a coin of 5 kopecks.

A special slander is read for money, and then it is thrown up so that you raise and put the funds to the rest. Money can be left on the bedside table, in the closet, on the desktop. Often a person in worries does not remember where he left the money and mechanically puts it in his wallet. The program is up and running.

We offer you some tips to help you avoid damage to money:

  • Never, under any circumstances, raise money on the street. Even if someone asks you about it, or the amount is already very tempting.
  • When the sun has set, you cannot borrow money. By the way, gatherings for funerals most often take place in the evening. And the money taken from you can be used for magic.
  • Try to write down the number of the bill you borrowed. And if a banknote with the same number was returned to you, then this is a 100% charmed banknote. In no case should you spend it, otherwise you will launch a program to reduce your funds. It's best to exchange banknotes.
  • During the funeral, you can not put money to the deceased. Since, in this way, you bury your well-being. And this applies not only to if the money is yours, but even if they gave it to you. It is the person who puts the money in the coffin that matters.

To get rid of financial adversity, you should contact a sorcerer or try to cleanse yourself. For this:

  • Take the newest banknote from your wallet, the denomination is not important. Cross out all the numbers with a black pen and sew it with white thread to the pocket of the thing that you wear most often. While sewing, say: “Luck and money for money, bypass me, the servant of God (name), misfortune. Amen!".
  • Put the coins in a cloth bag and sprinkle them with salt. Sprinkle holy water on top. In the evening, when the sun has set and the moon is waning, bury the bag under a tree in the yard. At the same time, say: “With salt, damage will go away, and money will come. Amen".
  • For 6 days, pour 100 g of holy water on the place where the bag is buried and say the same words. On the 8th day, dig out the bag, burn it, and put the coins in your wallet. This should improve your financial situation.

Removing damage to loneliness on your own

The magical influence is very noticeable. Moreover, visible signs appear almost immediately after the intervention:

  • No relationship for a long time.
  • Relationships cease to exist when the conversation about starting a family begins.
  • People who showed sympathy for you before, now bypass you.
  • Among relatives there is talk about you that you will not find a mate.
  • Animals are aggressive towards you.

To determine if you have spoilage, you need to drive an egg into a container of water so that the yolk is whole. If it doesn't work, try again. Next, a person who may have been damaged needs to put a container on his head for 3 minutes.

Availability required pectoral crosses. After the specified time, check what happened in the container:

  • No changes - no damage was induced
  • A web in a bowl - at this time, damage is gradually being introduced to a person
  • The yolk is like boiled, and black circles appeared on the protein - damage to death
  • Bubbles appeared on the squirrel - damage to loneliness

To get rid of the magical effect, you need to go to a deserted place at the crossroads and, putting the coins, say:

For 9 days, repeat this action in new places. It is also possible to carry out rite with crystal:

  • Pour water into a crystal glass and put it on your photo.
  • Say whatever you want and then go to sleep.
  • In the morning, pour out the water and mentally imagine that all the negativity is gone with the water.

How is Thursday salt used to get rid of spoilage?

Salt consecrated on Pure Thursday is saturated with very useful properties. At home, to saturate the salt, you need to bring a candle from the church that burned when they read the “12 Gospel” and read 3 r “Our Father” with the same burning candle. Salt after this clean in a secluded place.

If you suspect that you have been spoiled, then put Thursday salt in fabric bag and tie with red thread. Say:

Carry the red thread from the bag with you, and keep the charmed bag at home.

Removing spoilage with an egg overnight

Earlier, we already talked about how you can roll out an egg from spoilage. But we offer you another simple way to cleanse from spoilage.

Add a spoonful of holy water to a glass of water and beat in a fresh homemade egg. But leave the night by the bed and go to bed. In the morning, see if there are any changes in the glass.

Destroy the egg in the following way - throw it in the toilet or bury it in the cemetery. Mentally say:

How to remove damage with a bay leaf?

Bay leaf from spoilage is very effective tool. Even using a leaf when cooking helps to get rid of anxiety and bad thoughts.

Previously, children were even attached leaves strung on a rope near the bed. Parents still protected the child from the evil eye.

Bay leaf can be both removed and damaged. In order to remove damage, you need to use an infusion of bay leaves.

But also be sure to hang above the front door Bay leaf on a red thread. Then not only the evil eye will not fall on family members, but good luck will also enter the house.

For success in business, put a dried bay leaf in your wallet. And to get energy after removing the spoilage, just crush the leaf in your hand and, dropping a little aromatic oil on it, inhale the smell.

How to remove severe damage in the church?

The first condition that will help remove damage in the church is true faith and diligence. Your actions:

  • Put candles in the temple for yourself and the health of your enemies for three Sundays in a row. Churches should be different every Sunday
  • You can also order a prayer service for the health of the one who caused the damage, if you know exactly who it is.
  • Place candles for health in front of the icon of your Guardian Angel. If there is none in the temple, then the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ and all the Saints.

Talk to the priest, he will tell you what prayers to read. It is important to choose the right prayers so that the result is positive.

In no case should you tell anyone that you are going to the temple to remove damage. Especially if you don't know who sent it. It happens that damage comes from those closest to you and, knowing that you are trying to resist, a person can induce even more severe damage.

Removal of damage that was made from a photograph

Very often, damage is caused precisely from the photo. To remove the negative impact, you need to burn the photo on which the ritual was performed. But this is very difficult, as photos are often buried in cemeteries.

You can remove the damage yourself, but it is important to understand that the damage in the photo is strong enough and you can harm your own health with the wrong actions. It is better to contact a professional. But if you already decide to carry out the cleansing yourself, then take a photo of a person in full height. He should not be drunk in the photo or be in the background of water, mountains or a church.

