Chinese wisteria, planting and care. Learning to grow wisteria in different climatic zones Dwarf wisteria

  • 17.06.2019

Perhaps no flowering vine makes such an indelible impression as wisteria. She has delightful flowers and leaves. This flowering climbing plant does not lose its decorative effect even in autumn. With the help of wisteria, you can transform fences, arbors, gates and gates, pillars and trunks of dead trees, mask nondescript corners, and also soften the somewhat harsh appearance and strict lines of high walls and facades. As a rule, it is planted along walls and fences, but to demonstrate the beauty of its inflorescences, a lattice roof is desirable. If you skillfully pick up a support, several wisteria trunks, intertwining, form interesting shapes, which allows gardeners to create unique ensembles from wisteria.

Wisteria, or wisteria, is a very spectacular, hardy, large, magnificently flowering deciduous vine. Its fragrant flowers are white, blue, purple or purple. They look like moths and are collected in large hanging brushes. Wisteria belongs to the legume family, and therefore its flowers have a typical shape for legumes, similar to pea and bean flowers. The fruits are elongated (10–15 cm) gray-yellow beans with dense pubescence, do not fall off for a long time (keep until next spring), with 1–3 lenticular seeds. Wisteria lives 100 years or more. Known specimens that are over 150 years old.

At good care and the presence of an appropriate support, wisteria reaches a height of 20 m or more. An adult plant is frost-resistant, but at a young age in the northern regions it needs shelter. Over the years, the stems of wisteria turn into powerful "ropes". Then the trouble is for the plant, whose trunk is embraced by the insidious beauty-liana: she will strangle him.

Genus Wisteria (Wisteria) includes 9 species. They are mainly distributed in East Asia and North America. In Russia, the cultural area of ​​this genus is the southern regions.

Wisteria grows better and develops faster on loose, deep and fertile soils. She needs good light, especially during the flowering period. For luxurious flowering, wisteria should be in the sun for at least half a day. The plant tolerates partial shade, but flowering in such conditions is weak. It begins to bloom profusely and bear fruit from 3-5 years of age. During one growing season, at the end of summer, there may be a re-bloom, although much weaker, with shorter racemes. In hot weather, the flowering period is shortened. Drought tolerance is average.

Everyone who has once seen blooming wisteria has a natural desire to grow it in their summer cottage or garden plot.

The easiest way to propagate wisteria cuttings. To do this, in the late autumn, a vine is cut from a bush, cut into cuttings, tied and stored in a wet substrate in a cold basement (as is usually done with chibouks of grapes). In early spring, cuttings are planted in a school or in a permanent place under plastic bottles. The survival rate is about 50%.

You can propagate wisteria and winter vaccination (in December). Grafting is done on the roots, since the wood of wisteria is loose, and grafting fails. An effective method of reproduction is horizontal layering. In autumn, after the leaves fall, the lower shoots are cut a little and pinned to the ground. From above they fall asleep with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. In the spring, at the beginning of bud break, the shoots are ringed from the side of the mother plant. In autumn, when a new root system develops, the cuttings can be separated. If the roots have not grown enough, the layering is grown for another year.

You can propagate wisteria and winter cuttings. The optimal time for cuttings is February-March. The prepared shoots are split in half along the axis, and then small cuttings 5 ​​cm long with one bud in the middle of the cutting are cut from these halves. Rooting is done in boxes or pots in a greenhouse. To do this, the cuttings are immersed in the soil with the kidneys up at a distance of 4–5 cm from each other and sprinkled with sand (layer 1–1.5 cm).

Well (up to 100%), wisteria reproduces with green semi-lignified shoots of the current year. You can speed up the formation of roots by treating the lower ends of the cuttings with synthetic auxins: indolylbutyric acid (IMA), 25–50 mg per 1 liter of water or heteroauxin (100–150 mg per 1 liter of water). The cuttings are placed in the solution with their lower ends to a depth of 2–4 cm and incubated for 12–24 hours. Then they are rinsed with clean water and planted in a greenhouse in wooden or plastic boxes 15–20 cm high, half filled with a loose substrate consisting of a mixture of earth, peat and sand (1: 1: 1). When planting, the cuttings are buried in the soil by 3–4 cm, well moistened and covered with glass. The boxes are placed in partial shade. For the formation of roots, it is necessary to maintain a fairly high humidity of air and soil. Cuttings planted in greenhouses and greenhouses must be protected from direct sunlight until roots are formed (within a month and a half). It is very important to regularly water the cuttings once or twice a day, depending on the air temperature. After the appearance of shoots, watering is reduced to once every 2-3 days. By autumn, shading is removed.

One or two-year-old plants are transplanted from mid-August to the end of November, and the most tender ones - in the spring, from March to mid-May.

You can propagate wisteria and seeds. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in December-January or in open ground in early spring. They remain viable for 2-3 years. Germination later. Cotyledons are not taken out by seedlings from the soil. Seedlings have pinnate first leaves with few leaflets. The seed method of reproduction has its advantages. Seedlings from the first days of life adapt to the conditions of their habitat and grow quite hardy and resistant to weather surprises. This breeding method is more suitable for the northern regions of Ukraine than others. True, seedlings bloom in 4–6, and some in 9 years. Well, decorative properties may not be preserved. Seedlings with low decorative qualities are used as stock for propagation by grafting. However, when growing wisteria from seeds, pleasant surprises also happen. Some seedlings are superior in decorative qualities to their parents. Such plants are used for breeding purposes, selecting the best of them, and then propagating them by cuttings.

Wisteria is planted in the spring in the warmest sunny place in nutrient soil with good drainage and a slightly alkaline reaction. For this, pits 60x60x50 cm in size are prepared. Full mineral fertilizer is applied for planting at the rate of 25–30 g per 1 m 2 of planting area. It is evenly scattered over the surface of the soil and covered with a rake.

In the first years of development, wisteria forms long and thin shoots, and in adulthood it forms dense knotty wood. Flower buds are laid on lateral, thinner branches, which should be protected by rejuvenating the plant or thinning its branches. Proper pruning Wisteria - the key to abundant flowering. Flowers are formed on last year's and older wood or on short flower shoots of the current year. Therefore, in order to obtain flower buds, on the number of which the abundance of flowering depends, it is necessary to cut off last year's shoots every year after spring flowering (their length should be no more than 30 cm). In August, the growth of the current year should also be shortened by 4–5 buds. In general, the pruning procedure is simple, but it must be done annually to get luxurious fragrant bunches.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “kids” have always been considered more fashionable, the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring in next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a "supplier" of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then watered apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

A coniferous tree or shrub on the site is always great, and many conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the shade of flowering trees have long become an essential attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties of these top-selling vegetables, here are three that excel in flavor and relatively undemanding growing conditions. Characteristics of eggplant varieties "Diamond", "Black Handsome" and "Valentina". All eggplants have a medium density pulp. In "Almaz" it is greenish, and in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united by good germination and excellent yield, but in different time. Everyone's skin color and shape is different.

Before entering the house, decorate a bare wall with it. For true flower growers, there is one sad fact - it is extremely thermophilic and is able to grow at full strength only in the southern regions: in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Transcarpathia. There it blooms very long and abundantly. In more northern regions, winter needs good.

This tree-like climbing subtropical plant from the family blooms in spring and is able to please the eye throughout the summer. Wisteria is also called wisteria (lat. Wisteria). It blooms in light purple or white brushes about 30 cm long.

Planting wisteria

There are two ways to plant wisteria:
  • Layering in spring and summer. For cuttings, we select annual ripened shoots 20-25 cm long. They need to be rooted in soil from soddy soil, peat, humus and sand (3: 1: 1: 1). At the end of summer, rooted cuttings are planted.
  • Seeds. Note that the method is much more complicated than the first one. You can plant seeds in greenhouses in November-December or in the ground in spring. The soil should be loose - leafy, soddy soil and sand (4:1:1). We close the crops with glass or a plastic bag for high humidity. And we clean it in a dark place - this is important. Shoots should appear only after 3-4 weeks. Then we bring the seedlings to the light, slightly shading them, and dive when the first 2 sheets appear.

Growing wisteria

When growing, you must provide wisteria with the following factors:
  • Bright sun. For abundant flowering, wisteria should be in the sun for at least half a day.
  • Strong supports along which wisteria, which will grow strongly over time, will curl.
  • Moderate watering from spring to late summer - the soil should be kept slightly moist. Too much water is not well tolerated.
  • Light nutrient soil.
  • Top dressing with liquid fertilizer once a week during the budding period.
  • Good shelter in winter, especially in middle lane Russia. There are varieties that can withstand -20 ° C, but no more.
  • Pruning at least 2 times for more abundant flowering. The first - at the end of flowering, while shortening all side shoots by two-thirds. The second - after leaf fall. Cut off all side branches, leaving only 3-5 buds.
If your climate does not allow you to grow wisteria outdoors, do not despair. Plant it in the form of a standard tree. In autumn, it will need to be brought into a room with a temperature of about + 8 ... + 10 ° C and watered sparingly. In the spring, young side shoots are cut to 2-3 good buds - this is how the crown is formed. In the summer, they are again taken out into the open air and watered often.
  • Abundantly flowering, or multi-flowered wisteria(Wisteria floribunda) with purple-blue flowers. It reaches 8-10 m. The brushes of this wisteria are longer than the previous one - 50 cm. And it blooms 2-3 weeks later. It is more frost-resistant (up to -23 ° C) than Chinese wisteria.

  • wisteria beautiful(Wisteria venusta) with double white and purple flowers. Able to grow up to 10 m. The length of the inflorescences is about 20 cm. Flowering continues from May to June. The fruits are beans 20 cm in size.

  • Wisteria shrub(Wisteria frutescens) has smaller purple-blue flowers than Wisteria venusta. Reaches 12 m in height. Since ancient times, it has been growing in the Crimea. Can be grown in a container.

  • Wisteria japonica(Wisteria japonica) has white flowers. Less hardy and beautiful than other species. Grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

If you decide to have wisteria in your garden and you have all the conditions for this, do not forget to plant, for example, white

Although, as a rule, the most colorful and unique flowering plants grow in tropical climates. But the most diligent gardeners still take risks and grow beautiful wisterias, which, during flowering, lower thousands of colorful clusters of flowers to the ground. These are bright and fragrant flowering plants that can make any site chic. Of course, this plant is rarely found in Central Europe and Asia, but recently many varieties have appeared that perfectly tolerate our frosts. In order to see all the beauty of this plant with your own eyes, it is worth making a little effort in growing and caring.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the features and description of wisteria, learn about the most common types and varieties of this plant. And also note the important nuances of agricultural cultivation.

Features and description of wisteria

Wisteria also has a second name - wisteria, which this plant received in honor of Caspar Wistar, professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania. Wisteria is a deciduous climbing tree, flowering plant belonging to the legume family. This bright representative amazes everyone with its appearance, especially during the flowering period, when a large number of long inflorescences hang down to the ground, like bright clusters. The natural habitat of wisteria is considered to be the territory of China, namely the province of Hubei. As an ornamental plant, wisteria is common in vast areas of tropical and subtropical climate: this is the Crimea, the entire south of Russia, the Black Sea region, and the southern territories of the United States.

There is a very beautiful Chinese legend about the origin of wisteria. A very long time ago, in one village, there lived a beautiful girl, whose name was Gui. She was so beautiful that no one could take their eyes off her. Her hair was also beautiful, which shimmered with lilac-violet hues during the day, and became bluish in the evening. Once a girl was kidnapped by a dragon, which after this atrocity turned into a tree wrapping around other plants. And when the dragon raised its head, trying to release the flame, only flowers appeared, resembling the hair of a beautiful girl.


  • Wisteria in Greek means "sweet", which is associated with the wonderful aroma of its flowers.
  • There was a lot of controversy as to whether it was a flower or a creeper. However, in the end there was general concept that wisteria is a tree-like climbing and flowering plant.
  • By appearance it is a woody vine with drooping branches.
  • An adult wisteria liana can reach a height of 15-18 m, and in diameter the crown sometimes grows up to 8 m in diameter.
  • It is not very fast growing - it can grow only 20 cm per season.
  • The leaves of wisteria are large, unpaired, which consist of 7-13 small leaves. Young leaves are slightly pubescent, later glabrous.
  • Wisteria blooms with pink, lavender, purple, blue and white flowers, which are collected in loose inflorescences up to 30 cm in length.
  • The flowering of this amazing creeper begins in spring in late March or early April and lasts almost until the end of summer.
  • Wisteria flowers have a delicious aroma.
  • Wisteria is the queen among garden vines and is widely used to decorate the site and buildings.
  • In total, there are 9 species of this plant in nature, of which only a few have become widespread in temperate climates.

Variety of species and varieties of wisteria

Beautiful wisteria has 9 varieties, but not all of them are widespread in our territory in a temperate climate. Let's give brief description the main types and varieties of wisteria.

Chinese wisteria

  • This wisteria comes from China, where it grows in large numbers in nature.
  • Chinese wisteria can reach 18-20 m in height.
  • It is a tall vine with lots of foliage.
  • The leaves are large, up to 30 cm long, pinnate. Most often consist of 7-10 small leaves.
  • The flowers of this wisteria are white or purple, most often collected in hanging loose brushes up to 30 cm in length.
  • Liana grows very quickly. Main Feature is twisting the barrel counterclockwise.
  • It can withstand short frosts down to minus 20 degrees.
  • It looks great in landscaping the site, and it is also possible to use it for growing in tubs.

To date, several varieties of Chinese wisteria are known:

  • Chinese wisteria "Alba". Liana with snow-white flowers, less often with a slight purple tint. Differs in very long inflorescences that can hang up to 40 cm.
  • Chinese wisteria "Plena". This is a wisteria with beautiful double flowers.
  • Wisteria "Sierra Madre". This form of Chinese wisteria blooms with lavender-purple flowers.

Wisteria profusely flowering or many-flowered

  • Sometimes you can find the name lush wisteria.
  • Unlike Chinese wisteria, this vine is smaller. It reaches a height of only 10 m.
  • The foliage is large, up to 40 cm in length. Consists of a large number small leaves, on average 17-19 pieces.
  • Judging by the name, it is clear that this type of wisteria has more flowers, they are collected in large inflorescences up to 50 cm in length.
  • The flowers themselves are slightly smaller than those of the Chinese.
  • Wisteria blooms profusely blooming with bright purple-blue flowers. At what flowers bloom gradually.
  • Flowering begins in mid-spring.
  • Another difference from Chinese wisteria is the twisting of the trunk clockwise.
  • More frost-resistant, can withstand up to minus 23 degrees.

There are several forms of profusely flowering wisteria:

  • Wisteria "Alba" A plant with white flowers, rarely with a slight purple tint. Inflorescences are large, up to 60 cm in length.
  • Wisteria 'Rosea'. The flowers of this type of wisteria are distinguished by pale pink flowers with purple wings. Inflorescences can reach 45 cm in length.
  • Wisteria "Multyuga". It blooms with beautiful lilac-blue flowers, which are collected in long inflorescences up to 90-100 cm in length.
  • Royal Pearl. It blooms with violet-purple flowers, collected in inflorescences up to 50 cm in length.

wisteria beautiful

  • This plant is native to Japan.
  • Wisteria is not tall, can grow up to 10 m.
  • The leaves of this creeper are also small, only 10 cm. They are slightly pubescent on both sides.
  • Flowers in diameter reach 2-2.5 cm, which are collected in racemose inflorescences 20 s in length.
  • It mainly blooms with white flowers, there are also forms with double and purple flowers.

Varieties of wisteria beautiful:

  • Wisteria "White Silk". It blooms with snow-white flowers, collected in rather long inflorescences.

Wisteria shrub

  • In height, this type of wisteria grows by 12 m.
  • It is a climbing plant with drooping branches.
  • Differs in very small leaves and flowers of a purple or blue hue.
  • Mostly found on the territory of the Crimea or Chisinau.
  • Feels great when grown in tubs.

Wisteria japonica

This type of wisteria is not as popular and common as others. This is due to frost intolerance, the plant usually freezes to the very snow cover. It is a climbing vine with white flowers. It grows naturally in Japan.


This species originated from North America. Sometimes wisteria macropus tends to freeze. It is distinguished by beautiful snow-white flowers, which are collected in cone-shaped inflorescences, reaching 1 m in length.

On the basis of this species, breeders bred a cold-resistant variety of wisteria - Blue Moon wisteria. This type of plant can withstand frosts down to minus 40 without shelter.

Ways to propagate wisteria

This beautiful plant can be diluted in many different ways. Both vegetative and generative methods are suitable for reproduction.

Seed propagation of wisteria

This is the most unpopular propagation method and can result in wisteria that won't bloom. Flowering is possible, but after many years. Also, when growing wisteria from seeds, your plant may not inherit most of the decorative mother traits.

