How to work with bituminous mastic. Application methods

  • 12.06.2019

Bituminous mastic is an innovative building material that has high waterproofing and astringent properties. It consists of minerals, bitumen and organic matter. Affordable price and good results ensured its wide application in construction.

  • 1 How and with what to dilute the mastic.
  • 2 Methods for applying mastic.
  • 3 Bituminous mastic. Consumption per m2.
  • 4 How long does the mastic dry?
  • 5 How to work with bituminous mastic. Video.

1. How and with what to dilute the mastic.

Substances used for dilution:

  1. White Spirit;
  2. Petrol;
  3. Kerosene.

Proportions should be strictly observed, which depend on the volume of mastic used. Otherwise, this will lead to a slow drying of the solution and, as a result, to the loss of its protective qualities.

2. Methods for applying mastic.

There are two methods for applying mastic: cold and hot. cold way, in turn, is manual and mechanized. The first method is suitable if the object is small, and the second is used when the work area is large or hard-to-reach places need to be processed.

For the manual method, large paint brushes, flute brushes are ideal for such work. In addition, you can use a roller with a short nap.
At mechanical way the main tool is an airless sprayer with a pressure of 150 bar.

3. Bituminous mastic. Consumption per m2.

When installing and repairing soft roofs consumption rates will be different and depend on the type of mastic:

  • BIM - 8 - 10 kg/m²;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 4-6 kg / m²;
  • bitumen-rubber - 2-5 kg ​​/ m²;
  • bitumen-polymer - 2-5 kg ​​/ m²;
  • hydroelastic - 3-5 kg/m².

For sealing joints and seams:

  • Germabutil-2M - 0.3 - 0.5 kg / linear meter;
  • BK Fix - 0.3 - 0.5 kg / running meter;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 0.5 - 1 kg / linear meter;
  • hydroelastic - 0.3-0.5 1 kg / running meter.

Protection metal coatings from the effects of corrosion:

  • bitumen-polymer - 0.5-1.5 kg / m²;
  • bitumen-rubber - 0.5-1.5 kg / m²;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 0.5-1.5 kg / m².

For waterproofing the foundation, we take 2 - 4 kg / m².

4. How long does the mastic dry?

The average drying time is 1 - 3 days and depends on such factors:

  • temperature environment;
  • air humidity level;
  • the thickness of the applied layer;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • surface material.

This mastic is an excellent option for treating your roof or foundation. Don't forget the importance of good waterproofing. And then your house will serve you for many years.

Bituminous mastic belongs to the category of liquid waterproofing materials. It is used to protect all kinds of wooden, brick, aerated concrete, concrete and metal surfaces and structures from moisture, to seal them, as well as for all types of roofing.

Material Description

Bituminous mastic externally is a viscous pasty mass of rich black color. Its basis is modified bitumen, into which various additives are introduced. The composition is completely ready for use, without requiring any preparation.

Mastic can be used at temperatures of -15 + 80 degrees. The composition is applied to dry, cleaned surfaces by means of a brush, roller or spatula, being in a heated or cold state. The choice of application option depends on the characteristics of the work performed.

Pipelines, piles, foundations, walls are treated with this composition. Including those underground. The bituminous composition is used for anti-corrosion treatment of car bodies, gas pipelines and other metal products.

Long service life, reasonable cost, ease of use and excellent protective properties have allowed it to become one of the most sought after waterproofing coating materials.

liquid, pasty or in the form of a thick adhesive. Often on sale you can find mastic from a dry powder, which must be diluted with water immediately before work.

Bituminous mastic is divided into:

  • Adhesive. Serves for gluing rolled and thermal insulation materials, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB, plywood of various thicknesses for gypsum, concrete, cement-sand and wooden bases. It is also used for waterproofing assembly and building structures and structures.
  • Roofing. It is intended for works on a waterproofing of roofs of buildings. It can be used to paste roll materials, such as roofing material, roofing felt, steklogidroizol, made on a bitumen basis. Gives the chance of use in places where fusing of roofing materials is difficult. May be cold or hot.
  • rubber. It is used for processing any metal surfaces, sealing delaminations, joints and cracks, repairing roofs, waterproofing surfaces from any building materials. Used only when cold.
  • Polymer. A polymer modifier is additionally introduced into the composition of such a mastic. It can be used for all types of roofing work, as well as for anti-corrosion and waterproofing treatments. Ready-made, cold mastic is used.

On the picture - bituminous mastic in use

Composition and production

The main component that is part of the mastic is a modified petroleum bitumen. It also contains latex, mineral fillers, elastomeric and synthetic resins.

Additionally, solvents, various modifiers and additives are introduced that can change operational properties mastics. Thanks to additives, some of the negative properties of bitumen are leveled, such as increased fluidity when heated and brittleness in severe frost.

Is it possible to make bituminous mastic with your own hands

Self-preparation of mastic is quite within the power of any person who has the desire. To do this, you need to stock up on pieces of bitumen, fillers, plasticizers and a solvent. As a filler, talc, asbestos, sawdust, dolomite or granite dust, chalk and other bulk substances are used.

As a plasticizer, you can take used engine oil. The solvent is a solvent or similar substances. To prepare 10 liters of mastic, you need to take about 9 kg of crushed bitumen, 0.5 liters of oil, 1 kg of any filler, and 0.5 liters of solvent.

The process of preparing our mastic should go to outdoors. You can use an ordinary fire. Any metal container is used to kindle bitumen. Suitable barrel or bucket. The bitumen is crushed and boiled for about 3 hours. During this time, excess moisture is evaporated from it.

