Hive with your own hands. Photo step by step

  • 08.06.2019

  • Buildings in the country with their own hands

Production of decorative hives for a summer cottage

Among the elements of modern landscape design, a special place is given to the use of a variety of decorative beehives, which can be made by hand or purchased ready-made.

Artificial dwellings for bee colonies have been side by side with humans for many centuries and rarely surprise anyone. The appearance of funny and bizarre forms of beehives as an element of decor is only gaining its distribution on the territory of Russian household plots.

The main purpose of these peculiar decorative structures is not to accommodate families of honey bees, but to decorate the surrounding landscape space. The summer residents who install them are far from beekeeping knowledge, and their main goal is not to care for bees and obtain stable beekeeping products.

Most types of decorative hives fit very harmoniously into landscape and design features. country garden and are able to give it an individual and pastoral look. Depending on the gardener's imagination and budget, this type of hive can be made of various materials and using a variety of design solutions.

hive options

Based on the main goals, the hives can be populated by bees or be an ordinary garden entourage. It is possible to use both a ready-made decorative bee house and a homemade version.

Depending on the material used in the construction, the history of beekeeping knows two options for hives:

  • based on natural materials (clay, straw, cork and others);
  • based on synthetic materials (most often polyurethane hives).

Polyurethane hives appeared in Russia relatively recently, but a number of advantages made them quite popular and well-known.

polyurethane beehive

The main advantages of this type of decorative hive are:

  • a variety of shapes and a wide choice of colors;
  • fully collapsible design;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • design features make it easy to change the size of the decorative bee house if necessary;
  • can be easily transported and moved to a new location;
  • ecological cleanliness source material;

  • interchangeability of almost all parts;
  • durability and resistance to damage and adverse external influences.

Such ready-made hives for bees are easy to assemble and disassemble. Self-respecting manufacturers attach drawings of hives and an assembly diagram to the finished product.

Care for such decorative designs minimum is required and consists in periodically cleaning the internal surfaces. It is allowed to wash the hive with warm soda solution. Subsequent disinfection is carried out only with approved preparations.

When choosing a polyurethane decorative hive, you must ensure the quality of the source material and check the availability of the certificate. Such a hive is a completely budget option and involves a variety of shapes and sizes.

Besides ready-made options beehives, most gardeners have a great opportunity to make a beehive with their own hands. Most often, improvised materials are used for homemade bee houses. For such a creative process, you can use completely different components or use special editions that contain a variety of beehive drawings.

How to make a beehive out of wood

Any decorative type of hive should not only be suitable for a bee colony, but also be a harmonious component of the surrounding landscape. For this purpose, you can use a wooden deck, from which the core is removed with a hammer and chisel. Then a notch is made, which will allow the bees to freely fly into and out of the hive. A flying board is attached under the entrance.

Various drawings of hives allow the use of various materials as a top cover. The wooden round hive with a high thatched roof looks the most spectacular. The use of wood for the manufacture of a beehive is very justified. If such a hive is covered with a special varnish for the greatest decorative effect, then it will look very organic against the background of any garden plantings.

How to make a beehive from improvised means

Quite often, plastic five-liter bottles are used for decorative purposes, which can be found in almost every household. Decorative bee houses made of such material look very original and fun. In addition, such hives are not populated with live bees, which is very reasonable if there are small children in the house or people suffering from reactions to bee stings.

In addition to empty five-liter bottles, you will need the following material to make such charming decorative houses:

  • various small plastic bottles for making bees;
  • a can of yellow paint or a can of yellow acrylic paint+ brush;
  • electrical insulating tape in black;
  • four wash brushes;
  • glue for plastic;
  • decorative eyes and beads;

  • a small skein of twine;
  • synthetic white or colorless thread.

For more permanent color and impact protection ultraviolet rays small bottles must be dyed in yellow several layers of paint. It is advisable to apply at least three layers of spray paint. After the paint has completely dried, strips are made with black electrical insulating tape. The eyes and noses of future decorative bees are attached to the blanks with glue. The wings are cut out of transparent plastic bottles and attached to the bees with a synthetic thread.

