Dream interpretation to dry fish. Why dream of dried fish - dream book: dried fish

  • 21.09.2019

dreaming dried fish often interpreted by the dream book as a favorable symbol. However, such a sign in a dream has its negative meanings. It is correct to interpret what the vision is dreaming of: whether it promises success, prosperity, new love, or failures, stagnation in business, difficult times, details will help.

Do not relax - there are difficulties ahead

Why does a man dream of dried fish? The dream book portends him to stagnation in business, despite all his efforts. Therefore, it is best to take a break from business, wait until circumstances improve.

For players, the interpretation of sleep is unfavorable: luck will turn away from them, there will be a long period of losses. You need to stop playing for a while.

To see in the market or in the store in a dream and choose - the planned purchase will be successful. However, when someone else takes what the dreamer has looked after for himself, it means that the sleeper will not be able to carry out all the plans. It will take a long time, seriously to work to achieve at least something.

The nuances of relationships

Eating is the success of all endeavors. In the company of friends in a dream - in reality you will overcome all the negativity, perhaps even benefit will come from this. Did you dream of eating and sharing with someone? This means forgetting old grievances, misunderstandings with this person, opening a new page in your relationship, making it better.

Why does a girl dream of buying dried fish? The dream interpretation promises in reality an acquaintance with a man. Small, bony - a new acquaintance will not be the one the dreamer needs. Large, fleshy - the relationship will be quite long, reliable.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? Buying it in a dream - the financial well-being of the family will improve. To take when someone gives is to receive a gift. When some stranger steals her from a sleeping woman, it means that her husband has a mistress.

good omens

Dreamed a lot? The dream interpretation claims: such a vision promises quick changes. The more it is, the better: you can start a planned enterprise.

Seeing a lot of salted fish in a dream means: joyful, fun events, crowded holidays, meetings with friends are coming. Also, the plot may portend a good profit from a business once started by the dreamer. If there is a lot of it, success will also be great.

What is she?

The dream interpretation considers which dried fish dreamed of:

  • salty - secrets, secrets that are hidden from the dreamer by his loved ones;
  • dried - health problems are coming;
  • smoked - the risk of falling under someone Negative influence;
  • with caviar - a pleasant surprise lies ahead.

Eat smoked fish in a dream - changes in work, there may be an opportunity to advance in a career that will depend on influential people. There is dried fish with caviar - a girl in reality may receive an offer to marry. For a man, such a dream also promises a new love, a long-awaited meeting of a special woman.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If a girl dreams of dried fish" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

To find out why dried fish is dreaming, you need to study a large number of specialized sources. The more information you can collect, the more complete the prediction will be. In order to choose the most suitable interpretations from a large volume, it is worth remembering the dream in as much detail as possible and taking into account the day of the week on which it was dreamed. Quite a few an important factor there will be the mood with which the dreamer wakes up after seeing dry fish in a dream.

To find out what dried fish is dreaming of, you need to study a large number of specialized sources.

Why dream of dried fish: interpretations in dream books

Various characteristics of the dried fish seen in a dream will become important factors in deciphering the essence of the dream:

  • small fish promise trouble;
  • large - profit;
  • a bony individual means a holiday;
  • well-fed promises a surprise;
  • overdried carcass will bring bad luck in gambling;
  • if the fish is oversalted, then soon you will have to heal mental wounds;
  • undercooked carcass warns of the dangerous proximity of a bad person

If you dream of dried crucian carp, then a disease will soon happen that the dreamer will easily endure. Carp is associated with meaningless chores, and bream symbolizes revelry and fun. Perch dreams of failure, and pike perch to the benefit of the case. Dried pike means deception.

Buying dried carcasses means having everything in abundance in the house. Work during this period will not be difficult. Choose fish for illness, dry - show in real life thrift.

A variety of interpretations requires a careful analysis of all the nuances of sleep and its emotional coloring.

Fish in a dream book (video)

Why dream of dried fish for a woman, a girl

For a woman or girl to see dried fish in a dream is a sure sign of an imminent pregnancy. If she eats this fish, then new bright feelings await her.

For a woman or girl to see dried fish in a dream is a sure sign of an imminent pregnancy.

It is generally accepted that such dreams characterize the emotional sphere. women's life. When in a dream a lady needs to choose dried fish in a store or in a market, an important event will soon take place. On it you need to appear in your best shape, as it will be evaluated both in terms of external data, and manners and upbringing.

Why dream of dried, salted fish

Some sources promise bad consequences for those who have dreamed of dried fish. Well, if we are talking only about a bad mood and emotional malaise. But more often than not, the reasons for a spoiled mood can be weighty reasons.

Some sources promise bad consequences for those who dream of dried fish
  • Self-cooking dried fish promises the dreamer a deep depression. At this time, it is recommended to distract from routine activities and switch attention to pleasant things. A trip or a short trip with nice people can help to cope with a bad mood. The negative consequences of such a dream can manifest themselves in terms of health and well-being. Most often, the physical and moral side of this situation is far-fetched. The dreamer winds himself up, which entails such unpleasant consequences.
  • There is dried fish - expect bad news. Difficulties associated with the messages can be easily resolved when there is a positive attitude. Panic and Bad mood make it difficult to think carefully about your plan of action.
  • If there is dried fish on the dreamer's table and someone else eats it, then chronic diseases will soon manifest themselves. During this period, it is worth taking care of your condition and taking a number of preventive measures.
  • Salted fish is a symbol of secrets and all sorts of secrets. The subconscious mind throws up such an image when the dreamer himself suspects that loved ones are hiding some information from him. The importance of the hidden secret depends in direct proportion on the size of the fish. The larger the object, the deeper will be the consequences of this information for the dreamer.
  • If salted fish is sold in the market, then some secrets will soon be revealed to the sleeper. This information will be extremely helpful.

