Recipe for thin whey pancakes: an ideal dish for thrifty housewives. Pancakes with whey

  • 19.10.2019

Thin pancakes whey with holes is not difficult to cook at home. The recipe is quite simple and consists of the most affordable products that every hostess probably has. Since soda is used in the recipe, the pancakes are thin with holes. To improve the taste, you can add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon to the pancake dough. In any case, pancakes are thin and tasty. They are perfect for breakfast, as they cook very quickly. Eat them immediately after cooking with your favorite jam, condensed milk or honey and, of course, with a cup of tea. Such pancakes will be enjoyed not only by adults, but also by our children.

Pancakes are best fried in a non-stick pancake pan or use a proven cast iron pan, then it is pleasant to cook them, they do not stick and easily turn over. Elastic and soft pancakes are obtained from pancake dough on whey, they can be folded into a tube or an envelope, stuffed with sweet and savory fillings.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Serum 250 ml;
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt 0.5 tsp;
  • Soda 0.5 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil 1.5 tablespoons + for frying;
  • Wheat flour 120 g

How to cook thin pancakes with whey holes

Pick up a deep container for kneading dough. Drive in egg, add granulated sugar. Beat by hand with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour in odorless sunflower oil, sprinkle with salt. Continue stirring with a whisk to evenly distribute the oil.

Pour in the serum. You can use home or store. The more acidic the whey, the better for the dough. Stir.

Pour the required amount of soda. Stir. Let the pancake mass rest a bit. 5-10 minutes will be enough for the soda to react with the fermented milk product.

Sprinkle in the sifted wheat flour. Use a hand whisk or mixer to mix. The second option is more convenient, as it does not leave flour lumps in the dough. Ready dough Pretty thin for pancakes. It is better to leave the dough for 15 minutes and fry the pancakes after a short time.

For frying, use a pancake pan or one that does not burn. Send to medium fire. Warm up well. Dip a kitchen brush in sunflower oil and grease the pan. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the hot pan and quickly spread it over the entire bottom. Use a ladle to take the dough. Fry over moderate heat until holes appear on the top side of the pancake. Carefully, flip to the second side using a thin spatula and continue to fry until browned. Do not leave, watch the pancakes, they cook very quickly. Carefully place the finished pancake on a large flat plate and brush with a little butter.

Put the fried pancakes in a pile on a flat plate and quickly serve to the table.

They can be wrapped as shown in our photo. Whey thin pancakes with holes are ready. Bon appetit and fragrant hot tea!

Hello. We continue the pancake theme, and today we have “suns” on whey on the agenda. That is, on the liquid that is obtained and remains after curdling and straining milk, and it is also obtained during the production of cheese.

This consistency is widely used in cosmetology, medicine, dietetics, and for thrifty hostesses it also goes into many culinary recipes.

To be honest, I don’t often have whey, but if it does, I immediately bake an appetizing and healthy treat from it. It is very tender and seems to melt in your mouth.

But when preparing whey dough, you need to know some of the nuances, otherwise our delicacy may not work out. Therefore, I want to give you a couple of useful recommendations:

  • The most important thing is to monitor the heating of the whey, it should be warm, not hot, otherwise when adding flour, we will get a paste, not dough;
  • Do not forget to sift the flour to make the food airy;
  • When kneading the dough, you can add cognac, so it will turn out more plastic and tender, and when frying, all the alcohol will evaporate, but the pleasant taste will remain;
  • After frying, it is better to lubricate each product with a small amount of butter, so that later the workpieces do not stick together with each other.

Now let's proceed directly to the preparation of our dish. And remember that our milky liquid should be fresh and smell good. If you feel bad smell then it is better not to use it for baking.


  • Serum - 1 l;
  • Flour - 350 gr.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml + for frying;
  • Soda - 5 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the whey into a saucepan and put on a small fire. Heat until warm.

3. And in the whey that remains, add salt, sugar and a third of the flour.

4. We take a whisk and carefully stir the mass so that there is not a single lump.

5. Then gradually add the remaining flour, continuously stirring the dough.

6. Now we drive in the egg and pour in the vegetable oil, mix the consistency well again.

7. Take our reserved whey and bring it to a boil.

8. After it boils, put the soda and mix.

9. Pour this mixture into the dough and stir.

10. This is how the finished mass should look like.

11. We heat the pan and grease it vegetable oil.

12. Bake the product on one side until it is browned on the sides.

13. Then turn the cake over and bake for 1-2 minutes.

14. Remove from the pan and start frying the next ones.

Lush pancakes on whey with holes

By the way, if you have never tried a delicacy prepared with this milky liquid, and you don’t have it on hand, then you can cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to heat the curdled milk and collect the forming water from above, this will be a tasty and healthy whey.


