Asparagus is a vegetable crop. Seed Asparagus: The Most Efficient Way to Grow

  • 14.06.2019

Asparagus is a herbaceous perennial plant of the lily family with numerous branched stems, reaching 1.5 m in height under favorable conditions. It has leaves reduced to barely noticeable scales, small, bell-shaped, greenish - yellow flowers and red spherical fruits. Plants planted in a permanent place produce a crop in the spring in the third year after planting. Asparagus was known over four thousand years ago in Egypt, Greece and Rome. It has been cultivated in Europe for almost five centuries. In the territory former USSR cultivate Argenteuil asparagus (from France).


Asparagus is very demanding on soil fertility. Before planting, manure (in autumn) or compost (in spring) is applied - 30 -50 kg per 10 m², as well as superphosphate - 0.4 - 0.8 kg, potassium salt - 0.3 - 0.7 kg.

For the cultivation of asparagus, seedlings are mainly used, which are obtained from seeds. They are sown in a nursery as soon as the soil allows. Sow in rows, row spacing - 40 cm.

The distance between the seeds is 3 cm, the depth of their placement is 3-4 cm. For the fastest emergence of seedlings, the seeds are soaked for 3 days in water at a temperature of 30 ° C before sowing and, after light drying, are sown in moist soil.

Growing seedlings is quite difficult, so it is better to buy it. Most suitable for planting annual seedling. When planting older seedlings, the yield is usually lower during the entire growing period.

As soon as rows of asparagus have appeared in the nursery, the row spacing is loosened and weeds are destroyed. Not yet fruiting asparagus (the first and second years of cultivation) immediately after germination are fed with ammonium nitrate (0.3 per 10 m²).

Seedlings of asparagus are planted in a permanent place as soon as soil conditions allow. Seedlings should be overgrown, with thick, light roots, with 5 - 6 buds. In small plots, it is convenient to plant asparagus in one or two rows at the edges of the plot, where it can be out of crop rotation for a long time (10 years or more).

It needs to be planted in sunny places. Apply trench method of landing. At a distance of 120 - 150 cm from each other, ditches 40 cm wide and 25-30 cm deep are dug, on the bottom of which mounds are poured every 40 cm, best of all from compost or from earth mixed with well-rotted manure.

The seedlings are placed on these mounds, spreading the roots evenly, then the soil is poured with a layer of 5-8 cm and carefully compacted. From above you need to add a little loose earth so that a crust does not form.

Seedlings planted in this way are 15–20 cm below ground level. The soil remaining during planting is distributed along the grooves and used for their gradual backfilling as the plants grow.

The grooves need to be leveled with the ground in the fall. Green shoots should appear at the end of May. It is advisable to have a few reserve seedlings of asparagus for planting in place of plants that have not taken.

In the second year after planting the seedlings, mineral fertilizers are applied, then the soil along the rows of plants should be loosened as soon as possible, trying not to damage the roots.

In the third year after planting, if the plants are strong and bushy enough, they start harvesting. If the plants are weak, postpone the harvest to the next year and care for the asparagus in the same way as in the second year after cultivation.

In the fourth year and beyond, care for asparagus in the same way as in the third year.

In April, the soil, poured in the form of rolls on rows of fruit-bearing asparagus, should be carefully leveled and lightly tamped. In this way, it will not be difficult to detect cracks in the soil above the asparagus seedlings (the appearance of cracks indicates that the seedlings can be cut).

The width of the rolls at the base in the first years of cultivation should be 40 cm, in the subsequent years - 50-60 cm.

If you need bleached asparagus, you need to loosen the soil between the plants when it dries, then apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers and immediately pour rollers from the soil selected from the row spacing onto the rows of asparagus.

In the first year of harvesting, the height of the rollers above the soil surface should be 15–20 cm, and in subsequent years, 25–30 cm. Young shoots, growing through such a roller without access to light, “turn white”.

The ripening of asparagus can be accelerated by 7-10 days by covering the rollers with a transparent film immediately after they have been sprinkled with soil. Instead of rollers, rows of asparagus can be covered with tunnels with a double layer of black film, under which the shoots also get sick.

Nevertheless, it is more expedient to grow green asparagus, since its biological value is much higher, the growing process is less laborious, it is not necessary to fill rollers before harvesting, and then level them.

Shoots growing in the light remain green. With a length of 12 - 20 cm in height, they are gradually cut off at the base.

In May, seedlings of asparagus in seedlings, which have reached a height of 5-6 cm, are thinned out at a distance of 12-15 cm, and then they are fed again with ammonium nitrate or slurry.

Possible omissions of plants planted last year should be made. When the seedlings begin to grow, ammonium nitrate must be added to the soil. In June, non-fertile asparagus and seedlings must be fed with ammonium nitrate. If the seedlings were not thinned out in May, do so in June as early as possible.

In October, drying shoots of asparagus should be carefully cut off near the ground, trying not to damage the rhizomes and burn. In plants that are not affected by rust and asparagus rust and asparagus fly, the tops can not be cut, it will protect the roots from freezing in winter.

Seedlings of asparagus in a nursery very coldy in the absence of snow or a small snow cover, cover with leaves, straw or manure. Annual, biennial plantings and fruiting plants should be fed with superphosphate (0.3 - 0.5 kg per 10 m²) and 40% potassium salt (0.25 - 0.35 kg).

If in the spring of next year they decided to plant seedlings in a permanent place, manure is introduced into the soil.


When spring is early, asparagus harvesting can begin in the first decade of April. Carefully raking the ground in places where cracks appear, you should find a seedling and cut it off at the base.

Try not to damage the rhizomes and young shoots. Seedlings can be broken out by hand. The holes formed after this must be again covered with earth and compacted.

Collected seedlings are stored in bundles in a vertical position in a cold and dark place until use. So that they do not fade and do not stain in the light, they are sprinkled with wet sand. Simultaneously with harvesting, the beds are weeded and weeds are removed.

