Where does the mole come from in the apartment and how to get rid of it. How to find a mole: effective ways

  • 12.06.2019

This insect can spoil clothing, food, and even crops that are grown quite painstakingly.

Who is this mole?

Moth is a representative of insects from the order of butterflies. Each individual species of this pest has a direct impact on external characteristics and the size of the insect.

The classification includes the following types of domestic moths:

  • furniture;
  • wardrobe;
  • food;
  • grain.

Adults belonging to these species are different from their other relatives. small size, which do not exceed 15 mm, and colors that help them remain invisible. Colors may be muddy brown or grey-green.

Another difference is the way insects feed.

The larvae and caterpillars of these moths have a powerful food apparatus. This allows them to consume solid food, such as stems or leaves, beets, cabbage.

Usually a favorite delicacy displays the name of the pest species. Some adults in the course of their development and metamorphosis lose their mouth apparatus, as a result of which they cannot eat. Therefore, their lifespan does not exceed one week.

These insects choose habitats either near the food source or directly in it. Initially, a small nest is formed, where moth larvae develop. A prerequisite for nest placement is proximity to a food source.

Adult individuals are sexually mature already during the second day from the moment of appearance. This is due to the fact that the life span of adults is a short period of time. After the butterfly has been fertilized, there is no limited time to find a suitable place to lay their eggs. At one time, the female lays from several to 150 eggs.

What are the causes and signs of the appearance of moths?

How to understand where the moth comes from in an apartment or house? In order for the pest population to start its activity indoors, it is enough for one butterfly to enter its territory, which is fertilized, and the presence of conditions comfortable for the existence of moths.

Insects can get into an apartment or house in three ways:

  • fly in through an open window;
  • move from the street with things or purchases;
  • get over the gaps in the walls from the neighbors.

There are a number of signs indicating that a mole has appeared in the room. The difficulty of detection is only the eggs of the insect due to their small size. Larvae and pupae of moths are easy to notice with a little care. Adults are the easiest to spot.

If more than one moth flies around the apartment, then this is a sure sign that there is a need to carefully inspect the closet, especially things from natural materials, as well as kitchen cabinets and cabinets, paying special attention to the places for storing dried fruits and cereals.

Fighting methods

Because of the effectiveness of chemicals, they are used in the first place.

You can get rid of insects with the help of chemicals through the use of modern insecticidal substances, these can be:

  • fumigators;
  • aerosols;
  • sections.

Their difference lies in the speed of impact and specificity. This is important to remember, since sections are used for protection purposes, while other chemicals help to remove the already settled population from the apartment.

Fumigators have a slower effect on insects, but provide higher protection than aerosols, which have a faster insect attack rate.

The use of aerosols is a rather time-consuming process that helps to remove insects. The difficulty lies in the fact that not only contaminated clothing, but also all surfaces of cabinets are subject to aerosol treatment. This means that for a complete treatment, you will need to use several aerosol cans. After 3-4 hours have passed since the treatment, the room in which the aerosol was used must be ventilated with high quality and washed with no less quality.

Items that have also been processed should be washed.

In addition, the use of aerosols in the event of kitchen moths is as limited as possible. This tool is suitable for poisoning adult flying individuals. However, you cannot kill insect larvae with an aerosol, because fighting these moths in the kitchen with this tool will spoil the food and make it unusable.

To date, to the most effective aerosols used to control flying insects include:

  1. "Armol".
  2. "Clean house".
  3. "Raptor".
  4. Mosquitall Moth Protection.

Each of them has the aroma of lavender and is effective enough for the moth that appeared in the apartment to leave your house and no longer bother with its presence.

How to get rid of moths in the house using fumigators? Their use in the case when a moth is wound up is less common than aerosols. However, this method is quite simple to use and has also shown itself to be an effective tool with which it is possible to fight moths in an apartment.

In order for the fumigator to begin its effect on insects, you need to insert a flask with liquid or a plate into the device, and connect the device to the mains. The heating of the fumigator substances is accompanied by the release of a specific odor that does not affect humans, but is intolerable to moths and other insects.

To get these moths out of the house, you can use the fumigators used to kill mosquitoes, namely:

  • Mosquitall;
  • "Raid";
  • "DiK-3".

If a mole is wound up in the house, the use of such chemicals control, like sections, will help prevent further reproduction of insects. Adult moths under the influence of the substances used by the sections leave the territory of the house, while the laid eggs and larvae are not affected in any way.

