Sizes of master keys from an English castle. How to open a lock without a key

  • 12.06.2019

Find yourself in front of the locked door of your apartment without your keys in the middle of the night? Or lost the key to the barn's padlock? Before spending money on a locksmith, try picking the lock yourself. The most common type of home and office locks is a pin cylinder lock, which can be opened relatively easily with picks (hook and tensioner), which can be made from improvised means.

Although this process is not difficult and becomes easier with experience, opening the lock requires a lot of patience. To open the lock, you need to insert a thick metal rod or needle into the keyhole and rotate it until you hear a click or turn of the mechanism. In this article, we'll show you how to do it.


    Find out how your castle works. A pin cylinder lock consists of a cylinder that rotates in its body (see illustration below). When the lock is closed, the cylinder is held in place by a number of pins split in two. The top of the pin in each pair extends through the cylinder and through the body, preventing the cylinder from turning. When the correct key is inserted, the pins move up to the exact position where the top of the pins no longer interfere with the cylinder turning and the lock can be opened.

    • Pay attention to the five pins, consisting of two parts. The yellow pins go through the cylinder and the silver casing around it. Springs hold the pins in place.
    • When the correct key is inserted, the grooves and teeth on the key push the pins into correct position, in which the yellow pins are completely out of the cylinder, allowing it to turn and thereby open the lock.
  1. Buy a set of picks (hook and tensioner). Each lockpick serves its own purpose. The tensioner is used to pressurize the cylinder when turning. Professional-grade lockpicks and tensioners can be purchased in a kit (see illustration), but many people who enjoy lockpicking as a hobby make quality lockpicks themselves. Refer to the "What You'll Need" section below for information on how to make your own lockpicks and tensioners.

    Place the tensioner on the bottom of the keyhole.

    Determine which direction the cylinder must rotate to open. If you often use the lock, you should know in which direction it rotates. If you do not know, then first try pulling the pick clockwise and then counterclockwise. At first, the cylinder will turn just a few millimeters until it stops. Try to feel how steadily the cylinder has stopped. If the cylinder is turned in the wrong direction, it will hit sharply and hard, if the cylinder is turned in the right direction, then you will feel free room for oscillation.

    • Some locks, especially padlocks, open regardless of the direction in which the cylinder is turned.
  2. Turn the tensioner slightly in the correct direction and hold. The torque voltage may vary between locks, or multiple attempts may be required when working with different pins. Start with a little pressure.

    Insert the pick hook into the top of the keyhole and feel the pins. Having inserted the pick into the hole, you should be able to feel and press the individual pins with the tip of the hook. You should be able to push the pins up and feel the pressure of the springs as you push the pick down. Try to lift each pin all the way up. Determine which of the pins is the hardest to lift. If they all give in easily to pressure, then increase the tension of the lower master key (tensioner). If one of the pins does not move at all, loosen the tension until the pin starts to move. Alternatively, you can “comb” the pins before starting the above process (see Tips below).

    Press down on the stubborn pin until it snaps into place. Push the stud pin with enough pressure to overcome the spring pressure. Remember that the pin consists of two parts. The pick presses on the lower part of the pin, which in turn presses on the upper part. Your task is to completely push the top half of the pin out of the cylinder. After you stop pressing on the pin, the lower part should return down to its original position, and the upper part, due to the tension with the second pick, and a slight smell between the holes in the body and cylinder, should fall into place and remain in the body. You should hear a slight click as the top pin hits the cylinder surface as it falls. You can also check the bottom pin - it should move up unhindered due to the lack of spring resistance - in this case you have most likely managed to get the top pin in the correct position.”

    While continuing to hold the tensioner, repeat the last two steps with the rest of the pins. It is very important to hold the tensioner, otherwise the “put in place” upper pins will fall into the cylinder and everything will have to be started over. You will need to adjust the tension for each specific pin (increase/decrease the pressure).

  3. Turn the cylinder with the tensioner to the end and open the lock. Once all the top pins are “in place”, you can turn the cylinder and open the lock. This is given that all this time you have been pulling the cylinder in the right direction. If it turns out that you worked in the wrong direction, you will have to return all the pins to their original position and start over.

