Tattoos amulets and talismans, rune tattoos and their meaning. Tattoo amulets for men, girls, women Slavic from the evil eye and corruption, Eye of Horus, Buddhist, Indian, ancient old Russian

  • 16.10.2019

The image of sacred symbols on clothes, weapons and the human body has been used since ancient times. Unlike modern people, using tattoos as decoration, ancient people believed in their mystical meaning. Amulets tattoos were used to protect against dark forces, attack enemies and save lives. Consider the main meanings of images on the body.

Now on the body of young people you can see various inscriptions, signs and pictures. All images can be divided into the following types:

  • quotes from religious texts;
  • runic letters or staves;
  • ancient hieroglyphs;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • animal image.

The image of the dream catcher, the eye of Horus, the black sun, Slavic symbols and hieroglyphs is very popular. A kind of protection against black energy and demonic forces is the image of a mask: it deceives evil spirits, thereby removing evil from a person.

Previously, masks were worn during ritual actions, and cosmetics on the face served as a disguise - evil spirits could not recognize the person. IN modern world cosmetics acquired a different meaning and began to serve as a decorative ornament.

Among animals and insects are popular:

  • Grasshopper;
  • ladybug;
  • spider and bee;
  • Scarab beetle;
  • other animal totems.

Among Buddhist symbols, it is popular;

  • Om mandala;
  • bodhisattva;
  • lotus.

Tattoos are applied to any part of the body - on the arms, wrists, feet, back or chest. However, it should be remembered that an unknown image on the body can adversely affect the fate of a person. Before applying a pattern to the skin, it is necessary to find out the mystical meaning of the pattern or symbol.

The value of popular amulets

Consider the meaning and meaning of amulets, which are most often depicted on the body of modern girls and boys.

dream Catcher

This Indian symbol is designed to protect against evil spirits - it traps them in an intricately woven network pattern. The amulet protects both at night and during the day. Usually, an image of a spider is added to the dream catcher - this can protect a person from severe spoilage and evil eye.

This symbol serves as protection from the evil eye and inducing damage to a person. This Slavic amulet, in addition to protection, enhances the influence of the birth canal and helps to communicate with the other world. Therefore, the symbol is popular with magicians and magi.

However, the black sun also has a downside that everyone should be aware of. The symbol turns into a destructive side to those who do not live according to conscience and honor. Therefore, choosing the black sun as a talisman, be prepared to spend your life with dignity and honesty. Then this symbol will bring good to your life.

The image of lines and patterns has become popular in recent times. Amulet tattoos in the Celtic spirit symbolize the life path of a person that he must go through. It is believed that the basis of the patterns was given to the Celts by the gods, and it is unchanged.

The path of man, according to Celtic beliefs, has no beginning and end - it is endless in the cycle of rebirths. The purpose of the patterns is to lead a person to spiritual growth, to tear him out of the shackles of the mortal world, to direct him on the path of truth.

A triangle with an eye can be seen on the body of modern people and the American dollar. This ancient symbol brings insight and intuitive knowledge. Nowadays, the all-seeing eye is depicted on the body in order to protect against the evil eye, troubles and troubles. Sometimes a symbol is used to emphasize its originality and mystery.

The mysteriousness and unusualness of hieroglyphs attracts modern people. Images can be found on the neck, arms, back. Usually a hieroglyph carries a certain idea, written in a symbol. It can be the idea of ​​sincerity, health, wealth, change of seasons.

Runic tattoos

Among the runic signs, Scandinavian and Slavic letters are distinguished. Each rune carries its own sacred meaning, which can dramatically affect a person's life. Sometimes they depict a tie from runes - a combination of several characters.

Slavic amulets tattoos

Recently, Slavic amulets tattoos have become widespread. The revival of pre-Christian culture is gaining momentum and attracts more and more people with its harmonious and understandable symbolism. Slavic gods are depicted on the body (Veles, Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog, Yarilo, Makosh, Stribog) or a symbolic image of amulets:

  • caroler;
  • Svarog square;
  • coastline;
  • lunar.

There are male and female Slavic protective symbols that have a positive effect on energy. Therefore, it is unacceptable to depict a male symbol on a female body and vice versa.

It is a male amulet and bestows fearlessness and invulnerability in extreme situations. In ancient Russia, carolers were worn from childhood. He bestows wisdom, prevents the unreasonable use of physical force.

If you decide to get a tattoo amulet and do not know which one to choose, then read the information in the article. You will learn what different tattoos mean.

Nowadays, the fashion for tattoos is gaining momentum. Drawings on the body are made not only by men, but also by girls. Unfortunately, tattoos are often stuffed thoughtlessly, without even delving into the meaning of wearable images. But, if you make the right tattoo, then it is able to protect its owner from illness, damage, the evil eye, and other external attacks from ill-wishers. Therefore, before deciding on a drawing on the body, carefully select it and find out what it means.

The influence of tattoos of amulets, runes on human life

In the old days, they believed that the drawings on the body carry some kind of energy. Each image has its own interpretation and gives a person a certain power. Most often, tattoo artists offer clients the following drawings:

  • animals, birds
  • famous heroes of songs, epics
  • various signs, ornaments
  • runes, images of gods
  • stars, figures, original textures

IMPORTANT: each animal, sign, rune, figure carries its own semantic load, so Wolf- the embodiment of excellent intuition, fidelity. Bear It is strength, fearlessness. Eagle- courage, power.

