Tattoo is a reliable amulet against damage and the evil eye. The magical power of a tattoo: Slavic, Tibetan and Indian amulets with meaning

  • 16.10.2019

Applying various patterns and signs to your body at all times has been a very popular pastime: with the development modern technologies there was a whole fashion for tattoos.

But a special place among such images has always been occupied by mascot tattoos. They do not lose their relevance in our days, but one should approach their use very carefully, soberly assessing their features and carefully choosing the meaning.

Features of mascot tattoos

Like any magical objects and actions, tattoos in the form of a talisman have their own characteristics and characteristics:

  • On the present stage In the development of the sphere of cosmetology, amulets tattoos have become widespread and have long become one of the fashionable subcultures. In this case, there is a high probability of succumbing to temptation and sketching every centimeter of your body. However, in the magical business it is very important to avoid excesses, so take it seriously: one, maximum two tattoo talismans will be more than enough.
  • In addition, tattoo masters will be able to offer you a lot of types of design for such drawings: technologies successfully make it possible to make them color or black and white, different in their characteristics and appearance. In a magical tattoo amulet, the design and color of the picture is not as important as the thoughts that are invested in it, keep this in mind.
  • Please note that the amulet tattoo will accompany you for the rest of your life: its reduction is a painful procedure and does not give a full guarantee. Therefore, when choosing a symbol that you want to put on your skin, consider this fact.
  • In addition, such an amulet tattoo will have a good psychological incentive for you: you will constantly see it and mentally expect a solution to your problem or the fulfillment of a desire. This is a positive thing if you are not annoyed by any of this tattoo. Therefore, very carefully select the pattern and its location, as well as the method of applying the pattern.
  • Choose exactly the amulet that will bring into your life what you miss the most.

With the correct execution of all the above rules, the amulet tattoo will serve you for a very long time and will bring only positive points into your life.

Tattoo Meanings

There are such a huge number of drawings applied to the body that it is simply impossible to talk in detail about each of them. However, as in any other field, there are undoubted leaders in tattoo amulets: these images are applied most often:

These motifs have almost always been and remain at the peak of popularity among all tattoo amulets. Depending on the pattern itself and its location, such a tattoo can both protect you from failures and negativity, and fulfill all your desires or improve your personal life.

This is a universal amulet designed to make your life more prosperous and successful. Stars, like amulets, attract elusive luck, which helps you fulfill your most cherished desire. Such a tattoo is able to fill the darkest fate with light and break its course.

This cute insect carries the meaning of a link between man and the gods. Her image will help you close connection with heaven, and also bring you good luck in all your affairs.

In many countries, the meaning of such a talisman differs from each other: some believe that the grasshopper is an assistant to people of creative professions, others that it will bring great luck to the life of its owner.

This symbol of Ancient Egypt carries the meaning of the immortality of the human soul, as well as the sacred wisdom of the whole world. Such an amulet is able to bring you the necessary strength to defeat death and resurrect eternal spring in your soul.

The bee is a very powerful tattoo talisman. It will bring you longevity and increase the level of diligence and life wisdom by an order of magnitude. In some countries, in particular in India, the bee was the messenger of the gods, bringing their blessing to its owner.

This is a very popular symbol for tattoo amulets, but in relation to its meaning, most people have developed prejudice. In fact, the spider is a symbol of creativity and hard work. Such a talisman on your body can easily protect you from any negativity, both physical and spiritual. In addition, this universal symbol will bring you a cure for any disease.

This symbol as a tattoo also managed to form a certain misconception about itself: earlier it was used as its emblem by women of “easy virtue”. However, in a magical sense, a butterfly means only good things: it can bring you health and long life, as well as good luck. In addition, such a sign denotes the lightness and beauty of nature and gives it to its owner. This amulet is intended primarily for women and girls.

It is also a fairly popular symbol that men willingly put on their bodies. But few of them know what it means in a magical interpretation. In ancient times, such a sign was worn by warriors on the battlefield, since the tiger is able to give strength and energy, as well as masculinity and righteous anger. In addition, it protects its owner from possible dangers of various kinds.

