Zoning of a one-room apartment for a young family and a family with a child. The best ideas for zoning a one-room apartment: how to correctly delimit the space? What is apartment zoning

  • 29.08.2019

Very often, owners of modest odnushki face the question of how to implement zoning one-room apartment. And how to arrange one-room apartment, if for all design solutions only 18 sq. m? And if you also need to accommodate as much as possible, including a children's corner? The task is not simple, but quite real.

General zoning rules

In order to divide the room into 18 square meters. m, it is important to properly zone it. To do this, some tricks will come to the rescue, namely:

  • Apply light colors. This idea will create such necessary volumes and lightness, at least visually. It is also very important that the colors harmonize with each other, create a pleasant balance.

Advice! Use a slightly lighter color for the ceiling than for the walls. Flat lighting fixtures that can be used to visually increase the height of the room will also help to visually increase the height of the room.placed primarily on the ceiling.

  • Use any physically zoning methods, namely: podium, arch, screen, rack, sliding partition. This will allow successful separation, for example, to separate the children's corner and the parents' bed. The basis of the idea is to add functionality, which will in no way affect the usefulness of the space.

Partitions in a one-room apartment (photo)

  • To create an optical illusion and visual expansion rooms 18 sq. m use mirrors and any reflective surfaces. They can also be used to zone a one-room apartment into a bedroom and a living room.

How to furnish a 1-room apartment (photo)

  • If you manage to choose the right furniture, then it is also quite capable of successfully zone a room. In confirmation - numerous photos and design of a one-room Khrushchev apartment with a similar zoning method.

Advice! Place the sofa not as usual against the wall, but separate a sleeping place or a section for a child. So you carry out zoning and thus do not install a single barrier to the internal space and you will be able to organize, albeit small, but separate zones.

  • If the apartment is 18 sq. m there is a balcony or a loggia, at their expense it is quite possible to expand the area, which is so lacking. important good insulate and install high-quality double-glazed windows there - this will create complete comfort.

Design of a one-room apartment with a child: the secrets of proper zoning

If it is necessary to separate a place for a child and for parents in a one-room apartment, then there are also a few secrets here. First of all, zoning methods will depend on the age of the child (see photos of zoning for different ages).

The first situation is Small child preschool age. There should fit a bed for parents and a crib in a one-room apartment. A place for a child should be cozy and functional, especially if it is a newborn.

Advice! The children's area in a one-room apartment should be the brightest and warmest place.

Please note that as the child grows older, the nursery space will need to be expanded and its functionality increased. Key Ideas:

  • Installation screens or curtains around where the bed is. This will create the necessary cozy place where the baby will sleep well. Also, bright light will not penetrate here and wake the baby, but at the same time, the mother will be able to perform all the necessary manipulations without any problems: feed, change clothes, change a diaper, lull.
  • Use a special children's wallpaper set for coloring if the kid is preschool. A great idea is to paint the wall with a special paint that allows you to write on it like on a blackboard with crayons. This approach will allow you to separate children's place from an adult.

Bedroom in a one-room apartment

  • A good idea at first would be to zoning a one-room apartment with a child canopy that covers the bed.
  • If space is at all limited, and the growing explorer needs a place to play actively, make bunk bed : below there will be a sleeping place for parents, and a child can climb upstairs.

Advice! If you have high ceilings in your apartment, you can literally raise the student's bed to the ceiling. To do this, you need to make a strong frame on which to mount the stairs. A distance to the ceiling of 1-1.5 meters is enough for a comfortable sleep, and if you think about sliding doors, a teenager will be able to get a real corner for personal space, which is very important at his age.

The modern housing market is replete with offers of studio apartments of the most different sizes. If earlier they were usually small, now you can find advertisements for the sale of studio apartments of a rather large area.

For the first time such housing appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States and it was intended for people of creative professions - therefore the word "studio" appears in the name.

But over time, apartments of this type fell in love with other segments of the population. Moreover, due to the lack of partitions and not too large area, their cost was lower than that of apartments of a standard layout with division into rooms. This has become the reason for their demand among single people and young couples who have not yet had children.

In our country, studio apartments are also in demand, helping many people to acquire their own housing - albeit a small one.

The main charm of apartments of this type is that the interior space is completely free from partitions, so it can be planned as you like.

AT separate room only a bathroom is allocated, which is often combined. Communications for kitchen equipment are also brought out - outlets for hot and cold water supply, sewerage, as well as a socket for connecting an electric furnace.

It should be noted right away that it is undesirable to transfer the kitchen area along with communications to another place.

It is difficult not so much from the point of view of transferring communications, as from the point of view of issuing the necessary permits for this.

If we talk about footage, then most often the total area of ​​​​such apartments is 30-40 square meters. m. But there are studios and smaller sizes - about 20 square meters. m.

The layout also varies. There are apartments that are almost square in plan and have several windows, while others are elongated in the form of a rectangle with one window. It is clear that the first is much easier to equip for comfortable life than the second ones. Therefore, when planning to purchase a studio, carefully study the layout of the premises, since the second stage after the purchase is the development of a design project for a new home.

You can, of course, do without a project, simply arranging the furniture and everything you need as needed. But over time, you will find that the first option is not always the best and, most likely, you will want to try other accommodation options, which will be difficult to do if you have already purchased furniture before.

The design of a studio apartment requires a particularly careful approach; spontaneous decisions are inappropriate here. After all, the beauty of such housing lies precisely in the fact that it is a single harmonious space. If in each room of an ordinary apartment you can create your own interior without prejudice to other rooms, then this will not work in the studio. The design style of the entire apartment should be the same, otherwise the housing will become like a patchwork quilt.

And it's not just the style.

An equally important task is the division of space into functional zones, which in a limited area is not always possible to do successfully.

This is especially true for small studios with an area of ​​​​15-20 square meters. m.

Neither the decoration of the apartment, nor the purchase of furniture should be started until the entire area is scrupulously measured and divided into functional zones.

When allocating zones, you must adhere to the rules:

  • Whatever area the studio has, it is necessary to distinguish three main zones in it: kitchen, living room, bedroom. In very small apartments, the living room and bedroom are most often combined, since there is simply no room for a third zone.
  • If more than one person lives in the apartment, but more, then each of them should be allocated their own space. It can be an armchair, a desk, or at least a bed with a bedside table or shelf nearby.
  • In the studio apartment there is no place for anything redundant. And this applies not only to furniture and things or accessories, but even functional areas. Otherwise, the apartment will seem quite tiny.

The main thing in the design of the studio is the creation of a visually free space.

This should be striven for as much as possible. So a large number of cabinets, shelves or niches can turn a cozy apartment into a cluttered pantry.

  • Curtains, screens and movable partitions, which can, if necessary, designate individual zones. For example, a bed separates a sleeping or working place from the rest of the space.
  • In other cases, furniture can serve as the boundary of the zone - a sofa, a bookcase, dinner table, dresser. This allows you to do without screens and partitions and save the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. For example, often the kitchen area and the living area are separated by a sofa with its back to the kitchen or dining area. This allows you to clearly separate them. The bedroom can be separated from the living room with a through shelving, which delimits the space and at the same time practically does not affect the level of illumination of the studio. In this case, the shelves of the rack can be used on both sides.
  • To separate the kitchen area, you can use something like a bar counter, which, if necessary, can be used as a work plane, dining table or storage space for kitchen utensils.
  • Often, different color finishes are used for zoning. It must be said that the use of different wall covering tones is not welcome here, because this does not unite the studio space, but rather separates it. Therefore, most often for these purposes they use a different color of the floor covering or even different materials. For example, the floors of the kitchen area are tiled, and the living room or bedroom area is finished with a board or laminate. If it is decided to use the same flooring throughout the apartment, then the zones can be distinguished by its different tones.

  • An excellent means of zoning are carpets and rugs. To do this, all the furniture of one zone is placed within the carpet chosen for it.
  • Another option is to use a multi-level floor. For example, a bed in the sleeping area is not located on a low podium, inside of which boxes for storing things are organized. This technique clearly separates the zones and avoids the use of extra cabinets that take up usable space.
  • A good option for highlighting zones is to use the possibilities of lighting. To do this, in different zones, you can use lighting fixtures of different brightness or color. For example, the kitchen area is illuminated with spotlights, the living room with a ceiling chandelier, and the bedroom with wall sconces with shades that dim the light.

What interior styles can be used

Based on the fact that the apartment should not have anything superfluous, you need to choose a design style from those that do not involve the use of bulky parts and furniture.

These styles include:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • Japanese style;
  • loft;
  • modern;
  • pop Art;
  • Scandinavian style.

If you like classic style, then you can resort to it. Just avoid using such unnecessary elements in this situation as stucco, gilding, patterns. Choose furniture of simple and concise forms.

Since the apartment is small, you can use such design techniques that allow you to visually expand its boundaries. It is better to use light shades of finishing materials, glass and mirrors, photo wallpapers, on which the image has a perspective.

Since the apartment is small, the use of massive furniture is not recommended. It should be as light as possible, but at the same time as functional as possible.

  • Furnishings, in addition to armchairs and sofas, should be light - glass, plastic.
  • You should not get carried away with too miniature pieces of furniture, it is better to use transforming furniture: a sofa bed, a folding table and chairs, a wardrobe bed, desktops that can be hidden behind the cabinet doors.
  • It is desirable that the furniture in the studio is as mobile as possible. In cases where it is necessary to free up space, it can be easily moved, folded, removed.
  • In the design of studios, the TV and microwave are often hung on brackets, thus freeing up the surfaces of cabinets and tables.

There are several ways to arrange furniture in a studio apartment.

The most popular of them is the arrangement of the main part of the furniture along the walls, and only some items - on the border of functional areas.

Since the studios are mainly used for finishing materials and furniture with upholstery in light colors, in the end the situation may seem boring and inexpressive.

To decorate it, you can use various accessories:

  • textiles of interesting shades or patterns;
  • medium-sized living plants;
  • lamps of unusual design;
  • medium-sized souvenirs and figurines placed on the shelves of through racks;
  • mirrors or colored glass inserts in partitions.

Large plants and floor vases are inappropriate here. And it is unlikely that you will find a free corner for their placement.

There is very little space allocated to the kitchen area, although you need to place a lot of necessary things there. Often, a washing machine is taken out here, which did not find a place in a small bathroom.

Even if only one person lives in the apartment, the kitchen should be equipped with everything you need - a stove, a refrigerator, cabinets for storing food and utensils, a microwave and household appliances.

Based on the minimum size, here you need to use any tricks that allow you to place everything you need.

  • Built-in compact technology will come to the rescue. Often it costs more than usual, but it fits easily into any cabinets and cabinets.
  • A powerful exhaust is absolutely necessary here, since odors easily spread in a single space.
  • You will always have to keep the kitchen clean and tidy - the pots and plates left on the cabinets and stove give the impression of the sloppiness of the entire apartment.
  • Use every opportunity to organize places to store the necessary things. Unite them with facades decorated in the same style.
  • Often the kitchen area is initially located in a niche during construction. It can be separated from the rest of the space by an opaque stationary partition. This will hide the work area from prying eyes. If the partition is not too high, it will not interfere with the daylight of the kitchen. From the side of the kitchen, it can be made mirrored - this will visually expand the space. On the other side, facing the living area, you can hang a TV or a picture on it.
  • You can use a window sill or a bar counter (if provided) as working surfaces in the kitchen.
  • A compact dining table can be placed in the kitchen or placed between the kitchen and living areas (if space permits). It is very important that there is enough space around the table so that it is convenient to sit down at the table and leave it.

The living room is the central area of ​​the studio, as here the owners will relax, entertain and receive guests. Therefore, it must be comfortable.

If the area of ​​​​the apartment allows, then it is better to furnish this area with full-size furniture - sofas and armchairs. It will not be superfluous here and coffee table, which can serve as the center of the zone.

If the studio is very small, then the living room can be marked with a pair of armchairs facing the TV, and a small table where it is nice to drink coffee or tea.

If you have to combine the living room and bedroom, then you should purchase a comfortable sofa bed that will only unfold at night. The sofa must be of high quality, otherwise it will not last long.

Bedroom area

If the studio area allows, then it is still better to separate this area from the living room and equip a full-fledged sleeping place here.

It can be arranged in the corner farthest from the window. Often, studios already have a ready-made niche for this zone. It is desirable to separate the bed from the rest of the apartment with curtains, a screen, a wardrobe. It must be a cozy place.

If you are lucky and your studio has a balcony or loggia, then you should definitely use it. On the open balcony, you can arrange a place for summer holidays by placing a couple of light chairs and a table there. If the space is glazed and insulated, then you can organize a study here, or a small gym. It is here that a plant lover can arrange something like a greenhouse.

Just do not use these square meters as a pantry, dumping everything that did not enter the apartment there. In extreme cases, a small storage cabinet can be installed at one of the ends of the balcony, but no more. Please note that often in studios there is only one window through which all the mess that reigns on the loggia will be perfectly visible.

In new houses under construction there are studios with a lot of corners and a very interesting layout. But even an ordinary rectangular apartment can be made cozy without creating a feeling of tightness in it.

Photo gallery of various ways of zoning a small studio apartment:

Owning your own home is everyone's dream. Many people dream of large, spacious cottages. But quite often you have to start small. A small one-room apartment is already the first step on the way to a dream, albeit a small one, but a fortress. It can be very difficult to create coziness in it and skillfully combine several functional areas at once. A small amount of square meters significantly narrows the range of interior solutions, but this is not a reason to give up! With a competent approach, creating a comfortable environment even in a one-room apartment is not so difficult. We decided to collect the most popular zoning options small spaces to make the process of home improvement as simple and enjoyable as possible.

Before proceeding to the very methods of zoning and their examples in the interior, it is worth talking about the main rules that will help make the room visually more spacious and comfortable. Here are the main ones:

1. Light colors when finishing. Pastel, light shades add volume and airiness. A great illusion of spaciousness can be created by making the walls slightly darker than the ceiling and using ceiling lights.

2. Practical building materials and ready-made options. A wonderful choice for dividing into functional areas will be arches, screens, podiums, sliding partitions, shelving.

3. Functional furniture. In conditions of limited square meters, it is best to use functional, mobile and compact furniture. Hidden containers for things, pull-out beds, armchairs and sofas with a folding mechanism, preferably equipped with niches for storing bed linen, will come in handy.

4. Mirrors. In a small room, mirrors will create optical illusion mirroring and visual expansion of the room.

5. Loggias and balconies, if any, can be easily used to create various functional areas or to expand living space.

A series of sections will be devoted to the zoning of a one-room apartment. In each we will consider different variants combining various functional areas in one room, which will allow you to choose the optimal interior for each owner of a one-room apartment.

"Competent zoning in a room for interior design is often no less important than the planning decision itself. I would divide all zoning techniques into two conditional groups - physical and non-physical. Physical - this is the simplest technique in which zoning is achieved by dividing zones with some partitions, shelving, decorative slats, screens, etc. As a rule, this technique is most appropriate in large rooms, where the “waste” of space for such a “partition” is not fundamental. In small rooms, physical zoning may be required, for example, when there is no planning opportunity to create a separate bedroom, but there is a need to separate the bed area from the rest of the apartment. Non-physical zoning is often a more difficult technique from a professional point of view. This type of zoning implies a visual, semantic separation of zones. To achieve this effect, the architect has many techniques. Most often, accentuation of zones is achieved through color, texture, materials, changes in scale, rhythm, etc. Endless possibilities for zoning are provided by the use of lighting elements. Often, in large rooms where there is no opportunity to "disperse" in the application of the entire "palette" of techniques - it is the alternation of lighting elements that is universal remedy for visual accentuation of various zones. When choosing techniques and principles for zoning a small room, it is especially important to remember that the main thing is not to overdo it. It must be understood that, despite the emphasis on all zones, the interior of the room must remain unified, and the space must be integral.