Svarog tattoos - old Slavic amulets: what they look like, photos, sketches, meaning

Svarog- this is the first god, it is he who is the father of all earthly creatures according to the ancient Slavs. Previously, in the old days, men made tattoos for themselves with various Old Slavonic amulets.

Svarog - has power over living beings, makes life more harmonious

In particular, Slavic amulets can be different, as mentioned earlier, they are found in the form of deities, animals, plants, runes, etc.


  • - speaks of a person's belonging to the Slavic people. The interlacing line in the figure denotes: freedom, honor, faith and justice. Such a sign is suitable only for strong men. Thanks to him, they are supposed to acquire all the secrets of the craft that they have chosen. And luck will always accompany them.

  • Solstice (kolovrat)- This is a symbol of the Slavic Gods Dazhdbog, Svarog, Force. Kolovrat means the sun. Moreover, if the rays are directed clockwise, then such a solstice is considered a female amulet, if against, then a male one. The owner of the tattoo brings good luck, keeps from troubles. It has a strong masculine energy. Kolovrat also protects women and attracts success.

  • a lion is a symbol of royalty. He defends the law, has masculinity, strength, greatness. Those who make such tattoos are given fearlessness, men with such drawings on their skin do not recognize rulers, they do not like it when they are told how to live. The image protects the owner from any manifestation of evil.

Drawing on the body - lion

Tattoo amulets and talismans: what they look like, photos, sketches, meaning

The master can apply these drawings on the skin according to your desire, and the choice of talismans is very wide. There are sketches in the form of insects, animals, fish, figures, famous deities.

Scarab- conceals the great power of the solstice. It is believed that the amulet is able to restore peace of mind after severe shocks. Man acquires the wisdom of the universe.

Amulet - scarab beetle

  • Angels- are custodians. They always save the souls of the innocent, guide them to the true path.

  • Perunov color(differently: fern color) is a powerful protection against all kinds of damage and the evil eye. Thanks to such protection, its carrier has a huge potential of energy. In addition, the talisman opens up new opportunities for a person and fulfills the most cherished desires.

Amulet - Perunov color

Tattoo amulets for women and girls

Girls most often in drawings appreciate not the meaning itself, but how it looks. When beauties come to a tattoo parlor for the first time, they often cannot decide which sketch to choose. See below for various examples of drawings and their descriptions.

  • Buddhist mandala- this is a beautiful pattern on the body, the amulet has a magical property to make its own changes in the life of the owner and protect from adversity. Images of such a talisman may differ from each other. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often make just such drawings on the skin due to the fact that they look great visually, they come in the form of intricate patterns, beautiful flowers.

Image - mandala

  • Ornament- For different clients, tattoo artists can apply in different ways, it all depends on their preferences. This symbol means fertility, procreation.

Slavic amulet - ornament

  • hummingbird- a talisman for the fairer sex. Thanks to the drawing, you will get harmony in your life, a certain lightness, peace of mind. The bird gives the girls optimism. And, of course, it looks great on the shoulder, arm, side and other places of the woman's body. The drawing of the master is created individually for each beauty. Some choose a color picture, and they also create an original composition with plants near the bird.

Tattoo - hummingbird

Tattoo amulets for men

Even in ancient times, men loved to make images of Gods, various symbols, animals, and ornaments on their bodies. Let's consider some of them.

  • — can be depicted in one color or with the use of color shades. The drawings as a whole may differ, but the meaning remains the same: an eye (all-seeing eye) is drawn inside the triangle. Its meaning is that the Eye of the Most High sees everything.

  • Tattoo Perun defeats the dragon - symbolizes power, strength, will, patronage. Such drawings are made to gain confidence and show their respect to the bold God.

Image of Perun on the body

Tattoos protect from the evil eye and damage

It is believed that magical signs, amulets protect their owners from unfriendly people. If you make a drawing on the body in the form of such a drawing, then the person will be reliably protected from damage.

  • Cross- symbolizes a powerful amulet against envious people, enemies who are not indifferent to the success of strong women and men.

Tattoo - cross

Black Sun- especially widely known among the peoples of Scandinavia, this sign enhances the energy of a person. This process occurs due to a subtle connection with their ancestors. The sun also protects the owner of the tattoo from enemies.

dream Catcher- The Indians believe that such an amulet can save a person from all kinds of evil. Although many interpret that this amulet protects people from nightmares, dark forces that appear only at night. This is not entirely true. In order for the tattoo to protect you from evil envious people, enemies - do it in a conspicuous place.

Body Image - Dreamcatcher

Video: Tattoo amulets Star of Russia

Tattoo amulets Eye of Horus

The amulet represents the third eye, is a magical, symbolic talisman. Saves a person from:

  • Insidious enemies, their blows on the sly
  • The owners of the amulet feel God's gaze
  • Rescues from emergencies by car
  • Is a thunderstorm of ill-wishers
  • Protects from diseases, evil eye

Eye of Horus

Tattoo amulets ancient old Russian

  • Molvinets- a symbol-shield that saves from slander, witchcraft. Among other things, such a charm heals from various problems with speech, as ancient ancestors claimed, it can even cure stuttering.

