Saxifrage - "blooming on stones": planting and care. Saxifrage - an unpretentious and charming perennial for an alpine hill Saxifrage flowers planting and care

  • 13.06.2019

The saxifrage flower is an ideal plant for rocky gardens, alpine slides or composite mixborders. In its natural habitat, it can be found mainly in mountainous areas. This means that in rockeries the conditions for growing saxifrage are simply ideal. But if your site does not provide any rocky landscape elements - do not despair! At proper care during cultivation, the saxifrage will feel quite acceptable on gravel soil.

Surprisingly, this extensive genus in Russian gardens is represented by only a few species. Most often, the so-called "moss" is grown - Arends' saxifrage (Saxifraga x arendsii). Sometimes you can find large-leaved species.

There are about 370 species in the genus, most of which are very decorative.

Of course, saxifrage is not one of those plants that can be stuck in the ground and enjoyed. After all, even large-leaved species, so similar to ordinary perennials, live among stones in nature. And what about compact pillows?

On this page you can find photos, names and descriptions of saxifrages different types, as well as with the rules for their cultivation and reproduction.

Types of saxifrage: photo, name and description

The huge kingdom of saxifrages is divided by botanists into sections, and those, in turn, into subsections. It is not necessary to know the exact classification of saxifrages, but if one or another variety or species belongs to a certain group, it is easier to deal with agricultural technology.

The most common, simplest saxifrages that look like pillows are the saxifrages of the Saxifraga section:

soddy saxifrage (S. caespitosa)

Arends' saxifrage (S. x arendsii)

These species and their varieties form rugs that can be grown simply on foreground flower garden, along paths or between stairs, as a ground cover. These plants are very unpretentious, winter-hardy, tolerate short-term flooding and dryness. All their agricultural techniques for caring for saxifrage flowers will be reduced to periodic, once every five years, re-cutting, because. old plants are exposed in the middle and require updating. Plants remain low even during the period when the seeds ripen.

As can be seen in the photo, this type of saxifrage has abundant, lush flowering:

Members of the Gymnopera section are generally larger and have juicy, fleshy leaves. They grow rather slowly, bloom with whitish flowers on long peduncles. They prefer shady places, they can be used in forest areas both in cracks and simply in flower beds.

Then the Alpine aristocracy begins. The species included in the section Ligulatae are also called silver saxifragae. They really are silver! Not at all similar to the previous groups, their leaves are hard, covered with numerous white outgrowths and specks. The section is numerous, the most popular are:

saxifrage paniculata (S. paniculata)

saxifrage longifolia (S. longifolia)

saxifrage obtuse (5.cotyledon)

Other views are no less beautiful! Plants are decorative all year round(after all, their leaves are evergreen), bloom in early summer.

Pay attention to the photo - these saxifrage flowers are small, white or freckled, collected in complex inflorescences on relatively long stems:

There is no place for silver saxifrages in the garden. There they will be crushed by more nimble neighbors, and winter or spring moisture will be fatal for them. These aristocrats must live on an alpine hill, running roots between limestone blocks. They need plenty of light and occasional moisture during dry periods.

The finest, most impressive saxifrages belong to the Porphyrion, or inlaid, section. These miniature species in nature are found in the most severe conditions. Abroad, such plants are very popular, breeders have been crossing them for a long time and have bred many breathtaking varieties.

As shown in the photo, growing and caring for saxifrages is also possible in pots:

This is due to the fact that, firstly, some species and varieties require strict adherence to moisture and soil conditions, so they are kept in special alpine greenhouses. Secondly, saxifrages are grown in bowls to be shown at exhibitions. And thirdly, saxifrages grow well in conditions where the space for root development is limited.

It is pointless to list the types and varieties of porphyrions. If you see a tiny bump of textured leaves, completely covered with flowers that almost do not rise above the plant or, on the contrary, collected on a bizarrely curved peduncle, you have a porphyrion.

Saxifrages of other sections are either rare in culture or not decorative enough.

Look at the photos of the saxifrages, the description of which is given above:

Saxifrage in the garden: growing conditions and care

Would you like to have a tiny rug covered with breathtaking flowers in your garden every spring? For planting and caring for saxifrage flowers, it is best to build a rock garden. The most luxurious saxifrages can grow exclusively in the cracks between stones, preferably limestone. Full sun or the lightest shade, watering but no stagnant moisture, permeable but fairly nutritious soil, and the obligatory gravel mulch are the "gentleman's kit" for saxifrage. The exception is the most unpretentious and rather large: Arends saxifrage, shadow, round-leaved and some others. They can be used in ordinary flower beds.

Pay attention to the photo - planting and caring for saxifrages can be done not only in the alpinhouse:

Most porphyrions feel great between stones in an open rock garden. To grow saxifrage healthy, as practice shows, the main thing is to provide them with loose soil containing limestone gravel, drainage and gravel mulch. In especially wet periods, it would be good to cover the saxifrage from the rains.

In nature, there are saxifrage pillows up to a meter in diameter, their age is even hard to imagine. In the garden, these plants are less durable, because artificially created conditions are rarely ideal. Saxifrage requires periodic renewal, young plants tolerate various cataclysms much better.

True aristocrats, saxifrages cannot do without disease. True, they usually appear either from old age, or from incorrect agricultural practices. The main symptom of the disease is the browning of individual rosettes. They must be removed, the plants sprayed with a fungicide and the soil limed.

Reproduction of saxifrage: how to grow a flower from rosettes and seeds

Reproduction of saxifrages is possible by rosettes and by seed. Getting "youth" is simple - you need to cut individual rosettes, tearing them off the mother plant as deep as possible. As a rule, in saxifrages, all shoots come from the root neck, but they often have adventitious short roots, which, if necessary, quickly develop into a full-fledged root system.

It is better to root cuttings in coarse-grained sand, under a layer of which a loose soil mixture is used.

Spring cuttings take root within a month, summer longer. In the process of rooting, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the substrate. Saxifrage can be transplanted, preferably in the spring after flowering.

In breeding, as well as in the reproduction of species, sowing seeds is used. Here, for different species, techniques will be different: for example, Arends' saxifrage sprouts very quickly when sown in warmth, and almost all porphyrions and silver saxifrage will require stratification. Seedlings develop slowly; in compact species, only one rosette grows in the first year of life.

These photos show how to grow saxifrage from seeds:

The name of this plant speaks for itself, dense foliage and bright buds growing in hard-to-reach places, among stones, in cracks and on slopes. Correct fit and caring for saxifrage in open field allow you to decorate it with any landscape design and transform the garden composition.

Saxifrage - flowers on stones

Nature in its manifestation is unique and unrepeatable. One of the amazing representatives of the plant world is the saxifrage plant. Among the stones and crevices, delicate little flowers looking towards the sun look truly unusual. The culture has about 200 species that are found in the most inaccessible areas and in the most unfavorable conditions. Their main difference lies in the height of the stems, the shape of the foliage and the tint range of peduncles. Gardeners fell in love with the culture for its high vitality and durability, unpretentious care, compact size and durability.

Saxifrage soddy and Arendsa are the two most popular representatives among garden varieties.

The wonderful saxifrage soddy grows in rosettes that densely cover the stony ground, its flowers are small and light, it fades quickly.

Arends' saxifrage is like a juicy green carpet spreading between stones, the color of its buds varies from white to deep purple, the flowering period is early summer.

A photo of a saxifrage in the open field demonstrates different varieties and types of this plant:

Among them hallmarks- the type and shape of the stem, the size and quality of the leaves, the shades and type of flowers, the requirements for environmental conditions and care.

Technology of cultivation and care

The unpretentiousness of the saxifrage is obvious. The natural habitat accustomed her to a dry climate and an excess of sunlight. Its root system is designed in such a way that it is able to hold and nourish the plant in the most extreme conditions - in the sun among the stones, without water in crevices and in an upright position on the slopes. Planting and caring for perennial saxifrage in the open field should be similar to the natural conditions of its life. The saxifrage is resistant to drought and heat, it is not afraid of low temperatures and freezing of the soil. Milder environmental conditions can destroy it.

The more complex in structure and worse in quality the soil, the better the saxifrage will feel in it.

Saxifrage in open ground - planting seeds and care:

  1. Soil selection. It will be absolutely not superfluous if the planting soil contains part of peat and sand, there are inclusions of gravel and crushed stone. A prerequisite for good growth and development of saxifrage is drainage system, which does not allow stagnation of liquid at the surface and roots.
  2. Compliance with the optimal temperature regime. You can achieve a balance between light and shadow for saxifrage by planting the plant in stages, avoiding the very tops of the compositions.
  3. No excess moisture. The best place for the growth of saxifrage - among the stones and at an angle. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to provide the plant with high-quality drainage to quickly remove excess moisture. Mulching is not recommended.
  4. Dosed feed. A grainy low-fertility base is what the saxifrage needs for good growth and lush flowering. Activities in the form of rare complex dressings are all that an unpretentious perennial needs.
  5. When the saxifrage blooms in the open field. The timing of budding in different plant varieties falls on different periods of the summer season. Usually the flowering time begins in June.

Oases of different varieties of saxifrage make it possible to create picturesque mountain landscapes right on personal plot. And the best neighbors for her are coniferous trees and shrubs.

Saxifrage - breeding methods

After flowering ground part plants should be cut. This procedure stimulates the emergence of new leaves. Winter is not terrible for saxifrage, it easily tolerates snowfalls and frosts. It is recommended to cover the plant from spring frosts.

When to plant saxifrage in open ground:

  1. Seeds. The average germination of saxifrage seeds is quite high - within 90%. Seed germination occurs in 6-7 days. From seeds, seedlings are grown in pots, boxes or containers.
  2. seedlings. To obtain seedlings, saxifrage seeds are sown in a pot. Shoots dive and sit down on individual pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early June.
  3. Rosettes. At the end of flowering, sockets can be separated and planted from the main bush, rooting them in soil protected from the scorching sun. In the spring, gardeners boldly plant new plants in open ground.