  • Flour - 350 gr.;
  • Serum - 500 ml;
  • Sugar, salt - to taste;
  • Soda - 5 gr.;
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.;
  • Sunflower oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the whey from the refrigerator and heat it in a saucepan.

Cold whey cannot be used.

2. Mix all products in a deep cup and gradually add the sifted flour. Whisk well until liquid is formed without lumps. The dough should turn out like a thick, but pouring sour cream.

3. At the end, pour vegetable oil into the consistency and let stand on the table for half an hour.

4. We heat the pan, grease it with oil and pour a small amount of dough with a ladle, distributing it in an even and thin layer.

Use a cast iron or heavy bottomed pan.

5. As soon as the product becomes porous, turn it over with a spatula.

6. It is better to stack pancakes on top of each other, so they will be warm and soft longer.

Cottage cheese whey recipe

You can also get our mixture when making homemade cottage cheese. At the same time, you will receive two products for our dish - whey for the dough and cottage cheese for the filling.

By the way, do not forget that in addition to stuffed pancakes, you can cook a whole product from the product, very tasty and practical.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 100-150 gr.;
  • Wheat flour - 1-1, 5 tbsp.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil- 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Serum - 700 gr.;
  • Butter - for greasing;
  • Cottage cheese - 300-400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs, add salt and sugar, beat with a whisk.

2. Now pour a glass of milk, mix everything and sprinkle some of the flour. Next, add vegetable oil and stir.

3. Pour in the whey in parts, alternating with flour and continuously stirring the mass.

In order for the pancakes to turn out lacy, at the very end, you can pour in a little boiling water.

4. The dough should turn out moderately liquid. Next, bake a treat in a preheated pan, greased with oil.

5. Lubricate each baked pancake with butter. And then put the filling, that is, cottage cheese, and level it in an even layer. Wrap the delicacy with an envelope or straw.

Cottage cheese is best used with sugar.

Cooking pancakes without eggs

And here is a great video recipe for making goodies without eggs, but with mayonnaise. They turn out so fluffy. Serve them with jam or fresh sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Step-by-step recipe for pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya

Well, in our modern time, many are addicted and watch the famous Yulia Vysotskaya. I also always try to be in trend and occasionally watch cooking shows.

Therefore, for you, the next photo is the process of making food from a famous housewife. Prepare and write your comments.


  • Serum - 3 tbsp.;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Flour - 1.5-2 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Warm up the whey a little first.

2. Then add salt and sugar, beat in the eggs and beat everything with a whisk.

3. Then pour in the flour, mix so that there are no lumps.

4. Pour in the oil, and then leave it on the table for 15 minutes to rest and mix again.

How to cook thin pancakes with holes


  • Serum - 500-600 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour - 200 gr.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Break eggs in a deep plate, add sugar, salt and soda. Whisk.

2. Pour in warm whey.

4. Pour in vegetable oil, mix again and leave to stand for 15 minutes.

5. Heat the pan and bake the product on both sides until golden brown.

6. Serve with any berries, jam, condensed milk or sour cream.

Do not forget that in addition to using whey, pancakes can be cooked, and even on and. If you liked the collection, write your reviews and share in social networks. See you!!

Do you love pancakes? Probably a lot of people love pancakes. Especially on Maslenitsa, the general eating of pancakes. And they bake a lot of them, many housewives try various recipes pancakes. I love to try too different recipes, so there are a lot of recipes for pancakes on the blog. Today I baked delicious and thin whey pancakes. Recipe with photos, plus everything is so simple and the ingredients are very simple. Previously, I cooked pancakes only in milk, believing that they turn out to be not tasty on whey, without even trying them. Then I began to try the oven on kefir. But now the turn has come to pancakes on whey.

The first recipe I tried was this. I cooked a little to try, but as it turned out, the pancakes turned out to be thin and very tasty. The principle of preparation is the mixing of boiling water and whey. But today I have pancakes only on whey.

Today I'm trying another whey pancake recipe. I prepared today for 1 liter of whey. Whey usually remains after making homemade cottage cheese.

It is a pity to pour out such a wonderful product, especially since you can cook a lot of different interesting dishes from it.

Delicious and thin whey pancakes. Recipe with photo

Ingredients for making pancakes:

  • 1 liter whey (not very acidic)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 3 large eggs (I have country eggs)
  • 1 teaspoon of soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 500 grams of flour

I have leftover whey after making Adyghe cheese. Very tasty and not sour. Why write about acid? Because on a very sour whey, sour pancakes can turn out.

I warm up the serum a bit. Since whey must be heated before cooking pancakes.