For this reason, sections are used more as a preventive measure against moths than as a means of combating them.

How to overcome a pest without chemicals?

This question was asked by many people who were concerned about the question of how to remove moths in an apartment. At the current time, there are a number of physical means that the fight against moths in the house uses.

One of simple methods fight can serve as a vacuum cleaner. How to remove a mole with it? Very simple. Having found a nest with larvae, you can simply remove it with the help of this item.

Flying butterflies can be caught using duct tape, which is often used to catch flies. If larvae appear or moths start up in food, for example, cereals, then one of physical ways its elimination is considered to be heating the cereal in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature should be 60 degrees Celsius.

Using folk recipes

Our ancestors got rid of moths using simple and effective means provided by nature itself. Their effectiveness is no less high today.

What to do when moths start up at home? How to get rid of moths folk remedies? Quite often, in private homes, people use the smell of plants that are considered intolerable to the insect. It can be geranium, lavender, tobacco or citrus.

The use of these aromas will scare away pests from an apartment or house for a long period of time. It is also possible to use a tool such as naphthalene, but its use is outdated and not recommended.

What to do if there is not enough time to remove moths?

There are situations when it becomes problematic to remove a mole from a house or apartment due to a lack of time for a person.

In this case, you can call in specialists who will surely be able to rid the house of moths for a long time in a short time, guaranteeing the success of the fight.

Specialists who have the necessary knowledge and skills can also help those people who have been able to start large populations of moths.

And a few words about prevention

Deriving insects in any case is quite difficult and time consuming. Therefore, carry out timely prevention. To do this, you can use the sections that have already been mentioned earlier. This remedy works on insects through the use of natural oils that exude aromas intolerable to moths.

Also for preventive purposes, you can use a folk recipe, which is quite simple and effective. For its implementation, you will need dried lavender sprigs, tobacco leaves and citrus peels.

These ingredients are placed in a bag, which is then hung in a closet where clothing or food items are located. The contents of these pouches are replaced as the intensity of the scent fades, about once every three to four weeks.

If insects start up in the house, people panic and immediately begin to conduct active prevention with the help of aerosols that are harmful to themselves in the first place. But is it worth it, because there are natural products and components that can be used in pest control. The well-known lepidoptera insect of the order of butterflies, the moth, is no exception. When she appears in the room, I want to shout "guard", the question arises - how to get the moth out in the apartment, sometimes it's not easy to do.

Let's look at where the moth comes from in the apartment and how to get rid of the annoying butterfly in time. Any person needs to know that she lives in rooms where there is little light, but at the same time it is warm. The moth likes to lay its larvae wherever it is convenient for it, for example, it can crawl into a secluded place in the corner of a closet or into a bag of cereals. Often it affects clothes, in particular wool, fur, felt, carpets. Therefore, it is important to take care of fur products and rolled rugs, otherwise they may suffer a sad fate. It feeds on keratin, which it receives from products. How to deal with moths in the apartment will be discussed further.

There is another type of moth - food, she settles in the kitchen, eating cereals, flour, dried fruits and nuts. Moths breed in periods, if they have already visited the kitchen at least once, they strive to that place again and again. Pests can sometimes be difficult to spot. Let's find out how to find moths in an apartment, especially when it comes to an important cooking room. It is necessary to carry out a complete general cleaning if you notice something was wrong. Every corner of the pantry and cabinets must be washed, it is necessary to check the cereals and flour, the bread box. Most often, after eating, the moth lays larvae, especially often it can be seen on the ceiling, especially if its design is suitable for this malicious creature. It must be destroyed before a whole swarm of new active "small" hit other products.

Folk methods of pest control

Many people believe that the moth disappears if you put moth pills in the closet, this is not entirely true. This is just one of preventive measures, and the remedy for moths in the apartment is an integrated approach to solving the problem. First of all, you need to know that the moth hates a pungent smell, so if you decompose such foods and herbs in places where harmful insects accumulate, they will no longer want to breed. And only then apply an aerosol from moths and antimol-tablets. This information is needed to know when the moth settled at home, how to get rid of annoying insects.

Effective folk remedies for moths in the apartment, which our grandmothers used, have found application now, they are more economical and do not harm the body.

For example, lavender is the best remedy for moths, its smell repels the “clothes beast” from eating the wardrobe. Various seasonings, as well as food products, are especially popular. Having considered the methods in more detail, and having studied the theory, you can deal with moths without problems.