The saxifrage occupies a worthy place in. Among her obvious benefits- spectacular appearance, unpretentiousness to natural conditions, the ability to coexist with many flowering plants, stunted trees and shrubs. The flowering of the saxifrage will revive the rockery and will become a highlight in the rock garden. It perfectly complements the mountain composition, without it it is impossible to imagine a man-made rocky landscape.

Video about growing saxifrage

Quite often in landscape design use saxifrage - a perennial herbaceous plant that attracts attention with its pretty unusual view: a rosette of silver-green leaves is collected at the roots, and five-petal flowers up to 2 cm in diameter can be seen on stems up to 70 cm. The saxifrage grows in a continuous carpet, delighting with a variety of flowering: these are pink, and yellow, and white.

Gardeners use saxifrage mainly comes down to decoration, rock gardens, retaining walls. The fact is that the flower loves to grow in the cracks of cliffs and rocks. That is why the plant got its name. Different in growth and leaf shape, saxifrage varieties allow you to create unusual patterns in your flower garden. Among the varieties that live in our region, we can distinguish Blutenteppih, Flamingo, Purpurmantel, Arendsa, Schneeteppih, etc.

What gardeners especially like about the saxifrage plant is its excellent properties, namely durability, frost resistance, and compact size. In addition, the saxifrage produces a large number of seeds. By the way, growing a plant from them is not so difficult, but you should familiarize yourself with some features. Therefore, we will tell you how to grow saxifrage from seeds.

How to grow saxifrage from seeds: preparation

Planting seeds can be done as early as April. Seeds of saxifrage are small in size, black in color. Before landing, they need additional preparation. Its meaning is cold treatment. To do this, take a small container into which a small amount of earth should be poured. The most suitable is light, slightly moistened. Saxifrage seeds must be sprinkled on top of the soil, and the container with them should be placed in the refrigerator. After two or three weeks, the seeds can be taken out. True, before planting, the seed container must be left on the windowsill, covered with a film. The most optimal conditions for the germination of saxifrage seeds are considered temperature regime at 18-20 ⁰С. Usually a week after sowing the saxifrage, the first shoots appear. The first leaves of the plant are usually very weak. Therefore, the picking of seedlings into boxes should be carried out after the appearance of the first strong leaf.

Saxifrage: planting and care

Saxifrage seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as early June. Plants are planted at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other. Medium-fertile soils are perfect for saxifrage. When choosing it, consider the fact that the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore, it is better to plant it, for example, on slopes, rock gardens or in crevices between pebbles.

Growing saxifrage is not at all difficult. Unfortunately, flowering will begin only in the second year of the plant's life. He loves the flower top dressing with complex fertilizers. It is recommended to carry out a week after transplanting to a permanent place in your garden. In addition, the saxifrage responds well to loosening and weeding the soil. As for watering, the plant needs regular, but without overflow, watering. By the way, the lack of watering is indicated by a decrease in the size of each plant and the appearance brown patches on leaves. Over time, the saxifrage will grow into an abundant bright carpet, so it can be filled large spaces in the garden. And if you land it in a well-lit sunny place, it needs to be watered abundantly. Otherwise, in a continuous carpet of saxifrage, “bald spots” will begin to appear - empty spaces.

As you can see, growing saxifrage from seeds does not require any special knowledge and incredible efforts.

This article will open for you such a beautiful and amazing plant like a saxifrage. You will be able to learn about how it is grown, cared for, planted in the open field, what varieties exist, and also get acquainted with some features of the reproduction and use of saxifrage in modern landscape design.

Saxifrage: varieties and varieties

The name of this beautiful herbaceous plant hints at the fact that the saxifrage grows and develops even in hard-to-reach places. Its sophisticated bright flowers are able to easily destroy the strongest stones and "settle" in the resulting cracks.

The saxifrage family is diverse and multifaceted, it has about 200 species. The beauty and unpretentiousness of saxifrage contribute to their active use in modern landscape design.

The most popular today are 2 types of these perennials.

Saxifrage is a very unusual and attractive plant for your garden.

Soddy saxifrage. It looks like a dense turf of rosettes with dissected leaves. This species blooms for a short time, only 3-4 weeks in June. For her, planting in a slightly acidic open ground rich in humus will be optimal.

This type of saxifrage boasts the following varieties:

  • Rosa-kenigen (bright pink shade);
  • Purplemontel (purple);
  • Triumph (ruby red).

Arends' saxifrage. This plant will delight you with a rich green color all year round. Its leaves form a continuous carpet up to 15 cm high. The flowering period is the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

The most popular varieties of such saxifrage:

  • Peter Pan (bright red buds);
  • Sleeping Beauty (red flowers);
  • Floral Carpet (a scattering of pink and purple flowers);
  • Snow carpet (white buds).

In addition, there are shadow, Manchurian, reed, paniculate, round-leaved, wicker and other types of saxifrage. Some of them can be seen in the photo.

Planting a plant

A decorative saxifrage has an insanely beautiful appearance, planting and caring for which does not imply any complex manipulations.

