Idiot story who is the author. "Idiot" Dostoevsky: a detailed analysis of the novel

  • 21.09.2019

At the end of 1867, the young gentleman Myshkin Lev Nikolayevich moved from Switzerland to St. Petersburg. A young man of twenty-six is ​​the last of the rich nobility. Due to a complex nervous illness suffered in childhood, the prince lived for several years in a Swiss sanatorium. On the trip, Lev meets Rogozhin, a rich merchant's son. Parfyon tells the prince about his beloved, Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova, who is being kept by Totsky.

Lev Nikolaevich arrives to visit his distant relatives, the Yepanchins. There are three daughters in the Yepanchin family - Aglaya, Adelaide and Alexandra. Myshkin surprises everyone with his openness, naivete and childish spontaneity. At the same time, the young man communicates with the general's assistant Ganya Ivolgin. At the secretary, the prince first notices a portrait of young Nastasya Filippovna, an unusually beautiful and proud woman.

Some details become known to Prince Myshkin: Totsky intends to get rid of Barashkova and marry her to Ivolgin, and he himself is going to marry the young daughter of General Yepanchin. For Nastasya, Totsky is ready to give seventy-five thousand as a dowry. Secretary Ivolgin passionately dreams of getting rich at any cost, although he would like to marry another wealthy lady - the general's youngest daughter Aglaya. Lev Nikolaevich becomes a close friend of Aglaya and acts as an intermediary between her and Ganya.

The young prince moves to live in the estate with the Ivolgins. Myshkin does not have time to get acquainted with all the household members and settle down in the premises provided to him - two interesting events occur. Nastasya Filippovna visits the Ivolgins' apartment and invites Ganya and his beloved relatives to visit her. The woman jokes and laughs, listens to Ivolgin's funny stories. Then Rogozhin and his noisy big company visit. Parfyon throws eighteen thousand in front of Barashkova. Then the heroes begin to "bargain", as a result, the price for Nastasya rises to one hundred thousand.

For Ganya's relatives, the current event is extremely insulting. Barashkova is a dissolute lady who has no place at all in such a decent society. The scandal does not keep itself waiting: sister Varvara spits in Ganya's eyes, he swings, but does not have time to hit. Lev Nikolaevich stands up for the woman, receiving a blow on the cheek from the enraged Ivolgin. Then the prince says to Nastasya: “Are you the way you now seemed to be.” This phrase will be remembered for a long time by Barashkova, who suffered greatly and was worried about her difficult position in society.

On the same warm evening, Myshkin visits the estate of Nastasya Filippovna. Full of guests, from Totsky, General Yepanchin to the ever-laughing Ferdyshchenko. Unexpectedly, the heroine consults with a new guest and asks if she should marry Ivolgin. Lev Nikolaevich replies that no. At twelve o'clock in the morning, Parfyon appears with his fellow friends and takes out a hundred thousand in front of Nastasya, packed in a newspaper.

The prince is very worried about what is happening and confesses his feelings to Barashkova, offering her to get married. Suddenly it becomes known that Myshkin has a rich inheritance, inherited from a relative. But the heroine decides to leave with Rogozhin. She grabs the money and throws it into the fireplace, offering Ghana to take it. Ivolgin falls unconscious, and Nastasya herself pulls out the flaming money and gives it to Ghana as a token of some kind of compensation for his "suffering".

Six months have passed. After traveling around the country, Myshkin returns to St. Petersburg. Strange rumors circulate in secular circles that Barashkova more than once hastily ran away from Rogozhin to Lev Nikolaevich, lived with him, but subsequently left the young prince.

At the station square, it seems to Myshkin that someone is closely following him. Lev comes to visit Rogozhin. During this conversation, the prince plays with a garden knife until the owner of the house angrily takes it from the hands of the guest. The speech of acquaintances comes about faith and a hanging copy of the picture, which depicts the Savior. The interlocutors exchange crosses, Rogozhin takes Leo to his mother to ask for blessings, for now they are like brothers.