I add sugar, salt and a teaspoon (without a slide) of soda to the warmed whey. It is not necessary to extinguish soda with vinegar, as it will be extinguished in whey. After adding soda, the serum will sizzle and a white foam will appear on the surface.

We also drive in three eggs and stir with a whisk. Eggs can be beaten separately in a bowl with sugar and added to whey. But I do so, anyway, I mix everything well with a whisk.

The next thing we do is add flour. It took me about 500 grams of flour. I add flour to the whey in parts. Not all at once, but gradually.

I add a portion of flour and mix with a whisk. You can use a mixer, but I do everything with a regular whisk.

Add flour and mix everything well. Then add vegetable oil. I add about 4-5 tbsp. spoons of oil.

As you can see, there are small lumps in the dough. But that's not a problem. Before frying pancakes, let the dough stand for half an hour to one hour at room temperature.

Then the pancakes will be even tastier and all in the hole. Pancakes should not be fried right away, it is better to let the dough stand at room temperature. And before frying the pancakes, mix the dough well again, then all the lumps will disperse.

I say this with confidence, because I have already baked pancakes many times. Of course I love it very much. But whey-based pancakes also pleased me with their taste.

The dough for pancakes looks like this. Not too thick, but not runny either. I used 500 grams of flour, I say for sure, as I weighed it on an electronic scale. It just happens that readers ask for exact proportions, saying that glasses are different, and you can type in a spoon in different ways.

We fry pancakes in a hot pan. For the first pancake, the pan needs to be greased with vegetable oil. And then you don't have to.

I have a frying pan non-stick coating, so not a single pancake was lumpy. And here are the pancakes. Which all turn out into a hole, plus whey pancakes turn out to be thin.

Fry pancakes on both sides. Until the bowl of dough is empty. I don't make them very rosy, but it's all a matter of taste. Plus, I also brush each pancake with a piece of butter while they are still hot.

Pancakes lubricated with butter are very tasty and tender, with a creamy note.

Of course, butter is extra pounds, but pancakes by themselves cannot be called a dietary and light dish. Of course, we do not eat pancakes every day, but sometimes we want to. This is such a warm and delicious pancake.

There were not so many pancakes. I had just started frying when the children lined up with plates. Probably immediately ate 5 pancakes. I didn’t count pancakes by the piece, I don’t even know how many pieces I got.

I remember one story. We had neighbors. Husband and wife, so they always considered everything individually and then boasted to all the neighbors.

For example, my wife made 40 cutlets from a kilogram of meat. Well, and so on. They were funny, they knew the score for everything, everyone counted how much it turns out. It may be necessary, but I don't think so. It happens, but in very rare cases.

Well, whey pancakes are ready. We ate them with honey. You can, of course, with red caviar, but caviar is not always the case.

But it also tastes great with honey. You can eat pancakes with jam, you can fill them with cottage cheese or any other stuffing.

Pancakes turned yellow on homemade eggs. And we all really liked these pancakes. I used to think that serum cannot be delicious pancakes but I was wrong. Very soft, tender pancakes are obtained.

Also one of my favorite pancake recipes is this. As part of pancakes, kefir, cottage cheese and other ingredients. Since I love cottage cheese and cottage cheese pastries as well, I am delighted with these pancakes.

We ate them warm. They ate everything, only a couple of pancakes remained. Well, I think if they are warmed up, they will be no less tasty.

Cook with pleasure and love! Bon appetit!

Recipes for delicious pancakes

Try to cook delicious and fluffy whey pancakes with holes according to our signature recipe with step by step photos and detailed video instructions.

1 h 40 min

164 kcal

5/5 (3)

If you are making homemade cottage cheese and you have whey left, then make pancakes from it. This is perfect option to save groceries and bake something delicious. Such plump pancakes resemble pancakes in texture. They are very tasty and filling. They can be prepared for a holiday or just for breakfast for the whole family.

Ingredients and preparation

What kitchen utensils do you need to cook? Dough bowl, whisk and frying pan.

Required Ingredients

How to choose ingredients

  • To make pancakes airy, take the highest grade flour. Make sure it's not expired. Rate appearance product. Flour should be snow-white, crumbly, without lumps and inclusions. It is very important that the package in which it is stored is undamaged. Otherwise, moisture or insects could get in there.
  • Vegetable oil is desirable to take sunflower. It is best to choose refined. Because the strong smell of unrefined oil can affect the smell.

A step-by-step recipe for making pancakes with whey

  1. Heat the whey until it becomes slightly warm.
  2. Sift the flour and add it to the whey. Do not add all at once, but in parts.
  3. Stir with a whisk so that there are no lumps. The batter should be slightly thicker than regular pancakes.

    Did you know? Strain the serum before using. There could be lumps of cottage cheese left in it.