Take a fresh egg in your right hand, and hold a photo in your left. Put the icon of the Holy Trinity and say 7 r:

Damage induced by photograph, the words of the purification ritual

Break the egg in the toilet bowl and rinse well with water. Attach the photo sprinkled with holy water with your face to the icon. You need to repeat the ritual for a week.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for damage. But don't fold your arms and give up. Use the indicated methods or contact a specialist to cleanse. The main thing is to do everything on time and correctly, and then there will be no trace of the negative.

Video: Is there damage? How to deal with it?

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, dedicate this material to self-diagnosis, i.e. how to determine spoilage with a candle. In addition, part of the article will be devoted to removing damage with the help of candles. In magic, there are many effective rites that remove magical damage of a different nature and different strength of influence.

How to check spoilage with a candle at home

Suspicion or belief that there is damage, that it is not a fantasy, is always preceded by something. Analyze the circumstances that made you suspect that you have magical negativity.

Signs that a person has damage can be considered:

  • deterioration of health, up to critical
  • depressive states
  • mood swings
  • significant deterioration in the financial sector.
  • in addition, the symptoms of induced damage include auditory, olfactory, visual hallucinations, nightmares.

You can determine damage on a church candle yourself. It is not necessary to turn it over and make the so-called black candle. This method analysis of the presence of negative energy does not imply the invocation of Forces, this is a simple diagnosis with a candle. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will say more to determine spoilage with a candle, it is not necessary to take a candle. An ordinary wax candle, or better, made on your own specifically for magical diagnostics, will certainly show the presence of a black negative, if it is on a person.

So, try to check if there is damage with a candle.

Take a wax candle, light it and for 5 minutes drive the flame along your body at a distance of at least 20 cm from the body. If in certain places the flame changes color, smokes, crackles, this may mean that there is an energy negative in the human aura. Most likely, the sorcerer's blow fell on those places of the energy field, in the immediate vicinity of which the flame of a church candle, when trying to find out if there was damage, experienced some transformations.

A similar ritual can check with a candle if there is damage using a photo of a person, i.e. make remote diagnostics. But what kind of negative is the place to be, and even who is the customer or performer, runic or layouts of Tarot cards will say. Not only the cleansing of a person is done by the power of Fire, it is possible to very effectively clean the house from damage with a candle. And here is one example of how this can be done.

Self-remove the negative with a candle - cleaning and protecting housing

Yes, that's right, a magical rite is an annealing that allows you to cleanse the house of negativity with candles, but it is also effective protection dwellings and property from the effects of witchcraft. I think, magician Sergei Artgrom rite. Works even in the most complex, severe cases. Burns linings, banishes entities.

To at home, remove the evil eye and damage with a candle, you will need, in fact, a candle, and nothing more. Nothing but your intention and your personal magical power. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will add that there are 2 more important factors that ensure the success of cleaning - the elemental power of Fire and the power of Runes. The candle must be large enough. You can take a black candle. A stave consisting of runes is applied to the candle from 3 sides: Ansuz, Ansuz lane, Turs, Turs lane, Eyvaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Laguz lane.

  • Ansuz is a rune of information, magical energy, which is necessary to solve the problem of eliminating negativity.
  • Rune Tours - identifying negativity and active protection from hostile witchcraft; neutralizes the actions of sorcerers, deprives the strength of their blows.
  • Eyvaz leads you to the goal, blocks the counteraction to damage, gives you protection. Eyvaz is a rune of transformations, a rune of active defense that cripples the enemy with his own weapon.
  • Dagaz will act as a powerful explosive mechanism that changes the situation, destroying the existing negative circumstances. Runa Dagaz creates the prerequisites for a new one, ensures a successful outcome of the case - in this case, cleaning the house.
  • Laguz is a rune of fluid, transformative power rising from the unconscious. Purifies all levels of being, is the carrier of vital energy. Effective in revealing what has been hidden from our eyes.

All the elements are involved in the rune stav, and activation by fire gives a powerful impetus to awaken it. When applying, becoming is negotiated, it can be in rune, it can be entirely. If the connection with the runes is good, one intention is enough to activate the runic becoming, and effectively remove the damage on your own with the help of a candle. Then light a candle and go around the whole house with it.

Lighting a black candle, read a strong conspiracy from corruption:

“I do not light a candle, but I burn the deeds of my enemies. All their evil words, bad deeds, everything that was said, done, everything returns to them, grows into them. It's not my job to interrupt. My word is strong. Amen".

A burning candle with an activated runic stave from the evil eye and damage will detect and destroy negative witchcraft, curses, and neutralize linings. From my magician Sergey Artgrom personal experience: this cleansing eliminates even the impact dead water poured at the threshold.

In addition, the witch's candle protects against damage and the evil eye. The protection is tangible, it works like an active defense, partially sending back, partially repaying the energy of damage aimed at housing.
Where the candle leads, smokes, cracks, the wax melts and flows strongly, the flame tends to one side or the other, etc., linger. This is an energetically bad place in the house, perhaps there is a lining - hidden or lying in plain sight. Burn out all black energy.

You can read a conspiracy to remove the evil eye and damage with a candle at home:

“I take it off from myself, from my house, I send it to my enemies, I destroy all the damage, I send it back. As a candle burns, so everything bad comes off me, returns to where it came from.

The stub of the candle, if left, at sunset, throw it into running water, or bury it under a dead tree. Say at the same time:

"From where it came, there it went."

You can repeat the magical cleaning, which makes it possible to independently remove the damage with the help of a candle, as needed. You can do it on any moon.