The flowering and development of these perennials will be much better if some crushed limestone, gravel, sand and peat are added to the planting soil. When planting saxifrages, provide them with a good drainage system, as a large amount of moisture can cause the death of plants.

Saxifrage Care

Give these stunning perennials the attention and proper care and they will reward you with fantastic blooms. They need regular watering in moderate doses, as well as top dressing with fertilizers (1 time per month). Near the plants, the soil should always be loose and weeded.

The saxifrage will feel very good in rock gardens or rockeries

Around the saxifrage bushes, stone rock gardens are often laid out, which serve as a kind of protective barrier for the roots from the scorching sun and help retain moisture.

When the saxifrage fades, the aerial part of the plant is cut off. This procedure is necessary for the emergence of new leaves. These perennial plants tolerate the winter season well. If severe frosts occur, it is better to cover the saxifrage.

Proper cultivation of saxifrage involves several important nuances in care:

  • do not allow heat (create a relative shadow);
  • provide flowing watering (make drainage).

The plant is able to feel good with minimal care.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Once every 4 weeks, along with the next watering, feed. The only exception will be the period from October to February, when this should not be done. The concentration of liquid fertilizers should be at least half as much as indicated on the package.

Attention! Avoid overfeeding the plant. Excessive fertilization can cause the culture to become loose and vulnerable to dangerous infections.

Reproduction of saxifrage

The saxifrage is propagated in several ways. It is grown from seeds, new representatives are obtained by rosettes or dividing the bush.

Very easy culture propagated by rosettes

Start off breeding rosettes possible only after the end of flowering. To do this, the sockets are very carefully separated from the bush, rooted in fertile soil and then watered. For landing, you should choose a place that will be protected from the scorching sun. Only in spring, plants are planted in open ground.

Another method of reproduction involves obtaining seedlings, after planting seeds plants in open ground. Seeds are scattered on the surface of the nutrient substrate and slapped a little with the palm of your hand. Shoots dive and transplanted into peat pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground along with pots in June, observing distances from 7 to 25 cm.

Such breeding methods will be simple for both experienced and novice growers.

Diseases and pests

Saxifrage is quite resistant to pests and diseases. However, unfavorable growing conditions or improper care can cause it to become infected or damaged by pests.

Dryness can cause damage to the plant spider mite. At the same time, a whitish web will be visible on the saxifrage. Later, the mite infects the leaves, they become covered with yellow spots, dry out and gradually die off. Excessive moisture leads to the appearance of powdery mildew or damage to the leaves of the plant with rust, which is created by a variety of fungi.

The most dangerous pests for these perennials are mealybugs and green aphids.

Saxifrage: combination with other plants

Growing saxifrage will bring you tremendous pleasure. All their varieties look very original and impressive, especially in combination with other plants. Neighborhood with them can be shared by irises, muscari and many other undersized crops. Fill your exterior with beauty and originality will help amazing combinations saxifrage with cranberries or Chinese gentian-decorated.

Saxifrage in landscape design

With its bewitching beauty, the saxifrage has earned a worthy place in modern landscape design. It is placed in rock gardens, on artificial hills, embankments and rocks, where it looks very stylish and impressive.

This plant will instantly turn an empty and unattractive rocky place into a chic flower garden. The richness of its varieties and shades will fill the surrounding space with bright, rich colors.

That is why saxifrage is absolutely indispensable for landscape design.

Growing saxifrage: video

Types of saxifrage: photo


Saxifrage - planting and care in the open field with seeds, seedlings, when to plant, video

The name of this plant speaks for itself, dense foliage and bright buds growing in hard-to-reach places, among stones, in cracks and on slopes. Proper planting and care of the saxifrage in the open field allow you to decorate any landscape design with it and transform the garden composition.

Saxifrage - flowers on stones

Nature in its manifestation is unique and unrepeatable. One of the amazing representatives of the plant world is the saxifrage plant. Among the stones and crevices, delicate little flowers, stretching towards the sun, look truly unusual.

The culture has about 200 species that are found in the most inaccessible areas and in the most unfavorable conditions. Their main difference lies in the height of the stems, the shape of the foliage and the tint range of peduncles.

Gardeners fell in love with the culture for its high vitality and durability, unpretentious care, compact size and durability.

Saxifrage soddy and Arendsa are the two most popular representatives among garden varieties.

The soddy saxifrage grows in rosettes that densely cover the rocky ground, its flowers are small and light, it fades quickly.

Arends' saxifrage is like a juicy green carpet spreading between stones, the color of its buds varies from white to deep purple, the flowering period is early summer.

A photo of a saxifrage in the open field demonstrates different varieties and types of this plant:

  • Manchurian;
  • reed;
  • braided;
  • round-leaved;
  • paniculate;
  • shady;
  • other.

Among their distinguishing features are the type and shape of the stem, the size and quality of the leaves, the shades and type of flowers, the requirements for environmental conditions and care.

Technology of cultivation and care

The unpretentiousness of the saxifrage is obvious. The natural habitat accustomed her to a dry climate and an excess of sunlight.

