Safe water recreation. Safe rest

  • 10.10.2019

It is so established that we spend most of our lives at work, in school and in household chores. We are looking forward to the holidays and, having finally waited, we give more preference to the sea. In most cases, we rest with children and it is our responsibility to protect the child from unnecessary troubles.

In order for your vacation to pass without any problems, you need to prepare for it at home. First of all, you need to visit your doctor. He will advise you what is best to put in the first aid kit, which you will definitely take with you, and at the same time check the condition of the child, whether he is ready to go to the sea or not. Secondly, two weeks before the trip, start tempering the child. Thanks to this, you will speed up the adaptation process and increase the immunity of your child. Thirdly, it is extremely dangerous to go to the sea unprepared physically. With weak muscles, cramps can occur, and this is extremely unpleasant and dangerous. And the last thing is the psychological mood of the child. Talk to him about the sea, what you will do there, and what you should not.

And so, you are at sea. How to secure your vacation?

  • During the adaptation period, do not force the child to do something against his will, swim, sunbathe, climb in the sand. Approach this period carefully, because the body feels what it can and cannot do at the moment.
  • Try not to go out in the sun during peak hours. At this time, the child can get a very severe burn.
  • When leaving the sea, be sure to dry your child with a dry towel and apply a protective sunscreen that is more suitable for your child. The child should not get a tan, but just get a sunbath.
  • It is necessary to periodically dip the child into the sea, but if he does not want this, you can use an inflatable pool by filling it with sea water
  • Make sure that the child does not take off his hat, and even better, in order to avoid a burn, let him bathe and sunbathe in a T-shirt.
  • Protect your child's eyes by wearing sunglasses.
  • In the sun, the child loses more moisture, so it should be watered more often. Use bottled or boiled water.
  • Do not buy food on the street, visit restaurants, cafes or cook for your child yourself. Who knows what they prepared for you there.
  • Try to bypass places of mass congestion, there is a high probability of "picking up" the virus.
  • Don't lose sight of your child. Especially don't let him go out to sea alone.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages, because in this state you can lose vigilance, and the life of the child depends on you.

If you follow the basic safety rules with children at sea, your child will easily adapt, successfully acclimatize and go home safe and sound. Have a nice holiday!

Safety on the water SAFETY MEASURES IN THE WATER IN WINTER - Ice crossing rules: 1. Cross the pond on ice only with good visibility.2. When skiing, unfasten the bindings, remove the pole straps from your hands.3. Take a long stick (pole), a rope no less than 5 meters long.4. Go down where there are no gullies and bushes or reeds frozen into the ice.5. Walk carefully, checking with a stick of ice.6. Do not open the soles from the ice. - How to get out of the hole: 1. Try not to dive into the water with your head.2. Do not panic, call for help.3. Get out in the same direction from where they came from.4. Crawl onto the ice, spreading your arms to the sides.5. Throw a leg for years and roll back from the hole.6. Crawl 3-4 meters in your footsteps.7. Without resting, run to the nearest housing. SAFETY MEASURES IN THE WATER IN SUMMER - When swimming, it is unacceptable: 1. Swim in an unfamiliar place, under bridges and near dams.2. Dive from a height, not knowing the depth and topography of the bottom.3. Swim behind buoys and fences.4. Approach ships, rafts and other watercraft.5. Jump into the water from boats, boats, moorings.6. Arrange games with the capture of body parts. - When using a boat, it is unacceptable: 1. Make sure that the boat is in good condition and that life-saving equipment is available.2. Rock the boat, get up to your full height, sit on the sides.3. Swim in the places of passage of ships, mass bathing.4. Grab branches of trees and other objects on the go. -You can’t swim while intoxicated; under the influence of alcohol, people often overestimate their strength, and also commit careless acts against other swimmers, which often leads to disastrous consequences; -You can’t ride water transport (boats, jet skis, skis, etc.) this can lead to injury; - Do not swim in dangerous, prohibited places; - It is forbidden to jump into the water in unfamiliar places, play games in the water associated with capture, swim behind buoys and fences; - It is dangerous to dive in places of unknown depth, as it is possible hit your head on the sand, clay, break yourself cervical vertebrae lose consciousness and die. It is no less dangerous to jump headlong into the water from rafts, marinas and other floating structures, there can be piles, rails, stones, etc. under water, you can dive only where there is sufficient depth, clear water, a flat bottom; children on the shore of a reservoir without the supervision of adults who can swim and provide first aid; - Do not allow children to arbitrarily go to reservoirs and swim; - If you cannot swim, you cannot be in the water on an inflatable mattress or chamber. Swimming on inflatable objects is extremely dangerous, and for a person who cannot swim, it often ends tragically. If you swam too far and are tired, spread your arms and legs, lay your head on the water, close your eyes and relax. To stay horizontal, draw air into your lungs, hold it, and exhale slowly.

