Structural paint how to make. Features of the use of structural paint for walls

  • 23.06.2020

Structural paint is an excellent finishing material, which has recently been actively used in repairs, along with wallpaper and other finishing materials. Its application is quite simple and does not require any professional skills, however, you should still familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work.

What is structural paint

First of all, let's figure out what constitutes a structural or, as it is also called, textured paint. So, outwardly, it is a thick and viscous white mass. Despite the fact that the material is called paint, in its structure it is more like plaster.

After applying this composition to the wall, it is given a certain structure using a roller or other tools.

Advantages of coverage

It must be said that the growing popularity of this finishing material fully justified by its many advantages:

  • The coating has good vapor permeability, so that the natural moisture exchange is not disturbed in the room.
  • The dense structure of the coating allows you to hide minor flaws in, so there is no need to bring the base to perfect condition.
  • Since structural plaster is initially white, it can be given any desired shade using special colors.
  • The coating has a high moisture resistance, so that the material can be used in rooms with high level humidity. And if the walls are dirty, they can be cleaned using water, without fear of damaging the surface.
  • High wear resistance.
  • Resistant to UV rays.
  • Elasticity.
  • Environmentally friendly and harmless in the process of painting surfaces.
  • If necessary, you can change the color of the finish at any time by covering it with acrylic paint.
  • Versatility - the coating can be used not only inside, but also outside the room. The paint may be applied to concrete, brick, plasterboard, plastered and putty surfaces.

When painting the composition, it is advisable to use the color of the same manufacturer as the textured paint itself.
This will give you the best quality result.


Of the shortcomings of the material, it can only be noted that the price for it is quite high. However, given the durability of such a finish and its wear resistance, the result is still savings.

Structural paint on the wall

Surface preparation

Like any other type of top coat, applying textured plaster requires ground preparation. True, there is no need to align the walls to an ideal state, as we have already mentioned above.

However, if you can't. You can find out how this is done on our construction portal.

After . For these purposes, Betonokontakt is most often used.

The primer should be applied in an even layer using a roller, while avoiding drips of the solution and its accumulation in certain sections of the walls. You can start painting only after the surface has completely dried. Typically, this takes about 24 hours.


Before you start applying paint to the walls, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Wide spatula.
  • Roller for paint. In order for the surface to really turn out to be structural, the paint roller must be patterned. The structure of the roller is selected in accordance with the desired pattern on the wall.

Paint application

Now you can go directly to painting.

The instruction looks like this:

  • First of all, you need to get the desired color of the composition. To do this, you need to take a small part of the mass and gradually add color to it until you get desired color. In this case, you should remember the proportions in order to dilute all the paint in the bucket in the same way.
  • Then the composition must be mixed well. If the manufacturer allows, a little sand can be added to the paint, which will make the surface rough.
  • Then a small amount of the mixture is applied to the spatula and rubbed over the surface of the walls. Thus, this process resembles ordinary puttying.
  • Next, you need to moisten the structural roller for painting the walls with water and then roll it over the surface treated with the composition. It is more convenient to do this work together, so that one master applies the composition to the wall, and the second one then gives the surface a structure with a roller.

Of course, drawing on the surface can be done not only with a roller, but also by hand or using a stencil. For example, to obtain the effect of a scratched surface, you can use graters or combs. However, using a roller is the easiest method.

Since the coating will begin to set already 20-30 minutes after application, the work must be done quickly enough.

  • To prevent color differences on one wall, finish the surface from corner to corner in one go.
  • After 48 hours, when the coating hardens well, it can be processed decorative wax, varnish or acrylic enamel.

Paint can only be applied in one layer.

The complete drying period of the paint is from 8 to 12 days. After that, the surface can be subjected to various mechanical loads and washed with water.

In the photo - applying the structure with a roller

Before you start applying paint to the walls, you need to eliminate drafts in the room, as well as protect the wall from direct sunlight.
In addition, the temperature in the room should be between + 25 - +30 degrees Celsius.


Having familiarized yourself with the technology of applying textured paint, it will not be difficult to perform this procedure on your own. The main thing is to adhere to all of the above recommendations and a certain sequence of actions.

