Tattoo is a reliable amulet against damage and the evil eye. Evil eye tattoo

  • 16.10.2019

Slavic tattoos are very popular and carry a rich meaning.

Women applied tattoos with images of crosses, leafy and floral ornaments, as well as chain plexuses of flowers, leaves, branches and greenery. Male ornaments showed the strength and power of their owner.

The meaning of the Slavic swastika

Tattoos with Slavic swastikas carry a huge meaning. Often the word "swastika" imposes fascist tricks on the mind, but this is not at all the case. Hitler also borrowed this symbol from the ancient Slavs.

The Slavic swastika is depicted as a cross with ends bent clockwise, which symbolizes the cycle of things in nature, changes: the change of day and night, the alternation of seasons. The Slavic swastika can carry at least three bends, the number of which can even reach 10.

So, Slavic swastika symbolized the correct order of things in nature, or rather health, strength, joy, sun and light.

The meaning of tattoos with Slavic Gods

The Slavs loved to depict on the body of the Gods in whom they believed. It symbolized strength and power, and people also showed their love for the highest deities. Below are examples of tattoos depicting Slavic Gods.

The image on the body of Perun symbolized power and patronage. He was often depicted fighting a dragon.

He was the guardian of the forest and discovered medicine and land work.

Svarog the Slavs revered as the heavenly guardian and father of everything created on Earth.

Yarilo was a symbol of fertility and embodied the power of the sun.

Slavic charms and amulets

The Slavs believed that drowned girls take the form of mermaids, who can easily drag a lone traveler to the bottom or tickle a night bather to death.

A dead man who was not buried according to the rite became a vampire. These and other characters frightened people, which prompted them to wear various amulets and amulets, which, according to them, were supposed to protect their souls from evil.

Amulets in the form of animals often applied to the body like tattoos. Ancient people believed that these drawings would protect them from evil spirits.

Tattoos of dragons, lions, bears, wolves and tigers warriors applied to the body to show their strength, courage and power.

Fern flower personified the purity of the spirit and had healing properties.

Tattoo with the sign Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and harmony and was considered the true source of female happiness.

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

For many centuries, men have decorated their bodies with drawings, symbols and signs. In addition to the decorative function, a special meaning has always been invested in tattoos - first of all, it is a talisman that protects against negative energy, diseases and the evil eye.

Some interesting facts about tattoos for men

Male tattoo amulets and their meaning

The main task of any amulet, including those applied to the body, is to protect the owner from damage, illness, and failure. Among the whole variety of drawings and patterns, the most popular and effective tattoos can be distinguished.

Eye of Horus

The amulet is applied in different variations, but any model will be made in the style of Ancient Egypt. Tatuirov ka in addition to exclusivity has the strongest protective energy. Depending on the chosen interpretation, the Eye of Horus can protect against:

  • troubles and failures;
  • diseases;
  • negative energy and evil spirits;
  • spoilage and evil eye.

Certain variations of the tattoo endow the owner with wisdom, enlighten the mind.

Note: most often, the amulet is applied to inner part forearm or wrist.

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This symbol was often used by the Indians to protect against bad dreams and evil spirits. To enhance the power of the tattoo, it is applied in combination with a spider. It is the spider that provides reliable protection against any disease and guarantees the health of the owner.

Celtic patterns

These are complex, intricate patterns, consisting of endless loops, each of which has a certain meaning and protects against damage and the evil eye.

Slavic runes and amulets

Each rune symbolizes a specific god from Slavic mythology. Among the amulets, the most two are popular:

Note: Slavic runes symbolize unity with nature, attract patronage higher powers, protect from failure and misfortune.

Eye in the pyramid

This tattoo was used in Ancient Egypt, the symbol protects against damage. Despite the fact that the pattern consists of several lines, their combination has a strong energy that helps to cope with any disease.


Translated from the Old Norse language, the word "rune" means - a whisper. Such signs accumulate a huge magical power. The use of runes as a protective amulet is common in many countries of the world.

If you decide to get a tattoo amulet and do not know which one to choose, then read the information in the article. You will learn what different tattoos mean.

Nowadays, the fashion for tattoos is gaining momentum. Drawings on the body are made not only by men, but also by girls. Unfortunately, tattoos are often stuffed thoughtlessly, without even delving into the meaning of wearable images. But, if you make the right tattoo, then it is able to protect its owner from illness, damage, the evil eye, and other external attacks from ill-wishers. Therefore, before deciding on a drawing on the body, carefully select it and find out what it means.

