Where to look for inspiration for life. Where to find inspiration

  • 24.09.2019

Jobs, Zuckerberg, Bezos achieved success thanks to the rejection of stereotypical thinking. And now, Apple has 91% of the world's profits from sales of smartphones, Facebook has more than two billion monthly users, and Amazon has lifted Jeff Bezos to second place in the Forbes list. Do you want the same? We've prepared 6 inspiration tips and 4 exercises that will fire up your creativity and increase your chances of success.

Where to draw inspiration: 6 sources

Inspiration doesn't come out of nowhere. Let's say more: new ideas will overtake you where it is usually not customary to look for them.

1. Unobvious benefits of everyday life

Everyday routine activities rarely receive attention, but they are a storehouse of new ideas. For example, in 2007, the staff of the University of Mexico City reflected on the problem that more than 300 million people with asthma face every day and are forced to use inhalers. And for a poor Mexican family, this vital $30 unit is an unaffordable luxury. And then the designers came up with an idea how to reduce the cost of the device by 100 times: they simply replaced all its parts with paper ones! Such a model called Respira is assembled according to the principle of origami and costs only 30 cents.

Paper inhaler - bulky, but cheap
Source: Design Magazine & Resource core77.com

2. How will a galaxy far, far away help?

Broadening your horizons: reading books, watching documentaries is also a good way to get inspired. Take note of another source of inspiration: lectures from the intellectual TED conference, which speakers included, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk.

And you can look even further. Ilya Chekh, founder of robotics startup W.E.A.S. Robotics draws its inspiration ... from the vastness of the universe! Once having learned about MACS0647-JD - the most distant of the galaxies, Ilya realized that you should not even pay attention to major obstacles in life. Cech now leads a company that has released two types of bionic prostheses, which has greatly advanced the development of prosthetics and 3D printing.

Ilya Chekh, robotics engineer, founder of W.E.A.S. Robotics:
- Understanding that on the scale of the Universe our planet is less than a grain of sand, and we, despite our inflated ego, are even smaller, allows us to focus on things that are really important. On achievements that can change something in a person's life and, perhaps, leave their mark on history.

3. Quickly wrung out - the brain was pumped

Business and Willpower Educator Andrew Johnston during his talk at the TEDx conference, he told how serious physical exercise and business. He gave the task to his students to run a 42-kilometer marathon. They trained three days a week, then ran a short distance (which got a little longer each time), and then discussed how they see the connection of training with their training, life and business. This experience led students to an important thought: if they coped with such a colossal test as a marathon, then other goals can be conquered with ease.

Moreover, even small physical activities can not only discipline, but also develop creativity: during exercise, synapses are produced that strengthen the connections between neurons in the brain.

4. Pickles Are Healthier Than You Think

An interesting idea was expressed Dmitry Yurchenko, founder of the Life Button project, whose products - bracelets, phones and pendants with an emergency call button - are used by more than 30,000 people. In a commentary for Theory&Practice portal, he compared the community successful people with a jar of cucumbers that everyone should hit.

Dmitry Yurchenko, founder of the Life Button project:
- If you want to be inspired by entrepreneurship - communicate with entrepreneurs. If you want to be inspired by creativity, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of creativity. There is a need for optimism - spend time with cheerful and bright people. The communities you move in are like a can of pickles. If you put a fresh cucumber in a jar of pickles, what will happen to the fresh cucumber? It will become salty. So with people: if you are placed in a society of successful people, you, too, will eventually begin to think and act like them.

5. Get inspired by foreign entrepreneurs

In one of the columns on the portal for entrepreneurs vc.ru Vladislav Solodkiy, Vice President for Advertising and Public Relations, Life Financial Group, advised to visit the creative clusters of Asia - young areas where everyone square meter filled with cafes, shops, restaurants, offices, design bureaus. Why Asia? Firstly, they produce quality products for the whole world: you can be inspired by new chips. Secondly, in a cafe at breakfast, you can easily get acquainted with entrepreneurs. Local or foreign - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you get the opportunity to learn from someone else's experience. But it is not necessary to be limited to Asia - you can choose any country with developing promising areas.

6. Soul and body need rest

Everyone has their own, just think what suits you personally. Good dream, meditation, morning walk - the choice is wide. Through such practices, your decisions will become more adequate, your adaptability will increase, and you will get a clear vision in setting goals. There is a lot of literature on this topic, but to lay the first bricks in understanding that stress relief is your bro, and to understand where to look for inspiration in this way, the books Mindfulness by M. Williams and D. Penman and The Science of Sleep by D. Randall.

Time to exercise!

Michael Mikalko, creativity expert, for a long time studied the methods of creative thinking and delivered lectures on the topic “Where and how to find inspiration” before the largest companies: Microsoft, Ford, Kodak, General Motors. His book "Rice Storm and 21 More Ways to Think Outside the Box" is the ultimate guide to creativity-enhancing practices. We have selected 4 of the most interesting, in our opinion, exercises from it.

  1. Replace. Throw away some elements of your product or service and pick up others. Look for a different place of application, approach to work, material. Starbucks spent a long time sorting through different ingredients - the result was a frappuccino, which brings the company $ 500 million a year.
  2. Combine. And try to combine things or services that do not match at first glance. Johannes Gutenberg came to printing - he simply crossed a coinage with a wine press.
  3. Adapt. Look for new and interesting ideas, which have already been used before you and turn on your ingenuity: what is worth borrowing, what should be thrown away, and what should be improved. And change the context of use. This is how the hot tub was born: its creator immersed an industrial water pump in a tub of water.
  4. Zoom in. Price tag, functionality, volume or frequency of production - sort through all the options. The Boston Beer Company increased the strength of one of the beers and received the most alcoholic (and expensive - at $ 150 per bottle) beer in the world - Utopia Beer, which has no analogues. Thanks to this, the company is still one of the largest beer producers.

As you can see, find good idea not difficult - often it is very close, you just need to carefully look around and exercise a little.

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on spring and the girls Happy March 8! Today I want to tell a little about my thoughts, inspiration, and about life in general.

I noticed that my blog is visited not only by beginners, but also by many professional artists. Maybe purely out of curiosity or accidentally got here - I don't know for sure.

(You can write in the comments: where did you come from?)

Sometimes just a few words can so catch the soul ... Goosebumps ...

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4. Cheer yourself up!

This is one of the most important components. In any case good mood gives several times better result and makes the process easier. What can I tell you from personal experience:

  • From the very morning (that is, when I woke up then and morning) I lie in bed for a long time, it is very difficult to get up.
  • I turn on energetic music. Usually something heavier plays in headphones (not all houses like something like Lacuna Coil or Nightwish).
  • It is also good to take a cold shower in the morning.
  • Looking for a good movie to watch (maybe even an old movie that has been watched 100,500 times a long time ago)
  • I find something tasty in the fridge
  • I watch new issues of comics about Nemi, Jijik and, of course, I read Bash.

Well, and so on. In general, I learned to find some things that cheer up. And at any time I can come to them and please myself. Because when you are doing well, you can take on any task and complete everything by 200%.

I noticed a very strange thing. When I try to write during the day, I do it in complete silence. Whether it's writing a lesson, answering letters from readers, friends, I need to gather thoughts and SILENCE! The paradox takes place at night. I'm probably not the only one, but in the evening (from about 23:00 to 01:00) a second wind opens up, the desire to create, write ... But motivation is already needed here. Music must be played: rock, rap, trance, even dubstep. Style, in principle, does not matter, it is only important that the melody and words do not irritate.

At night, the body is not so stable and it needs to rest. Refill your strength possible during the day. The usual rhythm established by society is not suitable for everyone. Listen to your body and draw your own conclusions! I already talked about how much sleep you need in a previous article. Tip 10 - !

Only 5 tips came out, but all tricks described above are obtained empirically. And I try to stick to my positions. Who thinks it's not, maybe the first write nasty things in the comments!


The feeling of an all-consuming routine is familiar to many. A new day happens in the same way as the previous one: the same things, at the same time. No matter what projects you are involved in, there comes a moment when you want to lie on the couch and relax. The reluctance to get up and do things raises the question of how to find inspiration and?