Going to the guest house, Myshkin sees a familiar large figure and follows him. Rogozhin's sparkling gaze, like at a railway station, a raised knife ... The prince falls in a fit of epilepsy. The parfion is hidden in the darkness.

A few days later, Lev Nikolaevich arrives at Lebedev's dacha, where the Yepanchins and, as they say, Nastasya are resting. A sick prince gathers a lot of people to visit. Myshkin listens attentively to everyone, regrets for some reason and feels guilty before all those gathered.

Soon the prince visits the Yepanchins, goes for a walk with the suitors of the general's daughters. On the way they meet Nastasya Filippovna in the company of friends. The girl tactlessly tells Prince Radomsky about his deceased relative, who spent state money.

Those present are indignant at this trick. A friend of Radomsky insults Barashkova, in response to this she cuts his head into blood, snatching a cane from those standing nearby. The enraged young man wants to hit Nastasya with a whip, but the prince does not allow this to be done.

Three days later, in the park, Myshkin meets Aglaya. She asks to become her close friend, the young man realizes that he is in love. Further in the same square, the prince sees Barashkova. Kneeling, the girl wonders how happy he is with the general's daughter. Later, Nastasya Filippovna writes long letters to the prince's chosen one, persuading her to marry him.

The Yepanchins announce Myshkin as the fiancé of their youngest daughter. The general gathers rich and distinguished guests to get acquainted with the future family member. The prince tries to please everyone so as not to upset the bride, leads interesting conversation but eventually falls into an epileptic fit.

Aglaya, along with her fiancé, meets with Barashkova and Rogozhin. An unpleasant conversation arises between the ladies, during which Yepanchina asks not to get into her life and the life of her future spouse anymore, to stop writing letters of incomprehensible content. Annoyed by this attitude, Nastasya calls out to Myshkin and offers to be with her, while Rogozhina drives away. The hero does not know what to do, because he sincerely loves both women. Nastasya Filippovna cannot refuse, the state of mind of the young man is getting worse ..

Soon the wedding of the young master and Nastasya Filippovna should take place. This news spreads throughout the neighborhood, acquiring various gossip and conjectures. On the day of the wedding, Barashkova unexpectedly runs out to Parfyon, who is standing among other people. Rogozhin takes the girl in his arms, jumps into a nearby carriage and quickly leaves.

The next day, Lev visits Rogozhin, but does not find him at home. At the end of the day, on the street, Parfen calls Myshkin and leads him home. In the room, he points to the bed where Nastasya's dead body lies, lined with jars of Zhdanov's mixture so that the smell of decomposition cannot be smelled.

Lev Nikolaevich, together with Rogozhin, spend the whole night over the dead. When the police open the door the next day, Parfyon and Myshkin, running around in delirium, appear before her, trying to calm him down. The prince already ceases to recognize people and loses his mind, as what happened greatly injures his psyche.

Three fellow travelers met in the train carriage: the young heir of millions Parfen Semyonovich Rogozhin, his peer, twenty-six-year-old Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, and the retired official Lebedev. The prince returns from Switzerland to St. Petersburg, where he was unsuccessfully treated for a nervous illness. He was orphaned early and until recently was in the care of his benefactor named Pavlishchev, at whose expense he corrected his health. But recently the trustee died.

Merchant Rogozhin is going to enter into the inheritance. He is madly in love with Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova, the kept woman of the wealthy aristocrat Afanasy Ivanovich Totsky. For the sake of this woman, Parfyon squandered his father's money - he bought diamond earrings for his beloved. For such a daring act, Semyon Rogozhin almost killed his son. The young man had to flee from parental anger to his aunt. But unexpectedly, Rogozhin's father died.

At the station, fellow travelers disperse. Parfyon leaves with Lebedev, and Myshkin goes to the house of General Ivan Fedorovich Yepanchin, whose wife Lizaveta Prokofievna was a distant relative of the prince. There are three unmarried beautiful daughters in the wealthy Yepanchin family: Alexandra, Adelaide and the common favorite Aglaya.

