Kalina buldenezh - planting and care, cultivation. Bulldenezh blooms beautifully and lives for a long time Flowers similar to bulldenezh

  • 17.06.2019

(from the French "Boulede Neige" - a snow globe) - an ornamental shrub, a variety of viburnum with large, snowball-like inflorescences.

The plant is very popular with gardeners, despite the fact that it does not bear fruit.

Characteristics and features of viburnum Buldenezh

This variety is called viburnum sterile, because her flowers are barren. When viburnum Buldenezh blooms, its graceful, almost perfectly round shape, inflorescences make you forget about the absence of fruits.

This variety of viburnum, a representative of honeysuckle, grows up to 3.5 m and, if not trimmed, up to 1.5 m in diameter. Strong branches grow straight, and then diverge in different directions, forming a wide crown. Gardeners to give the shrub more presentable appearance and beautifully beat the flowering, give the viburnum crown the shape of a hemisphere.

The main advantage of the bush Buldenezh - its inflorescences.Balls hanging from branches are up to 15 cm in diameter. Each flower in the inflorescence blooms with several semicircular petals without stamens.

Viburnum blooms in May, at first the flowers have a pale green tone, then they change to pale pink or cream, and only when fully bloomed, they take on a snow-white color.

Large inflorescences are quite heavy, and the thin branches of the bush bend to the ground under their weight. Inflorescences last about a month, then dry out.

It is noteworthy that the life expectancy of viburnum Buldenezh is quite high, the plant still blooms up to 60 years. V autumn period the leaves are filled with a crimson hue, which distinguishes them from the yellowed foliage of other bushes or trees.

Is there some more terry variety Viburnum Buldenezh. This shrub is distinguished by the pale pink color of the inflorescences, otherwise (planting and care) is similar to the "snow globe".

How to plant seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh

Shrub Buldenezh is a long-liver, so choose a place for him wisely, he will spend more than a dozen years there.

The bush has a spreading crown, you can use this by planting it near a bench or gazebo to create shade.

Optimal landing time

Planting dates depend on the choice of breeding method. Planting viburnum layering is carried out in the spring, dividing the bush - in the fall, for grafting it is better to choose the summer time. It is not recommended to land in cold and rainy weather.

Soil selection and preparation

good place for landing there will be a site in a lowland or near a reservoir. If you do not have such a place, plant viburnum in partial shade. In full shading, the shrub will grow, but at the expense of flowering: the inflorescences will be small and inexpressive. In an area open to the sun, flowering will be short-lived, and there is a high risk of getting burned.

The soil for viburnum is suitable moist, loose, with an acidity of 5.5-6.5. Too dense soil can be "diluted" with sand, acidic - lime. In any case, the soil must be nutritious, fertilize it with humus before planting.

Proper Fit Technology

Viburnum has a strongly developed root system, therefore prepare a deep hole. One option for planting shrubs would be to prepare a hole 80 cm deep and 60 cm wide. The bottom of the pit is drained with crushed stone or large pebbles. Drainage is covered with sand by 15 cm.

Next, the soil prepared in advance is introduced: compost (4 buckets), wood ash (600 g), nitrophoska (200 g). The seedling is deepened into the soil 3 cm below the root collar, watered abundantly and covered with mulch (humus or sawdust).

The method of group planting viburnum will be a square of 2 by 2 meters. You will be surprised how quickly viburnum Buldenezh grows. In the first year, all forces are spent on the development and strengthening of the roots, but already in the 3rd year of life, the plant reaches 1.5 m.

Proper care for viburnum Buldenezh

In addition to watering and fertilizing, viburnum (an adult plant) needs formative or auxiliary pruning.

Did you know? The "snow globe" got into Russian gardens thanks to Catherine II. Kalina Buldenezh was considered a plant of aristocrats and was grown only in royal parks, greenhouses and gardens.

Watering frequency

Kalina loves moisture very much. Young plants consume a large number of water, they need to be watered more often. Both young and adult bushes require special attention during dry periods.

The soil around the trunk should not dry out, so water more often if there is no rain. In rainy weather, the plant has enough natural precipitation. In summer, in the heat, water several times a month so that the flowering period in spring is not reduced.