Molvinets - tattoo

  • Bee- an insect that brings the blessing of the Lord to a person. This is a powerful amulet that gives its owner longevity, great performance.

Amulet - bee

Viking amulets tattoos, Scandinavian

In Scandinavia, it was customary to make drawings with belonging to a particular profession, with Scandinavian Gods, mythological characters, animals, runes. See below for examples of this work.

MEN- contributes to the implementation of all plans. In addition, with such a tattoo, it will be easier for you to decide on the future. way of life. Another rune attracts only good-natured people to the social circle.

Indian amulets tattoos

  • Indian totem Wolf- a strong predator, loyal to his friends, he has highly developed intuitive qualities, he is stubborn in his endeavors.
  • Image on the body - Buddha

    Buddhist amulets tattoos

    Lotus- most often done to beautiful women. It symbolizes purity, beauty, promotes the development of creativity.

    Sak Yant- stuffed only to men. The pattern is considered sacred. He protects his wearer if he does not violate the commandments written on the tattoo.

    Sacred Tattoo - Sak Yant

    IMPORTANT: Tattooing with such images is recommended only in the upper body.

    Each tattoo is individual. If you have decided on the choice of pattern, then consider other nuances associated with tattoo stuffing. After all, some amulets lose their power of action if you do not follow the order of their application to the body or do not perform important recommendations on their correct use.

    Video: Slavic amulets tattoos

    Video: Rune Tattoos

blue bird of happiness

The tattoo has been known to mankind since ancient times. Initially, the drawings on the body had a sacred meaning, each sign, image, carried a certain message, played a protective role. IN modern society tattoos are stuffed, rather, for beauty. For young people, this is a kind of way to express themselves, say something personal to the world, emphasize individuality and simply decorate the body. Attitudes towards tattoos can be different, but looking at the ornate underwear patterns, it is impossible to remain indifferent. Art lovers are always in the public eye, so they have to increasingly turn to the origins, sacred meaning drawings. This is dictated by the desire through this or that drawing to protect oneself from evil, an evil eye, envy. Therefore, it is important to know what tattoo amulets exist, what is their strength and secret meaning.

Protective tattoos with a secret meaning

IN ancient world The most devoted fans of the tattoo were the Egyptians. They decorated the body with small pictures, each of which had a certain meaning, protecting the body and soul from dark forces, the evil eye. Such a tattoo amulet was applied to children, adults, women and men, regardless of class.

Celtic male pattern

Each nation had special traditions, rules for applying wearable amulets, each image contains a magical meaning, a powerful energy that affects a person’s character. In addition, male and female drawings have a completely different meaning, strength and direction of magical action. Before deciding on such an important life step, it is important to know what amulets are and their meaning.

Owl - a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment

Slavic tattoo amulets

Our ancestors are a wise people, Slavic history, traditions, culture - a valuable heritage for contemporaries. Today, Slavic tattoos are very popular, and this is no coincidence. Each image is a magical message, a powerful energy force emanating from the drawing, so you need to choose it wisely. Runes, solar signs, geometric ornaments, trixels, images of pagan gods - all this symbolized unity, secret knowledge, protection of forces higher worlds. The right to choose and apply wearable signs was received exclusively by the ancestor worshipers - the Magi and priests.

Small trixel on the wrist

The gods of the Slavs were male and female, respectively, the runes also carried female or male energy. Therefore, Slavic tattoos are divided into female and male.

Let's take a closer look at their meaning:

  • Ladinets. One of the most powerful Slavic tattoo amulets for women is Ladinets. It is a symbol of happiness, love, a protector from family adversity. The goddess Lada patronized female beauty, love, in the family a woman called her husband “Lado”, and he answered “Okay”. Ladin is depicted as the sun with rays refracted to the right. Our ancestors believed that this direction is emotionally feminine.
  • Lada Star. The symbol is directly related to the same goddess. Slavic amulets in the form of a star were applied to girls to ensure longevity, a happy female lot. The symbolic star protects women in childbirth, preserves women's health, gives peace and prudence.

Women's amulet
  • Bereginya is another Slavic amulet with powerful female energy. Depicted as a woman with birds in her hands. Slavic tattoos depicting Beregini promise a happy fate, are a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and reverence for ancestors.
  • Kolyadnik. Truly male tattoo a charm that was applied to boys at a young age. It was believed that the sign gives the young man the strength and courage of a warrior, brings good luck, gives wisdom.
  • Svarog square. The primordially male Slavic symbol helps everyone who is engaged in physical work. Russian men at all times were famous for their physical strength, endurance, ability to work. The square of Svarog gave strength, and also endowed the mind of the worker with ingenuity.

Svarog's square on the shield is a powerful symbol of protection

In addition to the symbolic images of pagan gods, it was customary for the ancient Slavs to put signs of runes, images of animals and plants on the body. All drawings served as amulets, talismans for good luck, protectors from diseases, the evil eye and dark forces. After the Baptism of Russia, the art of tattooing began to be eradicated, considering it a manifestation of pagan beliefs. Today, Slavic tattoos are again being treated as a powerful energy source of strength and protection. Ancient amulets and their meaning are magical, if the ancestors believed in their miraculous power, then why shouldn't we follow the established tradition?

