Kalina decorative buldenezh. Kalina Buldenezh: planting and caring for the Snow Globe

  • 13.06.2019

There are two main ways to propagate viburnum "buldenezh": seed and vegetative. At the same time, gardeners should be aware that viburnum "buldenezh", which is propagated by sowing seeds, does not inherit all the qualities of its variety. It is best to choose a vegetative method, which is more feasible for implementation in your own garden. To do this, you need to spud the shoots, separate the bushes with special layering of the horizontal and vertical type. Kalina "buldenezh" also tolerates well. Mother bushes are hilled every 2-10 years in the autumn and spring. It is required to hill the soil near the bush up to eight centimeters. The following summer, three to six young shoots usually sprout. Subsequent hilling should be carried out after they grow to about twenty to twenty-five centimeters.

A mound of sand after hilling requires constant moisture. If the care is effective, by the autumn season the shoots “acquire” a strong root system. They must be disconnected from the bush, and then landed on a certain land plot where the new plant will develop next. Kalina "buldenezh", the reproduction of which is quite simple to produce, may be subject to another effective method. quite realistic and with the help of lignified cuttings, which will be kept in water for three or five days, after which they should be planted in a cool place under the shelter of the cuttings. The latter has a certain composition, it includes humus and sand (in equal amounts). Cuttings require moisture, which can be provided with a special humidifier.

For viburnum "buldenezh" reproduction using this method is quite acceptable due to its simplicity and accessibility. After about thirty days, the rooting of the cuttings can be observed, by the first month of autumn, the seedlings will already rise high enough above the ground, and they can be transplanted. The advantage of this method is the absence of a hot period during the rooting of the plant, which occurs in the first or second month of spring, so there is no need to create an artificial shade.

More hard way for viburnum "buldenezh" - reproduction with the help of green cuttings, since in this case additional stimulation of the growth of the root system will be required. As a rule, the period of root strengthening in the ground falls just in the hot and dry summer period, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the result. Usually, under such unfavorable conditions, the cuttings do not grow well, so the growth period is extended by as much as three months. At the same time, you can try to grow and root green cuttings in an amount of up to five pieces, using the usual flower pot under a jar (made of glass) turned upside down. To prepare the substrate, sand and peat are used in equal quantities.

It should be noted that the viburnum "buldenezh", for which it was chosen as the only way, grows quite full and magnificent with the proper organization of activities to care for her. In the case of breeding with green cuttings, they must be prepared before mid-June, the leaves located below must be removed, the top two sheets must be cut by two-thirds to prevent the remaining leaves from withering. The cuttings connected in a bundle should be placed in a special solution (heteroauxin) to a depth of three centimeters. After that, you need to stand for about 20 hours, take them out and transplant them into a pot (depth - 2 cm), then cover with a jar, put on the windowsill and constantly moisten.

When you see a snow-white cloud on the ground in spring, you should not be surprised - it blooms and rejoices at the arrival of warmth viburnum bulldenezh. Planting and caring for such beautiful plant are simple and do not take much effort and time. Any gardener, even a beginner, can plant and grow this ornamental variety viburnum. In the article we will talk in detail about the features of planting and propagating shrubs, as well as caring for them.

Botanical characteristics

When thinking about acquiring a seedling of this beautifully flowering shrub, it should be remembered that quite a lot of space is needed so that planting and care can be carried out without problems. Viburnum bulldenezh characteristics are as follows: this plant of the Adox family is quite large, and when good care, ten years after planting, can grow up to 3 meters in height. Its crown is large, sprawling, in adulthood its width reaches 4 meters. This shrub has light green large leaves 10-12 cm long. The most important decoration decorative viburnum- its snow-white flowers, collected in huge inflorescences, the diameter of which is more than 20 cm. The variety is sterile, that is, it practically does not form seeds, which determines the peculiarities of its reproduction. This plant is quite frost-resistant and has taken root well throughout the European territory of Russia, with the exception of the Far North and southeastern regions.

Such ornamental plant, like viburnum buldenezh (planting and care must be carried out taking into account all the features of the shrub), it is capable of delighting with its flowering for 50-60 years.

When did this variety appear?

The variety of viburnum buldenezh, in contrast to simple forms, such as Canadian, jagged, black and others, is considered "aristocratic". He was bred by the most famous breeder of his time, Victor Lemoine. Boule de Neige translated from French means "snowball", "snowball", which corresponds to the impression of a flowering shrub.

Widespread in European countries, only in the middle of the 18th century, thanks to the Russian Empress Catherine II, viburnum buldenezh came to Russia. Planting and care, reproduction of this plant in the royal greenhouses and parks were entrusted to specially invited foreign specialists. Quite quickly, the fashion for the "snowfield", as this decorative variety began to be called, spread in high society, and some nobles created gardens entirely consisting of bushes of this viburnum variety.

Suitable site

Keeping in mind that this shrub grows quite quickly and is not very compact, you should choose a place where viburnum bulldenezh will settle for several decades. Planting and care (see photo of the plant below) are simple and accessible even to novice gardeners.

Optimal for this beautifully flowering shrub will be a semi-shady corner in the garden, illuminated by the sun's rays only part of the day. Like any other viburnum, a plant of the Buldenezh variety prefers moist soils, but if you plant it in dry soil and ensure full watering, then every year it will delight with its appearance and flowering.

When to plant?

Both autumn and spring can be planted in open ground a plant such as viburnum buldenezh. Planting and caring for a seedling transplanted in the spring is easier, and the shrub adapts better to new conditions on warm summer days.

Fall planting can be risky, especially in rainy and cold weather, as there is a high chance that the plant will not take root and survive. Experienced gardeners propagate Boule de Neige viburnum with layering in the spring. To do this, annual branches are gently tilted to the ground and pinned, after which they are covered with last year's compost or humus from above and watered well. After the layering has roots, the seedling is spudded and provided with constant moisture.

preparing the ground

It is necessary to prepare a landing pit and soil in advance if it is planned to plant a plant such as viburnum bulldenezh. Landing and care (the photo below demonstrates) are carried out in several stages:

1. Digging a hole with a width and depth of at least 0.5 meters.

2. Abundant watering of the resulting seat water.

3. Laying a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pit, such as expanded clay, tree bark or small stones. This will not allow water to stagnate in the root system of the bush.

4. Filling most of the seat with a mixture, which should include:

  • garden land;
  • peat;
  • humus, rotted compost;
  • wood ash;
  • complex mineral or potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

5. Having mixed all the components, again pour the pit with plenty of water.

6. After it is absorbed, we proceed to planting a shrub.

How to plant?

If the planting hole has been properly prepared, then you need to plant the plant correctly. First of all, you should get the seedling from the container and straighten the roots. You can sprinkle them with any root stimulant and place the plant in the prepared hole. It is important that the root neck is located a few centimeters below the ground. Then the remaining space in the pit is filled with garden soil, be sure to compact it strongly so that there are no air "pockets" left. The planted bush must be watered abundantly, and the hole should be mulched with humus, sawdust, crushed tree bark or peat chips, which will significantly reduce the evaporation of moisture.

Care and watering

As mentioned above, this is quite unpretentious plant, like viburnum buldenezh (planting and caring for which are simple and include watering, protection from diseases and pests, pruning of dry branches), will decorate any garden. It is allowed not even to feed it, but it is worth remembering that the application of organic fertilizers can stimulate more lush flowering. Buldenezh, like any other type of viburnum, the plant is moisture-loving, and needs frequent and plentiful watering, especially during dry periods.

This variety of viburnum is less resistant to frost than non-decorative species, therefore, young plants are recommended to be covered with spruce branches or spunbond in the first years after planting. But even if the bulldenezh freezes, then in the spring the shrub will recover quite quickly.

We make fertilizers

It is important that the hole is well prepared and “filled”, landing and care are properly performed. Kalina Buldenezh growth will be as follows: up to 30 cm per season. They begin to fertilize under this ornamental shrub, as a rule, in the second or third year after planting, since the nutrients laid in the planting pit run out by this time. The first application of fertilizers, complex or nitrogen-containing, is best done in the spring, during the opening of the buds and the appearance of the first leaves.

The second time Boule de Neige is fed with special autumn or potassium-phosphorus compounds in the fall, before the shrub sheds its leaves. You can fertilize this variety of viburnum only with organic fertilizers, such as rotted compost or humus, adding about 1-2 buckets in the spring under each bush and digging lightly upper layer soil.

Shoot or not?

A similar question is asked by many of those who have viburnum bulldenezh growing on their plot. Planting and care, shelter for the winter - all these are mandatory and understandable procedures, but few people know why pruning is needed. In fact, in order for this decorative viburnum to form a lush and beautifully shaped crown, it must be cut off annually, but it is only necessary to remember some features of the plant. Formative pruning can be carried out only after the plant has faded, shortening the side shoots, cutting out dried branches and thinning out the middle of the bush. At the very end of summer, you should not prune the plant, as at this time it is preparing for the onset of cold weather. To improve flowering, young branches of bulldenezh are pinched in late July - early August. It is important to remember that this variety of viburnum lays buds and blooms only on the shoots of last year, and that is why you should not touch them.