The influence of tattoos of amulets, runes on human life

In the old days, they believed that the drawings on the body carry some kind of energy. Each image has its own interpretation and gives a person a certain power. Most often, tattoo artists offer clients the following drawings:

  • animals, birds
  • famous heroes of songs, epics
  • various signs, ornaments
  • runes, images of gods
  • stars, figures, original textures

IMPORTANT: each animal, sign, rune, figure carries its own semantic load, so wolf- the embodiment of excellent intuition, fidelity. Bear It is strength, fearlessness. Eagle- courage, power.

Svarog tattoos - old Slavic amulets: what they look like, photos, sketches, meaning

Svarog- this is the first god, it is he who is the father of all earthly creatures according to the ancient Slavs. Previously, in the old days, men made tattoos for themselves with various Old Slavonic amulets.

Svarog - has power over living beings, makes life more harmonious

In particular, Slavic amulets can be different, as mentioned earlier, they are found in the form of deities, animals, plants, runes, etc.


  • - speaks of a person's belonging to the Slavic people. The interlacing line in the figure denotes: freedom, honor, faith and justice. Such a sign will only fit strong men. Thanks to him, they are supposed to acquire all the secrets of the craft that they have chosen. And luck will always accompany them.

  • Solstice (kolovrat)- This is a symbol of the Slavic Gods Dazhdbog, Svarog, Force. Kolovrat means the sun. Moreover, if the rays are directed clockwise, then such a solstice is considered a female amulet, if against, then a male one. The owner of the tattoo brings good luck, keeps from troubles. It has a strong masculine energy. Kolovrat also protects women and attracts success.

  • a lion is a symbol of royalty. He defends the law, has masculinity, strength, greatness. Those who make such tattoos are given fearlessness, men with such drawings on their skin do not recognize rulers, they do not like it when they are told how to live. The image protects the owner from any manifestation of evil.

Drawing on the body - lion

Tattoo amulets and talismans: what they look like, photos, sketches, meaning

The master can apply these drawings on the skin according to your desire, and the choice of talismans is very wide. There are sketches in the form of insects, animals, fish, figures, famous deities.

Scarab- conceals the great power of the solstice. It is believed that the amulet is able to return peace of mind after severe shocks. Man acquires the wisdom of the universe.

Amulet - scarab beetle

  • Angels- are custodians. They always save the souls of the innocent, guide them to the true path.

  • Perunov color(differently: fern color) is a powerful protection against all kinds of damage and the evil eye. Thanks to such protection, its carrier has a huge potential of energy. In addition, the talisman opens up new opportunities for a person and fulfills the most cherished desires.

Amulet - Perunov color

Tattoo amulets for women and girls

Girls most often in drawings appreciate not the meaning itself, but how it looks. When beauties come to a tattoo parlor for the first time, they often cannot decide which sketch to choose. See next different examples drawings and descriptions.

  • Buddhist mandala- This beautiful pattern on the body, the amulet has magical property make their own changes in the life of the owner and protect from adversity. Images of such a talisman may differ from each other. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often make just such drawings on the skin due to the fact that they look great visually, they come in the form of intricate patterns, beautiful flowers.

Image - mandala

  • Ornament- For different clients, tattoo artists can apply in different ways, it all depends on their preferences. This symbol means fertility, procreation.

Slavic amulet - ornament

  • hummingbird- a talisman for the fairer sex. Thanks to the drawing, you will get harmony in your life, a certain lightness, peace of mind. The bird gives the girls optimism. And, of course, it looks great on the shoulder, arm, side and other places of the woman's body. The drawing of the master is created individually for each beauty. Some choose a color picture, and they also create an original composition with plants near the bird.

Tattoo - hummingbird

Tattoo amulets for men

Even in ancient times, men loved to make images of Gods, various symbols, animals, and ornaments on their bodies. Let's consider some of them.

  • — can be depicted in one color or with the use of color shades. The drawings as a whole may differ, but the meaning remains the same: an eye (all-seeing eye) is drawn inside the triangle. Its meaning is that the Eye of the Most High sees everything.

  • Tattoo Perun defeats the dragon - symbolizes power, strength, will, patronage. Such drawings are made to gain confidence and show their respect to the bold God.

Image of Perun on the body

Tattoos protect from the evil eye and damage

It is believed that magical signs, amulets protect their owners from unfriendly people. If you make a drawing on the body in the form of such a drawing, then the person will be reliably protected from damage.

  • Cross- symbolizes a powerful amulet against envious people, enemies who are not indifferent to the success of strong women and men.

Tattoo - cross

Black Sun- especially widely known among the peoples of Scandinavia, this sign enhances the energy of a person. This process occurs due to a subtle connection with their ancestors. The sun also protects the owner of the tattoo from enemies.

Dreamcatcher- The Indians believe that such an amulet can save a person from all kinds of evil. Although many interpret that this amulet protects people from nightmares, dark forces that only appear at night. This is not entirely true. In order for the tattoo to protect you from evil envious people, enemies - do it in a conspicuous place.

Body Image - Dreamcatcher

Video: Tattoo amulets Star of Russia

Tattoo amulets Eye of Horus

The amulet represents the third eye, is a magical, symbolic talisman. Saves a person from:

  • Insidious enemies, their blows on the sly
  • The owners of the amulet feel God's gaze
  • Rescues from emergencies by car
  • Is a thunderstorm of ill-wishers
  • Protects from diseases, evil eye

Eye of Horus

Tattoo amulets ancient old Russian

  • Molvinets- a symbol-shield that saves from slander, witchcraft. Among other things, such a charm heals from various problems with speech, as ancient ancestors claimed, it can even cure stuttering.

Molvinets - tattoo

  • Bee- an insect that brings the blessing of the Lord to a person. This is a powerful amulet that gives its owner longevity, great performance.

Amulet - bee

Viking amulets tattoos, Scandinavian

In Scandinavia, it was customary to make drawings with belonging to a particular profession, with Scandinavian gods, mythological characters, animals, runes. See below for examples of this work.

MEN- contributes to the implementation of all plans. In addition, with such a tattoo, it will be easier for you to decide on the future. way of life. Another rune attracts only good-natured people to the social circle.

Indian amulets tattoos

  • Indian totem wolf- a strong predator, loyal to his friends, he has highly developed intuitive qualities, he is stubborn in his endeavors.
  • Image on the body - Buddha

    Buddhist amulets tattoos

    Lotus- most often done to beautiful women. It symbolizes purity, beauty, promotes the development of creativity.

    Sak Yant- stuffed only to men. The pattern is considered sacred. He protects his wearer if he does not violate the commandments written on the tattoo.

    Sacred Tattoo - Sak Yant

    IMPORTANT: Tattooing with such images is recommended only in the upper body.

    Each tattoo is individual. If you have decided on the choice of pattern, then consider other nuances associated with tattoo stuffing. After all, some amulets lose their power of action if you do not follow the order of their application to the body or do not perform important recommendations on correct use them.

    Video: Slavic amulets tattoos

    Video: Rune Tattoos

Many people around the world make tattoos on their bodies, not suspecting that they can serve as the strongest talisman against any trouble. One simple symbol will save you from betrayal, quarrels or the evil eye.

If you doubt the power of symbols that can be applied to your body, then read the opinion of psychics on this matter. Each drawing on your body has the strongest energy. If you choose the right tattoo, then it will always serve you as a good protective talisman.

Slavic tattoo amulets

The ancient Slavs had many symbols that can now be used as a sketch for a tattoo. Most of them are universal, that is, suitable for both men and women.

Bear Paw. This is a symbol of movement, dynamics, a sign of the god Veles. This is a wonderful amulet for those who constantly travel or connect their lives with great risks. The bear's paw will protect you from enemies and random troubles. Most the best place for a tattoo - the center of the back, back side legs.

Gromovik. This is the sign of the god Perun. One of the most powerful Slavic amulets. This tattoo is best done on the chest or on the shoulders. This sign gives a person physical strength, courage. You will receive protection from evil people. This tattoo is best for men, although many ladies prefer this pattern.

Svarog square. Svarog is one of the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs. This great heavenly blacksmith will protect you from quarrels, conflicts and chaos. It is also a talisman against the evil eye, curses. You can fill such a tattoo in any place convenient for you.

Straight cross. This symbol belongs to Dazhd-god. It protects people from making wrong decisions and from energy vampires. It is best to fill a tattoo in the upper chest or back, but not on the side, but in the middle. It is a symbol of a clear mind, so it will suit everyone who works primarily intellectually.

Yarovik. This is a symbol of rebirth. God Yarilo gives a person the opportunity to get rid of fears and complexes, bad habits. This is reliable protection from jealousy and envy. If conspiracies from jealousy help to achieve results, but do not have a permanent impact, then such a tattoo will protect you from this feeling incessantly.

Makosh symbol. Makosh is a goddess who patronizes women. A tattoo with her sign is a talisman for mothers. She helps ladies keep the family hearth, improve the energy in the house, keep the family from any evil, and influence their children more positively.

Buddhist and Native American tattoos

Dreamcatcher. Dreamcatchers are most often stuffed on the hands. This tattoo will be an excellent amulet for anyone who constantly experiences problems with self-confidence. This Indian tattoo protects a person from evil spirits, improves sleep.

Feather. It is an Indian symbol of wisdom and tranquility. It is best to do this tattoo on the legs. This is more a female amulet than a male one, although it can give a lot to men. It helps to find and keep a loved one next to you.

Mandala. Mandalas are Buddhist symbols of the connection of man with the cosmos. They improve the energy of a person, make consciousness more pure. This is a good universal tattoo without reference to gender. It is best to fill it on the chest or on the arms.

Wheel of Dharma. A simple Buddhist symbol of knowledge and wisdom will improve memory and protect a person from negative thoughts. The wheel helps in learning, in obtaining new knowledge. This is a symbol and a talisman for travelers, protecting them from any evil and negativity.

Not every tattoo has to mean something. Someone makes them for beauty, but if you want to make a tattoo amulet, then you should first familiarize yourself with its meaning. The best charms for men and women go well with tattoos. This includes stones, jewelry, things and more. Do not forget that reliable protection is The best way save your luck. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

For a long time, the topic of tattoos in men was hushed up in every possible way. They tried to erase a huge store of knowledge about the drawings on the body from human memory, consigning them to oblivion. That huge layer of Slavic culture, in which the tattoo was of great importance, was reduced to a primitive level of perception of drawings. Recently, however, more and more people have become interested in the history of the ancestors. And the understanding of what a great role of a talisman is played by the drawing applied to the body began to return.

It was believed that the esoteric knowledge of the ancestors was irretrievably lost. The main use of this knowledge was reduced to primitive household magic, often without understanding of mechanisms and forces. And only collecting bit by bit and scraps cultural heritage, an understanding came of how wise and enlightened our ancestors were. They were in no way inferior in their knowledge to other great peoples of the ancient world.

Tattoos are symbols and coded markers on the body that contribute to the distribution of cosmic energy flows. With their help, it was possible to adjust the body's abilities in various areas. A tattoo on the body could activate hidden abilities or weaken shortcomings. Strong warriors with the help of a tattoo made themselves fearless, invincible, hardy.

The scope of the tattoo is endless. One of its most important functions is to indicate belonging to a particular genus, tribe. A man received the right to a tattoo upon reaching a certain age, proving his abilities and strength to others, having passed the rite of initiation.

Men weak and cowardly were only allowed to get tattoos to increase their fearlessness. The rest of the drawings were allowed to those warriors who proved themselves in hunting or in battle. It is they who most of all need a talisman that protects against enemy weapons or animal attacks.

Separately, there are drawings that increase a man's ability to fertilize and procreate. Then they began to add symbols to them that attract and increase the power of love of the opposite sex. Over time, they even began to apply signs with elements of magic and conspiracies to attract the love of a particular woman in order to get the feelings of a loved one. Subsequently, the amulet kept the couple's love from parting and quarrels.

The use of tattoos to mark a brave warrior was especially welcome. From these origins originate the distinctive awards to modern warriors. In ancient times, it was possible to trace his great path through the body of a warrior. According to them, he was given respect - the division of booty after the victory, the choice of the most beautiful women And so on.

Sages and priests had their own distinctive tattoos. According to them, people distinguished those whose knowledge was more perfect, because it was accumulated and transmitted over the centuries. A stupid or cowardly person never became a leader, because the entire glorious or inglorious path of a man was inscribed in tattoos.