How to deal with hornets in the country. How to get rid of hornets? Best Insect Control Practices

  • 15.06.2019

Hornets and wasps are very "ambiguous" neighbors of man. On the one hand, by their presence in the dacha, they prevent its owner from relaxing, forcing him to constantly be on the alert because of the possibility of getting a bite. On the other hand, being natural predators, they are capable of destroying harmful agricultural insects in significant quantities.

So, the inhabitants of just one daily bring to their homes up to several hundred different caterpillars, bugs and butterflies, thereby helping gardeners and gardeners to fight for the harvest. Therefore, before getting rid of hornets or wasps, you should make sure that there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with them on the site.

However, there are times when the need to get rid of the hornet's nest arises, as they say, here and now. If, for example, the dwelling of these insects appeared not far from the apiary, then they will definitely hunt bees, and when the family grows, they will actively destroy their hives.

It is logical that beekeepers are unlikely to put up with this state of affairs and, as a result, they will begin to actively exterminate predators, protecting bee hives.

At the same time, knowing what the hornets are afraid of, it is not so difficult to destroy them.

On a note

Hornet or wasp? For many inhabitants, it is a problem to distinguish these two insects from each other. In fact, this is quite simple: the wasp has a body length of about 1-1.5 cm, while it is up to 3 cm. In addition, the hornet has a characteristic brown spot on the back and at the base of the abdomen, but no paper wasp Brown color not in color.

Despite all the advantages of destroying harmful insects, hornets in the country can also have a significant disadvantage - their proximity poses a serious threat to the health of children and adults. One or two large wasps that accidentally flew into the area are not yet so dangerous, but a family that has settled for permanent residence can cause serious consequences.

In the case of an attack on a person by ordinary wasps, serious lesions are observed only occasionally, their bites are simply painful. If a hornet is taken for a "case", then the consequences of meeting with him can be really terrible.

Why are hornets and wasps dangerous?

So, why is a hornet dangerous for a person? First of all, the fact that his bite often causes an acute allergic reaction. In the vast majority of manifestations, it is limited only to serious inflammation and swelling at the site of the bite, but in about 10-15% of cases, stinging causes severe poisoning of the body, accompanied by headaches, heart palpitations and numerous hemorrhages.

Such symptoms are usually characteristic of people who have an increased sensitivity to insect bites. However, in nature there are also such types of hornets, meetings with which lead to dire consequences even for seemingly non-allergic people before.

If the hornet stings in the chest and neck area, the victim may develop swelling of the bronchi or lungs, which is fraught with suffocation. Sometimes an allergic reaction that occurs flows into anaphylactic shock, in which a person can simply die without urgent medical care. And, finally, in the case when a person is bitten by several hornets at once, deaths are recorded as a result of kidney failure and necrosis. internal organs.

On a note

In Japan, about 40 people die every year after being bitten by local giant hornets. Approximately the same number of victims end up in intensive care with swelling of the internal organs after a one-time attack by several insects. The situation is similar in China and Thailand, because local hornets are among the largest and most dangerous among all representatives of their kind.

Speaking about the most severe consequences after hornet stings, one cannot but say about wasps. The bites of these insects, of course, are less dangerous, but they, in turn, can lead to serious poisoning if a person has an acute allergic reaction to their poison.

Obviously, if at least one family member is known to be sensitive to insect bites, it is worth getting rid of hornets or wasps when they appear in the country as soon as possible.

In the video below - hornets in the country when placing their nest:

We note right away that it is necessary to get rid of the hornet nest very carefully (more on this will be discussed below).

Destruction of wasps in an apartment and house: a few simple tips

Hornets in the house most often appear due to the attraction of a sweet smell. Having flown into the dwelling of a person, they can no longer find a way out. It is dangerous to drive a hornet or wasp around the apartment with a broom or a folded newspaper - an angry insect can sting.

In this case, how to drive a hornet or a wasp out of the house? It turns out it's not that difficult.

