Textured paint or plaster. Interior plaster paint: choice and technology

  • 29.08.2019

Quite often one hears: “decorative plaster is expensive”, “it is easy and cheap to paint with plain paint”, “wallpaper is cheaper” or even “I can paste the wallpaper and paint it myself” ... Is this really so? Are these statements true? We tried to delve deeper into this issue and calculate - what and how much it costs ...

Comparative analysis of prices for finishing materials

When conducting the analysis, of course, we did not dig very deep and took the most popular options for wall decoration in apartments or cottages today. We deliberately did not include options for finishing with clapboard or natural stone in the list - after all, we are talking about a place to live, and not about a summer house or a palace.

So here's the comparison list:

  • regular paint
  • Velatura decorative paint
  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting
  • Venetian decorative plaster
  • Decorative texture paint
  • Decorative textured plaster
  • Wallpaper with a pattern

In order to compare these materials equally, we took data from websites about their cost per unit of goods, calculated the consumption and converted everything into the cost per square meter. In the first table you can see a comparison of the above materials at a price per 1 square meter.

This calculation is approximate and indicates only the order of prices, for ease of comparison. However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that different materials different preparation of the walls is required. Yes, and service life different coatings- different. The last but not least factor, which is also related to the service life, is the ability to restore the coating locally. If the wall can be restored so that the coating will look like new, then you will not have to redo the repair for a long time.

Comparative cost of materials and work on their application

We figured out the cost of a meter, but there is still the cost of application work. And for some, it’s not a problem to glue the wallpaper yourself, but someone has never even held brushes in their hands. Therefore, we found out the average cost of work for all the options we indicated and added it to the cost of the material. We took as an example the calculation of the cost of finishing one room, with an area of ​​20 square meters on the floor, which on average is about 50m2 of area on the walls.

And so, in table number 2 you can see the calculation of the cost of finishing the walls of such a room with both decorative plaster and various wallpaper or paint. We deliberately do not indicate any brands so as not to advertise to anyone, only bare numbers.

Options to save on finishing without losing beauty and quality

Most The best way to do something well is to do it yourself. Fair enough, but not always. Sometimes it can cost more. Therefore, if you are ready and able - do it, you don’t know how - it’s cheaper to hire professionals.

The second way to save money is to choose a cheap coating for the bulk of the walls, and highlight only one wall in the room with an expensive coating. Such design decision quite often found in those projects where the finish is implemented with decorative plaster. Or part of the walls (especially in places that are not very accessible) are finished with wallpaper, in passageways - with decorative plaster, in technical ones - with ordinary paint or tiles.
The third way to save on finishing is to contact the manufacturer or master importer directly (if the material is not produced in Russia). Most often, they can give additional discounts, since this is not their main business, and they usually do not sit in shopping malls with expensive rent.

What is important to know when choosing materials for wall decoration

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the safety of materials. Now a person is affected by so many negative factors that sometimes we raise our hands to the top and no longer want to think about our own health. All, absolutely all materials included in the analysis are divided into different safety classes. The cleanest of them have an A + safety mark. Accordingly, A is slightly worse, then B, then C. If the material does not have a safety sign, it is better not to risk it.

The second thing to consider is the math. No matter how much the material itself costs, no matter how much the work of preparing the wall, applying it, it is important to initially understand the final expenses for finishing. Therefore, roughly divide all the work into two stages - rough finish walls (plastering and puttying) and fine finishing (wallpapering or painting). Calculate each option completely in advance - add up the cost of work and the cost of the material as a whole. You will notice that with a larger volume, the cost of the meter as a whole drops. At proper preparation material consumption falls. Yes, and when buying wallpaper, where the pattern does not fit, you can save a lot on the material.

And the third - do not save on beauty. Clearly define the task for yourself - make an apartment for "delivery" - make it easier, cheaper. Do it for your own living - do it beautifully. As they say, the right answer can only be obtained by asking the right question.

If 7 years ago the most common material for finishing walls in the rooms were familiar wallpaper, today many more wall covering options are popular, especially textured decorative mixtures and multi-colored paint. With their help in modern apartments and offices create unusual effects and add interesting accents to the interior. But many are wondering which is better: decorative plaster or wall painting?