This will eventually allow you to get a beautiful and durable wall covering. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

The use of painting for wall and ceiling decoration is a very popular solution that allows you to get a seamless finish in a fairly short time. beautiful finish. The so-called. "Textured" paints, the application of which is somewhat different from the usual material.

Under textured paint is understood as a homogeneous material in the form of a dense mass of white. This substance is most often produced on the basis of acrylic, which gives it excellent characteristics and opens up wide possibilities for application. By introducing various pigments into the composition of such a paint, one or another shade of the surface can be achieved. As for silicate and silicone compounds, they are less common due to their high cost and susceptibility to fungi and mold.

Textured paint

The advantages of the material include:

Textured paint

The disadvantages of finishing usually include some difficulty in applying it (compared to conventional paint) and the effect of blocking the room due to the formation of a waterproof film on the finished surface.

According to the type of decorative effects created, textured paints are divided into the following types:

  • Misuri. In addition to acrylic, the composition of the substance contains modified starch, which makes it possible to obtain both a structural and a smooth effect when applied. This or that texture depends on the laying tool used.

    Textured paint "Mizuri"

  • Marseille wax. With this paint, you can achieve a very realistic imitation of natural stone and cork wood. Similar to mizuri, Marseille wax can be smooth or textured. In fairness, it should be noted that in this case it will not be possible to obtain a completely smooth surface - small depressions after smoothing still remain. To protect against moisture and increase the decorative qualities, a layer of wax is applied to the dried surface.

    Textured paint "Marseilles wax"

  • Atacama. The material has outstanding external qualities: the finish plays with numerous colors when viewed from different angles. This effect is achieved due to the quartz sand included in the paint and special metallized additives that form a reflective layer. It looks and feels velvety to the touch.

    Textured paint "Atacama"

  • Relief. Acrylic components in this case are reinforced with quartz sand and a number of other substances, which makes it possible to create pronounced patterns. For creating smooth surface embossed paint is not suitable. It is this finish option that is considered the most striking representative of textured paint.

    Textured paint "Relief"

This stage is very similar to the preparation for application usually water-based paint. However, due to the higher viscosity of the textured composition, the requirements for the strength of the base in this case are an order of magnitude higher.

Operating procedure:

  1. Room preparation. Carrying out repair activities of this type is accompanied by the formation a large number dust and dirt. Therefore, it is recommended to completely free the premises from all furniture and decor items, remove chandeliers and lamps. Those items that, due to their size, cannot be taken out, need to be moved to the center of the room and covered with a film. Also, the entire floor area is covered with polyethylene (if the floor finish has already been laid).
  2. Sdirka old finish. The walls and ceiling (if it will also be finished) are cleaned of all old finishes. Ideally, bare panels or plaster should remain. All fragments of the draft base that do not hold well and vibrate when touched must be beaten off with a hammer or pickaxe. The cleaned surface is thoroughly impregnated with a primer.
  3. Plaster, putty. After the primer has dried, a leveling layer of plaster or starting putty is applied. As a rule, the walls are leveled with plaster, and the ceiling with putty. At this stage, it is important to achieve visual smoothing of all irregularities, for which you can use the rule and beacons. If the base is basically flat, immediately carry out finishing putty(in 2-3 layers).
  4. Grinding. After waiting for the last layer of putty to dry completely (it usually takes at least a day), polishing is carried out using a paint sandpaper(No. 120-140). If in the future it is supposed to use a decorative paint that forms a texture, when grinding, you can be indulgent with small scratches: they will not be noticeable on the finished surface.
  5. Finish primer. A very important stage, since it is important to achieve the most uniform thickness of the primer layer over the entire area of ​​application. Otherwise finishing will contain irregularities. It is recommended to use acrylic impregnation as a material, smearing the base with it in 1-2 layers. The pause for drying of one layer is approximately 6 hours.

Before applying textured paint, you must carefully read the attached instructions. It contains information on drying time, preparation procedure and application recommendations. This type of material is usually sold in plastic pails.

