Why does a person not get drunk from alcohol for a long time. Why does a person get drunk from alcohol? Reasons why a person does not get drunk

  • 02.08.2020

Each of us is familiar with the picture when the feast is almost over: one participant is already sleeping, the second is falling asleep, and the rest of the guests demand to continue and are full of energy for fun! Why does a person get drunk, does it really all depend on the “ability to drink” or do you need to know some secrets to stay sober for a long time? In fact, everything is quite simple - the degree of susceptibility to alcohol is influenced by many factors, the biochemical processes of each individual organism, on which intoxication depends.

The mechanism of the effect of alcohol on a person

After alcohol enters the stomach, it begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Having the properties of a solvent, alcohol destroys the film membrane of erythrocytes, as a result of which the blood cells stick together and hardly move through the vessels. Such "plugs" impede the flow of blood and oxygen to individual organs, which leads to oxygen starvation.

The brain begins to "think badly" and a drunk person ceases to navigate in space with the necessary clarity. Each subsequent dose of alcohol only increases the formation of clots and provokes more and more oxygen starvation. This is dangerous, since large blood clots, “getting stuck” in the bloodstream, can lead to irreversible consequences: brain neurons die, the necessary substances are washed out, and it is almost impossible to restore normal function. Therefore, chronic alcoholics are no longer interested in the question "why do I get drunk", but only "how to get drunk quickly."

Causes of rapid intoxication

Considering not chronically drinking people, but drinking alcohol on a one-time basis, it can also be noted that someone gets drunk faster than others. And if you've been wondering why I get drunk quickly, consider a few reasons and factors:

  1. A small amount or complete absence of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the body will lead to the fact that people not only get drunk faster than others, but literally “fall into a salad” after a sip of dry wine.
  2. Women tolerate alcohol much worse than men - this is inherent in nature and does not matter weight, height and other indicators.
  3. The age factor is of the highest importance: with the number of years lived, the rate of processing and removal of ethanol from the blood decreases, due to which a person can get drunk almost instantly.

Interesting! Obese people get drunk longer because of the fatty layer that absorbs alcohol. However, the hangover syndrome in such people lasts much longer and passes with high pain sensations.

  1. The speed of drinking the drink should not be high. It is necessary to give the liver time to process ethanol, only then drink the next dose - this measure will help to stay sober for a long time even for those who do not know how to drink at all.
  2. The fatter the snack, the less the person gets drunk. Getting drunk on an empty stomach is guaranteed to get a powerful and quick alcoholic hit, which will lead to rapid intoxication.
  3. The stronger the drink, the faster the process of intoxication. But do not underestimate carbon dioxide - bubbles speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood, which is why all fizzy alcoholic drinks instantly "hit in the head."

The human enzymatic system

This is also a factor influencing whether an individual gets drunk slowly or quickly. The stomach produces a small amount of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol, the rest is processed by the liver. The presence of alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for the processing of ethanol into acetaldehyde, which is a poison that is toxic to humans, but the presence of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase helps to break down the poison into acid, which is then processed into water and carbon dioxide.

If the amount of enzymes is low, for example, due to liver disease, then the person instantly gets drunk and falls from one glass of cognac. For the presence or absence of enzymes, the genetic predisposition, blood type, and other congenital features are responsible. And there are no recipes for turning from a light-drinking person into someone who is able to absorb beer by the liter and remain sober.

Important! You should never mix an alcoholic drink with a carbonated drink - this will speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood. But if you mix a cocktail with juice, then the absorption of alcohol into the blood will slow down significantly.

How to drink and not get drunk for a long time?

  1. 5-6 hours before the feast, drink 1-2 glasses of the drink that will be served. Then eat well so that the body begins to produce an enzyme to break down ethanol. The measure will first lead to complete sobering up, but then, at the common table, alcohol will be digested much faster.
  2. 15-20 minutes before the feast, take 25 gr. Eleutherococcus tincture. An effective measure against rapid intoxication.
  3. Thinking of going to a club that serves beer and weak cocktails? Brew strong black or green tea, be sure to add lemon and drink in small sips while the drink is hot. Coffee is also good, but drinking with lemon is not very pleasant. Citrus and vitamin C will not only help relieve a hangover in the morning, but also accelerate the breakdown of alcohol, removing it from the body.
  4. If the feast was formed spontaneously, you need to eat a piece of something fatty: meat, cheese, even a spoonful of butter. Give yourself 15 minutes to wait and you can safely start drinking.
  5. The longer the interval between doses, the longer you can stay sober.

You should drink only high-quality drinks - counterfeit always causes rapid intoxication and a painful hangover. Snack matters: a good and satisfying meal will retain alcohol in the stomach, preventing it from being quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, if you need to drink a lot and at the same time stay “on your feet” for a long time, do not forget to eat! Let it be a couple of sandwiches (a full plate looks ridiculous at a buffet or reception), but with caviar, fatty cheeses, sauces.

Alcohol affects people in different ways. Some drink without measure and do not get drunk, for others one glass is enough to experience the intoxicating effect of ethyl alcohol. The degree of intoxication depends on age, gender, health status. People who drink and do not experience symptoms of alcohol intoxication for a long time are worried about the question of why you do not get drunk from alcohol. Rare lucky ones can boast individual features organism.

We are talking about the low susceptibility of the central nervous system to ethyl alcohol. In the average citizen, ethanol quickly enters the bloodstream and gains access to the brain. At the same time, the concentration of the hormone dopamine increases, which causes a feeling of happiness and pleasure. However, the euphoria does not last long. The effect of alcohol and its decay products on the nervous system is expressed in eloquent symptoms:

  • Inadequate behavior, provoked by a violation of the balance of inhibition and excitation of the elements of the nervous system. Overstimulation of the nervous system provokes a person to act unreasonably, contrary to generally accepted norms of behavior. Instincts dominate the mind.
  • Deterioration of mental function. Parts of the brain that are responsible for rational, logical thinking are turned off.
  • Scattered attention.
  • Difficulty in perceiving external information. Drunk slowly decrypts data that come from the organs of sight, hearing, smell and touch.
  • Increased physical activity against the background of impaired coordination of movements.

Indifference to the surrounding reality, a sharp change in mood, inhibition of thought processes are signs of regular abuse of alcohol-containing drinks. If a person does not get drunk from alcohol, he wonders why this is happening. The loss of a sense of joy and euphoria, which usually accompanies the intake of a regular dose of alcohol, forces one to look for reasonable explanations for the changes taking place.

The effect of ethyl alcohol on the functions and systems of the body

Many people start drinking to experience the sense of relaxation and fun that alcohol initially provides. If a portion of a strong drink does not bring the desired effect, impossible to avoid obsessive thoughts like “why am I not drunk” and “what is wrong with me”. To understand the topic, you need to understand the mechanism of the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body.

Physiological processes involving and under the action of ethanol proceed in stages:

  • Stage 1. After entering the stomach, alcohol is actively absorbed into the blood. Erythrocytes are blood cells that play the role of oxygen transporters to tissues and are involved in immune reactions. The cell membranes of erythrocytes are destroyed under the action of ethanol, which mixes with blood cells and quickly enters the tissues of internal organs. Because of the broken outer shell red blood cells stick together. Several glued cells form blood clots.
  • Stage 2. Having reached the brain cells, ethyl alcohol destroys them. Accelerated production of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins provokes positive emotions, enthusiasm and cheerful mood. Pleasant sensations are short-lived. Soon the stormy delight is replaced by a feeling depression and sadness. The reason for the sharp change in the psycho-emotional background lies in the destruction of brain neurons. Blood clots from red blood cells clog blood vessels, oxygen ceases to flow into the brain tissue, oxygen starvation begins - hypoxia. Next comes tissue death cerebral cortex.
  • Stage 3. Damaged brain cells are unable to repair themselves. They die irrevocably. The decomposition of dead tissue areas leads to a protective reaction of the body. The cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the cranium dissolves dead and hazardous components. The fluid accumulation process causes pain in my head. That's why people get unbearable headaches when they're hungover.

After a fair dose of alcohol drunk the day before, a person is haunted by a feeling of dry mouth. Thirst is provoked by dehydration due to the need to remove dead neurons and alcohol breakdown products from the body. Each new portion of ethanol leads to the irreversible death of the next batch of neurons.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages results in personality degradation, loss of self-esteem, mental abilities, memory function, the ability to objectively assess the situation and find rational solutions. When a person does not get drunk from alcohol, he begins to look for reasons and tries to understand why this happens.

Reasons why a person does not get drunk from alcohol

The culture of drinking implies rules - do not mix drinks of different strengths, give up tobacco products, do not drink vodka with soda. If a person is familiar with them, it is easier for him to stay sober longer than other members of the company. The body provides protective system, which resists the negative effects of toxic elements. From the initial stage - entry into the bloodstream, until the removal of decay products, ethanol meets all the way obstacle chain:

  • Decomposition by enzymes.
  • Blood-brain barrier.
  • The protective reaction of brain receptors, which, when a large dose of alcohol enters the bloodstream, turns off consciousness a person, immersing him in a physiological state similar to sleep.

The better the defense mechanisms work, the longer the drinking person remains sober. This is why some people do not get drunk on alcohol, while others quickly succumb to its effects. Some of the processes occurring in the body are not subject to adjustment. Genetic predisposition, heredity and the level of production of enzymes that are responsible for the metabolism of ethanol cannot be changed. But some ways will help you stay sober longer during the feast.

What factors can slow down the reaction:

  • Established resilience. When alcoholism enters the second stage of development, resistance to ethanol increases. The acquired property of the body indicates the regressive changes that have occurred in the nervous system. Due to the death of a large number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, the vagus nerve stops transmitting signals to the areas responsible for the corresponding reactions. This is why an alcoholic does not get drunk from alcohol. If a person does not stop abusing alcohol-containing drinks, he facing serious complications- metal-alcohol psychosis and coma as a result of an overdose.
  • genetic predisposition. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is involved in the breakdown of ethanol, oxidizing alcohols to ketones and aldehydes. Different people have different amounts of the enzyme. Residents of southern countries and regions from birth produce more alcohol dehydrogenase than the northern peoples. A daily glass of wine for a Moldovan or Georgian does not entail negative consequences associated with severe intoxication or alcohol addiction. What can not be said about the representatives of the peoples of the Far North, who instantly get drunk and drink too much in the shortest possible time.
  • Specific snack. Some foods inhibit the effect of alcohol on the body. Ethanol enters the blood through the stomach, duodenum and small intestine. The speed of the absorption process depends on the volume and quality of food that is being digested at that moment in the gastrointestinal tract. Fatty food (lard, fatty meat, vegetable and butter) slows down the flow ethyl alcohol into the blood. In order not to get drunk longer, some people specially drink 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or 4-5 tablets of activated charcoal before a feast with alcoholic drinks. If you eat a heavy meal before drinking alcoholic beverages, the state of intoxication will come significantly later than usual.
  • Ambient temperature. At low temperatures, blood vessels constrict, metabolism slows down. Man drinking vodka on the street frost in winter, does not get drunk for a long time.
  • state of stress. Under stress, the level of the hormone rises sharply adrenaline which is produced in response to external threats. The hormone provokes the mobilization of all the forces of the body. The enzymatic system that breaks down alcohol works faster, so the intoxicating effect of ethanol is reduced.
  • Anthropometric parameters. How long a person who drinks alcohol will remain sober depends on the height and weight values. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is a specific liver enzyme. But a small amount of alcohol dehydrogenase is found in skeletal muscle, where the enzyme is also involved in the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. The more muscle mass person, the less toxic effect alcohol has on him.

If a person does not get drunk from alcohol, this is a serious reason to think about the state of health and alcohol addiction. To prevent irreversible changes in the brain, cardiovascular system, liver and other organs, it is better Seek medical attention in a timely manner. The specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, suggest a course of treatment.


In general, alcohol intoxication is a consequence of the effect on the body of ethanol, which is contained in alcoholic beverages. This substance has a rather strong psychologically active effect. When drinking alcoholic beverages, various changes are observed in the emotional state of a person, in his behavior, coordination and perception of reality. Thanks to the action of ethanol, alcoholic beverages can temporarily improve mood, relieve emotional stress, and liberate a person. However, for each person, the dose of ethanol is individual, for some it can be very large, which is why it seems that such people do not get drunk at all.

In the human body, ethanol is absorbed through the mucous membrane, mainly through the walls of the stomach and intestines. When the substance enters the bloodstream, it begins to have a certain effect on red blood cells, causing them to stick together. Microscopic clumps of red blood cells clog small blood vessels that feed the brain. Because of this, a deficiency of brain cells occurs, and therefore various deviations in human behavior appear, for the same reason, coordination of movements is also disturbed. Signs of alcohol intoxication may vary from person to person.

In many ways, the degree of intoxication from a certain dose of ethanol depends on weight and. The bigger the person, the less he gets drunk. The fact is that the degree of influence of ethanol on the body directly depends on its concentration in the blood. That is, the more, the lower the concentration of the intoxicating substance in it. For the same reasons, the fair sex usually gets drunk faster, because by nature they are more fragile. It happens that a petite girl can get very drunk even from a modest glass of champagne.

Affects the degree of exposure to ethanol and the rate of consumption of drinks. The fact is that if you drink very quickly, then significant doses of erythrocyte clots reach the vessels of your brain faster, that is, intoxication occurs faster. Affects the body and the amount of food consumed with alcohol. A snack is the substance that can retain ethanol in itself, so people who eat a lot while drinking alcoholic beverages get drunk much more slowly.

One of the main reasons that a person gets drunk much more slowly than others are special enzymes in his body. Everyone has them, but their number is individual. These enzymes, produced by the stomach, are able to break down alcohol, preventing it from entering the bloodstream. It is believed that in women the number of enzymes in the body is much less than in men, but this is more an assumption than a proven fact. And of course, the company of people with whom you spend time also affects the degree of intoxication. In a comfortable, relaxing environment, a person is able to get drunk much faster.

Everyone knows that when drinking a large amount of alcohol, intoxication occurs. This condition is characterized by some signs that are not difficult to notice in a drunk person. Basically, this is a weaving of the tongue during a conversation, slurred thoughtless speech caused by a lack of brain function, as well as a “wagging gait”. However, recently many "experienced" alcoholics began to notice that they no longer get drunk from a bottle of wine or beer. In this regard, many people have a question: why did I stop getting drunk from a large dose of alcohol? After all, until recently everything was fine, but now drunk alcoholic beverages do not deliver euphoria and do not bring any pleasure.

It is important to note that if a person has stopped getting drunk from any alcoholic drink, this is not entirely good. Why don't you get drunk when you drink alcohol? The answer to this question will be clear after getting acquainted with the work of the body after taking a large dose of alcohol.

Currently, there are a large number of ways in which you can learn how to drink and not get drunk, as well as why intoxication does not occur after drinking alcohol. After all, you see, if a person wants to, he can practically not get drunk from the alcohol that he drinks at a festive event. But not everyone wants to be sober after such a rest, so it is important to understand why intoxication does not occur if you have drunk a considerable dose of alcohol?

