Strong conspiracies to attract good luck. Strong conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck in everything

  • 16.10.2019

We often pay attention to people who are doing well, considering them lucky. We compare with ourselves and pout at fate, thinking about its injustice. The results of such behavior are sad, since happiness will not come by itself. There are ways to lure him, push him into your arms, and it’s a sin not to use them. This refers to a ritual for good luck and luck, which helps to avoid potholes and potholes on the road of life. This magic is simple and natural, it works for anyone, but you need to know a few secrets. Let's look at how to do an effective ritual for good luck and luck at home.

Secrets of Magic

We started with the fact that there are secrets carefully hidden by experts. Rather, they are so often talked about that people stop taking information seriously, but in vain. A rite for good luck and luck is a way to change not external circumstances, as many believe, but their perception of reality. "What's in the head, then in life," - magicians rightly believe so. Therefore, you should think positively. Magicians describe this law a little differently. They recommend believing in the effectiveness of the chosen rite, convincing yourself that the ritual will definitely work. The deeper the confidence, the more effective the magical effort. The second secret is that the rite for good luck and luck should be performed only in good location spirit. Magic works on the energy of the magician, the higher it is, the faster the result is obtained. Therefore, it is necessary either to learn how to create good mood or enjoy moments of inspiration. Dear wizards, try to tell fortunes on the rise, then you will be able to bypass disappointment! Remember: the power is inside, it attracts the capricious and simple and complex at the same time. But practice will tell you that this wisdom is not in vain hidden from the people.

How to choose your ritual

The ability to use any tool is half the battle. In magic, this rule also works, but in a slightly different way than in a regular profession. In order for everything to work out the first time, you need to choose the right rite. Experts recommend paying attention to intuition. It is she who tells what conspiracies to read. Carefully read the description of the rituals. Listen to the sensations. Which one caused a feeling of lightness or even joy in the soul - that one is yours. You know, in the old days, a saber was picked up by hand so that it would not seem either light or heavy. So, in choose. It must fit the purpose. If you want good luck, the text of the conspiracy is obliged to push it. Therefore, you need to get as much information as possible, be interested in innovations. After all, over time, the state of a person changes, he grows and develops. Then the rite is recommended to be changed to a more effective, or suitable one. That's it with the theory done away with, let's move on to practice.

Rite to attract good luck and luck

Let's start with the universal ritual. It is ideal for people who do not have anything glued at all. This ritual for good luck and luck is based on the fact that the magician creates a charm for himself. They will be a small mirror, packed in a bag blue color. Both attributes should be acquired on Friday on the waxing moon. Remember that the talisman will sometimes have to be carried with you, so buy gizmos not big size. By the way, the bag can be sewn independently if the hands grow from where it is necessary. The ritual itself is performed at noon on Friday, preferably the same. Take a mirror, catch the sun. Play a little with his rays. Say this: “The mirror is a bright window. Be kind to me. Light fate with the sun, remove all the darkness from it. Show the way to luck, bring luck to the threshold. Amen!" Put the mirror in a bag and carry it with you for a week. After that, take it only on those days when protection or special luck is needed.

Rites for good luck and luck on Pokrov

In the old days, fortunetelling was done on major holidays. And don't miss those days. Such a ritual was performed on the cover. You need to get up before dawn and go to the temple of God. There, stand near the doors to see the incoming. Follow the third man inside. While everyone is praying, you must light a candle from the icon lamp. Wait until it burns out completely. There will be a small piece left. Say to him like this: “The Mother of God on the Intercession wished everyone well three times. And she gave me good luck, she gave me luck today. As people light candles in the temple, the Mother of God remembers me. Amen!". Now you can go home. put it so that it is always with you, in your wallet, for example. This is a very powerful ritual for good luck and luck. Reviews about him are only positive. Wizards have noticed: the smaller the stump, the better the ritual works.

For students and pupils

In the old days, they believed that good luck can be obtained from living grains, that is, plant seeds. They, having fallen into the ground, survive, develop, transform, become beautiful fruit-bearing herbs. Rites for good luck and luck in studies are recommended to be performed with grains of barley, wheat and coffee. Although here the restrictions for wizards are minimal. You can choose your combination of seeds in accordance with what abilities you want to unlock. To get rid of laziness, mustard seeds are good, flax reveals talents. One thing is important: the grains must be alive, not treated with heat or chemicals. At the dawn of the day of the new moon, sprinkle yourself with a guest of the prepared mixture, loudly calling for good luck. Any positive words are allowed.