It is marked on a five-liter bottle, and then a square hole is cut out. The future hive is multi-layered covered with yellow paint. Four wash brushes are fastened with twine, which are fixed on the lid of the bottle as a roof.

An impromptu decorative bee house is ready, and all that remains is to place it on the branches of a tree. Complement the composition of the bees, which must be placed around the decorative hive.

Beehive (video)

Any garden decorations and decorative elements have become very popular, and their prices are unreasonably high and inaccessible to most summer residents. Homemade decorative bee houses are very budget option landscape decor. They will give the garden originality and will delight not only the owners, but also guests for many years.


Attention, only TODAY!

In this article, we suggest you make crafts from plastic bottles in the form of a beehive. For what? In this case, the waste is not sent to the landfill, but gets its second life as decorations for the home and garden. Plastic hives will give a highlight to your site. And original do-it-yourself bees will only complement such a house.


  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters.
  • Willow vine.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Scissors.
  • Water based paint.


  1. A pot-bellied 5-liter bottle is covered with a frame; you can take a round hanger for this purpose. The design is painted with a water-based emulsion.
  2. After the paint dries, in the middle it is necessary to draw a notch.
  3. With the help of a willow vine, the frame is strengthened in two rows. It is braided with a pigtail, and then twisted around the circumference of the frame.
  4. Additionally, the roof is smeared with unpainted glue.
  5. When a tail is formed, it is fixed with a few turns of twine.

Making bees

To make the composition inimitable and unique, small decorative bees can be made from plastic. You can make bees from capsules from Kinder surprises or from rubber gloves.


  • Colored threads (two colors according to the color of bees, yellow and black).
  • Outline for drawing veins (bronze and gold).
  • Wing stencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Marker.
  • Crochet hook.
  • Pencil.
  • Screwdriver.


  1. Capsules from Kinder Surprise are crocheted with alternating thread colors. The ends are neatly removed.
  2. From plastic bottle wings are cut out on a stencil. The veins should be drawn with a contour, for greater realism.
  3. Holes are made in the blanks with an awl, and with the help of bolts the wings are attached, they can be placed both up and down.
  4. A small ponytail is made at the back, like a sting.
  5. Make a nose and eyes out of beads and buttons.
  6. With a careful drawing of the contour, the wings of the bees will shine beautifully in the sun.
  7. The last step is to make a hole in the abdomen. An unnecessary knitting needle is inserted into it. It remains only to attach the bee to the evidence.

Ready! Choose a place in your apiary where our bees will live. Now your backyard will be cozy and joyful.

How else can you make bees that fit perfectly into a plastic bottle hive? Look at us!

In nature, wild bees are content with life in natural shelters, which most often become crevices and hollows in tree trunks. In apiaries, life is much more comfortable, because here each family is provided with its own hives for bees.

How does a man-made house differ from a primitive deck? What is the structure of a beehive for bees and can it be built with your own hands?

Common types of bee hives

Beekeeping belongs to ancient species human activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that over the past time, many types and varieties of hives have appeared all over the world, which are conventionally divided into horizontal, or sunbeds, and vertical, or risers:

  1. Vertical structures due to extensions increase upwards. Among the most common options are a multi-hull house and a beehive for Dadan bees.
  2. Horizontal hives are built up with frames parallel to the surface of the earth. Such varieties include sunbeds designed for 16–24 frames, as well as beehives of Ukrainian design, which differ from the typical ones by the perpendicular arrangement of the frames.

Today, beekeepers hold many types of hives in high esteem, but the most popular are sunbeds, multi-hull structures and 12-frame hives. The price of beehives for bees depends on the size of the house, its design and the materials used for the manufacture. In addition to traditional wood and plywood, various types of plastic and textiles are often used in the arrangement of beehives.

Bee hive arrangement

Structurally, typical hives consist of a body, cover, bottom, magazine extensions, frames for bees.

The main element of the hive device for bees is the body containing the frames for the honeycombs and the bee colony itself. Appearance the hull is very simple. This is a box without a top and bottom, equipped with frame holders.

For departure and return of bees, a hole is provided on the front wall of the hive body - a notch, which can be round or slit-like. For convenience, the notch can be closed with a special valve. Its size is easy to adjust with the help of special liners. And from the outside, below the notch, an arrival board is installed.