Remove damage on your own through a church candle - take grief away

In real witchcraft, black candles often find their use. There are 2 options here: a wax candle, made by a magician mainly for demonic or cemetery rites, which has a black color, and an inverted church candle, blasphemed, that means. This candle is also called black. You need to know this, and distinguish between these 2 concepts. Although often, depending on the ritual used, church candles from the evil eye tourniquet in the normal position, without turning.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Self-removal of damage can be done church candle, inverted, i.e. black. But, you can take a black wax candle.

So, in order to avert trouble from your fate, to cleanse yourself of the induced negativity, you will need:

  1. black candle
  2. flat plate without pattern

Purge is black, demonic, a strong rite. You can do it to remove the evil eye from yourself with the help of a candle, it is also suitable for another person. On a plate, draw 3 equilateral crosses in a row with soot, put a candle in the middle of the middle cross. Do after sunset. Light a candle, hit the floor three times with your left foot, then hit the floor three times with your right foot, read strong conspiracy cleansing from damage with a black candle:

"Yako church candle the dead will be commemorated, tacos cooing with their saints with a black candle. Three times a knock to the left will disperse, but a regiment of devils will turn up to me, and with every devil it will happen that the fate of the parish will change, but God’s plan will change, yes, but I’m doomed to tearful lot, now the devils will change, but it will fall back a hundred miles from me. Yes, every devil will be attached to the wall, yes, every devil will be guarded by me, but the fire of a black candle will do. Yes, if he throws himself, then he will pick up the devils, but he will throw himself into the fire of a black candle, but in this fire he will be destroyed. Yes, the woeful prophecy will be destroyed, yes, everything will be closed with devils, yes, every rotten path will be covered. Yes, my life will get better, yes, the devils will be settled, the fire of a black candle will be strong, but any grief will be overcome. Taco was written in a black book, but it was done by me, but fate was redone in the course. Made by witch fire. Amen".

To remove the evil eye with a church candle, or worse, to eliminate it, you need to read the plot 7 times, before each reading, stomping your left foot three times and right foot three times. Then the demons in the flame of a black candle will be poorly mastered. When the candle burns out, hide the plate in the house. This will be protection from damage. Pay back the devil on the same day.

Removal of spoilage - annealing with a black candle

Everything is simple here. Burn with a black candle from top to bottom in a spiral, from right to left. With a candle, remove damage from yourself, read the plot until it burns out. Leave the cinder at the crossroads. There is a need for cleaning from spoilage by candles. In addition to candles, for the ceremony you will need:

  • finely ground salt
  • aspen shavings
  • decoction of wormwood
  • any essential oil
  • cosmetic body clay without additives

The flame of candles around is annealing, with its help damage to the flame of candles is removed.

All other elements accumulate and destroy the negative. Magic ritual allows remove damage to candles, but to be precise, cleaning is done by five elements:

  1. water,
  2. fire,
  3. earth,
  4. air
  5. and a tree.

Mix clay for the body with fine salt and rub the whole body with this composition. Leave for 5-20 minutes. Rub the head with salt.

Fill up the bath warm water, add bath salts and aromatic oils. And also add aspen shavings and pour in a decoction of wormwood. Light candles from the evil eye and damage. On the water to read witchcraft conspiracy to cleanse negativity with candles. You can not cast a spell, but a clear intention is required. Take a bath for 20 minutes. All black sorcery will be removed.

This treatment to remove damage is provided free of charge, strictly follow the procedure in these rituals and all the necessary rules.
how to find out if there is damage is very well described in the article at the link:
the myths of "gypsies" and cracking candles are also debunked there.

To cleanse yourself of any negativity, or possibly remove damage, you can try these methods described below.

any time is suitable for removing damage, but it is generally accepted that it is most effective to remove damage on the waning moon. each conspiracy to remove damage is pronounced at least three times in a row daily for some time, if taken on average, then 15 days in a row. It is advisable to read them on the water and then sprinkle it on the patient and give it to drink - but if this is not possible - then you can just read the conspiracies from damage in his photo.
during treatment - completely exclude any animal food, alcohol and tobacco for 3 months.
In order to remove the damage, the reading order of the following conspiracies must go exactly in the sequence in which it is given here. If you fail to do anything from the conspiracies to remove damage purely for reasons of the absence of a second person, then you can skip this conspiracy and read the next one that follows it. For those who are familiar with the use of "doubles" - in the absence of a person, they can make him a "double" (a doll, an image transferred to an object) and pour water over the "double", and not the spoiled one, with slandered water.

1)remove weak types of damage or evil eye with the help of breathing exercises (it helps to burn the negative and return it to the sender)
sit down, put a clock with a second hand in front of you. back straight, hands on
legs or hanging straight, exhale all the air from yourself without a trace, hold
breath for 15-20 seconds, then catch your breath and repeat again.
perform the operation at least 5 times per session.
do it as often as possible during the month so that any damage and the evil eye come off immediately at an early stage.

2)remove damage using candle cleaning:

2.1) if you are a baptized person:
buy a candle in the church, take it in your right hand and pass it from top to bottom and from below
up on yourself, while reading the prayer "Our Father", then baptize yourself with this candle.
if the candle starts strongly and constantly !!! to crack or smoke somewhere, it is to crack strongly and constantly, small homogeneous crackles are just accumulations of fat on a candle and you should not pay attention to them. Then in that place do a candle
crosses and repeat "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" - so baptize
exactly 7 times, then continue to read the prayer and drive the candles from top to bottom.
it will be very good if someone gives you exactly the same on the back leads.
the variant as on itself - and on the patient is possible or probable.

2.2) if you are not baptized, then using foreign prayers you will plunge yourself into slavery even more, so the option is a little different, the same option is also suitable for baptized people: buy the same wax candle in a church or in any other place, it is important that the candle was made of wax. Baptize yourself with it, arbitrarily reading any bright words such as "health, cleanliness ...", etc.

2.3) if you belong to any other faith, then use their internal techniques. It is unacceptable to use the technique of an egregor alien to you, for example, Buddhism without being faithful to Buddhism, or to use the technique of Christianity without being a Christian (who was sacrificed on the altar during baptism), if you do not turn to your roots, then alien religions will start to suck with you energy as payment for help with cleaning, and you will feel bad again.

3) also for the removal of damage to Christians, an order in the church for a prayer for the health of oneself (or the sick) for 40 days is suitable. for non-Christians, this will again bring a drain of energy, use your religions.

4) exclude any animal food from the diet, become vegetarians and generally less food, more spring water.

5) put on a pin and wear it all the time. the head of the pin (the place of fastening) should look down, fasten it at the level of the heart under the clothes so that no one sees it.

6) buy rock crystal, a pendant from it or a small ball, carry it with you
constantly for a year, then bury deep in the ground for 6 months - then
you can wear the year again, etc. - it clears you of negativity.

I remind you that the prayers addressed to Christ and God belong to the Christian egregor, this egregor punishes the servants of God for turning to sorcerers, if they pray not to God but to someone else - see the 10 commandments, until you follow them - you will be punished and send illnesses, this applies to all baptized people, non-Christians, i.e. unbaptized people are not afraid of illness, if you, of course, stupidly, do not begin to call Christ to yourself. To get rid of the bindings and illnesses sent by Christianity - baptism is required, but if you foolishly prayed to a strange god without being baptized - go to the temple and leave a ransom there. The same, but vice versa, applies to a Christian - if a Christian prayed to a demon, then he must leave the demon a ransom.
These are two opposing clans, if you are not with them, then you are against them. Be careful when using conspiracies, what kind of illness a Christian egregor will send you for this is still unknown, read the Bible, they have a lot of different punishments in their arsenal for disobeying the master-god by a man-slave belonging to him (i.e. a believer in God or a person baptized in faith god Yahweh-Jehovah).

Removal of damage in certain cases is done by prayers. Often the removal of damage is difficult, because when people begin to remove damage from themselves, they do not hide it from others. This may orient the witch to seek to finish off her victim to the end. The essence of all conspiracies is to expel damage and restore health to the patient. Treatment for corruption begins with the prayer "Our Father" being read three times over the water, then a request and an appeal to the saints with a request to pray to God for the forgiveness of sins, the healing of the servant of God (the name is indicated), then the prayer to the Cross is read and only then the conspiracy is read.
Before any conspiracy, a prayer is usually said: "Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil."

The most powerful ritual to remove severe spoilage through the wax doll
In order to remove the damage for free by yourself, or with the help of your friend a magician who will agree to help you without prepayment (or completely free of charge), you should strictly follow these instructions!
how to remove damage from yourself with a wax doll:
1) light a yellow wax candle;
2) take your photo and burn it completely in the flame of this candle, collect the ashes;
3) melt the new wax to the level of plasticine and mix the wax with the ashes from the photo;
4) fashion a doll from this wax, then put a golden ring on this doll's head, as a golden crown will turn out to attract solar energy from space;
5) anoint the doll with your saliva, urine and blood (women can menstruate);
6) cross the doll, naming it with your name;
7) to protect against the return of this damage, put an open gold chain and put a doll in the middle on this chain;
8) wrap the doll with a chain - we wind one half of the chain in one direction, and the other half in the other;
9) when you wrap, before fastening the chain, say a conspiracy:
"He bound you with the golden light of the sun, drove away the darkness forever, amen";
10) wrap in black cloth, preferably silk or wool;
11) put cloth-wrapped dolls on the working altar of the magician for a week
12) then, after a week, throw this bundle into a river with a good current.
Explanation of this free corruption removal ritual:
The doll must be made exactly small in order to be able to wrap it well with a chain around.
Gold is energetically connected with the energy of the sun, which will attract into your life the warm and bright energy of goodness, positive, as well as love, affection and warmth. Gold represents solar energy, and at the same time it will cleanse you of other people's attempts to harm you. (light of the sun, let it destroy the darkness).
The risk of no result is likely here, since you will be making the doll yourself, and, moreover, without proper self-preparation. Naturally, it is best for you to find a magician who will agree to help with this ritual for free. Or you can practice on your own, accumulate the light of love inside yourself to cleanse the negative. to avoid his reappearance, return to life.
Another point: to perform any ritual actions, a person must be in an alpha state close to sleep. Therefore, again, I recommend that you carry out any rituals for removing corruption not on your own, but together with a magician you know, an esoteric who can enter this alpha state.
Please note that any business, including work with universal energies, needs to be trained at least in advance in order to saturate your energy with positive. It is impossible, while cleaning from dirt, to shed tears and grieve that supposedly nothing happens in life. Otherwise, instead of positivity and purity, you will attract completely opposite forces and energies to yourself.
That is why, it is best to find a magician and let him help you remove the damage, albeit for a purely nominal fee.
We often asked questions, so I’ll add: yes, the moon is growing, the day of the week is preferably either Friday (the day of Venus - the planet of love) or Sunday (the day of the Sun). On other days, the effect will be less pronounced. it is forbidden to perform the ritual of removing corruption on Tuesday - the day of Mars (war), and on Saturday - the day of Saturn (destruction). It is better to choose the time of day together with the magician, but if you have not found anyone to help you, then focus on the inner state of your soul. When the sun sparkles in your heart, when you feel that love overwhelms you - that's when the time has come for self-cleansing from corruption. Never purge with thoughts about a negative, negative past, because what you think about, thought about that day, you will attract according to the law of the universal boomerang.
ATTENTION! we can help you carry out this ritual, but only if you also help us in some way. Write, suggest how you can help us. We do not answer letters with questions "what do you need in return" or "tell yourself what you want to receive in return", the initiative of the proposal should come entirely from you, with respect, Sergey Boltenko. Reprinting, duplication of this material is allowed only with an active, clickable and open link for search engines to this page.