Its root system is designed in such a way that it is able to hold and nourish the plant in the most extreme conditions - in the sun among the stones, without water in crevices and in an upright position on the slopes.

Planting and caring for perennial saxifrage in the open field should be similar to the natural conditions of its life. The saxifrage is resistant to drought and heat, it is not afraid of low temperatures and freezing of the soil. Milder environmental conditions can destroy it.

The more complex in structure and worse in quality the soil, the better the saxifrage will feel in it.

Saxifrage in open ground - planting seeds and care:

  1. Soil selection. It will be absolutely not superfluous if the planting soil contains part of peat and sand, there are inclusions of gravel and crushed stone. A prerequisite for good growth and development of saxifrage is a drainage system that does not allow stagnation of liquid at the surface and roots.
  2. Compliance with the optimal temperature regime. You can achieve a balance between light and shadow for saxifrage by planting the plant in stages, avoiding the very tops of the compositions.
  3. No excess moisture. The best place for the growth of saxifrage is among the stones and at an angle. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to provide the plant with high-quality drainage to quickly remove excess moisture. Mulching is not recommended.
  4. Dosed feed. A grainy low-fertility base is what the saxifrage needs for good growth and lush flowering. Activities in the form of rare complex dressings are all that an unpretentious perennial needs.
  5. When the saxifrage blooms in the open field. The timing of budding in different plant varieties falls on different periods of the summer season. Usually the flowering time begins in June.

Oases of different varieties of saxifrage allow you to create picturesque mountain landscapes right on your backyard. And the best neighbors for her are coniferous trees and shrubs.

Saxifrage - breeding methods

After flowering, the ground part of the plant should be cut. This procedure stimulates the emergence of new leaves. Winter is not terrible for saxifrage, it easily tolerates snowfalls and frosts. It is recommended to cover the plant from spring frosts.

When to plant saxifrage in open ground:

  1. Seeds. The average germination of saxifrage seeds is quite high - within 90%. Seed germination occurs in 6-7 days. From seeds, seedlings are grown in pots, boxes or containers.
  2. seedlings. To obtain seedlings, saxifrage seeds are sown in a pot. Seedlings dive and planted in separate pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early June.
  3. Rosettes. At the end of flowering, sockets can be separated and planted from the main bush, rooting them in soil protected from the scorching sun. In the spring, gardeners boldly plant new plants in open ground.

The saxifrage occupies a worthy place in landscape design.

Among its obvious advantages are a spectacular appearance, unpretentiousness to natural conditions, the ability to coexist with many flowering plants, stunted trees and shrubs.

The flowering of the saxifrage will revive the rockery and will become a highlight in the rock garden. It perfectly complements the mountain composition, without it it is impossible to imagine a man-made rocky landscape.

about growing saxifrage


Saxifrage: planting and care in the open field - diseases, transplantation, fertilizers, top dressing

Saxifrage ("gap-grass")- a low-growing perennial plant, although there are annuals and biennials, it is very diverse in appearance.

Appearance directly depends on the type / variety: different in shape, color, texture flowers, leaves, in the wild grows on rocky slopes, rocks, are found in meadows.

Decorators appreciate the variety of leaves, flowers, the ability to hide the earth with a carpet pattern, take root on depleted soil.

Decorative varieties are conditionally divided into several groups:

  1. Purple flowers.
  2. Silvery saxifrages.
  3. Mossy plants (evergreens).

All of them grow in cushion-like groups, the main flowering season is summer. Distinguished by the color and texture of flowers and leaves. The first group has flowers purple with all sorts of its shades, the second and third have the widest range: white, yellow, greenish, pink and many others.

Types of saxifrage:

  1. Braided (also: spider, beard, Venus hair). Grow in hanging pots, on a hill, in winter garden, apartment, greenhouse. The main difference from their counterparts are the red hanging lashes (stolon stems, mustaches), sometimes reaching a meter in length. Propagated by daughter outlets.
  2. Paniculata. Planted in stone crevices in rock gardens (northern or eastern side). Loves humus, frequent watering. In summer, they are propagated by division of rhizomes.
  3. cesium. Only experienced gardeners can grow it, because it is demanding on soil and care.
  4. "Hard-leaved" and "Opposite-leaved": the soil must contain calcium. Propagated by rhizome section, cuttings.
  5. Tupolistnik (cotyledon): the soil should contain little limestone, loves sunny areas. Reproduction: seeds, daughter sockets.
  6. Hawk-leaved: planted on an inclined surface, propagated by seeds.
  7. Arendsa: not afraid of shade, illuminated areas, after flowering, a bush is divided or propagated by cuttings.

Popular varieties:

  1. Crimson.
  2. Flamingo.
  3. Purple robe.
  4. Bolotnaya.
  5. Grainy.
  6. Black ruby.

Black Ruby Swamp Purple Robe Flamingo Crimson

Here is a small fraction of the names from the whole variety of saxifrage. After talking on the forums of flower growers, each beginner will discover the magnificence of many varieties of plants, for any soil and terrain.

How to properly plant a saxifrage in open ground

Like it or not, the saxifrage is used to living in mountainous areas, growing beautifully in rock crevices, on stony soil, where there is no excess moisture. The gardener needs to try a little, creating ideal conditions for such an interesting plant.