So, if a mole started up in the house, what should I do? Stock up on the following ingredients:

  1. citrus products. The smell of orange will scare away the pest for a long time.
  2. Laundry and strawberry soap acts on them like an insecticide.
  3. Spices and herbs - cloves, Bay leaf, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, thyme. In other words, what is pleasant and safe for people. Spread bags of these herbs around the rooms and enjoy the aroma.
  4. Garlic, its thermonuclear smell will scare away household moths.
  5. Put geraniums on the windowsill, the mole does not tolerate the aroma of these flowers and leaves.
  6. Vinegar, camphor oil, lavender, fir. Soak the swabs in oil and place them in places where the pest butterfly accumulates. Excellent repellent and tea tree oil.

Moth in the wardrobe

General cleaning in the closet should include the following steps:

  • destruction of moths and larvae manually;
  • washing shelves with a solution of laundry soap;
  • surface treatment ultraviolet rays if there is such a lamp in the house;
  • you need to place dry herbs on the shelves of the chiffonier and between hanging clothes on the shoulders (tie up);
  • blankets with pillows must be taken out into the fresh air, put under the sun's rays so that the pests die;
  • you can use store-bought sachets, also a good product with a strong smell;
  • it is better to store things in bags with tobacco or lavender enclosed there.

Other effective methods against moths

by the most effective ways control of obsessive moths were and remain insecticides. They will get rid of the pest for a long time, but it must be remembered that they cannot be sprayed near food products and in families with children. Before processing, you need to hide all the food and utensils away, pack, and pour the cereals into jars. After treatment, anti-moth products are thrown away from the house, and the room must be left for several hours. Then ventilate the rooms and wash the surfaces with laundry soap or powder.

The best remedy for moths in the closet is, of course, Armol, its use will certainly get rid of insects, as well as Antimol tablets, sprays - Reid, Mosquitol. All these products are made on the basis of dichlorvos, it relieves the owners of nightmarish insects for a long time.

Caution - you should not buy dichlorvos and other sprays from your hands, you need to check the packaging, the inscriptions should be well read in a familiar language, and the expiration date should correspond to real time. It is not known how these moth remedies can affect the human body and what the fight against insects can turn into.

An effective remedy for moths is a glue trap, it is saturated with a pleasant smell for the ubiquitous butterfly.

Insects stuck to its surface will no longer be able to reproduce and will soon die. To get rid of moths for a long time, you should treat surfaces with steam or freeze, warm up cereals, nuts, dried fruits. For this purpose, an oven and microwave are used.

All these methods of prevention are effective against these insects, they will help prevent the appearance of moths in the apartment. From this article, it became known how to deal with moths at home when there is no insecticide at hand. It is necessary to ventilate the room, dry the cabinets thoroughly after cleaning, and the moth will never bother again.

Many owners of even the cleanest apartments periodically have to think about where the mole comes from. It seems that everything is clean in the house and there are no other insects, but these nondescript gray butterflies are beginning to catch the eye more and more often. In fact, the reason for the appearance of moths depends primarily not on the cleanliness of the dwelling itself (as, for example, in the case of cockroaches), but on other factors.

The most important thing is what kind of moth wound up in the house, what kind it belongs to - there are clothes moth and food moth. These pests, similar to each other, but completely different in their biology, enter the house each in their own ways.

When wondering where the mole comes from in the apartment, it is useful to remember that it does not care about the sanitary condition of the room. The pest equally effectively infects both unhygienic barracks and elite housing. The main thing for her is the presence of a food base, and it is this food base that is most abundant in expensive houses.

The path of the food moth to the apartment

The favorite food of the moth is cereals, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, milk formulas, flour, animal feed, dried berries, herbs and roots.

On a note

Very often, products in warehouses infested with moths are sold at bargain prices. Sometimes this means that by buying buckwheat or flour at a “holiday” discount, a housewife provides herself with headache and bewilderment about the appearance of moths in the apartment. It is important to remember that it does not appear in the kitchen by itself - in the vast majority of cases, it is brought in by the owners of the premises themselves.

Sometimes the reasons for the appearance of moths in the house become clear after a conversation with neighbors: the pest moves along those passing around the house ventilation systems. This means that moths in your apartment may well appear from the next room.

The moth is a bad flyer and rarely moves between apartments. Much more often, larvae, pupae and moth eggs enter the house with food or furniture.

If there is a grocery store on the ground floor of a residential building, perhaps it is the place where the food moth comes from. apartment building. Storage of cereals and flour in warehouses in large numbers provokes the reproduction of this pest.