Textured paint

The consistency of the structural composition is characterized by a decent density, therefore, before application, a little water is added to it and stirred with a drill with a mixing nozzle. It is important not to overdo it with water, because. too liquid substance simply will not stay on the base (especially the ceiling). According to the recommendations of experts, the volume of added water should not exceed 1/10 of the total amount. As practice shows, usually an average of 4% is enough for stirring.

Adding water to textured paint

If, according to the design idea, the surface to be painted should have a different color (not white), the corresponding pigment is introduced into the paint composition. It is best to entrust this procedure to professionals in the store where the material is purchased. When self-tinting the paint, it is important to be very careful, introducing the pigment substance in small portions.

Adding color pigment to textured paint

After each serving, you need to pause for mixing and checking the resulting shade. If its intensity is insufficient, the procedure is continued further. Checking the level of color intensity is carried out by applying a smear of paint on the wall (you can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of test smears). The best quality of pigmentation is achieved when using the color of the same company as the paint.

Mixing color pigment with paint

Going directly to painting the prepared base of the wall or ceiling, you will need a competent organization of lighting. The fact is that the visual perception of the finished textured surface largely depends on the angle of incidence and light intensity. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired decorative effect, it is important to create the same lighting conditions that will be in the room during its operation. Material for painting must be brought into the room about a day before the start of work.

Textured paint can be applied in several ways, depending on the specifics of the final result:

High decorative characteristics of textured paints give wide scope for creative imagination.

Applies whole line options for additional decoration of the surface of textured paint:

  • Trowel. With sufficient work experience, you can achieve the creation of full-fledged artistic compositions on the ceiling or walls. Most often, the stroke technique is used for this: instead of a brush, in the artist’s hands, in this case, there is a trowel.

    Applying paint with a trowel

  • Stencils, sponges, stamps, etc. To communicate a uniform surface of additional decoration, you can use pre-selected stencils or sponges. The imprint is applied to still raw material, so it is better to work in such cases together: one person applies paint with a roller or spatula, and the other then applies additional prints to the surface.

    Applying paint with a sponge

  • Graters, scallops. They are used to scratch the surface (this technique is typical for creating the "Marseilles wax" texture).
  • Azure. With the help of this material, the painted surface of the ceiling or walls is made out with an additional effect. It can be gloss, gloss, mother-of-pearl, etc. This will require a two-layer application of the azure with a short-nap roller or paint brush. Also, a pre-moistened and wrung out natural sponge is often used. Having dipped it in mother-of-pearl azure, the base is decorated in circular motions. To increase the clarity of the resulting pattern, the sponge is pressed down harder and scrolled.

To protect adjacent surfaces from paint ingress, the boundaries of the area to be trimmed are glued with masking tape. In the absence of experience, it is not recommended to immediately take up the design open areas ceiling or walls. It is better to choose for pre-training that place on the wall, which will subsequently be closed by a cabinet. Given the thickness of the textured paint, its complete drying takes several days.

How to apply textured paint: instructions with photos and videos


Structural wall paint - relatively the new kind finishing of facades and interiors. This is eco-friendly materials, which are allowed to be used in houses and apartments, offices and kindergartens, schools and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes.

Structural paint is often referred to as textured, textured, or embossed. These names accurately characterize the main property of paints - to acquire relief and texture. With the help of modern paints and varnishes, you can apply three-dimensional drawings and patterns to the walls: bark beetle, wave, zebra, cage, braid, etc. Walls painted with texture mixes can look like concrete, natural stone, brickwork, velvet or leather.

Structural mixtures are suitable for finishing different surfaces:
asbestos cement;
oriented strand or fiberboard;
plastered and non-plastered bases.

The application of structural paint is not particularly difficult, so if desired, everyone will be able to master the technology of its application.

Texture paints are increasingly replacing decorative plaster, wallpaper, fake diamond and other finishes.