Important! In late autumn, before frost, viburnum is watered abundantly to avoid dehydration in winter.

Shrub fertilization and fertilization

Since the plant is planted in well-fertilized soil, the first top dressing is carried out the next year. In the spring, when the first leaves appear for good development carry out fertilizing with nitrogen compounds. You can add organic matter - 2 buckets of humus under a bush.

The second time they are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in the fall. Both liquid and dry fertilizers can be used. Granular fertilizers are scattered on the loosened soil under the bush. After top dressing in the spring, abundant watering is needed.

Rejuvenating and shaping pruning

Consider how to cut viburnum Buldenezh. After the bush fades, the side branches are shortened, dry and growing inside the bush. The choice of the shape of the shrub is your fantasy: a semicircle, a standard tree.

Every year, the plant is freed from shoots damaged or frozen in winter. The crown of the plant begins to form when the bush reaches 1.5 m in height. The crown is thinned inside the bush and the outer shoots are pruned.

If you want to form a tree with several trunks, the young bush must be cut to the level of the stump, leaving about 20 cm. In this case, the growth of side branches is stimulated.

At the end of July, young branches are pinched to achieve more lush flowering, while last year's shoots are not touched, since it is on them that the buds are laid. Sometimes the largest branches need support, they should be tied up so that they do not break under their own weight.

Breeding methods viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is propagated vegetatively, since the inflorescences of the plant are devoid of pistils and stamens and do not produce fruits and seeds.


For spring propagation by layering, make long furrows up to 10 cm deep near the trunk of the bush. Tilt the annual shoots and fasten them with staples in the furrows. Sprinkle the shoots with soil with humus, compact and water well. It is advisable to defend the water or prepare rainwater in advance.

When shoots appear, hill up. Keep the soil moist at all times. Separate rooted layers from the donor bush, divide into seedlings and plant in pots or other containers. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place at the age of two, when the root system is fully formed and strengthened.

By dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush is similar to the method of propagation by layering. The difference is that the branch in the furrow is not completely covered with soil, the top remains above the surface. In order for the roots to form faster on the delenka, the bark on the part deepened into the ground is cut. In autumn, the seedling is separated from the mother bush and transplanted.

Interesting! The name "viburnum" comes from the ancient "Kolo", which meant the sun. Kalina was the embodiment of the Slavic goddess Lada. Baby girls were bathed in water with viburnum berries, believing that such a ceremony would give them happiness and beauty.


Cuttings of viburnum are carried out in the summer, branches remaining after pruning are taken under the cuttings. These should be green shoots with several pairs of buds and an internode. The leaves are removed closer to the cut, the stalk is placed for 10 hours in "Kornevin" to stimulate the growth of roots.

During this time, prepare the bed and soil. For soil take in equal parts soddy soil, sand and humus, moisten the soil. The processed cuttings are planted in the soil, deepening by 2 cm. It is desirable for the plant to create greenhouse conditions by stretching a film over it. The soil must be moistened, the cuttings can be sprayed. By the end of summer, young shoots will appear.

How to deal with possible pests viburnum Buldenezh

The most common viburnum pests are viburnum leaf beetle, scale insects and aphids.

Fairytale princess in magnificent decoration of huge, up to 15-20 cm in diameter, white snow globes- inflorescences. A beauty to behold. Well, not hydrangea?
viburnum- a female amulet, talisman, "bitter berry", which will heal from diseases, give strength and confidence. A true garden gem. She is always attractive! And when it blooms for a whole month from the end of May, and with its rich green foliage in summer and carmine-red crown in autumn. The height of an adult bush is 2-2.5 meters. Excellent for cutting, keeping fresh for a long time. Florists love to use Kalina Buldenezh in their compositions.

mature bushes Kalina Buldenezh can carry up to 500 delightful snow globes.


Even though she belongs to frost-resistant shrubs, Kalina Buldenezh demanding on growing conditions. She may partially freeze the shoots of the last year, but new shoots appear from the buds of intact growth. Kalina Buldenezh loves sunny or slightly shaded corners of the garden. In the sun, the flowering period is shortened. Planting in the shade will weaken the shrub. Inflorescences shrink and degenerate.