  4. Add all other ingredients to the dough.
  5. Mix the resulting batter and let it stand for about an hour. This is necessary so that the ingredients begin to interact, and the dough acquires desired properties. If possible, let the dough stand longer. This will only benefit him.

    Did you know? The soda in this recipe does not need to be quenched with vinegar. The whey itself is acidic, and the quenching process will occur when the soda comes into contact with it.

  6. Heat the skillet over high heat. When it heats up, reduce the heat and fry the pancakes under the lid until golden brown.

    Did you know? Usually pancakes are fried without oil, but in this case, you can add a little vegetable (sunflower) oil. You can pour the dough into the pan only when it is hot, otherwise everything will stick.

  7. Then the pancake needs to be turned over and fried again, but on the other side.
  8. Serve ready-made pancakes for tea.

What to serve pancakes with?

Such pancakes are eaten with sour cream and jam. Pancake toppings are served on separate plates for easy dipping.

In my opinion, these pancakes are meant for a sweet filling. They can wrap nuts with honey. Just roll up the tube. For envelopes, this dough is too thick. They can also be served with condensed milk. Be sure to choose a drink. I recommend serving tea with linden and honey. But you can take any other drink of your choice.

These pancakes go very well with cottage cheese filling. For this purpose, you can use the curd mass bought in the store. And you can cook it yourself. To do this, take cottage cheese, cream and sugar in the proportions you need. Mix these ingredients, add vanilla, raisins or dried apricots. Soak the raisins in warm water. Mix everything thoroughly again. Delicious curd filling is ready!

If you are planning to make a pancake cake, The best decision- bake lush pancakes on whey, plump, ruddy for cakes. They are also with holes, soft, elastic. A thick filling will lie on them in an even layer, and a liquid one will be quickly absorbed, but the pancakes will not get wet, they will remain a noticeable layer. A simple recipe for fluffy whey pancakes will also appeal to those who love real Russian pancakes. And even if their taste is not as rich as that of yeast, they are cooked on hastily half an hour and you're done!


  • serum - 300 ml;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • soda - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • table vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l. or 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l;
  • butter - 50 gr. (grease the pancakes).

How to cook fluffy whey pancakes

Break one large egg into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar. You can decrease/increase the amount of sugar, add to taste. According to the recipe, pancakes will turn out almost unsweetened, although three tablespoons of sugar are added. Apparently, the matter is in the whey, it takes away the sweetness.

Beat all the ingredients until a fluffy foam appears. The better the egg is beaten, the more magnificent the dough will turn out and the more holes there will be in the pancakes.

Heat the whey, make it warmer than room temperature, but not hot, so as not to boil the eggs. Chatter with a whisk.

Sift flour into a separate bowl. Gradually pour into the mixture of whey and eggs, stirring the dough with a whisk. It will turn out thick, almost like dough for pancakes. You can visually determine whether there is enough flour when stirring: if traces remain after the whisk, shallow grooves and disappear almost immediately, there is enough flour. If there are no traces at all, the mass mixes easily - you need to add a little.

Quench the soda with vinegar or squeeze the juice from a slice of lemon onto the powder. Pour into the dough, stir.

Soda acts in the same way as baking powder: it raises the dough, makes it airy, porous, fills it with air bubbles. The consistency will not be so thick, a lot of bubbles will appear on the surface - these are future holes on pancakes.

So that each time you do not have to lubricate the pan, you need to pour refined vegetable oil into the dough. It can be both sunflower and olive or sesame, corn.

After adding the oil, beat the dough again thoroughly, combining all the components. You should get a homogeneous, not very thick mass, something like condensed milk. Leave the dough to brew for 15 minutes, it will thicken a little and you can bake pancakes.

Heat the pan well, grease with vegetable oil. With a large ladle, take the dough, pour into the center of the pan. Twist, shake, so that from the middle it disperses to the sides. Put back on the fire, adjust to medium, on a strong lush pancakes with whey will not have time to bake. Fry for about 2-2.5 minutes, until the bottom becomes ruddy, and large and small holes form on top. You need to turn the pancake with a spatula, not earlier than all the wet areas become dull, compacted.

The second side is fried for 1-1.5 minutes, until golden spots. The edges of thick fluffy pancakes are thinner than the middle, and can dry out a little. Therefore, as soon as you remove it from the pan, grease the surface and edges with a piece of butter. But if you bake as blanks for a cake, then you don’t need to grease, just cover.

Rosy, fluffy pancakes with whey have a pleasant taste and an unusual texture: they are soft, porous, with holes. Very satisfying. It is better to serve them with some liquid sauces or additives: condensed milk, sour cream, melted butter, to which you can add a little salt, with berry puree or jam. Bon appetit!