To answer this question, you need to figure out what processes occur in the body after drinking alcohol, and how it affects human systems:

  1. Immediately after alcohol enters the stomach, it begins to be actively absorbed into the blood, where red blood cells begin to act on it as a defense system. As a result, alcohol destroys their shell and mixes with the blood, after which it begins to be carried along with the blood stream.
  2. Since the blood flow gradually moves through all systems of the human body, after mixing with alcohol, coordination is disturbed in a person, as a result of which the work of the brain is affected and suffers first. That is why drunk people notice dizziness, improved mood, or are unable to properly focus their thoughts.

However, it is important to note that the effect of happiness during intoxication is not the action of the hormone serotonin (hormone of happiness), it is only a temporary state of a drunk person, which will pass soon.

As a result of the action of alcohol, a person feels like "the wine has gone to his head." In fact, this phrase sounds more than true. The fact is that damaged red blood cells, penetrating along with the blood flow, destroy parts of the human brain, and also kill thousands of neurons. In this regard, it can be noted that intoxication is an unstable state in which a large number of neurons die. And scientists have long established that such a particle as a neuron does not have a recovery function.

What happens in the human body after the death of neurons? At normal body temperature (36-37 degrees), dead brain tissue begins to decompose. As a result, small reddish bumps are formed in it, similar to abscesses, inside of which there is rot (a liquid white substance). After that, the body should by all means get rid of this neoplasm: for this, it uses the cerebrospinal fluid, which completes its current just in the brain. It is thanks to her that dead cells are completely dissolved, while making strong pressure on the cerebral cortex. This pressure is just pressing headaches that a person feels in the morning.

After the process of intoxication and its consequences on the body have become clear, you can understand why you don’t get drunk from drinking alcohol and what to do if the body stops perceiving alcohol?

Along with smoking and drugs, which also cause the death of neurons, the increasing effect of alcohol on the body causes the destruction of brain cells. As a result, it is poisoned, which leads to wrinkling of the bark. People who regularly drink alcohol for 4 years have several thousand times fewer neurons than people who avoid alcohol. As a result, a person no longer feels intoxicated, because the destruction of dead neurons is carried out in a smaller amount, as these cells in the brain become less and less. And since they are not restored, the death of neurons occurs in smaller numbers.

In this regard, it is worth answering the question - how alcoholics can talk, move, and generally exist in such a state. In fact, this is not due to the "mind", but with the help of the body's ability to survive in different conditions, and also to strive for life. However, such a person is no longer able to think, think and engage in serious business.

Now the answer to the question - why do not you get drunk from a large dose of alcohol, is known, but it is worth knowing why some people, on the contrary, get drunk quickly, even if they drink a small dose of alcohol.

In this case, it is worth considering several factors, thanks to which it will be possible to safely answer this question:

  • In order not to get drunk for a long time, you need to have a sufficient amount of "dense" snacks. Therefore, if you do not have potatoes and other hearty dishes on your table, intoxication will come a little earlier.
  • A person feels a quick intoxication due to his weight - the smaller his body weight, the faster the alcohol will act. Doctors say that only 0.8 g of ethanol will be enough per kilogram of weight.
  • People under 20 get drunk much earlier, as their body is not yet fully developed and does not take large doses of alcohol, compared to 30 year olds.
  • If a person is physically weak, he will get drunk faster than people involved in the port.

Currently, there are many options to deceive the body and not get drunk in a short time:

  • Try to move more and constantly go out into the fresh air, especially when you are already quite full;
  • Strong alcoholic drinks must be eaten with hot snacks;
  • A few hours before the fun, drink 2 tablespoons of oil or eat something fatty: a piece of meat, a sandwich with butter, and so on;
  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • For 2-3 hours, you can take activated charcoal (3-5 tablets), which absorb a large part of the alcohol

Also, the duration of the action of alcohol directly depends on its type - it is known that you get drunk later from beer and champagne than from wine or vodka. And if you are an "experienced alcoholic", then a small dose of any alcoholic product will not have any effect on you.