A sign of the end of evaporation is the disappearance of foam from the surface of the bitumen. Filler and plasticizer are gradually added to the boiling composition. If necessary, a solvent is also added there. Ready mastic can be stored or used immediately.

Bituminous mastic for roofing can quickly and efficiently seal the surface, without the use of technology. on any clean and flat surface

How to prepare bituminous mastic

The hot type of mastic is made in several stages. First, the bitumen is heated in special containers at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees. Moisture evaporates from it. Separately, a mixture of fillers and modifiers is prepared, which are mixed with bitumen by means of a dispenser.

Next, plasticizers are introduced into the composition. Hot mastic is ready. It is used immediately, going to the construction site, or poured into buckets and stored. The preparation of cold mastic has its own characteristics. The process differs in that the bitumen itself is added in doses to the prepared components, preheated to a temperature of 160 degrees.

After mixing, the composition is cooled to 70 degrees, and then the necessary additives and solvents are introduced into it. The composition is cooled and packaged in briquettes, jars or plastic buckets.

The video shows how you can quickly make bituminous mastic (primer):

Technical characteristics of roofing mastic

Bituminous mastic in its composition can be of two types: one-component and two-component. The first type is produced with the addition of a solvent to the hot mixture. The solidification of the mastic occurs when interacting with air due to the evaporation of the volatile solvent contained in its composition.

The second type does not contain any solvents, so it has a longer shelf life. On the packaging there is always an indication of the type of mastic and how to use it.

Certificate of conformity

This document is issued by the product certification body for certain types of mastic. It indicates the name of the product and the degree of its compliance with the requirements of the governing documents. Such a certificate is signed by the head of the body and the checking expert, and also certified by a seal.

In the photo - a sample certificate of conformity for mastic trademark"TechnoNIKOL"


Basic requirements for quality, production technology and technical parameters roofing mastic are prescribed in GOST 14791 79, 2889-80 and 30693 2000.

How to store

Roofing mastic is stored only in tightly closed containers, away from heat sources. Mastic protects it from moisture, frost, sunlight. The packaging always indicates the expiration date of the mastic.

How long does the mastic dry

It is believed that the complete drying of a layer of mastic with a thickness of 1 mm occurs within a day. During this time, the solvent completely evaporates, and the applied composition acquires hardness.


The density of the mastic used for roofing is 1000-1100 kg/m3.

Passport for mastic

Bituminous mastic must have an individual quality certificate. It indicates the name of the product, the date of its manufacture, specifications, batch number, capacity and number of tare units.

The passport lists the required by the norm and actual indicators:

  1. Heat resistant for 5 hours.
  2. Needle penetration depth 0.1 mm at 25 degrees.
  3. Adhesion strength to the existing base.
  4. Water content.
  5. Drying time at 25 degrees.

The specific gravity of the mastic is about 1500 kg/m3.

A few words about the mastic of the bitumen brand MGTN 24 "TechnoNIKOL" and its technical characteristics:

Material grades

Bituminous mastic deserves an unlimited amount positive feedback. Regardless of the temperature at which it is operated, the mastic always retains the quality of its surface, not cracking in the cold, and not spreading in the heat.

The reinforced concrete foundation is operated in the ground and needs to be protected from moisture. Coating waterproofing is the simplest technology, which does not require high professionalism when processing with your own hands. Depending on the plasticizer, filler and required level of protection power structures mastic consumption and drying time vary.

Processing 1 m² of surface with bituminous resin is very expensive, the film “flows” in the heat, cracks in the cold. Therefore, modern mastics contain components that improve the properties of the material:

  • plasticizer - rubber crumb, latex resin, rubber, mineral oil;
  • filler - ash, brick dust, quartz, lime;
  • reinforcing additives - asbestos, basalt wool;
  • inhibitors - inhibitors of corrosion of metals.

Cold (liquid) mastic.

Cold mastic is more convenient to work with, it hardens immediately after the solvent has evaporated. Hot waterproofing for the foundation is preheated to 160 - 180 degrees, hardens when cooled.

The average consumption for a single-layer do-it-yourself application per 1 m² is:

  • hot waterproofing - 2 kg (2 mm film layer);
  • water base - 1 - 1.5 kg (film 0.6 - 1.2 mm);
  • on solvent - 1 - 1.5 kg (0.5 - 1 mm film).

Hot (hard) mastic

IN normal conditions(lack of precipitation, 20 degrees) cold mastic dries for 5-24 hours (solvent, dispersion, respectively), hot modifications harden in 4 hours. When choosing which layer is better to apply than to cover reinforced concrete structures, factors are taken into account:

  • terms of work;
  • coating consumption;
  • atmospheric conditions;
  • price of materials;
  • film layer resource.

The minimum outside air temperature is -5 degrees for hot products, solvent-based mastics. For water-based compositions, this threshold is +5 degrees, but twice the base moisture content is allowed (8% instead of 4%).

If for most paints and varnishes the characteristic is important - hiding power, then for mastics the “dry residue” is much more important. This property is indicated by most manufacturers on the packaging, it allows you to determine how much substance remains on the surface after curing. Preferably waterproof coatings with a dry residue of 60 - 70% than 20 - 40%, as the overall material consumption and labor costs are reduced.

Hot mastics are cheaper, comply with GOST 2889, but require additional equipment (heating, application). The main characteristics of the most popular waterproofing coatings are:

  • Bitumen-rubber mastic - 25 years resource, suitable for inclined surfaces of 45 degrees (does not slip when heated), frost resistance -60 degrees, permissible operational heating +100 degrees, antiseptic, even coating, no heating required.
  • Rubber-bitumen coating - drying - 24 hours, curing - 7 days, the film is vibration-resistant, tear-resistant (stretching 200%).
  • Bitumen-oil modifications are cheaper than others, they are not afraid of heating, frost, they do not form a film, the coating is considered self-healing, they are not suitable for processing inclined planes.
  • Bitumen-latex mastic - suitable for operation from -35 to +80 degrees, reliably seals the seams of rolled insulation, suitable for gluing materials, withstands pressure.

