Slavic symbolism and its meaning. Symbols of paganism

  • 16.10.2019
  1. Perunov color, or fern flower- a symbol aimed primarily at protecting the owner from the evil eye, bad influence, dirty thoughts. It also fulfills the desires of the wearer, but only those the fulfillment of which a person desires with all his heart.
  2. Kolyadnik - originally a male symbol of the Family and the Sun. Only males were allowed to wear it. The symbol gave courage in battle and wisdom on the path of life.
  3. Ladinets - this symbol is similar to the previous one, only it is intended for women. Ladinets programs a woman for a good marriage and a strong family.
  4. Cross of Svarog - this symbol was not used as a talisman. He only showed the patronage of the Highest of the Gods and asserted the power of the Universe.
  5. Amulet Makosh - a symbol used by creative people to gain inspiration, and by mothers, as it personifies fertility. It contains the strongest energy.
  6. Source - is considered a flow of energy that can help in any business, if used correctly.
  7. Molvinets is a powerful amulet. Blocks all the negativity said towards its owner. Protects not just one person, but the whole family.
  8. Yarovik - aimed at protecting the home and economy. Symbolizes safety and reliability.
  9. The light is a symbol of the Way. It helps to find answers to global questions, find the meaning of life and strengthen the spirit.
  10. Valkyrie - the amulet was used mainly by warriors. It represents courage and wisdom.
  11. The symbol of the Family is the symbol of the Sun. Saves from any disease. It contains powerful universal energy.
  12. Stribozhich - protects against natural Disasters pacifies nature.
  13. The star of Lada is a symbol of the strength of the Family. Protects a woman, family and home.
  14. Rasich - symbolizes the power of four Races, four Clans. It awakens harmony and the ability to contemplate in a person.
  15. Perunitsa is a symbol of victory, determination, a powerful amulet. Literally personifies the earthly energy of lightning.
  16. The solstice is a symbol of optimism, the energy of the creator, protection from bad weather and the evil eye. Stores the power of the Sun, showing the direction of its movement.
  17. Star of Inglia - personifies the Universal beginning, the moment of the universe. Unites three components: body, spirit and soul, into one.
  18. The wedding man is a symbol of a powerful union. He was sewn on the clothes of the newlyweds, so that their marriage was indestructible.
  19. Dukhobor is a symbol of the inner flame of man, life. It was not used as a talisman, but was able to protect the soul with proper use.
  20. Svarga - personifies perfection in the flesh. Helps people on the path of Truth and Awareness.
  21. Ognevitsa is a patronizing symbol for adult woman. Helps her in everything and protects from evil forces.
  22. The black sun is a generic symbol. A very rare sign, about which there is still little information. It is known to be charged with colossal power and can harm the inexperienced.
  23. Svitovit - symbolizes the horizon, the collision of two worlds - heavenly and earthly. Powerful amulet.
  24. Kolard is a fiery symbol of rebirth and purity.
  25. Odolen-grass - has strong protective properties. Able to protect from evil spirits and diseases caused by them.
  26. Rubeznik - based on the name, a symbol of the boundary, border, point of no return. Marks the line between two worlds.
  27. Ratiborets is an exclusively military symbol. It personifies courage, courage in battle, gives immeasurable spiritual power, but only to those who are ready to give their lives for their land.

In ancient times, people did not know how to explain what was happening around them. Myths and legends came to their aid. All objects and animals were endowed with human qualities. According to our ancestors, they had a soul, had a positive or negative impact on human life and health. Rituals, magic spells and symbols were of particular importance. At different peoples they were different.

To enhance the protective properties, protective symbols were often embroidered on clothes.

To protect and acquire special qualities, the ancient Slavs used amulets various shapes. Magic symbols served as an ornament in embroidery, decorated bracelets and necklaces. They were made for women, children, warriors. In the form of symbols, runes and amulets, they endowed their owner with courage and determination, filled with inner strength. Let's take a look at the famous Slavic amulets, find out what meaning, description and interpretation exists.

General and individual Slavic amulets and amulets

Slavic amulets could be placed anywhere: in houses, on household items, clothes, jewelry. Placed inside the hut, it protected the dwelling and each member of the family, endowing them with energy and inner strength.

