Decree of the Government on the application of special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Government Decree on the application of special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

  • 02.07.2020
    Appendix. List of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs, the country of origin of which is the United States of America, the countries of the European Union, Canada, Australia, the Kingdom of Norway, Ukraine, the Republic of Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of Iceland and the Principality of Liechtenstein and which are prohibited for import until December 31, 2020 to the Russian Federation

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 7, 2014 N 778
"On measures to implement the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560, of June 24, 2015 N 320, of June 29, 2016 N 305, of June 30, 2017 N 293, of July 12, 2018 . N 420 and dated June 24, 2019 N 293"

With changes and additions from:

August 20, 2014, June 25, August 13, September 16, December 21, 2015, March 1, May 27, June 30, September 10, October 22, 2016, May 20, July 4, October 25, 2017 , July 12, November 26, 2018, June 25, October 7, December 27, 2019

In pursuance of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560 "On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation", of June 24, 2015 N 320 of June 29, 2016 N 305 "On the extension of the validity of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation", dated June 30, 2017 N 293 "On the extension of the validity of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation", dated July 12, 2018 N 420 "On the extension of the validity of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation" and of June 24, 2019 N 293 "On the extension of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. By December 31, 2020, introduce a ban on the import into the Russian Federation of agricultural products, raw materials and food, the country of origin of which is the United States of America, the countries of the European Union, Canada, Australia, the Kingdom of Norway, Ukraine, the Republic of Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of Iceland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, according to the list according to the appendix.

Information about changes:

The resolution was supplemented by paragraph 1.1 from January 7, 2020 - Decree of the Government of Russia of December 27, 2019 N 1877

1.1. The prohibition specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution does not apply to imported agricultural products, raw materials and food during their transit international road transport and transit international rail transportation through the territory of the Russian Federation to third countries in compliance with the conditions established by paragraph 1.1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560 "On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation."

3. Ministry Agriculture of the Russian Federation, together with the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to ensure the balance of commodity markets and the prevention of an acceleration in the growth of prices for agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs.

4. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, together with the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organize the implementation of daily operational monitoring and control over the state of the relevant markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

5. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, together with interested federal executive authorities and with the participation of associations of producers of agricultural products, raw materials and food, develop and implement a set of measures aimed at increasing the supply of agricultural products, raw materials and food in order to prevent price increases.

6. To the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry economic development The Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, with the participation of associations of retail chains and trade organizations, ensure coordination of activities in order to curb price increases.

For a period of 1 year, a ban is introduced on the import into Russia of certain agricultural products, raw materials and food.

We are talking about goods originating from the USA, EU countries, Canada, Australia, Norway.

The ban includes, in particular, cattle meat, pork, fish, milk and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cheeses, cottage cheese. An exception to the list is products intended for baby food.

This move is a response to the sanctions against our country.

The decision comes into force from the day of its official publication.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 7, 2014 N 778 "On measures to implement the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560, of June 24, 2015 N 320, of June 29, 2016 N 305, of June 30 2017 N 293, July 12, 2018 N 420 and June 24, 2019 N 293 "

This resolution shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

The text of the resolution was published in "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" of August 8, 2014 N 178, in "Parliamentary Newspaper" of August 8-14, 2014 N 29, in the Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2014 N 32 Art. 4543, on the "Official Internet portal of legal information" ( August 7, 2014

This document has been modified by the following documents:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2019 N 1877

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 2019 N 1293

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2018 N 1418

The changes come into force 7 days after the day of official publication of the said resolution.

The changes come into force from the day of the official publication of the said resolution.

"About the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute"

In order to ensure necessary conditions for the development of research and development on the creation and development of safe and environmentally friendly methods of energy production based on nuclear fission and fusion reactions, as well as the effective use of a unique scientific and experimental base, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To accept the proposal of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, agreed with the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on the transformation of the state research organization - the state enterprise Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" to the federal state institution based on the right of operational management, the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute".

2. The Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation, together with the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", to carry out the necessary legal actions related to the transformation of the center, issues of succession and fixing federal property in its operational management.

3. Approve the attached charter of the federal state institution Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute".

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 1992 No. 236 "On the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute"" shall be declared invalid.

Charter of the Federal State Institution Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"

1. General Provisions

1. The Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is a scientific organization in the form of a federal state institution based on the right of operational management.

2. Name of the Center:

in Russian:

full: federal state institution Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute";

abbreviated: RNC "Kurchatov Institute";

in English:

full: Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute";

abbreviated: RRC "Kurchatov Institute".

3. The Center is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, property assigned to operational management, personal accounts with the federal treasury, a seal with its name and the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, stamps and forms necessary for carrying out activities.

4. The Center is the assignee of the state enterprise Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 1991 No. 230.

5. The Center, on its own behalf, acquires property and personal non-property rights, bears obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court and arbitration court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Location of the Center: Moscow, Academician Kurchatov Square, 1.

7. The founder of the Center is the Russian Federation. The powers of the owner of the property under the operational management of the Center are exercised by the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the manner and within the limits established by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Center is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. The Center opens personal accounts of the chief administrator of federal budget funds and the recipient of budgetary funds in the Federal Treasury in accordance with budgetary legislation after the inclusion of the Center as the most significant scientific institution in the departmental structure of federal budget expenditures.

9. The Center consists of research institutes, scientific and technical complexes and other structural divisions that are not legal entities.

2. Goals, subject of activity and functions of the Center

10. The main objectives of the Center are scientific support for sustainable technological development and modernization of priority sectors of the economy, the formation of a technological base for an innovative economy, the provision of scientific and technological breakthroughs in the implementation of priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation, the accelerated introduction of scientific developments into production , carrying out a full innovative cycle of research and development work, including the creation of industrial designs for such priority areas development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation, such as the "Nanosystems and Materials Industry" and "Energy and Energy Saving", as well as the coordination of scientific activities to implement the presidential initiative "Nanoindustry Development Strategy" and the development of principles for the construction and operation of national research centers.

11. The subject of the Center's activity is a comprehensive solution to the problems of safe and environmentally friendly energy production, primarily using nuclear fission and fusion reactions, nanotechnologies, as well as conducting scientific research and developments in the following areas:

1) development of concepts for the development and scientific and technical foundations of nuclear energy and its fuel cycle, including safety issues, fundamental, exploratory and applied research in this area, scientific support for the development of nuclear power plant projects and scientific management of the construction of nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants, research and test reactors, as well as scientific management of launches and scientific support for the operation of nuclear power plants and nuclear installations;

2) creation and development of the scientific and technical foundations of thermonuclear energy, fundamental and applied research in the field of plasma physics, development of technologies and equipment based on plasma-beam and electrophysical methods;

3) fundamental research in the field of nuclear physics, physics of elementary particles and physics of the interaction of radiation with matter;

4) fundamental and applied research in the field of solid state physics, superconductivity, membrane technologies, radiation materials science, technology of nuclear and new materials, behavior of substances under extreme conditions;

5) fundamental and applied research and development in the field of molecular physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, chemical physics, plasma physics and chemistry, continuum physics, security of new technologies, informatics and electronics;

6) research and development of environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy technologies, including nuclear-hydrogen energy;

7) development and scientific support for the introduction of new technologies for the separation and production of isotopes and methods of nuclear medicine, new medical devices;

8) research and development in the field of microelectronic technologies and information systems;

9) exploratory and applied research on the development and implementation of systems for accounting, control and physical protection of nuclear materials;

10) carrying out work on special topics and creating special equipment;

11) research work in the field of defense technology conversion, scientific support for the implementation of research results in various sectors of the country's economy, including the development of the Arctic shelf;

12) development of risk analysis methods and use of the obtained results when making decisions on the development and safety of nuclear power and other potentially dangerous technologies;

13) conducting a comprehensive examination of major scientific and technical projects and proposals for the formation of the state scientific and technical policy in the above and related fields of science and technology;

14) conducting scientific research and development in the main areas of fundamental and applied scientific research of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute", carried out in the priority areas specified in the paragraph of this Charter.

1) organizes and conducts research, development and design and technological work in the areas specified in paragraph of this Charter;

2) organize activities for the protection of state secrets, accounting, control and handling of special products and special information;

3) carries out construction, reconstruction, repair, development and technical re-equipment of the experimental bench, information and computing base, pilot production, engineering and energy technology infrastructure facilities of the Center, performing the functions of an energy supply operating organization, customer-builder, general designer and general contractor, coordinates and approves internal construction title lists and title lists of construction projects for allocated budget assignments;

4) participate in the prescribed manner in the design, construction, placement, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear and thermonuclear installations, radiation sources, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel, radioactive waste storage facilities;

5) ensures, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear safety, the handling of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste during their production, use, processing, transportation and storage;

6) participate in the design and manufacture of equipment for nuclear and thermonuclear installations, radiation sources, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste storage facilities;

7) participates in the established manner in the examination of design, engineering, technological documentation and documents justifying the provision of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear and thermonuclear installations, radiation sources, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel, storage facilities for radioactive waste, as well as activities using nuclear materials, radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste;

8) carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, the use of nuclear materials and radioactive substances in the course of scientific research and development work, including for the purpose of ensuring the defense and security of the state, produce stable and radioactive isotopes, medical products and medical equipment in accordance with the established procedure. activities in accordance with this charter, provides their supply and maintenance;

9) provides safe operation nuclear and thermonuclear installations, radiation sources and storage facilities for nuclear materials, radioactive substances, spent nuclear fuel, radioactive waste storage facilities, which are on the balance sheet of the Center;

10) performs the functions of an operating organization in relation to nuclear facilities created and located in the structure of the Center and used in its activities;

11) carries out the production and supply of acetylene and other technical gases;

12) carries out transportation of radioactive and other substances, products and isotopes in accordance with the established procedure;

13) carries out work on certification, verification and repair of instruments and measuring instruments;

14) develops with the use of special technologies and creates waste disposal facilities;

15) performs work on the design and development of low-voltage communication and information transmission systems, the creation and operation of computer and telephone networks, including using hardware, software and cryptographic methods of protection;

16) provides training of highly qualified scientific personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies, conducts internships for employees of other organizations on the basis of the Center, organizes internships and advanced training for employees of the Center;

17) participates in scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, schools and other events for the exchange of scientific information, results and work experience, and also organizes such events;

18) organize and carry out international scientific, technical and economic cooperation in accordance with the established procedure;

19) publishes, in accordance with the established procedure, scientific, informational and other materials of the Center;

20) promotes the accelerated introduction of scientific developments into production, the implementation of a full innovative cycle of research and development work, including the creation of business companies in order to practical application(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity;

21) develops, designs and supplies prototypes and components of equipment, including special-purpose ones.

13. The Center has the right to carry out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the areas specified in paragraph of this Charter, in addition to the thematic plans for scientific research approved in the prescribed manner, the following types of income-generating activities:

1) organization and conduct of research, development and design and technological work;

2) organization and implementation of transportation of nuclear materials, radioactive and other substances, products and isotopes;

3) production and sale of radioactive and stable isotopes and prototypes of new equipment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) production and sale chemicals and materials, including nanomaterials;

5) performance of analytical, applied and technological works, creation of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, as well as the realization of rights to them;

6) provision of consulting, engineering, information and marketing services in the established field of activity;

7) provision of services for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities;

8) performance of work on certification, verification and repair of instruments and measuring instruments;

9) conducting a comprehensive examination of major scientific and technical projects;

10) conducting an examination of design, design documentation and documents justifying the provision of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants (blocks of nuclear power plants);

11) development of projects for the creation of production facilities for waste disposal;

12) organization and performance of work on the design and development of low-voltage communication and information transmission systems, the creation and operation of computer and telephone networks, including using hardware, software and cryptographic methods of protection;

13) organization of scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars and other events for the exchange of scientific information and work experience;

14) development, design, operation of means and methods for ensuring security, physical protection of objects and information protection;

15) conducting an examination of the design of construction projects;

16) provision of services in the field of education in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education;

17) implementation of activities in the field of technical testing, research, certification and examination;

18) provision of environmental monitoring services in terms of environmental and radioactive contamination;

19) transmission and distribution of electrical energy, heat, steam, water and gas, Maintenance and repair of electrical, thermal and gas networks;

20) design and construction of nuclear power plants (blocks of nuclear power plants), equipment for nuclear power plants, stationary facilities and structures intended for the storage of radioactive substances, structures and complexes with nuclear reactors, critical nuclear test benches, nuclear installations of ships, other civilian floating craft and space devices;

21) manufacture of equipment for monitoring, control and diagnostic systems of the state of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities;

22) design and construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility, engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility;

23) application of methods of physical and chemical ecology in the field of environmental protection;

24) production, storage and distribution of medicines;

25) production, sale and maintenance of medical equipment;

26) expert and analytical work on the problems of ensuring safety in medicine and the social sphere;

27) work with precious metals and processing of precious stones, including in the production of technical products;

28) operation of explosive production facilities;

29) freight transportation by road and repair of automotive equipment;

30) implementation of international and foreign economic activities related to the provision of scientific activities of the Center.

14. In order to create favorable conditions for the effective work of its employees by improving working conditions, living conditions and recreation for employees and their families, the Center develops the social sphere.

15. The Center carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, measures for civil defense and mobilization training.

3. Property and sources of financing of the Center

16. The property of the Center is in federal ownership, is assigned to the Center on the basis of the right of operational management and is reflected in its independent balance sheet.

17. Property acquired at the expense of funds received from the implementation of permitted types of income-generating activities is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and is placed at the independent disposal of the Center.

Information about such property shall be submitted by the Center to the federal executive body in charge of maintaining the register of federal property in accordance with the established procedure.

18. Sources of financing and formation of the property of the Center are:

1) federal budget funds, including public investment. Financing of the Center at the expense of the federal budget is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) funds received from the implementation of income-generating activities;

3) voluntary contributions (donations) of legal entities and individuals;

4) property assigned to the Center on the right of operational management;

5) funds from other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. The Center exercises the rights of possession, use and disposal in relation to the property assigned to it within the limits established by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the objectives of its activities and the purpose of the property.

The Center is not entitled to make transactions, the possible consequences of which are the alienation or encumbrance of property assigned to the Center, or property acquired at the expense of funds allocated to the Center from the federal budget or the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund.

20. Legal protection and use of the results of intellectual activity created in the process of implementation by the Center for Scientific and Technical Activities are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property.

4. Rights and obligations of the Center

21. In order to fulfill its statutory goals, the Center, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to:

1) create branches and representative offices;

2) approve regulations on branches, representative offices, appoint their heads, make decisions on their reorganization and liquidation;

3) create non-profit organizations;

4) conclude all types of contracts with legal entities and individuals that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the goals and subject of the Center's activities;

5) take part in the formation of the state scientific and technical policy in the areas of their activities;

6) to carry out, within its competence, international scientific and technical cooperation;

7) ensure the development of social facilities;

8) establish, within the limits of funds received from the federal budget, salaries for the employees of the Center, determine, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the types and amounts of allowances, additional payments and other payments for the purpose of their material incentives;

9) submit requests to the relevant state bodies and foreign missions regarding the issuance of visas and registration of travel abroad of the Center's employees, arrival in the Russian Federation at the invitation of the Center of foreign specialists;

10) establish additional vacations, shorter working hours and other social benefits for the employees of the Center in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

11) join on a voluntary basis, together with other organizations, including foreign ones, into unions, associations and other associations for the purpose of jointly conducting and coordinating research and development, jointly producing products and providing services, representing common interests in the relevant state and other bodies, as well as international organizations;

12) rent out temporarily unused property related to federal property, including real estate, in accordance with the established procedure;

13) carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, the sale and purchase of foreign currency for use for the purposes defined by this charter;

14) send, in accordance with the established procedure, to the relevant state bodies requests for issuing permits for the import (export) of scientific and technical products and equipment;

15) develop and submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for necessary volumes state budget financing and investment funds, intra-construction title list and energy supply limits;

16) engage citizens to perform certain work on the basis of labor and civil law contracts;

17) to carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, the functions of a state customer when placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services at the expense of budgetary funds and funds from non-budgetary sources.

22. The Center is obliged:

1) ensure a high level of scientific research and development, allowing the creation of fundamentally new technologies, and actively promote their widespread use in the economy;

2) develop and submit, at the request of the authorized federal executive bodies, forecasts and recommendations on the development of nuclear and thermonuclear energy, nanotechnologies, recommendations on the development of science, technology and education in the field of natural sciences;

3) submit annually, in accordance with the established procedure, reports on the results of scientific, experimental production and economic activities of the Center;

4) ensure the preservation, maintenance and renewal of the scientific and technical base, technical re-equipment of fixed assets;

5) ensure environmentally safe handling of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel;

6) ensure the priority execution of state orders;

7) organize activities to ensure the preservation of state secrets, the regime of secrecy, nuclear, radiation and general industrial safety of the work carried out by him, the safety of technological and commercial information;

8) ensure the mobilization readiness of the Center and the functioning of its civil defense system in accordance with the requirements of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

9) keep accounting records and statistical reporting in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

10) provide information about their activities to state statistics bodies, tax authorities, other bodies and persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11) ensure the implementation of the main directions of fundamental and applied scientific research of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute", carried out in the priority areas specified in the paragraph of this Charter.

5. Center Management

23. The Center is headed by a President appointed to this position for a period of 5 years by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

24. The President acts on behalf of the Center without a power of attorney, represents its interests in state bodies and organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

25. The President acts on the principle of unity of command and bears responsibility for the consequences of his actions in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and this charter.

26. President of the Center:

1) manage the activities of the Center;

2) approve the structure of the Center;

3) determine the procedure for distributing funds from the federal budget and other sources;

4) determines the general directions of scientific, technical, economic and social development Center;

5) decides on the disposal of the property of the Center within its powers;

6) solves the issues of the Center joining unions, associations and other associations and leaving them;

7) makes decisions on the issues of foreign economic activity of the Center;

8) appoints the director, approves the composition of the board and the academic council of the Center.

27. In order to develop proposals on the issues of scientific and technological development of the Center, improve its organizational structure and property and financial relations, the president forms a board from the heads of structural divisions of the Center, the chairman of which is ex officio.

27.1. The Supervisory Board controls the activities of the Center and the implementation of a pilot project to create a national research center "Kurchatov Institute" on the basis of the Center.

Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation for 5 years and may be early dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The same person may be a member of the Supervisory Board an unlimited number of times.

3 members are appointed to the Supervisory Board on the proposal of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, 3 - on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation, 1 member on the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 1 - on the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and 1 - on the proposal of the State Nuclear Corporation Energy Rosatom. The President and Director of the Center are appointed to the Supervisory Board ex officio.

Members of the Supervisory Board carry out their activities on a gratuitous basis.

The Supervisory Board meets as needed, but at least once every six months. At each meeting of the Supervisory Board, the plan of work of the members of the Supervisory Board for the period between its meetings is determined. The members of the Supervisory Board report on the results of their work at the next meeting of the Supervisory Board.

The work of the Supervisory Board is managed by a Chairman appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and in his absence, by a member of the Supervisory Board authorized by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The President or Director of the Center cannot be appointed as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The meeting of the Supervisory Board is held by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and in his absence - by a member of the Supervisory Board authorized by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board is authorized to make decisions if at least half of its members are present at the meeting of the Supervisory Board. Decisions are taken by a simple majority vote of the members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting. The opinion of a member of the Supervisory Board who is absent from the meeting for a valid reason may be submitted in writing. A member of the Supervisory Board may not transfer his/her vote to another person.

The minutes of the meeting of the Supervisory Board shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting of the Supervisory Board, who is responsible for the correctness of the preparation of the said minutes. The opinion of the members of the Supervisory Board, who remained in the minority during the voting, is recorded at their request in the specified protocol.

27.2. Supervisory Board:

1) considers materials on the progress of the implementation of the main goals of the Center;

2) considers the report of the President of the Center on the status of the priority areas specified in paragraph of this Charter, reports on the scientific, organizational and financial and economic activities of the Center, proposals on priority areas for the development of fundamental sciences, applied sciences, exploratory research, as well as on the areas of innovation activities of the Center submitted to the Supervisory Board on a quarterly basis;

3) reports annually to the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the main directions of fundamental and applied scientific research of the national research center "Kurchatov Institute", carried out in the priority areas specified in the paragraph of this Charter, and on the achievement of the main goals of the Center.

27.3. Transfer of powers of the Supervisory Board of the Center to the President, Board or Director of the Center is not allowed.

28. The Vice-President of the Center is appointed by the President of the Center in agreement with federal agency for science and innovation.

29. The Vice-President of the Center manages individual scientific areas on behalf of the President of the Center and, in his absence, performs the functions of President and Chairman of the Board.

30. Director of the Center:

1) acts on the basis of the orders of the President of the Center;

2) organizes and controls the execution of decisions and instructions of the President and Vice-President of the Center;

3) organize the financial and economic activities of the Center;

4) conclude agreements and issue powers of attorney on behalf of the Center;

5) exercise control over the proper use of the Centre's property;

6) organize interaction with federal executive authorities;

7) organizes work with personnel, including approves the number of employees, staffing, appoints and dismisses employees of the Center.

31. An academic council is established at the Center by presidential order. The Scientific Council is one of the management bodies of the Center and consists of leading scientists, both working in the Center and those who are employees of other scientific organizations and federal executive bodies.

The Academic Council acts on the basis of a regulation approved by the President of the Center.

32. Academic Council:

1) prepares proposals on the development strategy of the main scientific areas of the Center's activities, on the definition of a unified scientific and technical policy of the Center, including the implementation of a pilot project to create a national research center "Kurchatov Institute" on the basis of the Center;

2) carries out forecasting of the development of science and technology in the areas of activity of the Center, including for the implementation of a pilot project to create a national research center "Kurchatov Institute" on the basis of the Center;

3) conducts an examination of ongoing and planned research and development work;

4) nominates scientific papers and groups of authors for the State Prizes, Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation, gold medals and prizes named after outstanding scientists awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences, and other prizes in the field of science and technology;

5) summarizes the results of the annual competition for the I.V. Kurchatov;

6) on the proposal of the academic councils of the structural subdivisions of the Center, members of the Academic Council of the Center, awards the title of Honorary Doctor of the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Doctor Honoris Causa) to world-renowned outstanding scientists who are not employees of the Center (including foreign ones);

7) nominates scientists of the Center for conferring the academic titles of full member (academician) and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor and associate professor (by specialty), as well as for conferring the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation".

33. The Academic Council elects the heads of structural subdivisions of the Center and researchers appointed by competition. Part of the authority to elect scientific positions may be delegated to the academic councils of the Center's structural subdivisions.

34. Relations between employees and the Center arising on the basis of labor agreements (contracts) are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the collective agreement.

35. The composition and volume of information constituting an official or commercial secret, as well as the procedure for their protection, are determined by the President of the Center in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the Center

36. The reorganization of the Center is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

37. The Center may be liquidated in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. In case of liquidation and reorganization of the Center:

dismissed employees are guaranteed observance of their rights and interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

all documents (administrative, financial and economic, personnel and others) are transferred to the successor or to the appropriate archival institutions in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

b) submit on a quarterly basis, before the 10th day of the month preceding the first month of the quarter, to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, respectively, the forecast of monthly revenue receipts for the next quarter and the forecast of monthly attraction and repayment of funds from sources of internal and external financing of the federal budget deficit, taking into account the amount of return of funds provided for the repayment of previously issued budget credits (loans) for the next quarter;

c) submit analytical materials on the execution of the federal budget in terms of revenues within the time limits established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

3. Within 2 months after the entry into force of this resolution, the chief administrators of federal budget revenues shall secure the assignment of the relevant powers of the administrator of federal budget revenues to their territorial bodies and institutions.

4. The chief administrators of federal budget revenues, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are federal state authorities authorized to transfer the exercise of certain powers of the Russian Federation to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ensure, before January 1, 2008, the publication of regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for administration public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of income credited to the federal budget, and the implementation of the powers transferred to these bodies, as well as the publication of relevant methodological and instructive materials.

5. Subjects of budget planning, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, to establish, within a month, based on the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and industry specifics, the schedule for preparing acts of the Government of the Russian Federation that are necessary for the implementation of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2008" and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010", the rules for granting subsidies provided for by the consolidated budget schedule for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010 to legal entities (with the exception of subsidies to state (municipal) institutions) in the established field of activity.

Provision of subsidies for the financial support of grants allocated by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and their supervisors, young Russian scientists - doctors of sciences, as well as grants for state support of leading scientific schools The Russian Federation is carried out until January 1, 2010 in a manner that does not contradict the procedure for financial provision of these grants established for 2007.

To determine that the development and coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of the rules for the provision of other interbudgetary transfers provided for by the consolidated budget schedule for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010, to reimburse expenses associated with material support for the activities of members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and their assistants in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and electoral districts are carried out within a month after the entry into force of this resolution.

6. Establish that recipients of federal budget funds, when concluding agreements (state contracts) on the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services, including agreements payable at the expense of funds received from the provision of paid services and other income-generating activities, have the right to provide for advance payments :

in the amount of up to 100 percent of the amount of the agreement (contract), but not more than the limits of budgetary obligations to be fulfilled at the expense of the federal budget in the corresponding financial year - under agreements (contracts) for the provision of communication services, for subscription to printed publications and for their acquisition , on training in advanced training courses, on the acquisition of aircraft and railway tickets, tickets for travel by urban and suburban transport, vouchers for sanatorium treatment, under contracts of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners;

in the amount of up to 60 percent of the amount of the agreement (contract), but not more than 60 percent of the limits of budgetary obligations to be fulfilled at the expense of the federal budget in the corresponding financial year - under state contracts for the provision of air transportation services for senior officials of state authorities of the Russian Federation , other officials and representatives of official delegations, performed by separate decisions of the President of the Russian Federation; dated 04.05.2008 N 336)

in the amount of up to 30 percent of the amount of the agreement (contract), but not more than 30 percent of the limits of budgetary obligations to be fulfilled at the expense of the federal budget in the corresponding financial year - for other agreements (contracts), unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2008 N 65)

7. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is entitled in 2008 to:

a) carry out, in agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the redemption of bonds of the State Republican Internal Loan of the RSFSR of 1991 belonging to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at their nominal value without payment of interest payments;

b) to write off the state external debt of the Russian Federation on state loans carried out by issuing securities on behalf of the Russian Federation, the nominal value of which is indicated in foreign currency and for which the limitation period has expired, statutory Russian Federation;

c) to write off debts for the payment of penalties, fines and interest accrued for the untimely fulfillment by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and legal entities of monetary obligations to the Russian Federation, in case of full fulfillment of other monetary obligations of the borrower, determined by the relevant contract (agreement). The decision to write off the specified debt is made within a month from the date of receipt of the borrower's application and documents confirming the absence of other monetary obligations specified by the relevant contract (agreement);

d) write off the debt accruing as of January 1, 2008 for the Federal Road Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Fund of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties and the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation within the framework of loans provided to the Russian Federation by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ;

e) on the basis of separate decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, pay compensation to Russian legal entities in the amount of lost export earnings in connection with the deliveries of goods and services rendered by them in 1991-1996 to pay off debt former USSR and the Russian Federation to the People's Republic of China at the expense of the federal budget provided for the repayment of the state external debt of the Russian Federation.

8. Establish that Vnesheconombank acts as an agent of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Clause 1, Part 5, Article 26 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2008 and for the Planning Period of 2009 and 2010" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

9. Grant the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation the right to conclude, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, with Closed Joint Stock Company "Roseximbank", open joint stock companies "Rosagrosnab", "Russian Agricultural Bank" and "Russian Bank for Development" agreements on the performance in 2008 of the functions of agents of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues specified in Part 5 of Article 26 of the Federal Law, providing for the rights and obligations of agents, their liability for improper performance of contracts, criteria for evaluating work, as well as the procedure for paying remuneration for performing the functions of an agent of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Establish that for the performance in 2008 of the functions of an agent of the Government of the Russian Federation, remuneration is paid:

Closed Joint Stock Company "Roseximbank" - in the amount of up to 18 million rubles;

to the open joint-stock company "Rosagrosnab" - in the amount of up to 15 million rubles;

to the open joint-stock company "Russian Agricultural Bank" - in the amount of up to 32 million rubles;

to the open joint-stock company "Russian Bank for Development" - in the amount of up to 15 million rubles.

10. Establish that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 29 of the Federal Law and on the basis of the consolidated registers submitted in 2007 by the chief administrators of the federal budget funds for calculating corporate property tax and land tax for 2007 and information from the Federal Tax service on the amounts of actually accrued and paid taxes for the 1st quarter of 2007 for those included in the registers budget institutions until March 1, 2008:

a) calculates the amount of appropriations required by the main administrators of federal budget funds and budgetary institutions under their jurisdiction, as well as organizations participating in the mobilization preparation of the economy, in connection with a change in the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees from January 1, 2006 for payment corporate property tax and land tax in 2008 and for the planned period of 2009 and 2010;

b) in accordance with the established procedure, specifies the consolidated budget breakdown and limits of budget obligations for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010 in relation to the main administrators of federal budget funds, based on the estimated annual need for the relevant funds.

11. To the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of closed administrative-territorial entities, science cities and the administration of Baikonur, within 2 weeks after the entry into force of this resolution, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service, respectively, shall submit laws (decisions) on the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the budgets of closed administrative-territorial entities, the budgets of science cities for 2008, adopted by the relevant legislative (representative) bodies, and the decision on the budget of the city of Baikonur, approved by the head of administration, as well as provide information on the changes made to them.

12. Establish that in 2008-2010, the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to organizations of the fuel and energy complex to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit organizations in 2007-2010 for seasonal fuel procurement at power plants, including nuclear, pumping gas into underground storage facilities, carrying out measures to repair power equipment, as well as to provide the population with fuel, is carried out in accordance with the Rules for reimbursement from the federal budget of part of the costs of paying interest on loans received by organizations of the fuel and energy complex in Russian credit institutions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2001 N 481.

13. Establish that in 2008 the reimbursement of part of the costs of paying interest on loans received by communication organizations to finance the development and manufacture of spacecraft of the Express series is carried out in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 N 687.

14. Establish that in 2008-2010 the provision of subsidies to the federal state unitary enterprise Goznak to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions in 2005-2010, to purchase special equipment designed for the production of counterfeits of paper, printing and coin products, is carried out in accordance with the Rules for reimbursement at the expense of the federal budget of part of the costs of paying interest on loans received in Russian credit organizations by the federal state unitary enterprise Goznak, for the purchase of special equipment designed for the production of counterfeit-proof paper, printing and coin-order products, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2004 N 298.

15. Clause is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.11.2008 N 803)

16. Establish that in 2008-2010, state guarantee support for the export of industrial products is carried out in relation to industrial products in accordance with the list of industrial products, the export of which in 2004 is provided with state guarantee support, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2004 .N 1222-r.

17. Establish that in 2008-2010, reimbursement from the federal budget to Russian exporters of industrial products of part of the costs of paying interest on loans received in 2005-2010 in Russian credit organizations is carried out in accordance with the Rules for reimbursement from the federal budget to Russian exporters of industrial products part of the cost of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2005 N 357.

Due to the loss of force Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2005 N 357, one should be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.25.2013 N 961 adopted instead

18. Establish that in 2008-2010 the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to organizations of the coal industry to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit organizations for the implementation of investment projects is carried out in accordance with the Rules for reimbursement from the federal budget of part the cost of paying interest on loans received by organizations of the coal industry in Russian credit institutions for the implementation of investment projects, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2005 N 402.

19. Establish that in 2008 the restructuring of the debt of organizations of the military-industrial complex - executors of the state defense order, included in the list of strategic enterprises and organizations, for taxes, fees, accrued penalties and fines to the federal budget, as well as for insurance premiums accrued penalties and fines before state off-budget funds is carried out in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2005 N 646-40.

20. Clause is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2008 N 72)

21. Approve the attached changes that are being made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the Federal Law "On the federal budget for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010".

22. This resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 2008, with the exception of paragraphs 4 and 5.

Paragraphs 4 and 5 come into force from the day of the official publication of this resolution.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated November 14, 2007 N 778


(As amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/02/2008 N 414, of 12/24/2008 N 987, of 12/31/2008 N 1083, of 05/26/2009 N 453, of 12/31/2009 N 1181, of 12/31/2009 N 1203, of 10/21/2011 N 852, dated 12/05/2014 N 1325, dated 02/10/2015 N 110, dated 09/17/2015 N 985)

1. Clause is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2015 N 985)

2. In subparagraph "d" of paragraph 10, paragraph eleven of paragraph 17 and paragraph 29 of the Rules for accounting for military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and citizens discharged from military service to the reserve or retired and serving in the internal affairs bodies, as well as military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service who need to receive housing or improve living conditions in their chosen permanent place of residence, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 1998 N 1054 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 37, Article 4627; 2003, N 33, Article 3269), the word "subsidy" in the appropriate number and case shall be replaced by the words "social payment" in the appropriate number and case.

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2002 N 466 "On the procedure for reimbursement to Russian airlines of part of the costs of paying lease payments for Russian-made aircraft received by them from Russian leasing companies under leasing agreements, as well as part of the costs of paying interest on loans received in 2002-2005 from Russian credit institutions for the purchase of Russian aircraft" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 26, Art. 2606; No. 49, Art. 4890; 2004, No. 8, Art. 665; No. 50, article 5087; 2005, No. 10, article 848; 2007, No. 39, article 4676):

a) in the preamble the words "In pursuance of Article 75 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2002" shall be deleted;

b) Clause 3 shall be declared invalid;

c) in paragraph 10 of the Rules for reimbursement to Russian airlines of part of the costs of paying lease payments for Russian-made aircraft received by them from Russian leasing companies under leasing agreements, as well as part of the costs of paying interest on loans received in 2002-2005 in Russian credit organizations for the purchase of Russian aircraft approved by the said resolution, the words "this year" shall be replaced by the words "current financial year and planning period".

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2004 N 230 "On the redemption from owners - citizens of the Russian Federation of their state treasury obligations of the USSR and certificates of the Savings Bank of the USSR, placed on the territory of the Russian Federation before January 1, 1992." (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, N 19, item 1897; 2005, N 10, item 848; 2006, N 10, item 1102):

a) in the preamble the words "In accordance with Article 137 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2004" shall be deleted;

b) paragraph 1 of the Rules for the redemption from owners - citizens of the Russian Federation of their state treasury obligations of the USSR and certificates of the Savings Bank of the USSR, placed on the territory of the Russian Federation before January 1, 1992, approved by the said resolution, shall be supplemented with a paragraph as follows:

"Lost obligations, certificates are not subject to redemption."

5. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2004 N 366 "On carrying out in 2004-2007 the restructuring of monetary obligations to the Russian Federation assumed by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, N 30, art. 3180; 2005, N 51, item 5537; 2006, N 10, item 1102; 2007, N 10, item 1240; N 34, item 4249):

9. In the Rules for the financial support of state powers transferred to the executive and administrative bodies of municipalities to compile lists of candidates for jurors of federal courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2005 N 320 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005 , N 22, item 2127):

a) in clause 1 the words "Federal Compensation Fund" shall be replaced by the words "federal budget";

b) in paragraph two of clause 2 the words "regional compensation funds formed as part of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" shall be replaced by the words "budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation";

c) in paragraph 4 the words "the corresponding year" shall be replaced by the words "the next financial year and planning period";

d) in paragraph 3 of clause 5 the words "the relevant year" shall be replaced by the words "the next financial year and planning period";

e) clause 6 shall be stated in the following wording:

"6. Subventions for the exercise of state powers to annually change and supplement the lists of candidates by the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period are not distributed among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The amount of subventions for the exercise of state powers to annually change and supplement the lists of candidates is determined by the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.";

f) in clause 7 the words "Federal Compensation Fund" shall be replaced by the words "federal budget";

g) the third paragraph of clause 9 shall be stated as follows:

"The Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, after checking all the applications received from the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, prepares the documents necessary for the transfer of funds within 5 days.";

h) clause 10 shall be stated as follows:

"10. The highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to choose between receiving subventions in the manner that provides for the accounting of these funds on personal accounts opened for recipients of budget funds of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury (and in the event of their transfer to local budgets - to personal accounts opened for recipients of local budget funds in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury), or by receiving subventions in order to compensate for cash expenses incurred.

The decision on the option to receive subventions is made before the start of the financial year. A copy of the decision is sent to the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury and the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Higher executive body state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation shall submit to the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation a report on the use of subventions in the manner established by it.

Subventions not used in the current financial year shall be used in the next financial year for the same purposes.

The rest of the subventions are subject to return to the federal budget if the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation establishes that there is no need for them.

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2005 N 428 "On the procedure for granting subventions for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, N 29, art. 3068; N 46, item 4685; 2006, N 6, item 699; N 19, item 2084; N 47, item 4918):

a) in the title the word "subventions" shall be replaced by the words "interbudgetary transfers";

b) in the preamble the words "In pursuance of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2005" shall be deleted;

c) in the second paragraph of clause 1 the word "subventions" shall be replaced by the words "interbudgetary transfers";

d) in the Rules for the provision of subventions for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns, approved by the said resolution:

in the title the word "subventions" shall be replaced by the words "interbudgetary transfers";

according to the text of the Rules, the word "subventions" in the appropriate case shall be replaced by the words "interbudgetary transfers" in the appropriate case;

in clause 1 the words "developed in pursuance of part 2 of Article 45 of the Federal Law "On the federal budget for 2005"," shall be deleted;

in paragraphs 8, 9, paragraph one of paragraph 10, paragraphs one, two and three of paragraph 11, paragraphs 12, 13, the word "subsidy" in the appropriate number and case shall be replaced by the words "social payment" in the appropriate number and case.

11. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2005 N 625 "On approval of the Rules for spending subventions from the regional compensation fund, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compensation Fund" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 44, art. .4551):

a) in the title and clause 1 the words "subventions from the regional compensation fund, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compensation Fund" shall be replaced by the words "local budgets of subventions from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget" ;

b) in the Rules for spending subventions from the regional compensation fund, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compensation Fund, approved by the specified resolution:

in the title and paragraph 1 the words "subventions from the regional compensation fund, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compensation Fund" shall be replaced by the words "by local budgets of subventions from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget";

Paragraph 2 shall be amended as follows:

"2. Subventions from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are provided to local budgets for the purpose of financially supporting the expenditure obligations of municipalities arising in the exercise of the state powers of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, transferred for implementation to local governments in the prescribed manner.";

in the first paragraph of clause 3 the words "provided as part of the Federal Compensation Fund" shall be deleted;

in paragraphs 4 and 7 the words "Federal Compensation Fund" shall be replaced by the words "federal budget".

12. Clause is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 N 987)

13. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2006 N 258 "On subventions for the exercise of powers for primary military registration in territories where there are no military commissariats" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 19, Art. 2081):

in the first paragraph, the words "state support" shall be replaced by the word "subsidies";

the seventh paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

"The subsidies provided for in paragraph 4 of these Rules are distributed among the groups of applicants as follows:";

the words "state support" shall be replaced by the word "subsidies";

add the following paragraph:

"The state customer-coordinator, on the basis of the presentation of the state customer, within 20 days from the date of its receipt, prepares and sends to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which must contain the names of the recipients and the amount of subsidies provided .";

in the first paragraph, the words "state support" shall be replaced by the word "subsidies";

in the second paragraph, the words "state support funds" shall be replaced by the word "subsidies";

h) in the name section III the words "state support" shall be replaced by the word "subsidies";

17. At the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2006 N 1331-r (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 39, art. 4122):

in the first paragraph, the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (change, addition)";

Paragraph two shall be amended as follows:

in the fourth paragraph, the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (change, addition)";

in paragraph five:

the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (change, addition)";

the words "provided by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year" shall be deleted;

in the sixth paragraph, the words "the relevant financial year" shall be replaced by the words "the next financial year and planning period";

after the sixth paragraph, add the following paragraph:

"Ci ost - the balance of funds in i-th subject Russian Federation, not used at the end of the previous year.";

in paragraph seven, the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (change, addition)";

the fourteenth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

the seventeenth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

"Ni - the estimated number of citizens to be included in the lists of candidates for jurors at the request of court presidents in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation or who have lost the right to be jurors in the i-th subject of the Russian Federation (in the event of changes and additions to the lists);";

after the seventeenth paragraph, add the following paragraph:

the nineteenth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

after the twenty-first paragraph, add the following paragraph:

"CPI - consumer price growth index, taking into account the level of inflation in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.";

in paragraph twenty-seven, the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (amendment, addition)", the words "corresponding financial year" shall be replaced by the words "next financial year and planning period";

in paragraph thirty-one, the words "annual change and addition" shall be replaced by the words "drawing up (change, addition)";

in paragraphs thirty-two, thirty-three and thirty-six, the words "the corresponding financial year" shall be replaced by the words "the next financial year and planning period".

18. Clause is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2011 N 852)

19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2006 N 765 "On the procedure for granting young scientists subsidies for the purchase of residential premises as part of the implementation of measures to provide housing for certain categories of citizens of the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010" (Meeting legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 52, article 5585):

a) in the title

b) in paragraph 1 the words "in 2007" shall be replaced by the words "in 2008";

c) in clause 2 and paragraph two of clause 3 the word "subsidies" shall be replaced by the words "social payments";








The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation



1. In the Rules for hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013 , N 32, item 4304):

a) Paragraph 52 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs:

"The connection (connection) agreement is public and is concluded in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, subject to the specifics specified by these Rules.

If it is technically possible to connect (connect) objects, the refusal of the organization providing hot water supply to conclude an agreement on connection (connection) is not allowed. In case of unreasonable refusal or evasion of the organization providing hot water supply from concluding an agreement on connection (connection), the applicant has the right to apply to the court.

If the organization providing hot water supply does not have the technical ability to connect (connect) objects, the connection (connection) of objects is carried out according to an individual project.

b) in paragraph 53:

subparagraphs "d" and "e" shall be stated in the following wording:

"d) completion of the connection (connection) of the facility on the basis of a notification received from the applicant on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (connection), including the implementation by the hot water supply organization of checking the readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection (connection) of the facility, admission to operation of a hot water metering unit in accordance with the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776 "On approval of the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater", and installation by an organization implementing hot water supply, seals on measuring instruments (metering devices), taps and valves on their contours of the applicant;

e) signing by the parties of an act on connection (attachment) of an object containing information on the delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility. ";

subparagraphs "e" and "g" shall be declared invalid;

c) Paragraph 64 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs:

"The list of information and documents provided for by paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules is exhaustive. The Contractor is not entitled to require the applicant to provide information and (or) documents not provided for by these Rules.

The application and documents provided for by paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules shall be submitted on paper or in the form of an electronic document. The application and documents submitted in the form of an electronic document are signed by persons authorized to sign them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (for legal entities And individual entrepreneurs) or a simple electronic signature (for individuals) provided for federal law"On electronic signature".

The possibility of submitting the application and documents in the form of an electronic document is provided by the contractor.

The submission of the application and documents in the form of an electronic document is carried out by the applicant using an identifier and password issued through the official website of the contractor in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", in the manner established by the contractor. Information about the procedure for issuing and using the identifier and password is posted on the specified site of the contractor.

At the same time, the contractor is obliged to ensure the acceptance of the application and documents of applicants in the form of an electronic document, including the possibility for applicants to receive an identifier and password free of charge, and the possibility for applicants to receive information about the main stages of processing applications in real time without using software, the installation of which on technical means the applicant requires the conclusion of a license or other agreement with the owner of the software, which provides for the collection of a fee from the applicant, and without the use of special hardware.

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents attached to the application in the form of an electronic document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.";

d) paragraphs 65 and 66 shall be stated as follows:

"65. The Contractor, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application for concluding a connection (connection) agreement and the documents attached to it, considers and checks their compliance with the provisions provided for in paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules.

Refusal of the contractor from accepting an application from the applicant for consideration upon submission by him of the information and documents specified in paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules is not allowed.

If the applicant fails to comply with the provisions provided for in paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules, the executor within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application sends the applicant a notice of the need to submit the missing information and (or) documents within 15 working days from the date of its receipt and suspends consideration of the application until the missing information and documents are received.

If the applicant fails to provide the missing information and (or) documents within the specified period, the contractor cancels the application for concluding an agreement on connection (connection) and notifies the applicant about this within 3 working days from the date of the decision to cancel the specified application.

66. When the applicant submits the information and documents provided for in paragraphs 62 and 63 of these Rules, the performer within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the application for concluding an agreement on connection (connection) sends the applicant a draft agreement on connection (connection) ) in 2 copies with attachment of documents confirming the authority of the person acting on behalf of the contractor and signing the connection (connection) agreement, and calculation of the connection (connection) fee.";

e) in paragraphs 67 and 68 the words "15 business days" shall be replaced by the words "10 business days";

f) Paragraph 69 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"If the applicant fails to send the draft connection (accession) agreement signed by him or a reasoned refusal to conclude the connection (connection) agreement, the application for the conclusion of the connection (accession) agreement is canceled no earlier than 30 working days from the date of receipt by the applicant of the draft agreement signed by the executor about connection (attachment).";

g) the fourth paragraph of clause 73 shall be stated as follows:

"35 percent of the fee is paid within 15 days from the date of signing by the parties of the act on connection (connection) of the facility.";

h) paragraph 74 after the words "consumption of hot water," add the words "including the signing of the act on connection (attachment) of the facility,";

i) Paragraph 75 shall be stated as follows:

"75. When executing an agreement on connection (connection) of an object, the performer is obliged:

a) carry out activities for the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of water supply networks to the points of connection (connection) of the facility, other objects of the centralized hot water supply system, as well as the preparation of water supply networks for connection (connection) of the facility and the supply of hot water no later than the date that is established agreement on connection (accession);

b) complete the connection (connection) of the object on the basis of the notification received from the applicant on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (connection), including:

install seals on measuring instruments (metering devices), taps and gate valves on their bypasses within the period established by the connection (connection) agreement, provided that it establishes the fact that the applicant fulfills the conditions for connection (connection);

to connect (connect) the object no later than the date established by the connection (connection) agreement, but not earlier than when it establishes the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the connected (connected) object to supply hot water to such an object and complete measures to connection (connection) of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the connected (attached) object to water supply networks;

draw up and sign in 2 copies the act of connection (attachment) of the facility.";

j) in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 77, the words "readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection (connection) and hot water intake" shall be replaced by the words "fulfillment of the conditions for connection (connection)";

k) Paragraph 83 shall be stated as follows:

"83. The capital construction object is considered to be connected (connected) to the centralized hot water supply system from the date of signing by the parties of the act on connection (connection) of the object, by which the contractor confirms the technical readiness of the objects of the centralized hot water supply system for connection (connection) of the object and the completion of connection activities ( connection) of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the connected (attached) facility to water supply networks, as well as to which the parties to the connection (connection) agreement confirm the fulfillment of obligations under the connection (connection) agreement and distinguish between balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility. .

2. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 643 "On approval of standard contracts in the field of hot water supply" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 32, Art. 4305):

a) in a standard hot water supply agreement approved by the said resolution:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the objects of the closed centralized hot water supply system of the subscriber and the organization providing hot water supply, and the operational responsibility of these objects are determined in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, provided for in Appendix No. 1.

Paragraph 36 shall be amended as follows:

"36. The responsibility of the organization providing hot water supply for the quality of the hot water supplied is determined up to the limit of operational responsibility for facilities, including hot water supply networks of the subscriber and the organization providing hot water supply, in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility provided for Appendix No. 1 to this agreement.";

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard contract

hot water supply

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization providing hot water supply, represented by ___________________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization) hereinafter referred to as the subscriber, represented by _________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify the required one) on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that: a) the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of objects of a closed centralized hot water supply system (hereinafter referred to as objects) is located: for an organization providing hot water supply - ________________________________________________________________________________; (a brief description, address, name of facilities and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply, located on the border of the balance sheet of the organization providing hot water supply) for the subscriber - _____________________________________________________________; (brief description, address, name of objects and equipment located on the boundary of the balance sheet) b) the boundary of the operational responsibility of the objects is: for the organization providing hot water - ________________________________________________________________________________; (a brief description, address, name of the facilities and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply, located on the border of the operational responsibility of the organization providing hot water supply) for the subscriber _______________________________________________________________. (brief description, address, name of facilities and equipment located on the border of the subscriber’s operational responsibility) Organization providing the Subscriber with hot water supply ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (position of the authorized person (position of the authorized organization providing the hot person of the subscriber) water supply) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (last name, first name , patronymic (surname, name, patronymic of the authorized persons of the organization, authorized person of the subscriber) carrying out hot water supply) M.P. M.P. "__" _______________________ 20__ "__" _______________________ 20__ (date of signing by the organization, (date of signing by the subscriber) "; providing hot water supply)

b) in a standard contract for the transportation of hot water, approved by the specified resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of a closed centralized hot water supply system of an organization transporting hot water and an organization providing hot water supply are determined in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility provided for in Appendix No. 1.

3. The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement, is subject to signing at the conclusion of this agreement and is an integral part of it. ";

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard contract

hot water transportation

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization providing hot water supply, represented by ___________________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization that transports hot water, represented by _____________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as parties, drawn up this act stating that: a) the boundary of the balance sheet of objects of a closed centralized hot water supply system is: for the organization transporting hot water - ________________________________________________________________________________; (brief description, address, name of facilities and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization transporting hot water, located on the border of the balance sheet of the organization transporting hot water) for the organization providing hot water supply - ________________________________________________________________________________; (brief description, address, name of objects and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply, located on the border of the balance sheet of the organization providing hot water supply) b) the boundary of operational responsibility of objects of a closed centralized hot water supply system is: transportation of hot water, - __________________________________________________________________________; (a brief description, address, name of the facilities and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization transporting hot water, located on the border of the operational responsibility of the organization transporting hot water) for the organization providing hot water supply - ______________ _________________________________________________________________. (brief description, address, name of objects and equipment included in the hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply, located within the operational responsibility of the organization providing hot water supply) The point of reception is _______________________________________________. (brief description, location of the reception point on the border of operational responsibility) The delivery point is located _______________________________________________. (brief description, location of the transfer point on the border of operational responsibility) Organization carrying out hot water supply Organization carrying out hot water transportation of hot water ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (position of an authorized person (position of an authorized organization carrying out a hot person of an organization carrying out water supply) transportation of hot water) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic (last name, first name, patronymic) of the authorized person of the organization, authorized person of the organization providing hot water supply) M.P. M.P. "__" _______________________ 20__ "__" _______________________ 20__ (date of signing by the organization, (date of signing by the organization providing hot water supply) of water)";

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

c) in a standard agreement on connection to centralized hot water supply systems, approved by the specified resolution:

in paragraph 6:

"b) on the basis of the notice received from the customer on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the object to the centralized hot water supply system, take other necessary actions to connect (technological connection) of the object to the centralized hot water supply system no later than the connection period established by this agreement, including including:

check the fulfillment by the customer of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility to centralized hot water supply systems;

to carry out admission to the operation of the hot water metering unit in accordance with the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776 "On approval of the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater";

install seals on metering devices (metering units), taps and valves on their contours;

establish the technical readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment, a connected (technologically connected) object for supplying hot water to such an object;

carry out actions to connect (technological connection) to the centralized hot water supply system of the customer's hot water supply networks and facility equipment, but not earlier than the customer establishes the technical readiness of on-site and house networks and equipment of the connected (technologically connected) facility to supply hot water to such an facility and complete the activities for connection (technological connection) of on-site or intra-house networks and equipment of a connected (technologically connected) object to water supply networks;

sign an act on connection (technological connection) of the facility in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 (1) within _____ working days from the date of receipt from the customer of a notification about the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility to the centralized hot water supply system in the absence of a violation of the connection conditions ( technological connection) of the object, but in any case not later than the date of connection (technological connection) of the object. If during the verification of compliance with the conditions for connecting (technological connection) of the object, a violation of the conditions for connecting (technological connection) of the object is detected, then the organization providing hot water supply has the right to refuse to sign the act of connecting (technological connection) of the object by sending a reasoned refusal to the customer. A reasoned refusal, as well as comments identified during the verification of compliance with the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility, and the deadline for their elimination are indicated in the notice of the need to eliminate comments issued by the organization providing hot water supply to the customer no later than ______ working days from the date of receipt from the customer notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility. If the customer agrees with the notification received, the customer eliminates the identified violations within the period specified in the notification and sends the hot water supply organization a notice of elimination of the comments with information on the measures taken to eliminate them. After receiving this notification, the hot water supply organization re-verifies compliance with the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility and, in the absence of violations, signs the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility no later than 5 working days following the day of receipt from the customer of the notice of elimination of remarks. In case of disagreement with the notification received, the customer has the right to return the received notification to the hot water supply organization about the need to eliminate the comments, indicating the reasons for the return and the requirement to sign the act of connecting (technological connection) of the object; ";

in paragraph 8:

in subparagraph "a":

the words "hot water" shall be replaced by the words "hot water,";

after the word "notification" add the words "on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility";

in subparagraph "b" the word "decisions" shall be replaced by the words "decisions. The specified documentation is provided by the customer when sending a notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the facility;";

in subparagraph "c":

the words "connection conditions)" shall be replaced by the words "connection conditions (technological connection)";

add the words "to the centralized hot water supply system, obtained in the manner established by the Rules determination and provision of technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering and technical support networks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks and the Rules connection of the capital construction object to the networks of engineering and technical support";

in subparagraph "e" the words "on the readiness of the customer's networks and equipment of the facility for connection (technological connection) to the central hot water supply system and hot water supply" shall be replaced by the words "on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection)";

in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 11, the words "of the act on connection (technological connection) of the facility to the centralized hot water supply system, fixing the technical readiness for supplying hot water to the facility" shall be replaced by the words "act of connection (technological connection) of the facility";

Addendum No. 1 to the specified agreement after the table "Indicators of hot water quality and the limits of their deviations at connection points" with the following paragraph:

"Requirements for measuring instruments (metering devices), requirements for the location of the metering unit, installation diagram of the metering device and other components of the metering unit, technical characteristics of the metering device, including accuracy, measurement range and error level. Requirements for measuring instruments (metering devices ) should not contain indications of certain brands of instruments and measurement methods.";

add Appendix No. 1(1) with the following content:

"Appendix No. 1(1)

(technological connection)

to centralized systems

hot water supply

ACT on connection (technological connection) of the object ________________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization providing hot water supply, represented by ___________________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify necessary) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the customer, represented by ________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the right one) on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that: a) the contractor confirms the technical readiness of the facilities centralized hot water supply system to the connection (technological connection) of the facility and completion of measures for connecting (technological connection) on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility specify the required) (hereinafter - the object) to the centralized hot water supply system in full in the manner and terms provided for by the agreement on connection (technological connection) of the object to the centralized hot water supply system dated "__" __________ 20__ N __________ (hereinafter - the agreement about connection); b) the metering unit is approved for operation according to the following results of the metering unit check: __________________________________________________________________________; (date, time and location of the metering station) __________________________________________________________________________; (surnames, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the inspection) __________________________________________________________________________; (results of checking the metering unit) ________________________________________________________________________________; (readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for admitting the metering unit to operation, places on the metering unit in which control one-time numbered seals (control seals) are installed c) the organization providing hot water supply has carried out the activities provided for by the Hot Water Supply Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation dated July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83", a connection agreement, including the implementation of the actual connection (technological connection) of the facility to the centralized hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply. The maximum power value at the point (points) of connection is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). The value of the connected load of the hot water supply facility is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). Point (points) of connection (technological connection) of the object: point 1 _____________________; point 2 _____________________; d) the border of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply networks of the centralized hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply and the customer is _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. Scheme of the boundary of the balance sheet

________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the address, the name of the facilities and equipment by which the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply networks of the centralized hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply and the customer is determined) e) the boundary of operational responsibility is: __________________________________________________________________________. Scheme of the operational responsibility boundary:
________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the address, name of objects and equipment, which determine the boundary of the balance sheet of the water supply networks of the centralized hot water supply system of the organization providing hot water supply and the customer) __" ___________________ 20__".

3. In the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 32, item 4306; 2015, N 2, item 516; N 42, item 5808; 2016, N 47, item 6633; 2017, N 1, item 186; N 2, item 338):

a) add paragraph 90(1) as follows:

"90(1). The application and documents provided for in paragraph 90 of these Rules shall be submitted on paper or in the form of an electronic document. The application and documents submitted in the form of an electronic document shall be signed by persons authorized to sign them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) or a simple electronic signature (for individuals) provided for by the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature".

The possibility of submitting an application and documents in the form of an electronic document is provided by the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector.

Submission of the application and documents in the form of an electronic document is carried out by the applicant using an identifier and password issued through the official website of the water supply and sewerage organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" in the manner established by the water supply and sewerage organization. Information on the procedure for issuing and using the identifier and password is posted on the specified website of the water supply and sewerage organization.

At the same time, the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector is obliged to ensure the acceptance of the application and documents of applicants in the form of an electronic document, including the possibility for applicants to receive an identifier and password free of charge, and the possibility for applicants to receive information about the main stages of processing applications in real time without using software, installation which, for the technical means of the applicant, requires the conclusion of a license or other agreement with the owner of the software, which provides for the collection of fees from the applicant, and without the use of special hardware.

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents attached to the application in the form of an electronic document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.";

b) in clause 91 the words "10 working days" shall be replaced by the words "3 working days";

c) clause 92 shall be stated as follows:

"92. In case of incompleteness of the submitted documents or inconsistency of the presented balance of water consumption and sanitation with the purpose of the object, its height and number of storeys, the water supply and sewerage organization within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application sends the applicant a notification of the need within 20 working days from the date of its receipt submit the missing information and (or) documents and suspend consideration of the application until the missing information and (or) documents are received.

If the applicant fails to provide the missing information and (or) documents within the specified period, the water supply and sewerage organization cancels the application and notifies the applicant thereof within 3 working days from the date of the decision to cancel the specified application.

d) clause 94 shall be stated as follows:

"94. In the event that the information and documents specified in paragraph 90 of these Rules are submitted in full and there is a technical possibility of connection (technological connection), and also subject to the presence in the investment programs of water supply and sewerage organizations of measures that ensure the technical possibility of connection ( technological connection), the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, within 20 working days from the date of submission of the information and documents specified in paragraph 90 of these Rules, sends the signed agreement on connection (technological connection) to the applicant in full with the conditions of connection (technological connection) attached and calculation of payment for connection (technological connection).";

e) subparagraph "e" of paragraph 95 after the words "device of the metering station" shall be supplemented with the words ", the requirements for measuring instruments (metering devices) of water in the metering stations, the requirements for the design of the metering station, the location of the metering station, the installation diagram of the metering device and other components metering unit, technical characteristics of the metering device, including accuracy, measurement range and error level";

f) in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 96, the words "and accounting for the volume and properties of wastewater" shall be replaced by the words ", requirements for measuring instruments (metering devices) of wastewater at metering units, requirements for designing a metering unit, the location of the metering unit, installation scheme metering device and other components of the metering unit, technical characteristics of the metering device, including accuracy, measurement range and error level";

g) Paragraph 97 shall be stated as follows:

"97. The connection agreement (technological connection) is public and is concluded in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, subject to the specifics determined by these Rules.

If there is a technical possibility of connection (technological connection), the refusal of the water supply and sewerage organization to conclude an agreement on connection (technological connection) is not allowed. In case of unreasonable refusal or evasion of the water supply and sewerage organization from concluding an agreement on connection (technological connection), the applicant has the right to apply to the court.

If the water supply and sewerage organization does not have the technical ability to connect (technological connection), the connection (technological connection) is carried out according to an individual project.

h) in paragraph 99:

in paragraph 1 the words "30 calendar days" shall be replaced by the words "20 working days";

in paragraph 2 the words "20 days" shall be replaced by the words "20 working days";

i) Paragraph 100 shall be stated as follows:

"100. The applicant signs 2 copies of the draft agreement on connection (technological connection) within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement on connection (technological connection) signed by the organization of the water supply and sewerage economy and sends within the specified period one copy of the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector with attaching to it documents confirming the authority of the person who signed the connection (technological connection) agreement.

In case of disagreement with the submitted draft agreement on connection (technological connection), the applicant, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement on connection (technological connection) signed by the contractor, sends a reasoned refusal to sign the draft agreement on connection (technological connection) to the water supply and sewerage organization , to which is attached, if necessary, a protocol of disagreements.

When the applicant sends a reasoned refusal to sign the draft agreement on connection (technological connection) and the protocol of disagreements, the water supply and sewerage organization is obliged to consider it within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the reasoned refusal, take measures to resolve the differences and send the applicant a new draft agreement for signing on connection (technological connection).";

j) Paragraph 105 shall be stated as follows:

"105. The draft agreement on connection (technological connection) must be signed by the applicant within 30 days after its receipt from the water supply and sewerage organization. refusal to sign the connection (technological connection) agreement, the application for connection (technological connection) shall be canceled no earlier than 30 working days from the date of receipt by the applicant of the draft connection (technological connection) agreement signed by the executor.";

k) Item 106 shall be supplemented with the words "after the applicant sends a notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection)".

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 645 "On approval of standard contracts in the field of cold water supply and sanitation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 32, item 4307; 2016, N 47, item 6633 ):

a) in a standard cold water supply agreement approved by the said resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of centralized cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber are determined in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility in the form in accordance with Appendix N 1.

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard contract

cold water supply

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization) hereinafter referred to as the subscriber, represented by _________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify the required one) on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that: the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of price objects tralled cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________; the boundary of the operational responsibility of objects of centralized cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. Organization of water supply and sewerage subscriber ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

b) in a standard water disposal agreement approved by the specified resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of centralized water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber are determined in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility in the form in accordance with Appendix N 1.

3. The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, given in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement, is subject to signing at the conclusion of this agreement and is its integral part. ";

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard water disposal agreement

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization) hereinafter referred to as the subscriber, represented by _________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify the required one) on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that: the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of price objects of the trawled water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________; the boundary of the operational responsibility of objects of centralized water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. Organization of water supply and sewerage subscriber ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

c) in a single standard contract for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by the specified resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of centralized cold water supply and sanitation systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber are determined in accordance with the act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility in the form in accordance with Appendix N 1.

3. The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, given in Appendix No. 1 to the specified agreement, is subject to signing when concluding a single contract for cold water supply and sanitation and is an integral part of it. ";

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a single standard contract

cold water supply

and wastewater

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization) hereinafter referred to as the subscriber, represented by _________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify the required one) on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that: the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of price objects trallized cold water supply and sanitation systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is _______________ ________________________________________________________________________________; the boundary of the operational responsibility of objects of centralized systems of cold water supply and sanitation of the water supply and sewerage organization and the subscriber is _______________ ________________________________________________________________________________. Organization of water supply and sewerage subscriber ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

d) in a standard contract for the transportation of cold water, approved by the specified resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of centralized cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization are determined in the act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

3. The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, given in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement, is subject to signing at the conclusion of this agreement and is its integral part. ";

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard contract

cold water transportation

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization), hereinafter referred to as the transit organization, represented by ________________________________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulations, charter, power of attorney - indicate as necessary) on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that that: the boundary of the balance sheet of the objects of centralized cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization is _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________; the boundary of the operational responsibility of objects of centralized cold water supply systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization is _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. Organization of the water supply and transit organization of the sewerage sector ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

e) in a standard contract for the transportation of wastewater, approved by the specified resolution:

Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be stated as follows:

"2. The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of objects of centralized water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization are determined in the act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

3. The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, given in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement, is subject to signing at the conclusion of this agreement and is its integral part. ";

Annex No. 1 to the said agreement shall be amended as follows:

"Appendix No. 1

to a standard contract

for waste water transportation

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility __________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the required ) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of the organization), hereinafter referred to as the transit organization, represented by ________________________________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulations, charter, power of attorney - indicate as necessary) on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act stating that that: the boundary of the balance sheet of the objects of centralized water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization is _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________; the boundary of the operational responsibility of objects of centralized water disposal systems of the water supply and sewerage organization and the transit organization is _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. Organization of the water supply and transit organization of the sewerage sector ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 2 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

f) in a standard contract for connection (technological connection) to a centralized cold water supply system, approved by the specified resolution:

in paragraph 10:

subparagraph "b" shall be stated in a new wording:

"b) on the basis of the notification received from the customer on the fulfillment of the connection (technological connection) conditions, other necessary actions for connection (technological connection) not specified in clause 12 of this agreement, no later than the deadline for connection (technological connection) of the facility established by this agreement, in including:

check that the customer fulfills the conditions for connection (technological connection), including establishing the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility to receive cold water;

check the execution by the customer of works on washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility;

install seals on metering devices (metering units) of cold water, taps, flanges, valves on their contours;

carry out actions to connect (technological connection) to the centralized cold water supply system of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility not earlier than the customer establishes the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility to receive cold water;

sign an act on the connection (technological connection) of the facility within ____ business days from the date of receipt from the customer of a notice of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) in the absence of violation of the issued conditions for connection (technological connection), establishing the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and facility equipment for receiving cold water and carrying out washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility. If during the verification of compliance with the connection conditions (technological connection) a violation of the issued connection conditions (technological connection) is found, including the lack of technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and facility equipment to receive cold water, non-compliance of cold water with sanitary and hygienic requirements , then the water supply and sewerage organization has the right to refuse to sign the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility by sending a reasoned refusal to the customer. A reasoned refusal and comments identified during the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection), the readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility to receive cold water, verification of compliance of cold water with sanitary and hygienic requirements, and the deadline for their elimination are indicated in the notice of the need to eliminate the comments issued by the water supply and sewerage organization to the customer no later than ____ working days from the date of receipt from the customer of a notice of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection). If the customer agrees with the notification received about the need to eliminate the comments, the customer eliminates the identified violations within the time period specified in the notification and sends the water supply and sewerage organization a notice of elimination of the comments containing information on the measures taken to eliminate them. After receiving this notification, the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector re-verifies compliance with the conditions for connection (technological connection), the readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility to receive cold water and, in the absence of violations, signs an act on connection (technological connection) of the facility not later than 5 working days following the day of receipt from the customer of the notification of the correction of comments. In case of disagreement with the notification received, the customer has the right to return the received notification to the water supply and sewerage organization about the need to eliminate the comments, indicating the reasons for the return and the requirement to sign the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility.

subparagraph "c" shall be recognized as invalid;

"12. The customer is obliged:

b) take measures to prepare on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection (technological connection) to the centralized cold water supply system and cold water supply;

c) to carry out measures for washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility;

d) if changes are made to the design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of a capital construction facility, entailing a change in the load specified in this contract, send the water supply and sewerage organization within 5 days from the date of approval by the developer or technical customer of such changes, a proposal to make the appropriate changes to this agreement. The change in the declared load cannot exceed the value determined by the technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to a centralized cold water supply system, obtained in the manner prescribed by the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to utility networks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 13 February 2006 N 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks and the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks";

e) send a notification to the water supply and sewerage organization about the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection);

f) provide access to the water supply and sewerage organization to check the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection), including the readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility to receive cold water, washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment , as well as the establishment of seals on metering devices (metering units) of cold water, taps, flanges, valves on their contours;

g) pay a fee for the connection (technological connection) to the centralized cold water supply system in the amount and terms stipulated by this agreement.";

in the fourth paragraph of clause 15, the words "fixing the technical readiness for the supply of cold water to the customer's facility, but no later than the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection)" shall be deleted;

in paragraph 20, the words "confirming the fulfillment by the parties of the conditions of connection (technological connection) and other obligations under this agreement, and the signing of the act on the delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of water supply networks in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 6" shall be deleted;

Paragraph 21 shall be amended as follows:

"21. The act of connecting (technological connection) of the facility is signed by the parties within ___ business days from the date of actual connection (technological connection) of the facility to the centralized cold water supply system and the washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility. ";

in paragraph 22:

the first paragraph is recognized as invalid;

the fourth paragraph shall be stated in the following wording:

"The results of analyzes of the quality of cold water that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as information about the amount of cold water used for flushing, determined on the basis of the readings of measuring instruments (metering devices), are reflected in the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility.";

in paragraph eleven of Appendix No. 1 to the said agreement, after the words "metering station" add the words ", the requirements for measuring instruments (meters) of water in the metering stations, the requirements for designing the metering station, the location of the metering station, the installation diagram of the metering device and others components of the metering unit, technical characteristics of the metering device, including accuracy, measurement range and level of error";

"Appendix No. 5

to a standard contract

about connection (technological

accession) to the centralized

cold water system

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT on connection (technological connection) of the object ________________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify necessary) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the customer, represented by ________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the right one) on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act. By this act, the parties confirm the following: a) measures for the preparation of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the object ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (a capital construction facility that provides for the consumption of cold water, an object of centralized cold water supply systems - indicate the one you need) (hereinafter - the object) to connection (technological connection) to the centralized cold water supply system was completed in full in the manner and terms stipulated by the agreement on connection (technological connection) to the centralized cold water supply system dated "__" ____________ 20__ N _________ (hereinafter referred to as the connection agreement) ; b) measures for washing and disinfection of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment are carried out, while the following data are recorded: the results of analyzes of the quality of cold water that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements: _____________________________________; information about the amount of cold water used for flushing determined on the basis of the readings of measuring instruments: __________________________________________________________________________; c) the metering station is approved for operation based on the results of checking the metering station: __________________________________________________________________________; (date, time and location of the metering station) ________________________________________________________________________________; (surnames, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the inspection) __________________________________________________________________________; (results of checking the metering unit) ________________________________________________________________________________; (readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for allowing the metering station to operate, places on the metering station where control disposable numbered seals (control seals) are installed d) the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector has carried out the activities provided for by the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by a government decree Russian Federation dated July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", an agreement on connection (technological connection), including the implementation of the actual connection of the object to the centralized cold water supply system of the water supply and sewerage organization. The maximum power value at the point (points) of connection is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). The value of the connected load of the cold water supply facility is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). Object connection point(s): point 1 _____________________; point 2 _____________________; e) the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the objects of the centralized cold water supply system of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the address, name of objects and equipment, according to which the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is determined) Scheme of the balance sheet ownership boundary

f) the boundary of the operational responsibility of the objects of the centralized cold water supply system of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is: __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the address, name of objects and equipment, which determine the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer) Scheme of the operational responsibility boundary

Annex No. 6 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid;

g) in a standard agreement on connection (technological connection) to a centralized sewerage system, approved by the specified resolution:

in paragraph 10:

subparagraph "b" shall be stated in the following wording:

"b) on the basis of the notice received from the customer on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection), perform other necessary actions for connection, not specified in clause 12 of this agreement, no later than the connection period established by this agreement, including:

check that the customer fulfills the conditions for connection (technological connection), including establishing the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and facility equipment for wastewater disposal;

to carry out admission to the operation of the metering unit in accordance with the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776 "On approval of the Rules for the organization of commercial metering of water, wastewater";

install seals on metering devices (assemblies) of wastewater;

carry out actions to connect (technological connection) to the centralized water disposal system of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility not earlier than the customer establishes the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for wastewater disposal;

sign an act on connection (technological connection) of the object within ___ working days from the date of receipt from the customer of a notification about the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) in the absence of a violation of the conditions for connection (technological connection) and establishing the technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment facility for wastewater disposal, but in any case no later than the date of connection of the facility. If during the verification of compliance with the conditions of connection (technological connection) a violation of the issued conditions of connection (technological connection) is found, including the lack of technical readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for wastewater disposal, then the water supply and sewerage organization has the right refuse to sign the act of connection (technological connection) by sending a reasoned refusal to the customer. A reasoned refusal and comments identified during the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) and the readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for wastewater disposal, and the deadline for their elimination are indicated in the notice of the need to eliminate comments issued by the organization of the water supply and sewerage farm to the customer no later than ___ business days from the date of receipt from the customer of a notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection). If the subscriber agrees with the received notification about the need to eliminate the comments, the subscriber eliminates the identified violations within the time period specified by the notification and sends the water supply and sewerage organization a notification about the elimination of the comments, containing information on the measures taken to eliminate them. After receiving the said notification, the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector re-verifies compliance with the connection conditions (technological connection) and, in the absence of violations, signs the act of connecting (technological connection) of the facility no later than 5 working days following the day of receipt from the customer of the notification on the elimination of comments. In case of disagreement with the notification received, the customer has the right to return the received notification to the water supply and sewerage organization about the need to eliminate the comments, indicating the reasons for the return and requiring the signing of an act on connection (technological connection) of the facility. ";

subparagraph "c" shall be recognized as invalid;

Paragraph 12 shall be amended as follows:

"12. The customer is obliged:

a) fulfill the conditions for connection (technological connection), including submitting to the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector an extract from the section of the design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure in one copy, which contains information about engineering equipment, water supply networks, a list of engineering and technical measures and the content of technological solutions. The specified documentation is submitted by the customer when sending a notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection);

b) take measures to prepare on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection (technological connection);

c) in the event that changes are made to the design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility that will entail a change in the load specified in paragraph 7 of this contract, send the water supply and sewerage organization within 5 days from the date of making these changes a proposal to make appropriate changes to this contract. The load change cannot exceed the value determined by the technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to a centralized sewerage system, obtained in the manner prescribed by the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to utility networks, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2006 g. N 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering and technical support networks and the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks";

d) send a notification to the water supply and sewerage organization on the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection);

e) provide access for the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector to check the fulfillment of the connection conditions (technological connection), the readiness of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and facility equipment for wastewater disposal, as well as to establish seals on wastewater metering devices (metering units);

f) pay a fee for connection (technological connection) to the centralized sewerage system in the amount and terms provided for by this agreement.";

in paragraph 21, the words ", and the act on the delimitation of the balance sheet in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 6" shall be deleted;

in paragraph 22, the words "and the act on the delimitation of the balance sheet ownership are signed" shall be replaced by the word "signed";

in paragraph eleven of Appendix No. 1 to the said agreement, after the words "wastewater" add the words ", the requirements for the design of the metering unit, for the location of the metering devices, the requirements for the installation diagram of the metering devices and other components of the metering unit, the requirements for the technical characteristics of the metering devices, including accuracy, measurement range and level of error (requirements for devices should not contain indications of certain brands of instruments and measurement methods)";

appendix N 3 to the specified contract to recognize as invalid;

Annex No. 5 to the said agreement shall be stated as follows:

"Appendix No. 5

to a standard connection agreement

(technological connection)

to a centralized

drainage system

(as amended by the decision

Government of the Russian Federation

ACT on connection (technological connection) of the object ________________________________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector, represented by ______________________________________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - specify necessary) on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________, (name of organization) hereinafter referred to as the customer, represented by ________________________________, (position title, last name, first name, patronymic) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (regulation, charter, power of attorney - indicate the right one) on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up this act. By this act, the parties confirm the following: a) measures for the preparation of on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the object ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (capital construction facility, which provides for drainage, the object of a centralized sewerage system - indicate the one you need) (hereinafter - the object) to the connection (technological connection) to the centralized sewerage system are completed in full in the manner and terms provided for by the agreement on connection (technological connection) to the centralized sewerage system dated "__" ___________ 20__ N _________ (hereinafter referred to as the connection agreement); b) the metering station is approved for operation based on the results of checking the metering station: __________________________________________________________________________; (date, time and location of the metering station) __________________________________________________________________________; (surnames, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the inspection) __________________________________________________________________________; (results of checking the metering unit) ________________________________________________________________________________; (readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for allowing the metering station to operate, places on the metering station where control one-time numbered seals (control seals) are installed c) the organization of the water supply and sewerage sector has carried out the activities provided for by the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by the Government Russian Federation dated July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", a connection agreement, including the implementation of the actual connection of the facility to the centralized water disposal system of the water supply and sewerage organization. The maximum power value at the point (points) of connection is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). The value of the connected load of the water disposal facility is: at point 1 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 2 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour); at point 3 ___________ m3/day (__________ m3/hour). Object connection point(s): point 1 _____________________; point 2 _____________________; d) the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the objects of the centralized water disposal system of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the address, name of objects and equipment, according to which the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is determined) Scheme of the balance sheet ownership boundary

e) the boundary of the operational responsibility of the objects of the centralized water disposal system of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer is: __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the address, name of objects and equipment, which determine the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of the water supply and sewerage organization and the customer) Scheme of the operational responsibility boundary
Organization of water supply and sewerage Customer ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ "__" ___________________ 20__ "__" ___________________ 20__;

Annex No. 6 to the said agreement shall be recognized as invalid.

5. In the Rules for the organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2013 N 776 "On approval of the Rules for the organization of commercial accounting of water, wastewater" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 37, art. 4696; 2014, N 14, item 1627; 2015, N 23, item 3328; 2016, N 47, item 6633):

a) in the first paragraph of clause 8, the word "Installation" shall be replaced by the words "Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, installation";

b) supplement paragraph 8(1) with the following content:

"8(1). Installation of metering units in newly created capital construction objects, in respect of which connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems is carried out, in accordance with the conditions for connection (technological connection) of the capital construction object to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems includes:

a) design, installation and installation of the metering unit in accordance with the design documentation of the capital construction facility and (or) the connection conditions (technological connection);

b) admission to the operation of the metering station. ";

c) paragraph 28 shall be stated as follows:

"28. In cases of installation of metering units at capital construction facilities not specified in paragraph 8(1) of these Rules, the design of the metering unit is carried out on the basis of the technical specifications for the design of the metering unit. The result of the design of the metering unit is the design documentation for the equipment of the metering unit. Subscriber or the transit organization has the right to involve legal entities or individuals in the preparation of design documentation for the equipment of the metering station.

d) clause 29 after the word "issued" shall be supplemented with the words "in the cases provided for in clause 28 of these Rules,";

e) the first paragraph of clause 31 shall be stated as follows:

"31. The design documentation of the capital construction facility and the design documentation for the equipment of the metering station in the cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules must contain:";

f) supplement paragraph 36(1) with the following content:

"36 (1). Admission to operation of a metering unit installed in a newly created or created capital construction facility, connected (technologically connected) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems, is carried out by an organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, on the basis of an act on connection (technological connection) of an object within the connection (technological connection) period determined by the Rules for hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83", and (or) the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to n Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation".

In cases where the subscriber's facility is not connected directly to the water supply and (or) sewerage networks of the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, a copy of the notice of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) sent to the organization providing water supply and (or) sanitation, it is sent by it for information to the transit organization, to the water and (or) sewer networks of which the subscriber's facility is connected.";

g) subparagraph "b" of paragraph 39 after the words "compliance of the metering unit" shall be supplemented with the word "corresponding";

h) Clause 41 after the word "application" shall be supplemented with the words "or notification of the fulfillment of the conditions for connection (technological connection) provided by the customer in accordance with subparagraph "d" of clause 53 of the Rules for hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2013 N 642 "On approval of the Rules for hot water supply and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83", or paragraph 106 of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2013 N 644 "On approval Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" respectively";

i) supplement paragraph 43(1) with the following content:

"43(1). In the absence of comments on the metering unit installed in a newly created or created capital construction facility, connected (technologically connected) to centralized water supply systems and (or) centralized water disposal systems, the organization providing water supply and (or) water disposal, reflects information about the admission of the metering unit to operation in the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility.".

Changes and additions:

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 14, 2009 No. 26 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 31, 5/29207) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 25, 2010 No. 779 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 132, 5/31898) ;

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 20, 2013 No. 1113 (National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus, 27.12.2013, 5/38196)

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 9, 2002 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the attached:

Regulations on the procedure for providing the consumer for the period of repair or replacement of durable goods free of charge for temporary use of a similar product;

A list of durable goods, for the period of elimination of defects or replacement of which the consumer is not provided with a similar product free of charge;

List of durable goods, including components and constituent parts the main product, which, after a certain period, may pose a danger to life, health, heredity, property of the consumer and the environment, the service life of which is required to be established by the manufacturer;

A list of technically complex goods, in case of detection of significant shortcomings of which (a significant violation of the requirements for their quality), the consumer has the right to demand their replacement;

The list of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to exchange and return.

2. Recognize invalid the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 9, 1994 No. 68 “On Approval of the List of Good-Quality Non-Food Goods Not Subject to Exchange” (SP of the Republic of Belarus, 1994, No. 5, Art. 58).

on the procedure for providing the consumer for the period of repair or replacement of durable goods free of charge for temporary use of a similar product

1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 10, 2/839; 2008, No. 170, 2/ 1463), establishes the procedure for providing the consumer for the period of repair or replacement of durable goods free of charge for temporary use of a similar product.

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, a replacement fund means durable goods intended for gratuitous provision to the consumer for temporary use (for the period of gratuitous elimination, at his request, of defects in the durable goods owned by him or replacement of such goods), and the terms and their definitions are also applied in the values ​​established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

3. In case of gratuitous elimination of defects in a durable product owned by the consumer or replacement of such a product, the consumer has the right to demand from the manufacturer or seller to provide him for temporary use (for the period of repair or replacement) of a similar product from the replacement fund, with the exception of goods, the list of which is determined by the Government The Republic of Belarus.

4. The replacement fund is formed by the manufacturer, the seller, as well as the repair organization (with the exception of individual repairing goods within the framework of craft activities) authorized by the manufacturer or seller to eliminate defects and (or) maintain goods (hereinafter referred to as the repair organization).

The seller, the repair organization has the right to form a replacement fund on the basis of an agreement with the manufacturer. Such an agreement determines the procedure for using the replacement fund, as well as the procedure for reimbursement to the seller, the repair organization of the costs associated with the delivery of the goods to the consumer and the return of the goods to the replacement fund.

5. Upon presentation by the consumer to the manufacturer or seller of the requirement specified in paragraph 3 of this Regulation, the manufacturer (seller) provides the consumer with goods from the replacement fund or instructs the repair organization to provide such goods.

The manufacturer (seller) is obliged to satisfy the consumer's demand within three days from the date of its presentation and ensure the delivery of such goods to the consumer at his own expense.

durable goods, for the period of elimination of defects or replacement of which the consumer is not provided with a similar product free of charge

Automobiles, motorcycle goods, trailers, except for goods intended for use by disabled persons

Pleasure craft and other floating craft for domestic use

Electrical household appliances used as toilet items and for medical purposes (electric shavers, electric hair dryers, electric hair curlers, electric curlers, electric hair clippers, electric massagers, electric heating pads, electric bandages, electric blankets, electric blankets and others)

Electrical household appliances used for thermal processing of food and food preparation (household microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, electric boilers, electric kettles, electric heaters and other goods)

durable goods, including components and components of the main product, which, after a certain period, may pose a danger to life, health, heredity, property of the consumer and the environment, the service life of which is required to be established by the manufacturer

Automobiles, tractors, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles, snowmobiles, pleasure boats and other floating household equipment, trailers

Bodies, cabs, chassis, frames, engines for cars

Means of small-scale mechanization of agricultural work

Baby carriages and wheelchairs

Instruments, devices and medical devices

Glasses and lenses for vision correction

Heating devices (furnaces), heating boilers

Water heaters and hot water columns

Sanitary equipment made of metals and polymers, faience, semi-porcelain and porcelain; sanitary fittings

Electrical goods

Household metal-cutting and woodworking machines

Household equipment for disinfection, purification and post-treatment of drinking water

Household pumps and compressors

Household gas equipment, including those operating on liquid and solid fuels

Containers for storage and transportation of products

TV and radio products

Photo and film equipment

Means of communication

electric musical instruments

Goods for physical culture, sports and tourism (except sportswear and footwear)

Accessories for home keeping of fish, birds and animals

technically complex goods, in case of detection of significant shortcomings of which (a significant violation of the requirements for their quality), the consumer has the right to demand their replacement

Cars and trailers

Bodies, cabs, chassis, frames, engines for cars

Motorcycles, scooters


Pleasure craft and other floating craft for domestic use, outboard motors

Refrigerators and freezers

Washing machines automatic

TVs, VCRs, video players, camcorders

Household computing and copying equipment

Personal computers, peripheral devices to them

Tractors, trailers for them, motoblocks and motor cultivators

Bodies, cabs, chassis, frames, engines for tractors

non-food products of good quality, not subject to exchange and return

Metric goods (fabric from fibers of all kinds, knitted and curtain fabric, artificial fur, carpet products, non-woven materials, ribbons, lace, braid, wires, cords, cables, linoleum, baguette, film, oilcloth and others)

Parquet, laminate, ceramic tiles, wallpaper (when exchanging or returning such goods in a quantity different from that purchased by the consumer)

Underwear, underwear for newborns and toddlers from all types of fabrics, underwear knitwear, except for sports, items of women's toilet


Products from precious metals, with precious stones, from precious metals with inserts from semi-precious and synthetic stones, faceted gems, products made of pearls and amber


Technically complex household goods (electrical goods, television and radio goods, electric musical instruments, photographic and film equipment, telephones and facsimile equipment, watches, personal computers, laptops, printers, keyboards, monitors (displays), scanners and other input and output devices, copiers, electric lawn mowers, petrol lawn mowers (trimmers), chainsaws, sewing machines, knitting machines and apparatus, cutting machines, for sewing fur, overcasting and stitching and overcasting, household gas equipment and devices, other goods powered by AC), for which warranty periods are established and in technical passport(substituting document) which is marked with the date of sale

Cars, motorcycle products, trailers

Bodies, cabs, chassis, frames, engines for cars

Mobile means of small-scale mechanization of agricultural work, pleasure craft and other floating household equipment

Furniture sets and sets

Perfumes and cosmetics

Tools for manicure and pedicure*

Toys*, carnival accessories (costumes, masks, half masks)

Household chemical goods, including paints and varnishes*

Photographic film, photo paper, photo reagents*

Automatic fountain and ballpoint pens, automatic pencils, refills, markers, felt-tip pens and other similar products

Audio and video cassettes, floppy disks and CDs, other technical media*

Printed publications

Personal hygiene items, products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (toothbrushes, combs, hair curlers, sponges, wigs, hairpieces, shaving blades and other similar products, sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials , medical instruments, instruments and equipment, oral hygiene products, spectacle lenses, contact lenses, child care items) *


Products from polymer materials in contact with food products, including those for single use (tableware and tableware and kitchen utensils, containers and packaging materials for food storage and transportation)*

Goods of pet stores (animals, birds, fish and other representatives of the animal world, food for them)

Live flowers, Christmas trees, ornamental plants, seedlings, seedlings, seeds, bulbs, mycelium

Products of sex shops for special purposes

Tobacco products and shag

Civil weapons, parts and components of civilian firearms, cartridges for them, gunpowder, pyrotechnic products



*Excluding items in sealed packaging.