1. Choice of landing time

Sowing seeds for pot cultivation can be carried out in any month, as for growing in an open area, certain rules should be followed in connection with the climate.

Landing time:

  1. March, April: seeds are sown.
  2. May: After the last frost, seedlings are planted.
  3. June July: rooted cuttings are planted, after flowering they are divided and seated in large groups.
  4. Autumn: sow seeds for the winter without prior germination.

When sown in open ground, the seeds are not hidden in the ground, but powdered with dry sand.

2. Site selection and preparation

For landing on the street, a place is selected according to completely different criteria:

  1. They select a place on a slope where from 10:00 to 17:00 the site will not be under direct sunlight (permanent shade will negatively affect flowering).
  2. Rakes remove lumps, large stones, loosen the surface well.
  3. Water should not be allowed to stagnate (it should be damp, not wet).
  4. It may be necessary to create artificial limestone cliffs (tuff) that regulate moisture levels by absorbing excess.

The presence of drainage will allow the plant to take root on any soil, the main thing is loosened earth in time, for better air circulation.

3. Processing and soil preparation

The soil requires medium fertility or with a light composition, with the presence of limestone.

The composition of the soil for planting:

  1. 1 part turf.
  2. 2 parts humus.
  3. 1 part sand.

The soil is dug up well with compost and sand. It is necessary to ensure that the constituent parts of the soil are evenly mixed, and the earth is loose and moist.

4. The process of planting in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground from the end of May - the beginning of June, without removing the remnants of the greenhouse soil from the root:

  1. The distance between the seedlings is left about 8 cm, then there will be a view of a continuous saxifrage carpet.
  2. Planted at an angle upper layer ground between stones.
  3. Water the seedlings and a week later - feed for the first time.
  4. Throughout the season, maintain regular watering (the soil between waterings should have time to dry out), weed and loosen the ground in a timely manner.

If landing is made when dividing the bush, then the distance between new groups should not be less than 25 cm.

Reproduction of saxifrage

1. Propagation by seeds

Each plant has its own secret, saxifrage is no exception. Its main secret is cold treatment of seeds, which guarantees good germination.

Starting in April, gardeners begin the procedure for processing seeds for planting:

  1. Wet soil is placed in a flat container, and seeds are laid on top and left in the refrigerator for 14-20 days.
  2. Seedlings are moved from the refrigerator to the windowsill of a well-lit window and covered with a film (the temperature inside the greenhouse should be +18 - +20 degrees), small black seeds germinate for 7-8 days.
  3. After the first shoots, the film is lifted for air circulation.
  4. It is necessary to wait for strong leaves and move the seedlings to large boxes.

When propagated by seeds, the saxifrage first blooms in the second year.

2. Propagation by cuttings

The procedure is done in any season except winter:

  1. A single rosette of leaves is cut off at the base of the stem, removed lower leaves and placed in a container of sand.
  2. Leave for rooting in a cool place where there are no drafts;
  3. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into a pot, and after a few weeks - on the street.

Cuttings are planted in non-acidic drainage soil, you can use the sterilized soil of the garden plot.

3. Reproduction by dividing the bush

It is necessary to wait until the plant has completely faded:

  1. Prepare holes (size and depth depends on the size of the saxifrage for division). Remove all the earth from the hole, mix with sand, compost, fine limestone, put drainage on the bottom.
  2. So that the bush can be easily dug out, divided into parts without damaging the roots, it is pre-watered. Divide so that each part is with mature roots and green mass.
  3. Plant immediately in prepared holes, lightly tamping the ground, and water.

Gardeners choose this type of reproduction most often, but only those who already have saxifrages that have taken root in the area.

Saxifrage Care

The main rule of a gardener in caring for a plant is knowledge of the chosen species and the features of caring for it. Do not forget that some saxifrages love moisture and shade, others love the sun and a certain composition of the soil.

To make the plant look healthy, timely please with beautiful flowers - it is strongly recommended that the gardener study all the information on a particular species:

  1. The plant dies when exposed to direct sunlight, and the temperature regime should be: for summer 20-25 ° C, for winter - 12-18 ° C.
  2. In spring and summer, it is recommended to spray the saxifrage with the same water as for irrigation.
  3. After flowering, to maintain a decorative look - all remnants of flowers, stems are removed.
  4. Before winter, the bushes are covered with spruce branches, dry foliage.

When grown in a garden, care begins much earlier than the appearance of the plant itself: it is necessary to build a hill with drainage in advance, then properly grow, plant, and care for it.

1. Watering

Water is used settled, soft, warm. Rain water is great.

From spring to autumn, they are watered in a moderate mode (the top layer of the soil dries up - add some water). In winter, only indoor saxifrages are occasionally irrigated so that the earthen ball does not dry out.

2. Fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are added to water for irrigation. Various organic fertilizers (bone meal), superphosphate are suitable for saxifrage. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is not recommended.

3. Top dressing

They feed all year round only if the plant lives in an apartment, a winter garden. For top dressing, take a liquid consistency or fertilizer solution.