The general introduced Myshkin to his family and offered to live in a boarding house maintained by Nina Aleksandrovna Ivolgina. Her son Ganya serves at Yepanchin. The reason for such courtesy is simple - the general needs to distract his wife from one delicate circumstance. The appearance of a new relative came in very handy.

And it was the same Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova - Totsky's mistress. This is the history of their relationship. Near the estate of Totsky there was a small property of Philip Barashkov. Once it completely burned down along with his wife. Shaken by such a terrible event, Barashkov went crazy and soon died, leaving two daughters orphans and without any means.

Totsky, out of pity, gave the girls to be raised in the family of his manager. The youngest of the sisters soon died of whooping cough, and the eldest Nastasya grew up and became a beauty. Totsky knew a lot about gorgeous women. He took the kept woman to a remote estate, where he often visited.

So four years passed. When Afanasy Ivanovich decided to marry Yepanchin's eldest daughter Alexandra, Nastasya Filippovna threatened that she would not allow this. Totsky was frightened by the pressure of the beauty and temporarily abandoned his intention. Knowing the nature of the kept woman, the millionaire understood that it would not cost anything for a girl to organize a public scandal or kill a wedding couple right at the altar.

After some time, Nastasya Filippovna began to live in St. Petersburg in separate apartment. Her people often gathered in her living room in the evenings. In addition to Totsky, this circle included General Yepanchin, his secretary Ganya Ivolgin, and a certain Ferdyshchenko, a guest at Nina Aleksandrovna's boarding house.

Everyone was in love with Nastasya Filippovna. As for Totsky, he still did not abandon his intention to marry Alexandra, but he was still afraid of Nastasya Filippovna.

A plan matured in the head of the millionaire, which he shared with Yepanchin: it was necessary to marry Nastasya to Ganya. Surprisingly, the girl took the offer calmly and promised to give an answer in the evening. The rumor about this reached the general's wife. Myshkin was needed to distract his wife from the impending scandal.

Ganya took the prince to his home and arranged him in a boarding house. There Myshkin met Nina Aleksandrovna, her daughter Varya, her son Kolya, the father of the family Ardalion Alexandrovich Ivolgin, and also a certain Mr. Ptitsyn. It was a friend of Gani, who was courting Varvara. The neighbor at the boarding house Ferdyshchenko also came to get acquainted.

At this time, a quarrel flares up in the house over the possible marriage of Nastasya Filippovna with Ganya. The secretary's family is categorically against kinship with this "fallen woman". The 75 thousand rubles that Totsky is ready to allocate as a dowry did not help either.

Suddenly, Nastasya Filippovna herself comes to visit, and after her Rogozhin, Lebedev and the company of Parfyon's hangers-on appear in the house. Having learned about the possible marriage of Ganya and Nastasya Filippovna, Rogozhin came to offer the secretary money for the refusal. He is sure that Ganya can be bought. The merchant has the same opinion about Nastasya Filippovna: he first promises her 18 thousand, and then raises the bar to 100 thousand rubles.

The scandal flares up with renewed vigor and culminates when Myshkin defends Varvara from Ganya's attack. He receives a slap in the face from an enraged secretary, but does not return it. Only with a word reproaches Ganya, and Nastasya Filippovna says that she really is not what she wants to be known in society. For this reproach and the gift of hope, the woman is grateful to the prince.

Myshkin visits Nastasya Filippovna in the evening without an invitation. The hostess is glad of his appearance and asks the prince to answer the fateful question of marriage. “As you say, I will do it,” promises Nastasya Filippovna. Myshkin says "no".

Here Parfen Rogozhin appears with the promised 100 thousand. He tosses a wad of money wrapped in newspaper onto the table. General Yepanchin, seeing that the prey is slipping out of his hands, calls on the prince to intervene in the situation. Lev Nikolayevich proposes to Nastasya Filippovna and announces the inheritance. It turns out that he came for him from Switzerland. This is a huge amount, more than Rogozhin received.