A short video on the formation of ornamental shrubs, including Kalina Buldenesh from Yuri Borisovich Markovsky

Though Kalina Buldenezh and drought-resistant culture, but loves watering. Abundant watering is especially necessary for young bushes during the dry period. In autumn, when cold weather sets in, the soil is well shed with water to prevent dehydration in winter.
In the spring, the following fertilizers are applied:
Nitrogen - 40-50g/m2
Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2

Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2
During the season, the soil is shed a couple of times with complex fertilizers and ash is sprinkled.


Kalina Buldenezh reproduces well vegetatively:
o layering
o dividing the bush
o green summer cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, they make a hole to a depth of 10 cm, bend down, pin the shoot, cover it with humus, compact it, and maintain soil moisture. By autumn, the shoots should take root. After 2 years, separated from the mother bush.
Propagation by green summer cuttings.

In June, cuttings are harvested with one internode on the last year's shoots, 7-8 cm long, planted in well-washed river sand, under which a layer of 6-10 cm of humus is laid out or in loose soil to a depth of 2-3 cm in the garden. They close it either with glass or film, shading from the sun, equalize the temperature with agrofiber folded in half.
Inside the greenhouse, a warm and humid microclimate is maintained by spraying warm water. Further, young bushes are grown in school.


Planting pattern 2x2m, it is allowed to deepen the root collar up to 5 cm. The soil is compacted.
In the first year, the plant rises by 0.3 m - slowly, the root system is not developed. Further growth can be up to 1 m per year. At 3-4 years, the bush reaches a height of 1.5 m, at 5 years - 2-2.5 m, at 12 years - up to 3 m. Kalina Buldonezh lives for a long time - up to 60 years.


To obtain a multi-stemmed bush, young viburnum is cut at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. Inflorescences that appeared in the first year are cut off unblown. This is done in order to get a magnificent and abundant flowering. Further, young growing shoots in late July - early August - pinch. In subsequent years, pruning during the further formation of the crown is carried out in June-July, after the end of flowering, so that new flower buds can be laid on the branches for the next year. In summer, the side branches are shortened, the size of the bush is reduced, and the central part is thinned out. From the end of August, pruning is not carried out, the plant needs to get stronger and prepare for the winter, for the cold. In the spring, pruning is not done so as not to weaken the intensity of flowering.
With age, the outer branches become "weeping", slightly hanging down. From the abundance of inflorescences, the bush collapses and bends, so it is tied up.


By beauty - standard form Kalina Buldenezh during flowering is in no way inferior to the standard form of roses. The plant perfectly tolerates molding pruning, which makes it possible to obtain specimens with a spectacular crown on a low and high trunk.

Standard form of Kalina Buldonezh

When pruning, one powerful shoot is left, the crown is formed at a height of 1.5-2 m, branches more than 25-30 cm long are pinched. Once every 7-10 years, the crown is thinned out, cutting out branches that are broken, dry or spoil the shape of the plant. Shoots and shoots under the bush are removed.
Kalina Buldenezh it goes well with garden mock orange, early-flowering spirea, lilac, mauve colors, its beauty is emphasized by the foliage of Thunberg barberry, and hydrangea paniculata picks up its magnificent image. She is great in single and group plantings. The concept of a white garden is impossible without this wonderful shrub.

about other beautiful ornamental shrubs you can read

The beautiful name of this form of decorative viburnum is translated from French as “snowball”, and among the people the lush-flowering bush was called “snowfield”. Planting viburnum Buldenezh does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced gardeners, and caring for it is simple, it consists in watering, pruning, feeding and weeding.

In May, for a whole month, this shrub is covered with round caps of snow-white inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, so it is readily used to decorate gardens and city parks, as rich Russian landowners and European nobility used to decorate their estates. Kalina Buldenezh does not bear fruit, since all its flowers are sterile and barren, therefore it is planted exclusively for decorative purposes - it can be a single planting or entire hedges.

landing conditions

Planting viburnum is carried out in early spring. In autumn, it is advisable to plant only seedlings obtained by dividing an adult bush (by digging up side shoots). good care helps a three-year-old bush to reach a height of 1.5 m, and without pruning, an adult tree grows above 3 m.