Self-doubt and lack of motivation creates a feeling of worthlessness and emptiness. At this moment, it is important to pull yourself together and find a source of inspiration in yourself or in those around you. How to implement this will tell the article.

What is inspiration and why is it needed?

Explanatory dictionaries give the term a definition - a specific state in which a person experiences the greatest emotional upsurge.

People of creative professions, describing moments of inspiration, compare it with a stream. It carries forward and a person is not able to feel and perceive the surrounding reality. A person does not notice the time of day and hours. A burst of inspiration makes a person charismatic and able to influence others.

Experts explain this by a special acceleration of all cognitive reactions. , perception, thinking. The state is comparable to obsession, when a person is able to engage in only one activity, pushing sleep, food and the needs of others into the background.

This state is useful not only for creative processes, but also for other activities. How well to clean an apartment or lay out the documentation to make a business plan or presentation. Each of these activities is performed much faster if you feel a surge of new strength and inspiration.

Where can you find inspiration to write a book?

This problem is known to many creative people. At one moment, X consciousness leaves all the developments that so passionately warmed the soul. Images remain in the head, there is an idea, but it is impossible to write even one sentence.

To get started, you can use standard phrases, familiar writing images. But you decided to create a new masterpiece, splashing emotions on paper. And at this moment, a question arises that torments the soul of every writer: where to find inspiration?

Experienced people testify that the lack of inspiration is the result of doing nothing. Such a state of mind occurs if there are only plans in thoughts, but internal resistance kills their implementation in the bud.

Start writing nonsense text, sentences that come to mind. After 5 minutes, you will begin to realize that interesting ideas are waking up in your head. The most difficult thing is to overcome internal resistance.
In order to have enough energy for such a step, change the usual rhythm of life. Go outside for some air. Enjoy nature: winter or summer landscape. It does not matter. It's important to change the environment. While walking, think over a plan for a future article or book. Perhaps you will come up with completely new ideas inspired by the surrounding beauty.
Another way to find inspiration is brainstorming, there are many ways to generate new ideas and everyone chooses their own.
and discard unnecessary thoughts. Focus on only one topic.
Work through the ideas. An effective way is to say each of them out loud. Ask yourself what topics are interesting to write about? Say out loud the first ones that come across and argue by pronouncing the weak and strengths. Write down everything new in a notebook in order to develop them later.
Find inspiration by reading books or blogs on a topic that interests you. Many new things can be learned on foreign resources.

How to find inspiration for drawing?

Inspiration is necessary for expressing one's own thoughts in artistic images. It is sometimes difficult to tune in to the right wave, to catch a creative impulse.

If you are into drawing clothing models, cartoon characters, watch the relevant videos. Users post videos on the network, which show all kinds of techniques in detail. For drawing portraits, you will find inspiration when viewing old albums with photographs, pictures on the Internet.

Find and bookmark a couple of artist portals that have interesting articles updated frequently or live forums. Turn on the music, create a pleasant atmosphere with bright lights and quiet sounds. Turn off all sources of the outside world, and inspiration will surely visit you.

Look for sources of inspiration

Paid favorite business is the dream of many. We think that it is possible indefinitely, inspiration and new ideas will help to develop. Each new day will bring joy from overcoming new peaks. But a person is so arranged that even the most favorite pastime gets boring.

I want to rest and rejuvenate. It seems that the desire to work is completely gone, but it is not. Take time out for a few days to be alone with own thoughts take a break from daily projects.

Books about great people can give a serious impetus to the movement. Their exploits show that you can even leave your own mark on the pages of history. common man. As an example, consider Candice Lightner, the daughter who was hit by a drunk driver. After the accident, he fled the scene of the accident. Lightner has made every effort to increase the punishment for drunk driving in the United States.

Another person - the Persian Ziryab created many inventions, but the main thing that people use every day is. In addition to inventions, he was engaged in painting, science.