Amount of make-up:

  1. Spring, summer– every 14 days.
  2. autumn– every 45 days.
  3. in winter– every 60 days.

Street culture is stopped watering, feeding before frost.

4. Transplant

Reasons for transplant:

  1. The plant has "grown", requires more space.
  2. The composition of the soil has deteriorated.
  3. The plant lived in one place for more than six years.
  4. Part of the group is infected with some kind of disease.

The composition of the substrate for transplanting:

  1. Acidity: about 6 (pH), drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole / pot.
  2. Land- 1 part.
  3. Turf- 2 parts.
  4. Sand- ½ part.

You can prepare the above mixture by adding 1 part each of compost and peat. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

5. Diseases and pests

It rarely gets sick, but if it is not properly cared for and prevented, then there is a risk of losing a large number of saxifrage.

Its main "enemies" are:

  1. Fungal attack.
  2. Spider mite.
  3. Mealy bugs.
  4. Aphids: the insect is white, green and brown.
  5. "Powdery mildew" with this disease, the leaves are powdered with white bloom.
  6. "Rust" appears as spots on the leaves of brown or yellowish color.
  7. Wrong mode of watering, lighting, temperature.

If, without visible signs of pests, the plant suddenly stops growing, turns pale (a lot of moisture), becomes covered with dry spots (sunburn), the leaves become spotty - re-read the information on the proper care of this saxifrage variety.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What plants in landscape design combine saxifrage?

They look beautiful together with dwarf conifers, carnations, breakwater, gentian, grains. I admire this garden all year round.

How to determine by appearance Has the cutting taken root?

In order not to pull the plant out of the soil once again, take a closer look at it - new rosettes have appeared on the side, which means it has taken root.

What kind of soil do saxifrages need?

Each species grows in a different environment and is adapted to a certain type of soil:

  1. Meadow species needs acidic soil.
  2. Alpine/mountain type - either alkaline or neutral type.
  3. There are types of "calcephila" - they need limestone.

How to properly root shoots?

To root the shoots of the offspring saxifrage, it is recommended to plant the daughter rosettes directly into the soil, without separating them from the mother plant. And only after rooting cut off the antennae.

The saxifrage is not at all a capricious look ornamental plants. By providing her with the right "place of residence" and timely care, the owner will receive a spectacular decoration of his garden, even if it is located on the windowsill.


Saxifrage - plant features, planting and care

Saxifrage grows well even on stony soil

The saxifrage has a large number of subspecies.

The plant fell in love with gardeners for its decorative look, a wide variety of colors, resistance to the harsh winters of our strip, as well as a large number of seeds produced.

Time and features of cultivation

The plant is more adapted to stony soil.

In this regard, the saxifrage has such properties as:

  • decrease in evaporation of moisture (the plant is able to retain it);
  • the ability to withstand the scorching sun (in limited quantities).

Such nuances must be taken into account when planting a plant in a new environment for it.

Growing from seed

This is what saxifrage seeds look like

When growing saxifrage from seed, the following steps must be followed:

  • treat the seeds with cold(seeds are placed in a container or any container, sprinkled with light, slightly moist soil and put in the refrigerator for 14-20 days);
  • cover boxes with foil(to create greenhouse conditions and faster seed germination);
  • bring to light.

The first shoots appear in about a week. Transplantation is performed only after the appearance of the first strong leaves. Plants may die due to earlier planting. It is necessary to replant immediately with the ground (the ground is cut into pieces and planted along with seedlings).

Features of the soil for saxifrage

Sprouts are planted in open ground in early summer. It is necessary to plant at a distance of about 10 cm from each other to create a beautiful carpet of flowers.

It is also possible to plant seeds directly in open ground. This is done in March or April. Thus, they will undergo "cold" processing directly in natural conditions.

If the seeds have not germinated within 2-3 weeks, this will probably not happen in the future.

The saxifrage grows in nature in rocks and gorges, therefore ideal option it will be planted in stony soil with granularity and good water and air throughput.

But the plant can take root in ordinary soil, if it is provided with water drainage. Usually a special soil for saxifrage is prepared from:

  • sod land;
  • leaf humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Planting the perfect lawn: information here.

And here read about the window sill, planting and caring for it.

How to grow one of the most exotic, wild and interesting shrubs - skumpia - read the link

Medium-fertile soil with drainage, which allows the outflow of excess moisture, is also perfect. The presence of limestone in the soil will also perfectly affect the development of the plant.

The ideal soil for saxifrage is rocky. But if you provide good drainage, the plant will be comfortable in any soil

The soil must be loosened and weeded regularly to circulate air and remove weeds.

In order for seedlings to bloom successfully, you need to provide the plant the necessary conditions. By creating them, you will ensure a long and painless life for your saxifrage.