From below the body covers the bottom of the hive for bees. This part of the structure can be either removable or tightly attached to the main part. Outwardly, the bottom of the hive resembles a shield with a border around the edge.

For fastening the semi-frames, a magazine extension is provided. It is half as low as the body of the hive, and can be used during the mass collection of honey. If necessary, not one, but several stores are placed on the body.

Novice beekeepers are justifiably concerned about the question: “How much does a beehive with bees cost?” The cost of such an important purchase can vary greatly. At the same time, the choice of a particular hive device for bees depends on the individual preferences of the beekeeper, the volume of honey received and the size of the colonies.

If the cost of ready-made hives seems too burdensome, the beekeeper decides to build beehives for bees with his own hands, drawings for this can be found in open sources, as well as take advantage of the experience of colleagues.

Do-it-yourself evidence for bees: material and assembly features

Whatever bee hive device has been chosen, you should know that only insect-safe materials must be used to build a house.

If wood is chosen as the basis, it is better to give preference to species that do not emit a viscous odorous resin.

Boards and bars must be thoroughly dried, otherwise, already during operation, deformation and failure of the hive is inevitable, it will lose its tightness, the frames for the bees will stop falling into place. For the same reasons, it is better to avoid wood with an abundance of knots, which tend to fall out when dried.

For gluing hives, natural moisture-resistant compounds are taken, which not only have high strength, but also help to seal the joints.

When connecting parts of the bottom, body, cover and other constituent parts hand-made evidence for bees, it is important not to allow gaps, and in order to avoid deformation, 2-3 fragments of the board are used for each of the parts.

Outdoor treatment a beehive for bees should include not only decorative coloring, but also a mandatory two-time treatment with drying oil, which ensures the resistance of the tree to moisture, temperature extremes and the penetration of pests. Coloring is recommended to be carried out with paint of a white, yellow or blue hue, well perceived by insects. It is useful to cover the lid of the hive with metal, and the sheets are turned up at the edges so as to protect the cuts and ends.

Evidence requirements for bees

When planning to make a hive for bees with your own hands, the drawings for construction are chosen so that the new house is completely comfortable:

  1. A high-quality house fully protects insects from seasonal changes in temperature and humidity in all weather conditions. Why the hive is equipped with elements of ceiling and side protection, effective both in winter and in summer.
  2. A family located in a bee hive can expand freely, for which a system for increasing the volume of the house is provided.
  3. The arrangement of the hive for bees should be convenient not only for insects, but also for the beekeeper. That is, the design should be easily cleaned, disinfected, ventilated and audited.
  4. It must be remembered that the hives must be moved, assembled and disassembled.

Before you make a hive for bees, you need to decide on its size. Although many experienced beekeepers have their own preferences and practiced options, it is better for beginners to focus on accepted universal dimensions.

Focusing on the drawing of a hive for bees, do-it-yourself body elements, bottoms and covers, frames and other parts of the structure:

  1. For the manufacture of the case, dried boards with a thickness of 20 mm are taken. At the same time, for frames, it is better to take the same boards not from coniferous wood, but from hardwood, for example, birch or dense aspen.
  2. The distance between the frames for bees at standard solution equal to 37.5 mm, and a gap of 20 mm is left between the bottom of the socket frame.
  3. The insect passages are 12.5 mm wide.
  4. An indent of 20 mm is made from the bottom to the bottom bar of the frame.
  5. From the front or back surface of the beehive body to the frames is 7.5 mm.

When making a hive, do not forget about insulation. For this purpose, insulating pillows with a side of 455 mm are prepared, which are stuffed with well-dried grass and moss.

The hive's living space is protected from the unoccupied area by the diaphragm. This removable element of the bee hive device is also handmade from a durable 10mm plywood sheet.

The assembly of a homemade hive begins with the details of the body, then it's time to attach the frames for the bees. After checking the conformity of the dimensions, the hive receives the bottom. The roof is installed last. Assembly is carried out on flat surface so that the structure is stable and durable.