Read motivational books, quotes, listen to your favorite tracks, watch movies. These forms of expressive art have the power to inspire and inspire. When the mood is at zero and the working condition leaves much to be desired, stop forcing yourself.

Listen to good music like Somewhere Over the Rainbow, watch a movie that puts love, friendship and family at the forefront. Light, pleasant sounds, pictures will help you get distracted and recharged with new forces. An excellent incentive is motivational products, publications or individual articles. They reveal the secrets of how to find inspiration in order to achieve your goals.

If you are energized while relaxing in the country, try to catch the same feelings in the park when you look at the verdant trees. Listen to the sounds as you walk your usual route on a Sunday afternoon. Try to walk not along the usual path in the park, but along a new one. You may see an anthill or a squirrel jumping from branch to branch.

New powers for inspiration

Find something that is not boring for you. Boredom is often behind the lack of motivation. It is difficult to cope with it, because for this you need to leave your comfort zone. Find new activities. Go from the contrary. It can be new directions in music, art. If you often spend time in the office, take the time to try your hand at sports. It has been scientifically proven that active movements provoke the release of endorphins into the bloodstream and make the human heart beat stronger with happiness.

If you spend more time alone, visit the fitness room, find interest clubs that are in your city. Meet new people to draw inspiration from. If you do not know how to get acquainted, look for relevant information on the Internet or in the literature.

The main rule of acquaintance is to go to places where people meet whose interests are in harmony with yours. Talking to a stranger can inspire no worse than talking to acquaintances. You can not think that everyone you meet. There are enough people in life who are.

Try to meditate. It can take you away from your daily routine. Set aside about 15 minutes for the exercises, and you will notice how inspiration and ideas will flow in an endless stream. There is a theory about a full glass. As long as it is full, nothing can be poured into it. As soon as you empty it, you can twist a new filler into it. Forget about the bosses, work, obligations, your thoughts will begin to be filled with completely new plans.

Change your environment drastically. If you have the financial means, go travel. The new environment triggers new thought processes. You will begin to think in a new way, look at the boring environment from a different position. Consistency is known to be tiring, so add a touch of variety to it and you will see that change is beautiful.

Get out into nature more often, discover new places outside the city. Go with friends to a nearby town to visit a museum or see the sights. Take a look around - there are so many interesting things that you do not notice in the daily bustle. If the funds allow you to visit another country, even better. Plan an extravagant trip, meet new people, show yourself off. You will find many new sources of inspiration.

Laugh more. to calm down and get a positive mood. Laughter causes positive emotions and opens the human mind to something new. He is unlikely to push you to new idea or give a brilliant conclusion, but laughter will absolutely calm and relax.

There is another interesting way to discover previously unexplored resources - silence. Every minute our brain is attacked by thousands of sounds: the noise of passing cars, speech, the sound of playing devices, and others. household appliances. Sometimes the sound fills our consciousness so much that we are not able to find the strength to listen to our own thoughts.

Set a goal every day to give your mind a rest - 5-6 minutes of complete silence. At this time, you can not speak or think, conduct internal conversations. Feel the immediacy of the moment. Just shut up and listen to the silence. You will see how your thoughts will change as a result of this exercise. You will find new strengths for inspiration.

Remember your dream. Everyone, and the way it seems unrealistic, try to bring it to life. Remember that the important thing is not to win, but to participate! Many will say that this is the excuse of the losers, but the sages see the deep truth in it. For some, just the thought of taking a step towards a dream causes insecurity. Others, in small steps, achieve their goal.

This becomes a real inspiration for new achievements. Try it, write a book, try publishing it. Small publishing houses are willing to take on this. Record a song, or maybe you have the talent and patience to record an entire album. Make a film. per century modern technologies and the Internet, perhaps your work will be successful. If you know your own strengths, discover them and show the world.

March 29, 2014, 18:09

There are moments when everything starts to “fall out of hand” and smart thoughts “leave” your head. I do not want to do anything, I lose interest in work. Such periods are called creative block. How longer man is in such a state, the more difficult it is for him to force himself to do something. But how to get out of it? Where to find inspiration? Are there effective ways inspire and gain strength? Where should you start? Where to get inspiration when there is a "mess" in your head? Here are some basic tips to help you get started faster.