  • summer 20-25°C;
  • in winter 12-15 ° С;
  • cover with the advent of frost (leaves or coniferous branches)
  • loves diffused light;
  • can grow in shade/partial shade;
  • can't stand the hot sun
Humidity high (regular spraying, use of expanded clay)
  • flowing, moderate (in the phase of active growth), but the soil should have time to dry out;
  • prevent soil flooding;
  • it is necessary to organize the outflow of excess moisture from the roots (for example, using drainage)
top dressing
  • complex fertilizers for plants are suitable;
  • the first top dressing 7 days after transplantation;
  • avoid overfeeding;
  • feed in spring and summer 2 times a month;
  • in winter 1 time in 1.5 - 2 months

After the plant has faded, you can cut off its outer part so that it will please you with flowering again.

Pests and diseases

The most common "sores" of saxifrage include:

  1. spider mite(white cobweb on petioles, yellow drying leaves): for prevention, the plant is sprayed, for control - cut off wilted leaves, wash the plant with running water, treat with a remedy for ticks.
  2. mushroom stains(due to excess moisture): use copper-based medicines.
  3. powdery mildew(from high humidity): to avoid temperature fluctuations, remove diseased plants, spray with bitertanol, propiconazole, azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl for prevention.
  4. Rust(under the influence of mushrooms; treat with preparations with copper).
  5. worms(use anti-coccidial drugs and manual removal).
  6. green aphid(to remove use pyrimor).

Benefit is no less important than beauty - we grow echinacea in the garden.

How to grow luxurious anemones, read here

Saxifrage in landscape design

Since the saxifrage is a ground-blooded plant, no landscape designer will leave it unattended.

Plants can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • border decorations;
  • rock garden;
  • stone compositions.

The saxifrage is planted both in a continuous cover and in small bushes.

Since the saxifrage grows naturally in rocky areas, it is able to break through huge stones and cobblestones, creating a rather spectacular view. The plant grows in a continuous carpet and will perfectly decorate the whole clearing.

To learn more about saxifrage, watch the video:

And you will see the whole variety of colors and types of saxifrage in the photo in the gallery:

lovers garden plants it is worth getting to know the saxifrage closer. It is able to decorate the garden, unpretentious and easy to grow. She will not create problems, but will please the eye. It is enough to follow the rules of planting, as well as the requirements for caring for the plant, and even an inexperienced novice gardener can handle it.

Jul 16, 2015Elena Timoshchuk

Article Information

- This is an amazingly beautiful, vibrant plant that is widely distributed as a garden crop.

It gained its popularity not only due to its remarkable appearance, but also a good indicator of frost resistance, compact size and non-capricious "character".

If you want to get one, then listen to some of the tips presented below.

Preparing seeds for sowing

We start preparing seeds from April, as this is the most suitable time for sowing. Saxifrage seeds are needed in advance. For this, a small container is suitable, into which a thin layer of a very light, slightly moistened substrate is poured. Gently spread the seeds over the surface of the soil without burying them, and place everything in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Did you know? Under favorable conditions, the saxifrage ripens very small, black seeds in in large numbers(more than 16 thousand seeds in 1 gram), while the germination rate is 85.6%.

Planting saxifrage seeds for seedlings

After seed treatment, the container with them should be cover with transparent glass, film or other similar material, creating in this way a mini-greenhouse, and place in a bright, warm (+ 18-20̊ C) place. Watering should be regular, but make sure that the liquid does not stagnate.

You can admire the first shoots in about 7 days, but if this did not happen after 14-18 days, then the seedlings will no longer germinate. Dive seedlings(in peat pots or a voluminous box) after the appearance of at least one really strong leaf.

Planting saxifrage seedlings in open ground

Some flower care tips

Caring for this plant is not difficult and even an inexperienced gardener can do it. Watering the saxifrage should be regular, but moderate, the soil should have time to dry out, it should also be loose and weeded. Create a relative shadow for the plant, provide a good one.

The stones will serve as a kind of barrier, protecting the roots from the scorching sun and helping to retain moisture. After flowering, cut off the ground part of the plant, this will contribute to the emergence of new shoots.

Fertilizing the saxifrage complex is done every month along with watering (with the exception of the dormant period - from October to the end of winter). The concentration should be halved from that indicated on the package.

Important! Although the plant has good frost resistance, but with severe frosts it still needs to be covered up.

Saxifrage breeding methods

The saxifrage is able to reproduce in three ways: by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.


How to grow saxifrage from seeds, we have already described above.

By dividing the bush

This method is used every six years to rejuvenate old specimens. After flowering is over, lateral young shoots in the form of rosettes with roots should be separated from the central mother plant and planted in a shaded place, protecting from the sun.

Young plants need regular abundant watering. They overwinter in the open ground, and in the spring they should be transplanted to a permanent place.


Propagation by cuttings should also be started after it has faded. To do this, bend long side branches to the ground and secure, pin them. Wait for rooting, which will take place at the end of summer, and just before frost, cover it with fallen leaves. The next spring, you can separate the young rooted plants from the mother bush and transplant them to the desired location.

Control of possible pests and diseases of saxifrage

Although the resistance of the saxifrage to and is quite high, but under adverse growing conditions, it can still suffer from them.

Manifested by rusty spots that form on the leaves. To combat it, remove all affected foliage and spray saxifrage