To seal the seams of prefabricated strip foundations, it is better to use special formulations. For example, waterproofing plasters, penetrating mixtures.

Surface preparation

All do-it-yourself work must be done without violating SNiP 3.04.01 (insulation), SP 45.13330 (foundations), manuals MDS 12-34, recommendations of the Institute of Industrial Buildings. In order to better roll out the material on the surface of the foundation, to increase adhesion when brushed, it is necessary to perform the following operations:

  • surface cleaning - random mortar, film residues, chips from plank formwork must be removed;
  • sealing of technological seams - relevant for prefabricated tapes from FBS blocks, a waterstop, sealant or swelling cord is used, depending on the level ground water(UGV), the presence of pressure;
  • leveling - the films formed after the curing of bituminous mastic have high elasticity, therefore it is enough to repair only large cavities, level the seams with special plasters (moisture-resistant modifications).

Waterproofing must be continuous - any untreated area, a large scratch from a stone during backfill undermine the efficiency of the work. Therefore, the outer and inner faces of the reinforced concrete tape are processed (if the house is without a basement), its upper surface.

The vertical layer must be connected to the waterproofing mat under the base of the foundation, the edges of which must be released before pouring the MZLF. They are glued to the walls of the tape, the transition areas of the coating / roll waterproofing are treated with 3 - 4 layers of insulation.

Then the concrete surfaces of the foundation must be treated with a special primer. It can be diluted bituminous mastics or a polymer primer. It binds dust, strengthens the surface layer, improves wettability, fills pores.

The characteristics of the material are as follows:

  • consumption - 0.2 - 0.4 l per 1 m²;
  • drying - 1 hour emulsion, 6 - 12 hours bituminous, 15 minutes polymer.

The material is easy to apply with your own hands (brush, roller), increases the cost of building a foundation by 7 - 10 rubles / m2 maximum.


One-component formulations are ready to use, two-component mixtures should be kneaded with your own hands in accordance with the instructions on the package. In the latter case, it is necessary to pay attention to the life of the material - immediately after mixing the bituminous base with the hardener, the mixture begins to harden. It is necessary to take into account the configuration of the foundation, the availability of access in all areas, to realistically evaluate your own performance in order to have time to work out the entire volume.

Applying mastic to the surface.

Depending on consistency, required layer thickness, configuration strip foundation bituminous waterproofing is applied with a sprayer, roller, brush, spatula:

  • recommended overlap of strips 5 cm;
  • consumption of about 1.3 kg per 1 m²;
  • concrete processing from the bottom up.

In the corners, waterproofing is usually reinforced with fiberglass.

The next layer of cold mastic begins to be applied to the still wet previous one. To improve the quality of waterproofing, a reinforcing layer (fiberglass, polymer plaster mesh) is usually laid between the layers. Coarse sand can be applied to the finish coat, which increases the strength of the film several times. Consumption in each subsequent layer is slightly reduced, since the lower film of bituminous mastic levels the wall.

Fiberglass can be used to reinforce corners.


Experts repeatedly remind about the need for a continuous layer of waterproofing. At the stage of backfilling the sinuses of the foundation pit, bituminous mastic is easily damaged by stones and gravel. Therefore, it is recommended to use non-metallic materials of fine fraction (for example, sand), which additionally protect the tape from tangential swelling forces. Consumption will increase, but the quality of the waterproofing film layer will provide maximum service life

The thermal insulation circuit completely solves the problem of protecting bituminous mastic:

  • pasting outer surface foundation tapes with extruded polystyrene foam;
  • insulation of the blind area at a level of 30 - 40 cm from the surface of the earth.

The budget expenditure in this case is fully justified for the operated underground floor. Insulation shifts the dew point outward, preventing fogging internal walls. However, in the absence of a basement floor, insulation is often not needed; in this case, you can protect the waterproofing with a layer of geotextile.

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The time after which the work surface treated with mastic is ready for full operation depends on various conditions, which, one way or another, affect the drying of bituminous mastic. The drying rate of the mastic also differs significantly depending on the various additives and the bases of its production.

It is necessary to list those external factors, the independent impact of which affects the fact that how long does bituminous mastic dry:

  • The thickness of the layer of mastic applied to the treated surface;
  • Ambient temperature and the level of its fluctuation;
  • The level of air humidity;
  • Presence or absence of exposure to direct sunlight;
  • The type of material from which the machined surfaces are made.

The curing and acceptance by the mastic of the final consistency depends on the rate of evaporation of the chemical solvent that is contained in the composition of this waterproofing material.

Manufacturers of building bituminous mastics declare average drying time from one day to 3. Various technological features in the manufacture of this material affect this period.

Ways to speed up the drying of mastic

In practice, there are cases when the lack of time for conducting construction works does not allow a long wait for the mastic to dry. In this case, experts resort to fairly simple, but effective ways speeding up this process.

So, for the rapid evaporation of the solvent in the composition of the mastic, when it is applied, notched trowels are used. The layer of mastic applied in this way, due to the presence of grooves, and consequently an increase in the evaporation area, dries much faster without significant loss in the quality of the result.

After applying the mastic to the surface to be treated, it is necessary to isolate the place of work from possible moisture ingress to the surface and protect it from mechanical damage. This will ensure uniform drying of the layer without differences in its thickness.

In the case of processing objects or surfaces that are not outdoors, but indoors, you can apply various systems forced heating (heat guns, heaters, etc.), which will significantly speed up the drying process of the mastic. However, in these cases, it is important to follow the fire safety rules and to exclude as much as possible the possibility of people being in this room, since the emitted vapors can cause significant damage to human health.

It should be noted that the duration of drying of the mastics can also be affected by the shelf life of this material in the package.

Drying time of various types of mastics

Despite the fact that bituminous mastics are produced according to uniform state standards, drying times may vary.. This indicator, in addition to the external factors described above, can also be influenced by the presence of various bases, additives and impurities in the composition of the mastic. For example, bituminous mastic, which is used mainly in the automotive repair industry, has a shorter drying time, which can be from 12 to 24 hours. Bitumen-rubber mastic brand "Universal" has a longer drying time - 24 hours.

One of the most popular brands of waterproofing mastics "Gidroizol" dries 24-48 hours after application. Mastics of the TechnoNIKOL trademark harden in 24 hours after surface treatment.

- This is a black homogeneous liquid, which is a solution of petroleum bitumen (their softening point is not less than 80 degrees Celsius) in organic solvents. The primer contains no foreign inclusions or inhomogeneities. It does not contain toxic solvents such as toluene.

Bituminous primer greatly facilitates waterproofing and roofing work. It allows you to reduce the time of work and improve the quality of waterproofing.

There are two types of bituminous primer: ready-to-use and concentrated. Before use, the concentrated primer (concentrate) must be diluted with one of the organic solvents (kerosene, white spirit, gasoline) 1:1.5 or 1:2. This allows you to save on its use, during transportation and storage. There is no need to carry out any preliminary procedures with the finished primer, except for thorough mixing. It is completely ready for use. This primer is very easy to use. The absence of the need to prepare a primer from a concentrate significantly increases the speed of work.

Bituminous primer is used for priming surfaces (concrete, reinforced concrete, metal, asbestos cement, wood, porous materials) during waterproofing and roofing works. At the same time, it can be used as an independent waterproofing product, as well as in combination with other built-up and self-adhesive roofing materials.

In particular, a bituminous primer is used to prepare for waterproofing work:

foundations for flat roofs


Underground structures and structures,

bridge spans,

Surfaces of metal pipelines.

The product is widely used to protect metals from corrosion.

The primer can be applied on concrete, cement-sand and other rough surfaces. A dusty, porous, uneven surface is treated with a bituminous primer using nylon brushes or brushes. This application method guarantees good impregnation foundations with a primer, as well as high adhesion with waterproofing materials. Priming surfaces with a bituminous primer will significantly extend the life of waterproofing materials.

For gluing rolled materials using a primer on the surface of concrete, reinforced concrete slabs, as well as the seams between the individual elements, are completely primed. Each subsequent layer of roll material can be glued only three to four hours after the previous one has been glued. Rolled materials are glued with an overlap (at least 100 mm), while avoiding cross-gluing. The glued web is well rolled with a special cylindrical roller.

Qualitative characteristics.
Bituminous primer has a number of excellent performance qualities:

high adhesion,

Fast drying

No stickiness

waterproofing qualities,

・Heat resistance

hinders corrosion processes,

It is used as an adhesive mastic for gluing rolled materials,

Can be used in winter time,

· Possesses water displacing properties.

Provides high adhesion of the substrate to the waterproofing material. At an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the surface treated with a bituminous primer dries in 12 hours.

If necessary, the product can be used in winter, provided complete cleaning work surface from snow, ice, dirt and fragile elements of the previous coating. Before work, it must be dried, and the rolled materials themselves must be warmed up in a warm room with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius throughout the day. Device work roll roofing with the use of a bituminous primer can only be carried out if the outside air temperature is at least -20 degrees.

Working conditions and features of storage.
When performing work using a bituminous primer, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation premises or work fresh air. The material is suitable for work if its temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius. If necessary, the work surface and the primer itself can be slightly warmed up. In this case, the primer must not be heated above 40 degrees, and the surface should not be primed near an open flame. When working with the primer, wear protective clothing and goggles to prevent material from coming into contact with the skin and eyes.

Shelf life is 12 months at air temperature from -20 to +30 degrees Celsius. Store the primer in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

The HimTorgProekt company brings to your attention bituminous primers of high quality (concentrates and ready-to-use).

Bituminous primer belongs to the class of primers that

How to work with bituminous mastic. Application methods

Bituminous mastic is an innovative building material that has high waterproofing and astringent properties. It consists of minerals, bitumen and organic matter. Affordable price and good results ensured its wide application in construction.

How and with what to dilute the mastic.

Substances used for dilution:

  1. White Spirit;
  2. Petrol;
  3. Kerosene.

Proportions should be strictly observed, which depend on the volume of mastic used. Otherwise, this will lead to a slow drying of the solution and, as a result, to the loss of its protective qualities.

Methods for applying mastic.

There are two methods for applying mastic: cold and hot. The cold method, in turn, is manual and mechanized. The first method is suitable if the object is small, and the second is used when the work area is large or hard-to-reach places need to be processed.

For the manual method, large paint brushes are used; flat brushes are ideal for such work. In addition, you can use a roller with a short nap.
With the mechanical method, the main tool is an airless sprayer having a pressure of 150 bar.

Bituminous mastic. Consumption per m2.

When installing and repairing soft roofs, consumption rates will be different and depend on the type of mastic:

  • BIM - 8 - 10 kg/m²;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 4-6 kg / m²;
  • bitumen-rubber - 2-5 kg ​​/ m²;
  • bitumen-polymer - 2-5 kg ​​/ m²;
  • hydroelastic - 3-5 kg/m².