Image of animals - totems as a talisman

Oriental tattoos

The East is magic, magic, a separate world in which many seek to gain knowledge of the meaning of life. The oldest tattoo art in Tibet, India, Japan, China includes sacred signs, hieroglyphs, images of flowers, animals, mythical heroes.

The dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance, nobility and wisdom.

Tibet is called the "Roof of the World", it is not accidental, because it is there that a person can learn ancient practices, philosophy, secret teachings, reveal the potential of the soul and body. Tattoos are one of the ways to protect yourself, achieve harmony with your inner self, direct energy in the right direction.

When choosing oriental signs, drawings, patterns for application to the body, you should know about the meaning of each:

  • Ohm. The most powerful Tibetan sign, the personification of sound, symbolizing the beginning of the creation of the world. It is believed that he saves from any life misfortunes, troubles, helps to understand the situation, find the right way out. Such a symbol should only be applied to the upper body.
  • Mandala. The luxury of ornate patterns, a bizarre interlacing of lines that fold into a circle is a symbol of the Universe. Drawing will help to maintain spiritual integrity, protect from fuss, turn to the main thing. By the way, according to the principle ancient symbol in the East, the construction of altars, temples and even entire cities took place.

Mandalas "decorate" the chakras on the human body
  • Lotus is a flower symbolizing wisdom, inner harmony. Such tattoos are applied by women in order to preserve purity, spirituality, to receive wisdom and tranquility as a gift from the Universe.
  • Sakura is a symbol of blooming Japan, the personification of youth and beauty. Tattoo in the form of a delicate blooming spring tree are favorite among young girls who are in search of love.

sakura in bloom

The East is a delicate matter, this is manifested in the art of tattoos. If Slavic tattoos protect against evil forces, then the main meaning of the tattoo of the East is philosophy, knowledge of the individual, the search for truths within oneself.

flower mandala

Indian tattoos

Indians are a developed and civilized people of North America. They are excellent hunters, builders, healers and brave warriors who protect their lands, and women are the guardians of the family hearth. A talisman tattoo for Indian men is not just a drawing, but a symbol with a secret meaning. The most popular wearable designs in Indian tribes:

  • Dream Catcher. The most popular Indian symbol today, the protector of thoughts and dreams. Anyone who wants to get a tattoo in the form of a dream catcher should know that the sign should be applied to the body closer to the head, on the shoulders, back of the head or neck.

Protector of thoughts and dreams
  • Kokopelli. One of the supreme gods of the Indian tribes, symbolizes fertility, prosperity, helps to reveal creative and sexual energy.
  • Indian face. Not everyone knows that the Indians themselves could not apply such an image to the body. The privilege was given exclusively to the leader of the tribe. Today it is believed that the image of an Indian helps to find a soul mate, to find family happiness.

In search of family happiness

In every Indian tribe there was a totem - an animal protector, the patron of the people. Animal tattoos are popular, but not everyone knows their meaning. The wolf symbolizes perseverance and loyalty, the coyote - cunning, the bull - a desperate willingness to take risks, the bear - strength and courage.

The bird is a symbol of freedom

Often, an important life event pushes the decision to apply a tattoo on a person’s body. Often drawings are applied to attract happiness, prosperity, to protect oneself from evil and envy. Many simply want to decorate their body with artistic painting. Remember that the choice of a tattoo cannot be random, everyone must take into account personal aspirations, character, desires, so that the drawing protects and brings good luck to its owner.

Native American male energy symbol

To protect themselves from the negative energy impacts coming from the surrounding crowd, many people apply tattoos from the evil eye on their bodies. This simple and effective method protection helps to strengthen the energy potential, calmly endure troubles Everyday life where you often have to deal with negative emotions. Many people on the planet do not know how to cope with their aggression, envy, anger, causing others to suffer from a splash negative energy. Such waves of negativity coming from the outside affect a person's life if he does not use additional measures of energy protection.

History of the tattoo

Many centuries ago, the people of the planet Earth, living in different corners of the world, had extensive practical knowledge about energy attacks and protection from the induced evil eye with the help of drawings on the body. Charm tattoos with magical symbols were made in Indian tribes in South and North America, in Slavic communities, in the Papuan clans of Oceania, in Ancient India.

At the same time, communication routes between these parts of the world were not developed, and people could not share their experience with each other. Each society independently came up with the idea of ​​drawing a picture on the body in order to protect against negative interference in energy.

In the modern world, this knowledge has been combined. Now lovers of tattoo amulets can pick up reliable amulet, and apply it on the body to protect against energy aggression. Tattoo, which is of great importance for brutal men, is commonly used in modern society. This type of protection keeps its stable position in the trend for a whole decade.

The magical meaning of the tattoo from the evil eye and damage

A tattoo on the body is far from just a beautiful ornament or style detail for self-expression. The meaning of the selected sketch affects the fate of the individual, because it becomes part of etheric body person, his aura, energy space. A tattoo is an energy channel that connects the physical shell of a person and the subtle level of his body. When choosing a tattoo, first of all, you should pay attention to the sacred meaning of the sketch.

The semantic load of the image can make changes in the character of a person, adding more confidence, communication skills, cunning. Protective tattoos from the evil eye have a mystical meaning for the fate of a person. The amulet is designed to put a certain powerful block in the human energy space from the evil eye and damage.

Maori tattoo amulets from damage and the evil eye

In the Maori tribe, who lived on the territory of modern New Zealand, tattoos are common. In the tribes living in the Pacific region, the human body was considered the whole universe. Maori ornament consists of a large number different geometric details: spirals, waves, straight and curved lines. This unusual ornament, which was based on the details of organic matter and nature, was stuffed by the priests in certain zones and points.

These places were certain energy centers where flows of different levels of the worlds intersected. Such intersections were called energy meridians. With the help of these images, the priests also communicated with the divine world. Possessed the highest level spirituality, the priests of the tribe had access to information about energy protection and the creation of effective amulets.
The most famous tattoo symbols used to protect against the evil eye and damage in this Polynesian tribe:

  1. Polynesian Tiki mask from the evil eye and damage. This is an image of the divine incarnation of Tiki of the Maori tribe. Such a tattoo was a talisman against damage and the evil eye for men. Now it is applied by tattoo artists on the shoulder or chest area. Sacred ornament perfectly protects against damage of any level.
  2. Whale tail. This symbol occupied a large place in Maori culture. It reflected their connection with the sea and nature. Whales often came to the aid of people, so the image of a whale on the body was a protection against negative influences.
  3. The shark is a divine amulet against negativity. The shark was considered a sacred animal in the Maori tribe.
  4. The slope on the human body is a special protective tattoo. The upper part of the stingray attracts good luck, and its fins contain a special ornament in the form of a tiki mask, a divine being that repels the approach of an impending problem or misfortune from the future time.
  5. In the middle of the slope, you can draw any plant that impresses the personality of the client. Shark teeth are also depicted on the fins or tail, which protect a person from aggression from enemies.
  6. Dolphin. These marine animals saved the boats of the Maori tribe from sharks. Therefore, this symbol is the strongest amulet for the thin shell of a person, saving him from damage.

Such tattoos are traditionally chosen by people associated with the sea element.

Slavic tattoos from damage and the evil eye

Slavic tattoo amulets have the most powerful defense mechanism from the evil eye, but in ancient Russia, the Slavs made such tattoos on their bodies quite rarely. Only an adult mature person who had reached the age of thirty-three was allowed to get a tattoo.

Slavic tattoo amulets protect a person not only from damage and eyes, but also from life's difficulties, undesirable events in life, and misfortunes. pagan gods, which the Slavs worshiped, were divided into male and female, so sometimes the choice of tattoo depends on the gender of the client:

  1. Black Sun. This effective remedy to protect against the evil eye and negative energy. The image of the black sun also strengthens the connection with the family and with the invisible subtle world. At the same time, the sign has reverse side medals - a destructive effect on a person if his behavior is far from the laws of decency and justice.
  2. Valkyrie. Men's Slavic tattoo-amulet is a geometric sacred symbol consisting of rhombuses. This sign protected male warriors from defeat in their native land. Being on the body of a warrior, the Valkyrie defended the native land of the Slavs. In the modern world, such a sign can save a man from defeat in a war or fight. Such a tattoo is perfect for a soldier, athlete or a person who leads an aggressive lifestyle and is often in danger.
  3. Ladinets. A tattoo charm that protects from adversity in personal life is suitable for girls. This symbol protects a woman from the collapse of family happiness, from premature aging or loss of female energy. Ladinets reflects the worship of Lada, the goddess of love and beauty in Slavic mythology.
  4. Star Lada - female tattoo-amulet. The ancient Slavs believed that this deep symbol protects women's health. Star Lada protects against problems during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. This sacred sign also protects the baby in the womb from the evil eye and damage.

However, it is forbidden to get tattoos during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so if you want to protect yourself from the evil eye when you are in position, such a tattoo should be filled during the planning of the baby.

Egyptian symbols in tattoos from the evil eye and damage

The Egyptian tattoo-amulet of the eyes of Horus is known and popular. This is one of the strongest protective tattoos from the evil eye. According to Egyptian mythology, the sun god Horus had a healing gaze, one of his eyes turned to the energy of the sun, and the other to the mysterious power of the moon. In one of the battles, he lost his left eye - a mysterious symbol of the unconscious and the world that is beyond the human mind. In a modern interpretation, this tattoo helps a person to comprehend enlightenment, to reach the highest level. spiritual development, to know the innermost secrets of mankind and the universe.

At the same time, the all-seeing eye of Ra protects the light energy of a person from the evil eye and other evil influences of mundane society.

Another sacred drawing that came to us from the Egyptian tradition is sorrows on the cross. The ancient Egyptians considered him the embodiment of wisdom and immortality. Such a drawing will save people who have lived a difficult life, gone through a lot, and gained wisdom after that. This one of the most powerful amulets has strong protective properties, and will not allow a person to be in trouble again. He also gives the owner of the tattoo a mental transformation and enlightens him.