Prayer to the cross to remove damage

Removing damage - folk method:

For 3 days in a row after that, it is recommended to light one yellow candle near the photograph of the patient every day.

Conspiracy to remove damage
it is recommended to read either over the patient - or over the photograph of the patient for 3 days in a row, while burning a yellow candle in the left hand
"God bless. An angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, there is a hvarin in the fence, there is a table on a steep mountain. And Mother stands on the throne Holy Mother of God and holds a sword and saber over the sick (name). He kills with a sword, cuts with a saber (this phrase twice). Put, Lord, the heart in its place, strengthen, lock the gates more firmly, the keys into the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, belly, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, then you’ll go bad: Yuri’s retinue will come, overtake him with a scourge, St. Yegoriy will come - he will stab him with a spear, And St. Michael will mark with a cut, burn him with fire, and spread your ashes all over the wide world. Mother of the Blessed Virgin, seven-shot. shooting with your seven arrows and cut with your four damask knives (here, cut water with a knife three times in the form of a cross) in the servant of God (name) all pains, all sorrows, inflows, capes, collars, nets, keels, undercoats, chepozhu, weakness, headache, insomnia, bezdreminnitsu, all pains. all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness calm down. Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

a conspiracy from corruption, read into the wind.
They take water from three wells (or 3 holes), which they pour over the patient 3 times; when scooping up water, they say: "King of the river. Give water sloshed for ease, for the health of the servant of God (name of the servant)." When they bring water, they don’t talk to anyone and don’t even greet.

another conspiracy to remove damage from a sore spot on the body, if the damage is local.
Outlining a sore spot with a fallen knot, say:
"Just as the branches and roots of a white bologna and a red heart dry and dry at Mother's dry pine, so lessons and prize-winners would dry and dry at (name), and inflows from a lush head from blond hair, from the blood of a hot and trembling body."

Ancient conspiracy to remove damage
"Water flowed from the krynichka through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy longing thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, insipid, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here you need to baptize water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah, the prophet with his golden rod defeats demons, holy fire-flame, Jordanian water... With a passionate fire I call you - expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach, from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, outlived, outlined, from the fingers and joints. you won't be, you won't drink pure blood from a begotten, prayerful baptized slave God's (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Removing the "string"
It is performed in case of damage, when the sorcerer wrapped a small wax figurine depicting a victim with a braid or cord with casting spells and sticking an awl, as well as in case of damage when the groom is sent damage in the morning after the wedding with the words "until it is tied, you will not straighten up." To prevent this damage, Thursday salt is put in your pocket, or you can rub the threshold, door and jambs with wolf fat.

Spell of Pope Leo (to remove the spell. Or to remove severe damage)
6 yellow candles are taken, placed either around the patient - or around his photograph, the first is preferable. then this spell is read to the patients themselves to remove the damage.
candles should burn out to the end.
Lasgaroth + Aphonidos + Palatia + Urat + Condion + Lamacron Fandon .+ Fahagon + Alamar + Bourgasis Vcmat Serebani - This spell contains great power. (Crosses indicate that one must be baptized and bow). The main thing in the conspiracy is the powerful, closing power of the word itself, therefore it is necessary to remember the word order itself precisely, because. this word is affirmation and strengthening, it is affirmed and closed by it and nothing: neither air, nor storm, nor water opens this matter.

The salt of life and the lamp of life - also to remove damage.
A waning moon is preferred. Do the same for yourself.

Holy salt, holy salt, take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name) and give them along the flowing water to the island of Buyan, to the sea - okiyana.
After that, pour hot salt on a saucer and put it in front of the photo of the person from whom the damage is being removed. Every day, calcine this salt in a pan and leave it on the same saucer in front of the photo. Do seven days.
On the eighth day, pour the salt into the river.

remove damage through the lamp:
Take a clean lamp, pour oil, light the wick, read the Our Father once, then say three times:
As the flame burns evenly, so that the life of the servant of God (name) is bright and pure.
Maintain the fire for seven days.

When removing the evil eye, or weak damage, it is enough to use one salt. When removing serious damage, it is necessary to make salt and a lamp at the same time.
it is also recommended to put a photo of the one from whom you clean the damage next to it, and put 4 yellow cubic zirconia candles on the sides of it on the cardinal points.

Method for removing damage "Crystal vase"
It is done in the evening before bed. To do this, take a photo of a damaged person (preferably a glossy one, from a regular film, so that it doesn’t deteriorate from water. If you don’t have a normal photo, then you can use a digital one, from a digital camera, just pre-laminate the photo so that the paint from the water does not peel off the paper photographs), take a crystal (or glass) vase, water. The vase is thoroughly washed, then pour water into it with a conspiracy: "Clean me, mother water, from everything evil, alluvial, black. So be it!" Put the photo in the water, so that it completely hides, for the night. In the morning, when you wake up, take out the photo, put it on a white sheet of paper on the windowsill to dry in the sun, and drain the water into
toilet or where no one walks with the words: "Mother Earth, take all the dirt, all the damage and evil from me, so be it!". Rinse the vase thoroughly under running water. Repeat in the evening.
Depending on the severity of the damage, do either three days after three, or seven times after seven days (seven days - remove, seven days break, and so seven times)
With this method, you can remove damage both from yourself and from any other person.

Yet good method not only getting rid of damage, but also the opportunity to relax in the best place only for you.
"creating a shelter"
This technique requires a good imagination, and if it is still in the development stage, then "Creating a Shelter" develops this very imagination well.
1. Sit down, wherever you are (in transport, at work, at school, and at home you can lie down) relax. Even you can not relax, just renounce reality. During the exercise, you will reach a relaxed state.
2. Imagine a place that is most favorable for you. The place can be absolutely any, both real and created by your imagination. (and any image created by our imagination exists, albeit in astral reality)
3. Take a good look at this place. For starters, you can imagine it small so that you remember all its nuances and the smallest details.
4. Fill this place with items that are useful to you: for example, a fantan for relieving a headache, a lake for healing the soul ... Turn on your "dreamer" to the very coil. In your world, everything comes true instantly!
5. Stay in this place for as long as you want. Do everything that you did not allow yourself in reality. Break away, in a word.
6. Gradually stop concentrating on this place. Let the image calmly dissipate.
7. Open your eyes, stretch (the latter is not necessary, especially if you were traveling in transport, but if possible, after good stretches you will feel invigorated)
Good luck on your dream journey!

another method of cleaning energy from damage:
"Cleansing bath" to remove spoilage
Several variants:
1) swim in a lake or river. When bathing, relax in the water (if you know how to lie on your back - lie down) relax as much as possible - give yourself to the water, let it gently support you. At the same time, it’s good to lower your head into the water so that water fills your ears, and you find yourself in silence and hear only the mysterious and bewitching rustle of sand under the water column. All this almost instantly puts you into a state of some kind of trance, while you can close your eyes or open and look at the sky - lie down as long as you want, then I advise you to go ashore, lie down on the sand or grass (which will be), and lie down for as long as you think necessary.

2) The second method is more adapted to modern life most people.
Buy chamomile at the pharmacy. if possible, collect it yourself in the garden or forest. chamomile can be replaced with needles (just don’t peel the trees too much, and in general try to treat plants as living beings that can feel and think), you can pick up birch leaves, or nettles.
put the plants you have prepared in a basin, fill it with hot water, and while it is infused, draw water into the bath. Type water at a temperature that you are comfortable with. When the water is full, pour the decoction of the plants into the water, you can even with the plants themselves (make yourself a semblance of a wonderful forest lake(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))
You can also speak this water like this:
"Mother Voditsa, wash my body, cleanse my soul, give me health and good mood" You can say the words you want, the main thing is that they be sincere, the water will perfectly understand what you want from it
soak in this healing bath for as long as your heart desires. When you get out, do not wash off the healing solution. Walk wet and naked around the apartment until you dry yourself (of course, if you are alone, or with understanding people) - so all the healing broth will be absorbed into your skin, and at the same time your body will rest from clothes and breathe. You will feel lightness and health in your body and soul(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))

there are options for bathing in salt water (bath salt). Same with conspiracy. in general, you can try to speak for your desire any water that you consume.

blue clay also cleanses the body and soul well (also sold in a pharmacy, but it’s better to find it on the banks of swamps or reservoirs, dig it out yourself, roll balls about 3-5 cm in diameter and dry them in the sun. so the clay is also recharged with solar energy ) Clay and sores kicks out and negative energy absorbs into himself.
Dilute the clay in the bath with an amount of about three of your fists per bath. Although you can choose the dosage yourself - here the surplus is only good.

after bathing in a salt or clay bath, it is MANDATORY to wash off in the shower!

Do not mix all of the above methods of purification with water. That is, to bathe either in a decoction, or in salt, or in clay, or in a lake / river.

from FASH
Good morning!
Here is a simple and affordable rite in order to remove damage.
1 - Candle.
2 - Cassette with music, or songs.
Preferably a light classic.
- You must remember the situation.
If you were sitting with friends by the fire (but not with booze), you felt peace, a friendly atmosphere of relations ....
Pick a situation for yourself.
Feel it, whether there is anxiety in it, unpleasant pressure, ...
This is the initial stage of MOTHER.
2 - Part of the situation (chosen by you) + listen to music, being in a state of that situation, does not harmonize with you, with feelings, then the music does not fit, look, pick up ....
Let it take time, but everything will work out, successfully.
And here is mutual harmony in fluidity (situation and music).
Now the candle.
Call upon yourself the situation that you have chosen, if there is no one in the house, apartment, turn on the music
Install a candle (safely) come up with a formula for yourself, in the name of what, why are you doing this, light a candle, stand near it.
Then sit back, relax and re-live the situation.
Remember the image of a person, but how not to think about him, if he feels in your projection of energy on him, your = I = this, he will reject.
Also in the whole ritual there is no your presence, you, as -I-
The more you achieve a state of absence, as it were, the more quickly what you want will come into your life.
The enemy can be de-energized, weakened.
This leads you to develop personal strength, after which small (negative) situations are resolved in the blink of an eye.
Absorb his negative projection into yourself, deal with it, it ... becomes yours, empty its vessel.
It's harder here
It takes patience.
It can be tough too.

treatment for spoilage is a breathing technique .. after that it will choke them, not you.
also carry natural quartz (rock crystal) with you, then bury it in the ground for a week for cleaning ... you can in a pot of flowers on the window ... drink blessed water more often, prayers to the angel for protection (there are a lot of them in the prayer book)

order free cleaning from the magician- in exchange for your video review, write, we will agree, the e-mail is indicated at the top of the site. Plus, you can get rid of damage for free in exchange for your commenting on our articles, at least 1200 comments.
the option of paid cleaning will cost from 50 to 200 dollars. most often, in most cases, cleaning costs $100. for paid cleaning between the magician and the client, it is possible to conclude a guarantee: a receipt that the service will be provided.
link to reviews from real people - videos, written (photos of letters) - see the link "reviews" at the top of the site.