Physical activity

Since inspiration is a mental function, then in a good way its recharging can be considered a muscle load. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout at the gym. Suitable for walking fresh air, jogging or cycling, swimming, rollerblading.

The main thing is to take a break from your task and restore strength.. No wonder philosophers have argued that "a healthy mind in a healthy body." harmoniously developed person always finds where to get inspiration and how to avoid emotional burnout.

It has been proven that the regular physical activity significantly improves metabolic processes in the brain, enhances cognitive abilities, improves mood. For example, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato was a pankration champion. The famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr was fond of football and skiing. His German colleague Wilhelm Roentgen was fond of mountaineering, rowing, skating and luge. Mikhail Lomonosov was actively involved in fencing, shooting, English boxing, arm wrestling, weight lifting, dancing and horseback riding. Soviet scientist Lev Landau was very fond of riding skiing and even invented his own original way ride.

Reading of books

Books have absorbed all the wisdom of mankind. They contain answers to almost any question, including where to get inspiration. After all, the problem of loss of creative enthusiasm is as old as the world. Motivational life stories famous people sometimes able to give strength even in periods of apathy and stagnation.

In addition, reading literature allows you to put your thoughts in order, gain strength and energy, which is good in itself. Sometimes the smart ideas that can be gleaned from a book provide a hint in solving the issue that caused creative difficulties.

Complete rest

Many mistakenly think that the key to success is only selfless work. Without quality rest, no one can work for a long time. The fact is that a feeling of elation and enthusiasm arises in response to the production of "hormones of happiness" - dopamine and serotonin. They give us confidence in our abilities, give joy and inspiration. If the body is depleted, then there will not be enough “bricks” to build the necessary hormones.

People also need other substances involved in the course of mental processes. During rest, the body restores its reserves, thereby preparing the "soil" for new achievements.

Proper nutrition

Those who answer the question “where to find inspiration?” are not far from the truth. kitchen table". The fact is that mental processes closely related to physiology. The “happiness hormones” mentioned in the last section are a prime example of this. They fill a person with joy. Inspiration, in fact, is this feeling directed towards a certain work. So, in order to be inspired and happy, you should eat those foods, thanks to which serotonin and dopamine are more actively produced.

The most inspiring products include:

  • Dark chocolate;
  • Bananas;
  • Seafood (fish, squid, mussels);
  • Halva;
  • Nuts and beans (peanuts).

By eating them, you can count on the speedy return of the muse. The main thing is not to overdo it with legumes, otherwise it will be blown away like a wind again.

Regular travel

In the question "where to find inspiration?" the key word is "where". If the desire to work has disappeared in the city, it is worth looking for it in the countryside, or in a resort, or in the mountains. Sometimes, in order to start the thought process, it is enough to leave the office on the street. In more advanced cases a journey is suitable, the duration and range of which depend on the emotional background.

In addition to relaxation, visiting other places provides us with invaluable experience, allows us to take a broader look at the world and ourselves. This is the benefit of traveling. After all, inspiration comes to us when we are ready to receive it. Prepared physically, intellectually and morally.

Motivational videos

In the era of the ubiquity of the Internet, it is also suitable for the role of a source of inspiration. Thousands of all kinds of videos have been created that motivate a person, give him confidence and a desire to do something. It is enough to drive in a query and the search engine will give dozens of links to thematic videos.

Birdsong and classical music

Everything in this world is made up of vibrations. Living beings and inanimate objects resonate with each other. That is why music is so popular and important in human life. Scientists have proven that different sounds can influence us, causing a variety of emotions and feelings, including inspiration.

For the thought process, the singing of forest birds is considered favorable.. We are also inspired by classical music. First of all, this concerns the immortal works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The effect is enhanced when instrumental music is overlaid with the sounds of nature. You can find similar videos on YouTube. Similar applications are provided for mobile versions. They can be installed and downloaded directly to your smartphone.