The reason for this popularity lies in the advantages of the material:
it is easy to apply;
dries quickly;
does not fade under the influence of sunlight;
does not absorb moisture, dirt and odors;
easy to clean;
does not wear out, does not lose its original appearance;
tolerates repeated cleaning with household detergents;
resistant to open flame, sudden changes in temperature and frost;
supports natural air exchange between the wall and the environment;
can be used in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, saunas, baths);
suitable for both indoor and outdoor work;
does not contain toxic substances and allergens, therefore it is safe for people, warm-blooded animals and other fauna;
does not require careful preparation of the base for staining;
perfectly hides bumps, scratches, potholes and other minor defects;
creates a durable and elastic coating that does not crack over time and does not move away from the wall.

Before applying the texture slurry to surfaces painted with acrylic or other paintwork material, it is not necessary to remove the old coating - the composition adheres perfectly to most types of bases.

Manufacturers building materials they produce basic mixtures and colors for them - special coloring pigments, with the help of which the texture mixture can be given about 1,000 shades. Walls that have had structural paint applied can be repainted in a different color using acrylic based paintwork.


Structural suspensions differ from each other in composition and type of application. So, mineral based cement and lime are more often used for finishing facades. Silicone and vinyl can be applied to any substrate other than domestic or garden furniture. Paints based on acrylic resins are universal - they can paint any surface.

Designers often use paints with a rough effect in the interior. Such a coating takes on a resemblance to dressed animal skin, and the room looks warm and cozy. In some texture varieties, there are special additives that give the treated surface a resemblance to velor, suede, granite or marble.


The preparation of walls for painting is carried out in several stages:
1. They even out large differences in height, putty cracks, joints and voids with a depth of more than 2 mm.
2. Wipe off dust, degrease greasy surfaces - wash with dishwashing gel or wipe with acetone, solvent, white spirit.
3. Moldy areas are dried and treated with an antifungal agent.
4. Apply a layer of primer and wait for it to dry completely. Most often, a primer paint is used, tinted in the same shade as the structural paint. This ensures high adhesion of materials and ease of subsequent structuring.


It is best to apply a structural composition large paint brush(maklovitsa), roller with a short coat, spatula or stainless grater. The wall to be painted must be visually divided into small segments and processed in turn.
Since textured suspensions are structured within 20-30 minutes after being applied to the wall, you should not capture an area larger than 1-1.5 square meters at a time. m.

To create the desired relief, you can use different devices:
foam sponge;
brush with hard bristles;
metal or plastic spatula;
rectangular trowel;
embossed grater;
paint roller with structuring nozzles (pile, rubber or leather);
stencils and stamps.

So that the painted base does not shine through, the paint layer should not be made too thin, and pressing on working part instruments are too strong.

When working with texture paints, there are a few more nuances to consider:
1. Apply the composition on the wall from top to bottom.
2. During the break, cover the bucket or cuvette with paint with a lid or plastic wrap so that the material does not dry out prematurely.
3. Facade works carry out in dry and relatively calm weather at an air temperature of +5 to +30 ° C.
4. When stained internal surfaces take care of ventilation.

It is desirable to decorate a room or facade together - one person distributes the textured mixture along the wall, and the other structures the painted surface with improvised tools. If necessary, the wall can be painted in 2 layers, but the second layer should be applied only after the first layer has completely dried.

Walls don't have to be smooth and monotonous! The desire for originality and individuality for many centuries is manifested in human nature. This applies to all aspects of his life and is the driving force behind development and progress. Over the past few years in the area interior decoration indoors, this trend has become particularly evident. After a period of gray monotony, people increasingly began to use various colors, invoices, original ways finishing your home.

Painting the walls with structural paint perfectly hides irregularities and defects. The surface is thus stable, resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. What is structural wall paint, how to apply it, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this type of finish, we will consider in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of structural paint

A constantly expanding offer of popular finishing materials that allow you to organize a unique interior, allows us to choose from their huge range. Finishing methods that have appeared on the market: structural pastes, plasters and paints, masses with special effects provide unlimited possibilities for creative design interior, which is a modern alternative to wallpaper and smooth walls. Most of these products can be used by hobbyists on their own, but some (for example, Venetian plaster and travertine) require sufficient experience in the field of interior decoration, therefore they are applied by professionals.

A modern product that combines great decorative possibilities and uncomplicated application is undoubtedly decorative structural paints. They are available in different types structures differing in the degree of dispersion. The color palette includes modern tones, which allows you to choose colors in accordance with the latest trends and interior design features. Structural paints are acrylic paints with special fillers. The use of this type of finish requires appropriate experience, so if you are not confident in your skills, then it is better to entrust this work to a professional. This type of coating has its advantages and disadvantages, which are worth analyzing before buying structural wall paint.


  • Structural masses are easily applied to almost any surface. These can be plastered and unplastered walls, drywall, concrete or painted walls that do not need to be cleaned of the old coating.
  • The surface does not have to be completely smooth.
  • Structural paints mask almost any wall imperfections.
  • The application of this coating is similar to the application of structural plaster. But paint is much cheaper than plaster.


  • The disadvantages include, first of all, the prices of structural paint for walls. It is 10 times more expensive than regular.
  • Some users also claim that it is difficult to remove it from the wall if necessary. As a rule, this will require grinding.
  • It is also difficult to care for such a wall, as the sponge or fabric clings to an uneven surface.
  • This surface may have sharp edges in places that may scratch or damage things.

Wall preparation - workflow

  1. Before applying structural paint to walls, as a rule, it is not necessary to fill small voids and cracks or perform filler and leveling, only large defects should be repaired. However, some options for such a coating still require an optimal surface, so in this case the wall must be prepared.
  2. Surface cleaning. Then you should wipe the dust and degrease. Instead of a special preparation, you can use a liquid detergent for dish washing.
  3. Treat the walls thus cleaned with a primer. It is advisable to choose primers recommended by the manufacturer - thanks to them, the coating will adhere better to the surface. Leave the primer to dry.

Applying structural paint to the wall with a brush and roller

When painting, do not dip the brush into a bucket, it is better to pour the paint into a paint tray and dip the brush in it. In addition, structural wall paint can be applied by roller or trowel. When painting, be sure to mix the paint regularly, otherwise particles of sand or other types of fillers quickly fall to the bottom and the work will not give the desired decorative effect. Coloring should be carried out at a temperature above 5 degrees Celsius.

Structural coverings are a great idea for room design. With them, the interior acquires nobility and individual character.

Application steps

Before use, be sure to read the instructions that are indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

  1. Structural paint can be immediately ready for use, it only needs to be mixed. If this is done poorly, then the structure will turn out to be uneven, since the filler particles will be distributed unevenly over the surface.
  2. Prepare the tools:
    • brushes;
    • paint tray;
    • rollers;
    • videos;
    • spatula;
    • sponges;
    • templates.

Structural wall paint - video

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth looking at what options for using this finishing material are offered to us by manufacturers. Below are options for how structural wall paint can be applied, application methods, video application examples.

Structural paint covers uneven walls and has a complex structure. This type of coating allows you to decorate the walls with color, giving the design extraordinary designs.

Structural coating may look like shadows on the wall. The pattern depends on the method of application - it can be an imitation of cracks, dots, lumps or spiral relief bulges.

You can come up with various patterns and combinations of colors and patterns. In this way, you can decorate part of the apartment or a selected wall.

This decorative flooring will look elegant in every room.

First of all, such a coating will match the interiors very well. modern style.

How to calculate the expense?

Consumption can be assumed from the calculation: a liter per 3 square meters, despite the fact that the consumption of ordinary paint is: a liter per 9-15 square meters. When the mass dries, you can still apply a protective matte varnish on it, or to emphasize the effect - gloss varnish. The second option will lead to the fact that the illuminated wall will sparkle with relief.

Structural wall paints can be a real decoration of the interior. They look similar to the application decorative plaster, but this product is cheaper than plaster, but more expensive than ordinary paint. it's the same great way mask the imperfections of the wall, the unevenness of the plaster. Thanks to the use of this coating, an interesting and unique surface can be obtained. To cover the walls, it is better to resort to the help of a professional, however, with sufficient experience, you can try to apply structural paint with your own hands.

Not many people know that the walls can not just be done, but a beautiful relief with textured paint can be made. Such a coating is an alternative, but its main difference is in a thinner layer of application. There are many techniques with which you can create an imitation of natural materials, such as leather or brick. In today's Homius review, we will talk about all the pros and cons of the texture, properties and components, as well as the basic techniques for applying the composition.