Easiest to catch uninvited guest, using a half-liter glass jar for this, and to be more specific, simply cover the insect with it. When a wasp or hornet starts flying around the jar, the makeshift trap must be torn off the wall or window and covered with a plastic lid.

A similar one is "made" from a matchbox. If the house has very thick construction or leather gloves, then they can be used - even a hornet will not be able to pierce such a thick fabric with a sting.

If none of the devices described above are at hand, and the presence of an insect in the house is very annoying, then you can also use a newspaper sheet folded several times to catch.

After catching the insect, you should not kill it, you just need to throw it out the window.

How to Destroy a Wasp or Hornet Nest

If hornets in a country house or apiary become very frequent guests, this means only one thing - their nest is located somewhere nearby. The discovery of such a dwelling is the first step to victory over insects.

As a rule, all wasps prefer to place their nests in quiet places - closed sheds, attics, in tree branches, under awnings. If the nest hangs open, there are several ways to destroy it. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm of the necessary actions.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the latter method requires compliance with strict fire safety measures. In no case should it be used indoors, but even if the hornets are sitting on a pear or any other valuable tree, it is necessary to spray a combustible agent strictly on the nest so that when set on fire, it does not catch fire and burn the tree.

It is more difficult to drive the hornets out of a birch or other tree in the hollow of which they made a nest.

In this case, a concentrated insecticidal agent such as Karbofos or Hangman is poured into the hole, after which the entrance to it is carefully smeared with putty or sealed with adhesive tape.

And finally, the easiest way to deal with wasps that have settled in an earthen hole. In this case, 3-4 liters of boiling water is poured into the hole and the hole is covered with a stone.

Safety regulations

All procedures for the destruction of wasp and hornet nests must be carried out at night, when insects are the least active and are in or near the nest. But even in this case, it is worthwhile to strictly observe the elementary safety rules in order to ultimately remain safe and sound.

To get rid of the hornets, you should wear a beekeeper mask that covers the entire face and neck, long sleeves and gloves. Thus, the main principle in choosing clothes for such a purpose is the complete absence of open areas body.

Raising the issue of safety, it is also worth saying that treating the nest with smoke or special stains to reduce insect activity cannot be a panacea for getting rid of wasps. The thing is that it is impossible to know for sure how a hornet or wasp will behave when smoked, which means that this method of getting rid of is fraught with an attack by insects.

Based on the foregoing, the key to efficiency in the destruction of unwanted winged neighbors will be pre-thought-out actions and the high speed of this procedure.

Traps from wasps and hornets as a preventive measure

If wasps or hornets do not yet live in the country, but fly into the area for the purpose of reconnaissance, they can be caught with special traps. The easiest way to prevent the justification of these insects in the garden is by catching their first individual individuals penetrating the site.

A trap for wasps and hornets is made from an ordinary plastic bottle, which is first cut in the middle. Then its upper half with the unscrewed lid is turned over and inserted into the lower part. After these simple actions, the trap is filled with a mixture of beer and honey, and the insects attracted by such a “flavor” can no longer get out of the funnel.

You can hang traps on the site from about the middle of spring, when the first scouts begin to fly. In general, the use of these special devices is appropriate only when the wasp nest is located far from the site, because it will still not work to catch all family members with their help.

Thus, the traps great way capture of individual insects. Even if with their help it is not possible to get rid of a large wasp family, they will perfectly protect your site from a theoretically possible unwanted neighborhood.

If the insects still stung: first aid

Despite all the protective measures, sometimes hornets still sting. If this happens, you should do the following:

  • apply a cold compress or soaked sugar to the bite site - this will prevent the poison from quickly spreading through the tissues;
  • take Diphenhydramine or Suprastin (to reduce the severity of an allergic reaction);
  • wash the wound with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (for disinfection);
  • drink a liter of water and drink as much as possible in the future (to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood and accelerate their excretion in the urine).

If, after the bite, alarming symptoms began to appear - pain in the head, palpitations, shortness of breath, Quincke's edema - you should immediately call an ambulance. Delay in this case is fraught with loss of consciousness and even death.

Above, we talked about how to get rid of hornets and wasps if they settled in the country. If the nest is seen in the wild, it should be carefully bypassed and left alone.

These insects, however, like everyone else, are very necessary for natural biocenoses, they occupy their strictly defined niche, and therefore it is by no means possible to destroy them without a reason.

An effective wasp trap from improvised means

Neighborhood and next to a person has a very ambiguous character. Natural predators can not only destroy harmful insects, helping gardeners to fight them, but also pose a serious threat to human health. After all, the consequences can be both redness and swelling of the damaged area of ​​the skin, as well as serious complications in the video flow of the bronchi, suffocation, heart palpitations and numerous hemorrhages. The lack of timely medical care to the victim in the development of anaphylactic shock can even lead to death. Insect bites are especially dangerous for children and people with allergies. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to get rid of hornets.

Should it be destroyed

Before getting rid of, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Not everyone knows that representatives of just one family can destroy up to five hundred harmful insects that pose a serious threat to horticultural crops. The thing is that these Hymenoptera use caterpillars, bugs, butterflies and other pests as food. Insect predators attack humans only in exceptional cases, feeling threatened.

On a note!

However, you don’t have to choose at all if representatives of this species are wound up in the attic under the roof, in the wall of the house or in the apiary. In this case, the insects are able to attack the inhabitants of the house, and the bees will not do well. A swarm of adults is able to quickly destroy bee hives in an apiary. Therefore, in such situations, the fight against hornets is simply necessary.

How to get hornets out of the apartment

Most often, the attention of Hymenoptera is attracted in the house by the aroma of ripe fruits, vegetables, or various delicacies. Having flown into the human abode, the insect can no longer find a way out. And to kick him out of the room, it is not necessary to run with a newspaper in his hand. You should not try to kill the hornet by making sudden movements with your hands. Such behavior of the offender will be regarded as an attack, and then the attack of the insect cannot be avoided.

If there is only one randomly flown individual in the house, then it is enough to arm yourself with an ordinary glass jar. The "intruder" is carefully covered with it, using the lid, the container is closed. Open the trap only on the street. Similarly, you can use a matchbox or work gloves made of thick fabric.

If hymenoptera in the house is a regular phenomenon, then it is necessary to find nests where a population of fearsome insects lives. Usually they prefer quiet places: attics or sheds. Housing hymenoptera can also be placed on a tree standing next to the house or under a canopy. If the nest is in an accessible place, then you can get rid of hornets at home in the following ways.


Hornets can be eradicated with insecticides. It is enough to put a plastic bag on the nest, after spraying it inner surface toxic substance. Hornets are especially afraid of Dichlorvos, Tetrix, Get, Karbofos, Raptor or Sinuzan. No less effective are preparations for agricultural pests such as Parus or Aktara.

Using hornet poison, you need to arm yourself with tape and glue the edges of the bag to the ceiling surface. If the pests have settled in the wall partition, they can be removed from the wall in a similar way, using any insecticide intended for the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches.

If the nest of pests is located on a tree, then the polyethylene trap must be fixed on a branch so that the toxic composition does not erode.

Folk remedies

However, it is still better to use folk remedies from hornets than pesticides:

  • Effectively repels hornets from the house red capsicum. It is enough to hang it next to the nest to drive insects out of the area.
  • Boric acid is another effective remedy from hornets and wasps. 1 st. l. the funds are mixed with 3 crushed fly agarics, after which the composition is poured with water (200 g) and boiled for 3 minutes. As a bait, add 1 tbsp. l. honey. Such a kind of poison for wasps and hornets is poured into small containers, which are placed in places where pests accumulate.
  • Mint alcohol-based lotion is another effective way repelling insects. Hornets will not build a nest if you plant mint, lemon balm or geranium on the site.
  • Water trap. A bucket filled with water is brought to the nest so that all its inhabitants get wet and soon die. To achieve the maximum effect, a bucket of water is propped up with a stepladder or a wooden plank.
  • You can fight hornets in the apiary as described above, however, when using boiling water. A large amount of boiling water is poured over the nest from all sides, which is usually quite enough to obtain the desired result.
  • Mounting foam. To destroy the hornet in the attic, or rather its entire “lair”, it is important to fill all the exits in the nest with mounting foam. This procedure should be carried out at night, when all the inhabitants are in a cocoon. And it is preferable to do this together, simultaneously filling all the holes. Without access to light and oxygen, insects will soon die, after which the nest can be removed from the ceiling and disposed of.
  • Carbon dioxide also has an equally effective effect on insects. The nest is carefully treated with foam from a fire extinguisher, as a result of which its inhabitants quickly die. A hive that has no signs of life is knocked down and disposed of.
  • Petrol. Another one of the most effective ways hornet control on suburban area is spraying the nest with gasoline or another flammable agent. After that, the shelter of insects is set on fire. but this method unacceptable if the nest is located indoors or is located at a high altitude.


Especially popular among summer residents is the method of removing hornets through traps. They are made from ordinary plastic bottles. The top of the container is cut off and placed neck down in the bottom half. As a bait, beer, kvass or jam is poured onto the bottom of such a structure. Insects that have climbed into the smell of goodies will no longer be able to get out of the trap.

On a note!

You can get rid of only a small number of insects in this way. If on the site there is a whole family headed by a queen-womb, then this method not acceptable.


One of the latest developments in insect control is the ultrasonic wasp and hornet repeller. The impact on individuals occurs through ultrasound, which is not audible to the human ear. But for wasps and hornets, these fluctuations are very noticeable, which forces insects to go in search of more favorable conditions.

How to get rid of hornets under the roof of the house

It will be possible to get rid of uninvited neighbors who have settled under the roof of the house if you try to remove the hive even in the cold season. During the winter, all individuals living in the hives die, with the exception of the queen and her brood, which do not yet pose a threat to humans. It is enough to clean the nest from the surface, and pack it in polyethylene and dispose of it.


They will help to remove repellent plates from under the roof of the hornets, designed to fight mosquitoes and flies. They are cut into small strips and placed in a metal container, after which they are set on fire. When smoldering insecticidal elements, smoke will be released, which negatively affects the individuals living in the nest. To achieve the maximum effect, the destruction of hornets in this way should be carried out daily for several days.

You can kill a nest of hornets by any of the above methods. However, in order to avoid getting a bite, a prerequisite for such a procedure is the presence of a mosquito net, gloves and tight clothing.

Smoke bombs

If insects have chosen a place to live under the floor and it is not possible to get to the nest, you can poison the hornets at home with a smoke bomb. An example of this is a smoke bomb from wasps and hornets Quiet Evening. In the process of its action, a toxic substance (permethrin) is released into the air, which negatively affects insects. However, after combustion, a strong pyrotechnic smell hovers in the air for a long period, and therefore, before using the product, it is necessary to take out of the room or pack bedding and things in tight bags.

To keep the hornets from returning

Knowing how to get rid of hornets in the country, many people wonder why insects appeared in the same place again. Situations when "undesirable neighbors" return again occur quite often due to the fact that this area was quite favorable for insects to live. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to change the terrain in some way: cut off a branch or open with a layer of paint the surface of the wall on which the hive was located. If the hornets built their nest in some kind of cavity, then it is enough to close up the hole that they have chosen.

Hornets are very helpful in the garden, destroying pests, but their bite can lead to anaphylactic shock and death of a person. The following questions will be considered in the article: what to do if a hornet flew into the room; how to deal with these insects that have settled in the walls wooden house; with what means to poison them at home.