  • Wisteria seeds should be sown in the greenhouse in November or December. If you decide to plant immediately in the ground, then you need to do this in early spring.
  • First you need to prepare a nutrient soil, which should consist of leaf humus, sod, garden soil and sand.
  • Seeds must be sown on the surface and sprinkled with a small layer of sand.
  • Moisten the crops and cover with glass or film.
  • For normal germination of wisteria seeds, you need to create conditions of darkness.
  • Sowing care consists in constant airing and moistening of the soil.
  • The temperature should be between 20-25 degrees Celsius.
  • The first shoots appear already 3-4 weeks.
  • After that, containers with seedlings should be taken out to light partial shade, where they grow until a few strong leaves appear.
  • Next, the seedlings need to dive into individual pots. At the same time, make sure that the root system is not damaged. It is best to dive with a clod of earth.
  • In the spring, a strengthened bush can be transplanted to a chosen place or for growing in an outdoor greenhouse.

Propagation of wisteria by cuttings

  • Cuttings must be harvested in late autumn.
  • To do this, you need to find strong and healthy shoots of this year on wisteria and cut cuttings of 20-25 cm from them.
  • After that, all the prepared cuttings must be folded together and tied.
  • The resulting beam is placed in a container with a wet substrate. The container must be placed in a cool and dark place.
  • Prepare the cuttings for planting in early spring, when the container with planting material is taken out of storage.
  • In the spring, you can plant cuttings for growing in a greenhouse, or you can plant them immediately in open ground under plastic bottles.
  • It is also possible to propagate by winter cuttings, which are harvested in advance.
  • It is best to apply this method in February.
  • To do this, the shoots need to be split into two halves along, and then cut into short cuttings, about 5-8 cm.
  • Be careful when cutting cuttings. so that everyone has one soil in the center.
  • Such cuttings should be planted in prepared containers and placed in a greenhouse where the cuttings are kept until they are fully rooted.

Reproduction by layering

  • Wisteria is propagated by layering in autumn.
  • To do this, on the mother bush, you need to choose a strong and healthy lower shoot.
  • Next, make a longitudinal oblique incision on it, which will be fixed in the ground.
  • The incision site should be well sprinkled with nutrient soil, leaving only the top on the surface.
  • In spring or autumn, you need to check the root system. If she is strong enough, then the layers can be disconnected from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Preparation before planting wisteria

To get a beautiful and healthy wisteria plant, it is important to carefully prepare before the planting process itself. It is necessary to choose high-quality planting material, preferably grown wisteria seedlings. It is also important to choose the most suitable place for this capricious plant on your site.

Selection of wisteria seedlings

To facilitate the process of planting wisteria, it is best to purchase already grown seedlings. Usually they can be purchased at special agricultural firms or nurseries where they are professionally grown. various kinds plants. It is preferable to buy wisteria with a closed root system, so the liana take root better and will be less susceptible to damage. Before buying, be sure to carefully inspect the seedling. It should not be damaged and signs of diseases and pests.

You should not buy wisteria seedlings in spontaneous markets and from strangers. In this case, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation when you don’t have exactly what you expected in your hands. It is also best to buy more frost-resistant varieties of this plant, so that later you can admire the beauty of its flowering.

Selecting a landing site

Wisteria is exotic plant, therefore, it is rather capricious about the conditions of growth, including the place of growth.

  • For the full growth of wisteria, you must choose a sunny and open area where the sun will be at least half a day.
  • The place must also be protected from drafts.
  • Before planting, you need to consider a fairly spacious area, as wisteria grows very quickly.
  • When choosing a place, also consider the composition you are interested in. After all, wisteria can be used to decorate the walls of the house, gazebos and terraces.

Selection and preparation of soil for planting wisteria

This vine prefers to grow on nutritious and loose soils. It is also important that the soil is slightly alkaline with a minimum lime content. Although wisteria can grow on other soils, only its growth will be less active. It is important that the soil in your chosen location is well-drained, as wisteria does not tolerate prolonged stagnant water at the roots.

Wisteria planting technology

  • It is best to plant wisteria outdoors in the spring, when the threat of the last frost has passed.
  • The selected landing site must be dug up well, by about one bayonet of a shovel.
  • Compost can be added to the soil during this process.
  • Next, you need to dig planting holes for each seedling, if you have purchased several. The main thing to remember is that one plant needs a lot of space.
  • The size of one planting hole should be 60 cm wide and 50 cm deep.
  • Before planting, carefully remove the seedling from the container. You can pre-moisten the soil in it so as not to damage the root system.
  • A layer of drainage should be placed in each pit to prevent stagnation of water at the wisteria roots. Small stones or expanded clay can be used as drainage.
  • Pour a little mineral fertilizer into the bottom of each hole.
  • Next, carefully place the seedling in the pit and sprinkle with soil, lightly tamping with your hands.
  • After planting, you need to water the plant abundantly.
  • Take care of the supports in advance, as the vine grows very quickly and its branches need to be supported with something.

Agricultural technology for growing wisteria: the nuances and secrets of care

Caring for wisteria is a rather laborious process, as it is a very capricious plant, whose homeland is the subtropics. It is important to maintain a moist state of the soil, as well as to periodically fertilize and loosen the soil.

Watering wisteria

Wisteria needs moderate regular watering. To make it easier for you to navigate and exclude cases of flooding the plant with water, look at the soil around the vine - it should be slightly moist all the time. But not wet. In a particularly hot season, watering should be increased, as the buds may begin to crumble from the plant due to lack of moisture. It is best to use the spraying method for watering. In mid-September, watering should be stopped.

Loosening and weeding

Periodically throughout the season, the soil around the plant needs to be loosened, so wisteria prefers to grow on loose and light lands. It is best to carry out this process after watering. In parallel, you need to remove all weeds that may interfere with the growth of the vine. The soil in the trunk circle can be mulched to reduce the amount of loosening and reduce the evaporation of moisture. Dry peat or sawdust can be used as mulch.


To stimulate the appearance of new buds, old wilted ones must be cut off. Also, the vine needs periodic pruning to form a crown. This process should be carried out in the summer, during its course, 20 cm of their length must be cut off from the side shoots. If you are growing wisteria as a standard crop, then you need to remove all but one of the stems. When growing a climbing plant, you need to cut off all side shoots that give only greenery. However, you should not prune the plant too often, because you may not see the flowering of this beautiful plant at all.

wisteria support

During landing, it is imperative to take care of the support, which will serve for a long time. The support must be strong and securely support the branches of the plant. The overgrown shoots of wisteria on the support must be tied up in order to facilitate the removal of branches for shelter in the fall.

Top dressing wisteria

To get a gorgeous flowering tree, you need to feed it regularly. The plant needs weekly fertilization. You can alternate the application of liquid mineral fertilizers and organically. As an organic, you can use a mullein infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied during active budding, otherwise the plant will let the foliage go well, but not the flowers.

Disease and pest control

Wisteria is quite resistant to the appearance of various diseases and pests, but sometimes the plant still needs treatment.

Wisteria diseases:

  • Chlorosis. This disease appears in a plant in the presence of a large amount of alkali in the soil. Signs of chlorosis are yellowing of the foliage. To combat this disease, you need to use iron salts.


  • Aphid. The most common pest that can be eliminated with the help of special insecticides.
  • Mite. To combat this pest, acaricidal preparations can be used.

Shelter of wisteria for the winter

Most types of wisteria do not tolerate frost and cold very well, so they need shelter. In autumn, after the foliage has fallen, it is necessary to remove all branches from the supports and lay them on the soil around the trunk. Previously, the soil must be spudded in a near-trunk circle. Further, all shoots should be covered with spruce branches and non-woven covering material.

The use of wisteria in landscape design

Wisteria is very ornamental plant whose beauty is appreciated landscape designers. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to grow a large and flowering tree in our territory, but with little effort it is possible to achieve a positive result.

In landscape design, wisteria is used in various ways:

  • As a creeper for entwining arbors, walls of houses, and terraces.
  • As a beautiful standard plant that can be grown in large pots.
  • Wisteria is excellent for growing as houseplant, for example, to create a bonsai.

Photo of wisteria in landscape design

You can more clearly see the beauty of wisteria and how to use it to decorate the site in the proposed photos.

Wall decoration with wisteria

Creating flower arches

Growing wisteria in tubs

Lianas are the most desirable and beautiful elements landscape design who are able to turn an ordinary site into a work of art. And wisteria is rightfully considered the queen of vines, the beauty of which is striking at first sight.

Wisterias, or wisterias, are popular flowering vines. They grow quickly, winter successfully and bloom amazingly in many countries with mild climates. It is not surprising that gardeners, fascinated by the charm of flowering wisteria, want to have such wonderful plant in your area!

Many residents of central Russia, having seen the lush flowering of wisteria while relaxing in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast or in warm foreign countries, they only sighed with regret ... After all, when trying to grow wisteria in the open field of their garden, as a rule, disappointment ensued. In the best case, a few modest inflorescences appeared on the wisteria seedling, and in the worst case, the planted wisteria died after the first winter.

These unsuccessful attempts by Russian gardeners to grow wisteria in their garden are quite natural, since until recently we could only find on sale.
Our gardeners are usually offered either wisteria sinensis(Wisteria chinensis), or wisteria profusely flowering, or multi-flowered (Wisteria floribunda), or their numerous decorative forms. Unfortunately, these types of wisteria endure temperatures down to -20 degrees, and only for a very short period of cooling.

Growing Blue Moon wisteria in our garden

Wisteria settled in our garden a few years ago (spring 2008).
Moreover, at that time, the acquisition of wisteria was rather an impulsive act dictated by necessity. On our site, we made a recreation area, put a support over it. We needed an interesting vine that would form a shadow over the benches.
The choice of beautiful vines in our climate is small, but I wanted to plant something

We were offered to buy cold-resistant wisteria, which can withstand even severe frosts (-40C). This is how we got wisteria macrostachia, or large-bodied (Wisteria macrostachya). And my acquaintance with her variety “Blue Moon” (“Blue Moon”, translated as “Blue Moon”) began. This plant is native to the United States, Minnesota.

The purchased wisteria seedling was small, no more than 30 cm long. Now, looking back, I can honestly admit: at that moment I had big doubts that this baby would quickly braid the provided support and give at least some shade ...
I didn’t even dream about the flowering of wisteria then.

Imagine my surprise when a wisteria sapling planted in early June (in standard Voronezh chernozem) began to develop rapidly a month after adaptation. By August, the height of the plant was more than two meters!

Before the onset of the first frosts, we removed the wisteria from the support - along with the ropes for which its shoots clung. They laid the vine on the boards, covered it with lutrasil from above.

The growth of the annual flowering of wisteria "Blue Moon"

After a successful wintering, already in the second year of its life in our garden, wisteria "Blue Moon" pleased us in June with the first two inflorescences. Although they were still small, but the main thing is that the young wisteria bloomed!

Before the second wintering, it was no longer possible to remove our powerful wisteria from the support. The winter turned out to be very cold, and we were worried about our liana. But our worries turned out to be in vain: even the young growth of the vine did not suffer from severe frosts(-34C).

Ha photo: two-year-old wisteria; wisteria inflorescence; wisteria fruit

And on the third summer, our overgrown wisteria already had 46 full-fledged inflorescences!
Moreover, which also surprised me a lot - after flowering, seeds began to set on the wisteria liana!
By autumn, the wisteria seeds are fully ripe. I collected ripe beans with seeds.

Fruiting wisteria macrostachia and sowing seeds

I sowed one third of the wisteria seeds in a box immediately after harvest and left it in the garden to pass naturally.

The remaining wisteria seeds I kept cool until spring (+ 10C). In early March, I sowed them in light soil. She kept crops of wisteria warm, at a temperature of + 25C.
My experience has shown that macrostachia wisteria seeds begin to germinate
already on the fifth day. The germination of these seeds was almost one hundred percent.

Ha photo: shoots of wisteria; wisteria seedlings

In the spring garden I saw that the past cold stratification wisteria macrostachia seeds also sprouted. However, their germination rate was no more than 60 percent.

And in the spring of last year (2011), I discovered self-sowing in our wisteria. Shoots appeared from the seeds that fell in April from the few beans that I left to winter on the vine. This fact is the most important proof of the successful adaptation of wisteria macrostachia. After that, we can say with full confidence that our flowering and fruiting plant is fully adapted to local climatic conditions.

Study of the preservation of varietal traits in wisteria seedlings

It is too early to talk about prospects now (or vice versa) seed propagation wisteria macrostachia cultivar "Blue Moon".
Regarding this wisteria, no one can unequivocally state how high the percentage of failure of varietal characteristics is in plants grown from seeds.
This will show the flowering of my wisteria seedlings (and if they will bloom at all ...). At the professional level, such studies have not yet been conducted.

I planted some of my last year's wisteria seedlings in open ground, and left them there in the very first winter.
In the spring of this year (2012), it will already be possible to draw at least some conclusions about the winter hardiness of seedlings of wisteria macrostachia; but, alas, not their flowering.

Only vegetatively propagated wisteria planting material gives complete confidence in the preservation of all varietal characteristics of the plant.

Pruning and vegetative propagation of wisteria

I have not yet been involved in the formation of our wisteria as such. The recommendations found on the Internet for pruning wisteria turned out to be very contradictory. Therefore, I have never cut our vine yet, and it grows "in free flight". I think with strength
its growth will be difficult to give wisteria a strict shape ...

Last summer I planted another specimen of winter-hardy wisteria in the garden - especially for shaping experiments, and I will start doing this this year.

One young wisteria has been growing in my 5-liter pot for two
years - I will try from it, but it's still to come ...

Regarding the vegetative propagation of wisteria (cuttings and layering), I can say that there are no difficulties in this matter.
In order to obtain cuttings, I cut off some shoots of wisteria. At the same time, I choose shoots for propagation without any rules, purely intuitively: I liked the whip, I cut it off from the mother plant and cut it into cuttings.

Flowering 4-year-old creeper wisteria macrostachia

Over the three years of the life of our wisteria macrostachia "Blue Moon", the development and flowering of which I described in detail earlier, the number of its inflorescences could still be counted.
But already the fourth growing season of wisteria has surpassed all my expectations in terms of the abundance of its flowering - it has become unrealistic to count the numerous inflorescences!

According to the declared characteristics, the macrostachia "Blue Moon" wisteria should have three flowering waves during the summer. I have not yet observed this in our four-year-old liana.
Her abundant flowering lasts over a month.
Falling into the bright sun, wisteria inflorescences bloom first. A little later, those inflorescences that are shaded by the openwork leaves of the liana bloom.

In the photo: abundant flowering of Blue Moon wisteria

In the conditions of our garden, the first wave of wisteria flowering comes at the end
May-early June. Believe me, this is a wonderful sight, worthy of admiration!
The lilac-blue flowers of 'Blue Moon' macrostachia wisteria have an amazing smell, and its falling inflorescences resemble huge bunches of grapes.
The support along which we let the vine in the first years of its life is not far from the window. The charming aroma of beautiful wisteria flowers penetrates the room.

"... and the house is bewitched
Aerial branch of blue wisteria ... "
Anna Akhmatova

Prospects for growing wisteria macrostachia in the middle lane

Four years of observations of our wisteria liana, of course, do not yet give grounds to draw categorical conclusions about various aspects of its cultivation in the middle lane. It remains to be seen: where on the territory of our country are the northernmost borders that allow you to successfully grow wisteria macrostachia "Blue Moon". Even the microclimate of a particular site will play a role here, not to mention districts and regions.

But taking into account the fact that in the recent harsh winter (2009-2010) my young wisteria suffered frosts of -34C, and after such an extreme wintering it bloomed, I can afford to express my opinion.
I have no doubt that this variety of wisteria has a great future in central Russia. I think that wisteria macrostachia "Blue Moon" today is unlikely to have
worthy competitors in terms of vertical gardening. After all, the growth of this beautifully flowering vine over the summer is 4-5 meters!

The success of wisteria flowering does not depend on the winter cold, but on the sum of the summer positive temperatures. It is important to find a suitable location for this vine in the garden.
On the favorable place the strength of the growth of wisteria and the abundance of its flowering will be many times greater - precisely because of the successful planting of the seedling. Our wisteria grows around brick wall house (on the south side), which gives it extra warmth in summer - what this creeper needs. With a protracted spring, wisteria unfolds leaves relatively late and opens buds.

In the conditions of our garden, the "Blue Moon" wisteria in just four years created a chic green wall and a "ceiling" in the corner on a support. family vacation(see title photo).

Now we no longer have the question of building or acquiring. Indeed, even in the hottest time, the abundant foliage of wisteria gives such a dense shadow that summer heat is not felt under it.
Liana retains her green outfit all autumn, until the snow falls.

Macrostachia wisteria shoots will easily wrap themselves around any support that is provided - be it an arch, pergola or any type of trellis. The main thing is that the supporting structure is strong enough to support the weight of this large vine. You can plant wisteria along a strong fence, on the south side.
Growing in the garden wisteria macrostachia "Blue Moon" for many years will delight you with its unforgettable flowering and aroma.

Olga Vladimirovna Milyaeva (Voronezh)

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