For sealing joints and seams:

  • Germabutil-2M - 0.3 - 0.5 kg / linear meter;
  • BK Fix - 0.3 - 0.5 kg / running meter;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 0.5 - 1 kg / linear meter;
  • hydroelastic - 0.3-0.5 1 kg / running meter.

Protection of metal coatings from corrosion:

  • bitumen-polymer - 0.5-1.5 kg / m²;
  • bitumen-rubber - 0.5-1.5 kg / m²;
  • bitumen in briquettes - 0.5-1.5 kg / m².

For waterproofing the foundation, we take 2 - 4 kg / m².

How long does the mastic dry?

The average drying time is 1 - 3 days and depends on such factors:

  • ambient temperature;
  • air humidity level;
  • the thickness of the applied layer;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • surface material.

This mastic is an excellent option for treating your roof or foundation. Don't forget the importance of good waterproofing. And then your house will serve you for many years.

How to work with bituminous mastic. Video.

Bituminous mastic for waterproofing

In the construction world, many variety of designs and styles, innovative solutions and inventions of high performance materials. That's what it does modern house safe, environmentally friendly and with a long service life. The main problem that developers have to solve is the impact of external factors on the building. The most pressing issue is protection against the destructive effects of moisture and waterproofing of buildings. High humidity, climatic phenomena, groundwater can have a negative impact on almost all Construction Materials, including metal fittings. As a result of the absorption of moisture by concrete, its integrity is destroyed, which leads to the development of fungus, mold, which can harm human health. But the most negative consequences can be from the contact of moisture with metal structures - corrosive processes resulting from the ingress of liquid on the metal can destroy the integrity of the entire structure. The leader among all means of protecting buildings from moisture is bituminous mastic for waterproofing, which will be discussed in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of bituminous mastic

All types of insulation have their own operational and physical and technical characteristics, application features, pros and cons. Choosing suitable material, it is necessary to take into account all these data. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of using bituminous mastic for waterproofing in more detail.


  • The high elasticity of the mastic promotes excellent adhesion between it and the surface of the processed material. Thanks to this, the building structure is reliably protected from contact with moisture and erosion, which is a consequence of such contact.
  • Prevention of the occurrence and development of the process of corrosion of metal structural elements, which allows to extend the service life.
  • Penetration of mastic into pores and filling of cracks.
  • Protection against the appearance and development of pathogenic microflora - mold, fungi.
  • Due to its elasticity, during the long service life of the building and during its shrinkage, the waterproofing layer remains intact.
  • The speed and ease of application of this coating makes it possible to carry out waterproofing work independently. These works do not require special skills, the main thing is not to leave even small gaps in the surface untreated.
  • The possibility of replacing the adhesive composition with bituminous mastic when installing waterproofing material in rolls.
  • The correct selection of mastic for waterproofing will allow you to work with it at almost any temperature.
  • Affordable cost and economy of use.


  • The process of solidification of bituminous mastic for waterproofing takes a long time. In this regard, it is necessary to postpone subsequent processes for a certain period of time.

Important! This is not a big drawback, since a well-designed work plan will allow you to do other processes at this time.

  • Poor quality mastics can dry out and crack over time. You should carefully choose a waterproofing material, starting from its cost.

Varieties of mastics for waterproofing

There are many criteria according to which mastics can be divided into types. When buying a material, carefully read the instructions, which indicate the technology of application and information about its composition. Let us consider in more detail by what criteria it is possible to divide bituminous mastics for waterproofing.

Application technology

The main varieties of mastic according to the application technology are hot and cold.


There are many brands of such mastics in the distribution network, the main condition for their use is the obligatory heating to a certain temperature. This liquid mastic for waterproofing differs in heat resistance - there is a maximum temperature to which the composition must be brought so that it can be used as an independent waterproofing or as an adhesive for rolled material.

Hot compounds are mainly used by professional builders. When working with such material, it is required to strictly observe certain process technology and safety regulations in order to avoid injury. If you have no experience with hot mastics, contact a specialist or use cold bituminous mastic for waterproofing.

Important! This type of coating material is mainly used in regions with severe winters.


Cold applied waterproofing compounds can also be found various brands. Before use, the material does not require special preliminary preparation, you just need to mix thoroughly.

Important! When working in cold weather, some types of mastics need to be heated to certain temperatures. To carry out such work, you should choose only quality materials that are produced by trusted companies.


To bring the mastic to a more liquid consistency, you should use only the solvent on the basis of which it was produced - these can be organic solvents or water.

Number of components

On sale you can find mastics of two types - one-component and two-component.


To use this type of waterproofing, you just need to mix the composition thoroughly and apply it to the wall surface prepared for processing.


Before using such waterproofing, it is necessary to combine the two components in certain proportions. The composition should be prepared immediately before use, as it quickly hardens. In this regard, and you need to work with him quickly. The two-component mixture in the closed state has a longer shelf life and high durability in operation.

Important! The high cost and complexity of use does not contribute to the widespread use of such a composition.


According to the state of solidification, those are distinguished that remain in a semi-solid state or solidify completely.

Composition of components

Depending on the components that make up the mastic, you can find a varied number of mixtures, we will consider them in more detail.

Bitumen-mineral mastic

As part of such bituminous mastic for waterproofing, you can find cement, asbestos, limestone, chalk, dolomite or quartz, crushed into a fine powder. The mass of these components is not more than 20% of the total mass of the composition. Also, such a mastic includes a plasticizer in an amount of at least 5%.