Advantages of decorative plaster

Decorative relief plaster has 7 advantages:

  • safety, non-toxicity of all types of such a decorative mixture;
  • opportunity elimination of small defects on the treated surface without additional work;
  • opportunity imitations different invoices;
  • resistance to periodic temperature changes and other climatic influences, maximum durability;
  • high heat- and soundproof indicators.

Advantages of decorative painting

Decorative painting also has features and advantages over other finishing materials. The solution is fine lies down and easy to layer if necessary. This makes it possible to correct any flaws, the appearance of which on any surface cannot be avoided with constant operation. Materials for decorative painting of walls differ quite a lot. democratic value and little expense. In addition to these advantages, I would like to note that decorative paint can be applied to multiple different ways, which allows you to choose the best option for the interior of the room directly during the repair.

Differences between painting and decorative plaster

The relief of any surfaces with a neat finish with modern decorative travertine plaster or any other plaster that imitates natural stone, looks more unusual and massive. This makes it an ideal material for creating an original decorative facade. Indoors, paint usually looks better. The cost of decorative plastering is practically the same as the cost of painting, but painting almost always requires pre-treatment, and the Venetian hides some irregularities by itself. That is why, before making a decision on the choice of a particular decorative plaster or paint, the condition of the wall should be assessed to determine whether it needs a primer or other primary coating.

Range finishing materials has expanded significantly in recent years. The appearance of textured paints based on acrylic and silicone diversified the options for wall decoration. With their help, it is possible to paint, outwardly similar to a natural stone, fabrics, wood and even leather.

Description, composition of the material

Textured paint- a material based on polymer compositions, with the help of which relief surfaces of various textures are created. It is widely used for finishing apartments and decorating facades.

Externally, such compositions are an aqueous emulsion, which, in addition to the base of acrylic or silicone paint, can include a variety of fillers: sand, stone chips, synthetic fibers, scaly additives, etc. The relief surface is formed due to the texture of these additives, as well as, for due to the heterogeneity of the imposition of the paint itself on the walls.

Both pure white mixtures (they can be mixed with colors) and compositions with the addition of color pigments go on sale:

  • acrylic paints form a wear-resistant, slightly matte coating, have high adhesion and adhere well to most materials (concrete, aerated concrete, plaster, drywall, brick); since acrylic in its pure form does not tolerate temperature extremes and high humidity, for finishing external walls, latex liquid polymers are added to its composition;
  • silicone formulations: more elastic, can even be applied to metal, plastic, enamel, glass and ceramics, are not afraid of heat and frost, do not fade in the sun, are resistant to alkalis, are waterproof and form a strong vapor-tight film on the surface; are used both for interior decoration and outdoor work, but the cost of such mixtures is higher.

Use of relief paints

Lacquered with fresh paint. After it dries, cracks appear on the wall.

"Craquelure" on the walls in the design of the kitchen

Expert opinion

Marina Zanina

Interior designer

The resulting pattern and texture depend not only on the type of composition, but also on the method of application and the tools used.

Using brushes or figured rollers is a more time-consuming process, but it allows you to achieve more interesting results. By combining stroke types and stroke sizes, the texture effect is enhanced. To do this, using a hard brush, a fur or figured roller, wavy or cross lines or strokes are applied vertically and horizontally.

If it is necessary to emphasize the texture, then use several colors..

For example, repeating three-dimensional patterns are made from base color paint. After it dries, a lighter shade is added to the surface with a brush or short-haired roller.

Creating patterns from leaves is painstaking work. To do this, use soft stamps or natural material.

For painting walls under " pine bark»Use a spatula and trowel. Strokes of material overlap each other from different sides. Working with a hard brush, they complement the texture of the bark with grooves.

"Pine bark" in the interior of the room

You can see more types of textures in our photo gallery..

Application methods

Now let's look at how to apply textured paint using a different tool for work.

Trowel. The paint is applied in the same way as decorative plaster. The technique for creating a drawing can be different. For example, a trowel is pressed against the material, after it is torn off, a “fur coat” relief remains on the wall. Then the tops of the irregularities are slightly smoothed. Compounds with filler are quite simple to evenly distribute over the surface.

Brush. With a short pile, it is suitable for applying strokes in different directions. With a long brush, it is convenient to decorate the walls, adding thin lines to a plain color.

Sponge or foam rubber. Their porous surface leaves small irregularities on the paint. The drawing looks like a stone. Quartz sand in the mixture will add roughness to the coating.