How to propagate?

Above, we have already talked about how to propagate viburnum bulldenezh by layering, but there are other ways: by dividing the root or cuttings.

The easiest way is to divide the root. If the site already has a well-established and actively growing viburnum of the Buldenezh variety, you need to carefully examine the plant and find a young lateral process. It should be carefully separated from the main bush and planted in the chosen place.

Propagation by cuttings is somewhat more difficult, since it takes quite a lot of time for them to root. If this method is more convenient for you, then in July you need to cut off a healthy last year's shoot about 8 cm long with 6-8 buds. Then the cutting is planted to a depth of 3-4 cm in fertile and well-fertilized and moistened soil, and then covered with a film or a cut plastic bottle. After the roots are formed, young plant transplanted into a pot and left warm until autumn. With the onset of cool weather and until May next year, the seedlings are kept in a cool room. After the soil warms up well, in late spring - early summer of the next year, young plants are planted in a permanent place.

Pest and disease control

In fact, viburnum buldenezh will not cause much trouble (landing and care). Of course, this plant has pests and diseases, and these are the main ones. headache most gardeners.

As already mentioned, the considered ornamental bush arnica is very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers, but you should not overfeed it either, as this can lead to the invasion of the viburnum leaf beetle. This pest lays its eggs under the bark at the end of spring and summer, and the larvae that hatch from them eat the flesh of the leaves with pleasure, leaving only veins. In addition, it does not refuse fresh viburnum leaves and aphids, which can very quickly destroy them all. To combat these harmful insects, experienced gardeners recommend using a soapy water solution infused with garlic, hot pepper, wormwood and other fragrant herbs. To prepare it, about 50 g of laundry soap is crushed and added, dissolving it, into 10 liters of water, after which it is combined with a herbal composition. Spraying is carried out in calm, dry weather, after sunset, when it becomes cool.

When all agrotechnical conditions are met and the place is chosen correctly, every year viburnum bulldenezh pleases with abundant flowering. Planting and caring for the disease can be prevented, but excessive moisture or excess fertilizer can provoke their development. Rust and powdery mildew most often affect viburnum bulldenezh. If a yellow-orange coating appears on the leaves, then you need to urgently spray the plant with Bordeaux liquid. Powdery mildew manifests itself in the form of a whitish coating on the leaf plates; spraying the shrub with an aqueous solution of Fundazol will help to cope with it. For its preparation, take about 25 g of the drug per 10 liters of water and spray the plant with the resulting composition.

I was simply captivated by these lush flowers of viburnum bulldenezh when I saw them in the botanical garden. I then firmly decided to grow such a charm on my own. suburban area. Studied the rules of cultivation, prepared the most the best place in the garden. Now every year I look forward to the beginning of flowering of my viburnum bush.

Her flowers remind me of snowballs on a Christmas tree. And until now, the feeling of a holiday does not leave me when I see the blooming viburnum bulldenezh. The soul rejoices, as if soon New Year and something wonderful is about to happen. Here are the flowers!

Buldenezh (Boulede Neige) is translated as a snow globe. This variety of decorative viburnum received such a name due to its wonderful flowers. They resemble large, snow-white snowballs with which the bush is strewn. Inflorescences, similar to balls, reach 20 centimeters in diameter.

The shrub came to Russia thanks to the efforts of Empress Catherine the Great and grew only in imperial gardens, which is why it received the status of an aristocratic plant.

Buldenezh is also called Viburnum opulus, which means sterile. The flowers of this viburnum do not give ovaries, they are barren. The flowering of snow-white balls, from the severity of which thin branches bend, can be observed for only a couple of weeks at the very beginning of June.

Kalina buldenezh is considered a capricious plant. However, keeping the necessary conditions and the rules for caring for her, even a novice gardener can grow a chic bush.

Shrub buldenezh belongs to the honeysuckle family, grows up to 3-4 meters in height. The branches are erect, branching at the top with many stems, forming a lush, spreading crown. If not pruned, the viburnum grows up to one and a half meters in diameter.

Most often, the shrub is sheared in the shape of a hemisphere, thereby emphasizing the colorfulness of spherical inflorescences. Bulldenezh is also grown as a tree with a single trunk.

The bush is most attractive during flowering - snow-white caps of inflorescences hang beautifully on thin branches. On each flower at this time, several semicircular petals bloom. But the stamens in the center of the bud are absent, which makes them sterile. In addition, the flowers are completely odorless.

The color of the buds gradually changes: at first a little bit with a touch of green, then shades of pink or cream appear. And when fully opened, the inflorescence turns into a snow-white ball. Moreover, the bush is literally strewn with these white snowballs. Under their weight, the branches bend to the ground itself, thereby making the bush completely charming.

In addition to beautiful ball flowers, viburnum has very decorative leaves. They are quite large, serrated along the edge. The color of the leaf plates is bright green, with clearly drawn veins on the outside. With the onset of autumn, viburnum leaves acquire crimson hues, standing out among all with their catchy brightness.


In addition to the main variety, terry viburnum or Roseum has also been bred. It differs from the decorative color of the buds, which by the end of flowering from white gradually become pale pink.

Terry viburnum grows in the form of a lush bush, reaching three meters in height. Otherwise, it has the same characteristics as viburnum bulldenezh.


Since the flowers lack stamens and pistils, the plant is completely sterile. For reproduction, other methods are used. This is:

  • division by layering;
  • cuttings;
  • root division method.

Reproduction by layering

Sprinkling layering with earth is a very simple way to breed viburnum bulldenezh. This procedure is best done at the very beginning of the growing season.

For this:

  • They make shallow rows in the soil (deepening the earth by 10 centimeters).
  • Young branches are pressed to the ground and laid in prepared rows.
  • Pin the layers to the soil with staples.
  • Sprinkle with humus soil on top, tamp lightly and water well.
  • After the appearance of sprouts, hilling is carried out, not forgetting to keep the soil moist.
  • With the onset of autumn, rooted seedlings are separated from the mother bush and planted in a school or in prepared pots.

They can be transplanted to a permanent place in two years.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is best to propagate bulldenezh by cuttings in summer time when pruning is in progress. For this purpose, non-lignified branches with several pairs of buds are selected.

For this:

  • Suitable branches are selected, leaving one internode. Excess leaves are removed.
  • Prepared cuttings are kept in a stimulating solution for 8-10 hours.
  • A bed is prepared using soddy soil with sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • The soil must be properly moistened, deepening the cuttings by two centimeters.
  • After that, in order to root the cuttings, it is necessary to build a greenhouse, covering them with a plastic bag or a jar.
  • The soil in the mini-greenhouse should be constantly moistened, and the seedlings should be periodically sprayed with warm settled water.

New shoots will appear at the end of summer.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

To do this, carefully dig a bush, and then separate part of the root with a young daughter shoot. It is best to carry out such a procedure in late autumn.


There are three conditions that should be observed in order for the viburnum bush to quickly adapt to a new place and please with luxury abundant flowering:

  • determine a suitable place for the bush;
  • pay attention to the soil when planting;
  • choose the right time.

When to plant

Depending on which method is chosen for propagating the bush, it is necessary to choose the time of planting. It can be either early spring or late autumn.

In the spring, it is best to start rooting layering, and in the fall or spring, the bush is divided. However, rainy and too cold weather can prevent normal rooting. Therefore more safe time for breeding a bush with layering - spring.

Location selection

For moisture-loving viburnum, it is best to choose a place in a lowland or on the shore of a reservoir. There's a lot of moisture in the soil, which will help normal growth and shrub development.

If the site is on a hill, then you need to find a shaded place, not forgetting to monitor the soil moisture around the bush.

But the full shade will affect the quality of flowering: the abundance will decrease, and the flowers will be crushed. Planting in full sun is also not recommended as tender buds can get burned and the flowering period will be shorter.

It should also be taken into account that viburnum bulldenezh lives for many years, so the bush must be given a spacious place in advance for a spreading crown.

How to plant

Having chosen a place for planting, you need to take care of preparing the soil for planting. Buldenezh prefers breathable, well-fertilized soils, with a drainage layer of at least 10 centimeters when planting.

Considering the future growth of the bush in width, a plot of at least 2x2 meters is allocated for each plant.

The root system of the bush is quite powerful, so the planting pit is made large and deep (60x60x80 cm).

During the first year, the growth of the bush is very weak, since the main forces go to rooting and development of the root system. But then the plant is rapidly gaining growth, reaching one and a half meters in three years.

When planting, seedlings are buried 4-5 centimeters to the root collar. After planting, abundant watering is carried out, and from above the soil must be mulched with sawdust or humus.