money magic

Financial issues concern almost every person. Wizards also don't mind using talents to increase the chances of a prosperous life. The ritual for good luck and luck in money is used much more often than any other. Practitioners chose one of the most effective. It's with an onion. Need to prepare flower pot, earth, seven yellow coins. At the hour when the moon appears in the sky, plant an ordinary bulb. Place coins at the bottom of the pot. Water the bulb and say a plot. His words are as follows: “Grow not small, but great, shoot arrows into the clouds. I water fate with onion juice, I lure luck in money into it. I will send a green arrow into the future, remove obstacles, create wealth for me! Watch how the bulb grows. If it starts to rot, does not let a single arrow go, then you have damage. It is necessary to get rid of the negative program. Onions do not grow long. When he "gets old", it is necessary to turn again in order to re-activate the energy, set it up for the dacha. This is the meaning of magic. It needs to be fed with new portions of your intentions so that there is no failure.

Rite for quick money

If finances are needed urgently, then it is recommended to conduct a different ritual. It is built on different principles. In the previous wizard relies on the energy of nature. She is slow but very strong. When a problem needs to be solved quickly, this approach will not work. A powerful energy surge should be used. For example, the current of a wide river, a hurricane, wind in the mountains are well suited for this. Some magicians rely on their own emotions. They are no less powerful than the forces of nature. The ritual is performed on any day. It is necessary to prepare herbs: basil, linden flowers, rose petals. You will find something in a pharmacy, a flower in a shop. Herbs can be dry or fresh. Make a mixture of them. In total there should be a handful of herbs and petals. Add a pinch of black pepper. This mixture must be sprayed on strong wind. To do this, use or natural phenomena, or mechanisms (fan). Open your palm in the wind, reading the plot. His words are as follows: “As trees bend under hurricanes, as mountains are swept away by gusts, so my poverty and need fly away forever and ever! Amen!" Please note: if you decide to enchant indoors, you should open the windows. Pepper in the air will trigger bouts of sneezing. In itself, such an event increases the level of energy, but can cause irritation in an unprepared magician. The results of the divination will appear within a day, if everything is done correctly.

For help in business

Rituals for quick money are not the kind of magic that you can rely on in life. These rituals exist to solve a specific problem, but are not able to help change the quality of life. If you want to achieve serious success, then you should approach divination differently. Perform a ritual for good luck and luck in a business that helps create or activate a permanent source of income. It is equally good for business people and ordinary housewives. The bottom line is that sources of enrichment are being opened, and they can be anything. For the ceremony you need a horseshoe. The best has long been considered the one that fell from the horse's hoof and was found by accident. Not everyone is so lucky. For the ceremony, purchase a horseshoe in a gift shop. The magical attribute must be selected, focusing on the natural material of manufacture. If not a real horseshoe, then it is better to take a wooden or stone one.

How to conduct a ritual for good luck in business

Prepare ribbons of red and yellow color, cut a strand of hair from the head. On the rising moon, light the candles in the room. Take a horseshoe in your hands, feel it. Decorate it with ribbons, weaving hair into them. The left horn of the horseshoe should be yellow and the right horn red. In the process of working with ribbons, say these words: “For good luck, for wealth, for happiness!” When finished, you must leave the magical attribute in the moonlight. Leave the horseshoe on the windowsill. It should be placed close, but so that other people do not come across the eye. This talisman needs to be recharged by the growing moon regularly, do not forget to put it on the windowsill at least once a month.

The feeling of happiness is what people need in order to fully enjoy life. A conspiracy for happiness will help you find this wonderful feeling and fill your life with new colors. This rite helps a person to discover powerful energy flows in himself that attract positive emotions and joyful events to life.

A conspiracy for happiness helps to find inner harmony, learn to enjoy life and live for your own pleasure.

The main types of rituals

There are many rituals in the world that help a person find true happiness. To conduct them, it is not at all necessary to turn to professional sorcerers and magicians. If a person believes with all his heart and fulfills all the conditions of the ceremony, then you can perform it yourself. Conspiracies are of two types:

  • Self directed- help to solve their own problems. Thanks to such rituals, a person attracts positive emotions and events into his life.
  • Aimed at loved ones- performed for someone to help gain well-being.

Conspiracies for happiness can have various effects. Some are done in order to bring happiness into life, regardless of how life develops - bad or good. Sometimes rituals are aimed at returning lost happiness.