Nastasya Filippovna thanks the prince, but honestly declares that she has no right to spoil the reputation of a wealthy aristocrat. She agrees to go with Rogozhin. But first he wants to know: is it true that Ganya is ready for everything for the sake of money?

A woman throws a wad of bills into the fireplace and tells the secretary to pull them out. with bare hands. Ganya finds the strength not to succumb to the provocation and tries to leave. However, at the exit he faints. Nastasya Filippovna herself takes out a pack with tongs and instructs her to give it to Gan when he wakes up. Then he leaves to go on a spree with Parfyon.

Part two

After a night spent with Rogozhin, Nastasya Filippovna disappears. Rumor has it that she went to Moscow. Parfyon and the prince go there. On the eve of departure, Ganya comes to Myshkin and gives those same 100 thousand rubles with a request to return them to Nastasya Filippovna.

Six months have passed. During this time, Varvara married Ptitsyn, and Ganya retired from the service and no longer appears in the Yepanchins' house. Totsky's courtship to Alexandra was upset, he married french marchioness and left for Paris. Unexpectedly and successfully married the middle of the sisters - Adelaide. There are persistent rumors that Myshkin's legacy is not so great, and Rogozhin did find Nastasya Filippovna and tried to marry her twice. However, the bride each time ran away from the crown to Myshkin. But then she again came to Rogozhin.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Myshkin finds Parfyon. They develop a strange relationship of friends-rivals. Young people even exchange pectoral crosses- fraternize according to Russian custom. Parfyon is sure that Nastasya Filippovna loves the prince, but considers herself unworthy to be his wife. She also understands that her relationship with Rogozhin will someday end badly and therefore avoids marriage. But he cannot break out of this vicious circle.

Once a jealous Rogozhin on a dark staircase in a hotel rushed at Myshkin with a knife. Only an epileptic attack saved Leo from death. Frightened Rogozhin runs away, and Kolya Ivolgin finds the prince with his head broken on a step and takes him to the dacha to Lebedev in Pavlovsk. The Ivolgin and Epanchin families gather there.

Suddenly, a company of young people appears at the dacha together with Lebedev's nephew Ippolit. Their goal is to get money from the prince for the son of his benefactor Pavlishchev. Myshkin knows about this story, he asks Ganya to figure everything out. The former secretary convincingly proved that the person who claims to be the son of a benefactor is not one. This is the same orphan as the prince, whose fate was dealt with by Pavlishchev. Misled by a swindler and rumors about Myshkin's rich inheritance, he and his friends appeared to appeal to the conscience of Lev Nikolaevich. The prince is ready to help, but his condition is greatly exaggerated by rumor. Embarrassed young man refuses money.

Nastasya Filippovna methodically persuades Aglaya to marry the prince, trying to arrange the life of a loved one with a worthy woman.

Part three

Summer residents are going for a walk. Everyone jokes about the possible wedding of the prince and Aglaya. Nearby is Nastasya Filippovna, who again behaves defiantly and insults Aglaya's boyfriend Yevgeny Radomsky. An officer friend stands up for him, but he gets hit in the face by Nastasya Filippovna with a cane. Myshkin again has to intervene in the incident. He passes Nastasya Filippovna to Rogozhin. Everyone expects the officer to challenge the prince to a duel.

Guests unexpectedly come to Myshkin's birthday, although he did not invite anyone. Eugene, to everyone's delight, announces that the incident is hushed up and there will be no duel. Here is Rogozhin. The prince assures Parfyon that he has forgiven him for the knife attack and that they are still brothers.

Among the guests is Lebedev's nephew Ippolit, who is sick with consumption. He declares that he will die soon, but does not intend to wait, but will shoot himself right now. During the night, the patient reads his work, in which he justifies suicide. But the pistol that was taken from Hippolyte was not loaded.

Myshkin meets Aglaya in the park. The girl gives the prince Nastasya Filippovna's letters, in which she begs Aglaya to marry Lev Nikolaevich. Aglaya claims that Nastasya Filippovna is madly in love with the prince and wishes him well. She even promised to become Rogozhin's wife immediately after the wedding of Aglaya and Myshkin.