How to grow viburnum buldenezh, video:


The decorativeness and intensity of flowering of the bush depends on the thoroughness of care. The plant needs regular watering and fertilization. The decorativeness of an adult bush depends on timely pruning. Disease prevention and pest control are also important.


This shrub is moisture-loving and requires regular watering. Particular attention should be paid to this during summer heat, in the absence of rain. After all, from proper watering directly depends on the quality and intensity of flowering.

For young plants, watering should be more frequent than for adults. Watering the bushes does not stop until late autumn to prevent the soil from drying out during the winter.

top dressing

Feeding should begin a year after planting the bush in well-fertilized soil. Top dressing is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn

Spring feeding is carried out with nitrogen-containing complexes with the appearance of the first green leaves. You can also include organic matter, consisting of rotted compost and humus, bringing one bucket under the bush.

The second, autumn feeding is carried out before the start of leaf fall.

During this period, potash and phosphorus complexes of fertilizers are introduced. You can choose from both liquid and dry forms. The soil should be loose, and after making the bush is well watered.

Trimming and pinching

To preserve the decorative effect, it is necessary to form the crown of the bush every year with the help of pruning. This is done after the end of flowering, cutting off the side branches and thinning the bush. And if it is necessary to form a plant in the form of a tree, then cut off all the shoots, leaving the main one.

If the bush is cut under a stump, by 20 centimeters, then this stimulates the growth of lateral branches. In this way, you can grow a multi-stemmed bush.

Pruning should not be postponed until the end of the growing season as the plant begins preparing for winter.

For better flowering, by the end of summer, pinching of new shoots is carried out, since buds and buds grow only on old shoots.

magnificent flowering bushes often collapse under their own weight, they should be tied up and supported

Decorative viburnum buldenezh has long won the sympathy of many landscape designers and just amateur gardeners. Flowering shrubs few people can leave without positive emotions. In the article below, we will consider the Buldenezh viburnum variety in more detail, as well as outline the basic rules for planting and care.

Kalina Buldenezh photo

Flowering viburnum begins in the last days of May and lasts about 15-25 days. All flowers are collected in a single dense lump, which can reach 15 cm in diameter. At first, the inflorescences have a greenish tint, a little later already creamy, and, finally, already snow-white pompoms gracefully hang from curved branches. Kalina buldenezh stands out in autumn with long red foliage that does not fly around and does not form fruits. big annual growth this shrub cannot boast about 30-40 centimeters per year, however, life expectancy with proper care can exceed 60 years.

The very name "Buldenezh" came to us from the French language and literally translates as "ball of snow." The thing is that the inflorescences are collected in a strong ball, somewhat reminiscent of the snowball that we all made in childhood.

The structure of the inflorescences is the main difference between the viburnum bulldenezh and the usual one. In the latter, the inflorescences are located along the edges and resemble umbrellas in their shape. The official name of this plant is "sterile viburnum", since these bushes have neither pistils nor stamens.

Buldenezh in landscape design

Kalina bulldenezh in the garden

Kalina bulldenezh in garden design is a very popular plant that looks great both in various compositions and in single plantings. In addition to its interesting appearance these plants are very resistant to frost and do not need shelter for the winter (with the exception of the northern regions of the country).

Landscape designers actively use this ornamental shrub on turns and corners garden paths, at benches or other small architectural forms. Buldenezh looks gorgeous when next to other plants, for example, dwarf varieties of barberry or. These shrubs cover the lower part of the bulldenezh, thereby making it interesting to highlight the inflorescences in the shaded areas of the foliage.

Video "Kalina Buldenezh description"

Planting viburnum

Kalina bulldenezh is not a demanding plant, however, when choosing a planting site, it is better to avoid shaded and dry areas, as well as loamy soils. It is highly likely that the shrub will take root there, but the size and number of flowers will be very average.

Having decided on the location, you should prepare a pit. Its average dimensions are about 50x50 centimeters and depend on the volume of the root system of the planted plant.

For speedy survival and rapid growth, nutritious compost or mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil. Before planting, the root system should be cut off a little so that the roots grow more actively. In addition, you can soak them in a growth stimulator solution for several hours.

The shrub must be positioned so that the root collar is a couple of centimeters below the ground. Immediately after planting, the viburnum should be well watered, and the near-trunk circle should be mulched with rotten foliage or peat, or simply spud.

Video "Planting viburnum and further care"


Watering adult plants should be based on the degree of dryness of the soil under the shrub. It is worth considering that excessive drought and extreme heat can adversely affect the duration of the flowering period. If the summer months turned out to be rainy and cold, you can do without regular watering.

top dressing

Top dressing of viburnum is carried out either every year or every other year and depends on the quality characteristics of the land and the condition of the shrub itself. For one adult plant, a mixture of 6-7 kg of compost, 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate will be enough. And you can also use ready-made mineral compounds, which are sold in any hardware supermarket or gardening store.


Kalina bulldenezh needs pruning from time to time, which allows you to thin out thick branches, rejuvenate the shrub or form a beautiful and lush crown. It is very important not to forget during pruning that inflorescences are formed exclusively on the shoots of the second year of growth. It is for this reason that an overly trimmed bush of viburnum buldenezh will delight with lush inflorescences in one year.

For 2-3 years after planting, shoots should be cut off every year, leaving no more than 4 pairs of inflorescence embryos from the base. This procedure will give the shrub a thick shape. Formative pruning of already mature plants is carried out only in cases of a decrease in the volume of the crown or its correction.

Thinning viburnum is characterized by getting rid of already withered or weak branches. It is necessary to inspect bulldenezh, as well as other plants, annually.

In cases where adult plants have lost their former splendor, and the inflorescences have become smaller, rejuvenation is required for the shrub. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots at a height of 20-25 cm. After this type of pruning, dormant buds that are below the cut level will rapidly grow. It is worth considering that the rejuvenated viburnum, after a while, will need shaping pruning.

Any type of pruning is best in early spring when the snow is completely gone. In order for the young shoots to be stronger and grow quickly, the shrub after pruning should be well fed with useful microelements.


Alas, bulldenezh is subject to periodic attacks by various pests. In most cases, these are larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle, as well as viburnum aphids. If these insects appear on your bushes, then you will have to admire not a lush “snowball” gracefully hanging from the branches, but a bare shrub with the remains of foliage. In order to avoid this scourge, in the spring, before the buds open, the plants should be treated with an Inta-vir solution or its equivalent.


Effective reproduction of viburnum bulldenezh is carried out only by the vegetative method, since its inflorescences are barren.

Reproduction by cuttings

photo 1. Propagation of viburnum by cuttings

Cuttings 5-6 centimeters long with a pair of internodes should be cut obliquely. The lower cut must be made under the kidney, and the upper cut above it. Already cut cuttings must be planted in a greenhouse in the soil prepared in advance to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters. The optimal soil is a mixture of humus, 10 -15 centimeters thick and 2-3 centimeters of sand on top. Young plants should be protected from bright sun, watered regularly and sprayed periodically after rooting (usually 14-20 days after planting).

In mid-August, when the root develops in order, young bushes of viburnum buldenezh must be transplanted into open ground, where they will have time to get stronger enough before the first frost.

On the winter period plants are best mulched sawdust, humus or peat solution, and after 2 years they can safely choose a permanent location on the site. This breeding method is the most efficient, but at the same time requires a lot of effort.

Reproduction by layering

photo 2. Reproduction of viburnum by layering

This method of obtaining new viburnum bushes should be carried out in the spring. The process itself is not difficult: a shallow hole is dug (about 12-15 centimeters), the selected shoot leans and is securely fixed with a wire clip. After this, the shoot must be sprinkled with soil, carefully tamped and shed well.

Full rooting will end closer to autumn, however, it is best to transplant a young plant to a new place no earlier than in 2-3 years, when the young shrub and its root system are fully formed.

The division of the bush

This method of obtaining new plants does not present any difficulties. All that is required for him is to find a good daughter shoot and carefully separate it from the mother plant.

Kalina buldenezh is a very resistant plant to various adverse climatic conditions, for example, drought, frost and cloudy weather, and even a novice gardener can grow it on his site. In addition, there is hardly at least one person who has not fixed his gaze on the chic snow-white "snow" clusters hanging on bending branches.

A gardener's dream is lush flowering with minimal care. At the beginning of summer, the decorative bush of Kalina Buldenezh is completely strewn with snow-white balls, because it was not for nothing that the French called it a “snow globe”. The culture is unpretentious and with minimal effort creates a fabulous atmosphere in the garden.

Kalina Buldenezh is an ornamental shrub, 1.5 to 3 meters high. There are specimens that grow 1-2 meters higher than indicated. In late May, early summer, the shrub is covered with snow-white balls. Under their weight, branches sometimes fall to the ground. The older the bush, the more inflorescences on it. Kalina is able to create an amazing landscape in any garden. The ornamental culture has no aroma.