How to remove damage

The procedure for removing damage is as follows:

Damage can be removed even by a grandmother who knows what to do, and various objects can act as objects for removing damage, ranging from prayer, eggs and ending with magic words. Any time is suitable for removing damage, but it is generally accepted that it is most effective to remove damage on the waning moon.

A conspiracy to remove damage is pronounced at least three times in a row daily for some time, if taken on average, then 15 days in a row.

It is recommended to read them exactly on the water and then sprinkle it on the patient and give it to drink - but if this is not possible - then you can just read the conspiracies from spoilage in his photo. during treatment - completely exclude any animal food, alcohol and tobacco for 3 months. In order to remove the damage, the reading order of the following conspiracies must go exactly in the sequence in which it is given here. If you fail to do anything on your own from the conspiracies to remove damage purely for reasons of the absence of a second person, then you can skip this conspiracy and read the next one that follows it. For those who are familiar with the use of "doubles" - in the absence of a person, they can make him a "double" (a doll, an image transferred to an object) and pour water over the "double", and not the spoiled one, with slandered water.

How can I return damage

You can remove and try to return the damage with the help of breathing exercises (it helps to burn the negative and return it to the sender). To do this, put a watch with a second hand on the table in front of you, sitting, back straight, hands on your knees or hanging straight down, exhale all the air from yourself without a trace, hold your breath for 15-20 seconds, then catch your breath and repeat again. perform the operation at least 5 times per session. do it as often as possible during the month so that any damage and the evil eye come off immediately at an early stage.

Removing spoilage by candles

If you are a baptized person: buy a candle in the church, take it in your right hand and hold it near you with movements from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Along with this, it is required to read the prayer - "Our Father", then baptize yourself with this candle.

Signs of cleansing from spoilage will be crackling and black smoke from a candle flame. Minor crackles are also possible - these are just accumulations of fat on the candle and you should not pay attention to them. If you find a place where the candle emits a strong crackle and smokes, then in that place you need to make crosses with a candle and pray "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" - you need to baptize exactly seven times, then continue to read the prayer and drive the candles from top to bottom as before.

Also, to remove damage to Christians, an order in the church for a prayer for the health of oneself (or the sick) for 40 days is suitable. for non-Christians, this will again bring a drain of energy, use your religions. The removal of damage in certain cases is done by prayers. Often the removal of damage is difficult, because when people begin to remove damage from themselves, they do not hide it from others. This position remains open, and may well orient the witch to strive to finish off her victim to the end. The essence of all conspiracies is to expel damage and restore health to the patient.

Treatment for corruption begins with the prayer "Our Father" being read three times over the water, then a request and an appeal to the saints with a request to pray to God for the forgiveness of sins, the healing of the servant of God (the name is indicated), then the prayer to the Cross is read and only then the conspiracy is read. Before any conspiracy, a prayer is usually said: "Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil."

Prayer to the cross to remove damage

(When reading, they sign themselves with the cross) “May God arise, and scatter His enemies, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. the sign of the cross, and in joy, saying: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. and the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen "

Removing damage - folk way

Scoop up some water with a ladle and dip spoons into it (how many you grab). Then, leave one and scooping it out of the bucket with this spoon, pour into it three times through the door bracket or handle, and only through three handles. Sprinkle the patient suddenly with this water and give it to drink. The remaining water is used for washing in the bath. If a child is stipulated, then before spraying him, you need to press his arms to the body so that he does not “start up”. If this does not help, you need to take some earth or snow from a fresh trace left by the jinxed one and drink it in the water with a prayer. To prevent the evil eye from working, you need to bite the tip of your tongue and mentally send the damage back.

"God bless. An angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, there is a hvarin in the fence, there is a table on a steep mountain. And Mother Blessed Virgin Mary stands on the throne and holds a sword and saber over the sick (name). Kills with a sword, cuts with a saber (this phrase twice ).

Put, Lord, the heart in its place, strengthen, lock the gates more firmly, the keys into the water. Amen, amen, amen.

Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, belly, from the shoulders, from the eyes.
You will not come out good, then you will go bad:

Yuria’s retinue will come, overtake him with a scourge, St. Yegoriy will come - he will stab him with a spear, And St. Michael will mark with a cut, burn him with fire, scatter your ashes all over the wide world.

Mother of the Blessed Virgin, seven-shot. shooting with your seven arrows and cutting with your four damask knives
(here three times in the form of a cross to cut water with a knife) in the servant of God (name) all pains, all sorrows, inflows, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undershirts, chepozhu, weakness, headache, insomnia, sleeplessness, all pains. all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness calm down. Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Salt of life and the lamp of life - also to remove damage

A waning moon is preferred. Do the same for yourself. Salt:
Buy a pack of coarse sea salt to bring home.
Open the pack, pour a handful of salt into the pan and heat it up. At this time, read "Our Father" once, then say 1 time:

Holy salt Holy salt
take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name)
and give back on the flowing water
to the island of Buyana, to the sea - okiyana.

After that, pour hot salt on a saucer and put it in front of the photo of the person from whom the damage is being removed. Every day, calcine this salt in a pan and leave it on the same saucer in front of the photo. Do seven days. On the eighth day, pour the salt into the river.

When removing the evil eye, or weak damage, it is enough to use one salt. When removing serious damage, it is necessary to make salt and a lamp at the same time. it is also recommended to put a photo of the one from whom you clean the damage next to it, and put 4 yellow cubic zirconia candles on the sides of it on the cardinal points.