In our country, there are a large number of reservoirs where you can have a great rest in summer time or go ice fishing. Rest on the banks of a river or lake is great, but just a huge number of people die every year on the water. Most often this happens while swimming, especially in those places that are not intended for this.

A quarter of cases are accidents during kayaking on mountain rivers. V winter time when the water is covered in ice, some still manage to fall through it. That is why it is so important to know what is safe behavior in reservoirs under various conditions.

Rules of conduct on water bodies in the summer

It is impossible to imagine a summer vacation without a trip to the sea, river or pond. When the sun is hot, you want to plunge into cool water. In hot weather, there are especially many vacationers near the reservoirs. It is very important that you remember about safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions before going on such a vacation. A document that reflects all the rules of conduct on the water should be in every administration and rescue organizations.

Fresh air and water are excellent hardening factors, but we must not forget about the danger that may lie in wait for you in open water. Here are some tips for swimming:

  1. Some diseases may be a contraindication to swimming, so consult your doctor before going to the river or sea.
  2. The best time for taking water procedures is the time of 9-11 am and 17-19 pm.
  3. You should not swim if you just ate, an hour and a half should pass.

If you know how to swim, then this is to some extent your guarantee, but there are times when even excellent swimmers get into and die.

Therefore, it is especially important to observe the safety rules for all categories of citizens.

Rules on the water

Safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions must be strictly observed - this is the guarantee of your excellent vacation without incident. After you have arrived at a river or lake, having spent a lot of time on the road in a hot car, you should not immediately rush into the water. You need to rest a little, calm down and cool down, only after that you can go swimming.

So that your vacation is not overshadowed by unexpected situations, observe simple rules:

  • It's best if you take water procedures in places that are specially equipped for this.
  • If you first came to this place, before a full swim, you need to examine the bottom for snags, glass and any debris.
  • Do not dive in unfamiliar places, otherwise you can bury your head in the ground, snag or concrete slab.
  • If you find a sign on the shore of a reservoir that swimming is prohibited in this place, then you should not risk your health, it is better to go to another beach.
  • At sea, rescue services usually set up buoys, for which you can’t swim, you don’t have to show your courage and measure your strength with friends, it can be dangerous.
  • If you like to arrange games in the water, then be careful: do not grab each other by the arms or legs, you can swallow water in excitement and lose consciousness.
  • If you are in the water then you need to call for help.
  • Do not enter the water while intoxicated, this can end tragically.

For some reason, not everyone observes these simple rules, which then leads to accidents.

Behavior during emergencies

An unexpected situation can happen to everyone on the water if safe behavior on water bodies is not observed in various conditions. Your life or your friends will depend on your actions at this moment.

When swimming in rivers, it may happen that you are caught in a whirlpool. You need to discard panic, take a lot of air into your lungs, dive under water and try, making movements with your arms and legs, to swim away from the funnel.

If you do everything right and, most importantly, calmly, then you will be able to easily get out of it. Another situation that occurs all the time is swimming across a river or lake on a dare. You can simply not calculate your strength, it is impossible to predict how your body will behave in conditions of such an overload.

If you know how to relax on the water, lying on your back, then it’s not so bad, you might be able to win the argument. The ability to rest can also be useful to you if your leg cramps in the water. This is very dangerous, because no one can quickly help you at a great distance from the coast, you can only rely on yourself.

For such cases, always take a pin with you, they say it is good remedy from cramps in the water.

Child safety on the water

On water bodies in different time years are also relevant for children. In the summer, it is impossible to drag our kids away from the water, all sorts of prohibitions do not work, so you must strictly follow the following recommendations:

  1. Swimming with children is allowed only in specially equipped places.
  2. Do not leave your child unattended, even if he is just playing on the beach.
  3. Do not allow children to dive.
  4. After a long stay in the heat, one must enter the water slowly, otherwise breathing may stop from a sharp temperature drop.
  5. Try among a large number children to learn to distinguish their children, believe me, this is not at all easy to do.
  6. The duration of stay in the water depends on the age of the child, but it should be much less than for adults.
  7. Do not allow children to swim in places where motor boats and boats ply, and you should not do it yourself.

Keeping track of children while swimming is quite difficult, especially if there are a lot of them, as, for example, in camps. Therefore, for safety reasons, swimming is prohibited in many health centers in order to prevent accidents.

Rules in open water

Water procedures for a child are very good and healthy, but the main thing is that it is safe. Since many have a rest with their parents on the banks of rivers and lakes, go to the sea as "savages", it is worth considering some universal rules:

  1. A child can enter the water if it has warmed up to 22 degrees, and on the street it is at least 25 degrees.
  2. It is better to swim in the morning hours.
  3. During the first bath, 2-3 minutes of being in the water is enough.
  4. Do not submerge your child in the water up to their head.
  5. After leaving the water, it is necessary to dry the body well and rest.