How to make a beehive with your own hands - video

Beekeeping is the most important industry Agriculture different countries. The value of beekeeping is determined not only by the most valuable products obtained from the apiary, but also by the role of honey bees in the cross-pollination of plants and, as a result, increasing the yield of various crops.

The work of a beekeeper is hard work, requiring year-round attention and care from the beekeeper. First of all, high-quality hives for bees are important, which must meet certain criteria. When choosing a house, the climatic and honey collection conditions of the region are taken into account, but there are a number of conditions that any of them must meet. So, what are the types, how to assemble beehives for bees with your own hands and how to properly place them in the apiary - you will find all this in our article.

General requirements for bee houses

Regardless of the design, each bee hive (a house where one or more families live) must meet fairly stringent conditions:

  • dryness at any time of the year and with any amount of precipitation;
  • high-quality thermal insulation, due to which it remains inside in winter comfortable temperature;
  • good ventilation;
  • space and potential to expand as the family grows;
  • relatively small mass of the structure;
  • the quality of the finishes - a wooden house, painted and puttied, has been serving for at least 15 years.

A house for bees of any design must also comply with certain dimensions:

  • between the wall and the side bars of the frames - at least 8 mm;
  • between the centrals of adjacent frames - 38 mm;
  • frame thickness - 25 mm.

As practice shows, it is more convenient to use beehives with magazine extensions in apiaries - they are lighter than nest boxes.

Wooden parts that are used to make beehives are harvested from aspen, linden or pine. The maximum humidity is 15%. There should be no gaps and fallen knots. If this is found, the holes are puttied.

Slots in the houses are unacceptable - heat will escape through them and, accordingly, the consumption of honey will increase. To compensate for energy, the family will have to take more feed.

Since you need to build a hive accurately and correctly, this will allow you to combine their individual parts with each other. If we are talking about how to build a beehive for bees with our own hands, then the walls of the cases are assembled from 2-3 boards using the tongue-and-groove method and glued with additional waterproof non-toxic glue.

The outer side is treated with drying oil and painted in 2 layers of blue, yellow or white paint. The roof is made from stainless steel sheet.

The design (components) of hives for bee colonies

Since making a beehive for bees on your own is quite troublesome, let's decide on its main components:

  • frame;
  • shop extensions;
  • liner;
  • ceiling boards;
  • roof;
  • arrival board;
  • insert board (diaphragm);
  • nesting / magazine frames.

The magazine frame is easier to get rid of the combs, it is easier to print the combs in them and, accordingly, pump out the honey.

  • Frame

Outwardly, this is a box knocked together from boards. Depending on the size and type of the hive, where there are more than 10 nesting or about 20 shop frames, since they are smaller in size. The latter are fixed by the shoulders on the fold.

On the front side, a notch is made through which insects get inside. In some buildings there are 2 tapholes - upper and lower, in others - one at a time, in the third (multi-building) there are also several, each of which serves for a particular family.

They are knocked together from 3-4 boards or one flat. Can be retractable or stationary. A ledge is made so that you can fasten the loops for the arrival.

For fixing, loops are used so that this board can be removed at any time. Remove it for the winter so that rodents do not get inside, or for the duration of the move for convenience. Needed by bees for departure and landing.

  • Shop extension

The finished sample, which is needed to artificially increase the bee colony. As a rule, standard frames are smaller than nested frames, but the same in width and height. If the evidence for the bees is a typical size, the magazine frames are fully consistent with them.

Used to fix the ceiling insulation, resulting in a warm hive. It can also be used to separate a family in order to form layers with a fetal uterus.

  • Ceiling

Ceiling trim - bar as thick as the body. The bottom of the board is 20mm. Then a reflector. Then - styrofoam 20mm

A standard piece that is assembled from individual planks or made from solid wood. The temperature inside depends on the thickness and integrity.

  • Roof

Need hives to protect from rain and snow, wind and debris. The shape can be different - single or multi-slope, sloping, acute-angled, etc.

For good ventilation ventilation holes or small cuts are made in the sidewalls through which air will flow.

Used to reduce the space inside the house for different purposes. So, in case of a sharp cold snap, insulation (polyurethane foam, moss, etc.) can be placed behind such boards. In a multi-hive hive, the insert board is usually smaller than that of a sunbed and other examples.

