What does pregnancy look like at 2 months. Second month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's feelings

  • 06.11.2020

I think it will not be a secret for anyone that the second month of its development is most important for the fetus during pregnancy, because at this time all its organs begin to actively develop. In the second month, the size of the baby's head becomes 1/3 of the entire length, in addition, the baby's heart is already beating. And cartilage tissue is formed into bone. All this and much more can be examined with the help of ultraviolet research, for example, you can already distinguish legs from hands or look at the development of fingers.

Changes in the mother's body

Changes occur not only in the child, but also in the mother, which only confirms her pregnancy, because she has completely new sensations. For example, headaches may appear from time to time, she will react differently to certain products. Very often, in the second month, the waist expands in mothers, and this, most likely, will be noticeable in trousers that still do not converge. In addition, the emotions of the expectant mother may change: irritability, kindness, tearfulness appear, she becomes more sentimental; expand the waist, which happens very often.

In addition to all the changes described above, external ones also appear, for example, facial features change or veins appear on the chest, abdomen, etc. And the reason for this is that the vessels on her body expand in order to increase the flow of blood supply in the body for a better supply of oxygen to the fetus. Some "spider veins" appear on the hips, which are a kind of heralds of a woman's pregnancy. But there is no need to worry, because, as a rule, at the end of pregnancy, they disappear.

Also, you should not worry at the beginning of all these events, since problems with the veins are, let's say, a normal phenomenon in pregnant women. Similar signs appear in this month, and this is another proof why the second month is very important. During this period, the veins begin to protrude on the legs or near the genitals. Again, all this is because the flow of blood supply through the body increases. Distinguishing the signs of this is not so difficult, because, as a rule, a woman feels heaviness in her legs, a kind of aching pain near the dilated veins. By the way, the veins also thicken, and you can easily see it.

You can avoid such problems if you follow our recommendations:

  • do not cross your legs in a sitting position;
  • watch your weight. Don't let yourself get too fat;
  • do not lift weights and generally limit yourself to such work;
  • move as much as possible and spend as little time as possible sitting or lying down;
  • lift your legs higher when you sit. This will relieve tension in the vessels;
  • do not limit the body with vitamin C, because it allows you to maintain the elasticity of the vessel;
  • regarding clothing, it is recommended to use special compression tights, because they have an excellent effect on improving blood circulation and well support leg muscles. By the way, be sure to limit yourself from tight clothes, and as for shoes, now, in the second month, they should be more than comfortable;
  • Physical activity doesn't hurt either. Only without fanaticism, you do not need to sign up for a gym. It will be quite enough to walk for 30-40 minutes a day;
  • do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke.

It is not recommended and even prohibited any surgical intervention during pregnancy. After childbirth, you can deal with this problem at any time, if after the birth of the baby it is not resolved. Although, as a rule, after childbirth, women manage to return to their previous forms, and varicose problems disappear on their own.

Schedule of your activities during pregnancy, an approximate calendar plan

0-8 weeks

  • The first step is to take a pregnancy test. Best in the morning;
  • Go to the hospital and register with a medical institution, where for a start you will go through the entire course of examinations and research;
  • Sign up for an ultrasound. In the first stages of pregnancy, this is not dangerous at all and does not threaten anything at all, but this will help to identify any problem. You need to be sure that the fetus develops without any flaws;
  • Listen to the doctors and do whatever they say. Perhaps he will prescribe you certain vitamins that the body needs most of all right now.

8-12 weeks

Pass the necessary laboratory tests and pass all the tests. Probably the most important research during this period is the analysis for TORCH infection, and this is cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis virus, and herpes simplex virus. Oddly enough, the presence of all the viruses described above can negatively affect the development of the fetus and its further, after childbirth, health. Be sure to consult a gynecologist and, if necessary, go through all the necessary tests, because the sooner you start, the easier it will be to recover. Plus, you won't harm your offspring.

15-16 weeks

Right now, you need to go through a huge number of tests in order to be sure of the normal development of the embryo and see if it is formed correctly. For example:

Blood test for alpha-feto-protein. With this test, you can examine the protein that is released into the amniotic fluid and maternal blood from the fetus. Suppose, if the amount of this substance is variable, then there are certain risks of improper formation and development of the fetus.

The next mandatory step for all expectant mothers is a genetics consultation. This is more than important if you have had miscarriages in the past or have previously been diagnosed with infertility. In addition, women who are already 30 or more years old at the time of conception should also not ignore this doctor.

Most importantly, do not neglect these rules, because the health of your child is in your hands!

The second month of pregnancy is one of the most important, most responsible periods. Now the formation of the placenta is ending, and the fetus is actively developing, so the impact of the most insignificant negative factors can threaten with irreparable consequences: spontaneous termination or fading of pregnancy. In this regard, the middle of the 2nd month of pregnancy, or rather the 7th week, is considered the most dangerous - it is at this time that the activity of the corpus luteum gradually fades and the placenta must take over all its functions. If the formation of the placenta for some reason has gone wrong (inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, a cold or flu, abortions or miscarriages in the past), then the risk of termination of pregnancy increases significantly. And, despite the fact that a pregnant woman is usually registered only from the 12th week, it is better to inform the doctor about the presence of even one such risk in advance.

A pregnant woman should now work less and rest more, breathe fresh air more often, avoid nervous shocks and monitor her own nutrition. In the second month, a woman, as a rule, already knows about her new position: menstruation stops, her breasts swell, pregnancy is determined by tests, and, if necessary, by the results of ultrasound and hCG analysis. What happens in the second month of pregnancy, what sensations does a woman experience, what to do and what should be feared? Let's take a closer look.

Signs of pregnancy in the second monthalmost always clearly declare themselves, even if the woman spent the first month "in complete ignorance." The most obvious, almost unambiguous sign of pregnancy is the prolonged absence of menstruation. It can be considered almost 100% when it appears against the background of any other symptoms characteristic of this condition.

Exactly in the second month pregnancy, a woman often encounters the "charms" of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting in the morning begin to appear regularly. A woman can feel nauseous throughout the day, especially given that toxicosis is facilitated by aggravated olfactory sensations: with disgust and the urge to vomit, a woman can react to the smell of fried onions or her once beloved perfume. Taste preferences are also changing. signs of pregnancy in the second month are manifested by “craving for salty”, and sometimes by a passion for completely incompatible products, for example, pickled cucumbers, biting with chocolate.

Gradually, signs of atypical phenomena for the usual "non-pregnant" state may also begin to appear. The breast under the influence of hormones “fills up”, increases in size. Areolas around the nipples acquire a darker color, veins under the skin begin to appear on the mammary glands - the result of an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body.

"Hint" about a possible pregnancy in the second month maybe the general well-being of a woman, which is not changing for the better. Morning awakenings are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, constant drowsiness and increased fatigue, periodic dizziness and even fainting - all these are bright signs of early pregnancy.

Since hormonal changes are now taking place in a woman's body, such very unpleasant signs as brittle hair and nails, rashes or age spots on the skin can appear.

· Second month of pregnancy: fetal development

The second month of pregnancy obliges a woman to be especially responsible, because the embryo is now especially sensitive to various damaging factors. The connections of the fetus with the mother's body are finally being established, the "construction" of the placenta is being completed. The next 2 months, all internal organs and systems of the baby will be laid without exception.

In the second month of pregnancy, the baby's face began to take shape: eyes, mouth, nose are formed, the upper and lower jaws are developing, and the auricles are formed. The arms and legs of the fetus grow, the rudiments of fingers appear on the limbs. They are still a little similar to the usual ones, but are already distinguishable.

The thymus gland or thymus has already formed - an important organ of the fetal immune system. There is a development of the endocrine glands in the fetus. The structure of the heart is improving: partitions and large vessels are formed, gradually the heart becomes four-chambered. The development of the internal organs of the fetus, especially the liver, is in full swing, because it is the main hematopoietic organ of the child up to the 20th week.

The second month of pregnancy is a period of brain development and growth. The child begins to make the first movements in his history, uses the muscles. He turns his head, moves his legs and arms, tries to clench his fists, tries to open his mouth, suck and swallow. Of course, his movements are too weak to be felt, but already at the 6th week they are successfully recorded by ultrasound and echography. Fetal movements are chaotic, because their main coordinator, the cerebellum, has not yet matured.

In addition, the second month of pregnancy is unique in terms of the intensity of development of the genital organs of the male fetus. In girls, the external genitalia have not yet been changed. But in boys, male testicles are formed at week 8, already starting to produce the male hormone testosterone.

The size of the fetus at 2 months of pregnancy will reach - 20-30 mm.

· Pain and sensation during pregnancy 2 months

Feelings during pregnancy, typical for 2 months, can hardly be called "rainbow": the female body adapts to a new state and such adaptation is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Due to the growth of the uterus, the stomach at the 2nd month of pregnancy begins to increase. Outwardly, this is imperceptible, but at times it can cause digestive disorders, sensations of bloating and heartburn. The enlarging uterus gradually begins to put pressure on the abdominal organs, increases frequency of urination .

The influence of hormones is manifested by the emotional instability of the expectant mother: a woman becomes tearful, easily irritated, may experience anxiety or fear for no reason, or, on the contrary, an emotional upsurge.

Already during this period, women are faced with a possible problem varicose veins : in addition to the appearance of a venous network on the chest, a woman can detect dark red thin lines on her hips - “venous stars”, while her legs quickly get tired and hurt. These are sure signs of the possible development of varicose veins, which is characteristic of women with a weak venous and vascular system. When these symptoms appear, the pregnant woman will have to take care to avoid the development of varicose veins: do not allow weight gain in excess of the norm; do not stand or sit for a long time; do not cross your legs in a sitting position, but when lying down - often raise your legs higher, for example, on a pillow. With the development of varicose veins, special compression tights help, relieve the feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs.

In the second month of pregnancy may appear headaches sometimes very strong and prolonged migraine attacks. Many pregnant women also complain that I have a stomachache 2 months pregnant and lower back. Often these pains do not pose any threat and are explained by the growth of the uterus, the relaxation of the spinal discs and the ligaments that support the uterus. But only a doctor can determine for sure whether they are dangerous or not, so be sure to tell him your feelings during pregnancy. For example, if the stomach “pulls” at the 2nd month of pregnancy, and this is accompanied by bloody discharge, it is highly likely that we can talk about increased tone of the uterus threatening premature termination of pregnancy.

· Discharge during 2 months of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is the period of "dominance" of the hormone progesterone over the woman's body. Now a thick mucous plug is forming in the cervical canal: from now until birth, it will serve as a barrier to infections.

Under the influence of progesterone, vaginal discharge during pregnancy at this time can change qualitatively and quantitatively. Allocations in the second month may become more abundant and thick, opaque, acquire a whitish hue. These changes in the norm should not be accompanied by any discomfort.

If you notice that the discharge has turned yellow or green, has an unpleasant odor, causes burning or itching of the genitals, you should go to the doctor for an examination as soon as possible. These symptoms indicate the addition of some kind of infection, which means that urgent treatment is required so that the infection does not penetrate the fetus.

Most often, women during pregnancy experience candidiasis, or thrush, in this case, the characteristic white curdled discharge is reported as an infection. If a thrush during pregnancy once manifested, you need to be prepared that in the next few months you will have to face this disease again - candidiasis has an insidious property to recur again and again.

Perhaps the greatest number of worries in women is caused by spotting during pregnancy in the second month. The appearance of even small amounts of spotting, especially if the stomach hurts, may indicate pregnancy complications. They may accompany uterine hypertonicity and, accordingly, a high risk of miscarriage. In addition, spotting during pregnancy is often a symptom ectopic pregnancy - and this is a dangerous phenomenon that can result in a rupture of the fallopian tube with subsequent infertility. Therefore, in case of spotting, immediately seek the advice of a specialist!

· Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy

A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is also dangerous: now, during the active formation of the fetus and the development of the fetus, the laying of internal organs and systems, viruses are extremely destructive. A cold is highly likely to cause anomalies and malformations of the fetus, provoke rejection, fading of pregnancy.

The situation is also very complicated by the fact that taking the vast majority of drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. Medicines for colds can have a very negative effect on its course and the development of the fetus. Treating a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy allowed only with herbs - infusions and teas, using them for inhalation, washing the nose, etc. According to the doctor's prescription, the treatment of cough in a pregnant woman, if necessary, thinning and stimulation of sputum discharge, it is possible to use Mukaltin tablets. Lotions from cabbage leaves smeared with honey, which are applied to the chest at night, like mustard plasters, also help. At the same time, even the phytotreatment of a cold must be approved by a doctor, since some herbs are also unsafe during childbearing.

And, of course, the best thing is to protect yourself from colds: refrain from visiting crowded places, before going out into the street during autumn-winter epidemics, lubricate the wings of the nose with oxolin ointment. Of course, you are shown proper nutrition during pregnancy and sufficient rest: now your immunity is reduced, try not to weaken it even more.

· Fever during pregnancy 2 months

During pregnancy, the entire second month, an elevated temperature can be observed, which is kept at around 37-37.5 degrees. To a greater extent, this, of course, concerns the basal temperature, which is explained by the effect of progesterone on the body.

In some cases, there is an increased body temperature during pregnancy. And if it is, it is better to consult a doctor to exclude any undesirable conditions that may be associated with fever (for example, infections of the genitourinary system).

However, with infectious diseases, body temperature during pregnancy is usually significantly increased, and with ARVI, concomitant symptoms appear in the form of nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, and body aches.

One way or another, a fever during pregnancy for 2 months is a very bad symptom that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the development of pregnancy, in general. In this regard, the temperature should be brought down by taking a large amount of warm teas from linden blossom and raspberries (linden and raspberries have active antipyretic properties). If the temperature is high and it is impossible to bring it down with folk remedies, you should definitely go to the hospital for a diagnosis, prescribing antipyretic drugs (most often, Paracetamol is recommended in a children's dosage) and determining the need for treatment with medications.

· Nutrition during pregnancy 2 months

For the normal development of the fetus and the well-being of a woman, nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role. From now on, it must necessarily be rational, balanced, and of high quality. In the second month of pregnancy, it is important to provide the body with all the useful and nutritious substances necessary for the child and mother.

The diet of a pregnant woman must include meat and fish, eggs (boiled), nuts, which supply proteins and amino acids to the body. For normal bowel function, a woman needs fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Particular attention should be paid to greens and green vegetables, since they contain, which prevents the development of malformations of the nervous system in the fetus.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of flour products made from first and highest grade flour, desserts, pastries, confectionery delights - these products "overload" a woman's body with harmful easily digestible carbohydrates and stimulate rapid weight gain, which is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Nutrition during pregnancy should include the "right" complex carbohydrates - cereals, cereals and cereal bread; dried fruits and marmalade will replace sweets.

In general, pregnant women are allowed to eat whatever they want. Your body will tell you what it needs at each stage. The main thing is not to "abuse", food should be moderate, in small portions, but often. During pregnancy, it is worth switching to 4-5 meals a day, fractional meals. And of course, there is no place on the table of a pregnant woman for semi-finished products, fast food, sweet soda, fried foods and smoked meats.

The last meal, it is advisable to do a few hours before bedtime - it will be easier to avoid morning toxicosis. Cope with poor morning health will help a cup of tea and a cracker or cracker immediately after waking up. At the same time, it is recommended to have a snack without getting out of bed, for this, prepare cookies in the evening, putting it along with a cup of tea on the bedside table.

· Sex in early pregnancy

The second month is characterized by a deterioration in the general condition and well-being of a woman, drowsiness and "chronic" fatigue, sudden mood swings - all this does not contribute to sexual activity at all. But if the desire for sex in the early stages of pregnancy overtakes from time to time, you can be sure that there are no contraindications to this.

In the absence of direct contraindications, sex in the early stages of pregnancy is not only allowed, but in a sense useful - it relieves psychological stress, brings pleasure, which, of course, is a plus in the current position of a woman. However, sex in early pregnancy must be safe from possible infections. In addition, when having sex, especially deep penetrations and sudden movements should be excluded. The future dad needs to be careful, show maximum affection and tenderness.

Be that as it may, but if a woman, due to poor health, is not disposed to sexual intimacy, the spouse will have to “pacify the flesh” for a while and postpone sex. The current abstinence will more than pay off in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the unpleasant symptoms of early periods pass, and the woman's libido wakes up with a vengeance.

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

2 months pregnant video:

Pregnancy, photos of the abdomen at different times:

The second month of pregnancy is obstetric 5-8 weeks inclusive. The period of restructuring the female body in a "pregnant way", the time of the emergence of many fears and questions. We will try to answer the main ones in this article.

Objective signs of pregnancy

Since the period is already sufficient, it makes sense not to try to look for signs of pregnancy in your body, but to undergo an accurate diagnosis.

1. Ultrasound. At 5 weeks, a fertilized egg will be visible. At 6 weeks - yolk sac and embryo. Well, at 7 weeks, the baby’s heartbeat will already appear. And it is precisely this that is the main proof that the pregnancy is developing and everything is in order with the child.

It is not necessary to do an ultrasound before 12 weeks. Only if the doctor prescribes, will there be a reason for it to be carried out - for example, to clarify the period (with an irregular menstrual cycle or its absence during lactation), suspicion of a missed pregnancy, a threatening or incipient miscarriage.

The term is most accurately set according to the KTR (coccyx-parietal size) of the embryo, literally up to the day for sure. This is possible from about 6 weeks. At 5 weeks, only in terms of the size of the fetal egg, large errors are possible here, since its dimensions are more variable.

2. Gynecological examination. An experienced gynecologist accurately determines the week of pregnancy by the size of the uterus. Its other signs are cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

3. Pregnancy test. Usually, with the onset of a delay in menstruation, the second strip becomes bright, and there are no questions about whether there is a pregnancy or not.

4. Blood test for hCG. This is the most accurate pregnancy test. By the way, if you take hCG regularly (once every 2-3 days), you can accurately determine whether a pregnancy develops (hCG doubles every 2 days) and even assume a multiple pregnancy (if the growth rate of this hormone is above average).