The Slavic zodiac consisted of 16 signs

For personal protection used amulets and amulets. The Slavs had sixteen zodiac signs, each with its own symbol. The nominal amulet was chosen based on the birthday of the person to whom it was intended.

Before putting on a charm with a zodiac, it was necessary. Then its action was directed to a specific person, endowing him with certain qualities. Otherwise, such a talisman would only harm the owner.

To charge the Slavic amulet, all the personal information of a person was taken into account, taking into account all individual characteristics. The name that was given at birth was important. Personal talismans protected their owner, strengthened him.

Girls embroidered protective symbols on the clothes of their lovers

When creating Slavic amulets, they were charged to give a person those qualities that he lacks or those that will be useful to him in life. Usually amulets were given. Mothers made them for children, girls made them or embroidered them on clothes for their beloved ones. Amulets were charged for prosperity, good luck, giving courage, protection, etc.

What were Slavic amulets and amulets made of?

Amulets were made from available materials, it could be a precious tree and base metals. Often, animal bones or were used as material. The ancestors believed that if you make an amulet from a part of an animal, then its power will certainly pass to you. Such a Slavic amulet kept the owner from the invisible forces of evil.

Because of its magical properties, silver has long been used to make amulets.

Folk legends and beliefs say that evil spirits cannot stand silver, so this metal was chosen for protective amulets. The material from which the amulets were made performed another important function - determining the status. The most valuable were hardware especially gold ones.

The main amulets of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic amulets were used as protection against evil forces and enemies, used in magical rituals and rites. They could be intended to protect housing and its owners, separately for men and women. There were also nominal bracelets and amulets that were intended for a specific person. They were not chosen randomly, and not for beauty. Each sign has certain magical properties, which must match their owner.

Among the main symbols for amulets, the following are distinguished:

  • Agni;
  • Talisman of Belobog;

Agni is the main sign used to protect one's home and sanctuary to worship the gods. A talisman with the Belobog rune was also considered a protective symbol. He was placed inside the house to protect himself from evil.

Alatyr was perceived as the center of all things and the basis of the universe

Slavic amulet Alatyr was worn by young girls. He helped to find love and get married sooner. A talisman with the rune of Veles was intended for children to give wisdom, talent and clairvoyance. The Valkyrie symbol was placed on Slavic amulets for men. This is a sign of a warrior who was supposed to protect in battle and give courage.

Other Slavic amulets and their meaning

The main signs could be supplemented by other images, which were placed not only on the amulets of the Slavs, but also on personal belongings, military uniforms, they were even painted on their bodies. They accompanied absolutely all events in people's lives. The following additional signs are known:

  • Gromovik;
  • Yarovik.

Gromovik helped men in all endeavors, gave strength

Gromovik and Kolyadnik were considered truly masculine symbols. The first defended the soldiers during the battles, the second defended in Everyday life. The sign of the Kolyadnik gave men strength in hard work.

Makosh and Ladinets are female protective signs. Jewelry with the image of Ladinets protected the keepers of the hearth and saved them from the evil eye. The sign of Mokosh was certainly worn by married girls and mothers, he saved the house and family.

Charm Odolen-grass helped to recover from many diseases and recover faster from illnesses

The Odolen-grass symbol prevented diseases or helped to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The sign of Yarovik was placed everywhere, he was responsible for the safety of the crop, protected the house and livestock.

Slavic amulet of the Sort

The Slavs attached special importance to some signs. For example, Rod is a symbol of the beginning, the birth of the Earth and man. They took him very seriously. It meant the unity of the human race, the connection between ancestors and descendants through the transfer of knowledge and wisdom that do not go beyond the genus. Sometimes he was depicted as a laughing sun with numerous rays, at the end of which there were balls.

Amulet Symbol of the Family - the personification of the creative principle, it carries only positive energy

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Connoisseur of ancient Slavic symbols. He has extensive experience in the selection of individual amulets. He charges amulets on his own and consults readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Many hundreds of years ago, people living on earth honored and respected every plant, animal and in general all living things. They could speak and understand all living beings. For the ancient Slavs, the tree not only breathed, but also spoke, for Rod, the supreme god, often took the form of a plant. But besides this, the divine power was transmitted through the branches, which became amulets.

Creating amulets and talismans, the Slavs understood that the deity endowed them with his grace, prolonging life. Slavic wooden or plant amulets could protect against evil spirits. But all the meanings and divisions into amulets for men or Slavic amulets for women are best studied from their photos. This way you can see every detail. This will come in handy for making your own talisman. Since each curl will attract either good luck, and in the absence of a base, it will bring trouble to the owner.

The meanings of amulets

Old Slavonic amulets are not just plaques made of metal or branches. This is an opportunity to stand under the protection of the deities. Their powers include protection from evil and unkind people, from illness and death. But this is not the whole list of possibilities. Vedic symbols on Slavic amulets carry a secret meaning. And their meaning changes depending on the introduction of new elements into them.

One dash or new symbols in the image, and the amulets take on a different meaning, their interpretation and meaning changes dramatically. Although the descriptions will be similar.

Do not forget that Slavic gods were heterogeneous. This means that talismans exist for women and for men. Dress up a girl male sign, meant to take on the role of the head of the family, to get food, to keep track of everyone. At the same time, they did not completely deprive them of femininity. The woman looked like a female person, but her character and manners were masculine. Therefore, this cannot be allowed. Only Rod and his wife Lada could bestow generosity and well-being on everyone without exception.

For men and their Slavic amulets, an important role was played not only by the description and purpose, but also what the talisman was made of. If you want to be resistant to all the problems that fate has in store for you, then definitely a stone or a mineral. Wooden - softness and development intellectual abilities or craft. What did the metal symbolize - skills in the art of war, hunting, management.

Russians are similar to Varangian symbols. Because both cultures have similar interests and concerns. But still, the Vikings preferred more metal products. This is due to their warlike nature. Even the gods had several worlds, in one of them lived good deities responsible for the intellect and mind, in the second world - warlike ones. There were more of them. The third world is monsters who want to win, to capture the whole world and humanity. Therefore, most of the Varangians were warriors, but not artisans.

In the Russian version, the symbols on the amulets more indicated that it was necessary to think, to protect oneself from magical influence, to know how to protect oneself from hardship. And all their meanings boiled down to the fact that family, land and motherland need protection and care. There was a certain number of amulets that patronized only artisans:

  • plowmen and grain growers;
  • hunters;
  • blacksmiths;
  • midwives and so on.

Not everyone could wear such signs, types of amulets. Only the sorcerer, or as they were called earlier by the caretakers of the villages, pointed to those who would be the next plowman. There were also Magi - special people who lived far away from everyone. They came to them for advice and finding their talisman, for treatment and removal of damage. The Magi were able to communicate with all the gods, but only Rod or one of his sons gave them a gift. They had disciples, to whom they passed the staff of power over the world. The prince and all the people of Kievan Rus listened to their opinion.

Everyone knew the meaning of their talismans and amulets - strength, power, protection of all living things, the ability to perform magical actions.

Types of Slavic amulets

The amulets of the Slavs had divisions, types and even subspecies. Sometimes they were allowed to be combined, but most were used in dire need. So today we know about:

  • protective (from evil, sorcerer, black eye and others);
  • family;
  • children's;
  • only for women;
  • male;
  • for procreation and health;
  • magical (meaning giving knowledge in magic)

amulets and amulets, talismans. Add to this the selected material for the product. The next moment is what the need for this or that symbol has become. The more dangers, the stronger the protection is chosen.

There are universal ancient Slavic amulets that provide the gift of all items, except for magical abilities and secret knowledge.


The deity who created all life in the universe is Rod. He grants strength and protection to all without exception. Pagan pictures and emblems, amulets and talismans belonging to the supreme being were applied everywhere:

  • on dishes and clothes;
  • on the walls of houses and wooden plaques;
  • carved on metal pendants (most suitable option- silver), but they were made for men. Women had enough embroidery.