Tattoo from the evil eye in the culture of the Indians

The Indian civilization was one of the greatest in the history of our planet. The Indians widely used the art of tattooing in their culture. Wearable image spoke of their status, position in society, gender.

Yet some tattoos displayed other aspects of their lives. Totem animals reflected the character of a person and the attitude towards him from the side of the environment. Images of feathers were a kind of link with the world of the dead.

Indian shamans also often pricked tattoo amulets from negativity and evil spirits. One of these tattoos from damage and the evil eye is popular all over the world today - this is a dream catcher. The Indians believed that the dream catcher's web stops bad thoughts, dark forces, wrong thoughts, preventing them from penetrating into the consciousness of the individual. Such a common amulet is recommended to be placed in place next to the head: the neck or arm where it will work.

What do birds protect from?

From all the peoples of the world, the image of wings and birds came to the tattoo culture, the photos of which are located below. Each tattoo has its own meaning:

  1. Wings on the shoulder blades mean that the guardian angel is always there and covers his ward from all misfortunes. Such a tattoo amulet requires care for a religious egregore, and a life path where there is no place for crimes.
  2. The phoenix bird, often seen on the forearm, promises its owner a successful rebirth after any collapse. The image of a pelican will make you develop spiritually, persistently improving your life.
  3. The stork will give the opportunity to live in a friendly family, where children will grow up, and spouses will love each other dearly.
  4. The image of a parrot is the most common tattoo for protection from trouble. It makes a person open to communication, gives cheerfulness, but at the same time protects from the evil eye.

The image of birds is suitable for people engaged in spiritual growth, loving the energy of the earth, standing firmly on their feet.

How to choose the right tattoo from the evil eye?

There are a lot of aesthetically beautiful images, but how to choose the sketch that will suit you? How to choose a tattoo charm from the evil eye and damage that will protect you from envious people who do not control their anger and the dark side of the soul? To decide:

  1. Set aside some time for meditation. Relax, put all thoughts out of your head. Listen to silence. Become an observer of your breath and inner state. Merge with the world around you. You are emptiness. With the help of meditation, you will clear your mind of the ideas imposed by society, become one step closer to right choice suitable sketch.
  2. Think about the tradition of which people resonates more with your soul. For example, you should not get a pagan tattoo if you are a believing Christian. It is better to turn to Orthodox symbolism.
  3. Trust your intuition. You will be protected by the amulet that is closer to your spiritual world, and not the one chosen by logical reasoning.
  4. When the sketch is selected and you will be tattooed, imagine how the drawing builds a powerful shield from negativity around your aura.

It is not surprising that such ancient symbols as tattoo charms from different cultures have not gone out of fashion after tens of centuries. The life of the owners of such tattoos changes a lot, because negative vibrations have a huge negative impact on the psychological state of a person and all spheres that are significant for him.

Having protected himself from the evil eye and damage, a person goes to new level spiritual and mental development, because he does not spend his energy on fighting negativity and anger every day and all troubles pass by.

Tattoo amulets - effective protective symbol Or a newfangled trend? Everyone decides for himself. There are protective signs in different cultures, it is not easy to understand their diversity. The main thing is that before choosing one or another pattern for application to the skin, you need to find out its meaning. Some images are suitable only for women, others - only for men. This is especially true of ancient symbols associated with deities.

Types of tattoo amulets, their meaning

Now tattoos have become something of a stylish accessory. In ancient times, drawings were applied to the body to indicate belonging to a particular clan, tribe, to protect against the forces of darkness and the evil eye.

In the modern world, tattoos are used as amulets:

  • images of animals;
  • ancient symbols, runes, crosses;
  • images of pagan gods.

When choosing a symbol, special attention is paid to what meaning it carries. Some signs protect from the evil eye, others help to attract good luck. There are also drawings that are only for men and only for women. As a rule, these are ancient Slavic symbols. For example, Bereginya broadcasts powerful female energy, and Svarog's square - aggressive male energy.

Video: image maker Tamara Glebova about amulets tattoos

Animal Tattoos

From antiquity to our time, animal tattoos have been very common. Each of these symbols has its own special meaning:

  • grasshopper - a talisman for artists, musicians, writers, poets; can bring success to representatives of other professions, along with material well-being and longevity;
  • elk improves health, allows you to implement plans with virtually no problems;
  • the spider serves as a protection against evil and disease, drives away laziness; to those who are connected with the world of creativity, attracts the attention of muses; it is better to choose a pattern with a web - a symbol of a guiding thread, order;
  • pelican - a tattoo suitable for volunteers, dreamers who want to change better life on the ground; helps to improve, makes it possible to implement the most daring projects;
  • the bee is a powerful symbol that gives long life and diligence, contributes to the acquisition of important knowledge and wisdom;
  • scarab in Ancient Egypt symbolized the immortality of the soul; a tattoo helps to understand oneself, cope with depression, stress, anxiety.

Photo gallery: animal tattoos

A pelican tattoo will help make dreams come true
Some peoples believed that the bee brings divine blessings. It is believed that the image of the scarab contains the wisdom of the universe. Tattoo amulet that brings success to representatives of creative professions.

Women's tattoo amulets

In addition to universal amulets, there is a division into exclusively male and female. For the fair sex, symbols associated with the ancient Slavic goddesses are primarily suitable.

Bereginya - an image with a huge female energy. If you live in harmony with your conscience, do not forget your roots, fate will favor you, and the house will become a full bowl.

Bereginya - a patron spirit that protects from troubles and evil spirits

Ladybug represents motherhood, fertility. In Scandinavia, they believed that a charm with this charming insect helps to find true love.

Ladybug tattoo protects the wearer from the evil eye

The Lada star protects the health of the mother and her child, makes pregnancy and childbirth easier. Affects the character, a woman becomes more cordial, peaceful, wise.

Tattoo amulet star Lada bestows a long life

Ladinets - a talisman of love and happiness, drives away troubles, all kinds of misfortunes from home and family. The beams should be aimed at right side, and rotate to the left: our ancestors considered this direction feminine, emotional. A tattoo helps a girl to blossom, to find femininity.

Ladin was considered in Russia a symbol of love and harmony in the family

A tattoo in the form of a Lunnitsa is recommended to be applied to girls and young women, because they are most often tried to damage them, for example, infertility. The amulet will also protect against a love spell for an unpleasant man whose courtship was rejected.

Tattoo in the form of Lunnitsa protects from damage and love spell

Men's protective tattoos

Male characters include:

  • Valkyrie - one of the most ancient amulets, often applied to armor, helping not to lose military honor;
  • Svarog Square is intended for men engaged in physical labor; gives ingenuity, helps to correctly distribute available resources;
  • The caroler endows with wisdom, good luck in the right battle;
  • Solar (Celtic) cross - a tattoo gives courage, fortitude, faith in one's work; in ancient times, it was carved on shields and swords to help in battles.

With rare exceptions, the above signs could also be worn by women, although this was not encouraged, since such amulets are considered primordially masculine.

Photo gallery: samples of male tattoos

The Valkyrie tattoo is advised to apply to bullies - it extinguishes vain anger Svarog's square helps men engaged in physical labor Tattoo Kolyadnik gives wisdom, brings good luck Tattoo Celtic cross adds strength of mind and courage

From the evil eye and damage

The black sun is a talisman, often found among the Slavs and the inhabitants of Scandinavia. Initially, only priests could wear such a tattoo. The symbol strengthens the connection with the spirits of the ancestors, who protect their descendant from any negativity from the outside.

Before applying such a tattoo, think carefully: in exchange for protection, the Black Sun requires a person to act in accordance with honor and conscience, and not the pursuit of momentary pleasures. If you lead a disorderly or dishonest lifestyle, the amulet will no longer protect the wearer.

The Black Sun tattoo provides powerful protection against enemies and induced damage.

The fern flower (Perunov color) embodies the power of light, vital energy that can resist the evil eye and any ailment. A tattoo will help fulfill desires, purify the soul, find the forces hidden in it.

Fern flower tattoo is designed to reveal the inner potential of a person

The cross is advised to fill in the back or on the chest. A tattoo like this is the perfect choice for " iron lady". It helps to protect oneself from envy and the intrigues of many ill-wishers.

Tattoo in the form of a cross - an effective amulet from the evil eye

An eye in a pyramid - a tattoo depicting this Egyptian symbol gives wisdom, strength, and illuminates the path ahead. It was believed that the all-seeing eye belongs to a deity who tirelessly watches a person and protects him from darkness and evil.

The eye in the pyramid - an Egyptian amulet against the evil eye and negativity

The eye of Horus is a symbol of the ancient Egyptian god Ra, endowing with insight, vigilance, and the ability to "read" people. Tattoo protects from trouble, does not allow you to influence the energy of a person negative emotions and the thoughts of others.

It was believed that the right eye is related to the masculine principle, the daylight. The left is a symbol of the moon and the feminine.

This tattoo can be filled with anyone: age, gender, character traits, profession do not play a role. Colors are recommended to be chosen from the blue-green range, they are associated with harmony and peace.

The Eye of Horus tattoo is best applied to the back, lower back, wrists or ankles.

Tattoos in the form of runic symbols

Any runic symbol consists of, in fact, a rune, a sign-form and a sound. The effect will be if all three parts are available, and not just one. It is not recommended to combine them into words, because each has its own strength and energy, and they do not always combine harmoniously.

Slavic amulets-runes

In the form of tattoos, such Slavic runes are most often applied:

  • Krada - a rune of creative fire, a divine spark; designed to clear thoughts of everything superfluous and help focus on the most important;
  • Peace - will help to get out of creative stagnation, realize talent, reveal the full potential, put the inner world in order;
  • Odolen-grass - a double sign of fire, the best Slavic amulet against ailments, which, according to legend, were sent by dark forces;
  • Rainbow - the road of reconciliation of the forces of order and chaos, the search for a "golden mean"; helps during trips, travels, especially for those people who live today, without looking back;
  • Wind - a person with such a tattoo concentrates on self-knowledge and the search for truth;
  • Lelya is a symbol of the energy of spring water, spring, joy and prosperity; the image on the skin sharpens intuition.