In warm weather, asparagus shoots grow very quickly. Appearing on the surface of the soil, they immediately turn purple or pink color and their heads crumble.

This reduces the quality of products, because it is the heads that are valued. Therefore, asparagus should be harvested every day in the morning and in the afternoon. You need to cut off all the seedlings, as this contributes to their enhanced formation.

When harvesting asparagus, remember to save the ridges, as this makes it easier to remove the sprouts. In the first year of fruiting, harvesting should not be extended for more than 3 weeks.

After its completion, the ridges should be immediately scattered and the plants should be fed with ammonium nitrate or slurry, if manure was not applied under them.

The collection of seedlings of old plants is completed by June 20. Cleaning should not be delayed, as the green mass will not have time to form in sufficient volume. At the end of the harvest, thin seedlings do not need to be cut, they should germinate freely. After harvesting, the ridges of the earth are scattered, and the surface of the soil is leveled.

Once every 3 years, manure or compost (40 kg per 10 m²) is applied under asparagus before spreading the ridges, the manure is covered with earth. In those years when organic fertilizers are not used, asparagus is fed with ammonium nitrate (0.3 kg per 10 m² of area). Good results are obtained by fertilizing with slurry.


Fresh asparagus sprouts should be stored in the dark on ice or in the refrigerator. Then they do not lose their taste for 3-4 months and have an appetite-stimulating effect.

Nutritional value, chemical composition

Rhizomes, roots and young shoots of asparagus are rich in proteins, amino acids, especially asparagine, saponins, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, carbohydrates, and due to the presence of these valuable substances they have healing properties.


Young thickened shoots that appear in early spring, used to prepare delicious salads and soups. Asparagus is prepared cauliflower: boiled in salt water, fried in breadcrumbs in butter.

It is preserved, pickled, salted and subjected to other types of cooking. Asparagus is sometimes used as a substitute for coffee.

Asparagus is a vegetable that has a mass useful properties. It contains a lot of vitamins A, B and C; it is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and many trace elements. Asparagus contains asparagine, a substance that stimulates the heart and removes ammonia from the body. Coarse asparagus fibers have a beneficial effect on digestion, and the asparagus contained in it folic acid will be useful for pregnant and lactating women. In modern cooking, asparagus is used as a delicacy. There is also soy asparagus, however, this is not a plant at all, but a product obtained from soy milk.

It's amazing how useful delicious vegetable practically bypassed by the attention of domestic summer residents, although it is not difficult to grow asparagus in the country, you just need to show some patience. Asparagus is a perennial plant that can be cultivated in the same place for decades. For the first two years, asparagus does not produce a crop, but for the third and subsequent years, its harvest will be consistently high, if you stick to simple rules for caring for her.

This plant is an early vegetable and already in the middle of spring it can be harvested and used. The young stems are eaten raw, or can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Growing asparagus from seeds

For normal growth asparagus needs loose and fertile land. If the soil is clayey, it must be mixed with compost. Preliminary preparation of beds for planting asparagus is carried out a few weeks before planting. It consists in digging up dry soil in the garden and adding compost to it. Soil dryness is an important factor, so you need to choose the time in early May, when the soil dries out enough. Sowing seeds of asparagus is carried out in late spring - the last weeks of May are best suited for this. The day before planting, the seeds need to lie down in warm water.

Some gardeners recommend keeping the seeds in water for about 5 days, changing it daily. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a warm water temperature. After that, the seeds are placed on a cloth that is moistened daily, allowing the seeds to hatch. As a rule, this happens within 5 more days. Such treatment provides seedlings for about a week, while seeds soaked for 1 day germinate only after 2-3 weeks.

Landing is carried out in the ground to a depth of not more than 5 cm; the temperature should not be less than 20°C. Under the asparagus, trenches are made in the beds, about 15 cm deep, at the bottom of which compost is again introduced. Compost consumption is 10 kg per 1 sq.m. site. The thickness of the compost layer is chosen so that 5 cm remains to the ground level - the required depth of planting seeds. It will not be superfluous to add mineral fertilizers to the soil, about 100g per 1 sq.m.

Asparagus seeds are planted at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other, and the distance between rows is chosen to be 40-50 cm. A month after germination, the asparagus is thinned out so that the distance between the bushes is at least 20 cm. Asparagus is one of the slow growing plants. In two months, it does not grow more than 15 cm. This makes it impossible to use it either in the first or in the second seasons - there will be practically nothing to collect. By the end of the first season, the beds will have 1-2 undersized shoots per bush.

All the time growing asparagus needs to be looked after. This will not be difficult, since care consists in regular watering and top dressing once per season - ammonium nitrate is applied in mid-July at the rate of 10 g / sq.m.
After the first season, asparagus prepares for wintering. In early September, it is fed with phosphates and potash fertilizers, and in mid-October it is covered with peat or humus for several centimeters and mulched with leaves from above.
The next season, the situation repeats itself, with the only difference that the number of shoots and their height increase by about two times (you will also need to increase the dose of bait by 1.5-2 times). And at the beginning of the third season, the number of stems reaches the point where the asparagus can already be harvested.

Growing asparagus seedlings

planting asparagus in open ground associated with a number of risks, one of which is the inability to control the normal germination of the plant. This leads to the fact that by the time of harvesting, not all “ripened” plants will come into full force, there will be fewer stems, and, as a result, the yield will be significantly reduced. There are two methods of growing asparagus seedlings - outdoors or indoors in plastic or peat seedling pots.

Open ground.

Growing outdoors is essentially the same as growing asparagus from seed, with some modifications. A special fertile soil or peat bog is used as the soil, and the plant needs to be more carefully looked after. Seedlings of asparagus can grow more densely than mature plants, usually the distance between seedlings is 10-12 cm.

Constant cultivation of the beds and a more fertile peat bog make it possible to grow by the end of the first season not 1-2, but 3-5 shoots up to 40 cm tall. In autumn, they are cut to 10 cm from the ground and left in this form for the winter. At the same time, they are also covered with leaves, but humus is not added.

After that, they begin to prepare the site on which the asparagus will grow constantly. It is dug up, weeds are removed and organic fertilizers are applied. With the advent of spring, two rows of holes are made about 30 cm deep with a distance of up to half a meter between them. Humus is placed on the bottom and seedlings are transplanted from last year's site. Immediately before planting, the asparagus roots are cut to a length of 3-5 cm. The planting depth in the holes should be 5-7 cm, therefore, the humus layer at the bottom should be at least 20-15 cm. The holes are covered with earth and mulched with straw or dried grass. Top dressing is also carried out once per season, but its dose is slightly higher - 25-30 g / sq.m.

In autumn, the space between the plants is dug up, they are again cut to 10 cm and covered with leaves. Next year, asparagus can be used for culinary purposes.

Growing in pots.

With this method of growing, by the end of the first season, even more developed and large plants, which most successfully survive the winter off-season.
The landing scheme repeats the cases discussed above, but differs in the landing time. Potted asparagus can be planted in mid-April. For this purpose, you can use pots with a volume of 100-200 ml or special cassettes for seedlings. The main advantage of such cultivation is that it practically does not matter in what condition the germinated seeds will be planted: either they will be barely hatched seeds, or they will be seeds with an already sufficiently developed root system. Sufficient room temperature and special composition seedling soil will guarantee good germination and the desired growth rate of seedlings.
The composition of seedling soil can be recommended as follows: river sand, peat mixture, humus or rotted manure and ordinary earth are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Care instructions are the same as previously discussed. Planting time for seedlings is at the end of spring.

Processing beds with asparagus

Especially important is the care of the bushes in the next season after planting. The soil needs constant loosening and fertilization; at the same time, it is important to preserve the root system without damaging it when loosening. If the weather turned out to be dry, the soil must be regularly moistened - in dry soil, asparagus fibers harden and it becomes bitter.

In mid-autumn, dried stems are cut at ground level without damaging the roots; normal shoots are cut at a level of 10 cm from the ground. Asparagus can be susceptible to diseases such as the asparagus fly. If the affected stems have not dried out, they are cut not in the fall, but in the spring, because in this way they protect the roots from freezing. In the case of severe winters, seedlings of asparagus are covered especially carefully with straw or leaves.

Sometimes at the end of the season (usually in October), plants of the first and second years can be fertilized with superphosphate (300-500 g per sq.m.) and potash fertilizers (200-300 g per sq.m.). loosen without damaging the root system.

It is desirable for plants of the first and second years for the winter, in addition to covering them with leaves, to mulch them using peat. In the spring, this peat is loosened and it will serve as additional plant nutrition during the growth of the stems. In April, the soil around the plants after loosening is leveled and compacted.


The third year of growing asparagus in the spring gives strong and overgrown bushes that can be eaten. Even if this does not happen in the third year, the asparagus care procedures are repeated for another year with a slight increase in the number and doses of top dressing and abundant watering.

Before harvesting, in early spring, it is necessary to deeply loosen the beds and hill the plants with humus. In early April, the first shoots will already appear from the soil layer. They are cut when they are about 5-7 cm high and 7-10 mm in diameter. At the same time, the soil is raked, and the stems are cut off at the very rhizome, and then the bush is again spudded. New shoots can be cut in 3-4 days within a month. It is advisable to start harvesting in the third year, cutting no more than 5 shoots from the bush. In the fourth year and beyond, the number of cut shoots increases to 15 over the same period. In any case, after harvesting, at least 3-5 shoots should remain on the plant, which will allow it to accumulate enough reserves for wintering.

After harvest, asparagus also needs to be looked after, as it needs to gain strength for the next year. It is recommended to fill the space between the bushes with humus or wood ash and water it abundantly. Each watering or precipitation requires subsequent loosening of the soil.

Experience shows that for a family of three, it is necessary to grow about 20 asparagus bushes in the country.

Diseases and pests of asparagus

The most common disease that asparagus is susceptible to in the country is red root rot caused by a fungus of the pucciniomycetes class. These common fungi are a real problem for gardeners - in addition to asparagus, it also affects carrots, parsnips and potatoes. Affected plants lose roots and stems. They must be immediately removed from the garden and destroyed. If the infection becomes widespread, then the use of fungicides is necessary. The most common drug is "Fundazol"; they are treated with affected plants, which are then covered with a thick film. If this does not help, it is necessary to destroy the entire plantation and start growing again.

In addition to the mentioned asparagus fly, this plant is constantly attacked by leaf beetles and various polyphagous pests - bears, cockchafers, slugs. To control pests, various insecticides are used, be sure to adhere to necessary instructions. However, even simple ways control, for example, stripping insects from the shoots are very effective means. In addition, plants that repel insects, such as marigold, basil, or lavender, can be planted next to the asparagus.

Asparagus is not yet very common in our country, but this vegetable contains many useful substances, so it is still worth considering the possibility of cultivating it. Growing asparagus at home is possible not only in the open field, but also on the windowsill, although the cultivation of this crop in a city apartment is considered a difficult task.

In this article, you will learn how to grow asparagus from seeds and what care you need to provide plants for high yields.

Growing asparagus from seeds

Asparagus is one of the healthiest, tastiest and most expensive crops. Asparagus is also an early vegetable and harvesting begins in April, as does rhubarb. Harvested young shoots can be eaten raw or steamed, grilled or baked.

Consider how to properly grow asparagus in the garden, and what conditions and rules must be observed.

What do you need to grow

When choosing a planting site, it is worth giving preference to a sunny and sheltered place, you can even arrange a bed in the back of the garden.

Note: Culture can be considered a long-liver in the garden, since in one area without a transplant it can live 20-25 years.

For planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare holes 30 * 30 cm in size, into which a mixture of rotted manure, soil and garden compost must be added (Figure 1).

Sowing seeds can be done in early spring, but the fastest harvest can be obtained from young plant or its root, which can always be purchased at a gardening store. Planting of plants is carried out at a distance of 40-45cm from each other.

During the growing season, asparagus care is very simple:

  • Manual weeding;
  • Fertilizing plants before and after fruiting (rotted manure or chicken manure);
  • Autumn mulching, which will consist of a thick layer natural materials(leaf humus, sawdust, crushed bark, etc.);
  • Before mulching, yellowed greens must be cut at the root.

Figure 1. Features of growing asparagus in the garden

Harvesting the first harvest can begin with plants that have reached the age of three. Cut off shoots 15-20 cm long from ground level and for 4-6 weeks from the start of fruiting. However, shoots of older plants can be harvested for 8-10 weeks. For harvesting, you need to use special knife, which can easily cut shoots at a depth of up to 2 cm under the soil or break them off at ground level.


Asparagus should be planted in the ground in early spring before buds form on it. During planting, the soil is fertilized with ordinary humus (consumption per square meter of soil is about 10 kg of humus). Rhizomes are carefully placed in a previously prepared trench about 30 cm deep and then backfilled with earth (Figure 2).

Note: Backfilling should be carried out so that the plant is planted in a recess. This planting of rhizomes will greatly simplify watering the beds.

After planting, the asparagus should be watered abundantly. The optimal distance between the trenches is considered to be a gap of at least 60 cm, since the bushes will grow with age. Plants in a row are recommended to be planted at intervals of 30 cm for normal growth and development in the future.

soil under autumn planting it is necessary to dig well and fertilize it, while adding the following elements per 1 sq m of soil area:

  • Superphosphate (60 grams);
  • Potassium sulfate (about 30 grams);
  • Ammonium sulphate (20 grams).

Figure 2. Site preparation for growing asparagus

When planting asparagus for the winter, it is not necessary to bury it, but on the contrary, a low mound should be formed above it, which can protect the root system from the winter cold. The distance between plants can be left, as during spring planting. In order to obtain seeds, it is necessary to plant at least 2 plants, but even more is better so that they can pollinate among themselves. The number of plants planted is due to the fact that only male or female flowers can grow on one copy.

Care rules

Asparagus is no exception among other crops that are grown in the garden or in greenhouses, and also needs care, consisting of fertilizers and soil loosening, as well as timely watering (Figure 3).

Watering should be carried out systematically and in small portions. One of key points is the fact that it is absolutely impossible to allow stagnant water, as this can destroy the plant. However, the drying of the soil also does not benefit this crop, so the soil should be moderately moist all the time.

Loosening the soil should be carried out immediately after watering and weeding (at least 7-8 times per season). Quantity harvested crop significantly depends on the applied fertilizers and therefore top dressing must be carried out before planting, and also continue throughout the growing season.

Figure 3. Features of planting care

V autumn period before the onset of stable frosts, it is necessary to remove all old stems (young and old bushes) from the beds, and spud and cover the bottom of the plants with peat (1.5 buckets per 1 sq. M.) or compost. When sheltering the lower part of the plants, a mound up to 5 cm high should be made around the horse system, which will help protect the plant from frost.

In the second and third years of life, you need to feed the plant with a complex mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus), spending up to 30 grams of the drug per square meter of soil.

Growing conditions

Asparagus is a versatile crop that can be grown even in winter (greenhouse) or spring (greenhouse). In order to harvest in winter or early spring, it is necessary to use the rhizomes of 5-6 year old plants. They need to be dug up in October and placed in a cool room (basement), because for storage planting material the temperature is 0+2 degrees.

With the onset of December, you can plant rhizomes in a greenhouse, while planting should be carried out in containers small sizes pressing them tightly against each other. On one square meter soil can be planted at least 18-20 rhizomes. After placing the planting material in the soil, it is covered with a very dense layer of humus (about 20 cm), and the containers are covered with a black film.

After completion of planting work in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature regime(+10 degrees) during the first week. However, with the advent of the first shoots, the temperature is raised to +18 and maintained at this level for about 2 months, while the harvest will last.

Growing technology

With the onset of the spring period, you can begin to prepare planting material. In early April, it is worth starting to soak the seeds, while they are placed in warm water containing a growth stimulator and left in it for two days.

Prepared seeds should be sown in light soil, which will consist of two parts of garden soil and one part of sand, manure and peat. Upon completion of planting, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle, since the earth should not be allowed to dry out. You can also cover the container with glass, which will also prevent the soil from drying out (Figure 4).

For good seed growth, a stable temperature regime (+ 25-27 degrees) and daily airing of the container are necessary. During seed ventilation, the glass from the container is wiped and turned over each time.

Seeds give the first shoots 6 weeks after sowing, and it is worth being patient in anticipation of the appearance of young bushes. Plants can be transplanted to a permanent place no earlier than mid-June.

When to plant asparagus and how to care for it

Seedlings of culture are grown from seeds planted in seedling pots or sowing them in open ground. Care for future seedlings is based on timely watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil.

Note: Proper care of seedlings makes it possible to get fully formed plants by autumn, which will have strong rhizomes and several shoots (3-5) about 25-40 cm high.

Before the onset of frost, it is necessary to cut off the above-ground shoots to a level of 10 cm from the soil surface and leave the plants in this form for the winter. With the onset of spring, seedlings need to be dug up and planted in a permanent place. When choosing a suitable place, the site near the wall or along the fence is best suited, which is explained by the longevity of the plant.

Figure 4. Planting and growing technology

The allotted area is cleared of weeds in the fall and organic fertilizers (15-20 kg per square meter) are evenly distributed on the soil surface, after which the soil is deeply dug up. In the spring, the seedlings are planted on the beds, on which the rows are placed at a distance of 70 cm from each other. The seedlings are placed in dug holes 30 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter, at the bottom of which a mound of humus is made. Seedlings are planted in it, and the height of the mound should be equal to the edges of the hole.

Note: If a sufficient amount of organic fertilizer was applied to the soil in the autumn, then humus can not be poured into the holes and replaced with loose soil.

Before planting the seedlings, their roots are shortened and made 3-4 cm long. In the hole, the roots are distributed evenly over the mound and sprinkled with a layer of soil 5-7 cm thick, after which they are compacted and watered. Upon completion of the absorption of water, the soil should be mulched. During the summer, you can do several fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer (25 g / sq. M.). With the onset of the autumn period, the aisle must be dug up and cut off the dried stems 10 cm above ground level. Care for biennial plants is the same as for the first. Aisles can be sown with watercress, radish or vegetable beans.

From the video you will learn how to plant asparagus in the fall.

Planting asparagus in open ground should be carried out in early June, and for this it is best to take a calm area with good light, and it is also desirable that it be located near a fence or wall.

The culture does not tolerate high humidity in the soil and for this reason it is not recommended to plant it in areas where there is a high occurrence ground water. The choice of a site for cultivation should be taken very responsibly, since this crop is long-term and can grow in one place for 20-25 years.

What should be

The optimal soil for growing asparagus should be fertile, enriched and sandy loam. Preparatory work they start with the site back in the autumn and carry out a number of such actions:

  • Weeds are cleared;
  • Dig up to a depth of 50 cm;
  • Fertilizers are applied with the expectation of 1 sq.m. - compost (15-20 kg), superphosphate (70g), potassium sulfate (40g).

With the onset of spring heat, the plot is harrowed and at the same time applied for every meter square square ammonium nitrate 20 g each and wood ash 60 grams each.

soil care

Before direct planting, holes are made on the site with a depth of 30 cm and a width of 40 cm, which should be at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. The bottom in the furrow must be loosened to a depth of 20 cm and then a hill of loose soil should be poured, which should reach the edges of the hole.

A seedling is placed on the mound, but its roots are first shortened to 3-4 cm and then the hole is covered with soil. The earth must be compacted and watered. When the water is absorbed, the area is mulched.

asparagus fertilizer

Asparagus is not a whimsical crop and caring for it consists of the usual procedures for any gardener: watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing with fertilizers. Loosening the soil around the plants is carried out to a depth of 6-8 cm, while trying not to damage the root system.

During the first two years, it is recommended to grow various green crops between the rows.


In the summer, several dressings of the planted crop are carried out. To do this, you can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers (solution of mullein or bird droppings).

Good development of seedlings is confirmed by the presence of 2-4 stems on the plant by the beginning of August. With the approach of the first frost, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots and cover the roots with a layer of humus (5-8 cm) or leafy soil, which will prevent them from freezing.

The better

To accelerate the growth of shoots, it is necessary to add a solution of slurry to the soil (in the ratio of 1 part slurry and 6 parts water), after the completion of the first weeding. After a period of three weeks, the bed is fed with a solution of bird droppings (1 part droppings per 10 parts water).

The final dressing is applied before the onset of frost, using complex mineral fertilizers for this. It is also worth remembering that if you fertilized the soil before planting, then top dressing should be applied only in the second year.

How to grow asparagus at home on a windowsill

Asparagus growing on window sills are representatives of the vegetable asparagus genus, but belong to other species. Domestic asparagus is the closest relative of vegetables.

In the photos with asparagus in the open field, you can see that they grow in gardens with a warm climate and they will not survive our harsh winters. To grow a full-fledged crop on the windowsill, you need a lot of space for their roots, and such an undertaking may be unsuccessful.

How to grow asparagus in the garden

Before starting planting work, it is necessary to determine the site for this perennial plant. Loose fertile soil. The soil must be prepared in the autumn.

With the onset of autumn, the selected area is dug up and phosphorus fertilizers are worn. In the spring, the soil is re-dug and nitrogen fertilizers are applied. This preparation of the site for planting is explained by the fact that asparagus can grow in one area for up to 20 years. Throughout the entire growing period, with the onset of autumn, all shoots are cut off and the beds are covered with a new layer of humus or compost.

Seeds germinate in open ground for a very long time, and for this reason, seedling planting is preferred:

  • The seeds are soaked in warm water for a week;
  • The hatched seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm;
  • The readiness of seedlings can be established by the formation of a developed and healthy root system;
  • Ready seedlings are planted in furrows at a distance of one meter, and the soil at the bottom of the furrow is loosened.

Seedlings are placed at a distance of half a meter from each other, after which abundant watering and mulching of the beds are carried out.

The video shows how to properly grow asparagus in the garden or in the garden.

Asparagus is not the most familiar guest on our tables and beds, and is considered exotic by many, although it is not difficult to grow this plant.

In stores, you can most often find ready-made asparagus grown in industrial production, but it is easy to grow it yourself on the balcony, at home on the windowsill or summer cottage.

General information

Scientifically, asparagus is called "Asparagus" ("Asparagus"), which means "Escape" in translation, and belongs to the asparagus family. There are more than 200 species in the world, only 8 are found in the European part of Russia.

They are easy to find in pictures. The plant is distributed throughout Europe, Asia and Africa, throughout Russia. Separate resistant varieties easily take root in the Moscow region and even in Siberia.

It's important to know: some types of asparagus look like grass, others look like small shrubs, some of which have creeping branches.

The roots of asparagus are well developed, the stems are branched, with a huge number of branches that look like needles. The stems are strong, the grass reaches a height of 22-25 cm, semi-bushes can grow up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are undeveloped, similar to thorns. The flowers are small, bear fruit with berries, inside of which there are seeds. The upper part of some species is a delicacy.

Asparagus has high frost resistance and easily survives frosts down to -30 degrees, while in spring its sprouts can suffer from frosts down to -5 degrees. In one place, using only one root and annually renewing the stems, it can grow up to 20 years, while changing up to 50 shoots.

Young shoots, barely emerging from the ground, are eaten. As soon as leaves appear on asparagus, it becomes unfit for food. To get the result, the stems must be cut regularly so that they begin to grow again. If it is necessary to obtain seeds, the asparagus is left to grow.

You need to store asparagus in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment, wrapped in polyethylene, it can also be boiled and frozen. If the refrigerator is spacious, you can keep the freshness by wrapping the asparagus in a bag and placing the plant in water. Water should be changed every two days, and asparagus should be eaten a week in advance.

In Russia, the most common variety is Medicinal Asparagus - it is a perennial grass, the stems of which annually sprout from an overwintered rhizome. The fruit is small, similar to a red pea. Young smooth stems up to 2 cm thick are eaten.


Asparagus species are divided into wild and cultivated. The latter began to appear already in the Middle Ages: they were grown in monastic gardens. For the first time, the benefits of the plant were announced by Hippocrates BC.

More than 90% of the composition of asparagus is water, the rest is dietary fiber, saccharides, vitamins and minerals. The plant contains vitamins A, B, C, PP and E, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. For 100 grams of asparagus, there are only 21 calories and 3 grams of carbohydrates, almost 2 grams of protein. This makes the vegetable a dietary product.

In cooking, white and green asparagus are distinguished. The difference between them lies in the access of sunlight during growth: in the first case, the sun did not fall on the stems at all, in the second, the bush grew as usual. This resulted in white asparagus having more vitamins and minerals, while green asparagus had more chlorophyll. In spite of obvious advantage, green asparagus has a richer flavor.

Good to know: Korean (soy) asparagus is not a "natural" product: it is made from soybeans and has nothing to do with cultivated crops.

In addition to white and green, there are purple or red asparagus. This is a rather rare and expensive variety with a bitter taste. When heated, it changes color to green.

In ancient times, pharmacists used all parts of asparagus: roots, leaves, fruits. They help with:

  • inflammation of the liver and kidneys;
  • constipation and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • edema;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases associated with the deposition of salts: gout, rheumatism, etc.

Also, asparagus helps to stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular system, which significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, strokes or heart attacks. Thanks to fiber, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins, toxins and harmful microbes.

V traditional medicine Asparagus is credited with additional properties:

  1. Treatment of acne and other skin diseases.
  2. Removal of stones from the kidneys.
  3. Reducing the frequency and strength of epileptic seizures.
  4. Fighting cystitis.
  5. Potency increase.

However, the properties described above are not supported by medical research and cannot be used as a primary treatment. In addition to the benefits, asparagus also has some disadvantages, more precisely, contraindications for use.

Asparagus is a fairly allergenic food that can cause a reaction even when the stems are touched. It can also be harmful for gastritis, peptic ulcers and other stomach problems. It is necessary to introduce asparagus into the diet carefully, without overeating the first time.


There are several hundred types of asparagus, which are usually divided into vegetable, ornamental and medicinal. The most popular home varieties among gardeners are:

  1. "Ginlim" - early variety giving a good and high-quality harvest.
  2. "Glory to Braunschweig" is a late variety of white asparagus intended for canning. Yield and taste are high.
  3. "Royal"- differs in excellent health and frost resistance, ripens in the middle of summer.
  4. "Pleasure"- grows more than 1.5 meters in height, has a mild taste.
  5. "Mary Washington"- the fruit of American selection, which is great for growing in Russia. The shoots are red and purple.
  6. "Argentel late"- has large, low-fiber shoots with yellowish flesh. It is consumed fresh or canned. Differs in the long period of receipt of fruits.


Agrotechnics of asparagus is quite simple. When choosing a place for a plant, it is necessary to stop on light fertile or sandy loamy soil, with enough light, but without wind.

It is worth remembering that asparagus can grow in one place up to 10-20 years, and therefore it is worth separating a place for it in advance for all these years. When planting in the spring, the land is plowed up and humus is added - 10 kg per 1 sq. meter.

Holes are dug in the ground at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other, then asparagus is lowered into them and lightly sprinkled with earth. When instilling, it is necessary to leave a recess near the roots for easier watering.

Gardener's advice: per 1 sq. meter of the site should not grow more than 4 bushes, as over time their roots will grow, and the plants will begin to take food from each other.

When planting in the fall, ammonium sulphate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added to the ground. Plants are seated and cover the roots with earth to protect against frost. To get asparagus seeds, you need to plant at least 2 bushes, since either female or male flowers are formed on one plant.


The yield of a bush directly depends on how to care for it:

  1. Asparagus requires regular watering with a small amount of water: neither an overabundance nor a drought suits it.
  2. After watering, it will be useful to loosen the ground.
  3. In autumn, it is necessary to completely cut off all the stems and cover the roots with peat or compost - the layer thickness should be about 5 cm.

For the whole season, you will need to make several top dressings.:

  1. A month after planting, a diluted cowshed is introduced.
  2. In early July - mineral or organic fertilizers.
  3. At the end of October, until frost hits, complex fertilizers are applied.

After each collection of sprouts, it is also worth feeding the plant with superphosphate, urea and potassium salt. In the second and third years in the spring, a full range of mineral fertilizers is applied.


Harvesting can be carried out only in the fourth year - until this time the plant will develop. Depending on the warming of the air, the first sprouts can be collected from the end of April - the beginning of May.

It is necessary to trace where the cracks went along the ground, and lightly dig the ground there, then cut off the sprout at the very base. Having cut off all the sprouts, the roots are buried again.

Take note: cut carefully so as not to damage the root.

Harvested twice a day: early in the morning and in the evening, after sunset. In the first (fourth from the moment of planting) year, the collection can be carried out no longer than a month, so that the roots accumulate strength. In the following years, the period gradually increases. In the end, you can harvest almost all summer.


In open ground, it is best to sow already formed seedlings. Germinated seeds or cuttings are suitable for sowing.

Consider 3 ways to propagate asparagus:

  1. Seeds: this is not the most popular way, as asparagus seeds are notable for poor germination. In April, they are soaked for two days in a growth stimulant solution, then sown in a mixture of sand, manure, and garden soil. The seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth, but do not deepen, the soil is regularly watered, preventing drying out. In order not to be mistaken, you can cover the pot with glass - this will help create the effect of a greenhouse.

Note: the glass needs to be lifted regularly to allow the sprouts to breathe.

The pot is cleaned in a warm place (the temperature should be about 25-27 degrees). After 1.5 months, small sprouts should appear. After a few weeks, when they get stronger, they can be seated on individual pots, and next summer or warm spring already transplanted into open ground.

  1. cuttings: this is a fairly simple and familiar way to many gardeners. In March-June, from last year's shoots must be cut green cutting, then sow it in wet sand and cover with half the bottle to make a greenhouse. The sand must be watered regularly, and the bottle must be lifted and ventilated. After 1.5 months, when the asparagus takes root, it can be transplanted into a pot with soil.
  2. The division of the bush: such reproduction can be carried out at any warm time of the year. To do this, in the process of transplanting, the bush is divided into parts (each part must have at least one shoot) and planted in different holes. This is the preferred option. Since the transplantation of a young plant should occur every year.

Choosing the right breeding method depends on individual preferences and the situation.

Diseases and pests

Asparagus is quite unpretentious and easily resists diseases on its own, but in some cases it may need help:

  1. Rust is a fungus that causes orange spots on sprouts and leaves. As a result of infection, the plant begins to lag behind in development, quickly turns yellow, does not give shoots and roots, which leads to the death of asparagus. Most often found in wet lands and in rainy weather.
  2. Root rot - occurs under the same conditions as rust.
  3. Rhizoctonia - less common than the previous two cases, usually affects the root crop of carrots, from where it can move to asparagus.

From insects stand out:

  1. The asparagus fly is a small insect that gnaws through leaves and young shoots, causing them to wither and die;
  2. Asparagus beetle - easy to distinguish by its blue back with a red border. Appears from spring, reaches its maximum number in mid-summer. Like a fly, it gnaws holes in the leaves, which is why asparagus is forced to spend all its energy on growing new ones.

For prevention, it is necessary to regularly inspect asparagus and cut off damaged leaves and sprouts. In spring and autumn, it is necessary to spray the plant with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux liquid.

Asparagus or asparagus is considered a rather capricious and finicky plant, however, when proper care it thrives well in garden beds. To do this, you must follow the basic rules and, if you wish, watch a few training videos before you buy seedlings.

How to harvest asparagus, see the following video:

Growing asparagus in the garden is not common. If they grow this useful, but so far very exotic vegetable, then in large farms and agricultural firms for sale. The thing is that growing this perennial crop is quite troublesome. First of all, you need to find suitable planting material, wait a couple of years for a stable harvest, and be sure to follow simple, but specific rules of agricultural technology.

However, it is worth trying to grow asparagus in your garden, because this delicacy is valued by gourmets around the world for its beneficial medicinal properties.

Asparagus, or Asparagus, is a perennial crop that can reach the age of 20 years. We are all familiar with decorative shoots of asparagus - lush openwork green panicles, which are widely used in the design of bouquets, successfully complementing any flower arrangement.

Along with decorative ones, there are also vegetable varieties, they practically do not differ in appearance, decorative varieties can also be eaten, but vegetable asparagus is more juicy and delicate in taste.

Edible in asparagus are young shoots that grow from the rhizome in spring, and the green vegetative mass is not eaten and is needed only for photosynthesis. It is believed that it is not advisable to grow asparagus from seeds - seedlings will yield a crop only in the third year. Therefore, planting is best done with rhizomes (among agronomists they are called rosettes), which should be completely underground.

Growing asparagus
If you want to grow asparagus as a vegetable plant for food, one bush will not be enough. For all its unpretentiousness, asparagus has certain preferences. The soil should warm up well. The optimum temperature for growing asparagus is 15-24 degrees Celsius.

Getting started growing asparagus is hard enough. It is young plants that are exceptionally sensitive to frost. However, if you choose frost-resistant male forms of asparagus (and within each variety there are options for female and male forms), they are much more frost-resistant, in some varieties they can withstand up to -30 ° C without strong shelter. Such cold-resistant forms, once rooted in a sufficiently deep trench bed, can grow for several years and each year produce a crop from certain shoots.

Distinguishing male plants from female plants is very simple. Male plants do not form berries, they are better developed, have a large number of shoots, but their stems are rather thin. Female plants have thick stems, but they are much smaller.

Asparagus grows well after grains and those crops that require deep digging of the soil, such as potatoes.

In autumn, after pruning, it is useful to rake the mound to allow the roots to breathe.

Sowing asparagus seeds for seedlings
Before sowing, asparagus seeds are recommended to be soaked in water at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. Changing the water daily, leave the seeds for 3-5 days before pecking. Then the seeds are first dried and then sown.

In March, asparagus seeds can be sown in peat-humus pots 6 by 6 cm in size. After sowing, the pots are placed in a bright and warm place. Seedlings grown in this way are planted in open ground in early June. Remember to water the planted seedlings regularly.

When rosettes of asparagus from several shoots began to form on seedlings, they can be planted at a distance of 40 cm between plants and 20 cm between ridges.

The most suitable for planting annual seedlings. When planting older seedlings, the yield is usually lower. Seedlings should be overgrown with thick roots and 5-6 buds.

Sowing in open ground
When preparing sowing seeds, they are soaked for a couple of days, the seeds that have hatched will germinate faster.

When planting in a planting trench, it must be filled with rotted manure, sprinkled with earth, and seeds of vegetable asparagus can be sown on top of this earth.

Sow seeds on ridges at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. The distance between 2 ridges is about 30 cm. Then the seedlings will need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants to get a 20 by 40 pattern, and remove the weak ones.

Site preparation for asparagus
For asparagus, you should choose an open, well-lit, warmed-up and wind-sheltered area - so the shoots will begin to form faster. Asparagus is contraindicated close occurrence of groundwater. The depth of their level should be at least 1.4 m.

In addition, asparagus requires a large number organics. From autumn it is recommended to apply approx. 6 kg of humus per 1 sq. m, and even more on sandy soils: 1-2 buckets.

soil for asparagus
Asparagus does not tolerate acidic soils. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out the enrichment and liming of the soil in the fall for the spring seedlings of asparagus. Also, the area for asparagus must first be cleared of perennial weeds and old rhizomes. The light mechanical composition of the soil is considered ideal for asparagus. It will not be superfluous to make sure that there are no Fusarium pathogens in your area.

Asparagus can be grown flush with the soil surface by filling special trenches with dense nutritious humus compost. But if the groundwater is too close, then it is better to raise the ridges 10-15 cm above the soil level.

Asparagus beds
In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, they dig up the earth and make beds. The width of the beds should be approx. 1 m, the distance between them is left at least 40 cm. If the site is high and dry, the ridges can be omitted. Since the root system of asparagus penetrates deeply, deep digging is required when preparing the soil. The depth of processing can reach 1 m.

Planting asparagus in trenches
It is desirable to plant asparagus from north to south. Planting is carried out by rhizomes to a depth of 12-24 cm.

For planting asparagus, it is necessary to prepare a planting pit or trench with a flat bottom 30 cm deep and 50 cm wide. The excavated earth remains along the edges of the furrow in the form of a shaft. Then the bottom of the furrow is dug up again, closing up manure or compost (if organic matter was not added in the fall). Then, at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, mounds about 10 cm high are raked at the bottom of the furrow and a rhizome is “seated” on them, directing the roots down and evenly distributing them on all sides of the mound. The head of asparagus, located 10 cm below the soil surface, is covered with earth with a layer of 5 cm with the roots and lightly pressed. Seedlings should be planted in moist soil. If planting is done in pots, then they must be carefully placed on the mounds.

The planting density is from 3 to 5 plants per 1 running meter. Optimum row spacing approx. 2 m

Whether you need to form a bed depends on whether you want to get white or green asparagus. From where the shoots are formed, their color will depend: under the ground they turn out to be white, and on the surface - green. Whites are more valuable, but more difficult to grow, harvest, and store.

If you want to get white asparagus, you need to form a ridge 6-8 cm high immediately after planting, and raise it to 60 cm in the early spring of next year. Green asparagus is grown on a flat surface.

Caring for asparagus consists of constant raking the soil, regular weeding and watering.

Watering and loosening asparagus
Despite the fact that asparagus does not like close groundwater, it is sensitive to watering, because in drought the shoots become bitter-tasting, coarse and fibrous. Do not allow the soil to dry out under the asparagus and constantly carry out deep irrigation watering, especially during the dry season and on young plantings, until the plants have formed a deep root system.

After heavy rainfall, it will be useful to carry out surface loosening to prevent the formation of a soil crust that prevents the plant from breathing. In addition, a dense crust on the surface can interfere with the germination of young asparagus seedlings.

At the same time, be careful: with deep loosening, you can damage the roots and fragile shoots of asparagus. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to dig up asparagus planting with a pitchfork, it is better to use a wooden roller specially adapted for loosening asparagus with driven nails no more than 2 cm long. With this roller, you can roll the surface of the mound where the asparagus grows several times - this will be enough for the plant to breathe and normally grew up again.

Top dressing of asparagus
Asparagus loves it fertile soils She needs good food. To get thick juicy sprouts, it needs to be fed quite often with organic fertilizers over the summer with manure and herbal infusions.

A bucket of compost humus for 1 plant will improve the taste and appearance asparagus. The sprouts become whiter, bleached, and more tender in taste. It is best to carry out such top dressing in the fall, but it is also possible in May, when the first shoots already appear. On the ridge you need to pour a mound of humus, spending about 1 bucket per 1 plant.

Asparagus grows well under a layer of humus soil - the shoots will be bleached (they are also called etiolated).

The need for nitrogen in asparagus is quite low, so it is not necessary to carry out intensive fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. It is good if the soil is equally enriched with both macro and microelements. Deficiency of such elements as copper, borax, potassium negatively affects the ability of asparagus to form succulent shoots.

Every spring and autumn, it is necessary to feed asparagus with organic matter and mineral fertilizers: add potassium, phosphorus and calcium. If necessary, the shoots are mulched with humus or manure with soil. After top dressing, the soil must be shed.

In autumn, under one-two-year-old plants and fruit-bearing plantings, it is desirable to add superphosphate and 40% potassium salt at the rate of 300-500 g and 250-350 g, respectively, per 10 square meters. m. After fertilizing, the soil between the rows should be carefully carefully loosened so as not to touch the roots and seedlings of asparagus.

Diseases and pests of asparagus
It is not recommended to grow asparagus in one place for more than 4 years, the plants begin to be affected by a specific asparagus disease - purple root rot. When growing asparagus in a crop rotation with regular replanting of rosettes, this disease can be avoided. You should also carefully monitor the cleanliness of the planting material. Therefore, regularly planting asparagus should be rejuvenated by digging up and discarding old plants and planting in a new place new plants obtained from seeds.

When to Harvest Asparagus
For the first two years, it is better not to touch the plant so that it builds up a good root system - when the roots are strong, they will lay thick succulent shoots. Asparagus is harvested when the seedlings are 12-20 cm long.

In warm weather, asparagus shoots grow very quickly, and if you need bleached shoots, you will have to cut them every day in the morning and afternoon. The more seedlings cut off, the better - so new ones grow more actively.

For harvesting, use a sharp knife or pruner, rake the soil in order to reach the bleached part of the shoots and cut out this dense shoot leaving a small stump. Then the soil is again raked, adding humus compost to it.