Another interpretation of such a dream is the approach of a fun holiday. The fun will take place in big company nice and close people. You should also expect profit from a new business. The more fish - the brighter will be success in business. If inside it turns out to be rotten, then the plans will not come true and you should forget about the benefits.

Among the unpleasant consequences of the dreamer touching or holding salted fish in a dream:

  • destruction of plans;
  • lack of income;
  • failure of the initiative;
  • stagnation in the business sphere;
  • lack of new ideas;
  • no dividends from deposits.

If such a fish suddenly comes to life, starts fluttering and falls into the water, then soon the situation will turn 180 degrees and success will return. It is important at this time to have time to use a new chance and not miss the opportunity to be on horseback again.

Salted fish can promise a trip to another country related to study or professional activities. If the fish is exotic, then you will have to go far to an unfamiliar state. If the dreamed view is found in the native lane, then you need to go not far.

Why does a man dream of dried fish

A salted fish seen by a man in a dream characterizes him social life. During this period, he still needs to make a decision over which he thought for a long time. If the dreamer remembers the taste of her in the mouth, then an interesting acquaintance should be expected.

A salted fish seen by a man in a dream characterizes his social life

Dried small fish promises a man a quick marriage, which will be strong and lasting. If by this time there is no chosen one, then true love will soon appear on the horizon.

Seeing a ram, roach, bream in a dream

Interesting interpretations of the types of fish can be found in each of the dream books. Worth a look at:

  • Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev;
  • V. Melnikov;
  • Big dream book;
  • Small Velesov dream book;
  • Dream interpretation of S. Karatov;
  • Dream interpretation of the esoteric Tsvetkov and others.
Vobla - a sign of loss and loss

Another opinion says that vobla is a sign of loss and loss. This is especially true when you dream of dried vobla. To eat it means to doubt the fidelity of a partner. Unfortunately, doubts will soon be confirmed.

  • To buy a roach means to live in abundance and prosperity in the near future.
  • You have to clean the ram - there is a chance to realize the existing talent. At this time, do not neglect the opportunities to show yourself.
  • Salted or dried bream, which the dreamer himself caught before, symbolizes great luck in business.
  • Another interpretation predicts family quarrels and squabbles. Most often they arise due to dissatisfaction with the dreamer. If the ram in a dream is huge, then the dignity of the sleeper will not be appreciated.
  • Cleaning bream means a lot of crying in the near future.

If the carcass in a dream is beautiful and fat, then the sleeper will be given the opportunity to impress people from the closest circle.

On the night of which day the dream about salted fish came

For many specialists involved in deciphering dreams, the day on which the image came is an important factor.

  • If salted fish was seen on the night from Sunday to Monday, then one should expect romantic meetings and experiences.
  • A dream from Monday to Tuesday warns of the danger of vile deeds and gossip.
  • Dreaming on Wednesday night bad dream, which recommends that you carefully consider the behavior of your partner, who is dishonest or inclined to treason.
  • From Wednesday, there is a dream about salted fish, which predicts well-being in family life.
  • On Friday, a ram is dreaming, which warns that the dreamer should correct his behavior so as not to lose loved ones.
  • On the night from Friday to Saturday, dreams are dreamed that should not be deciphered, since they do not contain predictions. Alternatively, on this night, the subconscious gives a signal that the dreamer is extremely selfish.
  • Dreaming on Sunday night good dream about salted fish. He predicts a prosperous marriage and a long family life in love.

Why do fish dream (video)

The information obtained from dream books suggests that dried fish seen in a dream does not bear any terrible consequences. And those negative situations that are found in interpretations can be resolved in a short period through simple reflections.

Attention, only TODAY!

Why dream of dried fish? In most dream books, such a dream promises favorable events. But there are also nuances. Let's try to figure out how to correctly interpret such a dream. It is advisable to remember the dream in all its details - this will make it possible to make the most correct interpretation. Write it down in the morning, as soon as you wake up, remember the plot of night vision in all, even the smallest details.

When does dried fish dream of difficulties?

Let's talk about the negative first:

  • If dried fish dreamed of a man, he expects major difficulties at work or in business. To avoid them, you do not need to harness yourself to work. On the contrary, take a vacation, relax, spend time with your family or your beloved woman. You need positive emotions and energy.
  • If fish dreams of a gambler, whose hobbies are related to games, or for whom the game is earnings, it is worth stopping playing for a while. Major losses are likely, luck will turn away for a while.
  • If dried you don't eat fish, you buy it, the sign is relatively favorable. Most likely, you have to make a bargain purchase. But if you give the fish to someone, your immediate plans will fail. There will be some obstacles that will have to be overcome long and hard.

There are few negatives - do not be discouraged if your case falls under these descriptions. In any case, the outcome of cases depends only on your behavior.

About relationships

Dreams in which you see dried fish may indicate some changes in relationships with the opposite sex, friends and relatives:

  • If you eat fish, but not alone, but in company, this good sign. There will be reconciliation with a friend or new useful acquaintances will be made. You will probably meet a person who will later help you in some important matter, financially or morally.
  • Great if you share food with someone. This promises a "reset" in a difficult relationship with a loved one. Old grievances will be forgotten, it will be possible to achieve mutual understanding, the negative will fade into the background. Ahead - only positive emotions.
  • If a girl buys dried fish in a dream, this promises her a new acquaintance with an attractive man. But! If the fish is small, bony, this man will later disappoint her, will turn out to be an unworthy candidate for life partners. If the fish is large, acquaintance with the chosen one will lead to a long and happy relationship.
  • If a salted fish appeared in a dream married woman , this is a good sign. The financial situation of the family will soon improve. Perhaps you will receive an inheritance, your husband will be promoted, or you will win the lottery.
  • If the fish woman receives a gift, then in real life it is worth waiting for an unexpected, but very pleasant present.
  • If in a dream a fish is stolen from a married woman, you should be afraid - the husband will pay attention to another woman. Perhaps in the family a man does not receive enough attention from his second half, so he looks to the side.

Even if the interpretation of sleep promises negative events, it is in your power to change them. The meaning of a dream is only a sign that you need to change your behavior in some way.

About good

  • If a lot of fish in a dream(you may have dreamed of workers unloading a barge of fish, or a factory for its production), this is a great sign! Soon you will be able to complete the case, the successful outcome of which you doubted. The more fish, the more dividends you will receive. Expect the completion of a major deal, a sudden profit, or an expensive gift.
  • Salty fish portends a series auspicious events and tiresome, but joyful chores. Perhaps soon you will be invited to a wedding, a major celebration, or you will become the initiator of the invitation - organize mass fun. The more fish, the wider the scale of the event.
  • Eating dried smoked fish- a sign of imminent changes in work affairs. They will be positive - wait career development or new profitable customers, reliable partners.
  • If a fish with caviar dreams of a girl, expect to get married soon. If you have a beloved man, then he is “ripe” and ready to make a marriage proposal. If you are in search, a dizzying romance will soon begin, which will end with Mendelssohn's march.
  • A similar dream dreamed by a man, promises an acquaintance with a woman of dreams, who in the future will become the wife and mother of his children.

Knowing what dried fish is dreaming of, one can only rejoice. In many dream books, she is considered a symbol of the favor of fate. All your undertakings and deeds will bring much better results in comparison with what you expected at the beginning.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Dried fish in a dream is a good sign. You will meet with family and friends and have a good time. Positive emotions you are provided. If there were a lot of fish, you will have a birthday party for a friend or girlfriend.

If a girl saw dried fish, it is likely that she will become pregnant. Sometimes such a dream portends an unexpected change in tastes and an aggravation of smell.

When trying to find out why a woman dreams of dried fish, remember that in the dream book there are two options for the development of the event. The first - prosperity and harmony will reign in your family, the second - your relationship with your spouse will become too ordinary.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

If in a dream you saw how dried fish fell into the water and disappeared, luck will smile at you again.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Dried fish is often dreamed of when old friends arrive. You will be able to chat and have fun. In any case, do not miss the chance, do not reject invitations, put aside all the usual things and go to the meeting.

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Dreamed dried fish is often interpreted by the dream book as an auspicious symbol. However, such a sign in a dream has its negative meanings. It is correct to interpret what the vision is dreaming of: whether it promises success, prosperity, new love, or failures, stagnation in business, difficult times, details will help.

Do not relax - there are difficulties ahead

Why does a man dream of dried fish? The dream book portends him to stagnation in business, despite all his efforts. Therefore, it is best to take a break from business, wait until circumstances improve.

For players, the interpretation of sleep is unfavorable: luck will turn away from them, there will be a long period of losses. You need to stop playing for a while.

To see in the market or in the store in a dream and choose - the planned purchase will be successful. However, when someone else takes what the dreamer has looked after for himself, it means that the sleeper will not be able to carry out all the plans. It will take a long time, seriously to work to achieve at least something.

The nuances of relationships

Eating is the success of all endeavors. In the company of friends in a dream - in reality you will overcome all the negativity, perhaps even benefit will come from this. Did you dream of eating and sharing with someone? This means forgetting old grievances, misunderstandings with this person, opening a new page in your relationship, making it better.

Why does a girl dream of buying dried fish? The dream interpretation promises in reality an acquaintance with a man. Small, bony - a new acquaintance will not be the one the dreamer needs. Large, fleshy - the relationship will be quite long, reliable.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? Buying it in a dream - the financial well-being of the family will improve. To take when someone gives is to receive a gift. When some stranger steals her from a sleeping woman, it means that her husband has a mistress.

good omens

Dreamed a lot? The dream interpretation claims: such a vision promises quick changes. The more it is, the better: you can start a planned enterprise.

Seeing a lot of salted fish in a dream means: joyful, fun events, crowded holidays, meetings with friends are coming. Also, the plot may portend a good profit from a business once started by the dreamer. If there is a lot of it, success will also be great.

What is she?

The dream interpretation considers which dried fish dreamed of:

  • salty - secrets, secrets that are hidden from the dreamer by his loved ones;
  • dried - health problems are coming;
  • smoked - the risk of falling under someone's negative influence;
  • with caviar - a pleasant surprise lies ahead.

Eat smoked fish in a dream - changes in work, there may be an opportunity to advance in a career that will depend on influential people. There is dried fish with caviar - a girl in reality may receive an offer to marry. For a man, such a dream also promises a new love, a long-awaited meeting of a special woman.

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Dreams in which a person cooks, eats or extracts some kind of product are not uncommon. Especially if in reality he often has to do cooking and table setting. So, there is nothing strange and surprising if the dreamer dreamed of eating fish or cooking it.

In many famous dream books live fish- it is a symbol of family, prosperity, well-being, fertility and good luck. No wonder a dream in which a woman caught a fish with her hands promises pregnancy. For many, this is good news.

But it is impossible to interpret a dream about dried fish unambiguously negatively or, conversely, positively. It all depends on who saw this dream and on what manipulations the dreamer performed in a dream with this product.

If a man in a dream is busy gutting, cleaning and salting fresh fish, then this activity promises in reality very minor chores that will constantly interfere with planned activities and take all the free time from the dreamer. It is also worth knowing that the smaller the fish that the dreamer prepares for drying, the more effort will have to be exerted to solve all problems.

Prepare very big fish to drying - also promises trouble, but if the dreamer saw caviar when cutting fish, then the resolution of all problems may end financial profit which the man absolutely did not count on. This dream can be considered successful.

If you dreamed of a dried fish that a person chooses in a dream in a market or in a store, then in reality he will soon have to make an important purchase, which he has dreamed of for a very long time. To see how someone else carefully selects dried fish and acquires it - to broken dreams that are not destined to come true. After this dream, the dreamer should not hope for a miracle, everything needs to be achieved by independent work.

Eating dried fish in a dream is a good sign. This dream is interpreted very positively: in reality, the dreamer will be very fun and interesting to spend time in the company of good friends and comrades. After this daydream, you can calmly tune in to a positive pastime and relaxation.

Dried fish that the dreamer catches with a fishing rod from the water is a good sign. But you need to remember whether the water was clean or dirty. The fish itself in this dream is a sign that the dreamer is waiting for profit. But since it is not fresh, but dried, you need to know that money will not just come into your hands. To increase the well-being, the dreamer will have to make considerable efforts and worry a lot. A fish caught from clean water is a good profit. From dirty - money will not do any good and because of them the dreamer will have a lot of headaches.

To see how someone is fishing nearby is to have a competitor at work in reality who simply dreams of taking the dreamer's place.

To dream of a pregnant woman in which she catches dried fish in the water is not good. This dream may signal that pregnancy can be very difficult. If you have a dream just before childbirth, then this is also not a very good sign.

Many are interested in knowing why girls and women dream of dried fish. For the fair sex, who are single, buying dried fish in a store is a dream for a real acquaintance in reality. If in a dream a girl buys small and very bony fish, then the newly-minted gentleman will not be the one the dreamer needs. Buy a large and tasty-looking fish - for a long-term and reliable relationship. If there is caviar in the fish, then the girl can count on a marriage proposal.

If a married woman has a dream in which dried salted fish appears, then you need to pay attention to the details. Acquiring fish - to improve the financial well-being in the family. Taking fish from someone's hands is an unexpected gift. If a stranger in a dream steals this product from the dreamer or takes it by force, it is possible that the husband has a love affair on the side. It is impossible to say this with an accuracy of one hundred percent, but after this dream, it is better for the dreamer to pay attention to the behavior of the spouse and check his pastime outside the home.

If a woman has small children and she had a dream in which she sees or picks up foul-smelling dried fish, then in reality you need to be prepared for the fact that the child can get sick. If the fish literally falls apart and stinks very strongly, you need to be wary of a serious illness. IN gypsy dream book there is information that you can "interrupt" this dream with a simple ritual. The dreamer needs to say the words three times without getting out of bed in the morning: "Where the night is, there is a bad dream." and tell no one about this strange dream.

There is dried fish in a big company - to attend a boring event. To clean and set the table with this product is to reveal a secret that they really want to hide.

If the dreamer or dreamer is persistently treated with dried fish in a dream, they literally put it in their hands, then in reality you need to wait for guests who, with their unexpected arrival, will cause a lot of trouble to the owners.

Find dried fish - to a very strong surprise. It is possible that after this dream the dreamer will hear or see something that will hit him very much. Also this dream warns that false gossip may appear about the dreamer. denigrating him.

And why do little children dream of dried fish. If suddenly the next morning the child talks about seeing or eating dried fish in a dream, there is no need to be afraid. This dream suggests that parents will soon increase their income.

A dream in which the dreamer has to fry or boil dried fish is rather unusual. But it does not bode well. It is believed that the person who cooks this product in a dream will soon go on a trip or an unexpected business trip.

Scientists have long proven that some dreams are information processed by the brain about what a person saw or heard during the day. Therefore, one should not be surprised at strange and unusual dreams in which people do things that are not characteristic of them.

Why dream of dried fish? After reading the dream book, we learn about it.

In most cases, this is a negative sign. Illness, old age and other unpleasant phenomena predict such visions. There are also favorable interpretations. It all depends on the more precise circumstances under which you saw her. You can find out the full explanation of your dream by reading information from various sources.

Interpretations of various dream books

Big dream book

Eating it is a health problem, to old age.

Dream interpreter of dreams

  • We watched the process of its preparation - in the near future a simple job awaits you, from which you will receive positive emotions.
  • Holding ready-made dried fish in your hands is a sign with a positive color. All your business will go uphill.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

  • Dragging yourself promises scandals, showdowns, loss of understanding with loved ones.
  • You were treated to dried fish - portends a long serious illness.
  • They caught and dried it themselves - in the near future you will be in trouble. You won't be able to avoid them.
  • Bought it in the store - to unexpected joy and delight.

Explanation of psychologist Z. Freud

We saw the preparation of dried fish. This suggests that you will annoy your partner day after day. All this will have a negative impact on your sexual relations. Be aware of the other person's feelings, temper your selfishness.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

  • Seeing her on the table at home promises a breakdown, melancholy.
  • While eating, you did not like the taste of the fish or it was spoiled - predicts additional profit and financial stability.
  • There is it - to new troubles, experiences.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Dried fish - to the disease.
  • Eating it - to fatigue and a sad mood.

Esoteric dream book

They bought it and brought it home - to the well-being and order in your home.

Actions with fish

  • Just ate it - in new endeavors you will be successful.
  • Its taste seemed unpleasant to you - to dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Explanation of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender

For a man

  • The fish was dry to the touch. You must soon make an important decision, which you can’t decide on.
  • Feeling her taste in your mouth portends a new acquaintance.
  • You saw several fish on the table - to the choice of a new profession. Leaving your current job will be your natural step. You will get the opportunity to improve your financial situation.
  • In a dream, you happened to treat someone with dried fish. Heralds a fun feast with friends, an abundance of alcoholic beverages.
  • We caught a fish in a pond, and it turned out to be already dried. This is a warning about your laziness. It can become an obstacle to getting a higher position at work.
  • Dragging it yourself promises successful career growth.
  • Breaking it is an acquaintance with a pleasant lady. Perhaps it will turn into a long-term romantic relationship.

For woman

  • For young girls, a dream in which she chooses such a fish in the market promises an imminent event where she will be in the spotlight.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. Eating, breaking it promises you a pleasant trip and new experiences.
  2. See it in the store and buy - auspicious sign. You will confirm to your close people your decency and responsibility to them.

It is not difficult to interpret dreams, the main thing is to know a few features. Firstly, try to remember the main details, and secondly, take into account the emotional load. It is also necessary to compare the information received with the events of real life.

Why dream of dried fish?

Such a dream may portend news, or you should expect the arrival distant relatives. In general, many dream books agree that dried fish promises some kind of fun. Such a dream carries negative information for people who are reckless and often take risks. Night vision, where a person touches dried fish, serves as a warning that there is a risk of losing luck. For people involved in business, such a dream promises stagnation in business. Seeing dried fish in a dream, which suddenly comes to life and ends up in the water, means that you can count on the return of good luck. Another such plot for women promises replenishment in the family.

There is dried fish in a dream, which means that soon the soul will be filled with romantic feelings, and there is still a chance to meet your true love. If a person in a relationship saw such a plot, then this may be a harbinger of a wedding. Night vision, where a person went to the market for fish and saw a huge assortment, is a positive sign indicating good luck. In some cases, such a dream prophesies an improvement in the financial situation and there is a chance to find additional source income. If you still bought fish, this is a warning that you should be on the lookout, because people from your inner circle can do harm. A dream where a person treats someone with dried fish indicates that there is a certain close connection with him in real life. The dream interpretation says that perhaps it's time to take the relationship to a higher level.

Why see a fish in a dream?

There are simple, ordinary dreams - a set of momentary fantasies, pictures, images.

And there are also such dreams, after which the hands simply reach for the dream book themselves. Often we intuitively feel that this or that image in a dream arose for a reason, but necessarily means something important.

The fish itself is very ancient symbol. Including a symbol of Christianity, righteousness, purity and faith.

A lot of old proverbs and sayings are associated with fish - and for good reason. Any dream book will tell you - the fish dreams of important life events.

There is such a universal belief that a fish in a dream is a sign of pregnancy. However, such a hasty interpretation is not entirely correct, and because of it, many girls and women are confused after such a dream.

But do not rush to make hasty conclusions, because everything is far from being so simple! But before you find out exactly what the fish is dreaming of, it is worth considering a lot of different details.

After all, in a dream it can be big or tiny, alive or in a frying pan, but whatever you like - and you can also do anything with it in a dream. That's what a dream is for!

The most common options are:

  • The fish dreams of being edible - fried, salted, dried and so on.
  • Dreaming of raw, dead fish.
  • Live fish swimming in an aquarium or pond.
  • She can dream of a man or a girl.
  • Often you can fish in a dream - even with your hands, even with a fishing rod.
  • Floating in the water.
  • You may see a whole flock of fish - large or small.

Depending on the details, the interpretation of a dream with a fish can be very different. Therefore, it is worth understanding the different visions in order, so as not to draw false conclusions about the dream.

If a woman had a dream

Regarding pregnancy - sometimes such an interpretation of "fish" dreams can indeed take place. For example, Miller's dream book says: a young lady dreams of a fish for posterity.

But this is only if the fish was dreamed of by a young girl who never had children. And yet such a meaning is attributed to sleep when the fish simply arose, as an image, without being tied to anything.

But I wonder why a fish is dreaming of a woman or a girl who already has children? Various interpreters of dreams, not only Miller's dream book, say that if a woman or girl holds her in her hands, especially a large one, this is a very good sign.

Expect success, profit, pleasant love relationships, big happy love and attention from a man. In general, a fish dreaming of a girl or woman is a very good sign in any case.

Delicious and not so good

Especially often in dreams you have to cook or eat fish. And this is not surprising - after all, in life, this is exactly what we most often do with it.

In general, eating fish, especially if in a dream it is pleasant, tasty, you enjoy a meal - an extremely good dream, promising tenderness, joy, pleasure, spiritual and physical health.

True, there are exceptions, it all depends on the details of sleep.

1. Did you happen to eat boiled fish in a dream? This, on the contrary, may be a sign of an imminent illness or indisposition, damage or temporary setbacks.

2. Salted fish - no matter how big or small it is, this is not so much a prediction as an indication of your character. Such a dream, which features salted, dried fish, as well as red and any fish delicacies, hints that you probably lack sharp and vivid sensations in life.

You don't get something, you don't allow yourself. You deny yourself something, and this negatively affects the quality of your life. Think it's time for a change?

3. Well, why dream of fried fish - this is a particularly common question. Most often, this is a sign that the road awaits the sleeper, and how good and pleasant it depends on the quality of the dish.

  • If you fry fish in a dream for a long time and with difficulty, it means that preparation for the road will be long and troublesome. Because frying fish is a direct symbol of packing for the journey.
  • But if you eat fried fish in a dream, remember its taste. Delicious, juicy, pleasant - know that the road will be good. And vice versa.

4. Smoked fish is not a very favorable sign. To the question of why smoked fish is dreaming, the answer is unequivocal - expect a threat to health.

And it doesn’t matter if you eat smoked fish in your dreams, look at it, sniff it or smoke it - it all means one thing. Save your health - it recommends you sleep!

5. And why dream of frozen fish, for example? Often there are dreams in which raw, frozen or fresh fish appear. Such a dream often means some kind of expectation, while joyful, reverent.

If you ate such fish in a dream - be careful, you may be in danger of ailments, there is a risk of getting sick. And if in your dreams you just dreamed of fresh, raw or frozen fish, this means that now you are in a period of some kind of expectation. And it depends only on you how this period will end.

6. But rotten fish is a bad sign, and it warns of enemies, possible betrayal, dishonesty. This is a warning: look around, be very careful, it is quite possible that you have or will have envious people.


Fishing in a dream is an unusually frequent phenomenon. Fish in the water is a good sign, but only if the water is clear. Such a dream means well-being, health and even wealth.

1. If a live fish came to you in a dream, and in a dream you are trying to catch it with your hands, but to no avail, it means that in real life vain efforts lie in wait for you. Luck is slipping, but it can also mean that you better not rush, and maybe you should look for a different approach (just like in a dream it is better to get a fishing rod).

2. But if you still caught a fish with your hands, this is a great sign. Expect generous gifts from fate - it will give you good luck, recognition and prosperity.

3. If you saw in your dream that a dead fish is swimming in the water, this is clearly not a very good dream. A dead carcass dreams of a lot, but all these symbols are not good - it can be either illness, or quarrels, troubles, poverty. But all this is temporary and it is up to you to overcome difficulties.

4. If your dream showed that you are fishing, and successfully, this is a great sign. Fishing itself can mean difficulties and trials, and the longer you wait for a catch, the more serious and lengthy these tests are.

But the catch is a victory, complete success, luck and reward! After such a dream, it is very important not to be afraid of trials, to have fortitude, not to give up and to believe that guaranteed success lies ahead.

5. If, on the contrary, you left fishing in a dream with nothing, the same will happen in the near future.. Your desires and intentions are too ambitious and overstated.

It is likely that you should not wait for the result - you will be left empty-handed. Review your plans and desires - you may be able to cut them a little, make them more real, and succeed in business.

6. Well, if you caught a fish, but it suddenly slipped out of your hands - alas, your luck and success, which you have been seeking for a long time, will slip away from you. For an unmarried girl, such a dream can mean the loss of a loved one, a break in relations.

But don't worry! Ahead of you, without a doubt, a new one awaits, best stage in life.

A sign for an expectant mother ... or dad!

Often a pregnant woman dreams of a fish - and you should pay all your attention to such a dream. There is a funny belief - to pay attention to which particular fish dreamed expectant mother.

If it has a male name, for example, sturgeon, carp, it is believed that a son will be born. Well, if a pregnant woman dreamed of a beluga, sprat, capelin and so on - wait for your daughter!

In general, the "fish" dream - great sign for a pregnant woman. They dream as a sign of good, healthy offspring and happy motherhood.

Men dream of fish less often, and such dreams have the same meaning. Except pregnancy and approaching motherhood, of course! However, sometimes fresh big fish, who came to a man in a dream, may mean that he will soon become a dad ...

But if in his dream he sees a fish in the hands of his beloved, this is a sure sign that the chosen one is either already pregnant or will soon be. Get ready!

Why dream of salted fish?