Like any other winged one, it can simply fly into an apartment, for example, from a landing through open door, but this happens very rarely.

How does the clothes moth get into the apartment

So, where do moths come from in the closet if everything is new, clean and neatly folded? To find out, you should remember whether the following products were bought recently:

  • natural wool carpets
  • furniture with natural upholstery
  • outerwear made of fur or wool
  • wearable wool or knitwear
  • shoes with natural fur.

If a moth started up at home after one of these purchases, then it is safe to say that the larvae were already in it at the time of purchase. After settling, the moth began to multiply and spoil other things that came across its path. Unfortunately, the pest can even be in expensive items from trusted stores that protect their reputation.

Store-bought or used furniture can also serve as an excellent " vehicle» to transport moth larvae to a new place of residence. Especially it concerns old furniture, in which it is very easy to get to the "delicious" filler.

Completely insure against the appearance food moth it is unlikely to succeed in an apartment, because one larva in an individual or one larva in a packed cereal is enough to infect the kitchen. It is much more important to create conditions at home that will not allow moths to reproduce comfortably and spoil food.

First, let's see what conditions are most favorable for food moths:

How to prevent moths from entering the house?

Anyone who knows well where the moth comes from in the apartment can competently approach the prevention of its appearance in the home.

You can avoid the appearance of a clothes moth only with the help of a thorough inspection of all new things that enter the house. Even if a fur coat or a hat is bought in an expensive store, you should carefully look at its external and inner side for damage by moth larvae. At home, you should hang the purchased item on the balcony and leave it there for three days. It is worth doing this in clear sunny weather without dampness, so as not to spoil the fur or wool.

Lavender or orange peels spread out in the closet (they need to be changed as they dry), you can also put an open bottle of essential oil of any of these plants.

For lovers of ready-made preparations, you can offer special moth sections that are hung in a closet and also have a pleasant aroma. The fur coat, hat or carpet itself can be treated with a moth spray - this is especially recommended when storing warm clothes in the summer season.

It is interesting

There are several more ways to save your favorite things from clothes moths. Before storing them, you can overlay them with fresh newspapers or put a few strong cigarettes in your pockets (the moth does not like the smell of printing ink and tobacco, but it can last for a long time and spoil the pleasure of wearing things). Another good way- freeze things or products. To do this, in the cold season, they can be “forgotten” on the balcony for several days, after which any moth will die. The central heating battery works the same way, which is on small woolen and knitted things - socks, hats, sweaters.

The principles for preventing food moth infestation are similar to those outlined above. After coming from the grocery store, you need to look through all the goods where the mole can start: cereals, dried fruits, nuts, dry spices, herbs. If nothing is found there, food can be stored in glass jars or linen bags.

Some folk recipes it is advised to soak the bags with brine or just salt water. Definitely do not store cereals or flour in an open original packaging.

It is recommended to periodically ventilate kitchen cabinets and wipe the shelves with vinegar, lay out lavender or orange peels in them. It is not recommended to purchase cereals and nuts in large quantities "in reserve", since the longer such a product is stored, the more likely the moths to multiply in it.

Almost every inhabitant of our country found various pests in his house. But the most common question that even clean housewives have is how to find moths and their larvae. After all, gray butterflies are selected for housing research only at night. It is even more difficult to find clutches of eggs and larvae, since they are in secluded places, the existence of which you need to know. Before proceeding with the fight against insects, you need to familiarize yourself with the ways of penetration and distribution of insects.

Before you find the location of the moth, it is necessary to determine its species. After all, food, clothing and grain species appear in the house. A food species of insects feeds on groceries. They consume flour and spices, grains and sugar, dry foods and fruits. Establishing the presence of an insect is easy. The larva in the process of eating cereals forms a cocoon of silk. From grain or flour, worms make peculiar lumps that are used for pupation. Since food moths have poorly developed wings, they practically do not move around the house. The main route of its penetration is purchased cereals or dried fruits. A clothes moth can also start in the apartment. For laying eggs, this type of pest uses fur or wool items. It is necessary to look for its larvae in the folds.

Food butterfly detection

Worms prefer solid and natural food. They consume villi, cereals, vegetation, as well as nuts and dried fruits. Imagoes do not consume nutrients because their mouthparts are poorly developed. The life expectancy of an adult moth in the house is from 7 to 21 days. This time is enough for the insect to form several clutches.