How to remove damage with wax
To remove damage with wax, you need to make a wax casting. In this ritual, not only the presence of the disease is established, but also who and when did it. The essence of removing spoilage with wax is to pour melted wax into cold charged water. Water and wax must be in the energy flow from the head of a person with damage. He should be as relaxed as possible, the magician should be concentrated, his energy directed into his hands.

What is required to remove spoilage with wax?
Church wax 150 g.
Water - holy (cold) It is collected before sunrise, while no one has scooped it yet. At the same time, it says: "The well of Abraham (Jacob), let me draw water from all evil spirits, from all witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for the good health of the servant of God (name). Amen"

If it is impossible to take unopened water, then they use ordinary water, but with the following conspiracy:

"The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God - in the middle, angels on the sides, And I, baptized, behind, holy to take water. Good evening to you, Ulyano water, Tytyano land and Mariano night, give me holy water from a dashing misfortune."

When water is brought into the house, then before the start of the ritual they say: “The first day is Monday, the second day is Tuesday, the third is Wednesday, water will help you. blood, from the bones, from the inside-belly."

How to remove damage at home
How to remove damage yourself at home? The ritual below is quite simple to perform. It can be attributed to village magic. The main advantage is that you do not need numerous magical equipment, as, for example, in ceremonial black magic, and you can remove the damage at home on your own without resorting to outside help.

How does damage work?

Damage is usually directed at the photo of the victim, and many other items. Damage can be compared with the evil eye, but, damage is of a much higher order, it strikes at a specific target and with special sorcery sophistication.

Damage that is not removed begins to gradually destroy a person. Even a healthy person languishes and fades for reasons unknown at first glance, medical devices will not find changes in the body, since they cannot fix the energy structure (aura) and other astral bodies.

If withering does not occur, then a change in character begins, which is surprised by the person who has been damaged, he behaves completely differently to the general surprise of those around him.

Fans who have made light damage should know that its impact, as a rule, does not last more than a year, but such negativity goes back to the one who committed it, and right there, the blow will be threefold.

What are the signs of damage?

Emotions - malaise, nervous breakdowns, eternal irritability, fatigue, fears, stresses, psychoses, phobias, tearfulness, hysteria. Dreams full of nightmares appear, the world appears only in black colors, behavior becomes inadequate, depression and pessimism become total, there is a clear tendency to scandals, aggression and conflicts.

How to remove the spell

Lord savior and deliverer, save and deliver your servant ...,
remove the curse from him, all the spells from the first word to the last.
I take off dashing words, curse and curse, windy and door,
loud and whispered, with and without blood.

Related and alien, old and small. Secret and obvious, hidden and open:

everything that the sorcerer boasts of and about which he is silent, speaks in a whisper and shouts about.
Yesterday and past. In the eyes and behind the eyes.
I take off from the servant of God .... every curse, every curse.
My word can neither be interrupted nor altered. As I said, it will.

To protect yourself from someone else's negativity? The first thing to do is not to perceive this phenomenon as a catastrophe. Nothing bad is happening. Especially if you came to your senses in time and determined what exactly happened. Let's figure out what to do and how.

We begin to remove the evil eye with diagnostics

Carefully read the symptoms that often appear if you are "punched":

  • forces are constantly running out, it seems that it is impossible to restore them;
  • all the time ;
  • minor domestic injuries often occur (from cuts to a broken heel);
  • native people cause unreasonable irritation;
  • colds come too often.

If you could find all or several signs in yourself, then you should take care of your energy. This process will not take you much time and effort. But, most likely, it will be very difficult for you to force yourself to perform the simple operations described below. That's how the evil eye works. Negative energy clings to your open field and does not want to leave! Gather up and say goodbye to her!

using an egg

Believe me, this operation will not require much effort. Removing the evil eye with an egg is quite simple. Patience is your main assistant. You need to buy ordinary chicken eggs (preferably fresh, that is, "homemade"). In the evening, before going to bed, take one egg in your hand and read the prayer: "Our Father." Then break the egg into a glass of water, while saying: “Take all the bad, leave mine!” Put at the head. In the morning, consider what happened to the egg. Threads will appear in the water, these are evil eyes. If the protein is "cooked" - this is spoilage. Pour out the water with the egg, saying: “Go away from me to where you were!” Repeat the ritual at least three times.

How to remove the evil eye with water

To perform the ritual, you will need to be undisturbed for some time. You also need to stock up on a glass of water and matches. What to do and how? Removing the evil eye with water is as easy as with an egg. You take matches in turn and burn them completely, saying: “Not the ninth ...” (throw into the water). Etc. You will get nine charred sticks in a glass. If at least one of them stood upright, then you have a negative. It is necessary to say: “Good has come, evil has gone out of the gate!” Now draw a cross with this water on your forehead, shoulders, palms, chest, legs. Pour out the water. The ritual can be performed when there is a suspicion of a negative impact.

How to remove the evil eye with a candle

A simple and effective ritual with the help You will need a saucer and matches. To start preparatory stage. Take 7 matches and “decapitate” them with a knife. Put the heads in a saucer. Now light the candle. From it, light a hill of heads, and while they flash, say: “A bright light, set fire to black eyes. For them, only ashes, but for me (name), the world has become bright! Be my way!" Now burn completely all the sticks left from the matches. Put the cinders in a saucer. Then the remains after the ritual (ends and a candle) are taken to the crossroads and thrown away with the words: “It has gone without a return. Amen!" And the last piece of advice: don't hold a grudge against people with an evil eye! A good mood and a positive outlook are the best defense against negativity in any form!