The diaphragm shield is made from a board 45x32 cm, length - 47.2 cm, width - 2 cm. It is assembled from boards 1.4 cm thick, which are assembled by ¼.

For the tightest possible fit, the ends are pasted over with a rubber seal, usually used to insulate entrance doors.

Required for the formation of honeycomb workers. Consists of the following elements:

  • upper and lower straps (shoulders are made on the top for fixing on the fold);
  • 2 dividing bars.

The standard size is 43.5x30 cm. In a lounger - 30x43.5 cm, in a multi-shell, on the contrary, 43.5x30 cm.

Between themselves, the sizes of the frames differ according to the type of hives:

  • in a lounger - 30x43.5 cm;
  • multi-case - 43.5x23 cm.

To assemble the frames, use standard nails 3 cm Ø 1.4 mm.

  • sectional frame

It is used to obtain honey in small quantities, for which it is divided into sections 11x11 cm in size. Such sectional frames are made from chips 45x35x0.2 cm, after which they are placed in the store. On average, 380-400 grams of honey is removed from one section.

Case types

In total, the following types are distinguished:

  • multi-hull;
  • two-hull for 24 frames;
  • single-hull with two shops;
  • sunbed for 20 frames;
  • lounger for 16 nesting frames;
  • lounger for 16 magazine frames.

In this article we will tell you how to make bee hives for 20 frames and multi-hull. These are the most popular types that can be found in most apiaries in Russia. Immediately note that the dimensions of the hives are standard.

Multihull (TP No. 808 5 1)

It consists of 4 buildings, each of which can accommodate 10 nesting frames measuring 43.5x23 cm. This is a prototype of a stationary and nomadic modern bee hive.

What will be needed for construction:

  • boards - 0.3 cubic meters;
  • galvanization - 2 kg;
  • investment steel - 0.2 kg;
  • galvanized mesh - 0.2 sq.m.;
  • nails - 1.5 kg;
  • galvanized nails - 0.1 kg;
  • screws - 10-12 pieces;
  • loops for the arrival board - 10 pcs.;
  • wooden insert for tap hole - 4 pcs.;
  • holder for ventilation frames - 2 pcs.;
  • drying oil - 0.5 l;
  • white - 0.3 l;
  • paints - 0.3 l.
  1. The box is assembled from boards 3.5 cm thick. The internal dimensions of the house are 45x37.5x25 cm. The walls can be made from solid wood or assembled from several boards, but be sure to glue them with non-toxic waterproof glue to avoid cracks and holes.

For nomadic houses, folds of 1.8x0.5 cm are hollowed out on the walls above and below in order to insert one into the other during transportation.

  1. Inside, folds are hollowed out for attaching frames. Their dimensions are 1.1x2 cm.
  2. On the front part, at a height of 12.5 cm, a hole Ø 2.5 cm is cut out - this is the future notch. Immediately, a sleeve is also prepared for him, which will fit tightly, but so that it can be removed without significant effort.
  3. Sidewall length 49.6 cm, height - 25 cm, wall length - 44.5 cm, height - 25 cm.

To make it convenient to transfer structures from place to place, you can make a recess on the top as a hand holder.

  1. The bottom is removable. It is a 23° sloping shield that runs from the back to the front. It is usually made from 2-3 boards 3.5 cm thick. Be sure to make a border from the ends, and from the side of the arrival board make ledges, where the loops are later screwed.
  2. The lower part of the bottom is sheathed with boards 5x3.5 cm, which will avoid rotting of the bottom and contact of the hive with the ground.
  3. The ceiling is already knocked together from 5 boards, which are fixed across the top with planks. Ceiling dimensions 496x40x1 cm.
  4. The dimensions of the liner on the outside are 52x44.5 cm, on the inside - 45x37.5 cm.
  5. The roof is made completely flat so that the hives can be assembled during transportation. They are tied with boards 10.5x2.4 cm, connected using the tenon-groove method and additionally fixed with non-toxic waterproof glue.
  6. The dimensions of the frames are 43.5x23 cm with fixed slats.
  • The parameters of the upper bar are 47x2.5x2 cm.
  • Side plank - 22x1 cm.
  • The lower bar is 41.5x2x1 cm.
  1. The ventilation frame is used to transport insects or to isolate them during the treatment of the house and prevention.
  • side strap length - 47 cm;
  • walls - 37.5 cm;
  • thickness - 2 cm.