Do I need to get rid of hornets

Experienced summer residents know that hornets are beneficial. Just one family of these insects destroys up to 500 pests - bedbugs, caterpillars and butterflies. Hornets can attack a person if they perceive his behavior as a threat to their safety. If the insects settled on garden plot, their nest can be left, but if they chose the attic or the roof of the house as the place of settlement, then they must be destroyed.

If hornets are wound up, how to get rid of them in the house? First you need to determine the location of the nest. Then, having assessed the threat, you need to choose the best way to destroy insects. The most common method is to knock down the nest with a stick, put it in a bag and take it out of the house.

How to deal with hornets in a wooden house

Very often Hymenoptera choose wooden buildings for their nesting. How to get rid of hornets in the house and at the same time not harm the home? A new development in the fight against insects - ultrasound. Sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, can scare them away and force them to leave their homes.

Experts recommend removing the hornet nest in winter. In the cold season, insects die, only the queen and a new brood remain in the hive, which does not pose a threat to humans. The nest is removed from the roof, packed in polyethylene and destroyed. If time is lost, or the hive was discovered too late, repellent plates can be used to control flies and mosquitoes. They are cut into small strips and placed in metal containers, after which they are lit. Hymenoptera react negatively to insecticidal smoke.

Important! To consolidate the result, the procedure is recommended to be repeated for several days.

You can also get rid of hornets with a smoke bomb. This tool is advised to use if the insect hive is located under the floor or in another hard to reach place. It is worth considering that when ignited, the checker releases toxic permethrin, which not only poisons hymenoptera, it can stink the whole room. To avoid stagnation bad smell after combustion, the product is taken out. It is best to pack bedding, clothes and household items in polyethylene before the procedure.

How to get hornets out of the wall of the house? It is important to find the gap in which the insects built their homes. Then you can spray insecticide or any other solution from wasps and hornets into it.

Recently, the method of destroying hornets with a vacuum cleaner has become increasingly popular. You will need two extension tubes to reach the nest. It is important that the hose is not kinked. As soon as the vacuum cleaner sucks in all the insects, the bag is cleaned and the nest is disposed of.

How to poison hornets at home

In the persecution of insects, chemicals have shown good effectiveness. To bring out the hornets, you need to put a plastic bag on their nest, first on it inside applying insecticide. The edges of the bag are carefully glued to the surface with adhesive tape to exclude the possibility of air ingress and flying out of insects.

hornets nest

The best preparations for breeding hymenoptera:

  • dichlorfox;
  • tetrix;
  • karbofos;
  • sinusan;
  • raptor;
  • sail;
  • actor.

Note! If the choice of the owner of the house fell on chemicals, you need to use means to putty holes in the hive, otherwise the angry insects will attack the person. Clay can be used as it.

Folk remedies:

  • Insects do not like red pepper. You can drive them out of the nest by hanging chili pods next to it.
  • Mix boric acid (1 tablespoon) with 3 finely chopped fly agaric, pour 200 ml of water and boil for 3 minutes. You can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey to lure insects. The resulting mixture is poured into containers and placed in the places of residence of Hymenoptera.
  • Alcohol mint lotion. Insects do not like the pungent smell of mint, lemon balm and geranium. You can plant these plants in a summer cottage or in pots.
  • Water. A bucket filled with water is brought to the nest. The hornets will die if the hollow gets completely wet. In order not to constantly keep a heavy container on weight, it is better to support it with a stepladder or a stick. You can knock the hive into a bucket and throw a rag soaked in ammonia into the container, this will kill all the inhabitants of the hollow.
  • Boiling water. hot water you need to pour the nest from different sides. This method is only good for killing insects in the area, so it is not used in the house.
  • Mounting foam. It fills all the cracks and exits in the nest. For the procedure, it is better to choose the night, as at this time the insects will sleep and will not be able to resist.
  • Fire extinguisher. Carbon dioxide foam has a negative effect on insects. Foam must be carefully treated with the entire hive.
  • Fire. The method is not suitable for getting rid of insects in housing. The hive is doused with gasoline or any other flammable liquid and is set on fire.
  • Traps out plastic bottles. The top of the container is cut off and placed upside down in the bottom half. At the bottom of the bait pour jam, syrup, kvass, beer or lemonade. The hornets will fly in, but they won't be able to get back out.
  • Sulfur. In the evening, the substance is lit near the hollow.
  • Baits - watermelon or melon peels - are sprayed with poison from the Colorado potato beetle and laid out near the hollow. Before this procedure, it is important to remove pets.

Important! When destroying insects, you need to take care of safety. All procedures should be carried out with gloves and thick clothing, it is best to use beekeeper overalls. It is also best to clean the nest with gloves.

What to do if a hornet flew into the house

Sometimes hornets fly into the apartment. They may be lured into rooms by the scent of fruits, vegetables, or sweets. The insect will no longer be able to get out on its own. You should not try to drive away the insect by making sharp waves with your hands, as this behavior can be regarded as an attack.

To catch one hornet, you need a glass jar. The insect is carefully covered with a container, after which the lid is twisted. They release the "prisoner" already on the street. For lack of a jar, you can use a matchbox or fabric work gloves.

If hornets have become frequent guests in the rooms of an apartment or house, you need to look for their nest. Often, they settle in attics, under the roofs of sheds, sheds or in trees. If the place of residence of the hornets is located in an accessible place, it must be destroyed.

hornets nest

Preventive measures

Hornets can return to their favorite place. To prevent this, you need to take simple measures:

  • if the hive was on a tree branch, it must be cut down;
  • if the nest was on the wall, it must be covered with a layer of paint;
  • close up all cavities that insects can use for nesting;
  • conduct a regular inspection of the attic;
  • remove fruits and vegetables from the veranda.

In some cases, hornets do not pose a threat to humans, but the situation changes as soon as the insects choose the attic of a wooden house or its wall as their place of residence. You can get rid of unwanted tenants with the help of chemicals, special means produced to fight hornets, and folk methods. The fight against hornets in the house will certainly be won, in the case of an integrated approach to the problem. Whatever method the owner of the house chooses, it is important to observe safety measures, otherwise an angry swarm can harm a person. In some cases, it is advisable to use the services of special services and not endanger your health. After the destruction of the hornets, you need to take preventive measures to rule out the possibility of their return. If everything is done as described above, then the hornets will never return!

Surely, many owners of summer cottages had to find such large and dangerous insects like hornets. With the advent of spring, these giant wasps begin to build nests for themselves, in a comfortable and protected place. How to breed a hornet nest is a rather dangerous and difficult task.

It is most effective and easy to exterminate these "guests" in the spring, when their houses are just built. If you are late with this, be prepared to attack. Hornets can attack more than once, because for one offended insect, the whole swarm stands up. In our article, we will tell you how to bring out hornets in the country so that they do not harm you and your loved ones, and outdoor recreation is only a pleasure.

Hornet control methods

In the fight against these insects, people use two methods: either destroy the nest, or destroy the hornets directly. As practice shows, the second method is the most effective, because by the end of the season, many more individuals will already appear from the nest than you can kill over the summer, no matter how hard you try. But in any case, you need to know:

  • Where is their nest located?
  • be sure to have a mosquito net, tight clothing and gloves, as these things will serve the best protection against stings and poison;
  • if you use chemicals, purchase poisons only for wasps, because hornets are the largest representatives of this genus.

Chemical methods of dealing with hornets

  1. If you did not find a remedy against wasps, then you can use dichlorvos in a can. Whatever type of sprayer you use, be sure to have clay or plasticine with you. This is necessary in order to cover up the cracks and the entrance through which poison was injected into the nest.
  2. Quite successful is the method of smoking a gray crack or hollow where they settled. You can also put watermelon peels or other sweets near the nest, seasoning it with a remedy (but you need to make sure that rabbits or bees do not eat such a “treat”).
  3. If you are lucky enough to find a nest in the spring, when there is only a female and a few soldiers, then you can cope with such a task as how to bring out a nest of hornets in no time. You just need to pick it up with a stick into some kind of container and place a rag soaked in it. ammonia. No one will be left alive.

Like these ones helpful tips will help you in the fight against both hornets and wasps. Thus, you can protect yourself and your family from harmful and dangerous insects.

The hornets that appeared on the site are a serious danger not only for plants, but also for humans. Those who suffered from the sting of a hornet say that the moment of the bite can be compared by pain with a hammer blow. There are many cases with a fatal outcome after a single bite. Hornets pose the greatest danger to children.

How and why do hornets appear on the site? How to deal with them? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Let's look at what a hornet is, and how dangerous it can be for humans. The hornet is large, some species reach a length of 55mm. They feed mainly on plant foods. It can be sweet varieties of fruits, honey, nectar and other sugar-containing products. During the feeding period, the hornets begin to hunt insects - bees, grasshoppers, locusts, etc. But these insects are not eaten by the hornets, but are fed to the larvae in the form of a suspension. Especially dangerous is the neighborhood of the hornet family with bees. One hornet can destroy a whole bee hive in a few hours.

The hornet family, like the bee family, has its own uterus, which hides in a secluded place, laying eggs. The uterus flies out only once, at the beginning of spring - in search of food for the establishment of a new colony. The fight against the hornet's uterus is the most effective remedy. If you track down and destroy the uterus during its departure, then this way you can completely stop the appearance of hornets on the site.

If the queen survived and began to lay eggs, then it is extremely difficult to track her down. Insects build nests in the most secluded corners; finding their home is much more difficult than, for example, a wasp nest. If you find a nest, in no case do not approach it without a protective suit! This is extremely dangerous!

Hornet stings are very dangerous for people with allergic reactions. In allergy sufferers, even one bite can cause death. The sting of the wasp does not remain in the body of the victim (unlike bees), so the hornet is able to sting a person several times. Bites are most dangerous for children and the elderly. The greatest danger is the close proximity to the nest, since several individuals of insects can attack a person at once. The pain from a hornet bite is compared to a hammer blow. The pain is so strong that it stuns a person and throws even an adult healthy man into bed for several days.

Wasp food can be any plant that produces juice well. Hornets gnaw at the bark from young birch shoots (pictured), feeding on their sap, eat apples hanging on a tree, and can fly into the house in search of food.

Hornet control methods

As a rule, flying insects are found in large numbers by the end of summer, when the hornet colony is gaining full strength. It is during this period that the fight against hornets is the most laborious. Must be destroyed as soon as possible more insects to weaken the colony. Even if it is not possible to find a nesting place for the hornets, the colony weakens, and the lack of food that they stop producing leads to the death of the colony. To destroy hornets, systemic insecticides are used, which are sprayed onto plants chosen by insects. At the time of spraying insecticides, one should not stand in the flight path of insects; it is necessary to use means personal protection. The main difficulty in the fight against hornets lies in the fact that it is necessary to choose the right insecticide. If the drug is chosen incorrectly, this can lead to the opposite result. Such a struggle will only strengthen the colony, which in next year may become immune to the entire range of insecticides in this group. It is important to collect data on what pest control agents have been used on the site before (including garden insecticides, for example, to control aphids) and decide on the use of one or another agent (or a mixture of them).

A good result is given by injections of pesticides into the trunk of trees that the hornets have chosen to feed on. In deciduous trees, the injection spreads through the tree fairly quickly. The great advantage of this technology can be considered that substances hazardous to humans do not enter the environment. Of course, if injections against hornets are made into the trunk of apple trees, then this season it will not be possible to eat apples from them.

We provide services for the fight against hornets on the site with the help of professional pest control products. The destruction of hornets is a dangerous undertaking, and if you are not confident in your abilities, entrust it to us!