The place for planting Buldenezh is chosen semi-shady, since the flowering period will be reduced in the sun, and in the shade the inflorescences will become incomplete, in addition, the bush will suffer from pests. Planting should be carried out responsibly, since viburnum is a long-liver, it can grow and bloom in the selected area for up to 60 years. If necessary, an adult bush can be transplanted, but this will be difficult. Viburnum grows well along water bodies, but it also feels great in the city.

The soil for viburnum needs nutritious and loose, non-acidic. heavy clay soil cultivate and facilitate by adding sand, peat and humus to it. landing pit for young seedling prepare a size of at least 50x50 cm (can be up to a size of 60x80). A mixture of soil with compost, sand, peat, ash and suitable fertilizers is poured onto drainage from stones or tree bark.

Fertilizers when planting viburnum Buldenezh use potash-phosphorus, for example "Agronan", or diammophoska, "Agricola", AVA.

Between two bushes leave a distance of at least 1.5–2.0 m. young plant can be deepened by 3-5 cm. A seedling is placed on a cone-shaped tubercle in the planting pit, sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered abundantly. The surface of the earth around the bush is mulched, for example, with peat.

viburnum care

Planting viburnum is accompanied by mulching; in the first years after planting, it is also desirable to cover the root circle with additional humus or mulch in winter. You can plant around the bush and not cut them for the winter, which will give the young roots additional protection from frost. In very cold winter viburnum shoots can freeze slightly, but with healthy roots, the bush quickly recovers. No shelter is required for the shoots, since this shrub tolerates frost well and takes root even in Siberia.

Kalina Buldenezh loves moisture. In dry summers, the shrub requires frequent and abundant watering, at least twice a week. An adult plant consumes up to 20 liters of water.

Fertilize the shrub in early spring and autumn before leaf fall:

  • during spring top dressing, nitroammophoska is introduced;
  • in autumn - superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh also consists in mulching. The mulch in the near-stem circle of the plant needs to be updated annually (maximum every three years), digging up last year's layer and adding a new one.

To protect viburnum from diseases caused by fungi, such as gray leaf spot or powdery mildew, bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid in early spring, as well as when a problem is detected. If the situation is already running and the bush is not treatable, then it is better to remove the plant from the site.

Kalina can also be overcome by pests. They fight aphids with a soapy solution, with viburnum leaf beetle - an infusion of garlic, onions or wormwood with soap. In early spring the plant is treated with karbofos. When pests appear, you can use other chemicals sold in garden stores.

pruning viburnum

Ornamental viburnum is grown most often as a spherical shrub, but sometimes as a standard tree. Shoots grow very quickly, up to 40 cm per year.

To form a ball, the shrub is cut short in the second year of planting, leaving 2-3 buds, and a ball is formed from young strong shoots, pinching their growth point at a length of 30 cm.

To form a tree, only one powerful stem is left to grow, removing the lower lateral buds from it, and the rest of the shoots are removed. In the future, only branches from the apical buds are allowed to grow. To do this, after 2–3 years of growth of the main (single) stem, its crown is pinched at the desired height, for example, 2 m, and a crown is formed from its side shoots, leaving a clean stem 1–1.2 m high.

In addition to the pruning that forms the shrub, you will also need to remove the lateral growth when it appears, as well as dried and broken branches. Once every 7-8 years, you need to thin out the crown of the bush - such care helps maintain a healthy appearance of the ornamental shrub.

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Since the sterile flowers of this viburnum do not produce seeds, it can only be propagated vegetatively: by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.

For cuttings, this year's shoots are most often taken during summer pruning, but last year's shoots can also be used. On a handle 7–9 cm long, two pairs of buds are left, lower leaves cut off completely, and the top - in half. The lower cut of the cutting should be oblique, and the upper one should be straight. To accelerate root formation, the lower cut is treated with "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin" or another growth stimulant. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 2 cm in a loose substrate (peat and sand in equal amounts), make a semblance of a mini-greenhouse (a cap of plastic bottles or lutrasil / film stretched over small arcs).