How to properly perform the ritual

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and happiness must be learned by heart, then the action of the rite will be effective. The words of the prayer must be read in a whisper. During the ritual, you need to completely relax, concentrate on what you want and be imbued with the belief that it will come true in the near future. This rite is best performed during the growing moon.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

“Wednesday, Sereditsa, go with a word to water. I am baptized with Christ, I am covered with faith. I am guarded by a guardian angel. My angel, keeper, have mercy. Sit on your right shoulder, Guard me from morning to evening: From the beast and the wolf, From the spoken needle, From evil people and forest animals. From court and reprisal, From knife and poison, From witches' pinches, From gossip whispers. Lord, add to my age, And at the end of the torment deliver. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A powerful ritual to attract happiness in your personal life

You should be well prepared for this ritual. You need to read this conspiracy at a moment in life when the heart is ready to accept this happiness. When attracting magic, the soul must be opened to new changes in fate.

To conduct the ritual, you need to plan a trip to the church. Read a prayer that attracts happiness three times: the first time - before going to the holy temple, the second - in front of the church, and the third - in the church itself, at the icon. The sacred words are whispered:

“There is a holy temple with gilded domes, and in that temple a silver throne is installed, and above it is a talking icon. The face of the saint from the icon looks at me Servant (y) of God (yu). I will come to the holy temple with gilded domes, I will stand under the silver throne, I will bow to the talking icon, the Mother of God looking. I will ask you: give me happiness, Mother of God. At this moment, I will take happiness with my own hands and become happy (oh) for life. And I will leave the church with my own feet. Amen".

To speak to yourself for happiness and improve your own life, you can use a conspiracy in the church.

In the temple, you need to light twelve candles for 12 apostles. You can put all the candles in one place or under different icons, to which the heart will reach. For the ritual to be effective, a 40-day fast must be observed.

Water conspiracy for happiness

This powerful conspiracy for happiness, it will bring harmony to life, and also relieve existing misfortunes that a person could inherit in his life. This ritual is performed on a certain day - men do it on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and women on Wednesday. It is necessary to read a prayer on a full moon. Water is poured into the basin. They pronounce these words:

“Vodichka is clean, your holy power, cleanse me, drive away from me all sediments, drifts, all stumbling, obtyki, all troubles and misfortunes. Amen".

After that, you need to wash yourself with this water and dry yourself with a new towel made from natural fabrics (cotton or linen). On the same day, at two o'clock, go to the cemetery and hang a towel on the branch of a tree with the words:

“I don’t hang up a towel, I make a road from earth to heaven. All the dead go to heaven, stand before God, answer. So you, the servant of God (say the name of the one in whose honor you were named), you will go to heaven, you will stand before God, you will answer. Take everything that is yours with you, and leave me, the servant of God (name), with my fate. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You can not tell anyone about the performed ritual, otherwise it will not work.

Talisman conspiracy to attract good luck and happiness

Agate is the strongest stone that can attract good luck with its energy. In order to speak a talisman, you need to take an agate or any jewel with it, and rinse under cold running water. After that, hold the stone firmly in your fist, bring it to your lips and say three times:

Help and protect. Bring me luck."

Talisman always carry with you. It happens that after some time, the stone fades. This is a sign that the stone has already given up its energy. In this case, you need to speak another talisman, and get rid of the previous one.

A ceremony that brings happiness to the house

To create harmony in the family, you need to perform the following ritual. Purchase specifically for the ceremony new thing, it can be any unbreakable item that will serve the owners of the house for a long time. It is best that it be a family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Perform the ritual in a secluded place so that no one interferes. Scratch your name on the red candle. The purchased item is placed on the table, a candle is placed next to it. Take a match from a new box and light a candle, then say three times:

“I light this candle for my happy and prosperous home, for my family, for my children, for our good luck always and everywhere. Illuminating our home and happiness with a holy flame, and joy will forever settle in it.

Conspiracies for happiness normalize the climate at home, make it possible to live life without worries and losses.

After pronouncing the words that attract happiness and good luck to the house, you need to sit in silence with your eyes closed. Imagine images of all family members with happy and joyful faces. Then the plot is read:

“Life-giving candle flame, burn everything bad in my house - devil. I conjure with the Holy Cross, I pray to the glory of the Father Almighty. Holy water, giving life to all creatures, cleanse my house of black creatures, take them into loose sand, and into the dark land. And always protect my house from them. Amen".

Pin Spell

Thanks to this ritual, a person acquires a powerful talisman that brings good luck, happiness and protects from the evil eye. This ceremony takes place on Sunday at noon. Light a church candle in front of the icon, and when it begins to melt, substitute a pin so that the wax flows through the round hole of the pin. At this time, a spell for happiness and good luck is read:

“The spell of the spirits will penetrate this item. Through this hole, I conjure the spirits to stay in this object, I conjure the spirits to protect me with their strength. I conjure the spirits to bring me good luck through this item on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Morning, afternoon and evening. Amen".

Any ritual that helps a person to bring happiness into life must be saturated with faith in one's own strengths, as well as in the effectiveness of this rite. In order for the conspiracy to work quickly, three things are necessary: ​​unshakable faith, knowledge of the text of the conspiracy, and the fulfillment of all additional conditions. A person who does not believe that the ritual will help him will never achieve a positive result.

Our life is a strange thing: for some people it brings many blessings, without requiring special efforts from them, and for others - almost nothing, despite all their zeal in the struggle for happiness. What determines such a distribution, if not luck?

Rituals and conspiracies will help attract fortune

To believe in it or not is a personal matter for everyone, but there is hardly a person who has never blasphemed her without getting what she wants in return for her efforts. So how to attract good luck? How to enlist the help of Fortune? In this difficult matter, special conspiracies and rituals for good luck will help.

Rituals for good luck

A huge number of rituals dedicated to attracting good luck are primarily aimed at luck in financial matters and in work or business. Whether we like it or not, material wealth and luck are closely linked in a natural way: if a person wants to make an important deal, get a job Good work or sell property as expensive as possible, a ritual for good luck would be a reasonable step.

But, it’s not a secret for anyone, you can’t buy happiness for money, that’s why there are universal ways attract luck, covering more aspects of life. In performing such a task, magic, rituals for good luck and conspiracies can always help:

  1. Rite for good luck through the birds.
  2. Conspiracy for the best pay.
  3. A ritual for good luck in business.
  4. Rite for good luck in business through cream.
  5. A conspiracy for money and good luck on black bread.
  6. Rite for good luck and happiness.
  7. Happy water.
  8. Ring of luck.
  9. Chan Chu, or Money Toad.

Rite for good luck through the birds

Since ancient times, birds have personified the connection between the earthly stronghold and the vault of heaven, which is why the rituals for attracting good luck associated with them have a special power.

What is needed for the ritual

Birds are not as picky as people, so for a ritual for money and good luck, the magician will need:

To conduct a ritual for good luck with the help of birds, you need to stock up on millet

  • a handful of millet;
  • bread crumbs.

How to conduct a ritual

This Rite is performed for good luck and money during the day on the growing moon. The conspirator, in order, needs to do the following:

  1. Choose a location for the ritual. Preference is given to deserted green areas, especially forests.
  2. Arriving at the selected site, you must wait for bird singing.
  3. In response to Twitter, the brought delicacies are thrown to the birds with a conspiracy:

    “Every bird sings, every bird feeds its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to its cuckoos, I won’t throw bread to the cuckoo. Little birds, here's a treat for you, take it to the little kids. As I feed and treat you, so would I, the servant of God (name), all prosperity and goodness fall and fall. Amen".

Conspiracy for better pay

This conspiracy for wealth and good luck allows you to attract well-being without leaving your workplace. All the luck seeker needs correct location spirit.

How to conduct a ritual

You can carry out this ritual for luck as follows:

  1. Accept maximum comfortable posture so that extraneous thoughts do not distract from the conspiracy, and concentrate on the ceremony.
  2. Look in the direction where payments are made: usually look towards the accounting department.
  3. Read the following spell:

    “The Apostle Andrew fished in the Sea of ​​Galilee with Jesus Christ, our Lord, saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, row money with a shovel.” So let the servant of God (name) the Lord not forget, not bypass, give good, feed, drink. Amen, amen, amen."

Ritual for good luck in business

A somewhat scrupulous, but strong and old magical Rite for good luck in business, after which the magician will soon notice how his business has gone uphill.

How to conduct a ritual

Before starting the ritual to attract good luck, you need to wait until the end of the working day. As soon as all the employees leave, you can proceed to the ceremony as follows:

  1. The conspirator goes to the safe, to the cashier or other place where money is stored, opens it and reads:

    “From under the mountain of Siyan, the Jordan River flows. The Mother of God walked over the river, spoke to the river. Mother River, you flow fast and furiously, you wash away the golden banks. Save my good, my gold and silver. Be my good untouchable, rough, Come to me, the servant of God (name), soon, irrevocably, irrevocably. Just as fish don’t go against water, so don’t go against me gold, Go straight into my hands, at morning dawn, at evening, Every day, every hour, on a day under the sun, on a night under a moon, Under frequent stars, clear, under all the peace of God. By those words of mine, the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

  2. After reading the plot, you need to lock the cash vault and go home, along the way without talking to anyone or saying hello.
  3. Upon arrival home, they collect water in a glass and speak it with the words:

    “On the Seyan mountain, on the Egyptian land, the Mother of God walked, Collected drops of dew, carried it to the house, helped the servant of God (name). The house has become a full bowl, not yours, but ours. With the help of God, to our joy, not to envy of anyone. Multiply, wealth, multiply, multiply. To the joy of good, so that it would be light for everyone. Amen".

  4. They wash their face with charmed water three times, after which they sprinkle the corners in the house, and drink the rest.

Plots for good luck in business through cream

Strong spells for good luck and wealth can be not only effective, but also tasty. Such rituals include a conspiracy on cream.

What is needed for the ritual

To fulfill magical ritual good luck will need:

For the ceremony, you need to buy fresh on the market. cow's milk

  • fresh cow's milk bought at the market;
  • Bowl;
  • cup;
  • tablespoon.

How to conduct a ritual

Few business conspiracies can boast such a pleasant accompaniment. To implement the plan, it is necessary:

  1. Early in the morning you need to go to the market and buy fresh cow's milk, and preferably even fresh milk.
  2. Arriving home, the milk is poured into a bowl, covered with a towel and placed in a cool dark place. A cellar is good for such a thing.
  3. The next day, you can see how the cream has formed. They must be carefully removed and placed in a glass.
  4. The resulting cream speaks with the words:

    “I will go out, the servant of God (name), from door to door, from gate to gate.

  5. I will go along the country lane, but along the narrow path. Yes, I will see mother cow - mother cow steep sides. How mother cow will give me cream, fresh cream. As soon as I drink fresh cream, the great strength will wake up in me. With a great toy silushka, I will roll the pea. How gold and silver will fall on me from the gourd. Yes, how will I be all in gold and silver. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed cream is drunk in three sips. If there are more of them than planned, they are shared with comrades in the case.

A conspiracy for money and good luck on black bread

Conspiracies for good luck and luck - very good and effective way to find what you want in the future, especially if Vanga herself shared this conspiracy with the world.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator will need only a small slice of black bread.

How to conduct a ritual

It is necessary to carry out this ceremony exclusively at night without prying eyes and on an empty stomach. Having found a secluded place at home after sunset, the magician should:

  1. Put a slice of black bread in front of you.
  2. Read a conspiracy over him in a half-whisper three times:

    “God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help you and all members of my family so that they always feel full. Attract good luck to me, and take sorrow away. Let long road happiness, satiety and joy will come to my house and will never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone in need. Amen".

  3. Spelled bread must be eaten.

Rite of Good Luck and Happiness

This ritual is aimed at attracting good luck in all aspects of life and has considerable power, but requires a little endurance.

What is needed for the ritual

A person seeking happiness will need:

  • church candle;
  • a pair of mirrors.

How to conduct a ritual

The ceremony should begin exactly at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. The algorithm of actions of the magician is as follows:

  1. You need to stand between a pair of mirrors so that the first reflects the face, and the second reflects the back. Mirrors must be parallel.
  2. Kindle the flame of a candle and, without looking away from it, read the plot:

    “There is a golden church, with a silver throne, a talking icon looking at me. I will enter the church, I will stand in front of the throne under the icon, before Mother of God. Mother of God, make me happy from this day. I will go out with my feet, I will take happiness with my hands.

  3. The plot is repeated non-stop as long as the fire burns.
  4. Wax extinguished candle hide in a hiding place.
  5. Waking up in the morning, you need to visit three churches and put a candle of the Mother of God in each.

happy water

In our era, it remains no secret to anyone that water is not just a liquid, but also a keeper of information, emotions and feelings that a person shares with it.

Water is the custodian of information

This ritual for good luck in life is based on such an unusual feature of the source of life.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the future lucky person will need:

  • any transparent vessel;
  • water.

How to conduct a ritual

This ritual with water is very simple to perform, it can be repeated daily or even more often and it does not require any financial investment or special efforts. All that a person really needs is his positive emotions. You need to carry out the ritual in this way:

  1. During the day, water is collected in a vessel. It is desirable that this be at noon, when the sun shines especially brightly.
  2. A vessel with water is placed on the windowsill or in any other place. In this case, the main condition is that the sun's rays should touch the water.
  3. The conspirator says pleasant words to the water, which must be accompanied positive emotions. You can talk about love, happiness, joy, luck, respect, etc. - what you want to invest in water, about that they share with it.

"Happy" water is drunk.

Ring of Luck

Many lucky and successful people all over the planet there is something that brings them well-being - their lucky mascot. This ritual will help create your own amulet, which will do its best to drive away the possible failures of its wearer.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • any decoration, it is desirable to use a silver ring;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • Bowl.