Spreading, but neat crown has a width of 2-4 meters. The leaves on it are light green up to 12 cm in length. For a year, the culture grows by 30-40 cm, provided proper care. After 7 maximum 10 years viburnum stops growing.

The variety took root in different regions countries, is frost-resistant. A beautiful shrub is able to please the eye for up to 60 years in a row.

Viburnum Buldenezh has many varieties, here are some of them:

  • ordinary viburnum - a form of red ordinary viburnum.
  • decorative viburnum - differs from the previous species, smaller;
  • roseum - popularly called terry. At first it blooms with white, greenish flowers, which turn pink after 20-30 days.

Choice of landing site

Buldenezh loves areas near water bodies, does not tolerate hills and hills. If a suitable place on garden plot no, it is better to plant a bush next to a building or a fence so that there is light partial shade. Direct sunlight negatively affects the abundance of flowers.

Land culture needs loose, moist, with an acidity of 5.5-6.5. Heavy soil is diluted with sand. Lime is added to neutralize the acidity. Any land for planting Buldenezh should be well fertilized with humus.

Optimal landing time

The breeding method determines the following planting dates:

  • in spring - for planting viburnum with layering;
  • in the fall, if the method of dividing the bush is chosen;
  • in the summer, if you need to plant viburnum with a cutting.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

Planting time is spring. You will need: viburnum Buldenezh seedlings in a container, a shovel, compost, mulch.


  1. dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball;
  2. improve the soil with compost;
  3. hit the container on the ground to release a lump with roots;
  4. pull the plant out of the container;
  5. spread the roots a little;
  6. add a little improved soil to the pit and place the seedling so that the earthen ball is at ground level;
  7. pour improved earth around a coma with roots and tamp it well;
  8. form a watering circle;
  9. water the seedling so that the soil settles;
  10. mulch the planting with bark or compost to retain moisture and cool the soil.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh

Bush Buldenezh loves moist soils. Young seedlings especially need watering. In dry summers, regardless of age, viburnum bushes require regular watering. Dry soil around the trunk should not be. In rainy weather, the plant lacks natural moisture. The plant needs watering in the evening in a hot summer, it is enough to do this twice a month. So, flowering in the spring will be lush and long.

To prevent dehydration of viburnum bushes in winter, they must be watered abundantly in autumn until frost.

Top dressing in spring and autumn

Buldenezh seedlings are planted in abundantly fertilized soil, so it is more expedient to make the first top dressing on next year. In the spring, when the first leaves are just appearing, it is necessary to support their development with nitrogen fertilizers. It is also useful to add organic matter - humus in the amount of 2 buckets. The second top dressing for the year falls in the fall. To do this, you can use both dry and liquid top dressing. After such replenishment, in the spring the ground under the bushes is well shed.

Rejuvenating and shaping pruning

Crown pruning is carried out after flowering. Side branches are cut off, strongly protruding to the sides. Dry and growing branches inside the bush are completely removed. When forming a crown, you can choose any shape - a ball, a triangle or a standard tree.

In autumn, Buldenezh prepares for wintering and accumulates useful substances. During this period, it is undesirable to form a crown. You can only get rid of broken, diseased and dry branches.

Every year, shrubs must be freed from frozen and wind-damaged shoots. The first time the crown is shaped when the plant grows 1.5 meters in height.

To form a tree, you need to cut all the branches except one. Then, cut off the young shoots every summer.

To obtain a multi-stemmed viburnum, a young plant is cut almost to the stump, leaving no more than 2 decimeters. This procedure stimulates the development of many side shoots. In the first season, pruning is carried out before flowering. In the future, it is worth waiting for the “snowballs” to fall and cut the bush from June to August.

Sometimes flowering is so abundant that branches need additional support to maintain integrity.

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh can breed in the following ways:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.


The inflorescences of viburnum Buldenezh are barren, therefore, no fruits and seeds are formed in them. Reproduction is possible only by vegetative method.


The beginning of summer - the end of spring is an excellent time for propagation by layering. Most best method- bend back the shoots of the same year and dig them into the grooves, 10-12 cm deep. Next, you need to fill the planting with soil and rotted compost. It is imperative to monitor the soil moisture and periodically water it. Rooted cuttings are separated from the bush with a pruner. For some time, the layering grows with the mother bush, and then it is transplanted to a permanent place. The first flowers on such a bush appear after 2-3 years.

By dividing the bush

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the branch in the furrow is covered fertile soil not completely, but the top of the shoot remains above the ground. To speed up rooting, it is necessary to cut the bark into parts of the layer, which is covered with earth. With the onset of autumn, the seedling is dug up with an earthen clod and a permanent place of growth is chosen for it.