Although the runes have incredible magical power, only a specialist who knows even the secret meanings of these ancient symbols will be able to compile their correct formula. An incorrectly stuffed formula will harm the owner of the tattoo more than it will help.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Slavic runes

Tattoo in the form of a rune Peace helps to realize creative potential Tattoo in the form of a rune Rainbow especially helps during trips Tattoo in the form of a rune symbol Overpower-grass protects against diseases
Tattoos in the form of Slavic runes help to connect to the powerful energy of the family

Scandinavian runes

Popular in the modern world and tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes:

  • Ken - serves as a shield from any troubles, can alleviate the course of the disease, heal; protects love and friendship from quarrels; considered a wonderful amulet for artists, as it awakens creative forces;
  • Maine - helps those who have not yet decided which way of life to go; the tattoo contributes to the disclosure of the abilities of its owner, he becomes friendlier, more peaceful, and others begin to respond to him in the same way;
  • Jera - a sign of fulfillment of desires, harvesting; gives a wonderful mood, strength for the successful completion of the work begun, the project;
  • Horn (Turisaz) - attracts good luck in love and work, protects from damage; if you have many enemies, this rune is for you; the symbol seems to direct to the right place and at the right time;
  • Ur (Uruz) - promises good changes in fate, improves health; even if everything is lost, the rune helps, like a phoenix, to rise from the ashes.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes

A tattoo in the form of the Mang rune reveals the wearer's abilities A tattoo in the form of the Uruz rune helps to change fate for the better A tattoo in the form of the Horn rune attracts good luck

Tattoos of different cultures

Every culture has its sacred symbols. They are also used as tattoos.

Symbols of Buddhism

Om is the sound that marked the beginning of the creation of the world. The amulet is designed to help find balance, peace of mind, save from problems, find a solution in a hopeless situation. Such a tattoo cannot be applied to the lower part of the body.

Om tattoo with a lotus helps to find peace and endows with wisdom

Lotus is a symbol of purity, spirituality. These qualities in the tattoo carrier keep the image of this beautiful flower. And the symbol also gives wisdom, teaches you to harmoniously combine your strengths and weaknesses, clears the way to self-knowledge and high goals.

The mandala represents the structure of the universe. The symbol serves as a protection of the soul from worldly temptations, helps not to be scattered, to maintain internal integrity and fidelity to one's ideals.

Mandala tattoo bestows inner integrity


The dream catcher catches bad dreams and keeps evil spirits away. This tattoo is best stuffed close to the head: on the shoulder, back or neck.

Dreamcatcher tattoo is better to stuff close to the head

Kokopelli is one of the main deities revered by Indian tribes. It was believed that Kokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one season replaces another. This creature is extremely positive, it brings people wealth, protects during childbirth. Especially disposed towards people prone to adventurism.

Kokopelli tattoo brings good luck and material well-being

Totem animals were a fairly frequent motif that told others about the personal qualities of a person:

  • the wolf symbolizes fidelity, good intuition and perseverance;
  • coyote - the embodiment of cunning;
  • bull - willingness to take risks;
  • bear - courage and strength;
  • eagle - power and the ability to notice everything.

A wolf tattoo symbolizes loyalty and good intuition.

The feather is a symbol of rebirth, eternal life. Eagle feather tattoos give this bird of prey courage, power and quick reaction.

Feather tattoo gives power and quick reaction

The tattoo in the form of an Indian's face was originally applied to the body by the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what such an image used to mean. Most researchers tend to think that this is a talisman in matters of the heart and financial.

Video: tattoo amulets, Udmurt theme


In Russia, they believed that the image of the Slavic god protects against any misfortunes. Each deity has its own power.

Veles is the patron of artisans and poets, knowledge, witchcraft and animal husbandry, the lord of the elements. The amulet is designed to improve creative talent. You can choose for a tattoo the symbol not of Veles himself, but of his seal in the form of a bear paw trace. With such a symbol, failure will bypass you. For business people, a tattoo brings good luck in business.

A tattoo in the form of a bear's paw will protect against failure

Dazhdbog is a solar deity. The tattoo carries light energy, helps to make the right choice.

Svarog - if your life resembles chaos, a tattoo depicting this god will suit you. The creator of the vault of heaven rewards with endurance, courage, helps to streamline affairs, personal life gives peace of mind.

Perun is the god of princes and warriors. A tattoo with his appearance gives strength and courage.

A tattoo in the form of the image of Perun is especially relevant for the defenders of their native country and law and order.

Makosh is the wife of the blacksmith god Svarog, creates fate and good luck, patronizes fortune-telling and magic. The tattoo amulet takes care of the family happiness of the bearer (it is better to apply the sign to women).

Stribog is the deity of the wind. Tattoo helps protect against the forces of evil.

Yarilo is the son of Veles, responsible for the spring warmth and harvest. As a talisman, it bestows vital energy that helps to change for the better, learn to keep in check your overly violent temperament.

Video: how to charge a tattoo

The tradition of applying tattoo amulets originated in ancient times. Previously, people believed that a special body pattern would protect them from evil, damage, disease, bring success in love and business, and grant wisdom. Faith in this has not faded so far. To make a tattoo not just a decoration, you need to choose an image that suits you, apply it to the desired part of the body and charge it.