Whichever dream book you turn to, anyone will say that a fish in a dream is almost always a sign of profit. Sometimes a dream where a fish appears is interpreted as some inconstancy or duality, but at the same time health, fun and fertility.

They say that if you see a fish in a dream, this is definitely a sign of something good. And there are as many as three of them, this may mean that something will happen soon that will bring happiness to this person. And what does it mean if you dream of salted fish? Such a dream also promises profit or gain, but unexpected or just random. If in a dream you see how a fish is fried, then in reality this may mean studying in distant countries. If an older person saw a salted fish in a dream, then in reality the old spiritual wounds of this person will be renewed.

Seeing a dried salted fish in a dream may mean that a noisy and cheerful holiday should be expected in the near future. Such a dream may also portend a pleasant pastime and relaxation in the company of the closest friends, relatives or in the company of a loved one. But if you touch dried salted fish in a dream, then you should be careful, since such a dream promises that you can scare away luck, which will lead to stagnation in business.

And to see in a dream how dried fish comes to life and jumps into the water - such a dream means that luck will not pass by. But, if gamblers dreamed of dried salted fish, this is a sign of a rather large loss and, in addition, a long failure in the game.

But what if you make salted smoked fish in a dream? If in a dream you see someone smoking fish, this is a sign that failures should be expected. Eating smoked salted fish in a dream means that something was done wrong and a prison awaits ahead and the inability to make any choice. Deterioration of well-being and mood, rapid old age - that's what salted fish dreams of, according to some sources of dream interpretation.

To dream of a flock of fish swimming in a river or in the sea - such a dream promises huge profits or even wealth. If you see in a dream a lot of fish swimming in the water - this is a sign of a very good opportunities in a career, as well as fame and good luck in family affairs.

If you see in a dream a flock of fish that does not move at all or swims very slowly, you should take on your future, and not rely on chance, otherwise you can miss quite a lot of good chances in life.

There are a couple more interpretations of dreams where fish appears. For example, if you eat fish in a dream, then in reality this dream promises good news. But if you eat it quickly and greedily, then such a dream portends worries and unnecessary anxiety.

They also say that you should be careful when eating sea salted fish, as there may be problems with the respiratory tract or legs. For a young girl, this kind of dream promises a very gentle and pleasant boyfriend. But, if a girl eats fish and feels that she is oversalted or bitter - this is a dream of separation from her loved one.

Eating boiled fish in a dream can mean illness in reality, as well as financial loss. And if you dream of an abundance of various tasty fish, and a person eats them with great appetite, this is a sign of success in business and material gain in the near future.

If young people had a dream that they eat fish in a dream, this may be a sign that they will either receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

It is interesting to mention that for a woman who could not get pregnant in any way, a dream about fish is very positive. Since, if she dreams that she is fishing, such a dream means an early pregnancy. And if you watch a fish spawn, then this is a sign big profit or multiple pregnancy.

It should be noted that if a man dreams about how his wife treats him to delicious fish, it is considered very auspicious. Such a dream means that he has a very good, faithful wife, who will always be his reliable support and will always help with practical advice.

Why dream of dried, salted fish?


Maria Bychkova

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises sorrows and portends loss. If a live fish dreams of a young lady, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure steadfastly, keeping your presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances. If you see that you didn’t catch anything and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you. Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishing hooks- then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.


FISH LIVE for WOMEN = pregnancy, for MEN = a profitable occupation, DEAD = impotence. (probably option 3...)


If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power. Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and quick wits. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck. If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love. Pisces: Yes - happiness in the lottery; to catch with your hands - you will make enemies for yourself; small fish - fear, illness; big rinds are an important undertaking; catch - you will be deceived and disappointed. A fish playing in clear water promises a generous gift of fate. For a girl, such a dream most likely means happy marriage. Dead fish - to sadness. Successful fishing means that you will face challenges that you are likely to handle. If you dream that others are catching fish, then this dream promises you an extraordinary surge of energy and a favorable set of circumstances that you can skillfully use. If in a dream you walk along the rows of fish, in reality prosperity and joy await you. If you fish with a log, then your enterprise will help you achieve prosperity. But if you haven't caught anything, it means that your desires are vain and petty. A fishing net means profitable acquisitions, but if it is torn, then you may lose more than you gain. If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power. Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and quick wits. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck. If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love.

why dream of fresh dried fish


Nadezhda Mamchenkova

fish dreams of pregnancy, well, or you are already pregnant. but not always.

[email protected]

If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power. Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and quick wits. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck. If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love.

this is me friend

fish to new job… definitely


Fish has long been an ambiguous symbol, all women, for the most part, love to eat fish. And if the fish is dried 😉 then probably for beer!