Textured paint is a decorative coating based on acrylic and polymer components that give the surface a beautiful embossed look. In its consistency, it is more reminiscent of. Many compositions contain special additives that accelerate the drying time of the layer to 1-2 hours.

A beautiful effect on the surface and the play of shadows appear in natural or. To apply it, you do not need to level the walls to an ideal state, it is enough to putty large irregularities, and then apply a texture with a textured effect.

textured paint

What are the types of textured paint for wall decoration

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From the article you will learn what plaster is used for, how it is classified by materials and technologies, how to analyze costs when using it, photo ideas and professional advice.

Decorative options for painting walls with textured paints

With the help of textured coatings, wall and ceiling surfaces in residential areas are often finished; they are perfect for both and. All structures are classified into standard and coatings with unusual decorative effects.

Standard coating textures

Depending on the components of the textured paint, you can get a variety of decorative relief in the finish.

Invoice type Description

Composed of modified starch and acrylic components, the coating may have a smooth or wavy surface.

Solid particles in the composition create the effect of smudges, waves, cracking.

The composition includes artificial wax components, thanks to which the structural coating, after drying, acquires the effect of an aged stone.

The surface has a rough structure due to quartz sand, special components give the finishing paint a touch of metal.

The texture allows you to achieve uneven painting with imitation, metal or ordinary plaster. Outwardly, it resembles sandpaper or orange peel.

Exquisite and unusual effects of textured wall paints

For the interior, you can choose textures with an unusual effect.

Type of texture paint Description

Cotton and cellulose fibers give an unusual effect of a velvet or silk surface.

Pearl shade fills the room with extra light. It is recommended to choose it for rooms whose windows face north - mother-of-pearl visually gives a feeling of warmth and comfort.

An unusual effect is given to textured paint by the inclusion of quartz sand, shells or sparkles, due to which a rough surface is obtained.

Advice! Pearlescent dye gives the room dynamics, creates a certain energy, which increases efficiency. The matte finish has a soothing effect, in addition, UV rays scatter when it hits it, thereby hiding minor imperfections in the finish.

Related article:

Photos, videos, applications, examples of textures and interiors, the average cost, how to properly apply plaster on the wall yourself - you will find all this and much more in our material.

Leading manufacturers of decorative textured paints

When choosing textured paints, it is necessary to focus on the manufacturer, since unverified firms can produce a low-quality product, this will affect the result of the finish. It can be noted well-known companies that offer inexpensive formulations with a variety of effects:

  • paints amour color are the most popular, they have increased durability and a variety of shades;
  • "Lacra" Russian manufacturer, produces high-quality relief textures;
  • well-known manufacturer Clavel offers compositions with imitation of aged surfaces, silk, velvet;
  • brand VGT from the Russian Federation produces invoices adapted to our climatic conditions;
  • blancolor produces durable textures with imitation of a silk surface and waxed plaster.

So that in the process of painting the walls with textured paint there are no unpleasant surprises, it is important to choose the right composition. To do this, you should first study the features of each type of coating and accurately determine the texture and desired shade.

Features of the choice of washable textured paint for the walls of the kitchen, corridor and bathroom

You should choose coatings with increased moisture resistance. In the kitchen and in the corridor, there is a high probability of contamination, so the main criterion is the possibility. Having studied all the compositions, we can say that preference should be given acrylic paint- It has excellent characteristics and a rich palette of shades. With the help of interesting application techniques, you can achieve a unique visual effect.

What texture paint is suitable for living rooms

For living rooms, silicate textured paint is suitable, provided that the surface is well leveled beforehand. The coating has a translucent structure and will emphasize all defects. It should be applied in an even layer without additional relief, it is advisable to choose light shades. And for the walls, you can choose a texture with an unusual effect, for example, velvet or wet silk.

Textured exterior paint

Buildings should choose textured paint, which includes special additives that increase the resistance of the coating to temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Acrylic compositions fade in the sun, so it is better to refuse them, but vinyl mixtures are just right for painting facades. In addition, silicone and silicate textures can be used.

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In this post, we'll look at positive traits materials, types of composition, methods of application. Recommendations for the preparation of the base, methods and technologies for applying the composition, an overview of the estimated cost of plastering facade works.

Do-it-yourself textured wall painting: tools and application technology

To apply textured paint with your own hands, brushes, sponges, and various rollers are most often used. In the process of work, you should adhere to one application technology throughout the room, otherwise the effect will not be so beautiful.

Preparatory work before applying textured paint

Before applying textured paint with your own hands, you need to prepare the surface. The order of work is the following.

  1. Lay the film on the floor and fix it with adhesive tape on the ceiling to prevent splashing during operation.
  2. paying attention to deep cracks and irregularities.
  3. Coat the surface with an acrylic primer to improve the adhesion of the paint to the substrate. For work it is better to use a roller, the composition must be applied evenly.

Methods for applying textured paint with your own hands

Before painting the walls with textured paint, a toolkit must be prepared with which the surface will be embossed:

  • containers for water and paint;
  • building brushes with pile of different hardness;
  • sponge;
  • spatulas, trowels, construction graters;
  • brush;
  • rollers to create a rough base;
  • trowel;
  • overalls, glasses, gloves, cap.

Advice! The composition should be applied from top to bottom to avoid smudges. First of all, you should start working from those places that are poorly lit - this is a kind of training before processing the central zones.

Technique for applying textured paint with a roller and sponge

Consider step by step the process of applying textured paint for walls with a roller and a sponge with your own hands. First, the composition must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Illustration Action Description
Apply the white paint evenly to the surface of the wall using a medium pile roller. Drying time - 6-8 hours.

Soak a natural sponge in cold water and squeeze well.
Wet the sponge into the composition and apply it with plugging movements to an area of ​​1-2 square meters. m. It should take no more than 15 minutes to work, during which time the coating will dry out a little.

Moisten the surface with water using a spray bottle.
Smooth sharp edges with a spatula with light movements.

Then you can start finishing. next section. You need to start from the upper left corner, gradually moving down and to the right. After 6-8 hours, the surface will dry, excess protrusions can be removed with sandpaper.
Wax is used for tinting. To facilitate its application, the surface is moistened with water from a spray bottle. Apply the coating to an area of ​​0.5 m² with a brush. Remove excess wax with a spatula.

The drying time of the decorative coating is 4-6 hours.

Step by step application of textured paint with a brush

Consider another way to apply a texture with a chameleon effect with a brush. For work, we need a composition in three shades.

Illustration Action Description
After mixing, thick paint is applied to the wall with short, multidirectional movements using a wide brush.

The next day, the wall is ready for further decoration.
The other two tones must be mixed directly on the wall. To do this, alternately apply first one, then another tone with a brush and blend with multidirectional movements on the surface.

When visually inspected from different angles, all shades of the coating appear.

In more detail, the master class can be viewed on the video:

Why additional processing is needed

After complete drying, interior varnish or wax can be applied to the surface - they will give the relief a more expressive structure. In addition, the additional coating has protective functions against mechanical damage.

The cost of textured wall paint: price overview

Before choosing a textured wall paint, you need to not only familiarize yourself with the photos in the manufacturers' catalogs, but also analyze its cost. Consider the current prices of the most popular inexpensive brands as of November 2018 on Yandex.Market.

Volume, l Cost (as of November 2018), rub.
"TATTOO Bucciatoliscio" Producer "ROSSETTI", Italy3 1 990
VGT GALLERY, Russia9 1 476
Alpina Expert, Germany15 1 990

Alpina Expert

FARBE, Russia15 2 280

FARBE paint

Prorab "Sandeco"20 1 439

Prorab "Sandeco"

The cost of 1 m² of textured paints from European manufacturers starts from 600 rubles.


Now you know everything about textured paints and you can easily choose the composition and apply it yourself. The main thing is to strictly observe the application technology. You can perform a unique surface decoration using not only tools, but also fingers. Handmade patterns will attract attention and emphasize the exclusivity of a modern interior.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments - our editors will be happy to answer them.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how easy it is to apply textured paint on walls using a relief roller.