In the summer they prune the bush. That's when you can pick up a good stalk. Ideal for planting a branch of the current year with two pairs of buds. All lower leaves at the same time, they are cut off, and the upper ones are thinned out by half.

The cutting should look like this: the upper cut is straight, the lower is oblique. To accelerate root formation, you can use Kornevin or Heteroaksin. Cuttings are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. Over the summer, they will have time not only to take root, but also to produce young shoots.

Cuttings from last year's shoots are cut in June, they are also able to take root well.

For the rapid rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • prepare loose soil for planting;
  • make a greenhouse out of arcs and polyethylene to create greenhouse effect;
  • shade the cutting;
  • spray planting with water at room temperature.

If everything is done correctly, then the seedlings will turn out strong and healthy. As a greenhouse, many use a five-liter plastic bottle without bottom.

The root neck of the resulting seedling is slightly deepened, by about 3-4 cm.

During the growth of the roots, it may seem that the viburnum seedling is not developing. We must wait a little and it will be noticeable that the shoots have increased in size. At the age of 3 years, the bush will already grow to 1.5 meters.

Varieties of decorative viburnum

Kalina Gordovina

Shrub Kalina Gordovina grows up to 5 meters in height. The crown is dense with a diameter of 2.5-3 meters. Decorative leaves are oval and wrinkled. Flowering begins in June with creamy white corymbs, and ends after 20-26 days. In mid-late summer, the bush becomes even more decorative. Bright red fruits ripen on viburnum, which turn into a rich burgundy shade and black.

This type of viburnum is widely used for landscaping parks and squares. Unpretentious culture to the state of the soil. Gordovina is frost-resistant and tolerates periods of drought well. In combination with linden or oak makes up harmonious composition

viburnum three-blade

It blooms with elegant large umbrellas white color with a diameter of 10 cm. In autumn, the leaves of the shrub acquire a carmine-red color. Bright and effective accent for any garden and personal plot. The clusters of fruits are edible and have the shape of a ball. The taste is reminiscent of blackcurrant.

The shrub tolerates winter well, resistant to insect attack. Light-loving and moisture-loving plant has a high yield and decorative qualities.

viburnum jagged

Shrub with many branches, grows up to 5 m high. Homeland - North America. Young shoots are red, after a year - ashy. Serrated leaves 5-11 cm ovate or round, dark green above, light below with depressed veins. Small white flowers form an inflorescence with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Fruits are 7 cm long dark blue, bitter in taste.

Kalina Raita

Bush or tree up to 3 meters. The branches grow up, have a brown color. The leaves along the edges are serrated, rounded, rhombic, bright green in color with hairs. In early summer, it blooms with pubescent white flowers. Bitter but juicy berries ripen in September. In sunny places, the culture blooms profusely. It tolerates winter satisfactorily, but in very coldy branches may be damaged. Therefore, shelter is required, especially if there is little snow in winter. The fruits of such viburnum attract feathered friends to the garden.

Plant pests and diseases

Bulldenezh is not often disturbed by pests, but if this happens, getting rid of them is not difficult.

Common snowball pests:

  • scab;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

The aphid settles on the Buldenezh tree and feeds on the juice of the leaves. To get rid of uninvited green guests, it is necessary to spray the green culture with soapy water. If this remedy does not help, then use the chemical preparation - Agravertin. Work is carried out in the evening in calm weather. As a preventive measure, it is good to scatter ash around the trunk.

Viburnum leaf beetle - a beetle gnawing on the leaves of a plant. If no action is taken, the viburnum will die. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat the crown with karbofos or fosbecid. In May, larvae grow on the foliage and around the bush, then it is necessary to make the first spraying with poison. Re-treatment is recommended in August to get rid of adult beetles.

If appeared on the foliage white coating, and it does not go away, but only increases, which means that the bush has become infected with powdery mildew. The infection spreads to the entire plant within two weeks. A solution of soda and soap will help get rid of it (100 grams of soda is taken for 20 liters of water). Spraying should be done after flowering 3 weeks, with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days.

For preventive purposes, Buldenezh is sprayed in the spring with an infusion made from tobacco, onion or garlic to choose from.

Kalina Buldenezh is a truly amazing beauty plant. Fits well into landscape design any garden. The snow miracle will be a wonderful decoration of the house adjoining area, especially in hot summer. By following all the simple rules for care, you can easily achieve abundant flowering and create your own unique crown shape.