Not all ancient Slavic amulets or amulets are able to protect against any misfortune and magical effects. Become a kind of reflector. treat those. Such a sign was also applied to everything, like the symbol of the Family. In addition, Alatyr healed a person. Not only from the disease of the body, but also of the soul. At the same time, the amulet removed laziness and apathy, bestowed aspirations and hope, personal and family happiness. Do you want to achieve your cherished goal, make your dream come true? Then choose this sign for yourself. A shield from the evil eye and damage, from troubles and dashing people will help you recover from any blow and become strong physically and spiritually. In addition to the amulet, there is also a rune of the same name. She also symbolizes strength in everything: relationships, love, work.


Third in uniqueness and versatility -. Among the Old Believers made of wood, such Old Believer symbols-amulets could be applied even to a baby in the form of embroidery on the bed. Molvinets protects from damage, evil, the evil eye and dark sorcerers. He will reflect the verbal and magical attack, will not cripple. It could be combined with any other amulet. You can also add in favor of the amulet that by wearing a sign on a child or teenager, the parent will ensure the development of mental and physical abilities for the child. If it is bad with sleep, speech or health, then soon after dressing, changes in better side. What types of Slavic amulets are suitable for everyone? Of course, family. At the same time, after the collapse of Kievan Rus, amulets and their meanings were preserved in all Slavic peoples. And everyone considers them their own.

For example, Belarusian amulets are identical to Russian ones, but are used more as an ornament on clothes. Metal or wooden ones have been preserved in Russia.

Who should wear

Slavic amulets were previously a necessity for our ancestors. Without them, it was impossible to carry out any rituals, celebrations and feasts. The presence of a sacred image indicated that the owner respects and appreciates the patronage of natural forces, deities. Literally, in five or six years, respect for the traditions of our people began to return. But since they lost a significant part of the knowledge connecting the two worlds: Kievan Rus and modern Slavs, few people know the meaning of symbols and the purpose of talismans. Hence, difficulties arise with the choice and ability to wear. If the amulets or the old Slavic cross (meaning the protection of the eight gods) can wear everything and combine with all other amulets, then the ancient Slavic symbolism of the amulets, intended for warriors or hunters, does not make sense for a female or a child. They will not help and will not give them any guardianship. Therefore, you need to know how to choose a Slavic amulet for yourself:

If you are not ready for such changes (to accept even partially the faith of your ancestors), then it is better not to start. Why arrange a test for those who are able to optimally punish and bestow all blessings (Slavic deities).

The Slavic amulet, intended for the fair sex, is very different in its purpose. Ancestors respected and valued women, for it is the bearer of offspring. Therefore, in the women's arsenal, literally everything had protective signs, and not just jewelry: embroidery, household items, pendants and clothing items. Accordingly, that the combination was allowed. For example, Slavic amulets for beauty and amulets to protect the household. Or is it all Slavic girls embroidered talismans for procreation (the ability to have children and marry successfully). The photo shows only the main female Slavic charms with their meanings, but this is not the whole list for the girl.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity had more characters not because they are weaker in strength or endurance. The thing is that much more responsibility falls on fragile shoulders: to save a family, raise children, ensure comfort at home and order in the household. But besides this, they must be beautiful and have health. If a woman could not have children, then this was considered a punishment for misconduct.

It was very difficult to forgive such sins. So that the girl would not make mistakes, she was presented with a large number of protective signs from birth. Slavic amulets, which mean the patronage of Lada, the wife of Rod, were of the greatest value. The lucky woman and owner of the Lada Star was protected by a talisman that gave her everything she should have. real woman. You can even say it became an ideal for the opposite sex. The image of Makosh and Rozhanitsa was necessarily added to the Star. Both symbols also gave the girl the ability to manage the household quickly and well. Usually, such housewives argued in the hands. So that all three signs carry more positive energy in themselves, and the charmer looks more and more like an ideal, symbols were embroidered on her from the moment of birth. Amulets and talismans had the greatest power if they were not inherited, but were made specifically for one person.

For men

Slavic amulets for men were also given from the moment of birth. Despite his physical strength, every man requires protection, love and guardianship. To protect the boy from slander and problems, to give more strength and health, to give confidence and develop mental abilities - these are the destinations for the amulets of the Russians. On the embroideries of Ancient Russia, as well as on the female, there were elements and symbols of the Family, Lada, Perun. But if a male amulet carried clear information about the craft, then it is rare to find it on things or tools. After all, he meant that a person is a master of his craft and received the gift of becoming a blacksmith, hunter or warrior not only at his heart's call, but also because the gods decided so.

Slavic male amulets appearance differed from women's in form and meaning. The hammer of Svarog was worn by warriors, and the Vseslavets amulet - good luck in family life, calmness and understanding. Having such a symbol, the husband became the guardian of the peace and well-being of the family. At the same time, the sign is compatible with all other tribal, family talismans. On the clothes of her husband, the wife embroidered any Slavic amulet for men, which carried protection not only from the spell of witchcraft, but also signs that bring good luck in battle, hunting and in the field. This is Svarga.

Charms for the home

Slavic amulets for the house performed the function of not only guardianship of all those living under one roof. They provided cosiness and comfort, health and averted misfortunes, disasters and poverty. What is your understanding of family? Everyone has their own answer. Our ancestors argued that the family is the respect and honor of all members without exception, and not just one person. A woman was surrounded with special honor.

An excellent Slavic symbol of the family was the tree of the Family, combining the three main forces of the universe. Images of Rod, Lada and Belobog (Slavic signs of well-being, do not have negative energy) hung and painted the dwelling. Ornaments and patterns can be found on antique household items, clothes, and pictures on the wall. After all, the word "family" means that the amulet will protect each family member even at a distance.

How to charge

All Slavic amulets or amulets, regardless of their meaning (they are protective or a talisman of health, beauty or wisdom) need to be cleansed and recharged. Their job is to protect people from evil people and pagan spirits. What does it mean to charge or clear? This is by no means the removal of the drawing and not drawing it on a new one. Each amulet has its own patron and natural power. Even the strongest Slavic amulet needs to be nourished by the energy flows of the spirits of Fire or Air, Water or Earth. The image of nature is on all amulets. Therefore, before doing all the necessary procedures, thoroughly study the amulet, and only then proceed to cleaning and recharging.

The most powerful requires the strength of all four elements. What is this sign? Of course, the symbol of the Family in the form of a tree, as well as the Star of Lada.


There is only one frequently asked question for all connoisseurs of Slavic culture: “Is it possible to create a talisman with your own hands?” The answer is simple: "Not only is it possible, but it is necessary." As a rule, this is done by a woman. After all, it was she who became the keeper of the family and all its members. A Slavic amulet for a man, child or family is embroidered on clothes, put on the hand in the form of weaving knots, drawn on the walls of the house and utensils. When creating protective equipment female gender There are a number of rules to keep in mind:

  • be positive;
  • understand the signs
  • monitor the correctness of the drawing and its elements;
  • do not forget monthly, charge and clean not only signs, but also all items that perform a protective function.

The ancient Slavs protected themselves from evil forces and various life troubles with the help of amulets. Moreover, in each specific situation, you need to use a certain protective symbol. Each Slavic amulet is distinguished by its individuality, and choosing it is a very complex process that requires knowledge and consideration of many factors.

Amulets and symbols of the ancient people - their role and meaning

Today, the amulets of the ancient Slavs are very popular. As before, gold and silver are used for their manufacture. But many still give preference to silver, since it is believed that this metal repels any evil spirits. Experts in the field of esotericism argue that when choosing a Slavic amulet, you must definitely listen to your own intuition. In the Slavic world, amulets for men and women stood out in separate groups.

Old Slavic amulets for men

The most powerful Slavic amulets for men are made not only from silver, but also from copper. Their difference from women's amulets is the conciseness of images. In addition, the symbols that were depicted on the amulets were often embroidered by sisters and wives on clothes.

Veles is one of the most powerful and revered gods of the ancient Slavic world. The symbol is an image of the paw of an animal, similar to a bear or wolf. If a man got such an amulet, then he was obliged to wear it all his life. Such a talisman can also be very useful for a boy, as it will contribute to the formation of his character and help to overcome various life obstacles. The loss of a talisman in ancient times was considered a bad omen. This was a warning that a black streak begins in life. AT modern world it is believed that the seal of Veles contributes to career growth. Reliable protection this Slavic amulet provides farmers, fishermen and hunters.

Vseslavets is a charm associated with the element of fire. Its most important purpose is protection from quarrels and disagreements. Previously, it was used to establish family ties. In addition, this symbol controls weather conditions and is able to repel alien negative energy. In the modern world, magicians recommend that men wear it at the time of getting a new job.

Gromovik can conditionally be considered a universal Slavic amulet. It is the unification of the power of good and light. This sign is designed to enhance the natural qualities of a person, it is able to reliably protect against negativity. The amulet is especially useful for young people, as it allows them to make a choice. life path. Previously, it was also often used by warriors. Today, more and more often, the meaning of the symbol is associated with the acquisition of self-confidence.

A storm coat with everyday wear makes a man wiser and more courageous. It allows you to successfully resist various temptations and make the right life decisions. Today, such an amulet is used by sailors and travelers to protect against natural elements.

Dukhobor promotes spiritual and physical cleansing. It is preferred to be worn by people striving for spiritual growth. The strength of this symbol lies in the fact that it is able to protect a man from evil deeds and from various diseases.

The value of the Znich amulet is associated with the desire for self-improvement. This symbol simplifies the process of knowing the world around us. It charges a man with a special positive energy, allows you to know the meaning of life and does not allow damage and the evil eye to destroy the natural aura. In the modern world, experts recommend wearing a talisman when looking for a good job, and also as an amulet aimed at protecting against life failures of a different nature.

The Svarga amulet can only be worn by a man with a well-formed outlook on life and having life experience. Magicians believe that the amulet is suitable for those who are at least 32 years old. It is allowed to start wearing this amulet at an earlier age, but only after participating in hostilities, the need for which is related to the defense of the homeland. Men who have clearly defined for themselves life goals, this Slavic amulet allows you to change life for the better.

The meaning of the amulet of the ax of Perun is strength and power. The symbol was created in honor of the main god of the Slavic world. In ancient times, he allowed the soldiers to protect their native land. Today, the amulet is more often used to protect the family from external negative factors. In addition, he allows a man to be faithful.

The value of the amulet Ratiborets is very deep. The symbol is somewhat mystical, as it establishes a connection with the ancestors who left the world. When wearing it, you can count on their support. In ancient times, it was believed that this amulet in a short time can turn inexperienced youths into strong and wise men. In the modern world, the value of the amulet is more associated with success in any endeavor.

Carol is a universal protective amulet that enhances the willpower of the owner. He is a symbol of wisdom. The amulet was able to protect a man not only in military combat, but also in everyday life. Esotericists believe that the symbol is suitable for diplomats and politicians. He endows people with tact and the ability to find compromises when solving serious issues. It is believed that the man who wears it will never commit a rash, reckless act. The amulet fills the human soul with calmness and confidence.

Women's Slavic amulets

Women's Slavic amulets are more refined in appearance. They, first of all, attract life personal happiness. Amulets contribute to the preservation of youth, successful marriage and the birth of healthy children.

Lunnitsy is a special group of amulets that protected beauties from evil spirits that appeared at night and could do much harm. The meaning of the amulet has always been inextricably linked with bringing happiness and love into life. In addition, Lunnitsa protected the health of a woman. These amulets are necessarily made of silver. It is recommended to wear them on a necklace decorated with stones.

This amulet is double-sided, it is believed that it has great power and is able to protect a woman from damage and the evil eye. On one side of the amulet, Yarovik is depicted, and on the other, the Fireman. In the modern world, magicians recommend wearing this amulet to attract happiness and good luck in life. It is believed that it helps to easily transfer the period of pregnancy and ensures the well-being during childbirth.

The protective amulet symbolizes the famous goddess of love and family - Lada. The ancient Slavs applied the image of this goddess on the walls of the house so that she would take the family under protection and help maintain sincere relations between the household. The amulet allows you to preserve beauty and youth, strengthens women Health which contributes to a successful pregnancy and childbirth. Modern women wear this amulet in order to protect against negativity.

This amulet is designed to protect older women. It helps to become a real keeper of the hearth and create a favorable atmosphere in the home. Thanks to the amulet, peace, prosperity and understanding reign in the home. The power of this amulet is controlled by the goddess Makosh, she contributes to the development of intuition and personifies the unshakable bond between mother and child.

The value of the Ognevitz amulet is difficult to overestimate. This amulet is capable of multiplying maternal strength many times over, so only women who have given birth wear it. The amulet must be made of silver or wood.

Already by the very name it becomes clear that this amulet is primarily intended for those women who seek to have children. Often the symbol is embroidered on a woman's clothing. It allows you to properly tune in to motherhood and is a very good support during pregnancy, since at this time the woman's defenses are significantly weakened, but it helps to successfully cope with depression, which all future women in labor are subject to. During childbirth, the amulet reduces pain and guarantees birth healthy child. The meaning of the amulet after the birth of the baby changes somewhat. His power is redirected to protect the crumbs, so it is very correct to embroider this ancient Slavic symbol on the diapers and clothes of the baby.

Ladinets is a charm that reliably protects a woman from any negative influences. Also, the amulet prevents the development of dangerous female diseases. In the ancient Slavic world, this amulet was given to girls at the time of birth. It is believed that the longer the amulet is worn, the more power it acquires and, over time, is able to give the owner real female happiness.

Charms of the ancient Slavs for children

Slavic amulets for children are presented in pagan culture in a huge variety. There are amulets that needed to be hung over the baby's bed. Other amulets the child had to wear all the time. Protective symbols of the mother were embroidered on the clothes of the baby, for older children they were depicted on belts.

Rodovik was the first amulet, which was necessarily attached to the bed of a born baby. It is considered universal, as it extends its protective properties not only to the baby, but to the whole family. The meaning of the amulet is that it attracts the protection of a specific kind of power of all the bright gods. Rodovik is often called God's Eye. It guarantees the child protection from the four natural elements and all ancestors.

After the birth of the baby, the mother always put a strong protective amulet in the crib - a diaper doll. And this tradition is very popular in the modern world. It is important to remember that such a charm must be made without the use of needles and scissors. First, a tourniquet should be twisted from a white natural fabric, which will be a little body. And then you need to swaddle it in a bright patch, and tie a scarf on your head. From above, the doll must be tied with a red thread, while the face does not need to be painted.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

How to determine your chamber according to the Slavic horoscope

Slavic amulets are often chosen by birthday. In this case, they are universal and provide protection in various areas of life. You need to know that the Slavic calendar consists of 16 chambers. To select, you must use the Svarog circle. If the date of birth is at the junction of the halls, then this indicates that the person patronizes two protective forces.

Flying birthdays

Summer birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Finist - from May 29 to June 20. The God of the universal law of justice Cherry patronizes people, he endows them with endurance and vitality. Usually people born during this period are rational, do not like to take risks, but are very emotional. Horse - from June 20 to July 13. The patron of people born during this period is Kupala, who is considered the heavenly deity of joy and sunlight. Those born in this hall are responsible parents, they always create prosperous families and are very hardworking. Eagle - from July 13 to August 4. Patronizes people in this chamber Perun. The characteristic features of those born are natural wisdom, determination and perseverance. Race or Leopard - from August 4 to August 27. The patron is the god of wisdom Dazhdbog. He endows people born in this chamber with activity and purposefulness, as a rule, they rely only on themselves.

Autumn birthdays

Autumn birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Virgo - from August 27 to September 20. The patron saint of people is the Jiva Mother of God. This bright goddess promotes the development of intuition and caution. Those born under her rule strive for knowledge and, improving themselves, almost always become successful. Vepr - from September 20 to October 11. The patron of the palace is the god Ramhat. Characteristic born in this hall - courage based on rational thinking. This allows people to solve the most difficult problems. Among the representatives, there are often closed, selfish personalities. Pike - from October 11 to November 3. The patroness of the palace is the Goddess Rozhana, responsible for home comfort and peace of mind. For people characteristic feature is the fact that they are able to feel relaxed in any situation. They know how to benefit under any circumstances. Swan - from November 3 to November 24. Mother Makosh patronizes this calendar period. People born in this hall are adventurous and never give in to other people's influence, they never need the advice of other people.

For those born in winter

Winter birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Serpent - from November 24 to December 16. The patron of people born in this chamber is the lord of the original fire - the god Semargl. He is the giver of sound mind and prudence. At this time of the year, prudent conservatives are born who reject any life changes. Raven - from December 16 to January 7. Patronizes people who were born in this chamber, the prophetic god Varuna. During this period, visionaries and dreamers are born. They are able not only to create, but also to destroy, and it depends on how much a person has managed to fulfill himself in life. Bear - from January 7 to January 31. The heavenly god Svarog patronizes those born in the hall. People are distinguished by high efficiency and masculinity. But for all the severity of their character, the representatives of the chamber are very vulnerable and always need the support of loved ones. Stork - from January 31 to February 25. The patron is the god Rod, who takes care of people and seeks to push them on the right path. Representatives of this chamber have a heightened sense of self-worth. They always become reliable friends.

Spring birthdays

Spring birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Wolf - from February 25 to March 22. The patron is the werewolf god and sorcerer Veles. People born in this hall are adherents of law and order. Among them, due to their correctness, there are many lonely people. Fox - from March 22 to April 14. The goddess of the winter cold and the night Mara patronizes this time period. People who were born in this chamber all the time have to make choices and solve difficult problems. Over time, they become cunning and quirky personalities.Tour - from April 14 to May 6. The bright god of wisdom Kryshen patronizes people during this period. representatives are straightforward. They are purposeful, responsible and hardworking. Elk - from May 6 to May 29. The patroness of people who were born in this chamber is the bright goddess Lada. She fills the souls with bright love for loved ones. Representatives are responsive, they are always ready to stand up for the weak and support in a difficult life situation.

Universal charms for home and family - description and interpretation

In the ancient Slavic world, universal amulets are widely represented. They can be used by different categories of people.

Cross of Lada-Virgin Mary- A symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family, the people called him Ladinets. As an amulet, it was mainly worn by girls in order to have protection from the "evil eye". And so that the strength of the power of Ladin was constant, he was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).

Ladinets, also known as the Harmony of the Feminine, is a female Amulet that brings the female essence to harmony. Calmness and joy in the soul are immediately reflected in the appearance - you become more beautiful and attractive, and most importantly - healthier.
The amulet gives peace, joy and self-awareness as a Woman.

The red ray remains unchanged in any case, the color of the second ray changes depending on the sign of the Zodiac.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces,
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn,
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

For the elements of the Earth - the classic black color (many embroider dark green).
For the element of Fire, black is also used (many embroider dark brown).
For the element of Air - blue.
For the element of Water - blue or turquoise.

Ladinets are usually embroidered in combination with roses.

A girl, a woman who was presented with the amulet Ladinets or the Harmony of the Feminine, should, after receiving the gift, walk in a skirt and dresses for 40 days !!! Even at home, you need to wear bathrobes or sundresses, in trousers, shorts, etc. it is forbidden! This applies to yourself as well! It is very important!
Another Ladinets is a popular and simplified name for the amulet "Kolo-Ladnik".
Ladinets is a couple to Kolyadnik (Rodovich). Together they personify the feminine (Ladinets) and masculine (Kolyadnik) principles, and form a heavenly family.

The Slavs called the Goddess Lada the great Mother Goddess, or the Woman in Childbirth. It is Kolo (circle, feminine) and 8 elements (the symbol of infinity) that emphasize the feminine character of the amulet, harmony and the embodiment in eternity of all living things and things.
Kolo-Ladnik or Ladinets can be seen paired with Kolyadnik inside the family home - these are symbols of the giving and receiving beginnings, they personify the unity of a man and a woman, and are twisted in a whirlwind of solar movement, which is embodied in 2 amulets.
Ladinets is given to a woman, regardless of her marital status. If Ladinets is worn by an unmarried girl, a girl, he reveals femininity, feminine qualities and character traits in her. married woman Ladinets will help to give birth to healthy children, promotes family well-being, keeps Peace, Harmony and Consent in the house.
The Cross of the Lada of the Virgin (Ladinets) is a Symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family. This amulet was worn mainly by girls in order to have protection from the "evil eye". In order for the strength and power of Ladin to be constant, the amulet was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).
If there is a Ladinets amulet in the house, Trouble will never befall him. For this pattern, the traditional colors are blue and emerald green.
When to embroider: 10, 14 lunar day.