When propagated by layering in May-June, flexible young shoots are bent to the ground, laid in grooves up to 10 cm deep, pinned, covered with soil and often watered. A rooted seedling is cut off from the mother bush and left for some time in its original place or transplanted into a school.

As can be seen from the information above, viburnum Buldenezh does not require special attention. Planting and caring for it is no more difficult than caring for other garden crops, and the beauty of spring flowering pays for all the effort.

An amazingly beautiful bush with snow-white balls is impossible not to notice. Kalina buldenezh is a direct relative of the common viburnum. Bred artificially in France, thanks to the famous breeder Lemoir. Title, translated from French sounds like a ball of snow. Shrub blooms in late spring - early summer, 18-21 days. Only blooming balls-inflorescences are greenish in color, then they change shade to cream. They become snow-white after they have fully opened. The flowers are quite heavy, so the branches can sink low to the ground, which makes bulldenezh even more spectacular and attractive. Has no fruits. A ball with inflorescences reaches 20 cm in diameter, the height of the shrub is up to 350 cm.

Since its appearance in our country, decorative viburnum has been considered an aristocratic shrub. And she sat down exclusively to decorate greenhouses, royal gardens and parks. To growing it amazing plant there is a set of rules, many gardeners consider bulldenezh to be finicky and capricious. But following all the recommendations and giving the shrub enough time, even an amateur gardener will be able to grow it on his site.

Types of viburnum buldenezh

There are a lot of species and varieties of shrubs, the most popular of them are:

  • Decorative viburnum buldenezh . It is a variety of ordinary viburnum that does not produce fruits. It is actively used by designers for its good tolerance to cropping and modeling.
  • Common viburnum bulldenezh . It differs from the well-known viburnum only in size. Decorative - small.

  • Rozem viburnum buldenezh . For the unusual shape, the species is called terry. The entire flowering stage, "snowballs" change their shade. At the beginning of flowering they are greenish, then they turn pink. Traditional White color appears when the flowers are fully open.

Application in landscape design

Almost every designer has the idea of ​​using viburnum bulldenezh in his work. This is a win-win. Snow-white flowers, like balls of snow, become the center of attention during flowering. Depending on the composition chosen by the designer, the shrub is grown as a single bush or as a tree. Even when falling, the flowers look very beautiful, forming on the ground like a sheet of snow. Causing moments of nostalgia for a blizzard winter during a hot summer.

The amazing landscape of snowballs that do not melt can turn any area into an amazing magical garden. landscape designers use a decorative bush as an individual object, and for an unusual combination in the composition, creating harmony and completeness of the ensemble. Kalina bulldonezh is called the snow queen, for the ability to fascinate with its flowering.

The shrub decorates the territory with itself not only during the flowering period, but also after it. Large beautiful leaves brightly saturated color have distinct streaks, on the outside. By autumn, their hue changes to red-green, and creates an amazing contrast with the yellow foliage.

The branches of the shrub are very flexible. Over time, they sag under the weight of the "snowballs", like a weeping willow. Taking advantage of this association, specialists plant bushes near ponds and fountains. The reflection of flowers in the water creates a lively and colorful picture. Giving a garden or park distinguishing feature. After flowering, beautiful leaves are reflected in the lake or pond. Throughout the year, they change their color several times: from light green in spring and gray-green in summer, to wine shades in the autumn months. Leaves do not fall almost until frost.

Kalina ornamental is a gas-resistant plant, it is often used to create a hedge along roads, alleys, playgrounds, etc. Attractive and spectacular flowers and leaves decorate any area, turning it into a unique place. Flowering can overshadow the most sought-after flower beds with its sophistication.

A well-trimmed lawn, like a backdrop for flowering shrubs, emphasizes the elegance of bulldonezh. Playing the role, the plant unusually decorates landscape design. Snow-white flowers focus on the border of light and shadow. Playing with the rays of the sun, decorative viburnum looks even more spectacular.

If the goal is to decorate a high fence, then viburnum will do a great job of it. The shrub tolerates pruning and modeling well, taking the desired shape. Along the fence, bulldenezh can be planted with a bush or a separate tree. the crown requires more attention, you need to start with a young shrub. Then it will pass painlessly and will not affect the decorative effect.

Combination with other plants

Garden mock orange, Persian and purple common lilacs are an incomplete list of plants that go well with bulldenezh. Flowering shrubs emphasize the lush image and beauty of viburnum leaves. Dark greenery, white birch trunks, rowan feathers, covers of lindens in group planting create the image of a magical forest, with viburnum on the sunny edge. In such an impromptu forest, bulldog plays the role of a "border" plant.

Often, designers plant a row of common viburnum, bulldonezh and. A kind of shrub garden looks good next to gazebos and recreation areas, in the backyard. Such a neighborhood brings harmony and positive energy. The modern trend in design - eco, aimed at studying the energy of each plant, uses bulldenezh as a source of inexhaustible energy.

Viburnum flowers are also in demand among florists. They can stand in a vase for a long time without losing their freshness and beauty. And you can combine them in a bouquet with absolutely any flowers. White balls will become an unusual background and will help to play favorably on the contrast of colors and shapes of plants.

Planting, care, illness

It is best to plant a bulldog in early spring, but it is also possible in late autumn.. depending on the type of reproduction. Taking into account the infertility of the inflorescences, the reproduction of the plant occurs vegetatively. Gardeners breed viburnum cuttings, by dividing the shrub and layering. A young seedling must be tied up, protecting from gusts of wind. During this period, the shrub is very fragile. If the gardener's goal is a multi-stemmed bush, the young seedling is pruned. If you remove the inflorescences before they are fully bloomed, next years flowering will be more abundant.

The soil is preferably moisture resistant, the plant is considered coastal and loves moisture very much. V summer heat it needs to be watered as often as possible. Dryness of the soil will adversely affect the plant and its decorative properties. The growth, splendor and flowering of a shrub directly depends on the conditions in which it grows. From the middle of November until the first frosts, the plant is well watered so that it can prepare for winter.

The ideal landing site is where there is shade in the morning and sun in the afternoon. Important golden mean otherwise the sun will burn the tender leaves and flowers, and the plant may die in the shade. Sunny places without direct or with gentle rays are a priority. In winter, the shrub does not require shelter or special care, it perfectly withstands low temperatures. It is enough to sprinkle the root system with peat, humus or loose earth from the garden, a layer of at least 10 cm.

Fertilize viburnum 1-2 times a year with mineral complexes. And sprayed from pests, as a preventive measure. The latter are very fond of viburnum. An attack on the bulldog can be expected from caterpillars, leaf beetles, aphids, leaf rolls, and several types of scale insects. Starting from winter, the plant is periodically inspected for pests. The laying of leaf beetle larvae can be identified by dark tubercles on the branches, such places are cut off and burned. The same method of struggle is suitable against aphids. The rest of the insects must be resisted by treating the shrub with chemicals. Don't rely on folk methods and recipes for pest control. They are unlikely to help, and time will be lost and the plant may not be saved. Only decisive measures will help to get rid of such a scourge, in the form of such means as karbofos, decis or fitoverm.

To protect against ants and aphids, which they also grow on a shrub, viburnum is planted next to coniferous trees. With such a neighborhood, many pests and diseases will recede, and the inflorescences will become larger. The best gratitude for all the efforts is a blooming illusion of snowfall.

Video - Kalina Buldenezh planting and care

According to many, one of the most beautiful shrubs is viburnum Buldenezh. This type of viburnum is a decoration of personal plots. The Russian shrub received its sonorous French nickname Buldenezh for the similarity of large white inflorescences with snowballs (snowball - boule de neige, French).

Buldenezh does not lose its attractiveness even after the end of flowering. The decorativeness of the shrub is given by its carved leaves and the rounded shape of the bush. During the vegetative period, the shoots grow by 25-40 cm. During the life of the viburnum, it can grow up to 2.2-3.7 m.

The ornamental shrub owes its popularity not only to long flowering, but also to ease of care and endurance. Buldenezh feels great in areas with an unfavorable cold climate. This plant is successfully grown by gardeners in the Urals and Siberia.

Seat selection and landing

Kalina Buldenezh - unpretentious plant. However, the choice of a place where decorative viburnum will grow must be approached responsibly. Snow bush prefers shady areas with loose fertile soil. The plant will suffer greatly if planted on open space. Delicate foliage literally burns under bright sunlight. A deep shadow negatively affects the formation of inflorescences, and flowering will be short-lived.

Kalina Buldenezh

Planting seedlings is best done in the spring. The root system of viburnum develops rapidly, forming many lateral roots. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit with a depth of 0.5-0.6 m and a diameter of 0.6-0.7 m.

Kalina does not tolerate even short-term stagnation of water. Therefore, care must be taken good drainage. To do this, small crushed stone, expanded clay and pieces of tree bark are laid at the bottom of the pit. Top fill with a mixture of compost or humus (30-40 kg), wood ash (150-200 g) and nitrophoska (100-120 g). It will be good if 0.5-0.7 kg of peat and coarse-grained white sand are added to the soil.

The seedling should be deepened so that the root neck is at a depth of 4-5 cm from the soil surface. Plant take root better, if immediately after planting it is watered and sprinkled with mulch (peat, humus) near the trunk circle. In addition, all shoots of young viburnum should be shortened by a third.


Buldonezh viburnum can be propagated during any period of active vegetation. Allocate the following ways breeding:

  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush;
  • reproduction by layering.

Viburnum cuttings

Harvesting cuttings and growing seedlings

After the bush stops flowering, cuttings can begin. For these purposes, several young healthy shoots are selected and cut into pieces 12-20 cm long. The blanks must be cut at an angle of 45 °. Each pruning should have at least 3-5 dormant buds.

To grow a seedling from a blank, it is enough to plant a cutting in well-fertilized soil. A bed with young plantings is covered with a film. Thus, a greenhouse effect is created. Under conditions of high temperature and humidity, the seedlings develop well and grow for several months. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, the film must be removed so that by autumn they have hardened and are ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

You can use another method of growing cuttings. From one end of the blanks, the skin is removed to the first knot and lowered into the water. After a few days, adventitious roots form on young shoots. Each cutting must be planted in a separate container. The soil mix should be fertile soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1. Before planting the cuttings, the mixture must be well moistened. Pots with seedlings of viburnum should be stored in a dark room, at a temperature of + 14 + 15 ° C.

Important! Young plants grown in this way can be planted in open ground only in spring.

Reproduction by layering and division

Often decorative viburnum propagated by cuttings. To do this, the branches of the bush are bent to the soil, fixed with studs in the internodes and covered with earth. In this case, the apical part of the shoot remains open. In order for adventitious roots to develop faster, the bark between the buds is cut to wood. All summer layering should be plentifully watered and loosened. In autumn, young shoots are separated from an adult plant and transplanted.

Autumn - the best time for breeding viburnum by dividing the bush. To do this, it is enough to separate a well-developed stem from the plant. The root shoot, along with the root, is carefully transplanted into a prepared planting hole.

Note! It will not work to propagate the decorative viburnum Buldenezh with seeds, since the variety is sterile.

Features of shrub care

The lush beauty-viburnum with snowy flowers cannot be called a capricious plant. Buldenezh tolerates winter frosts well. Even if the above-ground shoots freeze, the bush will quickly recover in the spring, but this should not be allowed. In order to help the plant overwinter, you need to carefully water the ground in tree trunks in the fall, just before the onset of frost. You can save the plant from freezing by mulching with compost.

In order for the flowering period to last longer, and the inflorescences to be large and lush, viburnum should be fed with complex fertilizers.

Spring is the time of the first feeding with nitrogen fertilizers or rotten mullein. To increase the efficiency of fertilizers, it is necessary to make holes in the soil with a depth of 23-35 cm over the entire area of ​​the near-stem circle. Distribute the entire rate of fertilizer into the holes. Fill the pits with a hoe and water the trunk circle abundantly.

Attention! You can not increase the rate of applied fertilizers. An excess of nitrogen in the soil can provoke the active growth of weeds. In addition, nitrates can lead to soil and groundwater pollution.

You can stimulate the abundant flowering of Buldenezh by spraying the bush with boron-based microfertilizer.

At proper care, there are so many snow-white inflorescences that viburnum branches do not withstand and break under their weight. That is why it is better to tie the young shoots of the plant to supports.

Bush formation

Ornamental shrubs need annual pruning. In early spring, before flowering, damaged, weak and dried branches should be removed, directed to the center of the bush. The formation of the bush continues at the end of the flowering period. An adult plant should have no more than 6-8 skeletal branches. Therefore, the central part of the shrub is cut out, and the side shoots are shortened.

In order for Buldenezh to get stronger before frost, it must be cut at the end of August.

Important! If the viburnum does not bloom well, you need to cut off all the stems at a distance of 27-33 cm above the ground.

Bush Buldenezh is a familiar sight. Not many people know that, if desired, a standard tree can be formed from an ornamental bush. To do this, at the first pruning, you need to remove all the shoots. Leave only one growing straight up. It is important that the vertical stem stretches up to 1.7-2.1 m. Then pinch the apical bud, thereby stimulating the active formation of lateral shoots. The formation of the crown consists in the timely tweezing of the branches. It is necessary to prune the shoots as soon as they reach 0.3-0.4 m.

Pest and disease control


Buldonezh viburnum is a plant resistant to many types of horticultural crops. However, untimely pruning of the plant can lead to the reproduction of dangerous insects.

Aphids are the most dangerous pest for snow bushes. Aphid colonies settle on Buldenezh bushes and feed on leaf sap. You can fight the infection with a proven folk remedy- 75% laundry soap solution. It contains caproic acid, capable of destroying 85-90% of the colony.

To obtain a solution of a given concentration, a bar of soap is rubbed on a grater. Shavings are poured 2 l warm water and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. Add 7-8 liters cold water and defend the solution until transparent.

Additional information! Wood ash is a good preventive measure against aphids. To scare away insects, it is enough to scatter ash in the near-stem circles of the bush.

If the defeat of aphids is strong, then Buldenezh can be treated with Agravertin, Inta-Vir. Spraying should be done only in calm weather, observing all precautions.

The viburnum leaf beetle poses a great danger to viburnum. In a dry hot summer, the pest begins to multiply actively and eats away the foliage and young shoots of the plant. Therefore, Buldenezh needs to be treated with insecticides. Moreover, the first spraying should be carried out before the appearance of larvae (mid-May). The purpose of processing in August is the destruction of adult beetles. Experienced gardeners recommend Karbofos and Fufanon preparations to combat the leaf beetle.

Powdery mildew is a dangerous fungal infection that affects most cultivated plants. Including viburnum Buldenezh suffers from it. This disease can be defeated by spraying the bush with a solution of soda ash and soap. At the end of active flowering, the plant should be sprayed 3 times with an interval of one week.

Interesting! Ordinary garlic can save viburnum from powdery mildew. To prepare a prophylactic, you will need 50 g of chopped garlic and 2 liters of water. The mixture should be infused for two days. Before use, strain the infusion and use for processing.

Additional Information

  • Will there be berries?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to try the fruits of viburnum Buldenezh. The flowers of this plant are sterile. Therefore, ovaries cannot form.

  • Single landings or compositions?

Kalina Buldenezh - universal ornamental plant. The shrub looks great in single plantings. Due to its high resistance to air pollution from exhaust gases, viburnum is used to create hedges. They plant her garden paths and recreation areas.

Snow beauty goes well with others flowering shrubs: lilac, mock orange and hydrangea. Kalina feels great and is rapidly developing next to plantings of barberry, hawthorn and mountain ash.

Additional Information! It is worth noting that Buldenezh forms beautiful landscape compositions with coniferous plants(spruce, thuja), maples, lindens and white-trunked birches.

Viburnum Buldenezh can become a real decoration of any garden. Landing and care open field does not require much effort and time from summer residents. In the description of varietal advantages, it is said that viburnum Snezhok lives 50-60 years. How many of them the bush will bloom depends on the patience and efforts of the gardener. Just a little bit of care and attention, and a beautiful ornamental bush will delight those around you with huge white snowballs of inflorescences for many years.