Several works by Sergey Altunin using zoning techniques

Physical zoning is achieved by separating the bed area from the sofa area with decorative wooden shelving slats.

Not physical zoning. The bed area is separated from the TV area by changing the tone and material of the walls.

Zoning with lighting elements. The sofa area is separated from the kitchen area using spotlights.

Zoning with lighting elements. The walkway of the living room is separated from the sofa area by using various lighting elements.

Living room and bedroom 2 in 1? Easily!

There are quite a few options for creating a harmonious and comfortable bedroom-living room in a one-room apartment. The simplest and affordable way- with the help of furniture. So, the sofa can be placed not traditionally near the wall, but across, thus separating the bedroom from the living room. A bed, a coffee table or any other piece of furniture that needs to be placed in the room is also good for these purposes.

Partitions - a simple solution for dividing a room into two zones

Another popular and easy way to divide a room into two functional areas is to use partitions. It can be full walls, or small structures made of drywall, wood, and even brick.

The forged partition will look elegant and original. She fits perfectly into classic interior and will allow you to separate the bedroom and living room without taking up much space. If desired, this design can be easily supplemented with climbing houseplants. This will add zest to the room. If you use color zoning and a combination of several objects of the same color in different zones, the result will be as harmonious and stylish as possible.

creative personalities, looking for inspiration in small things, they can use a stone wall for zoning the room. Its casual look and raw building material fits perfectly into the now popular loft style.

Lightness, airiness of the living room-bedroom will give walls made of frosted glass. They can be both plain and with different patterns - depending on the wishes of the owners of the house. This solution allows you to keep the room spacious and bright, while creating a clear boundary between the seating area and the bedroom. In this case, the bedroom area, if possible, is best placed in a niche.

A good option for dividing a room into a bedroom and a kitchen would be to use small walls decorated with frosted glass inserts. Such designs look stylish and original, while perfectly performing their main function.

A thin plasterboard partition or a fiberboard construction will also help separate the bedroom from the living room. Such a building material is inexpensive, and during zoning it can play an important role, especially if it is interesting to beat it with other interior items.

Racks and shelves - functional partitions

Ordinary walls and partitions for zoning can be easily replaced with shelving. A wall with shelves, complemented by frosted glass, looks practical and unusual. You can place various figurines and favorite books on it, which will make the atmosphere more comfortable. A good solution would be a wall to the ceiling, in the middle of which there are shelves.

Classic shelving with large shelves is also perfect for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room. You can order models that have a large shelf in the middle, on which to place a TV turned towards the living area or a beautiful vase of flowers.

Shelves with various interesting decor items that reflect the hobbies and hobbies of the owners will add special intimacy and comfort to the interior.

To add zest to the loft interior and separate two functional areas in a one-room apartment, a careless partition made of boards, which can also be used as shelves, will help. You can also separate the bedroom with the help of a rack, while placing the bed on a small pedestal, emphasizing the delimitation of zones with a completely different color. 18.19.

Sliding doors - convenient zoning reception

If the main room in which you plan to place the bedroom and living room is quite large, then sliding doors will be an excellent choice for zoning. Their design can be very different. For example, frosted glass sliding doors are the most popular.

Sliding doors with a pattern will help add sophistication to the interior and separate two zones that are different in terms of functional load. Preference should be given to a light solution with an abstract pattern.

Separate the bedroom from the living room in a spacious room will help beautiful doors, complemented by glass and elegant partitions. They will perfectly fit into the classic interior and will be its interesting addition.

Curtains - a simple technique for dividing a room into zones

One of the most inexpensive and easy-to-implement techniques for dividing a room into a bedroom and living room are curtains. Wherein perfect option- when the bed is located in a niche and can be closed at night and open during the day.

With the help of curtains, you can arrange not only the entrance to the bedroom area, but the entire territory. This solution looks unusual and stylish.

Do you want to add zest to the apartment? Then pay attention to zoning with rope curtains or classic gathered designs. Such approaches look impressive and unusual. The color of the curtains can be either in tone with the main palette of the interior, or as a contrasting option.

Pedestal - a complex solution for a spectacular result

Perhaps one of the most difficult techniques to implement to separate the bedroom from the living room is the construction of a pedestal. As a rule, a sleeping place is placed on a hill. Using two different levels allows you to create a visual division of the room. Moreover, with a skillful approach, the threshold can be turned into an additional area for storing a variety of things. It is not only stylish and comfortable, but also practical.

As you can see, there are a lot of accommodation options in the same living room and bedroom. Each type of partitions has many variations, which allows you to choose the most suitable for a particular layout, taking into account the wishes of the owners and the characteristics of their life.