LIVE FISH for WOMEN = pregnancy, for MEN = profitable occupation, DEAD FISH = impotence.


to pregnancy

Dried fish

Dream Interpretation - Fish

The image of a fish could arise in your dream in accordance with the expressions: “Be silent like a fish” (to hide something, keep a secret) and “Fight like a fish on ice” (to no avail try to do several things). To see how the fish splashes in the water - you have to be an outside observer of some painstaking and troublesome business, in which a fairly large number of people will be involved. If you dreamed about how a big fish swallows a small one, then this dream promises you troubles associated with the authorities, due to the fact that you hid some fact. Fishing - your affairs will turn out well if you do not become widely spread about your plans and intentions. If fishing is unsuccessful, then someone will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. If fishing in a dream brought a good catch, then in reality the results of your activities will exceed expectations. Watching aquarium fish - the position of non-interference you have chosen is good only for the time being, if you let things take their course, then this can threaten you with trouble, you can be excluded from the game, which is worth the candle. If you cook a fish dish or eat something fishy, ​​it means that the problems and urgent projects that have fallen on you will eventually be safely resolved and completed, just do not forget, celebrating the victory, to thank those who helped you in this period of turmoil and hard work. If in a dream you caught a fish and release it because it is too small, then such a dream suggests that in real life you tend to make grandiose plans for the future, while you have to be content with the little that life gives today.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

if their numbers are known, then these are women, and if their numbers are not known, then this is wealth and gain. If the fish is alive and fresh, then it is a young virgin. Whoever sees or catches a fish in a dream, he will gain good and profit through hard work. Small fish - to care and sadness. Salted fish - to the care and grief caused by a brother or official. Other sources say that if you eat salted fish in a dream, then it is during this dream will happen something very useful for you. Seeing fried fish means going on a journey in search of knowledge. Whoever sees that he is frying fish will invest a large fortune in a useless business or squander it on trifles. Eating fried fish in a dream is a sign of misunderstanding and disagreement in your own family. Others believe that to see such a dream means asking for something that can never be received.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

A lot of fish - for profit. Big fish - to slander. Eating boiled fish is at a loss. dead fish see - to failure, disappointment. fried fish see - to unexpected news. To see a dark, small or medium-sized fish - tears, misfortunes, worries. Carp, tench or perch - for a woman, she will become pregnant with a boy. Choosing fish is a disease. Catching tadpoles - dubious deals are coming that can cause serious trouble in your business. The girl dreamed of tadpoles floating in clear water - a connection with a rich but immoral person awaits her. Fry were seen in an aquarium or in a river - to meet children and have fun with them.

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

Live fish in clear water dreams of good luck. Catching fish is a success. Catch with nets or on a hook - make a big profit. Putting bait on the hook - get the opportunity to arrange your destiny. For a woman, such a dream is an omen of a wonderful marriage, a carefree life. Seeing or touching dead fish is a disease. Seeing a dead fish in the water - to sorrows and losses. Seeing a fish - for a woman - is a sign of pregnancy. Flying fish predict success in everything. Buying fish in the market is a joy and prosperity. Eat fish (especially fried) or fish dishes - to the benefit of some business or event. Feed the fish - defeat the enemies with your goodwill.

Dream Interpretation - Pisces

Fish to fish dark, small or medium in size - tears, misfortune, failure, worries, etc. To see or eat boiled fish - all kinds of damage, illness. dead fish to see in the river - failure / unexpected event will greatly disappoint you. Smoking fish is a failure. There is smoked - bondage. There is fried fish - the road. Very large fish, if they are not dark - success / joyful surprise / coldness of a loved one. Fish beating in the hands - worries / vain sacrifices / notoriety. Fish splashing violently in the water - joy. Catch a pike - give birth to a girl

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Live fish in a dream - for a trip to the sea. To profit. To pregnancy. Dead fish - to hunger or loss. Buying fish - to receive property from relatives. You were presented with a fish - wait for an invitation to the wedding. Seeing fish without water - you will be fired from the service. A man caught a fish - to trouble. A woman caught a fish - to wealth and happiness with her husband. The patient sees a fish - to a long and serious illness.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fishing: for a woman - for pregnancy (provided that she catches it). For a man - to family chores. Ice fishing: for a woman - for pregnancy. For a man - to an unexpected event that will force you to reassess your moral positions. Hooking a fish with a fishing line is in favor of the person you love. White fish (catching): to pregnancy, if a young woman sees a dream. In all other cases, it means that the time has come to achieve your goal, e. Favorable conditions and circumstances have ripened. Dried fish: dried - to the disease. There is depression. Red fish: to pregnancy, if a woman sees a dream. If a man - to a love adventure initiated by a woman. Dried fish: dried - to the disease. There is depression.

Dream Interpretation - Fish, catch fish

According to Freud, a small fish symbolizes the male seed, a medium-sized fish (which is quite logical) personified CHILDREN for him, and the fishing rods, according to his theory, embodied the image of the phallus. In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for a means of satisfying life's needs, a desire to find something that is securely hidden from view, or the result of primitive fears - if, of course, you are an ardent supporter of the theory of Darwinism. It should also be noted that fish can dream of travel or travel. And, in the end, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn their daily bread.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish - the image of a fish in your dream, may arise in accordance with the expressions: "Be silent like a fish" and "Fight like a fish on ice." To see how the fish splashes in the water, you have to be a participant in a big, troublesome business. Fishing, your business will turn out well if you do not spread widely about them. Watching fish in an aquarium means your position of non-intervention is good for the time being.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

"to fish in troubled waters" impure thoughts, aspirations, to engage in unseemly deeds. "cold as a fish" emotional coldness, alienation. "like a fish in water" skill, habitual activity, good orientation in the situation. "big fish" is an important person. " gold fish"(fulfillment of desires), "beat like a fish on ice" the futility of efforts. "mute or silent like a fish." "Take by the gills" to call to account, to force something. "On lack of fish and cancer fish" be content with little. “like a herring in a barrel” is a special constraint.