Rest on the river bank is a great opportunity to improve your body and get mass. positive emotions. The main thing is to choose the right reservoirs. Features of the state of water bodies at different times of the year are different, and this must be taken into account.

Behavior on the water in winter

It would seem that winter has come, the ice has bound all the rivers and lakes, and you can safely skate and play hockey. But it is worth saying that the rules of safe behavior on water bodies in winter must also be observed.

Here are a few rules that will help you save your life and health on the pond in the winter:

  • Ice, at least 7 centimeters thick, can withstand one person.
  • Near various drains, the ice is usually not very strong.
  • Do not test the strength of the ice on it.
  • If you are moving on a frozen body of water, it is better to follow an already trodden path.
  • When walking in a group, the distance between you should be 5-6 meters, especially if the area is unfamiliar.
  • It is better to carry a backpack on one shoulder in order to use it as an improvised tool in an emergency.
  • If this happens and you fall through the ice, then spread your arms wide and hold on to the edges of the ice so as not to go under it with your head.
  • Without panic, slowly get out of the hole, crawling with your chest and pulling out your legs in turn.

In any unforeseen situation, one must remain calm and composure, and in order to exclude such cases, one must always remember about safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions.

Water and danger are concepts that are very close, so it depends only on you whether the reservoir will become a place of great relaxation for you or bring misfortune.

Recently, tourist trips to overseas countries have become very common, people travel with their whole families and take small children with them. Beautiful pictures and videos of exotic places are irresistibly drawn to you, and the stories of tour operators only stir up interest. However, most travelers do not take into account the many risks associated with a radically different climate, food and characteristics of the local flora and fauna. Many representatives of which are far from being so harmless, and some are deadly, especially for children. In contrast to the familiar Black Sea coast, where the vast majority of local inhabitants of the animal world are quite supportive of humans. And where the rest, though not as exciting and unusual as in foreign resorts, but relatively safe.

Understanding what is safe vacation with a child, and where hidden dangers await when traveling to exotic places, you can be fully equipped. And we, for our part, will try to shed more light on this side the safety of children on vacation.

For parents who have teenagers in the family who are showing strange behavior or a difficult character, Bagheera Advocate advises you to read articles about signs of drug addiction in teenagers and about teenage smoking.

Safe holiday with children. What should be feared?

Beautiful views, palm trees, coastal waves and colorful marine life - everything looks great, but nature has its own opinion on this. Many inhabitants are deadly and poisonous, dangerous bacteria can hover in the air, from which your body climate zone cannot defend itself effectively, and the scorching southern sun is capable of shortest time cause serious damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a safe vacation for yourself and your child.

Of the common dangers, it is worth mentioning the Egyptian sea urchins, which can often be found close to the coast, and whose needles are poisonous. Tripneusthos, slate sea urchins and black diadem sea urchins are visually attractive, but dangerous in essence. Even a small scratch after meeting with a diadem sea urchin begins to quickly turn red, swell and burn, and if you step on it, it can even lead to paralysis of the child's muscles, since the poison acts on nervous system person. Needles are extremely difficult to remove from the body, they simply break off and continue to poison the body. Therefore, stepping on sea ​​urchin you must immediately seek medical attention.

Another inhospitable inhabitant of the Red Sea is cone clams. There are many species of them, and their venom is sometimes more toxic than that of a cobra. Moreover, an effective antidote, in fact, does not exist, since the poison has an extremely complex structure of fifty low molecular weight peptides that contain several tens of amino acids. It takes a few seconds for the fish to die. Mortality among people stung by one of the most dangerous representatives - the Geographical cone mollusk, is approximately 70%. This, by the way, should be especially taken into account by those who like to collect free souvenirs in the sea.

If you are relaxing in places where there is a risk of stepping on a sharp or poisonous object or creature, then it is better to enter the water in rubber shoes, especially for children. It's safe!

Jellyfish are also far from harmless. The most dangerous jellyfish for humans live in the Indian and Pacific oceans. The sea wasp is a killer jellyfish, a meeting with its tentacles is deadly for humans, since their venom is much superior in toxicity to snakes, and at the same time it is very difficult to see it in water, it is small (on average 5 cm dome) and transparent. A man stung by a sea wasp dies within minutes. But the dactylometer jellyfish causes severe burns and inflammation, from a painful shock, you can completely lose consciousness and drown. Jellyfish of the Black and Mediterranean Seas usually do not pose a serious threat to people, and their greatest effect is similar to stinging with nettles. But still, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the children do not touch the jellyfish, and if they did, then they did not rub their eyes and did not take their hands in their mouths.

Another potentially dangerous neighbors on your vacation are corals and creatures like them. Among their variety there are several poisonous species. For example, millepora, also called sting or fire corals, which are like overgrown trees covered with lime. In fact, they only look like coral polyps, they are found in the Red Sea and, when touched, cause a noticeable burn and acute pain. Anemones, classified as polyps, resemble fantastic flowers, but when you try to take them with bare hands burn the skin and cause intoxication. Pennaria, located in the North Pacific, resembles a swaying fern, it is also dangerous to humans. In some resorts, places dangerous for people with an accumulation of corals are marked with special signs. Do not ignore these warnings, because even if the coral is not poisonous, you can cut yourself badly on it.

A sand snake from the genus efa from the family of vipers lives in Central and South Asia, as well as in India, Sri Lanka and the deserts of North Africa. Its length is slightly more than half a meter, and the poison is very toxic. After a bite, blood clotting processes are disrupted, which leads to hemorrhage in the brain or internal organs and bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth, and wounds. On warm days, it can come out to bask in the sun and hide among the flowers. Therefore, while in these places, be careful about different kind vegetation, snakes can hide there. Of the common snake species found in popular holiday destinations such as Turkey, it is worth noting the deadly black desert cobra, which reaches a length of almost two meters and the horned viper, which got its name from a pair of small horns above the eyes.

The most poisonous fish of our seas and, in general, of the entire European continent can be considered a sea dragon. Its length reaches 40 centimeters, five species are known in the world that live off the coast of Europe, as well as off the northern and western coasts of Africa and near Chile. They burrow into the sand and expose only their heads. The body of the fish is covered with poisonous spines. Even stepping on a dead sea dragon can cause dangerous wounds. The leg begins to redden, swell and itch. Therefore, always carefully inspect the places where you bathe yourself and your children, and do not put your hands into underwater caves. Another dangerous fish is moray eel, a fish of the eel family with an average length of about a meter. She lives in the waters of the Red and Mediterranean Seas, as well as in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. During the day, she hides in crevices, exposing only her head, and at night she goes hunting. If a person gets in the way of a moray eel and angers her, she can inflict serious wounds by clinging to the flesh, not letting go and tearing the wound, this is especially dangerous for children. And some moray eels also have poisonous mucus on the skin, which causes burns. At dusk, the lionfish (lion fish) also comes out hunting - a bright striped fish, its fins resemble feathers. It moves slowly, but if you touch it, you will prick yourself with poisonous needles hidden in beautiful fins.

What needs to be done to ensure an interesting and safe holiday with children

The safety of children's recreation is almost entirely dependent on the parents. Children under the age of ten are advised to fly to rest in countries where the type of climate is similar to the place where you live. Usually these are countries that can be reached by plane within two to four hours. When choosing a hotel, make sure that there are children's playrooms and children's entertainment programs on its territory, and especially if the hotel prepares a children's menu, since there may not be a menu for the youngest travelers.

For very young children, you should take care in advance that there is baby food in the place of rest, otherwise you will have to take it with you in jars. Older children may not like it either. National cuisine the country where you are going. And again, all these questions must be clarified in advance or, in extreme cases, take some cereal for your child with you.

Read the insurance contract carefully. Find out what costs will be covered by the insurance policy in case of illness or accident. As a rule, under standard conditions, insurance does not cover injuries received in extreme sports and entertainment. And this list includes diving, riding a scooter or a banana, as well as skydiving and other similar activities. A standard contract provides for insurance against all types of diseases, as well as injuries resulting from an accident.

You should also carefully familiarize yourself with the dangerous flora and fauna of the region where you eat, and also clarify possible diseases including those inherent in a child's immature body and take care of prevention and possible vaccinations in advance. This is one of the highlights of security, as exotic countries are rich in exotic diseases and dangerous creatures.

Consider the characteristics of the child's body and the fact that acclimatization in children takes a little longer, especially with a radical change in climate, it can last from seven to ten days. Therefore, avoid radical stress on children and long exposure to the sun. While on vacation, be mindful of food and water. Try to drink only bottled water, as the quality of tap water may be poor. Do not buy food from hands and in questionable places. Going somewhere for a walk, take care of drinking and eating in advance. Take with you foods that are not prone to quick spoilage, such as fruits and vegetables.

Study the warning labels very carefully, even if it seems to you that the hanging fruit looks completely edible, it may turn out to be poisonous fruit. Being in the sea or ocean, try not to touch anything with your bare hands, it is better to use a camera for underwater photography. Do not swim in places with warning signs. Please note that most marine life, including those dangerous to humans, become active and swim ashore after sunset, so try not to swim at night.

Be careful in the hot sun, wear wide-brimmed hats, loose-fitting cotton clothing, and SPF25 sunscreen. Drink plenty of non-carbonated and unsweetened water, and let the kids drink plenty. If your child's skin becomes red or shows signs of sun or heat stroke, leave the beach immediately and move to a cool area. Try to walk and sunbathe only in the morning and in the evening.