Finding a moth nest is easy. For this, cereals, fur products and vegetation are being reviewed. Lays imago eggs in a pre-formed nest. Over time, worms and pupae appear. Characteristic features appearance of gray butterflies:

  • Gossamer.
  • Lumps.
  • Bald patches in clothes.
  • Pile at the bottom of the cabinet.

To detect pests, it is necessary to review products and periodically check the wardrobe.

Reasons for the appearance

Before you find a food or clothing moth in an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons for its appearance. To infect a living space, only one fertilized individual is required. The gray butterfly chooses those houses and apartments that have suitable conditions. To the main sources of the appearance of moths in the apartment:

  • Penetration through holes building materials and doorways.
  • Penetration through windows that are not covered with mosquito nets.
  • Buying items of clothing or food that have been infested with larvae.
  • Penetration through ventilation openings, as well as air ducts.

To exclude such an outcome, it is necessary to review the purchased cereals, things and other items. By establishing where the pest is moving from, it is easier to deal with them.

Signs of a pest

It is not difficult to determine that a mole has started. Indeed, in secluded places, the insect leaves eggs. But finding the brood of the pest is problematic, since the eggs are small in size. When inspecting kitchen sets and wardrobes, you should pay attention to the presence of pile and cobwebs. Indeed, in the process of eating cereals or natural pile, the larvae form silk cocoons.

If there is only one insect in the house, then housewives cannot find the flying moth. With excessive contamination of the premises, gray butterflies get out and look for secluded places.

How to protect your home

If a mole starts up, then the damage can be quite serious. After all, cereals in which the insect has laid eggs cannot be consumed. To prevent infection of housing, as well as get rid of insects, folk and chemical remedies should be used.

Folk remedies

Having established where the gray butterfly or larva lives, you need to:

  1. Prepare a solution that includes vinegar or strawberry and laundry soap. This solution is used to clean kitchen set and other surfaces. It also happens that additional processing is carried out.
  2. To repel pests, bay leaves, garlic, lavender or citrus peels are used. Since the aroma evaporates over time, the peels or bay leaves are replaced.
  3. You can scare away insects with the help of cedar twigs and pieces of wood.
  4. Suitable for protecting wardrobes essential oils as well as extracts. They are used for application to cotton pads or pieces of cloth.


Manufacturers supply a variety of drugs and devices through which they get rid of clothing or food moths. Among the extensive range are:

  • Aerosol preparations. They are suitable for processing objects and things infected with larvae and pupae, as well as pest habitats. For protection, Raptor aerosols are used, as well as Clean House.

The appearance of moths in the house has nothing to do with the level of cleanliness and tidiness of the home. You will definitely not be able to prevent its reproduction by frequent cleaning. Remedies for moths in the apartment need to be applied much more radical. Their choice will largely depend on the type of insect.

What causes moths to appear in the apartment?

The first question that arises in people when they see gray nondescript butterflies is where does the moth come from in the apartment? The easiest way is through open windows, vents, doors, ventilation. The second most likely way is with clothes (if clothes moth) or with food (in the case of food moth). Often it starts during the storage of cereals in food warehouses. Moth larvae are barely noticeable, but it is they who destroy food supplies. As in the case of the clothes subspecies: caterpillars, not flying individuals, are engaged in damage to clothes.

Types of moths in the apartment

In total, there are more than 40 varieties of moths. Most of them live in natural conditions. The moth in the apartment belongs to the category of domestic moths. These are small insects, their body length together with wings reaches about 7 mm. When the wings are folded, they are triangular in shape. By its color different types domestic moths differ little from each other, being generally as inconspicuous as possible.

Black moth in the apartment

Black moth starts in cereals that are stored for too long. It multiplies very quickly, so at the first sign of its appearance, you need to immediately take action. Before using this or that moth remedy, you need to determine exactly where it lives. Often she prefers warm and dark places where there is no inflow. fresh air. The main danger to products is larvae, devouring everything around them. Flying insects are males that do not pose a big threat. Female black moths are gray in color. They are in the business of laying eggs.

Food moth in the apartment

Another type of moth that lives in the grain is silver white. Its wingspan reaches 15 mm. The eggs are laid by the female. She does it directly into the croup. When hatching, the caterpillars web several grains and feed on them, making them unsuitable for human food. Sometimes food moth settles in dried fruits and various seeds. The best are laundry soap and vinegar. In addition, they do not tolerate sunlight at all.