Typical complaints of pregnant women in the second month, what they feel

1. Toxicosis. Severe or not very pronounced nausea and vomiting. Most expectant mothers pass by 12-13 obstetric weeks. Sometimes hospitalization is required if vomiting occurs more than 10 times a day, that is, neither water nor food is retained in the body.

They say that toxicosis occurs more often during pregnancy with girls. But there is no evidence of this folk omen.

2. Lost appetite or constantly hungry. With appetite, indeed, something is wrong. But this is temporary.

3. Big belly. Of course, while the enlarged uterus is not visible even in multiparous women. A large belly occurs due to severe flatulence. Eat less foods that provoke increased gas formation, such as peas, cabbage, beans, sweets, baked goods, etc.

4. Spotting. Happen with detachment of the fetal egg. If it is small, then there is every chance to survive the threat of miscarriage and carry the child to the end.

5. It hurts in the lower abdomen. If these are menstrual pains, but not very strong and rare, this can be attributed to "the uterus is growing, the ligaments are stretching." It is bad if bloody discharge joins the pain. Often this happens with a miscarriage.

6. I don't feel anything. Some women complain that they do not feel pregnant at all. They do not have toxicosis and drowsiness, the tummy does not grow and does not even swell, the chest does not hurt. This is absolutely normal, one can only rejoice at such a development of events.

You should strain only if all this was, and suddenly, one day it disappeared. Sometimes this is a sign of a missed pregnancy. Then some doctors advise to measure the basal temperature in the morning, if it is less than 37 degrees - this is a bad sign. But it is better to go for an ultrasound to dispel your doubts. Ultrasound in the first trimester, no matter what anyone says, is absolutely safe.

7. Constantly want to sleep. This condition usually lasts the entire second month of pregnancy and ends in the third month. If you have determined that low blood pressure is the cause of your weakness, increasing your physical activity will help. Just don't drink too much coffee is very harmful for the unborn child.

What happens inside the mother's body and how the embryo develops

At the beginning of the second month, the corpus luteum in the ovary reaches its maximum size. On average, it is 18-20 mm, but it can be slightly less or more, in the latter case it is called a corpus luteum cyst. It is it that produces progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, at this time. Under the influence of this particular hormone, a mucous plug forms in the cervix. It closes the entrance to the uterus for almost the entire duration of pregnancy. This is one of the stages of its protection against infectious pathogens.

The uterus is growing rapidly. At 6 weeks, its size reaches a fist, and by the end of the second lunar month of pregnancy - an average grapefruit. Examination on a gynecological chair is usually carried out only once at registration for pregnancy. Further, only with strict indications. In antenatal clinics, smears are taken, for this you do not need to insert a gynecological speculum into the vagina. But in a hospital, where they can be sent, for example, in case of a threat of spontaneous abortion, they examine more carefully, including paying attention to the condition of the cervix - is it hard or soft, what is its approximate length and whether it is ajar.

Also, progesterone and another pregnancy hormone - placental lactogen, affect the entire body of the mother. Changes in metabolism, the concentration of glucose in the blood, etc. All this happens so that the fetus receives what it needs and is not deprived of anything.

In the second month of development, the embryo is laying all the organs and systems of the body. Every day of pregnancy matters. Any “little thing”, like alcohol taken, soft drugs or a cold, can lead to “breakdowns”, severe defects of the heart, kidneys, face (“cleft palate”, “cleft lip”) and other organs. Mom has to take care of herself.

Rubella is especially dangerous for the embryo. If a woman falls ill at this stage of pregnancy, the fetus will almost certainly have heart disease, deafness, and congenital cataracts.

Also, the herpes virus, toxoplasmosis, chicken pox, influenza, and cytomegalovirus have a certain danger to the fetus.

Doctor's recommendation - if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy

If you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you need to take 2 No-shpy tablets, put a rectal suppository of Papaverine Hydrochloride and lie down. The spasm will be relieved within 30-60 minutes. If such attacks occur regularly, you need to go to the doctor. Usually in this case, a progesterone preparation for oral or vaginal use is prescribed. In a hospital setting, progesterone is injected intramuscularly, which is also effective.

In case of bloody discharge, you need to call an ambulance or go to the doctor or the pregnancy pathology department without delay.

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5th week from conception (7th obstetric)

This week, new changes are taking place with the rudiments of the body, face, limbs of the child. The digestive tract begins to form, the rectum is already present. There is still a "tail", but by the 10-11th week it will be gone. The embryo also develops lungs. The placenta thickens, the umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the uterus. The rudiments of the face, eyes (iris), mouth, nose appear. You can even make out the tiny nostrils. Only a week has passed since the rudiments of the limbs appeared, and now you can already guess where the handle will be, and where the shoulder will be. The development of almost all internal organs has begun. The embryo has its own blood type. The features of the structure of the face of the unborn child are visible. The eyes have a retina and a lens. The muscular system develops, the embryo can move.

The fetus begins to take shape in a tiny face. On the side of the head are two tiny pigment circles. Over the next few months, they will move to the face and turn into baby eyes. The palms are starting to form. The rudiments of the baby's genitals are already present, but this week it is still impossible to determine whether it is a boy or a girl. The kidneys begin to develop very quickly. Transvaginal ultrasound with 100% probability will show the embryo and its cardiac activity. The eyelids float on the child's eyes and gradually close them, thus protecting the developing structure of the eye from light and dryness (from the 28th week, at the request of the baby, the eyes can begin to open). At the same period of pregnancy, the inner ear of the baby is formed, the outer ear develops, the jaws are formed, the rudiments of teeth appear. But most importantly - the baby begins to move! And since he is still too small, mom does not feel his movements. The huge head is tilted to the chest.
The face is forming, but the eyes are still flanked and tightly closed.
A black pigment is visible under the skin of the eyes.
The arms and legs are clearly visible with split ends that will turn into fingers.
The heart begins to pump blood through the body of the embryo.
In general terms, the central nervous system has developed.
The development of bone cells began.
The embryo already has lungs, intestines, liver, kidneys and internal organs, but all this is not yet fully formed.
Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 7-9 mm.
Weight - about 0.8 g.

The embryonic trachea expands and stretches downward, forming horns - the future bronchi.
Tiny limbs elongate, with arms stronger than legs, and are divided into three parts: shoulder, forearm, hand, thigh, lower leg, foot.
A tubercle is formed between the legs, from which the external genitalia will develop.
The tubercles of the future face of the child (nasal, maxillary and mandibular), which appeared at the beginning of last week, are shifted to the center of the face, leaving one open gap: this is his future mouth.
The epidermis covering the oral fissure curves on each jaw in the shape of a horseshoe, this is where the rudiments of the teeth will be located.
Gill slits disappear without a trace. A narrowing is formed between the head and the body - the future neck.
You yourself
Your baby begins to experience an increased need for nutrition. The amount of blood in your body increases to meet its needs. This leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, and you feel the heaviness in the legs characteristic of pregnant women, which will accompany you in the future.
6th (8th obstetric) week
Tiny fingers begin to form on the rudiments of the arms and legs, the arms themselves are already beginning to bend at the elbows and wrists. On both sides of the neck, auricles begin to form, an upper sponge appears on the face, and the shape of the nose appears. The eyes are still very wide-set, but they already have eyelids. The intestine becomes so long that sometimes it even protrudes into the region of the umbilical cord: this is the so-called physiological hernia.
The kid has already become quite similar to an adult. The heart beats, the stomach produces gastric juice, the kidneys begin to function. Muscles contract under the influence of impulses from the brain. By the blood of a child, you can determine his Rh-belonging. Fingers and knuckles formed. The baby's face acquires its own features, facial expressions begin to reflect what is happening in its environment. The child's body responds to touch.
The embryo has become a fetus, now it can already be called a baby.
All the main internal organs have formed, but they are still in their infancy and do not occupy their final position inside the body.
The face was defined: a tip appeared at the nose, nostrils appeared, a mouth formed. There is already a language.
The inner ear is formed.
The fingers have taken shape, but they are still webbed.
The back of the brain is clearly visible.
The arms and legs became longer, the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees were designated.
The fetus is quite mobile, but you don't feel it yet.
Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 8-11 mm. The fruit is the size of a strawberry.
Weight - about 1.5 g.
The embryo is mobile in its environment, in the amniotic sac. By the end of the 8th week, the diameter of the fetal egg reaches 22 mm. A clear identification of the embryo (head, trunk, limbs, etc.) is possible. The heart contracts at a frequency of 112-136 beats per minute. At about the same time, the nasal cavities acquire olfactory receptors, but the nose is still closed with mucous plugs and does not function. The baby cannot breathe in the liquid environment that surrounds him.
The rudiment of the optic nerve is formed. It grows from the primary brain and lengthens, reaching the face. On the surface of the skin of the face, the ends of the nerve branch and form the retina. Then, by differentiation of skin cells at the temples, the lens is formed and at the same time the cornea. Future eyes will temporarily be in this place.
You yourself
The entrance to the cervix is ​​closed with a dense plug of coagulated cervical mucus, which protects the uterus from infection.
With the same purpose - to resist possible bacterial infections - the acidity of vaginal discharge increases. But at the same time, the vagina becomes more susceptible to the effects of fungi. The risk of infection with a fungal disease increases.
Please note: If you are Rh-negative, and the baby's father is Rh-positive, now is the time to get tested for the presence of Rh antibodies in the blood. The fact is that around this time, the baby begins to produce proteins of the Rh system (if the future baby is Rh-positive), and the mother's body can begin to react to them by producing antibodies.
7th (9th obstetric) week. Sexual organs begin to form.
The head is strongly inclined forward (due to the large convexity of the occiput) and hangs over the chest.
The neck is outlined.
The body is lengthened. In the terminal section, a small tail disappears (a reminder of our distant past), which ended the spinal column.
He takes on a human face. The head takes on a spherical shape. The tubercles denoting the nostrils and jaws are approaching. The eyes, previously located at the level of the temples, move towards the nose, but are still located at its base. Since we can already talk about the nose, its nasal folds during this period are separated by a suture in the form of the letter U and form the wings of the nose, but still flattened. The face, hitherto flat, is rounded, and the nose and eyes protrude forward. The corners of the mouth become thinner, the edges thicken, turning into lips.
Skeletal muscles are actively developing. He can bend his elbows at a 90° angle to his body. The knees are most often at an angle, but directed forward, the feet are parallel.
The pulmonary horns are divided into five bronchi. Branching of the bronchial tree begins.
As on the hands last week, now there are toes.
By thickening the epidermis, nails are formed, but in a strange way. They appear on the side of the palms and soles. But thanks to the rotational and sliding movements, the nails move to the tips of the fingers and toes, where they will continue to grow. And instead of them, tactile pads are formed on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the fingers.
The “back” of the embryo will begin to straighten, and the tail will “dry out”. The head is still disproportionately large, tilted towards the chest. The eyes are already sufficiently formed, but tightened with a membrane. The embryo already has muscles, and it slowly begins to move: however, so far only ultrasound can determine this. The limbs continue to develop further, with the arms developing faster than the legs. There is already a hint of fingers in the palms-flippers: the membranes between them are gradually disappearing. We have elbows! The baby already has elbows! The strengthening of the skeletal system begins.

You yourself
The possibility of spontaneous miscarriage still worries you. If it suddenly happens, it is probably due to impaired fetal development. Thus, nature decides not to go through with a defective pregnancy.
For another two weeks, the risk of miscarriage remains.
There is no fixed date for your first doctor visit, but you should have your first checkup between the 9th and 12th weeks of your pregnancy. This blurry date is due to the fact that some expectant mothers who have irregular menstrual cycles notice that they are pregnant too late. You should be interested in having the first consultation as early as possible in order to be registered on time in case of a risky pregnancy.
First Mandatory Prenatal Consultation
It includes:
1. Clinical examination, including measurement of blood pressure, listening to the heartbeat (later - the fetal heartbeat), weighing, palpation of the abdomen, vaginal examination, and the next six prenatal consultations will be similar;
2. Urinalysis is also a mandatory element of all prenatal consultations. It focuses on albuminuria (urinary protein excretion) and/or glucoeuria (urinary sugar excretion);
3. Blood test.
What does your first blood test show?
The results of your first blood test will determine how much attention doctors and midwives will give to your pregnancy and childbirth.
1. Blood type
A, B, AB or 0 - your card will definitely indicate the blood type, since in an emergency requiring a blood transfusion, it must be known in advance.
2. Rh factor: + or -
If the membrane surrounding red blood cells contains the Rh factor - a special protein substance, then you are Rh factor positive, if this protein is absent, then the Rh factor is negative.
The problem arises if the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive.
3. Determination of antibodies against rubella is made in International units (IU)
If you've never had rubella but contracted it in the first four months of your pregnancy, the fetus could be seriously malformed. A blood test for the content of antibodies to the rubella virus in it will clarify the picture.
10 or more IU is an indicator of the content of specific antibodies in a milliliter of blood, according to them it can be argued that you had rubella in childhood and are immune to it. Your child in this case is not in any danger, as well as other pregnant women who do not have immunity with whom you communicate. Rubella cannot be contracted a second time, so you are not a source of infection and cannot become a carrier of this disease.
Less than 10 IU - you have never had rubella, so you need to constantly monitor the level of antibodies in the blood. An increased amount of antibodies indicates that you are infected with rubella. This does not mean that your child is also infected. To know for sure, the doctor will conduct an ultrasound-guided fetal blood sample taken from the umbilical cord vein. If an infection of the fetus is detected, appropriate treatment is immediately carried out. If, unfortunately, a child has serious malformations (concerning vision, hearing, nervous system), the doctor may suggest termination of the pregnancy.
4. RV (Wassermann reaction) - an indicator of infection with syphilis
This infectious disease is now rare (thanks, among other things, to a blood test for the presence of a pathogen). If a blood test reveals that you are a carrier of treponema pallidum, you are prescribed a penicillin-based treatment that is very effective and does not harm the unborn baby. Control tests are carried out throughout pregnancy.
5. elective studies
Definition of HIV
It is not mandatory, but highly recommended. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), and if it is detected, the mother-to-be is treated, which greatly reduces the risk of passing it on to her baby.
Test for antigens and antibodies of hepatitis B
You can be a carrier of the virus without knowing it, and your baby is at risk of contracting it during childbirth. However, there is currently a serum and a vaccine that will prevent the infection of the baby if the necessary measures are taken immediately after the baby is born.
Quantitative indicators of the blood test
This test detects anemia and bleeding disorders. The analysis registers: the number of red blood cells in one cubic milliliter of blood (an underestimated indicator is alarming, as it can indicate anemia); the number of leukocytes in one cubic milliliter of blood (an increased number indicates the presence of an infection); the number of platelets (platelets) in one cubic milliliter, which play a significant role in the process of blood clotting; the average content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes - a decrease in this indicator also makes one suspect anemia; and the total level of hemoglobin in the blood, which makes it possible to assess the ability of this molecule to carry oxygen in the mother's body and subsequently transfer it to the child.
From the first months of pregnancy, you may have a lack of red blood cells and an increased number of white blood cells. Indeed, in order to provide a sufficient amount of blood to the circulatory system of the mother and child, the amount of blood must increase from month to month, especially for the liquid part - plasma. The amount of plasma increases much faster than the number of erythrocytes, and the blood of a pregnant woman becomes, as it were, "diluted" in relation to erythrocytes. However, leukocytes are able to multiply rapidly, so an increase in their number in the blood of pregnant women is not an indicator of an inflammatory disease.
Knowing about this feature, the doctor will closely monitor the blood test, especially the balance of power between the formed elements of the blood.

8(10) weeks

The 10th week is a kind of starting point for your baby. The general parameters of the body have already been laid down, and in the next 6.5 months the building blocks will complete its “construction”. Your child is becoming more and more like himself. The fingers are already isolated, the taste bud of the tongue and tooth germs appear. The tail is gone (it's disappearing this week), and the brain continues to evolve at a phenomenal rate, producing a quarter of a million new neurons every minute. The heart of the embryo has also already formed.
Although the external genitalia are still indeterminate, but now the testicles - if it's a boy - begin to produce testosterone - the male hormone that will turn him into a great boy! If everything is fine with the embryo by 10 weeks, then cheers! - he is no longer threatened with congenital anomalies. From this week, your baby is called a fetus.