The plasticizer in cold mastics is lakoil or an oil solvent. It does not harden in air, withstands various hydraulic, vibrational and mechanical loads without damage.

Important! It is better to use such mastic for waterproofing parts of the foundation in a recess.

Bitumen-rubber mastic

Fine synthetic rubber or rubber powder, which is part of such a rubber compound for waterproofing, in combination with petroleum bitumen, makes the mastic more elastic. The plasticizer is a special mineral oil and mineral fillers. The composition is made on the basis of an organic solvent.

Commercially available dry (in powder form) bitumen-rubber mastics. Before use, they must be poured into a container, put on fire and heated to the temperature indicated on the package. The consumption of such mastic, depending on the thickness of the layer, is 1.5-2 kg per square meter.

Important! This mastic is one of the most affordable, the service life of the coating is 15-20 years.

Bitumen-rubber mastic

A reliable, dense and elastic protective coating against moisture will be provided by a bituminous mixture for waterproofing with rubber, which has a good viscosity. Like the previous species, it is diluted with a solvent if necessary. Each layer dries from 6 to 12 hours. Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, the porosity of the base, the temperature and humidity of the environment, the consumption is 0.75-1.5 liters per square meter. For education quality coverage and better adhesion to the surface to be treated, it is recommended to moisten the structure a little.

Important! When working with rubber mastic, it is not necessary to treat the base with a primer.

Bitumen-polymer mastic

Water-based bitumen-polymer mastic for waterproofing contains one or more modified polymers. Polymer compounds perfectly protect building structures from moisture, and are also a good protection of premises from the penetration of radon from the soil. Drying time - 6-8 hours.

Important! The absence of organic solvents in the composition, as a result of pungent odors, makes it possible to use such a mixture not only for external wall treatment, but also for internal work.

Bitumen-latex mastic

Like the previous view, this is a water-based composition. Synthesized in the industry rubber - latex, has improved characteristics. On sale there are single-component formulations that are used cold. They can be used in frosty weather without heating.

Preparation of surfaces for applying a waterproofing layer consists in treating them with a primer. To do this, it is enough to dilute the mastic in water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Bitumen-oil mastic

Frost-resistant mixture, ideal for processing any materials. Such waterproofing can be carried out inside and outside recessed structures.

The mixture should be diluted with white spirit, gasoline or solvent. The consumption of the composition is from 1 to 1.5 liters per square meter.

bituminous primer

This mixture has a more liquid consistency and is designed to prepare the surfaces to be treated for the application of the main layer of mastic. It is prepared by dilution, depending on the base, to the desired consistency with water or a solvent.

It can be applied to the surface with a brush, roller or from a special spray gun. After application, allow to dry for 1-5 hours, depending on the base.

Requirements for waterproofing mastics

A durable and durable coating can be obtained if the purchased mixture meets the following requirements:

  • Examine the label, paying attention to the date of production and all the necessary characteristics.
  • Homogeneity and absence of foreign inclusions. They can create air bubbles and weaken the moisture barrier properties of the material.
  • The composition should be easy to apply and elastic.
  • The absence of toxic components in the composition that can release substances harmful to humans.
  • The heat resistance of the composition for waterproofing the foundation must be at least 70 degrees.
  • For good gluing of rolled sheets or adhesion to the base, the mixture must have high adhesion.
  • Any bituminous mastic for waterproofing must be completely waterproof.
  • The waterproofing layer after hardening must constantly maintain its physical and mechanical characteristics throughout the entire period of operation. Pay attention to the operating temperatures indicated by the manufacturer.

The basic methods of applying waterproofing

Creating a protective waterproofing layer is not difficult, but this process takes a lot of time.

First step

Before starting work, carefully inspect the surface for cracks, and if there are any, they must be repaired:

  • Flaws in the foundation, if necessary, are tightened with metal ties, which consist of reinforcing strips 3-5 mm thick or staples with a diameter of 10-12 mm.

Important! This procedure is mandatory, because if this is not done, moisture will destroy the concrete, getting deep into the wall, waterproofing will be useless.

  • First of all, cracks and depressions need to be expanded as much as possible. Small cracks are first filled with a deep penetration primer, and then filled with a sealant that is intended for outdoor use.
  • To close up big crack, first you need to fix the tightening elements, treat with a primer and then fill it with a concrete-adhesive or concrete mortar for the entire width and depth.
  • It is recommended to first reinforce the brick foundation with a metal mesh, apply plaster, and only then proceed to insulation work. Such processing should be carried out on the entire surface of the foundation.

Second phase

The next step is priming the walls with a bituminous primer. The primer consists of a solvent and bituminous mastic for waterproofing. This mixture can be bought ready-made or you can mix these two components yourself in a 1: 1 ratio.

Important! This process is necessary to strengthen the surface and bind dust residues on the wall surface, which creates a good basis for applying the main waterproofing layer.

The primer fills small cracks and pores, creates a smooth waterproof surface, eliminates excessive absorption of the treated material, and as a result, reduces the consumption of the main composition.

Work features:

  • The primer (primer) is convenient to apply with a brush or brush, as it has a liquid consistency.
  • For the comfort of work, the tool can be mounted on a long handle.
  • Apply the primer evenly on the surface to be treated and leave to dry for 3-12 hours.

Third stage

After the primer dries, apply a layer of the selected bituminous mastic for waterproofing. Multiple layers can be applied.

Important! Four layers of waterproofing, alternating with fiberglass, protect the walls from any moisture, and are also an additional reinforcement of the surfaces. Such waterproofing is called heavy.

Using a trowel or wide trowel, apply the waterproofing to the surface and spread evenly across the wall.

Important! Each layer of the applied material should dry well, be sure to pay attention to the packaging, which indicates the time required for this.

Other nuances:

  • It is also possible to use bituminous mastic for waterproofing for gluing roofing material. To do this, after applying the primer, a layer of mastic is applied. For better adhesion, it is recommended to warm up the mastic layer before gluing the roofing felt sheets.
  • Cover the dried, treated foundation walls with thermal insulation material before carrying out subsequent construction work. This material will protect the waterproofing coating from damage.

Work with bituminous mastic in winter

When carrying out work in winter, when the ambient temperature is up to 30 degrees below zero, use bitumen-nairite mastic. The following recommendations will contribute to the successful implementation of waterproofing work:

  • If the work does not involve the use of roofing material and mastic acts as the main material for insulation from moisture, the treated wall surface should be heated to positive temperature. To do this, you can use heat guns or gas burners.
  • Preparation of mastic for use should take place in a warm room, located at a short distance from the work.
  • During fog, snowfall, rain and high humidity, waterproofing work cannot be carried out.
  • In cases where there is a great need for waterproofing in the winter season, it is recommended to equip special structures - greenhouses. This is a structure made of metal or timber, which is erected at the work site and covered with plastic wrap. Inside such a building, heating devices are turned on. With the help of greenhouses, it is possible to achieve heating of the foundation to a positive temperature. In the process of heating waterproofing mixtures, electrically heated mixers should be used.

Important! Do not use open fire to avoid creating hazardous conditions for the life and health of workers.

In winter, the waterproofing process is a little different. In the place where the greenhouse is installed, all layers of mastic are applied, then the greenhouse is transferred further and already on next section all waterproofing work is done. Such processes are called capture work.

Important! With the onset of the warm season, you should check the results of the work carried out in the winter. All identified defects must be corrected immediately.


You have the basic information you need to know about working with bituminous mastic for waterproofing. By following our recommendations, the work will not cause much trouble.

Types of bituminous mastic for waterproofing, quantity calculation and application

A house built with love needs protection, and, above all, from moisture. The quality of waterproofing directly depends on how long the foundation and roof will last. Among all the variety modern materials there is one that provides sealed seamless protection against water even in hard-to-reach places and on difficult surfaces at an affordable price - this is bituminous mastic.

Today, bituminous mastic is a “cocktail” of natural bitumen (one of the products of oil refining) and synthetic modifier components that increase the service life of the coating, adhesion to the surface and ease of application. It is suitable not only for waterproofing surfaces made of brick, concrete and wood, but for puttying irregularities, filling cracks, gluing roofing material, membranes. Mastic has such obvious advantages as high elasticity, the ability to adhere to almost any surface, the absence of cracks and breaks for a long time, and resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

Types of mastics

Modern mastics from various manufacturers, based on bitumen, differ in the properties and composition of additives. Main groups:

  • bituminous mastics - a traditional inexpensive material,
  • rubber-bitumen mastics - a coating with increased elasticity and resistance to external influences,
  • bitumen-emulsion mastics - designed for pre-treatment of surfaces before waterproofing, also called "primers" (you can read about them here), they differ in a more liquid consistency,
  • bitumen-polymer mastics - compounds with artificial rubber additives, plasticizers, solvents that increase the service life and quality of the coating.

According to the method of application, mastics are divided into cold and hot. For coating with hot mastic, its preheating is required. gas burner or in a special tank, the advantage of cold mastics is that they do not require this time-consuming and dangerous operation. However, heated mastics penetrate faster and deeper into the pores of the material being processed, they can be recommended in cases where increased protection is needed and heating equipment is available.

There are one- and two-component mastics. The first are already completely ready for application, they only need to be thoroughly mixed immediately before use. The latter require the addition of an active composition, after which they begin to quickly harden. The advantage of two-component mastics is a longer shelf life - over a year, while for single-component mastics it is significantly less.

Bituminous mastic, intended directly for waterproofing, has a sealant in its composition, which, after hardening, forms a dense protective layer. It may also include antiseptics and herbicides to further protect the building from mold.

In the domestic market, the most popular bituminous mastic of Russian manufacturers, as well as Italian and Polish compounds.

Quantity calculation

When purchasing bituminous mastic, it is worth taking into account that its consumption varies greatly from brand, manufacturer and, most importantly, from the material and surface porosity. On average, it is 250 g / sq.m. Mastic is applied to improve waterproofing in two layers. Before buying, you should clarify whether it is necessary to pre-apply a primer under the mastic, as well as its additional dilution with solvents.

Waterproofing with mastic

Bituminous mastic is applied quite simply without the use of special equipment. Previously, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust, completely dried, although now there are mastics that are allowed to cover a wet surface. Mastic can be laid on the old bituminous coating, if it has retained its integrity, metal constructions with traces of rust. Sharp protruding edges and edges are dangerous for the integrity of mastic waterproofing, therefore, before work, you must make sure that they are absent and remove all sharp protrusions.

If necessary, apply 1-2 coats of primer or primer in advance using a roller, brush or sprayer.

For cold mastic, a wide flat brush or roller is sufficient, or a wide spatula for thicker compositions. It is possible to apply mastic in bulk with subsequent leveling, the main thing is to monitor the uniform thickness of the coating. The layers must be solid, the stripes must be parallel to each other. If the mastic is applied to a vertical surface, then this is done from the bottom up.

External waterproofing of the foundation and basement is carried out by applying 2-4 layers of bituminous mastic with a total thickness of 2 to 6 cm, reinforced with a reinforcing mesh. The thickness of the coating depends on the depth of the foundation and the level of groundwater. For walls, 2 layers are enough. A new layer of mastic is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Drying time depends on the composition of the product, temperature and humidity of the environment. The dried layer stops sticking to the hands. Violation of this rule may lead to delamination or poor adhesion of the mastic to the surface.

Properly applied mastic will protect the foundation, basement, walls and roof for 20-50 years.

Working with bituminous mastics and primers in the winter season: features and tips

Many are sure that working with bituminous mastics and roofing materials
impossible in winter.

This is not entirely true. Everything's possible. ABOUT roofing materials we will discuss in a separate article, and
while we will stop on bituminous mastics.

Indeed, it is difficult to work with mastics at low temperatures.

Bitumen thickens and hardens, starts to crack and, in addition to problems with
carrying out work, there is a risk of losing the properties of the mastic itself.

The most frequent work carried out in the winter is laying
communications, which is more related to the need for
repair work in case of accidents.

Often, to save money when carrying out such work, they take the cheapest
mastic from those on the market, but in winter this saving becomes
even more conditional, since the labor costs for its preparation for use can
exceed the savings. In this case, the ideal option
use will be MBI mastic, which is produced with used oil in
as a solvent. Bitumen-oil mastic is less prone to hardening when
low temperatures and feels great at sub-zero temperatures,
because it is non-drying.

Ant-Snab does not throw its clients into difficult situations and gives a number
recommendations for working with bituminous mastics in winter:

1. In winter, all mastics must be heated, be sure to open before that
cover. If you have the opportunity to store closed buckets of mastic in
heated room, it will probably be possible to do without heating.

2. You need to correctly calculate the amount of bituminous mastic before starting
works. It is not only about the total number, but, as they say, "for now",
to open as many buckets as needed and use them immediately.
It is undesirable to leave open buckets in winter.

3. If after heating, mastic or bituminous
primer all
still seem thick, they should be diluted with white spirit, kerosene, gasoline
or nefras to the desired consistency. As we said before

We hope that this information will be useful for you and the work will be
completed with high quality and on time.

Yours, Ant-Snab

Processing the foundation with bituminous mastic with your own hands

Carrying out the construction of the foundation, you need to take care of its waterproofing. If you do not protect it from moisture, then its destruction will gradually occur. As a result, the building will fall into disrepair. To ensure reliable waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to use bitumen. It is sold in hardware stores in the form of mastic. Its consumption is very economical, while it will be possible to perfectly protect the base of the house from moisture for many years.

Before treating the foundation with a water repellent, you need to walk on the surface with an antiseptic.

The main advantages of bituminous mastic

The treatment of foundations with bitumen has become widespread, because such a waterproofing material has many advantages. The most important advantage is that the mastic is highly elastic. Thanks to this important characteristic, the material provides reliable adhesion to the surface protected from moisture. As a result, after drying, the bituminous mastic does not crack. It remains intact for a very long time.

Another advantage is the low cost. Thanks to this, it will be possible to perform waterproofing of the foundation with minimal cost, which will reduce the cost of building a house as a whole.

The use of bituminous mastic provides the following results:

A properly insulated foundation protects the waterproofing of the house, as well as reducing heating costs in the winter.

  • suppression of the occurrence of foci of corrosion;
  • effective protection of the building structure from moisture;
  • increasing the service life of building elements by several times, while maintaining their full functionality.

The mastic itself is a composition of a homogeneous mass. Its main components are modifiers, solvent and bituminous base, which is a by-product of oil refining, remaining after the extraction of fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene and gasoline. In addition, the composition of the mastic may include antiseptics and herbicides.

A wide range of bitumen is offered for waterproofing foundations. Finding the right composition for your requirements is easy.

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Technology for applying bituminous mastic

Processing the foundation with bituminous mastic should be carried out in several stages. It is necessary to strictly follow the technology, then the result will meet expectations.

Bituminous mastic is great for waterproofing the foundation.

The following will be required for waterproofing work:

  • Bulgarian;
  • building hair dryer;
  • cement mortar;
  • soft ground;
  • primer;
  • mastic;
  • brush or roller;
  • putty knife.

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Stage 1: surface preparation

It is necessary to start waterproofing with bituminous mastic from the preparation of the base. It is necessary to pay attention to its surface. If it is noticed that she has a large number of shells and bubbles, then it will need to be rubbed with a fine-grained cement mortar, which is prepared from special dry mixes. If you do not carry out such work, then the freshly applied layer of mastic will begin to burst. As a result, the waterproofing of the foundation will become of poor quality and will need to be done again.

The presence on the surface of the base of the so-called scallops, which have sharp protrusions, is also unacceptable. They will need to be removed. To do this, you should take a grinder with a suitable nozzle and walk it along the base. At the same time, you will need to process the corners of the foundation. They must be cut in the form of a chamfer or they can simply be rounded slightly (radius from 3 to 6 cm). Where there are transitions in the horizontal to the vertical surface, it will be necessary to arrange fillets (fillets), they will provide the required smoothness for pairing the elements.

To reduce the consumption of bituminous mastic, it is necessary to prime the foundation surface.

After carrying out such work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the foundation from dirt, dust and construction debris. Then you need to take care of reducing the moisture content of the waterproofed surface. This is where a hair dryer comes in handy. They will need to dry the entire foundation. If this is not done, then the mastic may swell and subsequently peel off completely.

To be sure that the surface of the foundation is sufficiently dry, a simple test can be carried out. You should take a plastic film (1x1 m) and put it on the prepared base, after which it must be left for 24 hours. If after this period condensate does not appear under it, then bitumen can be safely applied, but if it is present, then the surface will need to be dried more thoroughly.