Moth in the closet with clothes

Clothes and furniture moths are very similar to each other. Both of them live in closets with fur, wool and cotton products. They spoil not only clothes, but also furniture upholstery and carpets. Both species reach 5-9 mm in length, the color of the wings and body is straw-yellow. Furniture moths can be a little darker than clothes moths, but at first glance it is very difficult to distinguish them. The larvae represent the main danger, feeding on our clothes and making them unusable.

Help from moths in the closet folk remedies - dried tansy, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, tobacco. They are laid out in a closet with clothes. But they only scare off exclusively adults, but they do not affect the larvae. To kill caterpillars, clothes are frozen or, conversely, heated in the hot sun, after which the larvae easily crumble. If allowed, clothes are washed at the maximum temperature.

Wax moth - how to fight?

Danger bee hives carries a wax moth. Its caterpillars feed on honey, wax and bee bread. In addition, they eat bee larvae. Sometimes large colonies of such pests can even destroy the insulation on the hive. The fight against wax moth folk remedies is the pickling of honeycombs in sealed containers with vinegar essence. Prevention consists in constant cleaning in the hive, cleaning the combs and cells themselves, or completely changing the combs and the hive when signs of infection appear. In an apartment, this type of moth can appear along with infected honeycomb larvae.

Poplar moth in the apartment

Another type of moth that can fly into our house along with fluff is poplar. It breeds on trees in down pillows. Once in our house, it does not cause significant damage to things or food. At the same time, it can be very annoying with its presence. It will be especially uncomfortable if there are allergy sufferers in the house. In addition, such a moth can disable electrical appliances by climbing inside them. How to destroy moths in an apartment: you can use sticky traps and traps that attract with their light.

How to find a mole in an apartment?

The apartment begins with the search for their habitats and reproduction. Depending on the type of insect, the search methods and the remedy for moths in the apartment will differ:

  1. How to find a clothes moth: you need to start your search with clothes closets. All clothing should be carefully checked for larvae, eggs and adults. If they are found, all clothing should be treated with dichlorvos or another aerosol agent, hung out in the sun, and cleaned thoroughly.
  2. How to detect a food moth: this subspecies lives in the kitchen, hiding in loose cereals, dried fruits, tea, nuts, which are stored in loosely sealed containers. You need to carefully check the contents of all food packages in the apartment. If contaminated food is found, it should be thrown away immediately, and cabinets should be treated with a soap and vinegar solution.

An effective remedy for moths in the apartment

It is believed that the best pest repellent is the one that acts as quickly as possible and completely kills the moth at all its stages of development. Any industrial tool from a food moth or from its clothes variety can be in the form of a spray, fumigator, trap and repeller. Folk remedies, mainly designed to repel and prevent adult moths.

Most effective means are aerosols. They help to quickly process a large area, penetrating deep into the fabric, fur and wool. Fumigators also do their job well, but their action is not as fast as that of aerosols. Traps, on the other hand, are designed to lure flying individuals, which is ineffective, but it will do as an additional tool.

Essential oils from moths in the apartment

A folk remedy for moths in an apartment as a preventive measure or additional control measures includes the use of strong-smelling essential oils:

  • lavender;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • rosemary.

The way to use these oils is to dilute a few drops in water. This moth remedy in an apartment can be used to wash the floor, spray wardrobes, wipe kitchen surfaces and the insides of cabinets, moisten gauze swabs and then lay them out around the apartment. The main thing is that after such treatment, a strong fragrance remains in the house for a long time.

Herbs for moths in the apartment

Smelling herbs are also often used as an effective deterrent against flying moths in an apartment. By spreading bunches of strong-smelling dry plants everywhere, you can ensure that moths do not want to live in your closet. The best remedy from the moth is:

  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold;
  • lavender;
  • valerian.

How to poison moths in an apartment?

If you need to quickly get rid of individuals already present, you will need to treat the apartment from moths with sprays (aerosols). Proven funds:

  1. "Armol". Aerosol for the treatment of fur coats and other fur products with a pleasant aroma of lavender. It does not leave marks on furniture and clothes, it can process not only clothes, but also carpets, curtains, bed linen. There is a simple "Armol" and a reinforced "Armol Expert". The second is used for processing large premises - exhibition halls, store pavilions.

  1. "Raptor". Effective against butterflies and larvae. Has a pleasant lavender scent. It is used to remove clothes moth. Buying it is not a problem - the product is sold in any household chemicals store.

  1. "Clean house". Aerosol against moths, not much different from other similar products. Economical and effective spray. They can process clothes, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc.