Nectarine from the stone will bear fruit. Nectarine in your garden

  • 12.06.2019

Nectarine is a luxurious fragrant tree that pleases with proper care delicious fruits. Speaking about the choice of suitable planting material for its cultivation, it should be noted that simplest way- purchase an already grown seedling in a specialized store or from generous gardeners you know. And then after 3-4 years you will be able to get the first fruits. But if you are attracted by the opportunity to grow a tree from a stone practically “from scratch”, at home in a pot, your attention is given to the features of this process below (photos and instructions are attached).

Selecting the right seed and preparing it for planting

Peach and nectarine trees are very similar to each other both in appearance and in taste / nutritional characteristics of the fruit. Nectarine is a fairly large tree that can reach a height of 5-7 m.

The fruits are formed on a tree that has reached the age of two. Not yet ripe, they are greenish-yellow in color, they can reach 4-5 cm in diameter. Fully ripened sweet juicy fruits can only be obtained if there is enough sun and heat. It is worth noting that nectarine is a tree that is quite resistant to the effects of cold: it can withstand sub-zero temperatures (up to -20 degrees). But when too severe frost the buds of the trees will be damaged.

For planting, take the bone of a ripe fruit

If you decide to grow a nectarine at home using a stone, it is important to choose the right one. planting material. So, the first step is to choose ripe and healthy nectarine fruits (it is better if they are fruits plucked directly from the tree). Carefully separate the bones from the pulp and check them for any defects. Then leave the bones to dry (it will take only a few hours).

Soak dried nectarine seeds in purified water for several days (5-6 days). It is desirable to update the water periodically. After that, be sure to stratify the bones (this will allow them to accelerate their germination).

Prepare containers for wintering planting material: make small holes in them that will act as drainage. Fill them with the mixture sawdust and river sand. Place the bones in containers. Lower the seed boxes into the ground so that their top edge is flush with the ground. Be sure to cover the boxes with straw and sawdust.

With the onset of spring, remove the boxes from the ground and leave them to germinate in the sun. Keep in mind that seed germination is very low (about 25%), so you need to harvest them in in large numbers. First, the root will appear on the plant, then the leaves. Sprouts must be watered carefully. If desired and possible, you can feed them. When they are strong enough, you can land on a permanent place.

Nectarine sprout

Technology of planting nectarine in the ground

Since the root system of the nectarine is powerful and develops rapidly, it is better to choose a deep permanent container: it can be a large pot or tub. soil for growing young plant should be chosen very carefully: it should be light, permeable and nutritious. Best Option considered a mixture consisting of soddy land, peat, sand and leaf humus.

Advice. For growing nectarine from the stone, it is best to choose the fruits of late-ripening trees grown in an area close to you: in this way, you are guaranteed to get a higher seed germination, and the quality of the variety will be preserved almost completely.

In order for the growing season of the plant to pass faster, it is important to correctly plant the seedling in a permanent place. To do this, a small hole is dug in a container with prepared soil, a seed is placed there and covered with soil. Then you need to water the plant.

The subtleties of plant care

In general, nectarine care measures are almost identical to those used for peach cultivation. Among them are the following:

  • Watering. Watering the plant should be frequent and plentiful, but during the dormant period (in winter) it is better to forget about watering: it is enough to periodically moisten the plant with an earthen lump.
  • Lighting and temperature regime. Nectarine loves sunlight very much, so it is better to expose the plant in places well lit by the sun. From the end of winter, the plant should be in a cool, bright room (with an air temperature of about +16 degrees). At the end of the flowering and fruiting period, the nectarine can be removed in a cold room, where it will be at rest.

Choose a Sunny Place for the Nectarine

  • Disease control. Although nectarine is a real “delicacy” for pests, when grown at home, it very rarely gets sick. Nevertheless, the development of nectarine throughout life should be carefully monitored in order to timely eliminate diseases and pests.
  • Top dressing. Nectarine definitely needs feeding. Fertilizers should be applied no more than 3-4 times a month. You can use both organic and ready-made mineral complexes. During the dormant period, the nectarine does not need top dressing.
  • Pruning. When growing nectarine at home, it is necessary to periodically prune the plant to avoid the rapid growth of its branches. First of all, vigorous shoots are cut off.

Advice. Nectarine loves it Fresh air, so the room where the plant "lives" must be carefully and regularly ventilated, but not supercool the air.

Here are all the subtleties that you need to know for effective cultivation nectarine at home from the stone in a pot / tub. Good luck!

Growing nectarine at home: video

Thanks to the hard work of some experimenters, new methods for growing exotic plants are gaining popularity. It turns out that a fascinating activity is being mastered in full swing in our country - how to grow a nectarine from a stone? Why did they decide to use this particular fruit for such purposes? Unlike peaches, it is more hardy. In addition, nectarine has an incredible taste and exotic aroma. The article provides information on this topic.

Right choice

Gardeners know that a key role in obtaining a future harvest is played by right choice plant varieties. To get drunk own experience in how to grow a nectarine from a stone at home, the first thing to do is to look after the tree you like. To work was not in vain, you need to observe all the subtleties preparatory stages before planting the nectarine. Firstly, the variety must be resistant to external factors and yield. Secondly, it is important that the taste of the fruit matches personal preferences.

Quality planting material

Growing a nectarine from a stone at home is not a difficult task. The main thing is to take care of quality. To do this, you should carry out several of the following actions:

  1. Fruits from which it is supposed to pull out the bones are best removed from the tree so that they do not show signs of decay and disease. Such fruits should be soft and fairly ripe. External is also important. The most beautiful and largest should be selected.
  2. For separated bones, the soaking process is mandatory. They are immersed in a container of water for several days, in which the water is changed daily.
  3. The bones are laid out on a cloth and dried in a well-ventilated place, but protected from the sun.
  4. Remove the seeds from the bone shell carefully so as not to damage them in any way. Before this, the bone is placed in a vertical position and hit with a hammer.

When the planting material is ready, the gardener needs to decide - how to grow a nectarine from a seed? There are two options: seeds can be planted immediately or left until spring.

autumn planting

If planned for open ground, then the bones do not need to be soaked. Landing is carried out from October to November. Experienced amateur gardeners give recommendations on how to grow a nectarine from a stone using the autumn planting method:

  1. There should be more seeds for planting than expected seedlings. Even if all of them germinate, most likely, you will have to cull the trees.
  2. A few days before planting, they dig a shallow trench (5 cm) and fill it with water.
  3. If the soil is not fertile, peat and good soil are laid in the recess.
  4. Nectarine seeds are laid out at a distance of 30 cm, sprinkled with earth and watered.
  5. Before frosts, a place with nectarines is well covered with sawdust or straw.

Seeds aged in the ground during the cold season receive a certain hardening. In this case, future trees will delight the owner with resistance to various weather conditions. This location guarantees the safety and protection of the seeds from rodents, as well as from various external factors. But then the question arises of whether it is possible to grow a nectarine from a stone in the spring. Further advice is given on the proper storage of planting material.

How to save seeds?

After drying, the seeds can be put in cardboard box and store in a dry place until mid-winter.

In order for spring shoots to be friendly, one cannot do without stratification. For seeds, a moist environment is created for future germination. For this purpose, a mixture of sand and sawdust is prepared, which is wetted with water. It should be three times more than seeds. The contents are poured into a plastic bag and placed in a cool place.

Closer to spring, the seeds burst and sprout, after which they should be planted in a certain place.

Outdoor care

In early spring, you need to remove part of the covering material. This will protect the germinating seeds from the cold, but at the same time protect them from drying out.

As soon as the first small shoots appear, watering is carried out daily.

When the seedlings grow up and take root, they should be fed with humus.

Young nectarines are too vulnerable to diseases. timely preventive measures protect trees from unwanted damage. They are treated with drugs such as Thiovit and Ridomil.

Growing in a pot

You can grow nectarine from the seed and indoors, followed by transplanting into the ground. If it is carried out in the spring, stratified seeds are used for this purpose. In autumn, you can plant pre-soaked seeds.

How to grow a nectarine from a stone in a pot? The seed is deepened by 8 cm, moisten the ground and cover with a film.

It is necessary to carry out daily airing, slightly moving the edge of the film. Mold must not be allowed to form.

The pot (tub) should be selected with the presence of lower holes for draining excess moisture. It should be deep, as the peach family tends to take long roots.

The room in which there is a pot of nectarine should be bright and well ventilated. With a short light day, it makes sense to use artificial lighting.

When the young seedling grows up and gets stronger, it can be taken out into the street.

It is best to start the process of growing nectarine seedlings in a pot during the summer. In autumn, a young overgrown tree is either brought into the room or transplanted into the garden.

Transplanting a finished seedling into a tub

The summer months are considered favorable not only for the germination of seeds in a pot. There is a possibility that brings closer the time that the gardener is looking forward to seeing. Namely, the end result.

How to grow a tree from a nectarine seed? To speed up this process, you can plant a rather grown seedling in a pot. It is better if it is a seedling from a winter batch of seeds that has been hardened.

In order for a young tree to quickly gain momentum, you need to use the soil purchased in specialized stores.

The nectarine tub should be placed in a well-lit area.

Pots with a plant can be on winter time put in the cellar, and closer to spring move to the greenhouse. Being in the basement, already at the end of February, nectarine branches throw out buds.

Some gardeners plant a young tree from a tub into the garden. During the fall, it will have time to acclimatize and the next season it will become more branched and tall.

Seeds in boxes

This method consists in the natural stratification of seeds, which is produced in late autumn.

The landing place will be boxes with the presence of drainage holes. They should be filled with river sand and sawdust.

Prepared containers are completely dug into the ground and seeds are sown in them. Top covered with any covering material.

In the spring, the boxes are pulled out of the ground and placed in a sunny place.

Immediately after germination, future seedlings already need watering and fertilizers.

Nectarines are responsive to stable feeding. If they are carried out at intervals of 10 days, this will positively affect the growth and future fruiting of the plant. It is necessary to alternate mineral fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

It is important to remember that nectarine is a southern plant and in no case should it be deprived of such conditions. Heat and light must accompany him throughout the entire period of his development.

Nectarine loves sandy and loamy soil. Although its cultivation involves the application of fertilizers, it is better to prepare fertile soil right away. Plant organic matter and peat are introduced into heavy soil.

You should know that the first fruits of an exotic tree grown from a seed will not have full-fledged qualities. Only after 2-3 years the plant will begin to bear fruit well.

Peaches should not be planted near nectarine trees. Such a neighborhood will contribute to plant diseases. This family is susceptible to fungal infections.

It is undesirable for fallen fruits and other plant waste to remain under the trees for a long time. This may attract various pests.

Late-ripening varieties are better suited for seed selection.


As can be seen from the information presented above, for many gardeners the question of how to grow nectarine from the stone has already been exhausted. Undoubtedly, it is much easier to buy plant seedlings. But why not try to grow a nectarine garden with your own hands?! To everything we can add that the fruits in question are not allergenic and have transportable qualities.

Among gardeners, the question of how to grow a nectarine from a seed is very common, since this is not only an opportunity to grow a beautiful tree with delicious fruits, but also an exciting activity.

Nectarines are not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy fruits. Their name suggests that the fruits are similar to nectar. In fact, nectarine contains a lot of sugars and useful elements. It is enough to eat even a small amount of these useful fruits every day to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

Nectarines are very similar to peaches. The tree of this plant is not too tall, although in some cases it can reach 7 m in height. With the appearance of the first leaves on the nectarine, pinkish flowers begin to form. It all looks just magical, so the tree begins to delight the gardener even before the fruit appears.

The nectarines themselves are small. They are yellowish or reddish, and can be about 4-5 cm in diameter in size. The tree loves warmth very much, so the southern countries are its natural habitat. In Russia, nectarines are grown in the south. As for the cold weather, the plant tolerates them until certain temperature. If the values ​​​​are below -22 degrees, the kidneys will not develop, as they will be damaged. Therefore, planting nectarines where it is very cold is not worth it.

How to choose a variety for growing nectarines

Most often, these plants try to plant seedlings. This is the most suitable option, which guarantees rapid growth and good fruiting. However, some gardeners still decide to grow nectarines from scratch. It's about bone growth. This is a very long way of plant propagation, but quite interesting. If you approach this issue correctly, you can get a beautiful tree in just a few years.

For planting, it is better to choose those varieties of nectarine that are adapted to a particular climate.

But in order for a nectarine to be really good, you need to choose the right variety. Otherwise, you can get an empty tree that will not bear fruit. Experts do not recommend using those seeds for germination, the fruits of which were purchased in the store. If it turns out that the plant came from Turkey, China or Italy, there is no guarantee that the nectarine will take root in Russia. With acclimatization in this case it will be very difficult.

Advice. The best varieties for Russian soil are those that grow directly in the Russian Federation. At the same time, they must withstand the vagaries of the weather well and be frost-resistant. Among the varieties of nectarine, these are not easy to find, but still they exist. In any case, only those trees that are in the south will be able to winter without additional shelter.

These fruits are often called hairless peaches. Among the most suitable for cultivation in Russia are the varieties Krymchanin, Crimson Gold, Kolonovidny and Nikitsky 85. These trees grow well in the south of the country. The fruits are very good, sweet and large. The seeds of these plants make it possible to obtain the most suitable nectarine sprouts.

Choosing the right bone

For planting, it is better to take seeds from nectarines grown in Russia.

In order for the seed to sprout, it is necessary to choose the right initial material. Nectarine seeds germinate very poorly, so you need to immediately prepare a few, which will increase the likelihood of getting sprouts and seedlings in the future.

When choosing a bone, it is necessary to pay attention to the variety of the fruit. It is important that it be a nectarine that was “born” in Russia. Otherwise, it will be too difficult for the plant to adapt and it will not survive even if it germinates. Moreover, domestic fruits are less likely to be chemically processed, after which it will not work to grow a tree from a stone. Experts note that the closer the location of the tree, the higher the likelihood that its bones will sprout. Therefore, it is best to choose fruits grown by neighbors, if possible.

As for the nectarine itself, it should be smooth, beautiful and not have signs of disease. The fruit must be fully ripe, and preferably overripe. This will increase the likelihood of germination.

Preparing the bone for growing nectarine

Growing a whole tree from one small seed is not an easy task. Moreover, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time. Nectarines are rather capricious and difficult to propagate through the seeds. Only a quarter of all planting material will give really good results. Therefore, several bones should be prepared at once.

Preparatory work includes complete cleaning seeds from pulp. Next, the bones should be soaked. Soaking should last about 10 days. You can add a growth stimulant to the water. It can be a special fertilizer for quick germination of seeds.

Nectarine pits are extracted from the pulp, washed and soaked for 10 days.

It should be remembered that the nectarine core germinates only after wintering. Therefore, the bones that were obtained in summer or autumn will need to be buried in the garden or put in the refrigerator.

Technology and methods of planting nectarine at home

Nectarines are not particularly demanding on the soil. For them, temperature is more important. But you need to plant the bones in loose and high-quality soil. This will increase the likelihood of their germination. It is necessary to plant seeds to a depth of about 8 cm. In this case, it is imperative to observe the temperature regime. Depending on this, the landing method will differ.

A quick method is possible if the seedling pots have been in the garden all this time. In this case, you can simply transplant them from the container into the soil. In case the pits have sprouted indoors, it will warm way landing. Here it is necessary to carefully plant the plants in a new place, and then insulate everything so that the nectarines gradually get used to the new temperature.

The first nectarine sprouts can appear only 3-4 months after planting the seed.

cold way also provides for very accurate planting of seedlings. If before that the germinated bones were in the cellar or refrigerator, they should be carefully transplanted to a new place. It is desirable for the first time to create the temperature to which the plants are already accustomed. For this you should do greenhouse conditions. You can leave the seedlings in pots for a while to adapt. But do not put nectarines after the refrigerator immediately in heat. This will kill the tender sprouts.

In general, work on the germination of plants of this type involves not only compliance with all the rules, but also great patience. Nectarine seeds germinate very hard. The plant can sit for a long time without signs of life, and only after 3-4 months give the first sprout.

If the gardener can’t grow nectarine at home in the usual way, you can use one trick. The bone should be soaked for a couple of weeks in water with a growth accelerator. Then the shell is slightly pierced and opens.

Next, you need to soak the nectarine again for a couple of days. After that, you can plant the seeds in pots with soil to a depth of about 3 cm. It is better to keep them in a cool place, covered cling film before the appearance of the first shoots. Then the polyethylene is removed.

Necessary conditions for growing

In just one season, a tree with a height of about 1 m can turn out from a nectarine sprout. It will be too crowded on the windowsill, so you need to replant the plant in time. In addition, it is important to provide him with proper care.

In order for the nectarine to grow quickly and not get sick, you need to create for it comfortable conditions. It must first of all be the right place to land. Nectarine will be comfortable in the sun, where there is a lot of heat and light.

In just one season, a nectarine sprout can grow up to 1 meter.

Do not forget that this plant loves water very much. Therefore, it must be watered in a timely manner. In order to receive good harvest, fertilizing should be applied. It can be special purchased fertilizers or natural resources.

Like peaches, nectarines need to be trimmed periodically. But this should be done correctly, carefully following the recommendations of experts regarding a particular variety. Pruning of columnar nectarines is not required, as they take on a certain shape on their own.

It must be borne in mind that top dressing for the plant must be applied correctly and in a timely manner. Nectarine loves fertilizer, but in winter they do not need to be applied. This is the period when the plant needs rest. Otherwise, the nectarine will not be able to gain strength to form big harvest. Top dressing should be applied with the advent of heat. These should be fertilizers with a large number of various trace elements, for example, Agricol. Particular attention should be paid to fertilizing with copper.

Fertilizers for nectarine grown from seed

Nectarines need regular fertilizing.

This plant is very fond of complex top dressing. They can be purchased at any specialized store or made independently. It must be remembered that fertilizer can be applied to the soil not earlier than spring and only from the second year of nectarine growth.

For accelerated growth, protection from diseases and the formation of a good harvest, you can use homemade fertilizer. This includes 5 g of soda ash, 1 g boric acid, 2 g blue vitriol, a drop of iodine and a little manganese. All this is diluted in 1 liter of water, and then used to spray nectarine. You can use this mixture twice a day until autumn. Further, top dressing should be stopped, as the plant will begin to prepare for winter and it needs rest.

Diseases, pests and possible difficulties in growing

In the first year of life, care for nectarines should be especially careful. The plant must be protected from frost. To do this, use any insulation that is used to tie the trunk and branches. If this is not done, the nectarine may die in the first year.

Next, you should properly treat the plant from diseases. Therapy should be aimed at combating scab, moniliosis, fruit rot, leaf curl and cluster psoriasis. Nectarine has a tendency to be affected by aphids, thyroid, codling moth and spider mites.

Important. Nectarine is not only difficult to grow from a seed, but it is also not easy to get a good harvest, since the plant is quite susceptible to various diseases, so you should not ignore the rules of spraying. If everything is done according to the recommendations of specialists, the tree will not get sick, and the gardener will be able to collect a large number of fruits every year.

Dealing with these issues can be lengthy and difficult. Therefore, it is important to prevent the appearance of pests or diseases. For this, they are used special measures prevention. This includes spraying and anti-aging pruning. For preventive purposes, fungicides should be used periodically.

With the right approach, you can get a beautiful tree. The nectarine gives the first fruits in 3-4 years from the moment the first sprout appears. But here a lot depends on the conditions in which the tree is grown and caring for it.

Why does a nectarine shed its leaves late?

If everything is in order with the plant, the foliage will last a long time. Therefore, the issue of late leaf shedding should not bother the gardener. Another thing is when the nectarine foliage falls too early. It also happens that the tree becomes “naked” already at the stage of the beginning of fruit growth. Initially, leaves may fall, and then unripe fruits will be destroyed.

This is a very unpleasant situation that negates all the efforts of the gardener. And such an unpleasant incident can occur in the presence of certain diseases, primarily fungal. In order to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to spray the nectarine in a timely manner and carry out sanitary pruning. These simple preventive measures should be enough to prevent diseases that lead to premature leaf shedding.

In this video, experienced flower growers talk about how to properly grow nectarine from a seed at home.

If the foliage stays on the nectarine for a very long time, this may be due to climatic conditions. The type of plant and the size of the tree play an important role. Young nectarines will be faster without leaves.

The peach for many of us still remains exotic fruit, which can be enjoyed only by buying it in the market. But there are gardeners who have already tried to grow a peach on their own. Someone succeeded, but someone violated agricultural technology and the young peach disappeared.

If you also want to grow a peach, then you will need valuable experience in successful peach cultivation from experienced gardeners. Especially since peach can be grown even from the seed, so you don't even have to buy seedlings or do grafting. The first thing you have to do is to buy several large ripe, but not spoiled peach fruits at the point of sale.

It will be very good if these are fruits from a rooted, and not grafted, tree. We also advise you to buy peaches "by hand" from gardeners. Since, their fruits will be taken from trees that bear fruit in your area, and not brought from abroad.

A zoned peach pit is more likely to germinate and survive in your climate. So, after you have enjoyed the juicy pulp of a peach, carefully inspect the bones. Select those that do not have defects.

Secrets of growing peach from the stone

Peach pits should be planted in open ground before winter (October, November). If you do this in spring or summer, young seedlings may not have time to get stronger and freeze in winter.

The most optimal for planting are the bones of late, medium-late and medium varieties of peach. It is recommended to plant the seeds immediately after removing them from the fruit, while they are not yet dry. If this is not possible, they will have to be stratified.

To speed up germination, some gardeners recommend soaking the seeds in clean water for a couple of days. Water must be changed 2 times a day. Then the bones should be removed from the water and allowed to dry, after which, by hitting them with a hammer, remove the seed.

But doing this is not necessary at all. And now let's figure it out. Peach pit should be planted in loose, soft and well-fertilized soil. The distance to the nearest trees should be at least 3 meters, because the peach loves the sun very much.

Make several rows at a distance of 50 cm from each other, in each row, after 10 cm, lay out the bones and sprinkle the holes with earth, then mulch with grass (the thicker the layer, the better). In the spring, after germination, start watering the sprouts abundantly with water. It will not be superfluous to feed young trees with humus and spray them from pests and diseases. By the end of summer, if everything goes well, your trees will be about 1.5 meters high, and they will begin to grow side branches. If you want to transplant a tree to a new place , you need to prepare a hole for him at least 1 meter deep in the fall.

The place should be sunny and protected from the wind. Next spring, you can already transplant the young tree to a new place. After transplanting, the peach should be thoroughly watered with settled water and mulched with manure or peat.

But before that, remove all diseased and frozen branches. It is necessary to cut peach branches every spring, forming a cup-shaped crown.

When can we expect the first peach harvest?

peach grown from the pit You will see already at 3, maximum 4 years. But be prepared for the fact that you will grow a semi-wild variety of peaches, and not an exact likeness of the ones you bought. But your peach will delight you with disease resistance and abundant harvests. That's how easy it is!

Landing Features

We have already told how and when to plant a peach. Now let's figure out how to choose the optimal area and calculate the distances between the trees. So, question number 1: Where is the best place to plant peach trees? Choose the most illuminated place on the site.

The tree is southern and grows well only if it is saturated with sunlight. The more light gets on the plantings, the more juicy the fruits will be. It is desirable that cold air does not stagnate in the chosen place.

And remember about moisture, with its lack of skin on the fruit will crack. Mulch the trunk circle (if ground water located too deep) and water the plant periodically. Before planting a peach orchard, be sure to calculate the minimum distance between the trees.

It is equal to the sum of the heights of adult peach plants. Don't trust the schemes that roam the internet. They suggest the possibility of planting the maximum number of trees on the site. There is no mention of harvest.

Understand that the quantity and quality of fruits directly depends on the conditions created for the growth of plants. The more acceptable the environment (sufficiency of sun, water, proper care, etc.), the higher the fruitfulness.

Agree, it is better to collect 10 buckets of fruits from one tree than 6-7 bowls from three plants. You can find more detailed information about the distance on our website in the garden care section.

Having decided to grow this crop from a seed, you should know how to properly plant a peach seed, because the success of the work largely depends on this: good rooting, full growth, subsequent yield. For planting, it is recommended to take the seeds of ripened fruits of grafted and own-rooted trees.

Seedlings grown from the seed of the fruit of an own-rooted tree will receive 70 - 80% of the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. A peach obtained from the seed of the fruit of a grafted plant is grafted when the thickness of the trunk at the root collar is about 1 cm.

Landing can be done at different time of the year. Experienced gardeners prefer to plant the seeds of this tree before winter (in October-November), since during the cold period they will undergo natural stratification, while only the strongest of them will sprout.

When planted in spring and summer, weak, immature seedlings may not endure winter frosts. Planting peaches in the fall will be most successful if you use varieties of medium, medium-late and late ripening.

Before embedding in the ground, the bones must be dried in the shade in the fresh air. If planting will be done in a few days, the seeds should be placed in a container with warm water for several days. Water change 2 times a day.

After stratification, the seeds are dried and carefully pierced in such a way that, without damaging the seed, it can be removed from the hard shell.

How to plant a peach seed: site selection

If there is an opportunity in the garden to choose a site for planting a peach, it is recommended to place it in a sunny place, since light and heat are necessary for the ripening of fruits, the proper growth of shoots and the laying of flower buds of this crop. A peach can withstand a little shade, but it will negatively affect its fruiting.

A thermophilic fruit plant cannot be planted where stagnation of cold air occurs. During flowering, a temperature of 1 - 2 °C below 0 °C can ruin the future crop. Before planting a peach from the stone into the ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance.

Despite its whimsical growing conditions, the tree can grow well on almost any soil in the presence of good drainage. Get an insight into drainage garden plot can be done using the following observations.

If the soil is poorly dug up, strongly compacted, and puddles remain on it after rain, this indicates a high content of clay in it. In such soil, moisture is absorbed very slowly and also slowly leaves.

You can improve its condition with peat, manure or compost. Soils in which water is retained for a long time must be drained, otherwise the roots will rot after a while, and the tree itself will die.

If the soil is too loose, loose, dries quickly, this indicates an excess of sand or gravel in it, or a lack of nutrients. In this case, organic fertilizer should be applied to help retain moisture longer and enrich the soil with essential nutrients.

The ideal soil for planting peach is slightly acidic, with a pH of 6.5. In excessively acidic soil (pH below 5.8), lime is applied. This work is carried out a month before fertilization or a month after that.

When preparing the site where the tree will grow, the soil is cleared of weeds. For severe infestations, herbicides are used. Before planting, organic fertilizer is applied to improve soil structure. The amount of fertilizer depends on its condition and composition.

The prepared peach seed is immediately planted in open ground to a depth of 6 - 8 cm at a distance of at least 2 - 3 m from other trees and nearby buildings that cast a shadow. Some time after planting a peach, roots begin to form from the seed, then a stem.

In the first month after planting the seeds, the soil must be kept loose and moderately moist. During the summer, the seedling grows up to 130 cm, after which the crown begins to develop, which must be properly formed in the first year of the plant's life. In autumn, strong side branches are left, they will form the skeleton of the crown, the rest are cut "under the ring".

Planting and transplanting peach

In the second year in the spring, you can transplant the plant to a permanent place. Peach planting in the spring should be carried out as early as possible, immediately after the soil warms up.

On the day of transplanting the peach, you need to dig a hole of such depth and width that the roots of the seedling fit freely in it. At the bottom of the pit, mix rotted sod, manure, peat or compost with the soil. When placing the plant in a hole, use a pruner to remove roots that are too long.

When placing a tree, it is important to ensure that the root collar is at ground level. After placement, you can fill up the hole. First sprinkle the roots top layer soil, then the rest of the soil, constantly shaking the seedling so that the earth passes between the roots.

At the end of the planting, the soil should be crushed and the surface leveled. Cover the trunk circle with a layer of mulch using rotted manure, peat or compost. It is recommended to tie a one-year-old seedling to a stake with a plastic bundle, folding it in the form of a figure eight. Two-year-old seedlings need a stronger bond, but a spacer should be placed between the stake and the trunk to prevent damage to the bark.

Planting a peach from the stone (with video)

The first 2 - 3 years until the young plant gets stronger on winter period it must be insulated with sawdust, grass or fallen leaves. Trees growing near walls can be protected from frost by covering them with straw or burlap. middle lane In Russia, this culture often suffers from a lack of moisture, frostbite and infection with fungal diseases. To successfully grow a tree, you need to choose varieties with increased winter hardiness and carry out full-fledged peach care, which includes annual crown pruning, fertilization, spraying on dry, hot days, watering and pest control. Knowing how to plant a peach and following all recommendations in practice, after 3-4 years, the gardener will receive the first harvest of fruits. A video of planting a peach can be viewed below:

Enjoying juicy peaches, some people think: is it really possible to grow a peach tree in your own garden? Yes, it’s real, and it’s not even necessary to buy peach seedlings for this. The country of the Soviets will tell how to grow peach from seed.

Suitable for growing bones of ripe, juicy, but not spoiled fruits. It is best to take for this purpose peaches of varieties typical of your area. "Alien" varieties will either grow poorly or not take root at all.

It is also good if you can find out on which tree the fruit grew - own-rooted or grafted. Preference should be given to the first. Carefully inspect the bones selected for planting: they must be intact, without defects.

Bones are planted in open ground in October-November (before winter). If you try to grow a peach from the stone in summer or spring, the seedlings will not have time to get stronger, and may not survive the winter.

In addition, the seeds of early ripe varieties may not germinate at all; for planting, it is better to take seeds of varieties of medium, mid-season and late deadlines maturation. Seeds should be planted as quickly as possible, without allowing them to dry out., otherwise they will have to be stratified.

Sometimes, before planting, the seeds are prepared by soaking for several days in water (the water must be changed twice a day). Then the seeds are allowed to dry and pricked with a hammer to extract the seed (this must be done carefully so as not to damage the tender kernel).

However, this preparation is not mandatory. Peach pits should be planted in soft, loose, well-fertilized soil. at a distance of at least 3-4 m from adult fruit-bearing trees.

The depth of planting stones is about 5-8 cm (not deeper), in a row the distance between planting should be about 10 cm, the distance between rows should be 50 cm. It is better to plant more seeds than you want to get peach trees, because not all of them will sprout , well, if half.

After planting, you need to mulch the crops with a thick layer of grass. In the spring, when the shoots sprout, they will need. It is advisable to feed the peach with diluted humus and spray it with special preparations for the prevention of diseases. Over the summer, the peach seedling will reach a height of about one and a half meters, side branches will begin to appear on it. When the main trunk reaches a height of 70 cm, you can start practicing. However, the main pruning is performed next spring, removing diseased and frozen branches. In the future peach pruning is done annually, in spring, between the appearance of rose buds and flowering.

The crown of the tree is formed in the form of a bowl. Every year, shoots for fruiting should be left along the axes of skeletal branches of any order (the distance between shoots is 15-20 cm), the rest should be cut “on the ring” (i.e., on the entire branch). Also next spring you can transplant a peach to a permanent place.

For transplantation, it is necessary to dig a hole at least a meter deep in the fall in the sunniest and most wind-protected place on the site. After planting, water the peach with two or three buckets of settled water and mulch with peat or rotted manure.

Usually a peach begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year.. Please note that there is no guarantee that you will be able to grow an exact copy of the peach you like from the seed, most likely, a “semi-savage” will grow.

But peaches grown from the stone on own site, are usually more resistant to diseases and the vagaries of the weather, they freeze less in winter and give more abundant harvests. As you can see, it is quite possible to grow a peach from a stone, the main thing is to follow simple rules above. A little patience - and you will be able to feast on peaches grown in your own garden.

How to grow nectarine from seed at home? (1 of 2)

Everyone at least once in their life has tried some exotic or human-made fruit by crossing. An example is the nectarine. Therefore, you need to tell how to grow nectarine from a stone at home. You will need:

  • Drainage

Often, some people have the idea to grow a nectarine at home. The article will reveal several secrets of growing nectarines. Nectarine is a well-known peach, but its distinctive feature have a smooth surface.

There is a myth that nectarine is a mixture of peach and plum. But in fact, a mutation led to the appearance of this fruit. It is because of it that on a peach tree you can find both the fruits of nectarine and the peach itself.

However, having almost the same origin, they still differ in composition. Compared to peach, nectarine is richer in microelements such as organic acids, compounds of phosphorus, potassium, iron, fructose, glucose, etc. Nectarine also contains twice as much provitamin A.

How to grow nectarine from a stone at home in order to always have fruits with therapeutic and prophylactic properties on hand? After all, these fruits not only improve the digestion process (allow you to speed up the absorption of "heavy" food), but also have a positive effect on the vascular system of the human body.

Nectarine is also used to remove toxins and other toxins from the body. harmful substances. In addition, nectarine is used by cosmetologists. On the basis of this fruit, balms, creams, aromatic oils are produced.

Fruit helps keep the body in good shape. It should be noted that it is not so easy to grow a tree that would bear nectarine fruits, and in order to implement this idea, you will first need a positive attitude.

Cultivation of P E R S I C A and A B R I C O C A

First you need to purchase at a retail outlet or, if possible, pick a nectarine fruit from a tree, which should be ripe enough, fragrant and tasty. In this case, preference should be given to later varieties, since it is they who have the ability to preserve taste properties mother tree.

Before you grow a nectarine from a stone, you should get these seeds. That is, the next step is to separate the stones from the selected fruits. It should be remembered that they must also be of high quality - without cracks or other damage.

After thoroughly cleaning the bones from the pulp tissues, they should be subjected to a slight heat treatment (a couple of hours maximum) to dry them.

The next step is soaking the prepared bones, which should last from 4 to 6 days. In this case, a prerequisite is the daily change of water in the vessel. At the end of the specified period, the stratification process is carried out.

It provides for the location of the seeds in a box filled with river sand and sawdust. In the box (it can be a pot) there must be drainage holes, the presence of which allows you to adjust the amount of moisture (obtained during watering). After all, excess moisture can lead to rotting of the bones.

After the above steps are done, the container with the hidden bones should be placed in the ground. The box or pot should be level with the ground.

After watering the buried container, you need to cover this place with several layers of grass and sawdust. It should be remembered that the so-called protective cover should be at least 10 cm in height. And the fallen snow can also be used to cover this area.

As you know, snow is an excellent protector against sudden and uncontrolled freezing of the soil. How to plant seed nectarine at home in order to enjoy their taste in the future?

It should be taken into account the important circumstance that all of the above actions should be carried out at the end of autumn. The seeds planted in this way overwinter, and with the advent of spring, after they germinate, it is necessary to produce their seedlings in a permanent place.

But that is not all. The attention of the owner is important, because its further fruiting depends on the quality of care for a young seedling.

It needs fairly frequent watering and feeding, and also from time to time it is necessary to give it special treatment, as small pests can destroy a nectarine tree. Although, it is interesting to know that the peach tree is much weaker in relation to such diseases. It is recommended that selection be made only after the first harvest, because it is then that it is possible to reliably assess which seedlings should be selected.

Bone mango.

According to this, in the spring right decision will give a chance to all the trees that managed to survive in the cold season. Thus, if you take into account all the subtleties mentioned in the process of growing a nectarine tree, you can achieve good results.

Soon, the seedlings will acquire immunity, which will allow them to develop quite actively in the future. And after a few years, the nectarine tree will bear the first fruits. They will most likely be slightly smaller. regular sizes, but the taste will not differ from those bought in the store.

Thanks to the hard work of some experimenters, new methods for growing exotic plants are gaining popularity. It turns out that a fascinating activity is being mastered in full swing in our country - how to grow a nectarine from a stone? Why did they decide to use this particular fruit for such purposes? Unlike peaches, it is more hardy. In addition, nectarine has an incredible taste and exotic aroma. The article provides information on this topic.

Right choice

Gardeners know that the right choice of plant variety plays a key role in obtaining a future harvest. To gain your own experience in how to grow a nectarine from a stone at home, the first thing to do is to look after the tree you like. So that the work is not in vain, you need to observe all the subtleties of the preparatory stages before planting the nectarine. Firstly, the variety must be resistant to external factors and yield. Secondly, it is important that the taste of the fruit matches personal preferences.

Quality planting material

Growing a nectarine from a stone at home is not a difficult task. The main thing is to take care of the quality of planting material. To do this, you must perform several of the following actions:

  1. Fruits from which it is supposed to pull out the bones are best removed from the tree so that they do not show signs of decay and disease. Such fruits should be soft and fairly ripe. Also important is appearance nectarines. The most beautiful and largest should be selected.
  2. For separated bones, the soaking process is mandatory. They are immersed in a container of water for several days, in which the water is changed daily.
  3. The bones are laid out on a cloth and dried in a well-ventilated place, but protected from the sun.
  4. Remove the seeds from the bone shell carefully so as not to damage them in any way. Before this, the bone is placed in a vertical position and hit with a hammer.

When the planting material is ready, the gardener needs to decide - how to grow a nectarine from a seed? There are two options: seeds can be planted immediately or left until spring.

autumn planting

If you plan to plant nectarines in the fall in open ground, then the seeds do not need to be soaked. Landing is carried out from October to November. Experienced amateur gardeners give recommendations on how to grow a nectarine from a stone using the autumn planting method:

  1. There should be more seeds for planting than expected seedlings. Even if all of them germinate, most likely, you will have to cull the trees.
  2. A few days before planting, they dig a shallow trench (5 cm) and fill it with water.
  3. If the soil is not fertile, peat and good soil are laid in the recess.
  4. Nectarine seeds are laid out at a distance of 30 cm, sprinkled with earth and watered.
  5. Before frosts, a place with nectarines is well covered with sawdust or straw.

Seeds aged in the ground during the cold season receive a certain hardening. In this case, future trees will delight the owner with resistance to various weather conditions. This location guarantees the safety and protection of the seeds from rodents, as well as from various external factors. But then the question arises of whether it is possible to grow a nectarine from a stone in the spring. Further advice is given on the proper storage of planting material.

How to save seeds?

After drying, the seeds can be folded into a cardboard box and stored in a dry place until the middle of winter.

In order for spring shoots to be friendly, one cannot do without stratification. For seeds, a moist environment is created for future germination. For this purpose, a mixture of sand and sawdust is prepared, which is wetted with water. It should be three times more than seeds. The contents are poured into a plastic bag and placed in a cool place.

Closer to spring, the seeds burst and sprout, after which they should be planted in a certain place.

Outdoor care

In early spring, you need to remove part of the covering material. This will protect the germinating seeds from the cold, but at the same time protect them from drying out.

As soon as the first small shoots appear, watering is carried out daily.

When the seedlings grow up and take root, they should be fed with humus.

Young nectarines are too vulnerable to diseases. Timely preventive measures will protect the trees from unwanted lesions. They are treated with drugs such as Thiovit and Ridomil.

Growing in a pot

You can grow nectarine from the seed and indoors, followed by transplanting into the ground. If it is carried out in the spring, stratified seeds are used for this purpose. In autumn, you can plant pre-soaked seeds.

How to grow a nectarine from a stone in a pot? The seed is deepened by 8 cm, moisten the ground and cover with a film.

It is necessary to carry out daily airing, slightly moving the edge of the film. Mold must not be allowed to form.

The pot (tub) should be selected with the presence of lower holes for draining excess moisture. It should be deep, as the peach family tends to take long roots.

The room in which there is a pot of nectarine should be bright and well ventilated. With a short light day, it makes sense to use artificial lighting.

When the young seedling grows up and gets stronger, it can be taken out into the street.

It is best to start the process of growing nectarine seedlings in a pot during the summer. In autumn, a young overgrown tree is either brought into the room or transplanted into the garden.

Transplanting a finished seedling into a tub

The summer months are considered favorable not only for the germination of seeds in a pot. There is a possibility that brings closer the time that the gardener is looking forward to seeing. Namely, the end result.

How to grow a tree from a nectarine seed? To speed up this process, you can plant a rather grown seedling in a pot. It is better if it is a seedling from a winter batch of seeds that has been hardened.

In order for a young tree to quickly gain momentum, you need to use the soil purchased in specialized stores.

The nectarine tub should be placed in a well-lit area.

Pots with a plant can be placed in the cellar for the winter, and closer to spring they can be transferred to the greenhouse. Being in the basement, already at the end of February, nectarine branches throw out buds.

Some gardeners plant a young tree from a tub into the garden. During the fall, it will have time to acclimatize and the next season it will become more branched and tall.

Seeds in boxes

This method consists in the natural stratification of seeds, which is produced in late autumn.

The landing site will be boxes with drainage holes. They should be filled with river sand and sawdust.

Prepared containers are completely dug into the ground and seeds are sown in them. Top covered with any covering material.

In the spring, the boxes are pulled out of the ground and placed in a sunny place.

Immediately after germination, future seedlings already need watering and fertilizers.

Nectarines are responsive to stable feeding. If they are carried out at intervals of 10 days, this will positively affect the growth and future fruiting of the plant. It is necessary to alternate mineral fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

It is important to remember that nectarine is a southern plant and in no case should it be deprived of such conditions. Heat and light must accompany him throughout the entire period of his development.

Nectarine loves sandy and loamy soil. Although its cultivation involves the application of fertilizers, it is better to prepare fertile soil right away. Coarse-grained sand, vegetable organic matter and peat are introduced into heavy soil.

You should know that the first fruits of an exotic tree grown from a seed will not have full-fledged qualities. Only after 2-3 years the plant will begin to bear fruit well.

Peaches should not be planted near nectarine trees. Such a neighborhood will contribute to plant diseases. This family is susceptible to fungal infections.

It is undesirable for fallen fruits and other plant waste to remain under the trees for a long time. This may attract various pests.

Late-ripening varieties are better suited for seed selection.


As can be seen from the information presented above, for many gardeners the question of how to grow nectarine from the stone has already been exhausted. Undoubtedly, it is much easier to buy plant seedlings. But why not try to grow a nectarine garden with your own hands?! To everything we can add that the fruits in question are not allergenic and have transportable qualities.

Nectarine is a luxurious fragrant tree that, with proper care, delights with delicious fruits. Speaking about the choice of suitable planting material for its cultivation, it should be noted that the simplest way is to purchase an already grown seedling in a specialized store or from generous gardeners you know. And then after 3-4 years you will be able to get the first fruits. But if you are attracted by the opportunity to grow a tree from a stone practically “from scratch”, at home in a pot, your attention is given to the features of this process below (photos and instructions are attached).

Selecting the right seed and preparing it for planting

Peach and nectarine trees are very similar to each other both in appearance and in taste / nutritional characteristics of the fruit. Nectarine is a fairly large tree that can reach a height of 5-7 m.

The fruits are formed on a tree that has reached the age of two. Not yet ripe, they are greenish-yellow in color, they can reach 4-5 cm in diameter. Fully ripened sweet juicy fruits can only be obtained if there is enough sun and heat. It is worth noting that nectarine is a tree that is quite resistant to the effects of cold: it can withstand sub-zero temperatures (up to -20 degrees). But with too much frost, the buds of the trees will be damaged.

For planting, take the bone of a ripe fruit

If you decide to grow a nectarine at home using a seed, it is important to choose the right planting material. So, the first step is to choose ripe and healthy nectarine fruits (it is better if they are fruits plucked directly from the tree). Carefully separate the bones from the pulp and check them for any defects. Then leave the bones to dry (it will take only a few hours).

Soak dried nectarine seeds in purified water for several days (5-6 days). It is desirable to update the water periodically. After that, be sure to stratify the bones (this will allow them to accelerate their germination).

Prepare containers for wintering planting material: make small holes in them that will act as drainage. Cover them with a mixture of sawdust and river sand. Place the bones in containers. Lower the seed boxes into the ground so that their top edge is flush with the ground. Be sure to cover the boxes with straw and sawdust.

With the onset of spring, remove the boxes from the ground and leave them to germinate in the sun. Keep in mind that seed germination is very low (about 25%), so you need to harvest them in large quantities. First, the root will appear on the plant, then the leaves. Sprouts must be watered carefully. If desired and possible, you can feed them. When they are strong enough, you can land on a permanent place.

Nectarine sprout

Technology of planting nectarine in the ground

Since the root system of the nectarine is powerful and develops rapidly, it is better to choose a deep permanent container: it can be a large pot or tub. The soil for growing a young plant should be chosen very carefully: it should be light, permeable and nutritious. The best option is a mixture consisting of soddy soil, peat, sand and leaf humus.

Advice. For growing nectarine from the stone, it is best to choose the fruits of late-ripening trees grown in an area close to you: in this way, you are guaranteed to get a higher seed germination, and the quality of the variety will be preserved almost completely.

In order for the growing season of the plant to pass faster, it is important to correctly plant the seedling in a permanent place. To do this, a small hole is dug in a container with prepared soil, a seed is placed there and covered with soil. Then you need to water the plant.

The subtleties of plant care

In general, nectarine care measures are almost identical to those used for peach cultivation. Among them are the following:

  • Watering. Watering the plant should be frequent and plentiful, but during the dormant period (in winter) it is better to forget about watering: it is enough to periodically moisten the plant with an earthen lump.
  • Lighting and temperature control. Nectarine loves sunlight very much, so it is better to expose the plant in places well lit by the sun. From the end of winter, the plant should be in a cool, bright room (with an air temperature of about +16 degrees). At the end of the flowering and fruiting period, the nectarine can be removed in a cold room, where it will be at rest.

Choose a Sunny Place for the Nectarine

  • Disease control. Although nectarine is a real “delicacy” for pests, when grown at home, it very rarely gets sick. Nevertheless, the development of nectarine throughout life should be carefully monitored in order to timely eliminate diseases and pests.
  • Top dressing. Nectarine definitely needs feeding. Fertilizers should be applied no more than 3-4 times a month. You can use both organic and ready-made mineral complexes. During the dormant period, the nectarine does not need top dressing.
  • Pruning. When growing nectarine at home, it is necessary to periodically prune the plant to avoid the rapid growth of its branches. First of all, vigorous shoots are cut off.

Advice. Nectarine loves fresh air very much, so the room where the plant "lives" must be thoroughly and regularly ventilated, but not supercool the air.

That's all the subtleties that you need to know for the effective cultivation of nectarine at home from a stone in a pot / tub. Good luck!

Growing nectarine at home: video

Interesting nectarine tree. Some believe that it is a hybrid of peach and plum, others that it is the result of a mutation. The nectarine tastes more like a peach. Many are interested in whether it is possible to grow nectarine on their own from a stone just at home? Let's find out.

Which variety to choose

It should be noted right away that the bone of a store nectarine is unsuitable for growing a tree. This is due to the fact that store-bought fruits are harvested in the phase of technical maturity, that is, the stone simply does not have time to fully ripen. The best place to buy nectarines is summer time in the market where a real gardener can talk about the characteristics of the variety. A fruit ripened in your region has a better chance of favorable growth and a good yield.

Nectarine will sprout from the stone at home of absolutely any variety. However, gardeners give their preference to varieties that have characteristics such as short stature, early maturity and self-pollination. The following varieties meet these parameters: Kyiv, Mignon early, Krasnodar, Pineapple.

Selection and preparation of planting material

To grow nectarine from the stone at home with good fertility rates, you should first pay attention to the choice of planting material. Overripe fruits with no rot, mold and mildew are suitable for seed germination. clear signs pest damage. It is best to choose several materials for this process. Preparation is carried out the same for any method of cultivation. So, you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. We separate the bone from the pulp, wash it well under running water. Remains of pulp in the cracks of the stone are not allowed.
  2. Drying of planting material is carried out at room temperature.
  3. Before you start planting, you should place the bone in the water for several days, but not more than a week. In the last two days, it is recommended to add growth stimulants to the water.

Further actions depend on the choice of the method of planting the nectarine.

Landing methods

The main question of any gardener is how to germinate a bone correctly? Breeders get a sprout different ways, if we combine their experiences, we can distinguish three effective method: cold, hot, fast.

The cold method is considered certified. Prepared bones are placed in a pot with soil to a depth of 6–8 cm, after which they are sent to a cold place (cellar, refrigerator, balcony). The plant will germinate for a very long time, the most important thing is to keep the soil moist, to prevent it from drying out. The first shoots will appear in about 4 months. It is very important to calculate the moment of landing in the ground, since the tree does not tolerate strong temperature changes. It would be better to do this before the onset of the warm period.

Initially, pots with sprouts from a cold room are moved to a room with a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C, after a couple of days they can be raised to 15-20 ° C, and then completely transferred to the sun.

The hot method is a little easier than the cold one. The bones in this case are placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days, and after that you can plant them in pots. Planting material is placed in moist soil. Further germination occurs at room temperature with plenty of light. The container is covered with a glass jar or a plastic bag to create the effect of a greenhouse. Every day, the greenhouse is ventilated, if a can is used, then the condensate is wiped off the glass, and the bag is changed to a new one.

First of all, the nectarine will have roots, and after a couple of months the first leaves. At this point, you can remove the greenhouse and leave the plant alone for a few weeks.

It is very important to remember that nectarine loves moisture very much, but does not treat it well with stagnation. The bottom of the pot must have holes for air inlet and outlet. excess water. Therefore, it is recommended to lay a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.

How to grow nectarine from seed fast way- excites the most impatient gardeners. Everything is quite simple: for two weeks the bone is soaked in water, and after that it is carefully opened with a sharp knife. The nucleolus, which is inside, is delicately removed and placed again in water until it swells. Usually this process takes no more than 2 days. After that, the core is placed in a pot to a depth of 3-4 cm. For the fastest germination, again, you can create a greenhouse effect for the future plant.

Necessary conditions for growing

The room in which the nectarine grows must be ventilated daily. If there is a shortage of natural light, then artificial lighting should be used. In winter, the temperature regime is maintained at 1–4 °C. In the spring, so that the growing tree has abundant flowering, it is transferred to a room with a temperature not lower than 14 ° C. At the time of the formation of the first ovaries, the plant must be in a warm place with a temperature reading of 20–25 ° C.

For the full growth of the plant and obtaining a fruit-bearing crop, it is imperative to feed the tree. The first fertilizers are applied in March, the second - at the end of July.

Further care

First of all, caring for a nectarine planted at home involves the formation of a compact crown. Therefore, pruning is done regularly. The fruiting of the crop will depend on the correct growth of the crown and the removal of excess shoots.

It is very dangerous to oversaturate the tree with mineral fertilizers. At the moment of a slight excess of the dose, the nectarine will noticeably increase in size, unacceptable for indoor cultivation. If the complementary food will have a large dose, then there is a chance of the death of the plant.

How to plant a nectarine and not face a lot of problems? Unfortunately, this crop is not the easiest to grow. Sometimes a seedling simply refuses to take root. There are several simple rules, which will help solve the problem or find out its main causes:

  • violation of the landing time;
  • unsuitable variety;
  • weakened root system;
  • at first, the nectarine should be in a dark place with moist soil.

If you follow the basic rules, then the grown tree will delight the whole family with delicious and sweet fruits.

Video "How to grow a nectarine at home"

From this video you will learn how you can grow nectarines at home.

What could be more interesting than growing some unusual and exotic plant for our places at home. For example, nectarine. However, it is not so difficult to do this. This is not an exaggeration, it really is. But there are a number of specific subtleties.

We will tell you in detail how to do everything right so that a real nectarine tree grows from a small bone in your home.

Preparation of nectarine seeds

The first step is to find a suitable planting material. To do this, select a well-ripened nectarine fruit, and, after cutting the pulp, remove the stone. Leave it for two or three days to dry.

After that, you need to get an almond-shaped seed from it. Taking a hammer, put the bone on the edge, and gently break it. It's like breaking a nut shell.

Gently breaking the bone with a hammer, remove the nectarine seed

Take a half liter jar and fill it fertile soil. After that, shallow bury the nectarine seeds in the ground, compact a little and water. Then cover the jar with a lid and put in a cold place. It is better to put somewhere away to the back wall in the refrigerator.

The fact is that the nectarine seed requires exposure to cold in order to germinate. That's the nature of this culture. Sometimes it takes two or three months, and sometimes all four. Moreover, all this time they do not require any care, and they do not need to be watered at all.

Periodically take out the jar and see if sprouts have appeared from under the ground. As soon as you see them, then the nectarine can be planted in a different container.

Sprouted nectarine seeds in the refrigerator

Another variant

Sometimes you can find advice not to put the nectarine seed in the soil at this stage, but, wrapping it in paper, just put it in the refrigerator for four months. A simple cooling is enough for the seed to wake up and grow. After the refrigerator, it is advised to keep it for a day in water at room temperature, and then plant it in the ground.

Planting a nectarine

Select the strongest seeds with the strongest and longest sprouts. If you want to limit yourself to one plant, then leave one seed, since you will need to plant exactly one seed per pot.

The container should be taken of medium size, with a volume of about two liters. Fill it with good quality soil, and plant the germinated seed to a depth of three to four centimeters. Now the pot should be put in a warm place.

Planting a germinated nectarine seedNectarine care at home

Pretty soon, literally in two weeks, a sprout should appear.

Remember the basic conditions necessary for the successful growth of nectarine:

    this crop in the summer requires at least six hours solar lighting in a day. This means that you need to keep the plant in a well-lit room, or make up for the lack of light with the help of artificial sources. In winter, there is no such need for light, so sometimes it is even advised to take the nectarine to the cellar in a cool place.

    Nectarine is very fond of water and needs frequent watering. First of all, this applies to the summer season. However, moisture should not stagnate in the roots. Therefore, at the bottom of the containers where it will grow, it is imperative to lay drainage and make holes in them to drain excess water. In winter, watering can be done less frequently so that the ground is only slightly moist.

    give nectarines regular and frequent feedings, especially with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. This can be done once every ten days, it is good to alternate mineral supplements with organic matter. This will promote flowering and fruit formation.

    cut off the branches of the nectarine tree, forming low horizontal branches. This will create a bushy tree shape that is most advantageous for the space.

Subsequently, as the nectarine grows, it must be transplanted into larger containers. A transplant is done every year or two. As a result, you can reach a large tub with a volume of 40-50 liters. But when growing nectarine in a container, you have to accept that your tree will not be as big as if it were planted in the ground.

Nectarine tree sprout

There are dwarf varieties, which will be enough for 10-12 liters of land volume.

Nectarine is a very fast-growing crop, and in nature, a nectarine tree begins to bear fruit in the third year. It is difficult to say whether this will happen at home, since a lot depends on the variety and many favorable factors are required.

Nectarine begins to bloom in spring, even if it is still in the cellar in the cold. The plant feels the approach of the warm season, and the buds begin to swell even in the absence of heat and light.

Blooming nectarine

In summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or placed in the greenhouse. The main thing is that the temperature does not fall below zero degrees. However, nectarine tolerates short-term frosts well.

Be patient and careful, everything will work out for you and you will grow a real nectarine tree from a bone.

Nectarine tree with fruits