Preparation for the ritual

The ritual is carried out exclusively on the growing moon. Clouds and clouds should not hide the luminary on the chosen night. The preparation goes as follows:

  1. Before you start creating a talisman, you need to choose a piece of jewelry that will be endowed with magical properties. It is recommended to give preference to silver rings.
  2. When the choice is completed, the magician proceeds to cleanse the future amulet in order to rid him of all sorts of vices. To do this, you need to draw water into a bowl, salt it, and then put the product in a vessel. When cleansing, read:

    “Vodichka, some water, cleanse the ring of everything bad, of everything unnecessary. Water accepts everything unnecessary. The ring becomes clean before my eyes."

After reading the plot, the silver ring should be left in salt water for 10 minutes

After reading the plot, the decoration is left in salt water for 10 minutes. At the end of time, the bowl is emptied.

How to conduct a ritual

When the jewelry for creating the magical talisman has already been selected and purified, the magician continues the plot as follows:

  1. The cleaned ring is put on the right and go out into the street.
  2. They look at the moon and, holding out their hand to her, they speak:

    "Moonlight, help! Ring good luck (love, wealth, health, etc.) charge!

  3. It is significant that the moonlight falls on the future amulet.
  4. After the words of the conspiracy, the decoration is removed and left on the street, going to sleep.
  5. Early in the morning they return for their talisman and put it on, saying:

    “The ring is on me! Good luck (love, wealth, health, etc.) to me!

Chan Chu, or Money Toad

The tradition associated with the Monetary Toad came to Europe from distant China. According to the legends, Chan Chu had a terrible temper and harmed the lower Chinese gods. When the Buddha found out about this, he deprived her of one limb and, in atonement for guilt, forced her to serve people. Since then, the Money Toad has been a symbol of the prosperity of a family or enterprise.

Where to put the Money Toad

Despite the fact that Chan Chu is very popular, many people do not know where to place the toad in order for it to be beneficial, which is why they release positive energy flows from the house. That is, the wrong location can be accompanied by family failures. Therefore, according to old Chinese traditions, Chan Chu should be in the following places:

  • in the living room;
  • in the corner diagonally to the front door;
  • on the windowsill with your back to the street.

To increase the effect and increase the luck given by the Monetary Toad, it can be placed in a favorite place - in the water.

If Chang Chu is located at work, then the ideal place for it will be where money flows or transactions are intensively taking place.

What are Money Toads

Exist different types Chan Chu figurines and each of them has its own unique purpose:

  1. Chan Chu sitting on a large pile of coins. She will give her owner financial independence.
  2. Chan Chu with the Bagua symbol - an ancient Chinese trigram symbolizing the eight elements. The toad will attract cash flows, and the Bagua will protect the monastery from destructive energy.
  3. Chan Chu with Hotei, the god of prosperity, which many people mistakenly identify with the Buddha. ancient god will direct the streams of luck towards the career of the owner of the house.
  4. Chan Chu with open mouth. In the mouth of the toad you need to put a coin. There is a belief that if Chan Chu spits out a coin, the owner of the house will experience rapid financial growth.

What to do with Money Toad

The mere presence of Chan Chu in the house is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the owners in her services. For the Money Toad to bring more benefits, you need to interact with it regularly. Talking with the figurine and sharing plans for the future, the owners provide themselves with a huge flow of positive energy that brings money and luck to the house.

All people want to be successful, lucky, live in prosperity, love. Some luck fails, even in small things nothing happens. If at every step you face failures, problems - use the power of conspiracies from troubles. Each plot for well-being will become a talisman, help to attract positive dynamics to business.

Along with other spells, all of the following can have certain effects. Be careful, read the text of the spell several times from the screen - if it repels, frightens - it is better not to start the ceremony. Attracting the good should be accompanied by good emotions.

The main thing is the mood for the ceremony. A conspiracy for well-being is done consciously. It must be positive. Luck comes only to people with positive energy. Therefore, no negative thoughts while reading prayers, conspiracies for well-being. Only positive faith.

Every morning, before you go to work, you must wash your face. cold water(facing east), saying light words of a conspiracy:

“Labor is good, if labor is given, then let success and good be present in it and in me”

Repeat three times - go to work with a positive attitude. This will help to achieve the favor of the authorities, open up new perspectives career development and earning margins.

To success, with a mirror

This spell is read for success in matters of a different plan: work, personal life, other. He will take away troubles from you, as if strong amulet, which means that only pleasant things will remain around.

To do this, you will need a mirror (large size that hangs on the wall), a white cotton scarf or cloth, church candle. Of the essential things, this is all, of the energy ones - faith, the absence of fear, the desire to become successful. The run time is from midnight to three hours after midnight. The best day is from Saturday to Sunday.

We approach the mirror, light a candle and say three times a conspiracy for good luck and luck:

“Deliver me, O Lord, from the seduction of the ungodly and malicious Antichrist, who is coming, and hide me from his nets in the secret wilderness of Your salvation. Give me, Lord, the strength and courage of a firm confession of Your holy name, may I not retreat fear for the sake of the devil, may I not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But give me, Lord, day and night, cry and tears for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour Doomsday yours. Amen"

We extinguish the candle on a cotton cloth, put the attributes under our mattress so that no one will find it. You should not tell anyone about the ritual, it will affect the current state of affairs and may turn the situation in a different direction. For good luck, conspiracies are carried out all alone.

This prayer is difficult to memorize - it can be read from a piece of paper. Do not stumble, but after burning the sheet with the flame of a burning candle. Scatter the ashes in the wind.

For women for luck

A female conspiracy is considered because to carry out this ritual you will need such a thing as a beautiful expensive jewelry. The decoration after casting the spell should not just lie, it must be worn. Then success in business will accompany you. In general, conspiracies for good luck are divided by gender, this one is considered female.

You can also speak someone else's decoration, for the luck of another person. It is only very important at the same time that the person himself personally gives you his jewelry in his hands.

Make sure that, in addition to decorations, you have: a church candle, spring water.

Getting started, take a candle from the church, burn the decoration with fire. Everything bad, all the energy that has been accumulated will leave the jewel. Put the collected water on the windowsill. The highest score if the night is starry and the starry sky is reflected in the water. Now read the words into the water:

“I will go out, the servant of God (name), at night - not during the day.
Door, not window
Dear - not a path,
In the field - not in the swamp.
I will take with me a silver thing
For the servant of God (the name of the spoken).
Silver thing.
Midnight water.
Take care of your mistress
Call her good luck.
Dispel sadness,
Attract money.
As said, so be it!

Lower the jewel into the charmed water, go to bed. Early in the morning, take the jewelry out of the water and cross yourself three times, holding it in your hand. Now the charmed thing must be carried with you constantly. Was the decoration not yours? By the evening of the day, you need to give the item, otherwise the conspiracy will lose its force. When giving, ask the person for a coin that you don’t mind. Accept it with gratitude and keep it with you.

Many worry about the consequences of this conspiracy, worrying that things or a coin that they have left will bring failure in business. Do not worry. Just accept this thing with gratitude, everything will be fine. The main thing is that you acted for the good.

To win the competition

In competition, resistance, enemies interfere with each other in achieving the goal. Someone uses conspiracies for the crushing failure of an opponent, and someone uses a conspiracy for their own luck (for which the conspiracy is given below).

The rite of autumn is simple: under the light of a candle on a clear night, we speak a bowl of water with the words:

“As the day submits to the night, as ice submits to the sun, as fire submits to water, so my adversary (name) will submit in impotence, broken by weakness, discouraged. Amen"

We extinguish the candle, hide it in a safe place, and pour out the water at the crossroads. Now the spirit of victory will hover around, believe in it and think about victory every minute.

For a good buy

For luck, conspiracies are different. This, for example, is a conspiracy for good luck in shopping. Read it before going to the store. Before buying, retire so that no one can hear or see. Say the words three times:

“In a golden casket, on an age-old oak, yachts burn, silks shine, three horses rush from that casket, three goods lie on those horses. Give me vigilance, natural strength, so that I can see and take that product. To take from that horse that will not deceive me. And keep others away from me.”

May good luck accompany you!

As you can see, conspiracies for good luck are very different. They are used for health, victories, personal life settings, business, even shopping trips. Do you know what is the strongest spell for good luck? The one they believe in.

    I made a conspiracy on a pin, I would never have started doing this, but when you are in rubber Moscow from the neighboring countries, then you already believe in everything. He pinned the charmed pin to his jacket and went to the interview. Believe it or not, I was hired, and this place is quite interesting, many people wanted to go there, but I got there. So a couple of times in life you can cheat, do not be afraid, good luck in all your endeavors)

    Six months ago, everything in my life went wrong. I didn't even know what to do. And then I came across a conspiracy on a white streak in life. Like a man, he overcame himself, read it, but did not tell anyone. And now everything has begun to improve, and therefore I want others to know that this really works. You just try and believe in yourself.

    And the pin can be spoken open, and can it be fastened to different clothes?

    I still remember that period with a shudder. When everything went wrong. When everyone turned away from me and I thought that I was at the bottom. But then I found out about the conspiracy on the grave. It was creepy and people looked at me strangely when I came to visit the grave, which was completely overgrown with grass and read some kind of plot. But after that, my life quickly changed, all things went uphill and all my relatives forgave and accepted into the family. So try it, maybe the conspiracy will be your salvation!

    I have always been very unlucky in life, everyone around me was lucky in one area or another, someone became successful at work, someone started a family with charming children, and I never even found money on the road. I decided to correct this situation with conspiracies .. And you won’t believe it, yesterday I found a thousand at a pedestrian crossing))) I also tried these methods:

    thanks to the conspiracies that save us at a difficult moment

    Some time ago everything went to hell for me. And the child was upset and the mother was sick and there were problems at work.
    What I didn't do. She left a fortune with the psychologist. Grandmother whispered about a conspiracy for good luck. I saw a lot of things I didn't like. And here is the beauty of five together. I tried it, and now I'm happy, a white stripe dawned.

    I tried the water spell.
    The last month of failure directly fell on my head. The beloved dog died, the cat ran away, the dacha was robbed.
    And you will truly believe that luck has turned away. I read the plot on the water, did everything as written. I hope that the series of adversities is over and everything will be fine now.

    Our troubles began with my aunt's funeral. It was half a year ago. First, the husband crashed the car, he got off well with light fractures - the car was in the trash. Then the mother-in-law broke her femoral neck, she is sick. Then the turn came to me, I went through a medical examination so they found a bad guy, where to run with her.? It seems to have helped. So a new misfortune, they laid off at work, first my husband, then me.
    Zebra life? where is the white stripe?
    I will look for an unmarked grave, I hope everything will work out.

    Remember the movie "Unlucky" here it is about me. What only happens to me in life.
    As I woke up in the morning I decided enough was enough! I started looking for information, at first I asked for acquaintances, they only shrugged their shoulders, and whoever was twisting at the temple like you are a man.
    Finally got on the internet and found this page. honored and carried out the procedure with a pin.
    A month has passed since then. I must say that he went through QUIETLY. and this cannot but rejoice.

    As a child, my grandmother always whispered to me. I didn’t understand then why I felt so good about it. Then I found out that it was a conspiracy. Now it's my turn to try it myself. I took a simple sample, for water. I'll tell you what I liked. In fact, luck seemed to turn to face me. I began to feel like a new person. Thank you for the article!

    I didn't think it would work, but it should. Believe me, I'm a gambler. And what is the main thing in excitement? Right luck! So I said goodbye to her Last year. And I felt so sad without her that I decided to ask for help from the conspiracy. I studied the issue in detail. I flipped through everything I could find in print and online. Stopped here, on an unmarked grave.
    TTT is working

    For a long time I struggled with the temptation to use a conspiracy. But the last month has been really hard. We live in a small town, you go to your grandmother with problems and everything will become known to everyone. You will not end up with shame, I am a teacher. So I had to come to everything with my mind. Thanks to this site. They prompted and told what and how. Of course, I did not dare to go to an unmarked grave, again due to small town. But now the pin is always with me. And it seems to even work!

    Yeah) and the pin helps me. My mother told me about her, and my grandmother told me about her.
    But no one really knew how to do it right. What to say.
    Usually they just pricked a pin on clothes and that's it.
    thanks for useful information. Liked the article. And I love my pin)

    Yeah .. people ... your comments are pushing to sin)
    I'll go and try something. I’m a lucky girl, usually, but then somehow the luck escaped or covered himself with a copper basin, I don’t even know. Everything falls out of hand. Nothing happens.
    I'm thinking about trying some of the things I've written. I hope and believe

    I have known about a pin in clothes for a long time, I read it here about two years ago. She has helped me out many times. Now here I come again, I want to try the water. Although they say I’m not looking for good from good, but the pin still helps.
    All the same, I want. And just like a separate ritual. So I'll try, it's already Wednesday .. I'll unsubscribe in a month

    How to interpret, is it good or bad if you are a leader, you leave the office for lunch, and when you return, you find a pin with thread and cloth on the table. Apparently this is some kind of conspiracy or a variant of damage? I would appreciate clarification knowledgeable people. And then the first reaction was surprise, and then I began to look for information and I don’t even know what to do now.

    At the institute, before passing the exams, I did a rite on a pin and it always brought me good luck, pulled desired ticket. Thanks to the pin, I managed to finish everything with honors. She brought confidence and calmness, and a confident student is appreciated in the eyes of teachers!

    I want to try a plot about a grave and a cemetery. There are doubts, but when the black streak dragged on, you look for any options. Share information, who did it? Did it work and how soon did luck come into your life? A little scary, but you have to start somewhere!