The phrase "where to find inspiration?" - ceases to be difficult question using the methods described earlier. They allow you to restore strength, improve the emotional background, tune in to work and always be in high spirits. Inspiration comes to those who do not sit idly by, constantly developing and improving, while not forgetting about proper rest and proper nutrition.

There is a certain semantic dissonance in the very sound of the words "creative worker". At the word “creativity”, an image of a winged and wayward muse arises in my head, and when you say “worker”, for some reason a tired man with a shovel appears.

However, if you want to make a living from creativity, then you will have to somehow get along with these two images. And even in those moments when you are dead tired and there are no “no words, no music, no strength”, there are still ways to lure the muse of creativity to you. In this article, you will learn about some proven ways to do this.

1. Surround yourself with creative people

Even just being in the midst of writers, musicians, poets and artists can inspire you and refresh your mind. After all, it’s not for nothing that all these creative unions and art cafes exist?

2. Start something

If you can't seem to get your first word or first stroke on a blank canvas, start with drafts. Do not bother with perfection, make simple sketches and sketches. Your brain, freed from the burden of responsibility for mistakes, may well throw you a couple of new ideas.

3. Look for something new

Inspiration ends when the brain begins to move in circles. To break this cycle, constantly look for new experiences and sensations. If you are a rock musician, then try going to the opera, if you write detective stories, then start reading science fiction, and so on. New things are very often born at the intersection of the arts.

4. Create a morning ritual

Perhaps you have a specific sequence of actions that pushes your creativity? Maybe it's a cup of coffee, a morning walk or work in a cafe?

5. Keep learning

Do not give anyone a single chance to call you a "representative of a bygone era" and a "dinosaur." Don't be lazy to absorb everything new and innovative that appears in your field.

6. Don't isolate yourself from the outside world

Modern technologies allow you to work without leaving your home at all. However, such creative solitude, sooner or later, leads to burnout and devastation. Do not be afraid to come out of your shell, do not be lazy to communicate, and the outside world will give you stories that you never dreamed of.

7. Drink coffee

Yes, just coffee. Sometimes a cup of hot, strong coffee can give you such a creative boost that your hands can't keep up with your caffeinated thoughts. The main thing here is not to overdo it and know the measure, otherwise this technique will stop working.

8. Don't be a perfectionist

Someone who wants to create something great without fail often does not create anything at all. Someone who just does a good job every day has a chance to create something great one day.

9. Get some privacy

This advice contradicts one of the previous ones, but for some it may be useful. If you feel overwhelmed by the information around you, confused and lack of concentration, then it may be worth pausing and stepping back from everything around you. Go to the countryside, go to the mountains, turn off your phone, lock yourself in a room - this will help clear your head and hear the timid voice of a new idea.

10. Creativity can be trained

Yes, these are not muscles, but the ability to be creative can be increased in much the same way as the number of push-ups. This will require daily training, diligence and perseverance. Who said creating is easy?

11. Keep a notebook

Ideas do not go according to the schedule during working hours from 9 to 18 hours. They can break into you at the most inopportune moment - when you are in the shower, on a date, or just having lunch. They come without asking your consent, and they leave the same way. The only way fixing their existence is to have a notepad, voice recorder, smartphone or other convenient tool for creating quick notes with you always and everywhere.

12. Create your idea repository

Not a cemetery, no, just a vault. Creativity is sometimes like fishing: some days the fish are in a school, and then the nets remain empty for a week. Build yourself an idea fish cooler so you don't starve while waiting for the next creative surge.

13. Don't be a workaholic

Despite the value of diligence, perseverance and determination, do not forget about the rest. No matter how passionate you are about your work, it is worth taking breaks, sometimes even by force. Just break away and rest - in the end, such a rest will benefit, and not harm the work begun.

14. Exercise

It's not only good for health. Physical exercises give such a surge of adrenaline, confidence, energy that they can easily replace a cup of coffee, which I wrote about above.

15. Believe in yourself

There is nothing more important for creativity than self-confidence. You should forever get rid of the thoughts “I'm not a creative person”, “I can't” and “nobody needs this”. In the end, at least you need it, and any result, positive or negative, is better than doing nothing. Is not it?