This representative of the cat family is preferred to be used as a tattoo of the fair sex. In the Christian religion, a panther or a leopard denotes powerful protection from the forces of evil. If such an animal is depicted with bared fangs, then this indicates that its owner is filled with righteous anger and power.

This brave bird brings with it spring and hope for the best, and also keeps your family hearth. IN Christian religion the swallow is the messenger of God and brings only positive news from him.

Such a talisman tattoo on your body will bring success in family life and contribute to the birth of children. In general terms, she speaks of fertility and abundance.

This image in tattoos has considerable popularity among people, its meaning is quite wide: it can carry both mutual bright love and independence from external circumstances.

In this article:

Initially, tattoos were not just a means of decorating the body, they had a lot of meaning hidden in them.

Slavs and other peoples have long covered their body with tattoos from damage and the evil eye, contributed to the resolution of problems, helped in battle with the enemy, etc. In addition, a tattoo could indicate that a person belongs to a certain class, as well as the high status of its owner.

But nowadays everything has changed, anyone can decorate their body with a pattern or a pattern, moreover, at a relatively affordable price.

Today, amulets tattoos are becoming popular again, more and more people come to the salons with a request to fill it with a protective tattoo. The popularity of such patterns is growing not only because there is a fashion for everything Slavic or Scandinavian, but also because obvious benefits, which endows the drawing of its owner.

Tattoo amulets have truly enormous power and potential, by its very presence a special sign can protect the owner not only from harm from outside dark forces but also to protect against bad luck and disease.

Protective tattoos in history

Tattoos are capable of carrying a different meaning, some of them are really only suitable for decoration, while others can really save you from the most unpleasant situations and events in life. Be that as it may, but today, the most popular tattoo the drawing "Eye of Horus" is considered a talisman.

The image of the "Eye of Horus" is one of the most famous symbols of Ancient Egypt. When applying such a pattern to the human body, it becomes a real talisman. Exist various options such a talisman, each of which has its own purpose and meaning.

The uniqueness of this symbol is that it can protect against a variety of troubles, protect from failure, and from diseases, and from negative impact dark magic.

IN Ancient Egypt The "Eye of Horus" testified that its owner belongs to the caste of priests, has a third eye, or is endowed with wisdom and accepts the immutable laws of the universe, the laws of life and death, the laws of being. Such drawings were most often applied to the upper part of the forearm and to inside wrist.

When choosing a tattoo, you must remember that each drawing carries a semantic load that is of great importance.

It is also necessary to pay attention to such seemingly insignificant points as the drawing technique and shade. There are no trifles in creating effective amulets, therefore, if you want to get an effective tattoo, and not just beautiful drawing, you need to remember about all the little things.

Most Slavic tattoos with a protective meaning were applied in those areas human body, which were not visible to an outsider, for example, on the feet, on the lower back and even behind the ears.
In addition to popular motifs, designer tattoos are also in great demand, sketches of which are created by masters who understand culture, history and the occult.

Only thanks to ancient knowledge it is possible to draw up an individual drawing for each individual person, this is exactly what our ancestors did. It is almost impossible to find two identical amulet tattoos among the Slavs.

Modern archeology confirms the fact that almost all peoples where tattoos were common had drawings made up of sorcerers, shamans, magicians and sorcerers. In addition, these same knowledgeable people also acted as a tattoo artist who applied a drawing to a person's body.

A tattoo can contain not only patterns, but also words of power, abbreviations and entire phrases in ancient languages.

The solar cross is a symbol of Yarilo's strength

The advantage of complex amulets is that only the owner and creator can interpret them, which means evil person it will not be possible to unravel the secret of the amulet and destroy its protective properties.

Tattoos from the evil eye and damage today

For many years, in most civilized countries, there has been a steady fashion for tattoos. In the West, it is difficult to surprise someone with a pattern on the body, and it doesn’t matter who its founder is, a young guy, a girl, or a middle-aged man.

However, fashion is an extremely ambiguous thing. People have forgotten that the role of a tattoo is much more than a simple decoration of the body.

For all peoples, such drawings had the deepest meaning, they could protect and help in life, and therefore, thoughtless use can harm a person.

Of course, drawings depicting animals, plants or any modern motifs do not carry any energy, but hieroglyphs, various ancient symbols from Scandinavian, Celtic, Slavic or other traditions, can bring a lot of trouble.

If you are skeptical about the beliefs of your own ancestors, and consider them superstitions, then you will be interested to know what happened to magical properties Tattoos were considered not only in those ancient times. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, all British sailors depicted on their bodies different variants crucifixion and believed that such a pattern could protect them from many troubles.

It is worth noting, however, that some of these tattoos also had a completely practical meaning, if the motif of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was depicted on a person’s back, then this often saved the sailor from corporal punishment, since few dared to quilt the holy image, and even in the middle of an open seas.

Carol - a symbol of the victory of Light over Darkness

The Arabs also had tattoos, but, in most cases, they were inscriptions - quotes from the Koran, which were also used as a talisman. Most modern bioenergetics and psychics confirm the possibility of certain symbols to influence a person, especially if these symbols are applied to his body.

Tattoo or drawing

You might have a question that if a person really helps the image of something on the body, then do you need a tattoo for this? In fact, if you know what, where and how to draw, then the image can be applied using the most ordinary felt-tip pen. Such a drawing will also have a fruitful effect, but in terms of effectiveness it cannot be compared with a tattoo. The fact is that a well-applied tattoo becomes a continuation of a person, an integral part of him. Even if you do not take into account that the felt-tip pen can simply be erased at the most unpleasant moment, nevertheless, such a drawing, unlike a tattoo, will be a simple and rather weak amulet.

If you want to test the effectiveness of the magic of tattoos for yourself, then you can use the drawing made by the pen. If you choose the right sketch and the place of its application, then you can immediately feel the changes in your body and your life.

One or more runes of the Elder Futhark can be used as such a test drawing.

Runes, translated from the Old Norse languages, mean whisper. They contain enormous magical power, many European peoples, in particular the Germans, Norwegians, Danes and many others, used this magical tool. And even in Viking times, runes were often used as tattoos.

The only difficulty is that the correct rune formula, which can protect against negativity, bring good luck and help in solving problems, can only be an experienced runologist who knows the explicit and hidden meanings of each rune. Otherwise, you can bring on yourself not the most pleasant forces. As an example, we can say that all the Vikings dreamed of dying in battle and getting into Valhalla - the harsh northern paradise. Many tattoos of that time were aimed precisely at invoking, so desired, death in battle. Today, many young people put the same symbols on their bodies and then are surprised at the trials that have befallen them.

Among the Slavs, tattoos were not just a decoration of the body, they played an important role in the fate of a person. With the help of various amulets, our ancestors protected themselves from the evil eye, improved their health, became stronger, more courageous. Now wishing to get a tattoo in the form Slavic symbols becomes more and more, but few people think about the meaning of this or that drawing. At the same time, secret symbols can help to cope with various problems.

The origin of Slavic tattoo amulets

The Slavs stuffed tattoos extremely rarely. It was possible to apply certain symbols only from reaching maturity - 33 years. It was believed that only by this age the formative, basic processes in physical body. "Immature tattoos" could have a negative effect on a person, giving the opposite effect.

Only the magi, who possessed secret esoteric knowledge and magical skills, had the right to fill a tattoo. They applied the pattern not only to the skin, but also to the human energy field (aura). Only in this way did the tattoo take effect and help its owner.

Reliably little is known about the tattoos of the Slavic people, scientists can only guess how it really was. But according to general stories from different sources, we can say that various drawings, runes, patterns and painted signs were applied to the skin. This was facilitated by:

  • belief in pagan gods, goblin, mermaids, sorcerers;
  • occult knowledge;
  • veneration of ancestors.

Thus, by inflicting several runes on the body, one could become much stronger and more resilient. To protect against evil spirits, various amulets were depicted on the skin in the form of patterns. Now people (more often men) make a tattoo in the form of one or another pagan god, animals and mythical creatures. The Chinese characters were replaced by Slavic themes, with all its symbols and culture.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the Slavic style

The image of a sorcerer grants wisdom and access to secret knowledge Kolyadnik - a symbol of wisdom and ingenuity, a male amulet
The rune Peace symbolizes the protection and patronage of the gods. Ladin was a female amulet, he helped to become the perfect hostess For women, the ornament symbolized fertility, and for men, it symbolized strength and power Runa Treba - a symbol of energy exchange and blessing Higher Forces A powerful amulet that protects from evil and bad thoughts. The wolf symbolized among the Slavs cunning, justice and victory. evil forces The dragon symbolized the unity of good and evil, life and death. The wind bestows creativity and inspiration. Yarilo has a powerful protective power, attracts love.

Symbols of runes and amulets

If you have got irresistible desire to fill a tattoo, take enough time to choose a pattern. It is not always possible to remove the effect of a powerful symbol by removing it from the body. Do not take a tattoo as an ornament. Even before our era, people stuffed various charms for themselves to protect and improve their lives.

Now in clinics, tattoos are easily removed, but the effect of a symbol stuffed on the body will still act for some time and affect a person’s life. Therefore, before going to the tattoo parlor, it is important to think carefully about your actions.

Runes look mysterious and unusual, so they are often chosen in tattoo parlors. The most popular are the 18 main symbols that can be found on amulets, monuments and in places for sacrifices:

  • Peace - the beginning of a new life and healing;
  • Chernobog - death and change;
  • Alatyr - pure consciousness and beginning;
  • Rainbow - path and beginnings;
  • Need - fate, predestination;
  • Krada - leadership;
  • Treba - spiritual perfection and sacrifice;
  • Strength - triumph and harmony;
  • Wind - wisdom and desire for knowledge;
  • Bereginya - family happiness;
  • Oud - male power and sexual stamina;
  • Lelya - spiritual connection and intuition;
  • Rock is the true spirit and the inevitability of fate;
  • Support - revelation and help of higher powers;
  • Dazhdbog - blessing and fertility;
  • Perun - protection from evil spirits and black magic;
  • Yes - recovery and health;
  • The source is balance and peace.

For a stronger effect, you can combine images of Slavic amulets and runes.

The ancient Slavs had many runes, but modern society knows only 18 of them

Speaking of Slavic amulets, the most popular ones can be distinguished: Burdock, Valkyrie, Symbol of the Family, Light, Molvinets, etc. In fact, there are many such symbols, and all of them give a powerful energy request to the Universe.

The light is a symbol of the memory of ancestors. This amulet helps to achieve goals and make your dreams come true.

Amulet Svetoch patronized everything Slavic people, personified the light, thanks to which people live on the planet

Slavic amulet Burdock is a catcher of good luck. He is able to attract everything that a person desires. In the center there is an empty square where you can enter an additional symbol, for example, a rune.

Amulet Burdock attracts good luck

Valkyrie is the most common amulet. Most often it was applied to the armor of warriors. It is a symbol of wisdom, honor, nobility and justice. Such a tattoo will protect, bring peace and tranquility. “The best battle is the one that never happened” is a reflection of the essence of the amulet. Providing protection, the Valkyrie also puts in order the thoughts of a person, pacifies his anger and anger.

The Valkyrie amulet protects and tidies up thoughts

The symbol of the Family is the most versatile amulet. It operates in various areas:

  • helps patients recover faster;
  • improves health;
  • drives away evil spirits;
  • gives positive energy.

Such a tattoo helps to connect the mind, soul and body with the gods of the family.

Initially, the Symbol of the Family was depicted as a filled circle, and later became a smoothed four-beam swastika with circles at the ends of the rays

Molvinets protects from the evil eye and negativity, but has a powerful force that nourishes a person. This amulet in its energy is similar to the Symbol of the Family, it is also universal. But the main range of its actions is the dissipation of evil directed at a person (the bearer of the amulet).

The name of the amulet comes from the word "to speak", its main purpose is to protect a person from the negativity of other people (curses, evil words)

Do not forget about the drawings, which depict animals, warriors, magicians, plants or mythical creatures. The Slavs were pagans, in addition to worshiping deities, they had cults of animals and trees.

The meaning of a tattoo with real and mythical creatures:

  • the bear was considered the incarnation of the god Veles, the animal was revered as the owner of the forest, protecting the wealth of nature, it was associated with victory and power; this symbol meant fertility, health and strength;
  • the wolf personified the conductor of souls in afterworld, symbolized loneliness, courage, cunning and justice; if you choose such an image for a tattoo, it is important to put the right message so that the amulet does not harm its owner;
  • the crow was associated with dark forces, but at the same time he was considered a wise and things bird;
  • the dragon symbolized the unity of good and evil, life and death, overcoming internal differences; an amulet with such an image helped to reveal spiritual powers and the divine principle.

The image of the wise Magi gave the Slavs spiritual strength and wisdom. In the form of a tattoo, such a talisman helps to reveal the inner potential of a person and develop logic. Trees symbolized life and wisdom, they went to pray, ask for love and happiness.

Photo gallery: sketches of tattoos

Among the ancient Slavs, trees were an object of worship Warrior and amulet Ladinets - such a tattoo gives a balance of good and evil Amulet Laninets - a symbol of love, harmony and happiness in the family Most often, the Valkyrie amulet was used by warriors and priests.

Tattoo charms for men and women

  • Valkyrie is a truly masculine amulet, he added strength and wisdom;
  • The carol-maker has always been a symbol for the stronger sex, he helped to achieve what he wanted and brought victory closer;
  • Ladinets is female, girls wore it from an early age, the talisman helped them find their true feminine, grow beautiful and healthy, create in the future good family and be happy.

Odolen-grass is a talisman that suits both a man and a woman. It protects from diseases and evil forces. Another universal symbol is Yarilo. This sign helped to attract the attention of the opposite sex, it was worn only up to 25 years. Such a wearable pattern will bring many trials to life. But if a person overcomes them, he will receive a good reward.

Every magical intervention in fate bears fruit. The results are not long in coming, especially if a person wholeheartedly believes in the action of a particular symbol. It is worth carefully choosing drawings for a tattoo, investing positive energy in the amulet.

The image of sacred symbols on clothes, weapons and the human body has been used since ancient times. Unlike modern people, using tattoos as decoration, ancient people believed in their mystical meaning. Amulets tattoos were used to protect against dark forces, attack enemies and save lives. Consider the main meanings of images on the body.

Now on the body of young people you can see various inscriptions, signs and pictures. All images can be divided into the following types:

  • quotes from religious texts;
  • runic letters or staves;
  • ancient hieroglyphs;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • animal image.

The image of the dream catcher, the eye of Horus, the black sun, is very popular. Slavic symbols and hieroglyphs. A kind of protection against black energy and demonic forces is the image of a mask: it deceives evil spirits, thereby removing evil from a person.

Previously, masks were worn during ritual actions, cosmetics on the face also served as a disguise - evil spirits could not recognize a person. IN modern world cosmetics acquired a different meaning and began to serve as a decorative ornament.

Among animals and insects are popular:

  • Grasshopper;
  • ladybug;
  • spider and bee;
  • Scarab beetle;
  • other animal totems.

Among Buddhist symbols, it is popular;

  • Om mandala;
  • bodhisattva;
  • lotus.

Tattoos are applied to any part of the body - on the arms, wrists, feet, back or chest. However, it should be remembered that an unknown image on the body can adversely affect the fate of a person. Before applying a pattern to the skin, it is necessary to find out the mystical meaning of the pattern or symbol.