Lebedev claims that 400 rubles have disappeared from him. Early in the morning, Ferdyshchenko also disappeared from the dacha. Lebedev suspects that he stole the money.

The frustrated prince wanders around the park and meets Nastasya Filippovna. She kneels before Myshkin, asks for forgiveness and promises to leave. Rogozhin, who suddenly appeared, takes Nastasya Filippovna away, but then returns to ask Myshkin an important question: is the prince happy? Lev Nikolayevich answers in the negative.

Part Four

The dying Ippolit plagues the entire Ivolgin family, especially his father, who is becoming more and more entangled in lies. It turns out that a retired general took Lebedev's wallet with money, and then threw it up as if it had fallen out of his pocket. Every day the old man's fantasies become more and more ridiculous. For example, Ivolgin tells the prince that he personally knew Napoleon. Soon the ex-general has a stroke, he dies.

The Yepanchins are preparing for the wedding of Myshkin and Aglaya. A noble society gathers, to which the groom is introduced. Myshkin suddenly makes a ridiculous speech, breaks an expensive vase, and then has a seizure.

Aglaya visits the prince and asks to go together to Nastasya Filippovna. Rogozhin is present at their meeting. Aglaya demands that Nastasya Filippovna stop bringing her to the prince and torturing everyone. She accuses Barashkova of the fact that she likes to flaunt her resentment and "ruined" honor. If she wished happiness to Myshkin, she would have left long ago and left him alone.

In response, the proud beauty begins to scoff: she only has to beckon the prince, and he will not resist the spell. Nastasya Filippovna fulfills her threat, and the confused Lev Nikolaevich does not know what to do. Myshkin rushes between two lovers. He rushes after the fleeing Aglaya. But Nastasya Filippovna catches up with the prince and falls into his arms without memory. Forgetting about Aglaya, Myshkin begins to console Nastasya Filippovna. Rogozhin, who has been watching this scene, walks away. The prince is more and more immersed in mental turmoil.

In two weeks the wedding of Lev Nikolayevich and Nastasya Filippovna is scheduled. All attempts by Myshkin to meet and explain to Aglaya fail. The Yepanchins are returning from Pavlovsk to Petersburg.

Yevgeny tries to convince Myshkin that he acted badly, and Nastasya Filippovna is even worse. The prince confesses that he loves both women, but in different ways. For Nastasya Filippovna, he feels love-compassion. The bride is behaving very eccentrically. Now he comforts the prince, then he is hysterical.

Rogozhin appears at the wedding ceremony. Nastasya Filippovna rushes to him and asks the merchant to save her. They run to the station. To the surprise of the guests, Myshkin does not follow. He calmly spends the evening and only in the morning begins to look for the fugitives. But at first he can't find it anywhere. The prince wanders the streets for a long time until he accidentally meets Rogozhin. He brings Myshkin to his home and shows him Nastasya Filippovna, who was killed by him.

The whole novel is filled with deep symbolic content. In every plot, in the image of every hero, Dostoevsky strives to put one or another hidden meaning. Nastasya Filippovna symbolizes beauty, and Myshkin symbolizes Christian grace and the ability for forgiveness and humility. The main idea is to contrast perfect image righteous Myshkin and the cruel surrounding world of Russian reality, human meanness and meanness. It is precisely because of the deep disbelief of people, their lack of moral and spiritual values, that we see the tragic ending with which Dostoevsky ends his novel.

Analysis of the work

History of creation

The novel was first published in 1868 on the pages of the Russky Vestnik magazine. The idea of ​​the work was born by Dostoevsky after the publication of "Crime and Punishment" during a trip to Germany and Switzerland. In the same place, on September 14, 1867, he made the first entry regarding the future novel. Further, he went to Italy, and in Florence the novel was completed completely. Dostoevsky said that after working on the image of Raskolnikov, he wanted to bring to life a different, completely ideal image.