Silicone roller. Rolling it on the walls or ceiling, leaving repeating patterns. You can work with them on a smooth painted surface, or complementing an already made texture.

fur roller mainly used for paint application. The “fur coat” finish he creates is rather boring, it is used more often on the basement and facade of houses.

To enhance the gloss after drying, the surface can be treated. After 5-10 minutes, the wax is polished with a soft cloth.

Acrylic varnishes (Tikkurila, VGT, Tex, etc.) also create good gloss.

Material consumption, drying time

To correctly calculate the area before painting, you must be guided by the instructions of the paint manufacturer and the consumption per 1 m2 indicated in it.

For example, for a textured coating VGT / VGT GALLERY, the consumption is 0.7-1.4 m² / kg. Those. one bucket of 18 kg is enough for 13-26 m2 of wall.

Thick material can be diluted with water up to 5% by volume.

The paint dries completely in 48 hours.

Textured plaster

The last stage of surface finishing is painting. textured plaster with your own hands. Depending on the selected color and the quality of staining, a general impression about the style of the building. In addition to giving an aesthetic appearance, the paint protects the surface from atmospheric influences, a lightened tone will reflect heat from the walls of the building, therefore, the service life of decorative plaster will increase.

What to consider when preparing for staining

Plasters are made in white, light gray and colored. In some plaster mixtures, you can add colors before starting plastering works, but there are mixtures that need coloring after application.

Painting involves the use of facade and interior paints on a water, acrylic or silicone basis. When preparing the paint, it must be borne in mind that after drying it will be several tones lighter than when wet. Colors of different batches may differ in hue and color saturation. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly calculate the consumption of material, and it is recommended to purchase a coloring composition with some margin.

Calculation of paint consumption

The paint packaging indicates the approximate consumption per square meter. Knowing the area of ​​the walls, you need to take into account that the paint is applied in two layers, so the consumption indicated on the can is multiplied by the area of ​​the surfaces to be painted, and then multiplied by two (layers of paint) again. We add 25% to the resulting figure for unforeseen expenses. The more relief the decorative plaster has, the higher the paint consumption will be.

Applying paint to decorative plaster is carried out with a roller, brush or spray gun. If the work will be carried out with a roller, you need to buy a paint tray, it is convenient to dip the tool into it. At the same time, the consumption is reduced due to the fact that the edge of the tray is made in the form of pimples - excess liquid is removed from them.

Textured plaster can be painted with a spray gun

If the wall covering is prone to shedding, then before painting it is necessary to treat the surfaces with a colorless primer. Stucco mixtures, which are made on the basis of cement mortars, are prone to shedding.

The primer will give the walls and ceiling an extra strength. The primer can be applied in one or two coats. The second layer is applied after the first has dried.

To understand whether the walls are prone to crumbling, you need to run a dry hand over the surface - if there are traces of any building or finishing materials on your hand, then the walls may crumble over time.

To prevent the paint from splashing, a nylon thread is fixed on the surface of the can - you can remove excess paint from the brush on it.

Do-it-yourself plaster painting

Walls must be completely dry before painting. The drying time of the plaster depends on its composition and conditions. environment can take from eight hours to two days.

When work is carried out indoors, it is necessary to protect all objects in the house from splashes on them, for this they are covered with a film. For outdoor work, cover doors and windows with foil.

If there is a relief pattern on the wall, use a molar brush with a long bristle. If there are embossed stripes on the surface that will be painted in a different color, then choose a fur roller.

Textured bark beetle plaster can be painted with a roller

When painting textured plaster, brush movements are carried out chaotically in order to prevent differences in tone color and unpainted areas. Coloring is done in two layers.