The value of popular amulets

Consider the meaning and meaning of amulets, which are most often depicted on the body of modern girls and boys.

dream Catcher

This Indian symbol is designed to protect against evil spirits - it traps them in an intricately woven network pattern. The amulet protects both at night and during the day. Usually, an image of a spider is added to the dream catcher - this can protect a person from severe spoilage and evil eye.

This symbol serves as protection from the evil eye and inducing damage to a person. This Slavic amulet, in addition to protection, enhances the influence of the birth canal and helps to communicate with the other world. Therefore, the symbol is popular with magicians and magi.

However, the black sun also has back side that everyone should know about. The symbol turns into a destructive side to those who do not live according to conscience and honor. Therefore, choosing the black sun as a talisman, be prepared to spend your life with dignity and honesty. Then this symbol will bring good to your life.

The image of lines and patterns has become popular in recent times. Tattoo amulets in the Celtic spirit symbolize life path the person he has to go through. It is believed that the basis of the patterns was given to the Celts by the gods, and it is unchanged.

The path of man, according to Celtic beliefs, has no beginning and end - it is endless in the cycle of rebirths. The purpose of the patterns is to lead a person to spiritual growth, to tear him out of the shackles of the mortal world, to direct him on the path of truth.

A triangle with an eye can be seen on the body of modern people and the American dollar. This ancient symbol brings insight and intuitive knowledge. Nowadays, the all-seeing eye is depicted on the body in order to protect against the evil eye, troubles and troubles. Sometimes a symbol is used to emphasize its originality and mystery.

The mysteriousness and unusualness of hieroglyphs attracts modern people. Images can be found on the neck, arms, back. Usually a hieroglyph carries a certain idea, written in a symbol. It can be the idea of ​​sincerity, health, wealth, change of seasons.

Runic tattoos

Among the runic signs, Scandinavian and Slavic letters are distinguished. Each rune carries its own sacred meaning, which can affect a person's life in a drastic way. Sometimes they depict a tie from runes - a combination of several symbols.

Slavic amulets tattoos

Recently, Slavic amulets tattoos have become widespread. The revival of pre-Christian culture is gaining momentum and attracts more and more people with its harmonious and understandable symbolism. On the body depict Slavic gods(Veles, Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog, Yarilo, Makosh, Stribog) or a symbolic image of amulets:

  • caroler;
  • Svarog square;
  • coastline;
  • lunar.

There are male and female Slavic protective symbols that have a positive effect on energy. Therefore, it is unacceptable to depict a male symbol on a female body and vice versa.

It is a male amulet and bestows fearlessness and invulnerability in extreme situations. IN ancient Russia carolers were worn from childhood. He bestows wisdom, prevents the unreasonable use of physical force.

It is also a male amulet. It helps in work, bestows strength and ingenuity.

Protects warriors in battle, gives the necessary state of aggression and fearlessness. However, the aggression of the Valkyrie is controlled and wise - she gets rid of excessive anger, endows her ward with the ability to control herself.

Solar (Celtic) cross

He endows his ward with courage, steadfastness and confidence in his strength and right cause. In ancient times, the cross was depicted on military shields. It was believed that the enemy could not destroy such a shield.

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The function of the amulet is to protect against negative influences. Security items block energy flows coming from people, nature. Therefore, the connection of the amulet with the owner should be at the energy level.

Therefore, esotericists and magicians notice, the main thing is to believe in the amulet, to feel personal sympathy for him. Not only a well-known symbol, be it a horseshoe or a crucifix, can become a protector.

Yes, creator operating system"Linux" chose penguins as mascots. Linus Torvalds met them in one of the zoos in Australia. The man immediately felt a special connection with the birds and even made an appropriate tattoo amulet. We'll talk about such tattoos.

Tattoo charms and their meaning

It is difficult to systematize individual amulets, like the penguins of Linus Torvalds. People choose non-standard symbols in connection with personal memories, experiences, associations. Otherwise, the talismans are divided into groups.