    • If you are very lazy, you can simply order a ready-made set of master keys on the Internet.
    • Sometimes locks are installed upside down (especially in Europe). The pins in such locks are at the bottom, not at the top of the cylinder. The process of opening such locks is identical, with one difference: you will need to press on the pins from top to bottom and not from bottom to top. If the key is inserted into the lock with the teeth down, then the pins will be at the bottom of the cylinder. Once you insert the pick into the keyhole, you can easily tell if the pins are up or down.
    • If you're dealing with a simple lock, like a cash drawer, then you probably won't even need a hook lock. Just insert something flat metal to the very end and, moving the “master key” up and down, turn. If you're lucky, the lock will open in a few seconds.
    • Smoothly polished picks are easier to insert into the keyhole and maneuver them inside.
    • The technique called “combing” or “combing” the lock is a simplified opening technique. To do this, insert the pick (preferably a pick-comb or a paper clip bent in several places) as far as it will go into the keyhole without tensioning the cylinder. Then, with a quick movement, pull out the pick by applying pressure towards the pins and at the same time lightly turning the cylinder. Theoretically, you can open the lock by "combing" the pins once or twice, but usually this method will put several pins in place, and you will have to manually put the rest.
    • Lockpicking enthusiasts generally frown on the use of paperclips, pins, and hairpins in this endeavor. Basically, because with these improvised means it is more difficult to open the lock than with special master keys. Although this is so, with special diligence and patience, you can adapt to effectively open locks with them.
    • Picking locks has become a popular hobby among puzzle lovers. If you want to try this hobby, it's best to practice with simple, cheap locks, or even locks with all but one of the pins removed. Look for old castles online or in antique shops.
    • Different locks have different numbers of pins. In padlocks, usually 3-4, and in door locks more often from 5 to 8 pins.
    • You can't see inside the castle, so use your hearing and touch sense to understand what's going on inside. Be patient and methodical, listening for weak clicks and resistance you feel. With the help of the information obtained in this way, you can visualize the internal structure of the castle.
    • Pins are usually put in place in order from first to last or vice versa; you will need to experiment to find the right direction in the castle. Although most locks open from last to first pin, sometimes you will need to try the reverse order.


    • If the lock is opened correctly, it will not be damaged, but if the cylinder is pulled too hard or the pins are pressed too hard, there is a risk of damage to the lock mechanism.
    • If the pin does not budge when you press it with a pick, then you may be pulling too hard on the cylinder, causing the holes on it and the body to separate. Try loosening the cylinder. In this case, there is a risk that the pins put in place will fall into the cylinder. Unfortunately, there is no other way. Try the next time you try to change the order of the pins you are working with.
    • There are many different laws about picking locks, about owning master keys, about using improvised tools. In Russia, master keys (devices that allow you to open a lock without physically destroying it) are regarded as technical means intended for secret obtaining of information, the manufacture, purchase and sale of which is subject to licensing. Illicit trafficking(i.e. manufacture, purchase or sale without a license) of such products is a criminal offense punishable by up to 4 years in prison. Well, besides this, it’s not worth saying that open only your own locks!

    What will you need

    • Lockpick-tensioner (preload): many items can serve as your tensioner. They should be strong and not break when the cylinder is pulled, and be thin enough to fit slightly into the keyhole. The end of the tensioner should not be too thin and fall into the keyhole to the very end. He must also be small size to leave enough room for the second pick to freely maneuver when both tools are inside. You can use a small hex wrench that tapers at the end or a flat head screwdriver.
    • Hook Pick: You can use a pin or paperclip. To make a pick from a paperclip, straighten it and bend one of the ends 90 degrees. You can also bend one end into a small loop. Sharp-nosed pliers will make the process much easier. Choose objects made of strong metal for picks, otherwise they will bend under pressure on the pins. Picks made from a hacksaw blade work best. Invisibles for hair - too good material for a pick. Cut off the rounded ends of the invisible and make a right angle out of it, and then bend one of the edges 90 degrees.

Many of us in life have a situation where it becomes necessary to open the lock without a key. For example, you go out to throw out the garbage, and the door of your apartment slams shut, the keys are left lying on a shelf inside the apartment. Or when the keys to the car are forgotten in the trunk. There are many such cases. In many cases, the problem can be solved by a specialist who knows how to work with master keys. In this article, we will consider the option of opening the cylinder mechanism of the lock, as well as opening the lever-type lock with the help of master keys.

A warning

Before you start picking locks yourself, I would like to warn you that due to lack of experience, you can ruin a lock or door, and replacing them can be a very expensive pleasure for you. Therefore, if you are not completely confident in your abilities, we advise you to turn to professionals. In St. Petersburg, you can contact firm "OtkryvashkaSPb" by phone 986-59-56 or to the firm "Bestkey" by phone 988-03-04 and get a 10% discount for services for the accurate opening and installation of locks, calling password "First Cognitive".

opening the lock

Cylinder lock opening

A simple, cheap cylinder lock can be picked by improvised means in a matter of seconds, almost as fast as using a key. It's true. Moreover, after fiddling with it for a few minutes, you can open it even without any special experience, and it is quite possible that you will cope with this task the first time. Two tools are used for opening. This is a tension bar in the shape of the letter "L" and the master key itself - a flat plate with a ledge.

Position one - the lock is locked, pins, they are pins, (No. 1) keep the cylinder locked. The cylinders are arranged in a row, one is shown in the section. Position 2 - the key (No. 2) inserted into the lock lowers the pins to the desired distance - note that the border of the pins and the border of the cylinders coincided and now the cylinder can be freely rotated. What to do if there is no key? Go to position number 3. With the tension bar (#3) you create a light, precisely calculated tension in the lock by turning the cylinder in the direction of opening. With a master key (No. 4), the pins are alternately immersed until they stop and are released. In this case (Figure 4), the cylinder shifts slightly on each pin, and the pins get stuck. And the cylinder (Figure 5) turns, no worse than with a key. Let me remind you once again - if you press too lightly on the cylinder, the pins will fall into place without stopping. If it is too strong, they will get stuck in the depths of the castle and will not fall into place. This does not always work - since vile lockers go for various tricks - for example, pins are made in the form of the letter T. In this case, you have to personally push through each pin individually or act on several at once, which is what the skeleton key with several bends is intended for. In particular difficult cases, as already mentioned, a situation may arise in which you have to grope for each pin separately and set the Opening of the cylinders. A simple, cheap cylinder lock can be picked by improvised means in a matter of seconds, almost as fast as using a key. It's true. Moreover, after fiddling with it for a few minutes, you can open it even without any special experience, and it is quite possible that you will cope with this task the first time. Two tools are used for opening. This is a tension bar in the shape of the letter "L" and the master key itself - a flat plate with a ledge. This is how it looks like:

The protrusion on the edge of the pick should be of such a size that it would completely sink the pin into the hole, and at the same time should not touch the others. In width, the master key should leave enough space in the cylinder mechanism (in that part of the lock where there are no pins) for the tension bar, which is needed in order to create an interference fit on the cylinder itself. Insert the tension bar into the hole and lightly press it, turning the lock towards the opening. Naturally, the cylinder will not turn, but tension will arise. Now, while holding tight, insert the master key into the lock and quickly slide it over the pins, one by one sinking them into the lock mechanism. The essence of the method is that no lock can be perfectly accurate. There is always a tiny error. And when the pin takes its place, the cylinder, due to the fact that you press on it with a tension bar, will move a fraction of a millimeter to the side. And the pin will get stuck in the open position. And then the second and so on. and now they are all lined up in a row and the castle is open. Of course, if you did everything right, the lock will open, because it only takes a little underpressure of the tension bar and the pins return to their places without any friction, but it’s worth pinching, and they will go down and stay there. It is precisely in the accuracy of calculating the pressure on the tension bar that the basis of working with a master key lies. But it takes a little practice, and a simple cylinder will open.

Scheme of work with master keys

Position one - the lock is locked, pins, they are pins, (No. 1) keep the cylinder locked. All cylinders are arranged in a row, only one cylinder is shown in the section. Position 2 - the key (No. 2) inserted into the lock lowers the pins to the desired distance - note that the border of the pins and the border of the cylinders coincided and now the cylinder can be freely rotated. What to do if there is no key? Go to position number 3. With the tension bar (#3) you create a light, precisely calculated tension in the lock by turning the cylinder in the direction of opening. With a master key (No. 4), the pins are alternately immersed until they stop and are released. In this case (Figure 4), the cylinder shifts slightly on each pin, and the pins get stuck. And the cylinder (Figure 5) turns, no worse than with a key. Let me remind you once again - if you press too lightly on the cylinder, the pins will fall into place without stopping. If it is too strong, they will get stuck in the depths of the castle and will not fall into place. This does not always work - since vile lockers go for various tricks - for example, pins are made in the form of the letter T. In this case, you have to personally push through each pin individually or act on several at once, which is what the skeleton key with several bends is intended for. In particularly difficult cases, as already mentioned, a situation may arise in which you have to feel for each pin separately and set it to the desired level, which requires skill and good skills, the ability to feel the lock, which will come only with great experience.

How to open a lever lock with master keys

Opening a lever-type lock with master keys

opening the lock, with due skill, can be opened with the help of special master keys. To do this, use L-shaped plates and hooks. It is thanks to complex manipulations with them that it is possible to lift all the plates of the secret mechanism. Accordingly, the more levers, and the more accurately they are made, the higher the secrecy of the castle and the more difficult open the lock. It would seem that everything is simple, but it is far from being the case. In addition to the dexterity and sensitivity of the hands, a professional must thoroughly represent the inside of the castle, know its features, feel the “answer”, that is, understand what is happening inside when it is manipulated. Experience comes with age. And in reality, there are very few specialists in this field. For lack of factory master keys, pick the lock can be a simpler device - two pieces of strong wire, bent at right angles. These are two wire hooks that are simultaneously inserted into the lock. One master key plays the role of a tension bar - you hook the bolt of the lock with it and try to turn it in the direction of opening. This, as in the case of the cylinder, creates friction and you can move the lever plates one at a time with the second master key. Like pins in a cylinder, they will snap into place and get stuck in the right position with the right amount of pressure on the lock. Tolerances in the manufacture of the lock work in the same way as in the cylinder. In a suval lock, you will have to maintain a uniform tightness for a long time and manipulate each plate individually. It is better to train on a simple lock, in the body of which a hole is made that allows you to see what is happening inside, until you learn to "see" the lock with your fingers.

A master key is a tool that has not only and not so much a criminal purpose. The use of master keys is quite widespread as part of the methods for examining the security of locks, if necessary, to open the door after losing the key, in forensic procedures. Lock picks are used not only by thieves, as is commonly believed, but also by locksmiths, mechanics, rescuers, even just people who are in a difficult situation associated with the need to enter their own home in case of emergency.

Knowing how to use master keys is useful not only for people who decide to embark on a criminal path, but also for everyone who, in certain situations, needs to enter a locked room. Using a master key is a fairly standard procedure when opening a lock whose “native” key is broken or lost. The master key has a significant advantage over forceful methods of opening locks - kinetic, vibration, implying damage to the door or the locking mechanism itself.

To decide how to make a master key for a lock, you need to understand the material at least superficially. There are the following types of locks, unlocked with a master key: Finnish or disk; cylinder; level; electronic locks; primitive locks - heck and latches. Each of the above types of locks can be opened with a master key. It is believed that at modern diversity locking mechanisms, the uniqueness of each lock and the use of new technologies, master keys no longer cope with their tasks. In practice, most locks are pickable with one or more picks.

Before you make a master key, you should make sure that you have the necessary tools, materials and skills. Creating a master key will require: a machine tool or a grindstone, in extreme cases, a drill; abrasive wheel; folding metal meter; metal hexagon for a collar; test object - a lock cylinder of the required type; vise or other mechanical lock. With a set of the above tools, you can create both simple picks for padlocks or disc locks, as well as more complex devices designed to unlock locks with embossed keys.

To understand how to open a lock with master keys, you need to have a general idea of ​​​​the purpose of certain tools and the "limits of what is possible" for them. A flat pick works on window latches and lock tongues without fixing or with weak fixation. The wire hook is suitable for Finnish locks and simple cylindrical models. Key blank - a type of master key that mimics the common key shape for certain types of locks. Combination keys - for complex locks. Electronic lockpick - with vibration for simple keys and with a magnetic element for electric locks.

When creating and using master keys, it is worth remembering that the legislation of the Russian Federation implies the licensing of such activities, opening other people's doors without a license will be considered very clearly.

The most popular secrecy mechanisms in locks are cylinder ones. Secrecy in such a lock is provided by several pairs of pins: code and locking. These pins do not allow the core of the cylinder mechanism to rotate in its body if a non-native key is inserted into it. When the “correct” key is inserted into the keyhole (the key that comes with the lock or its copy), the pins get into the right position: the interface line of all pairs of code and locking pins is at the level of the connector between the cylinder body and the lock body. Thus, in order to turn the lock without damaging the pins, you need to come up with a way to set the pins to the desired level.

Why won't the lock open with any key? If the grooves on the working part do not match the configuration set by the set of pins, then either the pin located in the cylinder will partially enter the lock body (if the cutout is small), or the pin from the lock will enter the cup on the cylinder under the action of the spring. In any case, one or more pins will not let you turn.

Since the pin mechanism is hidden inside the lock, for most people, opening the lock of such a system without a key will be an overwhelming task. You can be sure that the key to the neighbor's door won't fit yours. However, the films claim that any blonde can open the lock (if, of course, she is also a special agent or grew up in a criminal area) with the help of a hairpin. Indeed, with some practice, this puzzle can be solved with the help of improvised means or a simple special tool. We will assume that the hero of our article is not an immoral burglar, but a locksmith who frees a child locked in an apartment and does not want to spoil the lock, the key to which was left inside the apartment.

So, knowing the device of the lock, we formulate the task: we need to set the pins to the desired height and turn cylinder mechanism. A typical lockpicker's kit consists of several tools made from curved metal plates. As an experienced dentist chooses a suitable hook for working with a tooth cavity, so a locksmith determines the necessary master key with a trained eye. For each specific lock, he will need at least two of them: one - it can serve as an ordinary slotted screwdriver - is needed in order to turn the lock. With the help of another, he will put the slots in turn into the desired position. Sometimes for this purpose you will need several approaches with a change of master key.

So, the locksmith inserts the “screwdriver” key into the lock and turns the cylinder slightly, as far as the pins will allow it. This is necessary so that the pins are slightly pressed and do not move independently under the action of the springs. The holes located in the cylinder and the lock body opposite each other will slightly shift, forming a ledge. Now the locksmith inserts a suitable lock pick up to the first pin, making such fidgeting movements with it. Its purpose is to ensure that the junction of the first pair of pins is aligned with the line separating them. seats. As soon as the pins are in place, the locksmith will hear and/or feel a barely audible click with his fingers. The upper contact pin has fallen into place and now does not go inside the cylinder under the action of a spring, but rests on a ledge. It will not go back in until the lock cylinder is loaded with force turning it through a pick-screwdriver. Now you can move on to the next pair of pins. Once all the pins are in place, the cylinder will turn and you can make a complete turn. If the lock is closed by two turns, then this will delay the locksmith (burglar) for twice as long ... that is, for a few more minutes.

Theoretically, blocking the mechanism of a cylindrical lock is a fairly simple process, but in practice it requires the skill of a master. The locksmith must learn proper pressure and listen carefully to sounds and tactile sensations. Ideally, this skill can be obtained on a castle model, where the student acts not only by touch, but also sees the result of his actions.

Lock manufacturers do their best to complicate the process of opening the lock without a key, placing the pins not in the same line and at different angles. But professionals say that for an experienced person there is no fundamental difference. It is advisable, of course, to explore the castle new design and choose the appropriate shape of the master keys for the new species.

It turns out that the authors of detective books and films do not greatly sin against the truth, arguing that the lock can be opened with a hairpin or pin. It's just that the less professional tool a cracker uses, the higher his qualification should be. So why do we lock doors at all if they open so easily? There is good expression"Locks serve to protect against honest people". A locked door limits the territory, the entrance to which will be interpreted as a violation of the right of inviolability of the home or property of the organization. Opening the lock is a clear evidence of the maliciousness of the action. A neighbor who has accidentally drunk and mixed up the floors will not burst into you and behind the lock you can hide from annoying guests. And, no more.

Summary: "Citizens, keep money in the savings bank!"

The ability to work with a master key is "aerobatics" in the field of opening locking devices without a key. Unlike rough breaking, often door master keys do not damage the lock, making it possible to use it in the future, opening it with a native key. Manipulative autopsy has always impressed people watching this process from the sidelines. However, it does not occur to many that this spectacular business may be more accessible, you just have to show patience and skill.

What is necessary for successful work with a master key?

Everyone can learn how to work with a master key against weakly protected locking devices. For this, some special skills are not required, but to pass "through the locks" of the 3rd and 4th protection classes is a real skill. To open well-protected locks with a master key, it is not enough to have the right tool at hand, you need to have necessary set skills and abilities that need to be constantly honed.

We make a set of master keys with our own hands

It is quite expensive to buy lock picks in the online store. Plus, in sets of factory master keys, there is not always the whole essential tool not to mention its quality. Therefore, we initially do not look for easy ways, trying to make the necessary master keys on our own. To make our first master keys we need:

  1. emery;
  2. a set of files and files (which will have to be spoiled);
  3. screwdriwer set;
  4. vise and pliers;
  5. hammer;
  6. and most importantly brains and straight arms.

In addition to the specified list, you will also need templates for making various master keys. But they can be found quite easily on the Internet, so we will not talk about them in detail. Now we need to take a set of needle files and files and turn it into a set of picks by modifying their sharp metal handles. The fact is that files and needle files are made of durable tool steel, which means that the master keys will be durable and withstand significant loads.

  • To begin with, we will make hook-shaped master keys. Referring to the configuration of the rod in accordance with the template, we process the tip of the needle file handle, giving it the desired shape. Then, very carefully holding the needle file in a vise, we bend it with pliers at the desired angle. We do the same with other hook-shaped unlocking devices, you will get three of them.
  • Now let's make a pick with a tooth on the end, designed to lift the pins of the cylinder lock. To do this, we find the template of the corresponding master key and determine the size of the tooth. Then, on the emery, we grind the thick part of the needle file handle, leaving a part that looks like a tooth. Now we clamp our workpiece in a vise and process it with a file to give the tooth the desired shape, not forgetting to grind the sharp edges.
  • Next, we will make a master key-comb. We take files and grind several recesses on its handle with the help of a second file, so that we get teeth. The template will help us with the dimensions.

Important! The sizing and fit of the teeth is often quite difficult to implement on a workpiece using just a file and a ruler, so be prepared to mess up a few picks before you get something worthwhile.

In addition to the above set of master keys, we need a good tensioner and a roll. The tensioner can be quite simply made from a curved hex key, the edges of which need to be turned on sandpaper. We will make a roll-up from a screwdriver with a rod of suitable thickness, bending it with a hammer at the desired angle.

The basics of picking a cylinder lock

To open the cylinder lock, we need a tensioner and a master key with a clove at the end. First, we insert the tensioner into the keyhole and try to turn the larva towards the opening, creating tension. Then we introduce a master key with a tooth into the lock and try to catch the first pin. The lock responds to our every action with light clicks, so listen carefully and react correctly.

Our first task, without removing the tension from the cylinder, is to hook the first pin, giving it a position corresponding to the opening. As soon as this succeeds, the cylinder will move a little, then the next pin is next in line, and so on until the lock opens. Quite rarely, after the first iteration of the pins, it is possible to open the lock, so after going through a series of secret elements once, do not hesitate to try again. It will definitely work the second time around.

Remember! When manipulating the master key in the cylinder, you need to be extremely careful, because the larva inside is quite fragile.

We open the lever lock with a master key

When opening a lever lock with a master key, it is also very important to feel the secret mechanism with your fingers. After all, you can’t look inside, and heavy plates need to be properly lifted, while leaving the deadbolt in tension. All this requires a fair amount of training. But if there is a desire to learn, then why not?

For manipulative opening of the lever, we need a roll-tensioner made of a flat screwdriver bent at a right angle and a hook-shaped master key suitable sizes. It is better to sharpen the tip of the pick hook first, and spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole of the locking device we are interested in. It will facilitate the movement of the plates.

We introduce a screwdriver-tensioner into the keyhole to the end and turn it in the direction of opening the lock. Holding the deadbolt in tension, we insert the hook-shaped master key and begin to catch the first plate. As soon as we succeed, we lift it, at the same time trying to make a turn with a roll. Next, we catch the second plate, then the third and so on until the lock opens.

In conclusion, we note that every good owner should know the basics of manipulative opening of locking devices. Well, you can make master keys for locks with your own hands. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, you need interest, dedication and years of training. But in order to find a way out of life situation related to the castle in most cases it is enough to know the basics!