A metal mesh with holes up to 3 mm is attached to the ventram.

Everything wooden details smoothly cut off and protected with fine sandpaper. The dimensions of the hives are observed exactly.

As the experience of beekeepers shows, such a building is not very complicated, and at the same time, this is the most convenient design. First, it helps to strengthen the family and increase productivity. Secondly, it allows you to combine cases with each other. Thirdly, such convenient boxes are easier to transport and carry, including in stationary apiaries to and from the winter hut.

VIDEO: How to make a multi-hull hive with your own hands

How to make a 20 frame hive

Drawings of these varieties are made according to standard project 179 60. The convenience lies in the fact that at the same time you can keep 2 families at once - provided that the hull is divided into two independent compartments and each is equipped with its own entrance.

The maximum benefit can be traced in winter - 2 families, although separated by a bar, spend less energy and feed in total. In such evidence, it is always warmer than in multi-housing, even for several bee colonies.

What you need:

  • boards - 0.2 cubic meters;
  • galvanized sheet - 3 kg;
  • galvanized mesh with a cell of 3 mm - 015 sq.m;
  • round washers - 0.02 kg;
  • screws - 0.2 kg;
  • nails - 0.25 kg;
  • galvanized roofing nails - 0.1 kg;
  • staples - 2 pcs.;
  • metal clamps - 2 pcs.;
  • inserts for the landing board - 4 pcs.;
  • drying oil - 0.5 l;
  • white - 0.3 l;
  • paints - 0.3 l.
  • crushed chalk - 0.4 kg.

The main difference between the Ukrainian sample from the Belarusian and Russian ones is the insulation of the front and rear walls.

  1. The body is made of planks. The dimensions of the finished box from the outside are 83x44x60 cm. The thickness of the outer walls is 1.5 cm, the inner walls are 2.5 cm. The length of the walls is 83 cm.
  2. The sidewalls are assembled from 5 boards, a hollow is made on top in the form of a shell under the pressure board, and at the bottom - to insert the bottom. The size of the walls is 42x3.5 cm.
  3. They make 2 lower notches 20x1.2 cm - one on the front part, the other on the side. The top two are also made, but with other sizes - 10x1.2 cm. Be sure to observe an equal distance from the bottom of 34 cm, from the edge - 16 cm.
  4. The arrival board is attached to the bottom with loops.
  5. The bottom is knocked together from 3 planks. Be sure to provide a clamping bar, with which the frames are fixed during transportation of the apiary.
  6. The frames are made high, but narrower than the standard - 30x43.5 cm.

VIDEO: Most detailed description lounger for 20 frames

It is important to understand not only how to make beehives for future families. But also in how to put them in the apiary correctly, so as not to lose them in the first year.

The ideal place for an apiary is moderately sunny, moderately shaded. Near honey plants

The location is chosen depending on the conditions and topography. If you put them in an open area, then at noon the workers stop working, everyone leaves the house and hides in the shade under the arrival board or even crawls under it.

For hives standing on unshaded sites, the swarming rate is more than 70%. And productivity is lower by 45%.

The consequences of direct sunlight during transportation are very serious - another shake-up on a road bump leads to the fact that the newly rebuilt softened honeycombs break off. This leads to the death of not only the female workers, but also the brood, and in some cases the uterus may die.

There are certain requirements for setting up hives in an apiary:

  1. Hives expose "face" to the south. This will provide excellent lighting during daylight hours, and the north-facing back wall will protect the family from strong gusts of wind.
  2. It is desirable that large shrubs or trees grow behind the houses to serve as an additional obstacle to the winds.
  3. Even before you make a hive for bees yourself, make sure that there is a source of water in the place where they will stand. But even if it is not there, the problem can be solved through collective or individual drinkers.

There must be a source of water nearby - it is no less important for a bee than for a person.