Features of the plot and composition

The main feature of the composition of the novel is an overly drawn-out climax, which gets its denouement only in the penultimate chapter. The novel itself is divided into four parts, each of which, according to the chronology of events, smoothly flows into another.

The principles of the plot and composition are based on the centralization of the image of Prince Myshkin, all the events and parallel lines of the novel unfold around him.

Images of the main characters

The main character - Prince Myshkin is an example of the embodiment of universal goodness and mercy, this is a blessed person, completely devoid of any kind of shortcomings, like envy or malice. Outwardly, he has an unattractive appearance, awkward and constantly causes ridicule of others. In his image, Dostoevsky puts the great idea that it doesn’t matter what a person looks like, only the purity of his thoughts and the righteousness of his actions are important. Myshkin infinitely loves all the people around him, is extremely disinterested and open-hearted. It is for this that he is called the “Idiot”, because people who are used to being in a world of constant lies, the power of money and debauchery absolutely do not understand his behavior, consider him sick and insane. The prince, meanwhile, is trying to help everyone, seeking to heal other people's spiritual wounds with his kindness and sincerity. Dostoevsky idealizes his image, even equating him with Jesus. By "killing" the hero at the end, he makes it clear to the reader that, like Christ, Myshkin has forgiven all his offenders.

Nastasya Filippovna is another symbolic image. Exclusively beautiful woman, which is able to hit any man in the heart, with an insanely tragic fate. Being an innocent girl, she was molested by her guardian and this overshadowed her whole future life. Since then, she has despised everything, both people and life itself. Its entire existence is directed towards deep self-destruction and self-destruction. Men trade her like a thing, she only contemptuously observes this, supporting this game. Dostoevsky himself does not give a clear understanding of the inner world of this woman; we learn about her from the lips of other people. Her soul remains closed to everyone, including the reader. She is a symbol of eternally elusive beauty, which in the end never got to anyone.


Dostoevsky admitted more than once that The Idiot is one of his favorite and most successful works. Indeed, there are few other books in his work that so accurately and fully managed to express his moral position and philosophical point of view. The novel survived many adaptations, was repeatedly staged in the form of performances and operas, and received well-deserved recognition from domestic and foreign literary critics.

In his novel, the author makes us think about the fact that his “idiot” is the happiest person in the world, because he is able to sincerely love, enjoys every day and perceives everything that happens to him as an exceptional blessing. This is his great superiority over the rest of the characters in the novel.

A novel about how a certain Prince Myshkin, a kind, disinterested and deeply decent person, ends up in Russia. His innocence is not understood, they consider him crazy and shamelessly take advantage of his kindness. Driven by a deep love for people, Prince Myshkin tries to help everyone he meets on his life path. Unable to withstand the test, the young man finally goes crazy.

The main idea of ​​the work is that love for humanity is a heavy burden, and people blinded by their passions are not always ready to forgive and understand those who love them.

Summary of Dostoevsky's Idiot in parts

Part 1

The first part of the work begins with a story about how Prince Myshkin and the wealthy commoner Parfen Rogozhin meet on the train. The prince was treated for a nervous illness in Switzerland, he is an orphan and has no means of subsistence, no friends, no relatives. Parfyon is about to inherit his father's vast fortune. He is in love with Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova, and for this love his father almost took his life. Having told each other the story of their lives, the young people say goodbye at the station, after which Prince Myshkin comes to visit his family. distant relatives, Yepanchinyh, where there are three daughters: Alexandra, Adelaide and Aglaya, beautiful and smart girls. Everyone fell in love with the Yepanchins thanks to his innocence and sincerity.

The prince was settled in the house of the secretary of General Yepanchin, Gani, and his family fell in love with him very much. The general persuaded Ganya to marry Nastasya Filippovna, promising him a large sum of money for this.

Nastasya Filippovna was left an orphan early, and when she grew up, she became an unprecedented beauty. The voluptuary Totsky seduced her, making her his kept woman. After that, wanting to get rid of Nastasya Filippovna, and then to profitably marry one of the daughters of General Yepanchin, he started an intrigue together with the general in order to marry Nastasya Filippovna.