Living room and kitchen - we combine the uncombinable

A one-room apartment requires a special approach to the arrangement, because the lack of square meters is acute and in one room it is necessary to combine several zones of different functionality at once. If the layout is such that the kitchen occupies 8-9 square meters, then it is most often taken to the bedroom and the question arises of combining the living room and kitchen in one room.

This problem is so relevant that many designers suggest whole line solutions, from which everyone can choose the most optimal. When deciding to combine the kitchen and living room, it is best to use multifunctional furniture:

  • sliding chairs and tables;
  • retractable planes;
  • folding sofas;
  • rotary storage systems;
  • powerful extractor.

All this will allow you to cook and relax with comfort with a minimum of space.

Sliding doors - the most practical zoning technique

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main room allows, then sliding doors will be the most convenient and practical way to separate the kitchen from the living room. Modern technologies allow you to get thin, easy-to-use models that do not take up much space. The simplest and inexpensive option- frosted glass doors. They will not interfere with the penetration of daylight, at the same time they will protect the cooking process from the recreation area.

Multi-level structures and wooden doors will look stylish and impressive. They take up a lot of space, so they are well suited for spacious rooms.

Furniture - a simple option for separating the living room from the kitchen

If the budget is rather limited, and you still need to divide the room into two functional zones, the easiest way is to use furniture for this. A sofa, dining table or armchairs will be excellent delimiters in this case.

Sometimes color zoning is enough to divide a room into a kitchen and a living room. It is important to consider that in each zone there are at least several objects of the same color.

Original arches between the kitchen and living room

You can divide one room into a recreation area and a kitchen using an arch. This zoning technique is considered a classic and is great even for small spaces. At the same time, arched openings can have the most different forms: arcuate, rectilinear, ornate. But at the same time, it is important that their style is in harmony with the overall style of the house.

Partition-table - benefits and functionality

If the room is small, then the best delimiter of the recreation area and the kitchen will be a low wall, which simultaneously performs the function of a table. For families of two people, this option will be an excellent way out.

A good delimiter can be a shelf for storing wines, placed between the living room and the kitchen, or a wall on which you can put various decorative items, for example, figurines, candles, photo frames.

Screen - a convenient reception in zoning

Practical, easy to install and at the same time the original screen will be an excellent solution when zoning a room into a kitchen and living room. You can choose both solid pastel colors and bright variations that will become an interesting highlight of the interior.

The screens on which landscapes, still lifes and interesting paintings are painted look original. They are able to create their own, special atmosphere in the room.

Zoning with light

Visually divide the room into two different functional areas will help fixtures. In this case, it is worth using several lighting fixtures made in the same style so that the composition looks harmonious. So, the recreation area can be highlighted with a floor lamp, the dining table can be illuminated with suspensions, and the kitchen part with spotlights or spots.

This is how simple and easy it is to solve the problems of zoning a room into a kitchen and a living room in a one-room apartment!

Living room and office in one room - a stylish symbiosis

Today, more and more active people prefer to work at home or often work after work. In this case, it is important to ensure comfort and convenience. The problem is where to place home office? If the apartment is large, you can easily allocate a separate room for it and equip it according to all the rules, but what to do if square meters are limited? In such situation good way out there will be a combination of living room and workplace. How to do it wisely, read on.

Zoning without separators

When zoning a room, it is important to understand which functional area will prevail. In this case, the main role is played by the living room, and very little space is needed for the office. To distinguish between these two areas, sometimes no special devices are needed at all, a separation by color or light is enough. AT small rooms even a window sill can play the role of a desk top. This is not only a significant space saving, but also a good place, because in this case the table will be well lit by natural light.

Classic shelving for space division

The easiest and most practical way to separate workplace from the recreation area - use the rack. On the one hand, it will divide the room into two functional areas, and on the other hand, you can easily place all the necessary books, papers and accessories for work on the shelves. If only a computer is needed for work, then various decorative items can be placed on the shelves. This will add coziness to the living room.

Original rhombus shelves are the highlight of the whole interior

If you want to not only zone the room, but also add zest to it, then as a delimiter the best choice will become the original shelves-rhombuses. Their through design will create a feeling of lightness and harmony of two different zones, and at the same time will become an excellent delimiter. On such shelves, both books and small decor look equally aesthetically pleasing.

False walls for zoning

Classic false walls are also great for dividing the room into a recreation area and a study. They can be solid, but options with shelves or frosted glass inserts look much more elegant.

Elegant pedestals

If the height of the room allows, an elegant solution for dividing the room into a living room and an office would be to place the latter on a small pedestal. The color scheme of the two parts of the room should be the same so that there is no imbalance.

Living room and nursery - a complex duet

Combining a living room and a nursery in one room is a difficult task, since these two zones are very different in functionality. First of all, I would like to give advice. If it is possible to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room at the expense of the neighboring ones: a pantry, a corridor, a loggia, then this is worth doing. After that, you should go directly to zoning.

Children's place: a bed, a chest of drawers, a box with toys should not only be separated, but isolated as much as possible. That is why it is best to place the children's area near the window, and then using various delimiters to separate it and form a living room.

Small partitions - a convenient way to zoning

A good separator between two functional areas: recreation and nursery will be small partitions. They can be made in the form of classic false walls or original arches, which allows you to create an elegant and interesting interior.

not bad practical solution there will be a wall with shelves. On them you can place toys or things necessary for the crumbs. When the child grows up, this place can be used for decoration by placing figurines, photo frames and other little things on the shelves.

Compact shelving for zoning

You can separate the nursery from the recreation area in a one-room apartment using ordinary shelving. Such items will allow you to delimit the space and at the same time will be an excellent storage for a variety of things. 64.65.

Light partitions between the living room and the nursery

A good solution for zoning a one-room apartment for a young family would be to use light, practical partitions. They can be all kinds of screens or curtains. At the same time, it is important that the whole room is made in the same style direction. It is best to refuse color zoning.

With a minimum of space

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is very small, then it is worth abandoning any limiters altogether, because they will only take up precious space. A crib should be placed in the corner, and immediately behind it is a guest sofa. If desired, the distinction can be made by color.

An interesting way out could be to place a sofa, and therefore a seating area in the center of the room, and desk, toys and a child's bed should be placed near the walls. Such an interior looks quite original and stylish, but in this case it is worth forgetting about the logical division into functional zones.

Living room and hallway - a logical combination

Sometimes the layout of a one-room apartment provides for a rather large corridor, and in the living room it is necessary to accommodate several functional areas at once. In this case, it would be a logical decision to remove the walls and expand the main room. But at the same time, one should not forget that the entrance area will still have to be separated from the recreation area. How to do it correctly, we will tell in this article.

Separation with furniture

The sofa can easily become an excellent delimiter of the corridor from the living room. This is the simplest and a budget option zoning. It should not be placed along the wall, but in the place where a kind of partition is needed. Another good solution may be to use a cabinet for this purpose. In this case, it is best to choose a closet with sliding doors to save extra space.

False wall with shelves - a convenient way to zoning

A false wall will help to perfectly separate the entrance area from the living room. At the same time, it can be both solid and consist of their shelves. The latter option is much more practical, because in this case there will be more space for storing small things.

Zoning without delimiters

It is not necessary to use any special delimiters to divide the room into an entrance hall and a recreation area. Sometimes a small partition or an ordinary furniture set will become simple option zoning. In this case, it is appropriate to use light for zoning. So, the closet can be equipped with spotlights, and a chandelier and a floor lamp can be placed in the living room.

And finally, light partitions, screens and curtains will also come in handy during zoning. They look stylish and interesting, creating not only a logical interior, but also being its original addition.

Work area and bedroom - how to harmoniously combine?

It is not easy to create a cozy and unburdened atmosphere in a one-room apartment, because in a minimum number of square meters it is necessary to fit several zones of different functionality at once. And if you can still do without a living room in such conditions, then you can’t do without a bedroom. If at the same time the owner of the house is a freelancer, then it is important to worry about arranging a comfortable workplace. It is at least about computer desk and several shelves.

How to place a bedroom and an office in one room? Read on!

Curtains - a simple and affordable zoning technique

The easiest way to separate a desk from a bedroom is with curtains. Both of these functional areas, despite their dissimilarity, are quite quiet, so in this case you can do without large partitions, especially in conditions of a minimum number of square meters.

Bed in niche

If the layout of the room provides for a niche, then it is worth placing a bed in it. This is especially convenient when it comes to an apartment in which one person lives. You don't have to worry about other special delimiters in this case.

Classic partitions in zoning

If the area of ​​​​the room allows, you can separate the workplace from the bedroom using traditional partitions. They can be as high as the ceiling, or they can be small partitions.

In some cases, it is advisable to place a desk near the window, and in such a way that the window sill acts as a worktop. This will significantly save space. If there is a lot of it, the working area can be separated by a partition, a comfortable screen and even sliding doors made of frosted glass.

Several zones in one room at once

In a one-room apartment, it is very often necessary to combine more than two functional areas. The bedroom, living room and workplace should miraculously fit in an area of ​​​​up to 20 square meters. If we are talking about a young family with a child, it becomes necessary to create a children's area, a living room and a bedroom in one room. What ways out of these situations do experienced designers offer?

First of all, experts emphasize that in the conditions of combining more than two functional zones, it is not worth using two delimiters. This only visually reduces the room. It is best to use one delimiter for two main zones that occupy approximately the same amount of space, and organically attach the third to one of the two main zones, zoning with color or light.

Walls to separate the bedroom from the living room

Most often, the question arises of dividing a room into a bedroom, an office and a living room. In this case, it is best to divide the room into a sleeping area and a relaxation area with the help of a partition, and place a desk in the sleeping area.

Not bad will help small partitions and when separating the children's area from the bedroom and living room, especially if they organically fit into the overall interior. The color scheme in this case should be the same in order to create a holistic perception of the interior.

Racks and walls with shelves - convenient tricks for zoning

You can separate the nursery from the study and bedroom, or the living room from the workplace and the sleeping area, using shelving and false walls with shelves. They can accommodate a lot of everyday things or effectively decorate with decorative items.

Curtain - a classic tool for dividing into functional zones

You can separate the bed from other functional areas with the help of original curtains. You can choose between classic and interesting solutions in the form of ropes.

To separate the kitchen from the living room and working area you can use screens and all sorts of wooden partitions, as well as original models of non-standard designs.

If the room is quite large, you can install sliding doors between the living room and bedroom, and place a work desk in the living room. Doors in this case can be made from the most different materials. Frosted glass options look elegant and stylish.

In high rooms, a second tier can be used to separate the bedroom from the living room. In this case, the place under the stairs can be used to organize an office.

In some cases, different pieces of furniture can act as separators. At the same time, the more functional the solutions, the better.

Many of the techniques described are simple and do not require special cash costs, therefore they can be used by everyone to zone a one-room apartment. Others require serious construction works and a lot of money. In any case, you can get an interesting and original interior. Diversity building materials and ready-made solutions allows you to implement the most daring design ideas without much difficulty. Which option to choose - the choice is yours!

Studio apartment - this type of housing appeared not so long ago, but the demand for it is stable. Such apartments are bought mainly by young people. There are two reasons. The first is that they do not need many rooms and it is much more convenient when everything is in sight and, sitting at the table in the kitchen, you can watch a movie or control the music center. The second reason is economic: the price per square meter in studio apartments is lower than in standard ones with partitions of the same size. It is understandable: fewer walls, less materials and work. It is also attractive that the design of a studio apartment can be done in the most innovative style: the absence of partitions and doors gives more space to implement the most daring ideas and non-standard solutions.

Zoning when designing a studio apartment

A single space is good because it can be divided at your discretion. For comfort, we need three zones: a kitchen-dining room, a recreation area and a work area. Since, in addition to the outer walls, there are still only those that enclose the bathroom, you will have to select them by some other methods. Designers for zoning use:

  • furniture,
  • light partitions (plasterboard, furniture shelves, openwork, glass, etc.),
  • separation by color and texture of walls,
  • level and material of the floor and ceiling.

All of these methods can be combined or used separately. It just seems like there is little choice. In fact, it's huge. For example, light partitions. It could be some kind of drywall construction. It can start at one of the walls and literally separate two zones.

The second option - the partition stands in the middle of the room, also quite clearly hinting at different zones. But in this case it becomes light, translucent, not "loading" the space.

Another version of the partition, standing in the middle of a studio apartment, but at the same time looking harmonious and not at all dividing it into cells. Probably, the whole point is that the sofa fits very well, and the walls are light.

In many cases, the partition is not made up to the ceiling. It is opaque, but it does not completely separate one zone from another, separating them with a wall.

There are many options and variations. Partitions can be openwork, glass, mirror. It can be a shelf from floor to ceiling, on which there are books, some decorative gizmos. Very good separation of zones japanese curtains. They are practically weightless, can move and move apart. They are made of fabric, just at the top and bottom, a rod is placed in a specially stitched drawstring, which stretches the fabric, which makes it look tough.

Curtain zoning is an interesting mobile option

Probably, when developing the design of a studio apartment on your own, it is wiser to do it first with the help of curtains. This is the most mobile and inexpensive way that will make it easy to change everything if you decide to swap zones or change their area. When everything is finally finalized, and you understand that it is convenient for you, it will be possible to put some more serious partitions in these places, if desired.

To begin with, to determine the location and size of the zones, you can use the curtains

Some interesting ideas to divide the studio apartment into zones, there are in the following photos.

Simple and functional - a bookcase as a zoning partition Openwork weaving is an elegant solution for the "feminine" interior design of a studio apartment stylish, functional

kitchen area

The equipment and design of the kitchen area in a studio apartment is perhaps the most difficult task. Since there are no partitions, without a powerful one, all odors and soot will spread without barriers. Therefore, this technique must be good quality. One more thing: since everything is in plain sight, there should be nothing on the countertops. Everything is laid out in lockers and drawers, of which there should be a lot. To rationally organize the space, it makes sense to use, which allow the use of corners or cabinets up to the ceiling (corner and lowering shelves).

The floor in the kitchen area is most often raised. This is an additional factor that allows you to delimit the room. Although, from a practical point of view, it is preferable that the rest of the room be raised - less garbage will be worn. If the interior is designed for one person, this is not so important: in these cases they cook a little and infrequently. But for a young family, this can be an important factor.

Design for small studio apartments

If the room of the studio apartment is small - 20-30 squares - so that it is not crowded, you will have to resort to tricks. The first is to use a table as a zone separator. It can be made in the form, it can be equipped so that there are many drawers from the side of the kitchen, and chairs from the side of the room. Then, depending on the situation, it can be used both for cooking and as a dining table.

If there are enough surfaces for cooking, you can put a small dining table with a separator. Behind him, if necessary, more people can fit, which is important if relatives and friends periodically visit.

An important point: when choosing appliances for the kitchen in a studio apartment, you will have to think not only about how well it will fit into the interior, which is already important in itself. You will need to choose a silent one, or at least one that produces minimal noise. It is unlikely that you will like to sleep under the growl of the refrigerator. By the way, it can be disguised as a closet or bought built-in.

If the room is long and narrow, you will have to fit all the furniture in a different way. In this case, there will be two cabinets, the back of which will serve as a partition or table, and one of the ends will serve as an entrance.

Kitchens in spacious studios

If the studio apartment has an area of ​​​​40 square meters or more, you can fence off the kitchen area with a more solid partition. It should not be massive, but rather airy. Smooth, rounded lines look best in these cases. And if you beat it correctly also on the wall, the effect is very interesting (see photo).

The wall, as it were, continues the partition. Because of which the boundaries are blurred ....

If you wish, you can put a full dining table. This is an option for those who enjoy the process itself ...

Creative - part brick wall remained unprocessed. In combination with smooth glossy surfaces, it looks very "alive"

The main task in the design of any kitchen is to make it not only beautiful, but also comfortable, and when developing the design of a studio apartment, complexity is added to the requirements: kitchen furniture should not “fall out” of general style. And it's not easy. Too different purpose and materials, and functionality too. A few examples successful combinations in photo.

Despite the fact that kitchen furniture bright, it does not look foreign in this interior Everything in one style and one color scheme is a win-win option Repetition of textures and colors is one of the ways to create a harmonious interior in a studio apartment

Rest zone

It is equally important to properly organize a cozy place for relaxation. There are two approaches. The first is to put a modern one in a comfortable bed. In this case, this area is designed as a living room - a coffee table, poufs, armchairs.

The second approach is to highlight the area in which the bed stands. This can be done in different ways. The choice of method depends on the wishes. It’s enough for someone just to put a bed, someone wants at least some privacy and makes a wall, albeit translucent, but for someone else, this is not enough: you also need at least a knitted partition-curtain that will hide the sleeping place and create your own private space.

An interesting solution is to raise the sleeping area to the podium and arrange a storage system in it. If the ceiling height in the apartment is at least 2.7 m, this can be realized.

The berth is raised, and under it are boxes for storing things

Another way to hide a bed from prying eyes is to raise it on a closet. This is also possible with sufficient ceiling height.

Bed on the wardrobe - steps on the side. In the steps, by the way, you can also make boxes for storing things.

There are a few more ideas for decorating a bed in the photo.

It’s not easy to make such a second floor .... and expensive, but it’s great Another option for a hidden bed is above this room (fenced off bathroom) Separation of zones partly by a partition, partly by fashionable filament curtains An interesting option separation, combined with lighting - they also glow ...

The design of a studio apartment should combine practicality, convenience and attractiveness. Such a combination is not easy to achieve, but it is possible, all the more so if you use the latest building technologies - such as , or - a bed that looks like a closet or something similar during the day.

The project for the arrangement of a one-room apartment is addressed to young spouses who have acquired their first home. According to the designer's idea, virtual customers lead an active life, but at the same time they value comfort and privacy. All the walls in the apartment are load-bearing, so the author of the project refuses to radically redevelop and offers a much less radical alternative. All rooms are connected by a single design, which is characterized by conciseness and active use of summer colors.

The living space is supposed to be divided into two functional areas - a living room and a bedroom. For this purpose, it is planned to erect two narrow piers that will “outline” the location of mobile “walls” - thick curtains, with the help of which the sleeping area (there is enough space for a full double bed and two bedside tables), if necessary, will be visually isolated from the living room area with a sofa , TV group and work desk. But the partition between the corridor and the kitchen, on the contrary, is dismantled, due to which the need for installation will disappear interior door.

Instead of a hinged structure, a sliding structure will be installed between the corridor and the living room. Thanks to the apartment, it will become more convenient to move around, and the renovated premises will seem a little larger than they really are. Other design techniques will also contribute to the optical increase in their footage - mirror panels and facades, as well as various options top lighting.

Living area

Living area

Thoughtful lighting of the representative area includes, in addition to the main scenario (track systems built into the false ceiling), also two types of local lighting - pendant lamps (at the desktop) and sconces (on the wall behind the sofa).

The designer believes that small footage is not a reason to refuse when decorating the interior, and by combining them with white and beige, it creates a summer atmosphere in the apartment.

sleeping area

Just two movements are enough to transform the corner with the bed into a private area. Its insignificant volume is visually enlarged due to a two-level ceiling with hidden lighting and walls. white color. The space adjoining the bedroom also seems more spacious thanks to the mirrored fronts of the wardrobe and the glossy surface of the sliding interior door.



The configuration of the room is conducive to the installation of a spacious closet. A model with sliding doors will allow you to more rationally master the volume of the hallway. Everyday outerwear is supposed to be stored on a wall hanger, and shoes should be placed on the shelves of a stool and in a shoe cabinet.


Apple-colored interior paint and an unusual floor covering - porcelain stoneware with the image of old newspapers will help to transfer the room from the category of auxiliary to the rank of the "first room".


After dismantling the partitions, a wall will be erected - to the depth of the hull two-chamber refrigerator. Thus, by lengthening the wall of the corridor, it will be possible to optically level the bulky element kitchen set. The depth and texture of the interior will be given on the apron, glossy facades, wooden panels.

The spacious kitchen-dining room seems even larger due to the skillful combination of glossy surfaces, LED backlight kitchen front and translucent window blinds.



In this room, the designer suggests swapping the toilet and sink. Due to the seemingly insignificant "castling" in the bathroom there will be a place for a washing machine, but above wall mounted toilet with a hidden tank, it will be possible to make a niche with shelves for bath accessories.