Religious amulets are in the lead. These are crosses, icons, lines from scriptures, images of Gods. Paintings give protection to heaven and strengthen faith.

religious tattoo amulets belong to both monotheistic and polytheistic beliefs. The latter flourished in ancient world. For example, the Egyptians believed in dozens of gods at the same time.

Horus was considered the supreme ruler of the sky and the sun. They depicted the spirit in the body of a man with the head of a falcon. But, as a talisman, usually only the eye of Horus is used.

Only a pen is taken from his daughter. It adorns the head of Maat, the goddess of justice and truth. Tattoo talismans, amulets pen of the daughter of Horus - an attempt to avoid deceptions in your life, learn to recognize dangers.

Talismans are also divided according to nationality. Protective symbols Slavs recognized runes, beregini dolls, some swastika signs. The latter are connected with the continuity of being, the Sun.

Slavic amulets– tattoo, meaning connection with ancestors and respect for their culture. Private interpretations depend on the patterns used.

So, the sign is alive - a symbol of the goddess Lada. She gives patronage to women, improving health and promoting personal happiness. But orepium is a common Slavic emblem of the land and clan.

The Indians have other amulets. The most famous is the dream catcher. He drives away nightmares, captures them in a web of threads stretched over a hoop base. The Chinese ask for an image of mirrors with a concave surface.

Seeing their reflection in them, the demons are frightened and take flight. Africans prefer amulets in the form of bracelets. The inhabitants of the continent believe that the soul can leave the human body.

Belts, necklaces and bracelets bind the spirit to the flesh. It is connected with this a large number of traditional and painted adornments on the bodies of blacks.

The third category - talismans is associated with mythological creatures. IN protective tattoos included, for example, the firebird. She personifies the Sun, brings warmth and comfort to life. Phoenix is ​​a talisman of longevity and rebirth. The dragon is a sign of wisdom and harmony.

Included in protective tattoos And a photo real animals, as well as plants. This is the fourth category. The four-leaf clover is an exception for nature.

Usually, the leaves of the flower have three petals. Therefore, the picture promises happiness, an extraordinary and eventful life. The stork is a family amulet.

The interpretation is connected with the legend that the bird brings babies and reads prosperity in the house. The cricket is a talisman of creative people, it gives inspiration and charges with love of life.

Tattoo charms for girls

Women's tattoo amulets and talismans - photo, which often contain bells. Our great-grandmother attached them to cassocks - ribbons tied on the head.

Bells were also attached to clothes, carts, doors of houses. It was believed that the ringing was not to their liking evil spirits, drives them away. Painted bells don't jingle. Therefore, esotericists doubt the strength of such amulets.

IN tattoo amulets, photo which are offered to girls, there are also multi-colored threads on the wrists. The talisman comes from Tibet. There should be five threads. They are arranged like a bracelet and help to conceive a child, safely survive childbirth.

In neighboring China, eggshells, a pomegranate tree and its fruits, elephants are recognized as women's amulets. These symbols on the body will help to safely depart the pregnancy and find female happiness.

It is advised to attract men with paired symbols. are chosen tattoo sketches "Amulets" with two ducks, swans, trees, whose branches are intertwined. Pictures can also become companions of guys looking for love and a serious relationship.

Tattoo charms for men

Elk is also considered a universal amulet for guys. It protects the strength of the spirit, prevents depression, improves health. Improve it spiritual development men are helped by sketches with pelicans. These are high flying birds. With them you will achieve your goals and become resilient.

Guys are more likely than women to choose a career in the military. Therefore, gentlemen are recommended amulets that avert danger and prevent bloodshed. One of the symbols of peace is the dove. But, there are also more specific mascots, for example, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

One of the breed lived in the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. He operated in the USA during civil war. Sally's Bull Terrier took part in all exercises, formations, some fights. In honor of the dog, a monument was erected and dozens were stuffed.