A heavy quarrel is brewing in Gani's house, as his mother and sister do not want his disgraceful marriage to Nastasya Filippovna. In the midst of a quarrel, the betrothed herself comes to the house, and after her, Parfen Rogozhin also arrives there. There, in front of everyone, he offers Nastasya Filippovna a hundred thousand for her love.

At the party at Nastasya Filippovna's, Rogozhin reappears with a huge wad of money. Prince Myshkin, trying to save a lost soul, offers her a hand and a heart, but she does not agree.

Mocking those present, Nastasya Filippovna throws all the hundred thousand into the fireplace and invites Hana to take it out with her bare hands. Unable to withstand such a test, Ganya falls unconscious, and Nastasya Filippovna rides with Rogozhin.

Part 2

Nastasya Filippovna disappears for a long time. At this time, Totsky's matchmaking is upset, he marries another girl and leaves for Paris. Prince Myshkin receives a large inheritance, for which many applicants flock.

Meanwhile, Parfyon is making attempts to marry Nastasya Filippovna. Parfyon is tormented by jealousy, realizing that Nastasya Filippovna loves the prince, but considers herself unworthy of him. Trying to arrange the happiness of the prince, she wants to arrange his marriage with the beautiful Aglaya Yepanchina.

A strange relationship develops between Prince Myshkin and Rogozhin. They are both friends and rivals at the same time. Once Rogozhin even tries to kill the prince.

Part 3

The action takes place at the dacha of a friend of Prince Myshkin, Lebedev. The prince is surrounded by many people, each of whom has his own goals. Someone is trying to trick him as much as possible more money, someone is looking for spiritual salvation from him, someone is trying to save him from the difficulties of life.

In this part, Nastasya Filippovna reappears at the forefront. She deliberately tries to cause a scandal in society with her defiant behavior. All this is aimed at arranging the fate of her beloved prince with a worthy woman.

Nastasya Filippovna promises Rogozhin that she will marry him immediately after the wedding of the prince and Aglaya. He is trying with all his might to promote this marriage.

Part 4

The Yepanchin family is preparing for the wedding of the prince and Aglaya. They try to introduce him into high society, but there the prince could not please anyone, as he suffers from an epileptic attack.

Nastasya Filippovna and Aglaya begin to compete for the prince. Pride and pride do not allow them to yield. And the prince is getting more and more entangled in these relations.

On the day of the wedding with the prince, Nastasya Filippovna runs away with Rogozhin, he takes her to his house and kills her. The prince finds Parfyon, and the two of them spend the night next to the deceased, and in the morning Parfyon is arrested. Prince Myshkin goes crazy, becoming insane.

At the end of the novel, Rogozhin is sentenced to hard labor and dies of a fever. Aglaya marries a Pole, becomes a Catholic and becomes a fighter for the liberation of Poland. And Prince Myshkin again ends up in a Swiss clinic, from where he is never destined to return.

Picture or drawing Idiot

I walked on wet and hard sand, collecting pebbles and various interesting things washed ashore by yesterday's storm. Examining the mountain of washed pebbles, I did not notice how someone approached from behind. A thin girl's voice brought me out of a thoughtful search.