In the past 2 months he has experienced the biggest change in his intrauterine life. The remaining 7 months will be a gradual improvement of what was laid down. Events that mark stages of development may seem less impressive.
The skeleton, joints, muscles - all elements of the musculoskeletal system are present. However, they are subject to some changes.
The first tactile receptors appear on the inner surface of the mouth and around it. Very soon, their number will even exceed what adults have. The unborn child is also very sensitive to stimulations that affect his upper lip (waves of amniotic fluid, vibrations of the umbilical cord, or movements of his arms and legs). He responds to them with the mobility of his face.
The eyelids are stretched and closed ... there is nothing to look at yet!
Cartilage is gradually replaced by bone tissue.
Handles, legs, fingers, knees are already present in miniature. Soon your baby will start sucking his thumb. He is already moving, however, still involuntarily. The eyes are closed for centuries and this will continue until 25-27 weeks. The auricle is formed. Formed upper lip.
Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 27-35 mm.
Weight - about 4 g.
You yourself
Your heart pumps one and a half liters of blood per minute. His work will intensify every month, and by the end of pregnancy this figure will reach 6 liters per minute.
This intense work is reflected in the heart rate. Previously, the heart contracted 80-90 times per minute, now the number of contractions exceeds 100, and it works in an enhanced mode.
In the second month of embryonic life, a qualitative leap occurs in the development of the embryo. Due to the fact that the cells of the germ layers multiply intensively, redistribute in space and specialize, the formation of organs and tissues takes place. The fetus changes dramatically...
In the second month of embryonic life, a qualitative leap occurs in the development of the embryo. Due to the fact that the cells of the germ layers multiply intensively, redistribute in space and specialize, the formation of organs and tissues takes place. The fetus changes drastically.
Starting from the 4th to the 8th week, the cells of the outer germ layer work hard on the “sketch” of the central and peripheral nervous system: the brain and spinal cord are laid, the nerve pathways. Initially, the brain has a smooth surface, like that of fish. Later, the first signs of convolutions appear, and it begins to resemble the brain of reptiles. But only towards the end of the intrauterine period, the brain of the embryo will become the brain of a person.
Sensitive tissue (epithelium) of the ears, nose and eyes, skin, hair, and nails are also formed from the outer layer.
The cells of the middle sheet give rise to the muscles of the skeleton, internal organs and blood vessels, the heart, blood, lymph, blood and lymphatic vessels, cartilage and bones, the spleen, kidneys, sex glands, and finally, the membranes lining all body cavities.
The cells of the inner leaf form the epithelial lining of the organs of the digestive system, as well as the epithelium of the liver and pancreas.
Just think: from the first few dozen cells with the same genetic set, strong rigid bone tissue cells, super-complex cells of the nervous system, secretory cells of endocrine organs, elastic and elastic muscle cells are formed - in a word, the whole great variety of cells of the human body. The process of their differentiation and specialization is extremely complex.
Studies have shown that each cell at the stage of specialization is extremely “choosy”, for its development it needs specific conditions. Firstly, it is not indifferent to what salts and in what concentration are contained in the blood washing it and tissue fluid (the ionic composition of the medium). Secondly, its specialization can be influenced by the waste products of other, neighboring cells. It is known that the exchange of these products goes through the blood, lymph, tissue fluid. And thirdly, each cell needs contact with a certain inducing tissue. For example, the cornea of ​​the eye develops only in contact with the lens. When skin cells were transplanted into the chicken embryo in the experiment, instead of the cornea, feathers grew in it.
It happens that life itself puts terrible experiments. Various adverse environmental factors, infectious diseases of the mother can disrupt the intimate mechanisms of cell differentiation, organ laying, and this leads to tragic consequences - the appearance of a child with congenital deformities.
At 5-6 weeks, the limbs of the embryo develop especially rapidly. They lengthen, a division into departments is outlined, hands and feet appear, rather like flippers with five rays - future fingers.
At week 7, ossification (already!) of the skeleton begins, which will end only by the age of 20-25.
At 5-6 weeks, another important event occurs: the embryo takes on a face. His eyes, which used to be almost on the sides of his head, are getting closer. There are no eyelids yet, so they seem huge on a tiny face. The embryo has a very “smart”, convex forehead. And in a flat nose with twisted nostrils, it is difficult to guess the outlines of a future perky snub-nosed nose, or an “aristocratic” nose with a hump, or a long, curious one, like Pinocchio’s… Lips only emerge, and in the depths of the gums, the rudiments of milk teeth hatch with tiny grains.
No, you can't call him pretty. But still it is clear that this is a person and no one else.
So in just two months, a single-celled “amoeba” becomes a person. Or rather, his first sketch, a sketch. For 50-60 days, the organs and systems of the body have time to form only in general terms. In the next 7 months, the body will develop, becoming more and more complicated and self-improving. Life before birth continues.
Attention: 4-8 weeks is a critical period in the life of the unborn child, when the embryo is most sensitive to all kinds of damaging factors.
The placenta is not an absolute protection for the fetus. Various chemicals, including some drugs, can cross the placenta and have a negative impact on the development of the embryo.
Be extremely careful with medications, especially in the first and second months of pregnancy, when all the organs and systems of the child are being laid! Take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor.
TERATOGENIC (from the Greek word "teratos" - freak) are all factors that can interfere with the process of cell specialization, grossly disrupt it and lead to developmental anomalies.
Large doses of radiation, X-rays, many chemicals in high concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible norms have this property.
Nutrients can also be indifferent to the pregnant woman and the fetus. In particular, caffeine in high concentrations can cause spontaneous, that is, spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy.
In the United States, 550 pregnant coffee drinkers were examined. Only one woman out of 14 who drank more than 6 cups of coffee a day was able to keep her pregnancy. In the remaining 13, the development of the fetus stopped, and the pregnancy was terminated.
Based on the materials of the book by A.I. Brusilovsky "Life before birth".
Baby's hands

At a period of 2 months of pregnancy, a woman no longer doubts her position, because she has long known that she is pregnant. The accompanying signs manifest themselves in all their glory, besides, the expectant mother probably passed the necessary tests in a medical institution, or at least used the pharmacy test, using the appropriate strips.

Despite the fact that the figure of the pregnant woman has not changed much, nausea often occurs in the morning, and only rare lucky women do not experience unpleasant symptoms at all. If possible, it is better to take another vacation from work or reduce the level of stress so as not to overload an already tired body.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child

embryo development

The second month of pregnancy is critical for the unborn baby, because important organs are formed at this time, so any negative impact of toxic substances and other harmful factors can lead to sad consequences.

By the end of the fifth week, the formation of the nose and upper lip begins. If the normal development of the embryo is disturbed during this period, improper tissue fusion is possible, and the baby can be born with the so-called cleft lip.

At the sixth week, the formation of the placenta is almost completed. The face becomes more and more human: eyes, nose and jaws are formed. The arms and legs continue to grow in length, but there are no fingers on the limbs yet.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by further development of the heart. Partitions are formed in this organ, and the heart itself from now on becomes four-chambered. The liver is improved, bile ducts are formed in it. The brain increases in size. The auricles continue to form, and tiny fingers have finally appeared on the arms and legs. The embryo can move, but the expectant mother still cannot feel such movement.

In the eighth week, testicles form in the male fetus, and testosterone also begins to be produced. But on ultrasound, it is not possible to determine the sex of the fetus at this time, because the genitals will not be visible on the monitor.

In the ninth week, the mouth and hard palate are formed. The liver intensively increases and becomes quite large in relation to other organs. The size of the embryo by the end of the second month of pregnancy reaches 3 cm. The future little man achieved such parameters in a short period of time, because the conception occurred quite recently, when the second week of pregnancy was under the obstetric calendar.

Changes in a woman's body

During the second month of pregnancy, the following happens in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • The mammary glands continue to grow, become more elastic. The skin around the nipples may become darker. It is highly desirable to purchase a larger bra, made of natural fabric and featuring a comfortable fit.
  • Some women note that they have age spots on their skin.
  • Such signs of pregnancy in the second month as nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences and other sensations intensify. However, this does not happen with all pregnant women; for some expectant mothers, the appetite remains the same.
  • With multiple pregnancies, the manifestations of toxicosis may be more pronounced. In this case, the uterus increases more intensively.
  • In some pregnant women, the body temperature may remain slightly elevated, about 37 degrees, but soon the value of this indicator will return to normal.
  • Often, at this time, the lower back hurts a little, the lower abdomen slightly pulls, and other sensations of discomfort arise.
  • The basal temperature at this time is also elevated, as in the first weeks of pregnancy after a delay, and ranges from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. After the 14th week, it will again fall below 37 degrees.
  • Allocations at this time should normally be normal. Brown discharge is a pathology and may signal a threatened miscarriage.
  • A dense mucous plug is formed, which from now on will close the opening of the cervix and protect the uterine cavity from the effects of adverse environmental factors. Thus, the body of the embryo (fetus) will be more reliably protected from infection from outside.
  • Many women may experience constipation, which is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on metabolism. Due to constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids subsequently increases, so pregnant women need to normalize digestion by eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potentially allergenic foods. You should not take laxatives during this period without the permission of a doctor, because increased intestinal motility can provoke an increase in uterine tone and, as a result, increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, any pharmaceutical preparations may contain dangerous chemicals that are extremely undesirable for the body of a future baby at an early stage of its development.

Analyzes and examinations

It is possible that the expectant mother prudently went to the doctor in the first month of pregnancy to make sure that the conception was successful. If this is not the case, then the woman is advised to come to the appointment in the second month to pass the main tests.

After registering a pregnant woman, when the second month of pregnancy is in progress, the following types of examinations can be prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • urinalysis, including the determination of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • a smear on the flora from the vagina;
  • determination of Rh antibodies in the blood, it is especially necessary with a high probability of a Rh conflict between the mother and fetus.

Also, when a future mother visits a antenatal clinic, a specialist will specify the gestational age, determine the preliminary date of birth, measure body weight, abdominal circumference and other parameters of a woman. Patients with thyroid problems will need to be tested to determine the level of thyroxine and other hormones in order to prevent the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In the second month of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed only when a woman has alarming symptoms or at a high risk of developing various complications. It is also better to undergo this examination as soon as possible if in the past a woman has lost a child at an early stage.

The first planned ultrasound is usually done at 11-13 weeks, i.e. next month, when you can find out in more detail what is happening with the unborn baby. The answer to the question of how many times a woman will need to undergo an ultrasound examination and what other tests are needed can be given by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.



In the first months, it is advisable for the expectant mother to attend a antenatal clinic every two weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to pass the necessary tests and identify possible violations in time.

Possible dangers in the second month

The second month of pregnancy can be dangerous with the following complications in the course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo:

  • Miscarriage. The risk of spontaneous abortion especially increases at the 7th week, which is associated with hormonal changes in the female body. At this time, the corpus luteum significantly reduces the production of hormones, and the placenta takes over this function. This transitional stage does not last long, but is critically dangerous for the embryo. If the development of the placenta slows down, then hormones begin to be produced in insufficient quantities, as a result of which the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. Therefore, those women who have previously had miscarriages need to donate blood in advance to determine the level of hormones in order to correct their possible shortage in time by taking synthetic analogues. When an abortion begins, a woman may detect the appearance of blood in the discharge, as at the beginning of menstruation. If measures are not taken in time, then it will be impossible to stop the pathological process that has begun, so you should call an ambulance when the very first alarming signs appear.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In the presence of this pathology in the second month of pregnancy, a woman is in serious danger, a rupture of the fallopian tube, after which severe internal bleeding begins. That is why, with the appearance of pain in the abdomen, one cannot hope for a chance, but it is necessary to urgently seek help, and it is even better to undergo an ultrasound in advance, which will show exactly where the embryo develops. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the result of the analysis shows a lower level of hCG compared to the norm at this time, which is the reason for an additional examination.

In addition, at a gestational age of 2 months, you should take care of the prevention of a possible Rh conflict. If the expectant mother has Rh-negative blood, and her husband is Rh-positive, then a conflict between the blood of the mother and the child may develop, especially during the 2nd pregnancy.

In the case when the father is Rh negative, nothing threatens the unborn baby. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the necessary tests as early as possible in order to take timely measures to prevent serious complications. Also, all women who have a negative Rh blood factor need to know that abortions are extremely dangerous for them, because after an abortion, the likelihood of a strong Rh conflict increases many times over.

For the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy, the following tips can be valuable:

  • In order to prevent the appearance of insomnia and nightmares, it is better to refuse a late dinner. Sleep on your side only, not on your back or stomach. In this case, the horrors that may disturb pregnant girls will not be dreamed.
  • To reduce the appearance of unpleasant signs of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea or severe morning vomiting, you can start breakfast right in bed, while eating a small amount of acidic food. You should eat in small portions, somewhat limiting the consumption of flour and fatty foods, then you will feel sick much less often. You can find out how many kilocalories the diet of a future mother should contain from special tables or at a doctor's appointment.
  • The lifestyle of a woman is most directly reflected in the condition of the fetus. Refusal of various hazards and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid possible complications of pregnancy now and on the eve of childbirth, such as caesarean section, miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, a new life should not be started, waiting for Monday or the first day of a new month. Tuesday and any other day are great for giving up bad habits, not only socially dangerous, but also relatively harmless, such as the abuse of sweets or excessive attachment to strong coffee. It will be possible to fully enjoy the external attributes of a well-fed and cheerful life a little later, but now there is a reason to rejoice at the most important thing - your pregnancy and the upcoming birth of a child in the family. The future person is much more important than any amount of money, even billions of dollars, so every effort should be made to ensure that the baby is born strong and healthy.