Staining methods

  1. For the first layer, paint brush or with a long pile roller, the entire surface is stained, including embossed and smooth surfaces. This method is the easiest and fastest.
  2. To give volume, on the relief protruding parts, painted with the first layer, when it dries, we apply a lighter tone. To do this, use a brush or roller with short bristles and a small amount of paint.
  3. In order for the coating to be evenly distributed over the surface, we apply paint with a wide horizontal stripe and blend it with up and down movements.
  4. If we paint with a roller, then having dipped it in the paint, it is necessary to draw it along the edge of the tray so that the excess liquid drains. Paint with a roller in horizontal lines, starting from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. The lines should overlap each other so that the paint lays evenly.
  5. If textured elements alternate with smooth ones on the surface, we start painting with relief elements. Only after they are completely dry, we proceed to painting smooth surfaces.
  6. A very stylish effect is obtained with a combined application. First, we work on the surface with a brush, shading the paint well, after that we paint with a roller, focusing on every detail.
  7. The protruding parts of the decorative plaster relief tinted in metallic shades look beautiful. They need to be covered with a very thin layer, only emphasizing the necessary details.
  8. Depressions in decorative plaster can be distinguished in more dark tone, resembling a patina, and the protruding parts, on the contrary, lighten. These works take a long period, since the layer inside the relief dries out for a long time, and when it is applied, the protruding parts are sure to get dirty. When the surface dries, you need to wash off the dark layer from all the protrusions so that it remains only inside the relief.
  9. Sometimes the paint is varnished to give the surface a sheen and protect it from damage. atmospheric influences and mechanical damage. The lacquer surface is easier to care for, it is enough to wipe it with a cloth, and the dust almost does not stick to it. But not everyone likes the lacquer finish.

First we paint the ceiling, then the walls, because when painting the ceiling, splashes will fly down.

When using various painting techniques, with professional approach, you can get a real masterpiece.

The usual one allows you to create a small number of structures, while the decorative one opens up great opportunities for lovers of experiments. With its help, surfaces are decorated with patterns of wood, silk, rocks, metal. In its composition there are substances that give a special effect.

Unlike ordinary, decorative paint remains unchanged for 10 years. It is harmless, versatile, looks expensive and elegant.

When choosing a coating, you need to consider whether it is matte or glossy, covering power, desired texture. It is better to clarify the nuances with a sales consultant.

Paint is considered one of the best options. It creates a non-smooth surface on the walls, hiding irregularities. Popular is paint with transfusion. You can paint surfaces in chameleon colors that change shade at different angles.

sand effect

Allows you to create interesting and unusual decorative coating. For it, matte or pearlescent paint is used, which makes the walls rough. It is applied to the tinted surface. The primer with quartz sand in the composition enhances the structural pattern.

silk effect

Gives a pleasant tactile sensation, providing a sophisticated environment and the play of chiaroscuro. This paint creates the sparkle of the walls in the sun. It is wear-resistant and easy to maintain, does not fade and does not emit substances hazardous to health.

Venetian paint

Imitates marble, and is considered one of the most expensive. Venetian paint is glossy or matte, external and internal.

pearlescent paint

Contains light-breaking pigments. Thanks to this, the walls sparkle with a natural sheen.


It contains mica, which creates shimmering surfaces. On the walls there are reflections of metal.

Paint marble or granite

Imitates natural stone, reflecting the features of color and texture.

Decorative paint velvet and velor

Gives a visual feeling of wall upholstery with expensive fabric.

Surface preparation

  • The walls get rid of the remnants of wallpaper, the old coating, eliminating major defects.
  • Irregularities close up, cover the wall acrylic primer. The best base is a primer.
  • Cracks are filled with a special putty, which dries for a day.
  • Each layer is covered with acrylic primer.
  • Surfaces are sanded with sandpaper.
  • To evaluate the texture of the future coating, a preliminary painting is carried out.

Stages of work

  1. applied to the entire wall.
  2. When it dries, a second layer is applied with random strokes.
  3. Eliminate tails with sandpaper.
  4. The final stage is the coating of the walls with wax or varnish.

To make the color of the walls expressive and saturated, decorative paint is applied in several layers. Some paint the walls with a spray gun. Thin layers dry faster.

Mandatory conditions

With a few exceptions, decorative plaster is intended exclusively for interior decoration. It is not advisable to use it for decorating bathrooms. Even moisture resistant textured paint withstands no more than 5000 cleanings.

Stylistic design

A wall with decorative plaster can be decorated with any pattern. She will decorate like a room with classic interior, and the room in modern style. To enhance the effect, several types of priming and finishing materials are used. Plaster of calm, warm colors, bedrooms, living room. With its help, all the rooms in the house are decorated in the same style.

Painting the walls with decorative plaster helps to zone the premises. Value for money, originality and unusual finishes, hiding defects in the painted base are its main advantages.

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