  • Kuprin

    The page contains summaries Kuprin's works of various sizes

  • One of my favorite poetic creations. The gospel theme, the development of which was begun by the writer "Crime and Punishment", did not leave the creator, and he notebooks to "Idiot", notices that the prince is Christ, the heroine is a harlot, etc. In the process of development, the plot of the novel was composed slowly and changed beyond recognition. As a result, at the beginning of 1868, the author formulated the main idea: the image of a positively beautiful person, which is the main character of the work - the prince, Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin.
    So, the main character of F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" is Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, a sensitive, impressionable young man, a representative of a seedy, princely family. He has no relatives and suffers from epilepsy. A few years ago, a certain benefactor sent a young man to Switzerland for treatment, from where he returned to St. Petersburg. With the return of Myshkin, the story begins.
    On the train, the prince meets a fellow traveler, Parfyon Rogozhin, the youngest of a merchant family. Character traits Parthena: impulsiveness, passion, jealousy, spiritual breadth. Having met once, Myshkin and Rogozhin will find themselves forever inextricably linked by fatal love in one woman - Nastasya Filippovna, Totsky's concubine. Myshkin and Rogozhin - both are not distinguished by secular education. Both are spontaneous, they are like a single whole in two guises: the bright, quiet angel Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin and the dark, gloomy, passionate Parfyon Rogozhin.
    Upon arrival at, Prince Myshkin goes to the house of General Yepanchin. The noble general's wife is a relative of the prince, she is from the Myshkin family. Her sincerity, bright kindness and natural, to childishness, truthfulness repeatedly remind the reader of this relationship.
    In the Yepanchins' house, Myshkin accidentally saw a portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, the famous Petersburg "camellia" (they want to marry her to Ganya Ivolgin, who serves as General Yepanchin's secretary). Myshkin seems to recognize in the beauty your soul mate, in her beautiful face, he finds an extreme depth of mental suffering. The fate of Nastasya Filippovna is indeed deeply tragic. She, still a beautiful girl, the daughter of an impoverished landowner, was taken up by the rich and businessman Totsky. She became for him the subject of carnal pleasures. She is talented, intelligent, profound, adapted to her position, but she is not a slave, but a strong-willed woman, and is ready to avenge her humiliation, her position in society, because she dreamed of happiness, of a pure ideal. Nastasya Filippovna longs for spiritual happiness, and is ready to atone for her sins through suffering, to escape from the disgusting false world, the world of human baseness and hypocrisy. Nastasya protests against the marriage with Ganya Ivolgin, which is imposed by Totsky and Yepanchin. In the prince, she immediately recognized the pure, immaculate ideal of her youth and fell in love with him, so unlike other Petersburg representatives of society, with pure love. He is her love-pity. She loves him with love-admiration and love-sacrifice: she is a fallen woman, a "kept woman" will not dare to destroy the prince's pure "baby". And she accepts the sincere, bestial love-voluptuousness of Parfyon Rogozhin, a man who loves impulsively, sensually, unbridled.
    Nastasya Filippovna is trying to arrange Myshkin's marriage to Aglaya Yepanchina, the general's smart and beautiful girl. But the meeting of two women who love the prince leads to a break. Prince Myshkin, finally confused and suffering, in decisive minute stayed with Nastasya Filippovna, humiliated by Aglaya and deeply suffering. They're happy. And here is the wedding. However, Rogozhin appears again, and Nastasya again - in throwing. Parfyon takes the prince's bride away and in a fit of jealousy kills her.
    This is the main storyline of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot". But it is accompanied by other parallel stories. Therefore, it is impossible to convey briefly the content of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. After all, the heroes of Dostoevsky's novels are always ideas, and people are their carriers, personifications.
    The novel presents the themes of the relationship between church and state, Russia and Europe, Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Each hero is a special type: the degraded father of Ganya - General Ivolgin and their entire family, Lebedev - an official, a kind of "commentator" of the Apocalypse, the usurer Ptitsyn - the future son-in-law of the Ivolgins, the vulgar Ferdyshchenko, the positivist Burdovsky and his comrades, the Rogozhin company, General Yepanchin with his family. In the poetic world of Dostoevsky, every detail is extremely important, every word of a character, even if he is not the main one. It is in the novel "The Idiot" that Dostoevsky says the phrase that has become a textbook: "The world will be saved by beauty", but where does beauty end and ugliness begin? Of all the writer's novels, "The Idiot" is a poman-poem, the most lyrical work. A beautiful person in an unspiritual society is doomed to death. One of the most powerful, highly artistic scenes in the writer's work is Parfen Rogozhin and Prince Myshkin at the body of Nastasya Filippovna. Being the "grain" of a literary masterpiece, it shakes the reader to the core.