  1. Direct sunlight should not be allowed to hit the roof and the house itself, but it should not be overshadowed either. Such an arrangement will limit ventilation and artificially increase the length of the day for the bees - they will fly out earlier and return later. This will accelerate their wear and lead to an earlier death.
  2. The place for the apiary is chosen so that honey plants grow nearby. This will enable workers to prepare feed faster. The maximum distance should not exceed 1.8-2 km.
  3. It is necessary to make hives in such a way that it is possible to insulate them for the winter with moss or polyurethane foam.

When insulating, avoid direct contact of insects with polyurethane foam. To do this, it is laid with a canvas.

  1. All the grass is pulled out in front of the houses that have already been put up and are just being put up - the beekeeper should be able to control the type and quality of the garbage thrown out daily by minke whales. On the one hand, the quality of the garbage will show the condition of the family. On the other hand, the absence of grass will make it possible to notice the prolapsed uterus in time - this happens quite often.
  2. Attach planks to the arrival boards - this will allow the loaded bees to get into the house faster. This adjustment is especially important during windy conditions.

So, we told you how to make a beehive for bees yourself, what materials are needed for this and how to properly place houses in the apiary. If you have any questions or want to clarify some of the nuances, ask questions in the comments - our experts will be happy to help you!

VIDEO: Apiary roaming, hives fastening, bee transportation

Beekeeping is a laborious but very interesting occupation. The hive is an indispensable attribute of the apiary, but usually it is just a house for bees and about no decorative effect speech is not being made. However, there are hives that will definitely decorate the adjoining or country cottage area while performing its main function.

This is what a hive usually looks like - just a plain wooden box with honeycomb frames inside. The bees, in fact, are satisfied, but the beekeeper does not need more, especially since you can build and repair such a hive yourself.

Just a thatched roof and a DIY bee from a plastic bottle. Minimal decor, and a small hive has already changed and began to attract the attention of guests. illustrative example realization of the fantasy of the owner of the apiary, who decided to make a little more effort.

This bright beehive was designed and assembled by designer Massimiliano del Olivo. The design was named Bienenhaus ("House for bees" in German) and is now widely used in the Alps, where bees collect honey in mountain meadows. The area of ​​each such hive is 6.5 square meters.

In general, an ordinary hive, but neat, painted in an attractive turquoise Yes, even with a real roof. And the bees are warm and comfortable, and the site has become more attractive. The roof must necessarily be removable, because the beekeeper will have to look in quite often and monitor how his pets are doing there, how much honey has already been collected.

Bright wooden houses for bees, they look especially attractive against the background of a green lawn. One hive even received carved balconies and windows. In such an apiary, you can sit for hours, watching the activities of tireless workers-honey plants.

Of course, the hives are always made of wood, a natural material that provides the bees with maximum comfort. If you are fond of wood carving, nothing will stop you from creating such attractive and functional masterpieces - carved hive towers.

Such small houses for bees it is advisable to hang on fruit trees and next to lush flower beds to attract insects and increase yields, such as apples, which will be actively pollinated. An unusual option, but experts insist that there are fewer and fewer bees on the planet, people should think about their comfort and help find shelter for the night.

Hive-mill. The option is not new, but always very attractive. Homemade mini mills are quite often used as decorative elements on household plots. In this case, they simply decided to combine beauty with a practical function by creating a small apiary.

Tall house for bees and other insects that collect and carry pollen. Such houses are assembled from improvised materials, the main thing is that there are enough holes where wild bees can live. Of course, such structures should be installed away from recreation areas so that insects do not disturb people.

Do you think that this is just an abstract installation from natural materials suspended on wooden wall? Meanwhile, this is a very unusual beehive designed by Urban Hedgerow and handcrafted.

Beehive temple. Someone will say that this is too much, why spend so much effort and wood on creating a decor that the bees themselves will definitely not appreciate. But how beautiful and unusual! It is also worth noting the skill of the creator of this unusual hive.

And finally - the dream of every beekeeper. This is a modern hive equipped with a system that allows you to collect honey without pulling out the frame and without making any effort. We are sure that it will be very pleasant to watch how day after day the jars are filled with fragrant, fresh and very healthy honey.