The use of alcoholic beverages is largely due to the result obtained in the form of intoxication. A person becomes cheerful and liberated, and this happens due to the effect of the decay products of alcohol and ethanol itself on the central nervous system. There are no special receptors for alcohol, but after the product enters the body, a cascade of enzymatic reactions is launched. The released neurotransmitters contribute to the feeling of intoxication and create a feeling of euphoria.

Mechanism of development of intoxication

Alcohol intoxication develops in all people according to the same principle, but at different speeds and strengths. Ethanol after entering the body begins to be partially absorbed in the oral cavity and penetrate into the blood. The rest is absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and small intestine. Then the algorithm or mechanism of the process is described in terms of physiology and biochemistry:

  • ethanol is carried through the bloodstream and mixed with lipids and water;
  • the substance crosses the blood-brain barrier into the brain;
  • the neurotransmitter GABA is activated there, which triggers the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system;
  • at the same time, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released, which gives a feeling of pleasure;
  • at the same time, the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are activated;
  • enzyme systems break down ethanol to acetaldehyde and acetic acid.

Then acetaldehyde - an intermediate breakdown product (highly toxic) - enters the brain and combines with dopamine, forming a morphine-like substance. It is it that gives a feeling of intoxication, disrupts coordination of movements, memory, dulls the receptors of the sense organs. A person can behave atypically and even aggressively.

If the secreted enzymes become insufficient to neutralize ethanol, and alcohol continues to flow, defense mechanisms are triggered. A person gets drunk from alcohol, falls into a dream. Less commonly, loss of consciousness or respiratory arrest occurs due to blockage of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Inhibition processes predominate until all the alcohol is converted into acetic acid and excreted by the kidneys or lungs.

Why does a person get drunk quickly

The speed of intoxication depends not only on the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength, but also on other reasons. The timing of loss of sobriety is influenced by genetic factors. Microbiologists have studied the activity of enzymatic systems for processing alcohol and realized that it depends on the suppressor gene. This gene suppresses the production of alcohol dehydrogenase.

The population in Asia has this genetic code, so they get drunk quickly. Enzymes simply do not have time to break down alcohol. Representatives of the Caucasian race get drunk slowly, respectively, they can drink more drinks. They are dominated by a fast cleavage complex and alcohol dehydrogenase is turned on faster.

The most dangerous option, which is typical for residents of the CIS countries, is the presence of alcohol dehydrogenase and a small amount or suppression of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Then the toxic substance acetaldehyde accumulates in the blood, giving a severe hangover syndrome.

A person quickly gets drunk at an older age, after 40 years, due to a slowdown in metabolic processes. Women are faster than men due to the high activity of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the liver and its lack in the gastrointestinal tract. Light weight and calmness of the body are another reason for the rapid loss of control.

In overweight people, alcohol binds to fats, leaving the bloodstream, while in thin people, it binds only to water, circulating in the blood. In addition, an excited mood helps to speed up metabolism and activate all metabolic processes even after drinking alcohol. But in a balanced state, people get drunk quickly.

How to drink and not get drunk

It must be remembered that alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood from the oral cavity. Therefore, taking the drink in slow sips will lead to rapid intoxication. In order not to lose control, you need to drink in one gulp.

Do not mix different types of alcohol. If the evening begins with champagne, then it is not recommended to eat it with sweet foods. This will speed up the process of intoxication. Also, don't drink on an empty stomach. Before the feast, it is recommended to eat protein foods or, for example, drink yogurt.

Activated charcoal will help you get drunk more slowly. It should be drunk half an hour before the start of drinking alcohol in age doses. Additionally, while eating with ethyl, you can drink a tablet of Pancreatin or Mezim, this will speed up the metabolism of other substances (lipids, proteins). Each glass of wine (or a glass of strong drink) should be diluted with a glass of clean water.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol